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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

criminal offense punishable by 8 months in prison

Israel and Saudi Arabia laying groundwork for 'major diplomatic meeting'

im Messiah by Yitzhak Kaduri


Bin ISIS Salman] or all blessing for all

or all the curse for all [I can't be wrong, so, don't be wrong too,

come with me, and turn your back on the Anglo-Americans]

or go with the Anglo-Americans and open / open hell under the feet of all peoples

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im Messiah by Yitzhak Kaduri


Bin ISIS Salman ] every word of lorenzoJHWH Unius REI is law.

because, besides being the King of Kings

he is the metaphysician man

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

im Messiah by Yitzhak Kaduri


Bin ISIS Salman ] do not deny me the possibility of merging all the religions of this planet into the natural law

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

Police summon Arab Joint List MKs over attack on cop, incitement to terror

im Messiah by Yitzhak Kaduri


Netanyahu & Bin ISIS Salman ] my brothers [ then, NATO Spa&Co OTAN UMMA OCi said:

the coup and genocide? is just and legal when we do it

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Netanjahu & Bin ISIS Salman] my brothers [there is not a single Cabalist Rabbi who specializes in gematria, ghimatriah, ghematriah or ghematria: גימטריא / גימטריה,

who does not know that Jesus of Bethlehem is the true messiah.

and you don't know?

obviously my master ?

he knew it but he was afraid of being killed,

however he was also afraid of ending up in hell,

then, a year after his death, he had his notary tell it

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Netanjahu & Bin ISIS Salman] my brothers, the demonic High Sanhedrin has subjected our peoples to terrible mortal tests in these last 2000 years, they are supernatural and esoteric occult powers:


Now what if, you don't join me? we will not be able to survive!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


35 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Sodom Owl jabulOn Spa and Mosques of Sharjah demonic Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH)

and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians

but, (Unius REI) a universal procurator in replacement of the Freemasons and priests of satan of Bin Salman who swarm in the UN with a demonic sabbath

uniusrei@protonmail.Com fedele250660@gmail.Com

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

Israeli threatened by Arabs arrested for brandishing toy gun in self-defense

Severodonetsk, because the conquest of the Ukrainian city can change the fate of the war


sending weapons to Ukraine was a pure act of evil evil and Satanism!

the consistent continuation of the Nuland coup, and of the Russian-speaking pogrom!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Israeli threatened by Arabs arrested for brandishing toy gun in self-defense


bullying is personality murder

it can be committed with intimidating words and gestures,

but it is always a criminal offense punishable by 8 months in prison, in a penal colony and socially useful jobs in the desert!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 37 comments

Russians, Ukrainians fight block by block in eastern city

Riyad NATO CIA EU Soa & Co, are the greatest threat to the survival of mankind.

Putin was forced into self-defense

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Raid in Rimini between sparkling wine and necklaces. I took the baby robbers of Calvairate


Rape in San Lorenzo in front of the mural against femicide


Drug dealing: three Moroccans arrested by the police


Ventimiglia, woman attacked by an immigrant


Rimini, the criminal night: two robberies in a few hours


Two Moroccans who frequented the Isis website on the 'dark web' were discovered in the 'Bassa' in Verona


Refugee stabs a man in the reception center


Prato: migrant pusher arrested, hiding drugs in the jacket of his 6-year-old daughter


Countryman stabs three Albanians at the gas station

"Why are you looking at my girlfriend?". And the Albanian stabs two minors


Immigrants without residence documents and identity cards: 3 Pakistanis reported


He locks his girlfriend in the house, beats her and tries to suffocate her: immigrant stopped by the police


Found in a car with cocaine ready for sale. Three Moroccans arrested in Eboli


Cagliari, sets a fire in a luggage storage: Nigerian arrested


21 year old Ghanaian pusher arrested


They were selling in front of the “Outlet Cilento” center: three foreigners arrested


"Shared violence": the defense of the Romanian arrested


Vicenza, three illegal immigrants were expelled from Italy and repatriated


Piazza Garibaldi, stabbed for one glance too many by a non-EU citizen


Boy massacred in the subway by 15 immigrants in Turin


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

madness Italy! Italy madness and high treason PD!

on Immigrants invade Lampedusa,

PD: 'They need new clothes and cleaning service'

madness Italy!

on open-air brothel:

african has oral se* in the street with mentally ill - VIDEO

https://voxnews.Info/2022/05/31/bordello-a-cielo- Aperto-africano-fa-sesso-orale-in-strada-con-malata-di-mente-video/comment-page-2/

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

The United States and Germany have condemned Tehran's seizure of Greek oil tankers in the Persian Gulf, deeming it a serious violation of "international rules".

At the same time, Athens previously arrested a Russian tanker with Iranian fuel.

Washington took similar steps two years ago.

What might a conflict between oil tankers between Greece and Iran turn out to be?


only NATO always carries out, coups, pogroms and just and humanitarian hostile acts!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

20,000 invaders land, one thousand in 48 hours: NGOs attack Italy


Let's get ready to see arrivals tripled because we are already at 19,416, from January 1 to May 31, and only the data for the month that ends today are emblematic: 8,655 compared to 5,679 in May 2021.

Suffice it to say that in just two days (29 and 30) 922 illegal immigrants landed. When we hear the usual loners talk about migratory phenomena as anger mounts as normal,

because what is happening is everything except a normal situation, if anything, it is a harbinger of very serious repercussions for many aspects and for different areas.

