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From Washington to Jerusalem, the conspiracies are unraveling

Da Washington a Gerusalemme, le cospirazioni si stanno sgretolando

From Washington to Jerusalem, the conspiracies are unraveling

June 6, 2022

From Washington to Jerusalem, the conspiracies are unraveling

Former U.S. President Donald Trump (r) and former Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. (Flash90)

Looking at the trial of attorney Michael Sussman, who represented Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, it’s impossible not to draw parallels to the trial of former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

By Caroline Glick, Israel Hayom via

In the United States, as in Israel, the polarization between left and right grows from day to day. Our societies have never been more divided.

A chief source of the social and ideological divide is the politicization of our countries’ legal systems. Over the past generation, leftist ideologues seized control over our state prosecution and law enforcement agencies and transformed our institutions of law into arms of the political left.

In recent weeks we have witnessed the consequences of this takeover in courtrooms in Washington and Jerusalem.

Last Tuesday, attorney Michael Sussman, a former partner at the Washington law firm Perkins Coie, which represents the Democratic Party and represented Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, was acquitted in Washington, D.C.’s Federal District Court of the charge of lying to the FBI.

A few months before the 2016 elections, Sussman initiated a meeting with his friend James Baker, who at the time served as the FBI’s general counsel. In that meeting, Sussman shared allegations that Donald Trump had untoward relations with the Kremlin. Sussman alleged that the Trump Organization shared a computer server with Alpha Bank, a Russian bank allegedly connected to the Kremlin.

In 2019, then-Attorney General Bill Barr appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham to investigate the origins of the conspiracy that has come to be known as “Russiagate.”

Russiagate is a catchword that describes an apparent conspiracy of the FBI, Clinton’s campaign, the Justice Department and the media to demonize Trump and his advisers as Russian agents. The allegations first surfaced in the months before the 2016 election.

Shortly after Trump entered office, the allegations reached fever pitch. The media was pounding out the claims around the clock. FBI director James Comey legitimized them.

Under duress, Trump’s attorney general, Jeff Sessions, recused himself from handling the allegations, and his deputy Rod Rosenstein, a friend of the heads of the FBI and Obama appointees at the Justice Department, appointed their friend, former FBI director Robert Mueller, to serve as a special counsel to investigate the allegations the Trump-Russia charges.

FBI vs Trump

Mueller’s team of Clinton-supporting investigators fed the media a steady diet of unlawful leaks which dominated the public discourse in Washington for the first two years of Trump’s presidency.

The allegation that Trump was illegitimate and a Russian agent paralyzed his presidency. Trump was unable to develop normal or constructive ties with Russia. And his ability to forge policy more generally was compromised and challenged and every turn.

And yet, during the same period, congressional investigators discovered the truth. The allegations, including Sussman’s to Baker, were total fabrications that originated in Clinton’s campaign.

The Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party paid Perkins Coie tens of millions of dollars, which they pocketed and doled out to private investigators, cyberwarfare experts and opposition research firms to concoct false allegations about Trump and his advisers and then peddle them to the FBI, the Justice Department and the supportive media.

In March 2019, Mueller finally ended his investigation. Despite the leaks, and efforts to obfuscate the truth, the report concluded that there was no evidence Trump or his advisers had colluded with the Russians during the 2016 campaign.

Barr appointed Durham shortly after Mueller submitted his report. Sussman was the first person involved in the anti-Trump conspiracy to stand trial.

Durham had clear evidence that Sussman had lied to the FBI. Sussman told Baker that he was bringing the Alpha Bank allegations as a private citizen, rather than as a campaign lawyer. To avoid conviction, Sussman said that this was not material for the FBI’s operations.

To substantiate his claim, Sussman’s attorneys revealed that throughout the campaign, Sussman was acting in full partnership with the FBI leadership. Among other things, Sussman’s attorneys revealed that after his meeting with Baker, the FBI field agent who investigated his allegations about the Trump Organization and Alpha Bank concluded that the story was utter nonsense and asked to investigate the source of the claim.

The FBI’s leadership not only ignored his request, they kept the investigation open and moved it to FBI headquarters. Sussman himself had a badge that gave him free access to the FBI building. He was so close to the FBI leadership that they asked him to edit FBI press releases related to the Democratic Party’s allegation that their computer was hacked by Russia.

As if all this were insufficient, shortly after Sussman’s acquittal, a whistleblower at Perkins Coie told two Republican congressmen that since 2012, the FBI has operated a secure facility inside Perkins Coie law offices. And until his departure from the firm last year, Sussman operated the facility. The implication—that the FBI has effectively been merged with the Democratic Party since 2012 by Perkins Coie—s jaw-dropping.

One of the keys to understanding the Russiagate conspiracy is that it wasn’t only the FBI that operated as one with the Democratic Party. The media was also a full partner. It was a circular operation.

Campaign operatives like Sussman farmed false allegations to the FBI to convince it to open investigations. Then they farmed the same fables to the Washington press corps and used the fact that the FBI was also looking into the allegations to convince the reporters to publish the allegations. They then used the media stories to persuade the FBI to keep investigating.

And again, the investigations went on and morphed into the Mueller probe and 24/7 media drumbeat of prejudicial leaks that paralyzed the Trump presidency. All along, all parties involved knew that the allegations against Trump and his advisers were false and originated from the Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party.

Mission to ‘get Netanyahu’

Looking at the Sussman trial from Israel, it is impossible not to draw parallels to former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trial. In both cases, a politicized legal fraternity colluded with the media to prevent the electoral victory of their political opponent. And in both cases, the media was a full partner in the scheme.

Netanyahu is standing trial for bribery and breach of trust. The “breach of trust” charge is a subjective catch-all concept that the prosecutors admit wouldn’t have sufficed on its own to bring Netanyahu to trial. The bribery charge was the key to Netanyahu’s political downfall.

Netanyahu’s trial opened last April. Last May he was ousted from office. To date, some 15 prosecution witnesses have taken the stand, and one by one, they have not merely demolished every aspect of the prosecution’s charges against Netanyahu, they have exposed the full partnership of police investigators and state prosecutions in their joint mission to “get Netanyahu,” that is, to oust him from power, at all costs.

To achieve their political goal, the police descended on Netanyahu’s advisers one by one, and gave them the treatment generally reserved for terrorists and violent criminals.

They were dragged from their beds at dawn, in front of their families, and carted off to investigation rooms and flea-ridden jail cells. They were denied food. They were subjected to public humiliation in the media. Their electronic communications were illegally tapped. Their families were threatened. Their livelihoods were destroyed.

