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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

I asked Putin for peace but he made a terrible mistake

Iran ‘has covert presence in Red Sea,’ says top defense researcher

the killer with a bad conscience expects the worst and prepares for the worst

Iran "has a secret presence in the Red Sea," says the chief defense researcher

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI"Europe is the daughter of Judaism and Catholicism, not of Islam" by Giulio Meotti May 21

Interview for the newsletter with the French teacher under escort Fatiha Boudjahlat on Macron ("arsonist like Nero") who appoints one of the leaders of the woke pro-Islam left, who denigrates the "French genius" as "chauvinist, masculine and white" as Minister of Education "and who attended meetings from which whites were excluded. "Progressives and Islamists are united in the desire to overwhelm the West and Europe ..."
lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

i am king and jewish messia lorenzoJHWH

 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments

Biden signs $40B for Ukraine assistance during Asia trip
Residents get their belongings out of their Russian bombing-ruined home in Irpin near Kiev.


I don't think the Ukrainian people are guilty of anything:

because they were the victims of the German Nazi-fascists Merkel of the CIA: the Satanists and of the EU sodomites, for all these 8 years from the CIA coup to today.

however what they are suffering today they have made to suffer at the Donbass for 8 years and they have not noticed?

1 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Bin ISIS Salman Allah Spa & Co Satan have blocked all my intellectual work for the past 15 years! ] [This blog is under review due to possible violations of the Blogger Terms of Service and is open to authors only.


We do not know that you are an author of this blog.

You are signed in as imjeshuachristmessiah@gmail.Com - Sign in with another account

1 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

Netherlands denies sponsoring public meeting advocating prosecution of Israel


"I am worried about two things for the life of the government: the Zan law and the Cinquestelle no to waste-to-energy plants in Rome as in Liguria" said the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, on the sidelines of the regional assembly of 'Ideal Lombardy', to Milan. "Thinking of putting the government at risk and dropping it, leaving rubbish on the street in Rome - explains Salvini - is something absolutely meaningless. Waste must be energy. We lack energy, let's transform it into energy, wealth and a clean environment. they say no ". by Daniele Alberti

"I do not forgive having dismantled industry 4.0, Ilva and trying to sabotage Tap - continues Calenda in the tweet - I do not forgive the mockery of the Italians, having reduced my city to a garbage dump and the fake opportunist pacifism. You must disappear. ".


the Jewish-Freemason antichrist DEM PD M5S lgbtq destroyed Italy in an ideological way!

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Forcella rebels. The population of the historic center of Naples was indignant at what happened last week. It is Sunday evening, when a motorcycle launched at full speed in a raid through the narrow alleys, perhaps as a display of strength, and overwhelms a girl who is serving at a restaurant. She falls to the ground, badly injured. The scooter remains in place. Shortly after the perpetrators of the raid return, they attack the restaurant staff and also two Spanish tourists, one of whom is wounded with a knife. Then they run away.


the Jewish-Freemason antichrist DEM Pd M5S Bildenberg lgbtq destroyed Italy in an ideological way!

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


The Netherlands denies sponsoring a public meeting in support of Israel's prosecution


if this anti-Zionist crime lgbq of the Jewish-Freemason antichrist tecnocratic neoliberilism takes place on their territory?

they are still responsible!

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Britain would like to send useless weapons also to Moldova, to protect it from the threat of invasion by Russia, the foreign minister the witch Liz Truss said.


there is no Russian invasion, but only a securing of the Russian-speaking populations,

therefore the diction: "police operation" is an olitically precise diction!

while there is a worldwide annexation project by NATO Spa & Co. OTAN satan sodom allah,

since then, either the allahs: they will kill the sodom satans, or it will be vice versa!

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Turin city council, the minority splits on the issue of the legitimate rights of mothers


but here we forget that Turin is the capital of Italian Satanism,

and that it was they who set the Basilica on fire to destroy the SHROUD

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Right to abortion. The Archbishop of San Francisco attacks the witch Nancy Pelosi and denies her communion


out of the dogs of BERGOGLIO from the house of God!

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


war crimes?

all those who fight between houses deserve the immediate death penalty!

they do not take prisoners of war in that case!

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


#delusion #FdI #Crosetto: «Silvio also against the EPP. He is chasing the polls on the war in Ukraine "

#Melons #FdI #Crosetto is the biggest disappointment of my life,

that's why in Italy there are many new small parties emerging,

because you cannot stay with the NWO NATO 666 Otan in order to govern during the third world war already planned decades ago.