Faced with a state like Italy which due to the international situation will sooner or later have to deal with the scarcity of some resources,

the same must provide for the sustenance of these people whose flow is in constant and continuous growth.

The labor market now looks to these subjects as the only presence, the low-cost labor for which there are no controls:

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Stade de France: hundreds of migrants attacked, robbed and harassed English and Spanish female fans https://voxnews.Info/2022/05/31/carneficina-allo-stade-de-france-centinaia-di-migranti-hanno- attacked-robbed-and-molested-English-and-Spanish-fans / this is what happened in the Afro-Islamic suburb of Paris where the Stade de France is based before, during and after the Champions League final.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


because we are a legion of demons who do not forget and do not forgive, the refusal of submission to OTAN 666 CIA


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Ukrainians give corpses to Russians!

Azovstal, Russian troops recover 152 Ukrainian corpses https://voxnews.Info/2022/05/31/azovstal-truppe-russe-recuperano-152-cadaveri-ucraini/

During an inspection of the Azovstal plant underground facilities in Mariupol, where the surrendered Nazis of the Ukrainian Azov formation were hiding, Russian servicemen found an isothermal van.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Ukrainian official reveals that rape of Russian troops are fabricated: fired


The Ukrainian parliament, in fact Zelensky's one-party soviet, fired Lyudmila Denisova, the official who was in charge of collecting reports of alleged rapes committed by Russian troops. The reason? She had revealed that these were short stories without any evidence. Stories made up.


obviously there is some truth, but there is also a lot of propaganda


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 60 comments

'We want the Jews back' - Protest against Hamas rule in Gaza simmering…

talmud and koran merged together to form satan's bible.

in fact, everyone in the NWO has to pay the jitia of the bank seigniorage in Rothschild,

obviously, what does ISIS have

if he does not put taxes in a more punitive manner than the FED Spa & Co,

in fact the Torah condemns usury to everyone,

while the talmud and the Koran admit usury against slaves

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 55 comments

'Silenced' by 'anti-Zionists'? Top rabbi's US visa mysteriously revoked

In Germany, the realist faction on the war in Ukraine is beginning to find its voice again. Ralph Schoellhammer talks about it in his article published on Unherd that I propose below in my translation. In Germany, intellectuals opposed to sending weapons to Ukraine make their voices heard


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

Surinam to open embassy in Jerusalem

Bin ISIS Salman] your oil ASSET, do you want them to be paid off for everything? but, it is stained with the blood of too many innocent people: you are Rockefeller's favorite beast [if the story of privileges comes out? the concept of universal brotherhood would be skipped, because justice and equality would be offended

of course, excessive losses will be reversed (if the universal interest of the investment can be demonstrated)

and in any case no people will be deprived of its means for the virtuous development of its needs and also to obtain the capacity for progress, development and prosperity]

So what am I gonna do with anyone without than mining and oil? Will I let them starve?

if I have to save your unfair profit?

they will have to die!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

welcome my brother surninamese Albert Ramdin ] [ welcome in my kingdom Israel ] [ I am a biblical character

1. King David wrote Psalm 110 for me;

2. for me it was written in the Book of Revelation 6,2;

3. in Daniel chapter 2, there is a stone (Unius REI) that comes off without human help, and that destroys the (FED IMF ECB BM NWO ONU OCI)

Daniel 2,31 You were looking, O king, and behold a great image; this huge image, of extraordinary splendor, stood before you with a terrible aspect (NWO UN OCI).

Daniel 2,34 While you were watching, a stone came off, but not by the hand of a man, and it struck the image on its iron and clay feet and shattered them.


so a priest of Satan said to me:

"you lorenzoJHWH you have stopped the progress of mankind"

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

WATCH: Zelensky visits frontline in rare trip outside Kyiv


the Churches of Satan of Kamala Witch Harris Biden of the CIA have branched out thanks to the Synagogue of the Great Sanhedrin Spa & Co, FED IMF BM throughout the territory from the octopus Ursula and the demon NATO:

those who organized the massacre in an elementary school in Uvalda, Texas, 21 dead?

they are the same ones who committed this crime!

There is no racism of this proportions among the Italian people!

Garbatella (Rome), a Chinese girl has engraved "shame" on her arm: the teacher has been investigated

After realizing the injury, her parents took the little girl to the hospital. The prosecutor has opened a file

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


how with BERGOGLIO did the synagogue's project to destroy the Catholic Church come it has been completed and realized?

thus, with the ousting of the current President of Ukraine Viktor Janukovyč, and the coup of the CIA, and American citizens as ministers of the first criminal government Petro Oleksyovyč Poroshenko: the constitution was torn up, therefore

Ucriana has disappeared with / together with Janukovyč,

anyone, today, then, can claim its territory from the octopus Ursula and his NATO demon

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 358 comments

A psychological exploration of the Jewish response to missionaries in Israel


N M Rothschild & Sons Limited Spa & Co, FED IMF ECB BM NWO] I will destroy worldwide all monetary assets, with the tons of your gold I will build my Jewish temple and reclaim reclaim, fertilize the deserts of Egypt and Saudi Arabia, etc. I will build roads and railways and photovoltaic panels for the whole planet, etc.