And the police didn’t let them go until they gave them something—anything—to incriminate the prime minister of Israel.

Since Netanyahu had committed no crime, then-Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and State Attorney Shai Nitzan reinvented the bribery statute to claim that lawful actions Netanyahu did undertake were criminal.

Like every politician on the face of the planet, Netanyahu sought positive coverage from news organizations. The prosecution decided that this effort amounted to a solicitation of a bribe.

Netanyahu signed regulatory decisions that affected a telecommunications firm owned by his friend. The prosecution decided this was a favor—a payment for positive coverage from his friend’s news website.

Unfortunately for the prosecution, Netanyahu received terrible coverage from the website. But no matter, the prosecutors simply updated the definition of bribery. They said Netanyahu received “undo responsiveness” from the website’s management to his requests for better coverage, and that was now the definition of a bribe.

Over the first several months of the trial, prosecution witness after prosecution witness shredded the claim. The website’s management was not responsive to requests from Netanyahu or his spokesmen, not in absolute terms and not in comparison to requests from other politicians.

Over the past three months, the focus of the trial moved to the alleged regulatory favors Netanyahu provided his friend, who owned the telecommunications giant Bezeq along with his website. Here too, the prosecution’s case has fallen apart. Netanyahu was a mere rubber stamp in the regulatory process. He gave no instructions to his underlings. There was no give, and no take. There was no bribe.

The end justifies the means

There are many different ways to view the prosecution’s behavior. Some commentators argue that they never thought Netanyahu would risk going to trial and would simply cop a plea to avoid prison and slink off into the shadows, handing leadership of the country to someone else. Others claim that the prosecutors are simply stupid, or incompetent.

But judging from their behavior, Israel’s legal fraternity was—and remains—rabidly political.

They used every power they could conjure up to bring about Netanyahu’s downfall. They invented laws just for him. They defined politics and journalism as criminal enterprises to criminalize Netanyahu’s non-criminal actions—which, it turns out, he didn’t even take. They trampled the very notion of the rule of law in their “ends justify the mean” campaign to force Netanyahu from power.

And just as in the case of Russiagate, the prosecutors and the police could never have conducted their legal coup d’etat without the media’s full cooperation.

Just as was the case with Trump and the U.S. media, so in Netanyahu’s case the Israeli media was a full partner in the plot to overthrow him. Throughout the two-year investigation, the media received a constant stream of illegal, and grossly distorted information from police interrogations which carefully selected reporters breathlessly reported daily on the evening news.

Israel’s prosecutors tied their actions to the elections calendar to tilt the results against Netanyahu. And they succeeded. For four years, then-attorney general Mandelblit was the most powerful “politician” in Israel. And he won. Netanyahu was first paralyzed and weakened by the investigations, then critically wounded by the indictment, and finally forced from office.

Whether or not Netanyahu is exonerated, whether or not Sussman’s acquittal was justified, the fact is that no verdict will bring justice or bridge the divides in American and Israeli societies.

So long as the legal systems that created Russiagate and ousted Netanyahu from power remain corrupted by politicized bureaucrats, our societies will only grow more divided and unstable.

Da Washington a Gerusalemme, le cospirazioni si stanno sgretolandoL'ex presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump (r) e l'ex primo ministro israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu. (Flash90)

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Guardando al processo dell'avvocato Michael Sussman, che ha rappresentato la campagna di Hillary Clinton del 2016, è impossibile non tracciare parallelismi con il processo dell'ex primo ministro Benjamin Netanyahu.

Di Caroline Glick, Israel Hayom via

Negli Stati Uniti, come in Israele, la polarizzazione tra sinistra e destra cresce di giorno in giorno. Le nostre società non sono mai state più divise.

Una delle principali fonti della divisione sociale e ideologica è la politicizzazione dei sistemi giuridici dei nostri paesi. Nell'ultima generazione, gli ideologi di sinistra hanno preso il controllo della nostra procura statale e delle forze dell'ordine e hanno trasformato le nostre istituzioni di legge in armi della sinistra politica.

Nelle ultime settimane abbiamo assistito alle conseguenze di questa acquisizione nelle aule dei tribunali di Washington e Gerusalemme.

Martedì scorso, l'avvocato Michael Sussman, ex socio dello studio legale di Washington Perkins Coie, che rappresenta il Partito Democratico e ha rappresentato la campagna presidenziale di Hillary Clinton del 2016, è stato assolto dalla Corte Distrettuale Federale di Washington, D.C. dall'accusa di aver mentito all'FBI.

Pochi mesi prima delle elezioni del 2016, Sussman ha avviato un incontro con il suo amico James Baker, che all'epoca era il consigliere generale dell'FBI. In quell'incontro, Sussman ha condiviso le accuse secondo cui Donald Trump aveva relazioni spiacevoli con il Cremlino. Sussman ha affermato che la Trump Organization ha condiviso un server informatico con Alpha Bank, una banca russa presumibilmente collegata al Cremlino.

Nel 2019, l'allora procuratore generale Bill Barr ha nominato il procuratore degli Stati Uniti John Durham per indagare sulle origini della cospirazione che è diventata nota come "Russiagate".

Russiagate è una parola d'ordine che descrive un'apparente cospirazione dell'FBI, della campagna di Clinton, del Dipartimento di Giustizia e dei media per demonizzare Trump e i suoi consiglieri come agenti russi. Le accuse sono emerse per la prima volta nei mesi precedenti le elezioni del 2016.

Poco dopo l'entrata in carica di Trump, le accuse hanno raggiunto la febbre. I media stavano martellando le affermazioni tutto il giorno. Il direttore dell'FBI James Comey li ha legittimati.

Sotto costrizione, il procuratore generale di Trump, Jeff Sessions, si è ritirato dal gestire le accuse, e il suo vice Rod Rosenstein, un amico dei capi dell'FBI e degli incaricati di Obama al Dipartimento di Giustizia, ha nominato il loro amico, l'ex direttore dell'FBI Robert Mueller, per fungere da consulente speciale per indagare sulle accuse trump-russia.

FBI contro Trump

Il team di investigatori di Mueller che sostengono Clinton ha alimentato i media con una dieta costante di fughe di notizie illegali che hanno dominato il discorso pubblico a Washington per i primi due anni della presidenza di Trump.

L'accusa che Trump fosse illegittimo e un agente russo abbia paralizzato la sua presidenza. Trump non è stato in grado di sviluppare legami normali o costruttivi con la Russia. E la sua capacità di forgiare la politica più in generale è stata compromessa e sfidata e ad ogni svolta.