#delusion #Melons #FdI #Crosetto #delusion

And Salvini?

«Salvini has embraced the path of pacifism. And there it is. However, he surprises one aspect:

he has always supported the legitimate defense of those who shoot a thief, who enters your house;

a principle that, now, it does not adopt in the face of the invasion of an entire state.

[the CIA with the coup, and with his personnel: it has invaded an entire state! ]

But an entire state entering your home is more dangerous than a thief. Or am I wrong? Not to mention the inviolability of borders ".

#Melons #FdI #Crosetto #delusion

Meaning what?

"How can you fight a mammoth political battle if a small boat of immigrants (40,000 each year

by Allah uuh akbar) enters Lampedusa, and then not fight a million times bigger if thousands of tanks are violating the borders? In short, for Berlusconi and Salvini the borders are inviolable

if a boat enters Lampedusa or if the tanks enter? ».

#delusione #Meloni #FdI #Crosetto #delusione why now for the first time they talk about "barchetta"?

and what is left of the sterile birth rate of the Italian people?

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


#FdI #Crosetto: «Silvio also against the EPP. He is chasing the polls on the war in Ukraine "

#Melons #FdI #Crosetto is the biggest disappointment of my life,

that's why in Italy there are many new small parties emerging,

because you cannot stay with the NWO NATO 666 Otan in order to govern during the third world war already planned decades ago

1 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


"For Azovstal ready to ask Russia for billions of dollars" On the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol "we are documenting the losses and damages, a special legal team works on it tirelessly. But yes, we can use an international court to ask the Russian Federation for damages from the losses "and" it will be a rather heavy claim for damages of up to tens of billions of dollars. In addition, the length of the occupation counts: "The longer it continues, the higher the bill". This is what Yuriy Ryzhenkov, managing director of the Metinvest group that controls the steel plant, told Corriere della Sera.


these criminals of Rothschild Spa&Co. imperialism if they do not end up in a pit soon,

they will all be forced to flee to the UK which is the branch of evil!

What if Satana Allah Sodoma they don't give Putin everything he wants right away? I will take all of Ukraine

1 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

Netherlands denies sponsoring public meeting advocating prosecution of Israel


of course! certainty: Monkeypox Darwin Spa & Co, Freemasons and technocrats Pd DEM lgbtqia,

hypothesis: "it is a new, more transmissible variant"

I will put you all, like Job: on the ashes, all naked to scratch your scabs with a shard

1 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


OCI UMMA nazi genocide Bin ISIS Erdogan Salman: substitution theology] : theology UMMA institution]

boy, did you go looking for it!

1 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


In fact, Mohammed (the fulfillment of all the prophets of the devil) did not make the dogs wear the burqua

1 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Afghanistan, the challenge of journalists: face uncovered on TV on the first day of the ban.


Mohammed (the fulfillment of all the prophets of the devil) preferred the hole of Aischa, because baby she was nine years old.

then, but he hated dogs and women,

but he hated women more than dogs!

may the infernal Sharia peace be upon him, and upon them throughout the Arab league OCI UMMA

1 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


condolences! premature deaths are dead saved! the divine farmer picks the fruit at his best time! condolences and prayers: he needs it so much!

but, the spike molecules and graphene wear out the veins, infections and internal bleeding on the agenda. #noCorrelation!

Bologna, 21 May 2022 - "How am I? How can a father who has lost a son stay, he will never pass".

Domenico Merlo, father of Michele Merlo (aka Mike Bird), the unfortunate singer,

told Verissimo on tv on channel 5

(formerly of Amci and X-Factor), who died on 6 June 2021 at the Maggiore hospital in Bologna,

due to a cerebral hemorrhage caused

from fulminant leukemia.

An investigation by the Vicenza Public Prosecutor's Office is underway for Merlo's death to clarify whether there are any responsibilities on the part of the doctors. The only suspect is the general practitioner

of Rosà

(Bassano del Grappa) which on May 26 was the first to visit the vast bruises

di Merlo, once it was held that by the doctors of the Vergato and Maggiore hospitals, where respectively Merlo went while he was staying with his girlfriend,

there was nothing more to be done to save him at the time of the visits made here.