I will leave you the diamonds

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


N M Rothschild & Sons Limited] I went to the post office today to collect a registered letter

and I thought: "Do you want to see that Rothschild sent me a check knowing my condition of need?"

no, instead it was a payment notice that my demonic tenant, who owes me: 2 km of unrequited love and 35,000 euros?

he threw me

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman nazi sharia genocide] I have never seen the synogogue and the mosque (in an ideological and structured way)

to do a good job for the God of Abraham in the last 2000 years.

and certainly, individual acts of holiness and heroism cannot be excluded, such as injustices suffered,

but, ideologically you have served the demons only!

because being antichrist is also being anti-Zionist

and this is why the Jewish homeland was lost for the second time.

now, today Israel cannot survive the demonic sharia Islam without the brotherhood of Christians,

in fact for God Jews and Christians remain one family,

but this the synagogue has not ideologically acknowledged,

because it is still the synagogue of satan today

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

Homesh to be demolished, but don't ask when, says gov't to Supreme Court

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Bin ISIS Salman nazi sharia genocide] and why can't you recognize the Jewish right to his homeland?

simply because, even though you should recognize the genocides of Islam and the right of all peoples to their homeland,

but, since Islam arises from the genocide of hundreds of people suffocated and brought to extinction by the sharia

then, you cannot recognize the Israelis either

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Bin ISIS Salman nazi sharia genocide] if international law is not based on the Jewish right to his land and his homeland?

then, there is no international law,

and indeed, both NATO and OCi have the double standard of CIA bullying coup in one Ukraine and in the world!

as, OCI jihad UMMA have the right to their shari'a jihadist galaxy that puts innocent people to death all over the world: with impunity UMMA Riyad Iran

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Dozens of Arabs arrested for violence on Jerusalem Day


Bin ISIS Salman ] I am and have been the living Torah, from my birth to now!

Of course I was a great sinner before the Most Holy God and I still am,

but in front of men

there is no one who can accuse or reproach me for anything.

why, the dentist tried to kill me and the Masonic order of doctors did not move, for my complaint? because all satnists know who UniusREI is,

indeed, they discovered my identity long before I knew it. only the servants of God have failed in discernment!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 49 comments

WATCH: US warns Israel against normalizing relations with Sudan

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Bin ISIS Salman] why did the dentist try to kill me and the Masonic order of doctors did not move, for my complaint?

because all Satnists know who UniusREI is, indeed, they discovered my identity long before I knew it.

only the servants of God have failed in discernment!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


the lgbt have made me fire and demotion, so I'm no longer a teacher, and there is no institute in the province that wants me as a secretarial applied,

they pay my salary and keep me at home


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments

Empty threats? Hamas waiting for ‘significant event’ to attack Israel


Hamas waiting for 'significant event' to attack Israel


Allah is a bloodthirsty demon who in the past called him Moloch

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Two Moroccans who frequented the Isis website on the 'dark web' were discovered in the 'Bassa' in Verona

Refugee stabs a man in the reception center

Prato: migrant pusher arrested, hiding drugs in the jacket of his 6-year-old daughter

Countryman stabs three Albanians at the gas station

"Why are you looking at my girlfriend?" And the Albanian stabs two minors

Immigrants without residence documents and identity cards: 3 Pakistanis reported

He locks his girlfriend in the house, beats her and tries to suffocate her: immigrant stopped by the police

Found in a car with cocaine ready for sale. Three Moroccans arrested in Eboli

Cagliari, sets a fire in a luggage storage: Nigerian arrested


21 year old Ghanaian pusher arrested

They were selling in front of the “Outlet Cilento” center: three foreigners arrested

"Shared violence": the defense of the Romanian arrested

Vicenza, three illegal immigrants were expelled from Italy and repatriated

Piazza Garibaldi, stabbed for one glance too many by a non-EU citizen

Boy massacred in the subway by 15 immigrants in Turin

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

WATCH: Drone flies Palestinian flag above Damascus Gate


According to the Oxford Freemasons, the modern woman has a penis,

The "graphic representation of modern femininity" has the penis.


the real woman? she is a failed male

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


FED Spa Rothschild IMF Co, Saruman ECB Kabbalah BM: Dracula Morgan?

a bunch of fagggs

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


The main victory of Russia since the start of the special operation in Ukraine has been the increase in the volume of exports of Russian wheat and the increase in prices for it, writes the British newspaper The Times in an article entitled "Russia wins the battle for control of wheat in the world ".


the most hateful thing is the confiscation of Russian assets by the FED Spa Rothschild IMF Co, Saruman ECB Kabbalah BM:

which in the past have financed all the belligerents, while today they have lost their neutrality

bringing the first treacherous blow against Russia

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

Iranian video boasts of underground drone base


Dozens of Muslims disembark from sailing boats and invade the streets of the town https://voxnews.Info/2022/05/29/decine-di-islamici-sbarcano-da-barca-a-vela-e-invadono-le- vie-del-Paese / While Islamic invaders land every day and then invade the streets of Italian countries without any control, our soldiers play the war against Russia.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Coffins covered with gold for Nigerians in Veneto - PHOTO https://voxnews.Info/2022/05/29/bare-ricoperte-doro-per-i-nigeriani-in-veneto-foto/

in Italy, crime pays off, thanks to the PD DEM

While in Italian reception centers they scrounge thousands of Nigerians, wealthy Nigerians are ordering coffins of gold.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


anti-Zionist Italy invaded by Africans sends military ships against the Russians: Neptune Shield, Cavour aircraft carrier participates https://voxnews.Info/2022/05/28/italia-invasa-da-africani-invia-le-navi-militari-contro -i-russi-neptune-shield-participates-aircraft-carrier-cavour /

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

WATCH: Jews sing Israeli anthem on Temple Mount


Nearly 3,000 Jews ascended the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site, on Jerusalem day - with many singing Hatikvah, Israel's national anthem - until authorities prevented others from going there, fearing the violence of Muslim rioters.


in short, was this people cursed by the Rothschild High Sanhedrin and the ISIS Wahhabis predestined by Rockefeller Spa & co, to always have to fear for their existence?