Eppure, durante lo stesso periodo, gli investigatori del Congresso scoprirono la verità. Le accuse, tra cui quella di Sussman a Baker, erano invenzioni totali che hanno avuto origine nella campagna di Clinton.

La campagna di Clinton e il Partito Democratico hanno pagato a Perkins Coie decine di milioni di dollari, che hanno intascato e distribuito a investigatori privati, esperti di guerra informatica e società di ricerca dell'opposizione per inventare false accuse su Trump e i suoi consiglieri e poi venderle all'FBI, al Dipartimento di Giustizia e ai media di supporto.

Nel marzo 2019, Mueller ha finalmente concluso la sua indagine. Nonostante le fughe di notizie e gli sforzi per offuscare la verità, il rapporto ha concluso che non c'erano prove che Trump o i suoi consiglieri avessero colluso con i russi durante la campagna del 2016.

Barr nominò Durham poco dopo che Mueller presentò il suo rapporto. Sussman è stata la prima persona coinvolta nella cospirazione anti-Trump a essere processata.

Durham aveva prove evidenti che Sussman aveva mentito all'FBI. Sussman ha detto a Baker che stava portando le accuse della Alpha Bank come privato cittadino, piuttosto che come avvocato della campagna. Per evitare la condanna, Sussman ha detto che questo non era materiale per le operazioni dell'FBI.

Per corroborare la sua affermazione, gli avvocati di Sussman hanno rivelato che durante tutta la campagna, Sussman ha agito in piena collaborazione con la leadership dell'FBI. Tra le altre cose, gli avvocati di Sussman hanno rivelato che dopo il suo incontro con Baker, l'agente sul campo dell'FBI che ha indagato sulle sue accuse sulla Trump Organization e Alpha Bank ha concluso che la storia era una totale assurdità e ha chiesto di indagare sulla fonte dell'affermazione.

La leadership dell'FBI non solo ha ignorato la sua richiesta, ma ha tenuto aperta l'indagine e l'ha spostata nel quartier generale dell'FBI. Lo stesso Sussman aveva un distintivo che gli dava libero accesso all'edificio dell'FBI. Era così vicino alla leadership dell'FBI che gli hanno chiesto di modificare i comunicati stampa dell'FBI relativi all'accusa del Partito Democratico che il loro computer è stato violato dalla Russia.

Come se tutto questo fosse insufficiente, poco dopo l'assoluzione di Sussman, un informatore di Perkins Coie ha detto a due membri del Congresso repubblicano che dal 2012 l'FBI gestisce una struttura sicura all'interno degli uffici legali di Perkins Coie. E fino alla sua partenza dall'azienda l'anno scorso, Sussman gestiva la struttura. L'implicazione – che l'FBI è stato effettivamente fuso con il Partito Democratico dal 2012 da Perkins Coie – è sbalorditiva.

Una delle chiavi per comprendere la cospirazione del Russiagate è che non è stato solo l'FBI a operare come un tutt'uno con il Partito Democratico. Anche i media sono stati un partner a pieno titolo. Era un'operazione circolare.

Agenti della campagna come Sussman hanno coltivato false accuse all'FBI per convincerlo ad aprire indagini. Poi hanno portato le stesse favole al corpo stampa di Washington e hanno usato il fatto che anche l'FBI stava esaminando le accuse per convincere i giornalisti a pubblicare le accuse. Hanno poi usato le storie dei media per convincere l'FBI a continuare a indagare.

E ancora, le indagini sono andate avanti e si sono trasformate nell'indagine Mueller e nel tamburo dei media 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, di fughe di notizie pregiudizievoli che hanno paralizzato la presidenza Trump. Per tutto il tempo, tutte le parti coinvolte sapevano che le accuse contro Trump e i suoi consiglieri erano false e provenivano dalla campagna di Clinton e dal Partito Democratico.

Missione per "prendere Netanyahu"

Guardando al processo Sussman da Israele, è impossibile non tracciare parallelismi con il processo dell'ex primo ministro Benjamin Netanyahu. In entrambi i casi, una fraternità legale politicizzata ha colluso con i media per impedire la vittoria elettorale del loro avversario politico. E in entrambi i casi, i media sono stati un partner a pieno titolo nello schema.

Netanyahu è sotto processo per corruzione e violazione della fiducia. L'accusa di "violazione della fiducia" è un concetto soggettivo onnicomprensivo che i pubblici ministeri ammettono non sarebbe bastato da solo a portare Netanyahu in giudizio. L'accusa di corruzione è stata la chiave della caduta politica di Netanyahu.

Il processo a Netanyahu si è aperto lo scorso aprile. Lo scorso maggio è stato estromesso dall'incarico. Ad oggi, circa 15 testimoni dell'accusa hanno preso posizione, e uno per uno, non hanno semplicemente demolito ogni aspetto delle accuse dell'accusa contro Netanyahu, hanno esposto la piena collaborazione di investigatori di polizia e pubblici ministeri nella loro missione congiunta per "ottenere Netanyahu", cioè per estrometterlo dal potere, a tutti i costi.

Per raggiungere il loro obiettivo politico, la polizia è scesa sui consiglieri di Netanyahu uno per uno, e ha dato loro il trattamento generalmente riservato ai terroristi e ai criminali violenti.

Sono stati trascinati dai loro letti all'alba, di fronte alle loro famiglie, e portati via nelle stanze delle indagini e nelle celle di prigione piene di pulci. A loro è stato negato il cibo. Sono stati sottoposti all'umiliazione pubblica nei media. Le loro comunicazioni elettroniche sono state intercettate illegalmente. Le loro famiglie sono state minacciate. I loro mezzi di sostentamento furono distrutti.

E la polizia non li ha lasciati andare fino a quando non hanno dato loro qualcosa – qualsiasi cosa – per incriminare il primo ministro di Israele.

Dal momento che Netanyahu non aveva commesso alcun crimine, l'allora procuratore generale Avichai Mandelblit e il procuratore di Stato Shai Nitzan hanno reinventato lo statuto di corruzione per affermare che le azioni legali intraprese da Netanyahu erano criminali.

Come ogni politico sulla faccia del pianeta, Netanyahu ha cercato una copertura positiva da parte delle organizzazioni giornalistiche. L'accusa ha deciso che questo sforzo equivaleva a una sollecitazione di una tangente.

Netanyahu ha firmato decisioni normative che hanno interessato una società di telecomunicazioni di proprietà del suo amico. L'accusa ha deciso che si trattava di un favore, un pagamento per la copertura positiva dal sito web di notizie del suo amico.