Michele Merlo death, the infinite pain of his father on TV

For the first time Michele's father appears on TV, after the death of his son.

"We try to remember the good things and remove the bad ones

- Domenico Merlo explains with eyes shining from pain and emotion to the host Silvia Toffanin -.

We face the difficulties of two parents who have lost the only child they had.


and why did you have only one child? why did you vote for the Democratic Party? Now?

Three murders with the pickaxe, Kabobo sentenced to 20 years,

now how does he get out of jail? thanks to the democratic party, Kabobo will be your caregiver!

1 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Washington calls Moscow "We demand an immediate ceasefire" (article on main permanent news page)

CIA Erdogan NATO EU US ignited fire with the coup,

CIA Erdogan NATO EU US have been adding fuel to the fire for eight years;

CIA Erdogan NATO EU US made the pogroms;

CIA Erdogan NATO EU US repressed opposition parties;

CIA Erdogan NATO EU US have made the various agreements of Minsk1, Minsk2 fail;

CIA Erdogan NATO EU US have made entry into NATO in the Ukrainian constitution.

CIA Erdogan NATO EU US amassed 150,000 armed men against donbass

CIA Erdogan NATO EU US have sworn to take back the CRIMEA.

CIA Spa & Co. Erdogan NATO EU US the Nazis have no respect for the life and sovereignty and universal plebiscite of the Russian-speaking peoples!

1 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

Gantz visits White House, thanks US for 'commitment to security cooperation'


Bin ISIS Rockefeller Salman] [meanwhile, instead of thinking about the love and justice that I can give you?

you go discussing among yourselves how I can punish you

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ I have been telling you for more than 10 years that I am Unius REI,

and you could have reached me: by my way of reasoning,

but what if you don't see signs and wonders? you don't believe!

then, only the priests of satan of the 33rd have faith left on this planet

because they believe me!


in the eye of lucifer Masonic pyramid Saruman Spa & Co. Rockefeller?

there are 33 degrees Masonic and 33 demonic degrees,

I believe that my friend: AudioHostem183, the world director of youtube, he must belong to the demonic 20th degree

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ Technocratic Jews Nazi Lgbt Spa & Co, and Muslim Sharia Nazi genocide cult: they are a deadly threat to civil society even today.

that's why all diaspora Jews must all return to my Saudi desert of Egyptian Madiana-Sinai,

otherwise, if the Spa & Co: are not destroyed, then even the Sharia law cannot be stopped

and, therefore, the human race would be lost 100%

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ and why we the Catholic Kings and Monarchs, why didn't we exterminate all the Jews and were forced to expel them?

because it was not easy for us to distinguish the plutocratic masonic cannibals Rockefeller Rothschild, Lapid, Benny Gantz, Jake Sullivan,

by the saints as Zionists like Netanjahu,

so it is only for the sake of Netanjahu's grandparents that there are still Jews in the world today!

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


the world director of youtube: Synnek1 18AudioHostem said to me: "would you be the father of a child that you don't know whose it is?"

in fact, the satanist girls (the doe) are killed during orgies, which is why the fate of those fetus children is a doomed destiny .. the plutocratic DEMs at the Bohemian Grove: the god Baal Owl, of the synagogue and of the supreme council of FED Spa & Co, Rockefeller Kissinger Bush Obama?

they will answer for these crimes

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Gantz visits the White House,


the White House henceforth, must be called: "the black house"

because it is founded on 30,000 churches of satan, which according to the CIA report make 100,000 human sacrifices on the altar of satan every year, in the USA alone, and since the abortions of satanists are not counted, then the number could even be a million of human sacrifices on the altar of satan

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments

Hospital violence in Israel: Arabs attack staff 2nd time in two days


when you do abortion, euthanasia, uterus for rent, gene therapies with abortion cell lines, transplants without organ traceability?

then, you have lost the credibility of the Hippocratic Oath!

and it is legitimate, rightly or wrongly, to harbor suspicions


Hospital violence in Israel: Arabs attack staff 2nd time in two days

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

Boris Johnson 'heartily sickened' by disruption of kosher food supply


bureaucracy is always a deaf and dumb demon: when the lobbying Masonic mafia takes control of the parasitic state, demonic neoliberal high constitutional treason lgbtq and his jabulon scam banking seigniorage, stolen from enslaved peoples,

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is a bully, a corrupt scum with the Bildenbergs, becouse sinagogue of satana SpaCo, City London regime ENTITY esoteric demonnic sodomitic power and talmud genda

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

Netanyahu wants to see coalition fall - even at expense of IDF vets


"All this, while the left has been crowded with files for almost a year and does not apologize for a moment for having sold the country to supporters of terrorism."