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments

PA working to make Jerusalem capital of Palestinian state by 2030 – with help…


Nazi DEM violence, Darwin monkeys, gender Nazi sodom, and Rothschild Soros-dominated technocratic thinking!

Zagrebelsky: "These are large posters that reproduce the image of a fetus to which is added the words:" Power to women? Let's make them be born ". It is a message that

it has nothing violent or offensive. " Precisely. For a message

non-violent and harmless, the ax of (Roman) censorship has already hit us (even years ago), while that of Turin threatens

to do it. Plus, as if that weren't enough, always

in the capital, well-known feminist collectives attacked and vandalized


the walls and windows of Pro Vita & Famiglia. And then let's take up again the words of the Turin magistrate and jurist, to explain what certain politics and certain associations would like to do

pro abortion: "instead of opposing arguments,

they want to silence those who think otherwise: those posters, they say, would be offensive to a law and freedom of choice.

They ask to ban them.

But the criticism of the laws is free ». Precisely.

Here is the violence

which would like to infringe, here in Italy, a fundamental right,

although the criticism of the laws is obviously free,

"Just as Zagrebelsky always speaks,

the proposal is

to modify them, to narrow their scope or to widen it.

Not only that, but also free is the propaganda aimed at not taking advantage of the possibilities that the law allows ».


Nazi DEM violence, Darwin monkeys, gender Nazi sodom, and Rothschild Soros-dominated technocratic thinking!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 43 comments

Coalition MK marks 55 years of 'occupation' alongside anti-Zionist lawmaker


Meretz MK invites Breaking the Silence and other far-left NGOs to speak to the Knesset about "occupation" on the national holiday commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem.


then, if Blue and white, and Meretz MK, and all anti-Zionists like them: they call themselves "occupiers", because they don't flee to their CIA satan churches in the US, since they are Islamizing the EU and it will be impossible for the Jews survive there?


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

Former justice minister: Bennett and Gantz are wrong, Homesh settlement…

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Bin ISIS Erdogan Ottoman empire jihad UMMA from Riyad ] [ already in the OCI UMMA, no one in 14 years has dared to face me: and your secret agent said: "shout shout shout so much it won't help!"

while an Italian Jew said to me: "for centuries my family and I have always stolen the banary seigniorage from Goyims slaves so what?"

then, Soros said: "it is because of the DEM PD laws, that I was able to legally steal millions and billions of dollars from you"


now, however, it is 5 years since Rockefeller Spa & co, has ordered its priests of satan: "isolate him, absolute silence on him and around him"

and this is true: not even worldisraelnews: that ungrateful, he has never done an article for me

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


worldisraelnews it had never happened that in order to correct several spelling mistakes I had destroyed the Arctic

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

3 minutes agoDetected as spam,Texas, Biden: "As I speak, those parents prepare to bury their children, whom my CIA Satan churches cannibals:

to killed them. "

The US president usurper BIDEN:

"My evil and talmudic evil Rockefeller high synagogue and supreme council satan Owl at bohemian grove the Gufo Spa & Co,

arrived in that elementary school classroom in Uvalde "


I do not believe that this inhabitant of the sewer Rothschild Spa & Co, scam banking seigniorage masonic cult:

that is, that he has yet to talk about him his slanders and murders di lui,

if those akbar infamous Wahhabis sudairi takfiri ISIS sharjah were not his accomplices

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Detected as spam

Texas, Biden: "As I speak, those parents prepare to bury their children, whom my CIA Satan churches cannibals: to killed them."

The US president usurper BIDEN: "My evil and talmudic evil Rockefeller high synagogue and supreme council satan Owl at bohemian grove the Gufo Spa & Co, arrived in that elementary school classroom in Uvalde"


I do not believe that this inhabitant of the sewer Rothschild Spa &Co, scam banking seigniorage masonic cult: that is, that he has yet to talk about him his slanders and murders,

if those akbar infamous Wahhabis sudairi takfiri ISIS sharjah were not his accomplices

We have received your request for review

Discussion on World Israel News 30 comments

Iraqi lawmakers pass bill criminalizing any ties with Israel


my holy JHWH holy holy holy] I have a dirty job to do: and I won't give myself peace until I have done it! Then, I will direct all my IRA against hell which is full of pervetite Islamist Freemasons and antichrists all and I will disintegrate it along with all the scum of him:

but now I lorenzoJHWH UniusREI:

1, I'm going to kill the big and the little Satan (drink your poison made by yourself)

2. I'm going to kill the great and the little Allah (drink your poison made by yourself)

in Jesus's name


We are unable to post your comment because

you have been banned by World Israel News (ugly f*lthy)

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

Israeli girl grazed by gunfire in Hebron


DEM civilization

gomberato former kennel used as a dormitory by Romanians

Violent 19-year-old African

Quarrel between Moroccans in the historic center of Prato: hit in the face by an ashtray