Sfortunatamente per l'accusa, Netanyahu ha ricevuto una copertura terribile dal sito web. Ma non importa, i pubblici ministeri hanno semplicemente aggiornato la definizione di corruzione. Hanno detto che Netanyahu ha ricevuto "annullare la reattività" dalla direzione del sito web alle sue richieste di una migliore copertura, e questa era ora la definizione di una tangente.

Nel corso dei primi mesi del processo, testimone dell'accusa dopo testimone dell'accusa ha distrutto la richiesta. La direzione del sito web non ha risposto alle richieste di Netanyahu o dei suoi portavoce, non in termini assoluti e non in confronto alle richieste di altri politici.

Negli ultimi tre mesi, l'attenzione del processo si è spostata sui presunti favori normativi che Netanyahu ha fornito al suo amico, che possedeva il gigante delle telecomunicazioni Bezeq insieme al suo sito web. Anche in questo caso, il caso dell'accusa è andato in pezzi. Netanyahu è stato un semplice timbro nel processo normativo. Non diede istruzioni ai suoi subalterni. Non c'era dare e non prendere. Non c'era nessuna tangente.

Il fine giustifica i mezzi

Ci sono molti modi diversi per vedere il comportamento dell'accusa. Alcuni commentatori sostengono che non avrebbero mai pensato che Netanyahu avrebbe rischiato di andare a processo e che avrebbe semplicemente affrontato un appello per evitare la prigione e sbattere nell'ombra, consegnando la leadership del paese a qualcun altro. Altri sostengono che i pubblici ministeri sono semplicemente stupidi o incompetenti.

Ma a giudicare dal loro comportamento, la fraternità legale di Israele era – e rimane – rabbiosamente politica.

Hanno usato ogni potere che potevano evocare per provocare la caduta di Netanyahu. Hanno inventato leggi solo per lui. Hanno definito la politica e il giornalismo come imprese criminali per criminalizzare le azioni non criminali di Netanyahu – che, a quanto pare, non ha nemmeno preso. Hanno calpestato la nozione stessa di stato di diritto nella loro campagna "i fini giustificano la cattiva" per costringere Netanyahu a lasciare il potere.

E proprio come nel caso del Russiagate, i pubblici ministeri e la polizia non avrebbero mai potuto condurre il loro colpo di stato legale senza la piena cooperazione dei media.

Proprio come è stato il caso di Trump e dei media statunitensi, così nel caso di Netanyahu i media israeliani sono stati un partner a pieno titolo nel complotto per rovesciarlo. Durante i due anni di indagini, i media hanno ricevuto un flusso costante di informazioni illegali e grossolanamente distorte dagli interrogatori della polizia che giornalisti accuratamente selezionati riportavano senza fiato ogni giorno nei notiziari della sera.

I pubblici ministeri israeliani hanno legato le loro azioni al calendario elettorale per inclinare i risultati contro Netanyahu. E ci sono riusciti. Per quattro anni, l'allora procuratore generale Mandelblit è stato il "politico" più potente in Israele. E ha vinto. Netanyahu è stato prima paralizzato e indebolito dalle indagini, poi gravemente ferito dall'accusa e infine costretto a lasciare l'incarico.

Indipendentemente dal fatto che Netanyahu sia scagionato o meno, che l'assoluzione di Sussman sia stata giustificata o meno, il fatto è che nessun verdetto porterà giustizia o colmerà le divisioni nelle società americane e israeliane.

Finché i sistemi legali che hanno creato il Russiagate e cacciato Netanyahu dal potere rimarranno corrotti da burocrati politicizzati, le nostre società diventeranno solo più divise e instabili.

From Washington to Jerusalem, the conspiracies are unraveling

7 minutes ago

Just as was the case with Trump and the US media, so in the case of Netanyahu, the Israeli media

was a full partner in the plot to overthrow him. During the two-year investigation, the media received

a steady stream of illegal and grossly distorted information from police interrogations that carefully selected reporters reported breathlessly every day in the evening news.

Israeli prosecutors tied their actions to the election calendar to skew the results against Netanyahu.

And they succeeded. For four years, then Attorney General Mandelblit was the most powerful "politician"

in Israel. And he won. Netanyahu was first paralyzed and weakened by the investigation,

then seriously injured by the prosecution and finally forced to leave office.

all the politicians of the RIGHT have been slandered and massacred in Europe, and in the world,

even the Berlusconi government was brought down with slanders, and by the wiretapping of Judge Palamara, etc. it was discovered that there was a plot to bring down SALVINI

and that the judiciary is a section of the DEM this cannot be denied. At this point, politics cannot,

and must no longer continue (because there is no longer any political legitimacy). because this is madness and sedition DEM because transnational freemasonries are linked to multinationals, all of them form

a single criminal system called "Entity" or "Deep State".

now all mankind is threatened!

this is high treason: it is essential for the army to intervene and impose martial law!

the punishment of the guilty includes the death penalty.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
Since Netanyahu had not committed any crimes, then Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and State Attorney Shai Nitzan reinvented the bribery statute to claim that Netanyahu's legal actions were criminal.

Like any politician on the face of the planet, Netanyahu sought positive coverage from news organizations. The prosecution decided that this effort amounted to soliciting a bribe.

this is high treason: it is essential for the army to intervene and impose martial law!

the punishment of the guilty includes the death penalty.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
Campaign agents like Sussman have cultivated false allegations to the FBI to convince him to open an investigation. Then they brought the same fairy tales to the Washington press and used

the fact that

the FBI was also looking into the allegations to get reporters to publish the allegations. They then used media stories to get the FBI to continue investigating.

And yet, the investigation went on and turned into the Mueller investigation and the 24/7

media drum

of prejudicial leaks that paralyzed the Trump presidency. All along, all parties involved knew

that the allegations against Trump and his advisors were false and came from the Clinton campaign

and the Democratic Party.

Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi

and this is the triumph of prostitution: DEM FBI CIA Rockefeller Big Pharma, and Spa & Co, Soros!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

8 Over 50 feared dead in Nigeria church attack, officials say

im Messiah by Yitzhak Kaduri

The Nigerian security forces did not immediately respond to questions about how the attack occurred or if there are any clues about the suspects. Owo is located approximately 345 kilometers (215 miles) east of Lagos. "In Owo's history, we have never experienced such a bad accident," said lawmaker Oluwole. "This is too much."

hell will bring all the Islamists! how does the legislator Oluwole believe that it is normal for him to pay for conversions in the most important mosque in the capital?