The source added that "without a backbone and the ability to resist the hypocrisy of the left, we will not be able to gain public trust and return to lead Israel."


we will tell the veterans that we will support this law: increased, and enhanced by compensation, when we build a government of true Zionists

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Dracula rockefeller Spa&co, rothschild ] [ I tried for 4 years, to talk to your satanists TROLL here, but it was not a fair relationship

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

WATCH: Lag B'Omer celebrations marked by joy and sorrow



Can exogenous vaccine mRNAs entering human DNA actually cause harm to the human body?

“Therefore, exogenous mRNAs (those from COVID mRNA vaccines, ed) that enter human DNA can actually cause harm to the human body? According to Dr. Lin, it depends on the insertion site and the […] Read More

May 21, 2022 - Blog editorial by Sabino Paciolla

Mgr Crepaldi: Globalism and globalization: the world after the pandemic

I am happy to receive public. Globalism and globalization: the world after the pandemic S.E. Mons. Giampaolo Crepaldi Bishop of Trieste - Italy In this conversation I propose to carry out my intervention [...] Read more

May 21, 2022 - Sabino Paciolla

Two Catholic priests found guilty of "hate speech" for an academic article criticizing homosexual clergy

Fr Dariusz Oko has to pay a fine of 3,150 euros and his publisher Fr Johannes Stöhr has to pay 4,000 euros for having written and published an article entitled: “On the need to curb [...] Read more

May 21, 2022 - Blog editorial by Sabino Paciolla

The abdication of the exercise of critical thinking in favor of a surreal subjection is a clear signal of a dangerous and disheartening drift in the Catholic world

Egr. Dr. Paciolla, forgive me if I ask you about the interview with Francis Collin published in "Tracce" and mentioned by a reader: what she expressed unfortunately does not surprise me. Even without […] Read more

May 21, 2022 - Blog editorial by Sabino Paciolla

Fantastic crossover on Draghi and his peaceful peace full of weapons sent to Ukraine .. Read more

May 20, 2022 - Blog editorial by Sabino Paciolla

COVID and regime: Interesting interview with prof. Gonzo and Cacciari

Click on the photo or at this link to see the interview.

May 20, 2022 - Blog editorial by Sabino Paciolla

Alessandro Gnocchi - Living without lies to resist the machine that compresses the heart

We relaunch the report that Alessandro Gnocchi gave at the 1st ContiamoCi National Congress! Non Praevalebunt - Bergamo 7 I 8 May 2022 Alessandro Gnocchi, a graduate in history and philosophy, is a professional journalist and [...]

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


If you oppose the progressive guards: Imam, Sharjah DEM lgbtqia? they destroy you, one way or another. Giulio Meotti

May 20. social media has become an absolute censorship for biblical-Christian thinking

In the days of the Cultural Revolution in China one would come across professors wearing

a cone-shaped paper hat, "the cap of shame". A hundred Red Guards preceded him. Two signs dangled across

his chest and shoulders. “A nostalgic feudal lord”. “A dandy who loved to dress in the Western style”.

"A corrupter of youth". "He instilled in the people the poisons of bourgeois culture".

Today, as Chinese-born professors who teach in the United States also say, a similar revolution is underway in American universities, but the reprobate no longer parade. In the most noble university in America,

a famous Greek scholar defends freedom of speech and the Classics

(which some colleagues would like to abolish as "racists") in the most sensational challenge

to ideological orthodoxy in power. Now they want to fire him for "sexual misconduct".

I interviewed him: "Horrible things happen here ...".