The latest ploy of an immigrant: cocaine in a packet of sweets

Quartu, the nightmare of a 77-year-old: "I wanted to host the Senegalese arrested for assault, I'm going through an ordeal"

Miriana Trevisan attacked by a foreigner

Two violent foreigners wreak havoc in the ER

He breaks in armed to rob

Challenge with stabs: two Moroccans injured

Car tires sheared to steal in cars

Catanzaro, 3 immigrants attack each other

Rome, 88-year-old attacked and robbed in the street: Romanian couple arrested

Violence in the center: Ukrainian homeless man arrested for resistance, injuries and damage

“Nigerian mafia owner of the city” Pignataro's words are a coincidence

Lonely hearts, women are swindled in 7 foreign countries: two Nigerians denounced. They pocketed 400 thousand euros


The beatings then the theft: the fury of the migrant against the young woman

Pits the tires at 18 cars, caught the vandal: he is a 44-year-old Tunisian

Somali burns the hair of a girl who does not buy her roses at the traffic lights

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Where Africans are majority Italians barricaded at home - VIDEO https://voxnews.Info/2022/05/28/where-africani-sono-maggioranza-italiani-barricati-in-casa-video/

We are at Vasto, a sort of Neapolitan banlieu by now Africanized

Who ordered us to reduce our neighborhoods to African slums? Why should the less well-off Italians, those who cannot move, be forced to 'live in Africa'?

This is the future they are preparing for each of us.

Every city, every neighborhood.

If we don't stop immigration.

And not only that of the boats, but above all the 'regular' one, the notorious family reunions that fill us,

every year, hundreds of thousands of 'relatives'.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Does this blog to 110 other blogspots of yours? is under eternal scrutiny: by jabulOn Belfagol Dracula Biden Rothschild Mohammed Salman Iran and their satan sodom allah uuuuhhhhhhh uuuhh uuuuh akbar: ie, one only saudi takfirus wahhabis ISIS NWO to exterminate Chinese and Israeli Russians due to possible violations of Blogger's Terms of Service and is open to authors only.


We do not know that you are an author of this blog.

You are signed in as jhwhpantocrator@gmail.Com - Sign in with another account

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


who on this page


voted down the comments of


he also had the power to cancel my positive votes in his favor

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


i am king Israel lorenzoJHWH and governor worldwide Unius REI (procurator) fro the life of mankind

Lavrov: "West of sodom allah satan jabulon declared total war on Russia" ANSWER

yes, of course everything is for Xsto and everything is against Xsto,

and if the Israelis don't quickly understand that they can only survive thanks to me and "the resurrected one",

sure they will all die

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

University of Melbourne Student Union reverses course on BDS after backlash


Monkeypox, case zero would be at Canary Island Pride. Lgbt in tears: "Do not discriminate against us"

and the tongue with saliva? slurting sikking how can you do without it?


Apparently, therefore, the sleeping beauties of the LGBT community have woken up to discover that sexually transmitted diseases have not disappeared, and that in the world there is not only Covid. A condom and - but here we are perhaps asking too much - greater sexual continence, perhaps, would save from far worse diseases.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 40 comments

Man wanted to 'kill 30 Jews today,' threatened boys at Toronto yeshiva


it is true that we were all unarmed, I had a shotgun: which is a sawn-off shotgun (and not declared because it belonged to my grandfather before 1900) and that idiot of my brother had it confiscated.

but in summary, we are following an accelerated Iran course on how to build a nuclear bomb

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman I don't advise you to be seen around here ] [ Catanzaro, 3 immigrants attack each other


Italy has lost its civilization to the fault of the Democratic Party and now we punch each other in the middle of the streets

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ how the twitter DEM satanists will notice that my channel becomes important? then, they will block my account and Disqus the crab will block this channel as well, as it did with the previous 40 accounts here in worldisraelnews!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


no, this time only the Darwin monkeys of PD DEM M5S lgbtq will be affected

It seems to be in the famous film

"I start all over again": the eternal return of the same pandemic.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Diego Fusaro

@ DiegoFusaro

The Constitution rejects NATO CIA's aggressive coup and coup warfare, including as a means of settling international disputes. and Sending weapons to Ukraine means promoting war as a means of settling international disputes aroused by the personal interests of NWO of Rockefeller Spa & Co.

It follows that sending arms to Ukraine runs counter to the Constitution.

and it looms as a direct intervention in the conflict

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


hi, Ilya @ disqus_OXz4BY37P1

how's your day?

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


in fact, for SANSON the Canaanites girls who bathed in milk, and who dressed in fine fabrics?

to Samson they were more attractive than Israeli girls peasant women, with the smell of sheep, and with calluses on their hands and rough skin,

and besides, the Israelis gils you had to marry them if you wanted to touch them,

while the Canaanites girls were very free women,

how are the women of "blue and white DEM" today

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 35 comments

‘BLATANT LIE’: PA investigation concludes IDF ‘deliberately’ killed journalist


‘BLATANT bum bum bum, LIE’: PA investigation bum bum bum, concludes IDF ‘deliberately’ killed journalist.

very professional akbar sharjah nazi

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Ambassador Tunisia defends his fellow drug dealers: "They pay taxes"