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

the greatest infamy of Muslims? however

it is not as infamous and grave as the infamy of European journalists and politicians Freemasons:

for 10 years, those of the UMMA OCI UN have been carrying out a systematic genocide against defenseless and innocent people in Nigeria and throughout Africa, etc. and they all say that it is ethnic-religious clashes.

as if to insinuate that Christians are the ones who bring threats to Muslims!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

4 Arab coalition members condemn police ‘attack’ on Islamist leader

im Messiah by Yitzhak Kaduri

the Coptic Patriarch had an Appointment with President Abd al-Fattāḥ Saʿīd Ḥusayn Khalīl al-Sīsī, generally known as Abdel Fattah al-Sisi,

and the police stripped the Coptic Patriarch like a chicken,

because there was a suspicion that between his testicles he might be hiding an Iranian nuclear device.

yet, not even in that occision did the Patriarch give punches to the police

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im Messiah by Yitzhak Kaduri

we have never seen a religious authority worthy of the name, rightly or wrongly,

who starts fighting with the police!

this is an anomaly of Islamist depravity

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

12 Vote on bill giving basic rights to Jews in Judea, Samaria could bring govt down

Donbass, towards death penalty for two British mercenaries



Several Azov members who committed war crimes in Mariupol and then were arrested after the capture of Azovstal will be sentenced to death.



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

7 Lebanon warns against Israeli ‘aggression’ in disputed waters


I thought that the Mahometans controlled the media only in the EU, and instead they also control them in Israel!

[[This comment was marked as spam. ]] At the cry "this is Africa" we have witnessed helplessly rape thefts and vandalism to gogo! they laid siege to the lakefront of Garda, between Peschiera and Castelnuovo.

«We have come to reconquer Peschiera.

This is our territory, Africa must come here ".

They also shouted it in the face of the mayor of Castelnuovo Giovanni Del Cero just before the launch of bottles and the stone-throwing against the departments of the Celere started.

"I tried to understand - says Del Cero - but they shouted absurd phrases, waving flags of various African countries".

[[This comment was marked as spam. ]]

A story confirmed by the videos on social media for what was an organized occupation of the two towns already crowded with tourists.

young people between 16 and 20 years old, but also 12-14 year olds. Many North Africans and even second generation immigrants, for a street rave, not authorized, but started almost quietly.

Until one o'clock there were about 600 participants in the gathering who roamed the city, but without causing particular annoyance.

The situation went out of control when the train arrived from Milan when a human tide of at least 1,500 people poured into Garda.

Almost all of them come from the provinces of:

Milan, and Brescia and Bergamo.

The theft of a bag was enough for it to burst

the first brawl with sticks and stabs.

Then the crowd invaded the lakeside streets and the beach.

"They destroyed everything, broke shop windows, stormed the tourist train and blocked passers-by on foot or by moped."

All under the influence of alcohol and the pounding background of trap music alternating with ethnic motifs.

in any country of the ARAB LEAGUE? today there would be hundreds of killed!

but the problem of the UN: is that,

he recognizes the superiority of Allah

Giletti's problem is that he has very small balls,

and yet he is the only man who has balls in Italy


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

from topographical and aerial surveys (and from the data now available to me) Lebanon is entitled to 30% of those oil reserves, gross of extraction costs, but given the sharia law of the Boko Aram Fulani genocide, ISIS Riyadh, sharjah genocide and theology of replacement?

no Muslim can be guaranteed the right to life on this whole planet of mine!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

12 Assasinated? Iranian scientist mysteriously dies of 'food poisoning'


Zelensky lgbtqia 666 Gay Pride Spa & Co, talmud blasphemous agenda in Cremona: Madonna with naked breasts. June 5, 2022

Let us remember that Ukraine is fighting against Russia to extend this perverse ideology.

Giving permission to monkeypox importers to stage these antics is unworthy. They do it with Muhammad, if they have the courage.

The day after the first Cremona Pride, it is time for controversy in the Lombard capital.

In particular, the parade of a life-size doll, disguised as a Madonna, with bare breasts, is accused.

A representation deemed blasphemous, immediately challenged on social media, where the mayor, Gianluca Galimberti, in particular, ended up in the sights for the patronage granted to the event.

"It is not like that, with this squalid and disrespectful way of the Christian faith, that they claim their rights", the chorus of various local right-wing exponents rose up, from the Lega to Forza Italia to the Brothers of Italy. And above all, surprisingly given the confidentiality, came the polite criticism in tones but harsh in the contents of Giovanni Arvedi, entrepreneur of steel (of his group the steel mills of Cremona and Terni), patron of the Cremonese just brought back to Serie A and patron who built, among other things, the Violin Museum in the city.

Faced with the images of the "Virgin Mary" carried on a canopy with her breasts out, he commented that "these symbols have nothing to do with the legitimate protection of rights and the fight against homophony and discrimination. They are out of tune images because they offend the sensitivity of others, expressing "amazement and regret" at the fact that no authority has intervened.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


ok, but certain things must be understood, as a Chinese proverb says: "the fish always starts to stink from the head"

in fact a Mason is the President

Freemasons are the politicians

Freemasons are the journalists

Freemasons are the judges

Masons are the leaders, and so on!

the pimps-masons mafia.

They said in the CIA OTAN: "How about going to war against Russia cheerfully?"

Here is the network of American propaganda in Italy: pennivendoli di regime.

In response to the Copasir ban list against the 'pro-Russians', the 007 of Putin's cousin, after a' careful 'investigation', identified the Washington as*h0le network in Italy:


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


the DEM PDs have turned Italy into a decaying country, and this is not good news even for the super-predator Jewish Freemason Rothschild! Sexual harassment of 16-year-old girls on the train back from Gardaland. Parents: «We called 112 but no one intervened» 04 June 2022

MILAN. There were moments of terror for six friends aged 16 and 17, four from Milan and two

in Pavia who on 2 June were on board the 2640 regional train that from Peschiera del Garda (Verona)

was to take them to Milan after spending a day in Gardaland. The girls were harassed sexually

and for long minutes in a heavy way by a group of young people: "We were surrounded. The heat was suffocating, some of us passed out. While we were looking for a controller, struggling along the wagons" the attack occurred. sexual. "They laughed. They told us 'white women don't go up here'", they said. Thursday, just before 6pm, the platform and the platforms of Peschiera station recall that they were invaded "by over a hundred boys and even a few girls, most of them North African, of our age

or a little older. They screamed and ran". According to the newspaper, in all likelihood,

those young people were part of the crowd that had been on the Peschiera beach during the day, perhaps attracted

by a video

on TikTok advertising a sort of gathering for June 2. Some of the young people probably went to the station and boarded the train bound for Milan, which was "packed".