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Usa, no communion for Nancy Pelosi. The Bishop of San Francisco: "He is pro abortion"


the Jewish Satanist Masons DEM lgbtq NWO have appropriated the Jewish-Christian symbols

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Draghi to the students: "I asked Putin for peace but he made a terrible mistake, I found a wall"


Draghi did not realize that the NATO CIA had already started the war in Ukraine in 2014

1 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 148 comments

IDF killed Al Jazeera reporter with US funding, AOC tells 8 million viewers


Islam is without reciprocity and this problem must be addressed in all nations, and by all nations

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


UN NATO Russia India China] open letter [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez mourns only the dead who belong to the devil Allah

the other dead, those killed by the devil Allah?

for her those stink!

and this is a macabre story that has lasted for 1400 years!

but this story has to stop

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


#Israel ] open letter [ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez targets Instagram followers allah uuh akabar jihad sharia genocide nazi


but what do you do to Muslim women? womanizer sciupafemmine

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


I believe that every person must be respected in his identity,

but the lgbtq lobbies are the satanists! stop horror Addams family monsters

IFN Daily: "Disney continues its quest to groom children"

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Disney continues its quest to groom children

by Robert Siedlecki

As we all know, Disney has been captured by the radical LGBT movement and is doing all it can to indoctrinate children as young as possible in the radical LGBT agenda. For example, Disney came out strongly against a new Florida law that bans the indoctrination of public-school K-3 students in the LGBT agenda; in [...]

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IOF board member acquitted after an eight-year court ordeal

by iFamNews Staff

IOF President Brian Brown welcomes the news of Volontè's acquittal: We never removed Luca from our board or wavered in our support because we always knew he was innocent and that these charges were purely motivated by anti-life and anti-family bias.

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Outrageous: pedophile lobby censors academic journal

by Luca Marcolivio

Prostasia has fought to destigmatize pedophilia for years. Now they've succeeded in silencing an academic journal for publishing a paper that criticized the pro-pedophilia organization.

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Pride Month: when radical LGBT activists viciously come after us

by Robert Siedlecki

The message being delivered during Pride Month is loud and clear: if you hold to traditional values, which humanity adhered to for thousands of years up until about five minutes ago in the West, you are a bigot and Nazi who must be silenced.

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

Shin Bet uncovers Iranian effort to lure Israelis abroad for kidnappings


Palazzo_Chigi Italy - Government organization:

Sommacampagna, Draghi: Those who attack are always wrong. The difference between the attacker and the attacker must be kept in mind. Ukraine has become bigger and bigger because it has been helped by all its friends and because it fights and defends itself for freedom

Replying to @Palazzo_Chigi


yours are institutional lies, you are actually turned 180 degrees, the CIA made a bloody coup in 2014 and Russian-speaking pogroms for 8 years! So the Nuland coup canceled the constitution you want to impose on Donbass and Crimea

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


the judiciary and the Italian institutions are all a constitutional crime: a den of self-referential Masonic mafia barons!

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Cagliari, a desperate Nigerian bites a carabiniere and tears the skin from his arm: 36 years old in prison, we can't control the good Nigerians or the bad ones, given that 2/3 of the prisoners are immigrants.

but if in Italy you don't have the money for a lawyer, then what can you do, if the judiciary is too far away and in fact non-existent? Cagliari, bites a carabiniere and tears the skin from his arm: 36 years old in prison, the Democratic Party has made the relationship of state employees (see doctors and teachers) with users tragic!

A 36-year-old Nigerian unskilled worker is in prison in Uta (Cagliari), arrested for serious injuries, resistance and violence to a public official, who last night bitten a carabiniere, tearing his left forearm apart. The victim, a soldier from the Norm-Mobile Radio Operational Unit of the Quartu Sant'Elena company who had intervened with a colleague to quell a quarrel, was hospitalized: the attacker removed a rectangle of skin 15 centimeters long and wide eight.

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments

Honeymoon over? Turkey's FM wants to visit Temple Mount -- without Israelis


Mali, three Italians kidnapped by "armed men": a couple with a child who belongs to Jehovah's Witnesses.


then, both Satanists and Muslims think that

all those who live in the West are still Christians gone bad,

because from their point of view, we are all perverted and hopeless, we are all headed to hell.

that's why Allah gave birth to his elect Shiite Muslims,

because the Sunni ones are takfiri and they are certainly damned, too!

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Monkeypox, three confirmed cases in Italy. Vaia (Spallanzani): the virus isolated within days.

maybe there are 4 cases, I saw Mario Draghi scratching himself

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


The Pentagon shows a new video of alleged UFOs: the sighting from a military plane


the alliens have always been here, they are the demonids always, to whom Rockefeller and Rothschild have given a modified GMO biological body.

so the activity of these aliens against people in mortal sin why antichrists and anti-Zionists?

it's too scary an activity to tell you

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


the Turks have the easiest genocide of all other Muslims and they don't matter to me!