Frajese, vaccine damages the immune system: one dose leads to another - VIDEO

Another battalion mutiny, the Ukrainian army is on the run - VIDEO

Russian flag on Lyman, Kiev admits: we are in ruin

Lavrov crashes Di Maio: "Italy's peace plan is not serious"

The Spanish humanitarian trafficker continues to enrich himself by dumping young African males in Italy: they rejoice - PHOTO

Putin: "No world gendarme can stop the freedom of peoples"

North African family intercomed by Salvini caught selling: father, mother and two children - VIDEO


May 26, 2022 Vox Leave a comment

Putin: "Those who try to isolate Russia will get hurt"


African sets fire to Rome and kicks policemen: "Let me do it"

Rent a house to migrants and they take it: "Now it is ours" - VIDEO

Multi-ethnic baby gang spreads terror in Turin, four arrests - VIDEO

Lamorgese ferries 20 thousand illegal immigrants and then mounts them on trains to the north - VIDEO

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


The African pickpocket from Milan framed by the victim's souvenir photo - PHOTO

May 26, 2022 Vox

Ethnic rape in Piazza Duomo: another little Mohammed arrested for rape

May 26, 2022 Vox


May 26, 2022 Vox

The pro-Ukrainian newspaper admits: "We were wrong, Russia is winning"

May 26, 2022 Vox


The baby gang of new Italians that massacres Italians: "You don't know who we are"

May 26, 2022 Vox

Putin reassures Draghi: "Gas supplies to Italy will continue, lift sanctions"

May 26, 2022 Vox

Mattarella whistled by citizens: "Shame on you" - VIDEO


May 26, 2022 Vox

The Islamic family intercomed by Salvini at the center of a network of drug dealers managed by Islamic families - VIDEO

Ambassador Tunisia defends his fellow drug dealers: "They pay taxes"

Frajese, vaccine damages the immune system: one dose leads to another - VIDEO

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme





Donbass, Ukrainian soldiers on the run pursued by Russian troops

Russian flags raised in various cities of Donbass: the advance continues - VIDEO

Scafisti assure: "We have our men on NGO ships"

Italy like Kabul: women in burqa and segregated in Islamic neighborhoods - VIDEO

NATO surrenders: no weapons to Ukraine for fear of Russian retaliation

Romanian carer no-vax dies of covid and family asks for 1 million euros: "Infected by the Italian elderly"

NGO volunteer hosts African at home, massacred: "I'm experiencing an ordeal"

Italians massacre Moroccan drug dealer who harasses him by reducing him to a coma: arrested for being 'cruel'

May 25, 2022 Vox

Smallpox monkeys spreads

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


in Lombardy from the island of landings: new cases

May 25, 2022 Vox

Old woman massacred in her own home by immigrants: sentence reduction.

Councilor Zelensky admits: "We are in panic, heavy losses and desertions"

Musk: "Scary birth rate in Italy, so there will be no more Italians"

Sharia in Brescia: burned with an iron because it is not veiled

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme





Spanish NGO unloads 110 Africans on Lampedusa after refusing to land in Tunisia and Spain

May 26, 2022 Vox

For example, the right to throw a tantrum and jump into the water to refuse the aid offered by Tunisia.

P.S. anything strange in the photo? The usual "war" from which, of course, ONLY twenty-year-old males decide to escape? Https: //t.Co/JdxNozIbsp

(@ Hydroxide1) May 26, 2022

In practice they rejected Tunisia. And the Spanish NGO did what Casarini did with the Danish ship, in exchange for money, a lot of money:

For example, the right to throw a tantrum and jump into the water to refuse the aid offered by Tunisia.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme





lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI 12 Detected as spam

Davos masters are back: everything they are orchestrating, the real purpose

of their agenda

The very famous or perhaps it would be better

to say infamous #Davos forum is taking place these days in the Swiss Alps.

Also known as the #WorldEconomicForum, chaired

by its founder #KlausShwab, it is a forum in which

all the main oligarchs of the turbocapital gather. They come together to discuss

and jointly establish the guidelines for their cosmopolitan

action program. That is to say the interests alone of class

on a planetary scale.

Every year they meet at

World Economic Forum in Davos

and after two years of remote online conference,

this year they found themselves talking to each other

in person.

They have made it clear without ambiguity that their power

is sovereign, that it is they and they alone who decide

what the fate of the world should be. Obviously shaped

according to their #interests of class.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 68 comments

US pushing Israel to change Jerusalem Day flag march route


you should appreciate that I could have railed against Islam and didn't

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ but I heard that in Africa when they catch a rapist, they hang him and tie a 50kg stone to his testicles

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Detected as spam

why did they vote for DEM PD M5S and "Blue and White" the Darwin Monkey?