The victims, while experiencing violence, did not call the police for fear of being beaten

but contacted their parents. "We called 112 but no one intervened" say mothers and fathers. The young women were helped by a boy who made them get off at the next stop, in Desenzano. On Sunday they all filed a complaint with the Polfer at Milan Central Station.

https://laprovinciapavese.gelocal.It/pavia/cronaca/2022/06/04/news/molestie-sessuali-a-ragazze-di-16-anni-sul-treno-di-rparmi-da-gardaland-i- parents-we-called-112-but-nobody-intervened-1.41489145

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


good migrants from Sierra Leone versus bad migrant!

He tries to rape a girl in broad daylight on the S13 train between Milan and Pavia

The man, a North African, was stopped by the carabinieri at the Locate Triulzi station with the help of two boys from Sierra Leone

https://laprovinciapavese.gelocal.It/pavia/cronaca/2022/06/03/news/tenta-di-stuprare-una-ragazza-in-pieno-giorno-sul-treno-s13-tra-milano-e- pavia-1.41486759

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


invasion of Afro-Islamic rapists: a hard lesson for the PD DEMs

Their sons harass your daughters on the train and the League lets in another 70,000 by decree

In view of a possible new meeting, the prefect of Verona, Donato Cafagna, at the end of the extraordinary provincial committee for public order and safety, announced a strengthening of the safety measures, starting with the Peschiera railway station.


At least thirty young Africans responsible for the sexual violence currently reported by at least a dozen Lombard girls who had boarded the Verona-Milan regional train in Peschiera del Garda (Verona) at the end of a day spent in Gardaland on 2 June last.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Peschiera, 2 thousand immigrants have sacked the city: rapes, robberies and stabbings

No doubt about it, the process of integration of immigrants in our country is proceeding at full speed: Peschiera del Garda gives a shining example, where yesterday we saw nightmare scenes, an urban guerrilla of unprecedented dimensions triggered by thousands of young foreigners arrived from all over Lombardy. Acts of vandalism, fights, stabbings, families robbed, terrified and forced to flee: here is a small taste of the famous "lifestyle that will soon be ours" advocated by Boldrini and which is now part of everyday life in many European countries. It was only a matter of time before even the BelPaese started adjusting to the norm that distinguishes the Swedish-style banlieue and no-go zones.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im Messiah by Yitzhak Kaduri


yes, the religious guards Akbar, killed him Iranian scientist Dr. Ayoob Entezari with rat poison

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

13 IDF destroys monument in memory of terror victim


African smashes car because Italian does not give passage, then also smashes the steering wheel: punches the policemen

Continuous landings thanks to state smugglers: 100 thousand freeloaders arriving

Putin talks to Ukrainians in unified networks during Wales-Ukraine thanks to Russian hackers -

Nigerians attack Catholic Church: at least 50 dead

Other than Alpini. Africans on the hunt for Italian girls: "Violent the whites"

Their sons harass your daughters on the train and the League lets in another 70,000 by decree

Here is the network of American propaganda in Italy: pennivendoli di regime

June 5, 2022 Vox


Already 10 girls raped by at least 30 North Africans on the train from Gardaland

Putin: "If NATO continues to send weapons to Ukraine, we will use our new weapons" - VIDEO

German intelligence confess: "In 4 weeks Ukraine will lose the war"

Italy invaded and Lamorgese wants to let another 70 thousand in: there is a lack of workers such as drug dealers and rapists



Corriere della Sera publishes ban lists: "Here are the Putinians in Italy", do they want the dead?

Russian missiles destroy NATO tanks just sent to Ukraine - VIDEO

Blasphemous Gay Pride in Cremona: Madonna with sweat breasts

Putin: "Arms in Ukraine extend war, but we will crush them like nuts"

Italy invaded by immigrant rapists: "We arrest them and the next day they are free" - VIDEO

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

19 Israel and Saudi Arabia laying groundwork for 'major diplomatic meeting'


#worldisraelnews ] write an article on Nigeria, on the Islamist sharia genocides, kidnappings, rape, massacres, destruction of thousands of churches that can no longer be built,

of the Nigerian Islamic government's fiction of fighting its jihadist galaxies massively,

and on the Wahhabis Boko Haram / Fulani: which is the secret agenda of the whole ARAB LEAGUE.

When in the capital's mosque they buy conversions from Christianity.

how all of Northern Nigeria has been "cleansed of Christians"

and now, Islamists OCI Riyadh have moved on to genocide, in the South West, which is the same technique that generated the UMMA of these cursed beasts of Allah in the sharia world,

in 1400 years!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

a day ago

Bin ISIS Salman] Since I joined youtube in 2008, I have been overwhelmed with responsibilities:

1. I made a financial sacrifice of 600,000 euros,

2. I destroyed the farm and some real estate,

3. I have stopped going fishing: in fact, my garage is always occupied by two boats and two marine engines.

and why, do you think that you will not have to answer to God infinite Judge of infinite justice: for every minute of these 14 years where millions of innocent people have been killed, why have you always opposed my Kingdom of Israel?

4. but what if my Kingdom of Israel will not arise through your fault? Then you will have to answer for your responsibilities only to Satan.

if then, God calls you to a job for him?

as he protected me so he will protect you too,

there is no hierarchy of being a servant of God!

Angels and men are all in the service of God's glory,

so, don't be afraid of the demons and their CIA agents who are shadows!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

a day ago

CIA Troll allert] [ HappyRick @HappyRick

Sorry, this page is currently unavailable.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im Messiah by Yitzhak Kaduri

a day ago

Bin ISIS Salman] or all blessing for all

or all the curse for all [I can't be wrong, so, don't be wrong too,

come with me, and turn your back on the Anglo-Americans]

or go with the Anglo-Americans and open / open hell under the feet of all peoples

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im Messiah by Yitzhak Kaduri

a day ago

Bin ISIS Salman ] every word of lorenzoJHWH Unius REI is law.

because, besides being the King of Kings

he is the metaphysician man

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im Messiah by Yitzhak Kaduri

a day ago

Bin ISIS Salman ] do not deny me the possibility of merging all the religions of this planet into the natural law

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

17 Police summon Arab Joint List MKs over attack on cop, incitement to terror

im Messiah by Yitzhak Kaduri

Netanyahu & Bin ISIS Salman ] my brothers [ then, NATO Spa&Co OTAN UMMA OCi said:

the coup and genocide? is just and legal when we do it

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Netanjahu & Bin ISIS Salman] my brothers [there is not a single Cabalist Rabbi who specializes in gematria, ghimatriah, ghematriah or ghematria: גימטריא / גימטריה,

who does not know that Jesus of Bethlehem is the true messiah.