2 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


UK Conservative MP Satan jabulon marduch CIA NATO Spa & Co, City London, scam banking seigniorage: the demonic entity

British Conservative MP arrested for sexual assault


in the UK women are very enterprising, free and generous, but rape is a necessary rite for the priests of satan, and must be performed.

This is another blow to the reputation of the British Parliament, which is already seriously compromised. There are 56, it was discovered just a few weeks ago, the ladies reported for sexual abuse: that is almost one in ten.

3 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 24 comments

WATCH: ‘I’ve never voted Republican, but this time I will,’ Elon Musk says


then, this pathetic story that #Ucraina could be a sovereign nation,

or that she is fighting for her freedom to be a slave to Rothschild and her Masonic and sodomitic transnational government, okay, but, here of free in the West, there are only Rockefeller and Rothschild, in fact the whole world as slaves buy money from them in debt

this bad story? he could never convince anyone.

why if you don't have monetary sovereignty? then, you can't even have political sovereignty,

but, you see that wretched Netanjahu that Rockefeller told him:

"you are eating too many ice creams!"

3 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


[[parody]] Mario Draghi (in hell everyone calls him: "the Clarissa nun") told the children at school [[parody]] if you see a big guy (NATO CIA coup UE USA Spa & Co, FED IMF ECB NWO BM Goldman Sachs) who preys on drinking a small one (Russia) what are you doing? obviously, your instinct is to help the victim who is being beaten,

why, who starts with the violence of the CIA coup in Maidan: and with the Russian-speaking pogroms?

him the violent aggressor of the CIA Nuland Mogherini Merkel Hail Pravy sector depraved, Nazi battalion of Azov Hail?

he's always on the wrong side!

3 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


stories from the CIA Fauci Bill 666 Gates Big 322 Pharma, with his virus and his vaccine: all made Spa & Co

May 19, 2022 - Sabino Paciolla

Dr Robert Malone Leads Thousands of Scientists to Call for a Total End to "Orchestrated" COVID Crisis

The group of 17,000 medical professionals called for an end to COVID's "gene therapy injections", the restoration of medical freedom and responsibility for "crimes against humanity". Statement taken up by Lifenews. [...]

The FDA authorizes Pfizer's Booster for children aged 5-11 on the basis of data obtained from experimentation on 67 children, followed for only one month

The US Food and Drug Administration granted emergency use authorization for Pfizer's COVID-19 booster for children between the ages of 5 and 11 on 17 May, without calling [...]

The rate of SARS-CoV-2 infections in vaccinees has become a serious and relevant problem. A study in Nature says so

Interesting study by Klaus Hirschbuhl et al. published in Modern Pathology (Nature) entitled: “High viral loads: what drives the fatal cases of COVID-19 in the vaccinated? - an autopsy study ". I study, […]

The SARS-CoV2 Spike protein is a toxin (and COVID vaccines too)

The spike protein factcheckers were wrong. But people continue to suffer the consequences. So writes Dr. Robert W. Malone, pioneer of mRNA technology, in his post on his substack. [...]

3 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Rivlin Lapid do not fear little monkey: here is your messiah lorenzoJHWH who will save you

3 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


May 20, 2022 - Sabino Paciolla ] [ Further records of monkeypox cases point to a growing epidemic

"Most of the cases have been found in men who are gay, bisexual or have se* with other men, he confirmed, but he warned against focusing too much on this fact."


because there are so many Darwin monkeys than the Rockefeller Talmud Bildenberg Swab, Soros (la zoccola) and tecnocracy Spa & Co scam banking seigniorage created:

after all, they are all Jews without paternal genealogies, and with useless maternal genealogies, practically goyims of animals with a humanid form.

the only ones who have preserved their paternal genealogies are the cursed Satanists of the Tribe of DAN

3 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI





sodom satan allah jabulon one hellish sabbath UMMA UE masonic system, esoteric agenda!

In the European Parliament there is no mention of the Christian girl stoned and burned alive

by Giulio Meotti May 20

Even Italian deputies of the PD against the motion (the only Italian to vote in favor was Carlo Calenda).

In Brussels they are afraid to say the name of Deborah Samuel, mauled by Islamists because she is a Christian (one of 100,000 Christians killed in twenty years), but not of the Al Jazeera journalist.