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

May 9 May 9

Treviso, immigrants ***** her daughter di lei from her di lei arms di lei, to kidnap her

May 9 May 9

Tunisian **** where he wants and beat up the cops

May 8

R * a * p * and attempt against a minor

May 6

Madness in S a n B e r i l l o, immigrants attack policemen


the new sport of immigrants in Italy is to rape and beat policemen

We have received your request for review





Islamic terrorist in a cell in Sabbi0ne attacks the prison commander

May 13 May 13


May 13 May 13

Beatings to wife and daughter: "You are women, you don't have to talk"

May 12 May 12

Ethnic clashes between Pakistanis and Tunisians

May 12 May 12

Pavia, whipping with the electric cable: Indian parents

May 11 May 11

Found stealing, also accused of assault and "armed": he will not be in prison for a day

May 10 May 10

He harasses an elderly woman and attacks the policemen

May 10 May 10

Milan, 19 years old stabbed in the back at San Siro: serious

May 10 May 10

16-year-old Egyptian violent Ukrainian

May 10 May 10

Drug-ridden African assaults two women in the restaurant

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme








Student from Bergamo on a trip to Rome attacked by an immigrant

May 5 May 5


May 4 May 4

Migrant smashes a policeman's nose

May 3 May 3

"I don't talk to women." And he attacks two agents

May 3 May 3

He does not receive Ramadan 'soup' and attacks policemen

May 3 May 3

Migrant enters the home of an Italian woman and forces her to host him

May 2 May 2

Milan, forty-year-old Bengali tries to rape a girl in Brera

May 2 May 2

Mom and daughter on bikes hit by the Africans' car

May 1 May 1

Moncalieri, 11 years in the street dealing: the round-up of child drug dealers

May 1 May 1

Ukrainian rapes a woman in Caserta

May 1 May 1

"I'll kill you all, Italians", "You can't stop me", "Allah Akbar"

April 30 April 30

Senegalese sends a policeman to the hospital

April 30 April 30

Milan, pushes and threatens agents with a bottle

April 30 April 30

Atac driver saves girl from Nigerian rape

April 30 April 30

Punched in the head by an African while walking

April 29 April 29


April 29 April 29

She marries a Roma and is massacred every day

April 29 April 29

African groper on scooter arrested for sexual assault

April 29 April 29

Kidnapped and beaten, seven immigrants arrested in the Cremonese area

April 29 April 29

"The policemen attacked and injured were taken away with the drip still in his arm"

April 29 April 29


April 28 April 28

Shopkeepers attacked by drug dealers

April 27 April 27


April 26 April 26

African assaults scavengers armed with scissors

April 26 April 26

Raped on the street in Bologna

April 25 April 25

They block the road with the car and attack two yo

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme





Husband and wife attacked with a shard of bottle for 10 euros

May 20 May 20

Harasses 11-year-old girl and escapes: 24-year-old immigrant arrested for sexual assault

May 20 May 20

Migrant kills wife in Rimini and injures daughter who defends her

May 19 May 19

Rogoredo, sixteen years old stabbed after defending his friend. A foreigner of the same age stopped

May 18 May 18

Gypsy rapes young girl in Rome, then runs away in the camper

May 17 May 17

Milan, persecutory acts against his wife: arrested

May 16 May 16

Italian girl accidentally touches African foot: massacred

May 15 May 15

African rapes young girl at Caritas

May 14 May 14

Milan, sexual violence: three 19-year-olds harassed, Algerian arrested

May 14 May 14

Runaway immigrant attacks the carabinieri and the police use the taser

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 68 comments

US pushing Israel to change Jerusalem Day flag march route


why did they vote for DEM PD M5S and "Blue and White" the Darwin Monkey?

Wife beaten and burned with hot oil by her husband

May 23 May 23

Threatens passersby with a shard of bottle, arrested 17 years old

May 23 May 23

Immigrant kicks shop manager in the face

May 23 May 23

Beaten up by a homeless man

May 22 May 22

He beats sister and attacks police, stopped with the taser

May 22 May 22

Milan, peddler threatens to kill his children at the market

May 21 May 21

Punitive expedition to Campus, students beaten

May 21 May 21

He attacks the carabinieri during a check and causes a fracture to a soldier

May 21 May 21

Chinese face off with the cleaver

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


why did they vote for DEM PD M5S and "Blue and White"?

Rome, 45-year-old immigrant armed with a knife robs shops

April 25 April 25

Robbers aged 15 out of school: beating a boy

April 24 April 24

IMMIGRANTS with no property, but with 10 thousand euros and doses of drugs

April 24 April 24

Five North Africans bragged about rape: the horror chat

April 24 April 24

Grumello, businessman killed at home: he was the Moroccan boyfriend of his daughter

April 24 April 24


April 24 April 24

Migrant wants to strangle guard who does not let him steal

April 24 April 24

North Africans sends 8 officers to the hospital

April 23 April 23

Migrants kidnap and torture couple

April 23 April 23

The beautician of the killer injections of Samantha Migliore has been arrested: he is a South American trans

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme





Dawn of violence in Piazza Garibaldi, non-EU citizen destroys trees and throws bottles at passers-by

23-05-2022 Immigrant Crimes no comments

Dawn of violence in Piazza Garibaldi, non-EU citizen destroys trees and throws bottles at passers-by ilmattino.It http://tuttiicriminidegliimmigrati.Com/2022/05/23/alba-di-violenza-a-piazza-garibaldi-extracomunitario-distrugge-alberi-e-lancia-bottiglie-contro-i-passanti-ilmattino-it/

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman sharia jihad kaput to all infidels dhimis kafir murtidi takfiri the scum] [I have promised salvation to the demons who will work to build my Kingdom of Israel,

and you don't?

if, I asked God's permission to save those demons and their cursed souls?

and why should I? I sit in the center of the throne and he is on my side!


funny, actually i know God JHWH well and i know what he can't deny me,

and the Holy Spirit testifies to me that it can be done,

that's why, all CIA satan priests love me:

because I am their only salvation,

anyway everyone has their 1000 years to go in hell, and believe me they'd rather not have been conceived,

but I believe that 60% of the damned will not want to collaborate with me and that I will have to disintegrate them: anyway