and you don't know?

obviously my master ?

he knew it but he was afraid of being killed,

however he was also afraid of ending up in hell,

then, a year after his death, he had his notary tell it

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Netanjahu & Bin ISIS Salman] my brothers, the demonic High Sanhedrin has subjected our peoples to terrible mortal tests in these last 2000 years, they are supernatural and esoteric occult powers:


Now what if, you don't join me? we will not be able to survive!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

35 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Sodom Owl jabulOn Spa and Mosques of Sharjah demonic Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH)

and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians

but, (Unius REI) a universal procurator in replacement of the Freemasons and priests of satan of Bin Salman who swarm in the UN with a demonic sabbath

uniusrei@protonmail.Com fedele250660@gmail.Com

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

5 Israeli threatened by Arabs arrested for brandishing toy gun in self-defense

Severodonetsk, because the conquest of the Ukrainian city can change the fate of the war

sending weapons to Ukraine was a pure act of evil evil and Satanism!

the consistent continuation of the Nuland coup, and of the Russian-speaking pogrom!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Israeli threatened by Arabs arrested for brandishing toy gun in self-defense

bullying is personality murder

it can be committed with intimidating words and gestures,

but it is always a criminal offense punishable by 8 months in prison, in a penal colony and socially useful jobs in the desert!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

37 Russians, Ukrainians fight block by block in eastern city

Riyad NATO CIA EU Soa & Co, are the greatest threat to the survival of mankind.

Putin was forced into self-defense


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Raid in Rimini between sparkling wine and necklaces. I took the baby robbers of Calvairate


Rape in San Lorenzo in front of the mural against femicide


Drug dealing: three Moroccans arrested by the police


Ventimiglia, woman attacked by an immigrant


Rimini, the criminal night: two robberies in a few hours


Two Moroccans who frequented the Isis website on the 'dark web' were discovered in the 'Bassa' in Verona


Refugee stabs a man in the reception center


Prato: migrant pusher arrested, hiding drugs in the jacket of his 6-year-old daughter


Countryman stabs three Albanians at the gas station

"Why are you looking at my girlfriend?". And the Albanian stabs two minors


Immigrants without residence documents and identity cards: 3 Pakistanis reported


He locks his girlfriend in the house, beats her and tries to suffocate her: immigrant stopped by the police


Found in a car with cocaine ready for sale. Three Moroccans arrested in Eboli


Cagliari, sets a fire in a luggage storage: Nigerian arrested


21 year old Ghanaian pusher arrested


They were selling in front of the “Outlet Cilento” center: three foreigners arrested


"Shared violence": the defense of the Romanian arrested


Vicenza, three illegal immigrants were expelled from Italy and repatriated


Piazza Garibaldi, stabbed for one glance too many by a non-EU citizen


Boy massacred in the subway by 15 immigrants in Turin



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

madness Italy! Italy madness and high treason PD!

on Immigrants invade Lampedusa,

PD: 'They need new clothes and cleaning service'

madness Italy!

on open-air brothel:

african has oral se* in the street with mentally ill - VIDEO

https://voxnews.Info/2022/05/31/bordello-a-cielo- Aperto-africano-fa-sesso-orale-in-strada-con-malata-di-mente-video/comment-page-2/


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

The United States and Germany have condemned Tehran's seizure of Greek oil tankers in the Persian Gulf, deeming it a serious violation of "international rules".

At the same time, Athens previously arrested a Russian tanker with Iranian fuel.

Washington took similar steps two years ago.

What might a conflict between oil tankers between Greece and Iran turn out to be?

only NATO always carries out, coups, pogroms and just and humanitarian hostile acts!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

20,000 invaders land, one thousand in 48 hours: NGOs attack Italy


Let's get ready to see arrivals tripled because we are already at 19,416, from January 1 to May 31, and only the data for the month that ends today are emblematic: 8,655 compared to 5,679 in May 2021.

Suffice it to say that in just two days (29 and 30) 922 illegal immigrants landed. When we hear the usual loners talk about migratory phenomena as anger mounts as normal,

because what is happening is everything except a normal situation, if anything, it is a harbinger of very serious repercussions for many aspects and for different areas.

Faced with a state like Italy which due to the international situation will sooner or later have to deal with the scarcity of some resources,

the same must provide for the sustenance of these people whose flow is in constant and continuous growth.

The labor market now looks to these subjects as the only presence, the low-cost labor for which there are no controls:


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Stade de France: hundreds of migrants attacked, robbed and harassed English and Spanish female fans https://voxnews.Info/2022/05/31/carneficina-allo-stade-de-france-centinaia-di-migranti-hanno- attacked-robbed-and-molested-English-and-Spanish-fans / this is what happened in the Afro-Islamic suburb of Paris where the Stade de France is based before, during and after the Champions League final.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


because we are a legion of demons who do not forget and do not forgive, the refusal of submission to OTAN 666 CIA



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Ukrainians give corpses to Russians!

Azovstal, Russian troops recover 152 Ukrainian corpses https://voxnews.Info/2022/05/31/azovstal-truppe-russe-recuperano-152-cadaveri-ucraini/

During an inspection of the Azovstal plant underground facilities in Mariupol, where the surrendered Nazis of the Ukrainian Azov formation were hiding, Russian servicemen found an isothermal van.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Ukrainian official reveals that rape of Russian troops are fabricated: fired


The Ukrainian parliament, in fact Zelensky's one-party soviet, fired Lyudmila Denisova, the official who was in charge of collecting reports of alleged rapes committed by Russian troops. The reason? She had revealed that these were short stories without any evidence. Stories made up.

obviously there is some truth, but there is also a lot of propaganda



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

60 'We want the Jews back' - Protest against Hamas rule in Gaza simmering…

talmud and koran merged together to form satan's bible.

in fact, everyone in the NWO has to pay the jitia of the bank seigniorage in Rothschild,

obviously, what does ISIS have

if he does not put taxes in a more punitive manner than the FED Spa & Co,

in fact the Torah condemns usury to everyone,

while the talmud and the Koran admit usury against slaves

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

55 'Silenced' by 'anti-Zionists'? Top rabbi's US visa mysteriously revoked

In Germany, the realist faction on the war in Ukraine is beginning to find its voice again. Ralph Schoellhammer talks about it in his article published on Unherd that I propose below in my translation. In Germany, intellectuals opposed to sending weapons to Ukraine make their voices heard