A great book explains why: "The intellectuals, the media, the professionals of anti-racism and the politicians who follow them trivialize the daily acts of Christianophobia that lead to the death of thousands of Christians every year,

killed just because they are Christians.

A postmodern anti-Christianity, favored by cultural relativism,

from the fashion of multiculturalism, from the denial of history and from anti-Western self-hatred ... "

3 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 41 comments

Monkeypox detected in Europe, North America; no cases in Israel


and now, google has closed me, even all my 110 blogspots, and it is not known why, since I have deleted the articles that: he reported me and he did not like jabulon sodom satan and Allah

3 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


and Muslims (government companies) upload videos of Christian martyrs they kill,

to make Christians close youtube sites for copyrail,

and they succeeded:

the demonic sodality: of Satan Allah and jabulon to sodom: pedophilia: ie lgbtq, CiA SpaCo, and Sharia cult have closed / destroyed all my 100 youtube accounts: with over 300,000 videos!

3 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


New Yorkers Chant in the Streets: "From New York to Palestine, globalize the intifada."

Share on FacebookTweet WhatsappThis is what was chanted the other day in New York City in commemoration of the anniversary of the “Nakba” (catastrophe), referring to the founding of the…


a Jew said to me:

"I share her longing to save mankind: but, I will not give his message to my contacts,

because we have been exploiting the banking system for several generations, moreover,

I will be acquitted by God for lack of evidence, may Allah help her "

this scum deserves all the evil in the world!

3 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


C. S. P. B.

Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti

Cross of the Holy Father Benedict

C. S. S. M. L.

Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux

Sacred cross be my Light

N. D. S. M. D.

Not draco sit mihi dux

May the dragon not be my leader

V. R. S.

Vadre Retro satan Get away satan!

N. S. M. V.

Not Suade Mihi Vana

You will not persuade me of vain things

S. M. Q. L.

Sunt Mala Quae Libas, The things you offer me are bad

I.V. B.

Ipsa Venena Bibas

Drink your poisons by yourself

3 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments

Iranians tried kidnapping former Israeli defense minister – report


"In Kiev on 11 July, the feast of St. Benedict, patron saint of Europe"

and St. Benedict did the prayer and exorcism medallion, which made me notorious, in youtube: among all the CIA and NATO churches of satan that make 200,000 human sacrifices on satan's altar, every year, even though I I forbade him!


St. Benedict? would kick BERGOGLIO Bildenberg, Ursula the antichrist her Luciferian and LGBTQ Freemasons ..

and since St. Benedict is still the patron saint of Europe then I foresee big troubles and tribulations for all of you.

C. S. P. B.

Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti

Cross of the Holy Father Benedict

C. S. S. M. L.

Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux

Sacred cross be my Light

N. D. S. M. D.

Not draco sit mihi dux

May the dragon not be my leader

V. R. S.

Vadre Retro satan

Get away satan!

N. S. M. V.

Not Suade Mihi Vana

You will not persuade me of vain things

S. M. Q. L.

Sunt Mala Quae Libas

The things you offer me are bad

I.V. B.

Ipsa Venena Bibas

Drink your poisons yourself

3 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


Ukraine, Pinocchio Scholz defends the sending of weapons from Germany: "It is not escalation" but, Liz Truss the UK witch said: "this is our war"

Ukraine, Scholz defends the sending of weapons from Germany: "It is not escalation" The German Chancellor spoke to the Bundestag: "Putin cannot impose a diktat on peace" aka:

but we can impose a coup and genocide wherever we want, because we have the best weapons


try to legitimize a CIA coup, and pogron in Donbass for 8 years, and threaten to fire on the CRIMEA of Erdogan and stoltemberg: it is not something that NATO 666 Otan could succeed

3 lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI


1. anti-Zionists: Erdogan and his Muslim brothers "gray wolves" and "chemical white helmets" not even the cemeteries left the Armenian sharia genocide, and they did the same in Cossovo where they razed sharjah to the ground: 3000 churches, monasteries and cemeteries !

2. anti-Zionists: the sodom satan jabulon did the same: they deny their roots, because they are born from the devil Baal, Marduch and his Jezebel Elizabeth second Vatican Bildenberg: Spa & Co FED BCE IMF BM NWO scam banking seigniorage and their "entity"

Alexandr Nevsky statue demolished in Kharkiv - Video

Historical leader of the 13th century, canonized by the Orthodox Church, he is a central figure of Russian culture


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