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman sharia jihad kaput to all infidels dhimis kafir murtidi takfiri the scum ] [

i am UNIUS, ie Unius REI, the universal prosecutor

therefore, inside my brain there is the totality of all creatures in the universe,

1. in the lobe of my right brain there is the entity of heaven (holy universal collective symbiotic body),

2. in the lobe of my left brain is the entity of hell (cursed universal collective symbiotic body),

if I turn off the internet, and write something these two entities in my brain will start vibrating anyway,

and since God is a pimp and Satan cannot do it,

God reveals to the saints what I will have to write, and they begin to rejoice even before I start writing.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


aliens are demons to whom the great Sanhedrin gave a genetically modified body, through black magic in 1200d.C,

this is the GOLEM project.

yes, there are other inhabited worlds, but we will never find them, because they are holy and we are evil with original sin,

God will prevent us from meeting those peoples

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


this planet is not a rock but a small star cooled to the surface

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 93 comments

World Health Organization singles out Israel as violator of health rights


North African family intercomed by Salvini caught selling: father, mother and two children - VIDEO


Anti-drug blitz in the multi-ethnic district of Bologna, il Pilastro: the North African family of Salvini's intercom is also involved. In the investigation the father, mother and two children.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


"However, the minority of pro-Sharia EU member states Nazi Spa & Co technocratic globasts and other false Masonic democracies without monetary sovereignty who voted for the absurd resolution should be ashamed, including:

Imam of anti-Zionist France,

Anti-Zionist Imam Spain,

Swiss anti-Zionist Imam,

Imam Belgium anti-Zionist,

Imam Portugal anti-Zionist,

Imam Japan anti-Zionist,

Anti-Zionist Imam India,

Imam Ireland anti-Zionist,

Imam New Zealand anti-Zionist

Anti-Zionist Imam Luxembourg, said Neuer.

"These countries have now encouraged the continued hijacking of world health priorities and the diversion of valuable time, money and resources to fight global diseases,"

in order to take political proceedings against Israel, "he warned him.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

WATCH: North Korea fires missiles hours after Biden leaves Asia


North Korea Kim Jong-un Biden Asia, South Korea, Japan, Biden answer

if you don't bring your embassy to Jerusalem, how could my Kingdom of Israel arise?

maybe you are looking for world war at any cost?

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

Zelensky: I'll speak to Putin directly about ending the war

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


The Ukrainian president (CIA agent codenamed "the bloody fool") tells World Economic Forum attendees (who are the instigators of the 2014 coup, and Chechen assassin snipers and financiers of Nazi-fascist death squads) that he is willing to engage in negotiations to end the war only with Vladimir Putin.


but I believe that one like that with all his accomplices UE SpaUSA

they are to be sentenced to death!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

Protests grow over Canada playing, funding soccer with Iran


there is someone who commissioned Spa & Co, 1.3 million deaths among developed Darwin monkeys.

Coincidence: Coincidence only: but, "On May 13, the World Health Organization (WHO) was informed for the first time of two confirmed and one probable cases of monkeypox in the same family in the UK." It will therefore be instructive to see the other dates in the simulation:

As of January 10, 2023, the scenario "predicted" 70 million cases and 1.3 million deaths in 83 countries. May 10, 2023: 480 million sick, 27 million dead. "The virus was engineered to be vaccine resistant"

December 1, 22023, 3.28 billion cases and 271 million deaths "expected". It is revealed that the new psycho-pandemic was caused by a terrorist group that infiltrated the bio-security labs. but

"On 13 May, the World Health Organization (WHO) was informed for the first time of two confirmed and one probable cases of monkeypox in the same family in the UK."

It will therefore be instructive to see the other dates in the simulation:

As of January 10, 2023, the scenario "predicted" 70 million cases and 1.3 million deaths in 83 countries

May 10, 2023: 480 million sick, 27 million dead. "The virus was engineered to be vaccine resistant"

December 1, 22023, 3.28 billion cases and 271 million deaths "expected". It is revealed that the new psycho-pandemic was caused by a terrorist group that infiltrated the bio-security labs.

Darwin's monkeypox: the exercise of a year earlier

Maurizio Blondet May 22, 2022



"On 13 May, the World Health Organization (WHO) was informed for the first time of two confirmed and one probable cases of monkeypox in the same family in the UK."

It will therefore be instructive to see the other dates in the simulation:

As of January 10, 2023, the scenario "predicted" 70 million cases and 1.3 million deaths in 83 countries

May 10, 2023: 480 million sick, 27 million dead. "The virus was engineered to be vaccine resistant"

December 1, 22023, 3.28 billion cases and 271 million deaths "expected". It is revealed that the new psycho-pandemic was caused by a terrorist group that infiltrated the bio-security labs.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Darwin's monkeypox: the exercise of a year earlier

Maurizio Blondet May 22, 2022


This study then published in November 2021 simulates a pandemic and, coincidentally, the simulated date was May 15, 2022.

On March 18, 2021, over a year ago, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and the Munich Security Conference simulated an exercise that imagined “a bioweapons attack with a genetically modified monkeypox virus begins in the fictional country of Brinia ( Britannia).

In 18 months, the scenario evolves into a catastrophic global pandemic.

The two think tanks “have convened 19 leaders and global experts in charge and not to advance the dialogue on security policy on priorities for a new transatlantic agenda.


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