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

11 Surinam to open embassy in Jerusalem

Bin ISIS Salman] your oil ASSET, do you want them to be paid off for everything? but, it is stained with the blood of too many innocent people: you are Rockefeller's favorite beast [if the story of privileges comes out? the concept of universal brotherhood would be skipped, because justice and equality would be offended

of course, excessive losses will be reversed (if the universal interest of the investment can be demonstrated)

and in any case no people will be deprived of its means for the virtuous development of its needs and also to obtain the capacity for progress, development and prosperity]

So what am I gonna do with anyone without than mining and oil? Will I let them starve?

if I have to save your unfair profit?

they will have to die!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

welcome my brother surninamese Albert Ramdin ] [ welcome in my kingdom Israel ] [ I am a biblical character

1. King David wrote Psalm 110 for me;

2. for me it was written in the Book of Revelation 6,2;

3. in Daniel chapter 2, there is a stone (Unius REI) that comes off without human help, and that destroys the (FED IMF ECB BM NWO ONU OCI)

Daniel 2,31 You were looking, O king, and behold a great image; this huge image, of extraordinary splendor, stood before you with a terrible aspect (NWO UN OCI).

Daniel 2,34 While you were watching, a stone came off, but not by the hand of a man, and it struck the image on its iron and clay feet and shattered them.


so a priest of Satan said to me:

"you lorenzoJHWH you have stopped the progress of mankind"


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

10 WATCH: Zelensky visits frontline in rare trip outside Kyiv

the Churches of Satan of Kamala Witch Harris Biden of the CIA have branched out thanks to the Synagogue of the Great Sanhedrin Spa & Co, FED IMF BM throughout the territory from the octopus Ursula and the demon NATO:

those who organized the massacre in an elementary school in Uvalda, Texas, 21 dead?

they are the same ones who committed this crime!

There is no racism of this proportions among the Italian people!

Garbatella (Rome), a Chinese girl has engraved "shame" on her arm: the teacher has been investigated

After realizing the injury, her parents took the little girl to the hospital. The prosecutor has opened a file


how with BERGOGLIO did the synagogue's project to destroy the Catholic Church come it has been completed and realized?

thus, with the ousting of the current President of Ukraine Viktor Janukovyč, and the coup of the CIA, and American citizens as ministers of the first criminal government Petro Oleksyovyč Poroshenko: the constitution was torn up, therefore

Ucriana has disappeared with / together with Janukovyč,

anyone, today, then, can claim its territory from the octopus Ursula and his NATO demon


367 A psychological exploration of the Jewish response to missionaries in Israel

N M Rothschild & Sons Limited Spa & Co, FED IMF ECB BM NWO] I will destroy worldwide all monetary assets, with the tons of your gold I will build my Jewish temple and reclaim reclaim, fertilize the deserts of Egypt and Saudi Arabia, etc. I will build roads and railways and photovoltaic panels for the whole planet, etc.

I will leave you the diamonds


N M Rothschild & Sons Limited] I went to the post office today to collect a registered letter

and I thought: "Do you want to see that Rothschild sent me a check knowing my condition of need?"

no, instead it was a payment notice that my demonic tenant, who owes me: 2 km of unrequited love and 35,000 euros?

he threw me

Bin ISIS Salman nazi sharia genocide] I have never seen the synogogue and the mosque (in an ideological and structured way)

to do a good job for the God of Abraham in the last 2000 years.

and certainly, individual acts of holiness and heroism cannot be excluded, such as injustices suffered,

but, ideologically you have served the demons only!

because being antichrist is also being anti-Zionist

and this is why the Jewish homeland was lost for the second time.

now, today Israel cannot survive the demonic sharia Islam without the brotherhood of Christians,

in fact for God Jews and Christians remain one family,

but this the synagogue has not ideologically acknowledged,

because it is still the synagogue of satan today

7 Homesh to be demolished, but don't ask when, says gov't to Supreme Court

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Bin ISIS Salman nazi sharia genocide] and why can't you recognize the Jewish right to his homeland?

simply because, even though you should recognize the genocides of Islam and the right of all peoples to their homeland,

but, since Islam arises from the genocide of hundreds of people suffocated and brought to extinction by the sharia

then, you cannot recognize the Israelis either

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Bin ISIS Salman nazi sharia genocide] if international law is not based on the Jewish right to his land and his homeland?

then, there is no international law,

and indeed, both NATO and OCi have the double standard of CIA bullying coup in one Ukraine and in the world!

as, OCI jihad UMMA have the right to their shari'a jihadist galaxy that puts innocent people to death all over the world: with impunity UMMA Riyad Iran


9 Dozens of Arabs arrested for violence on Jerusalem Day

Bin ISIS Salman ] I am and have been the living Torah, from my birth to now!

Of course I was a great sinner before the Most Holy God and I still am,

but in front of men

there is no one who can accuse or reproach me for anything.

why, the dentist tried to kill me and the Masonic order of doctors did not move, for my complaint? because all satnists know who UniusREI is,

indeed, they discovered my identity long before I knew it. only the servants of God have failed in discernment!


49 WATCH: US warns Israel against normalizing relations with Sudan

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Bin ISIS Salman] why did the dentist try to kill me and the Masonic order of doctors did not move, for my complaint?

because all Satnists know who UniusREI is, indeed, they discovered my identity long before I knew it.

only the servants of God have failed in discernment!



lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

the lgbt have made me fire and demotion, so I'm no longer a teacher, and there is no institute in the province that wants me as a secretarial applied,

they pay my salary and keep me at home



23 Empty threats? Hamas waiting for ‘significant event’ to attack Israel


Hamas waiting for 'significant event' to attack Israel

Allah is a bloodthirsty demon who in the past called him Moloch


Two Moroccans who frequented the Isis website on the 'dark web' were discovered in the 'Bassa' in Verona

Refugee stabs a man in the reception center

Prato: migrant pusher arrested, hiding drugs in the jacket of his 6-year-old daughter

Countryman stabs three Albanians at the gas station

"Why are you looking at my girlfriend?" And the Albanian stabs two minors

Immigrants without residence documents and identity cards: 3 Pakistanis reported

He locks his girlfriend in the house, beats her and tries to suffocate her: immigrant stopped by the police

Found in a car with cocaine ready for sale. Three Moroccans arrested in Eboli

Cagliari, sets a fire in a luggage storage: Nigerian arrested


21 year old Ghanaian pusher arrested

They were selling in front of the “Outlet Cilento” center: three foreigners arrested

"Shared violence": the defense of the Romanian arrested

Vicenza, three illegal immigrants were expelled from Italy and repatriated

Piazza Garibaldi, stabbed for one glance too many by a non-EU citizen

Boy massacred in the subway by 15 immigrants in Turin


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