non è una testata giornalistica

Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Hamas film hits the theaters

‘Vile’ Hamas film hits the theaters, portrays Israelis as child killers
4 inside the envelope of democracy: usury, perversion and Satanism. The final eurogolpe: Draghi recommends it by Maurizio Blondet 9 May 2022. Mario Draghi launched his "proposal" in front of an empty European parliament, because he already knew what he would say (and agrees), on 4 May: abolish in the EU the principle of unanimity. The rule is that decisions must be made by the 27 together, no one excluded. To this end, he is willing to "reform the European treaties" - previously untouchable and sacred - at breakneck speed. In this supported by Macron, who holds the six-month presidency of the EU, by the Euroligarchy who ardently desires it


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
4 Ursula Von del Satan [from Christianity to Masonic and parasitic neoliberal technocratic Satanism: the regime of Mario Draghi and Goldman Sachs] RIGHTS 666 LGBT 322, transnational Rothschild Masonic regime and state Satanism.

Euthanasia approved: the death of law

Maurizio Blondet 11 May 2022

PRESS RELEASE from Justitia in Veritate

Milan, 10 May 2022.

The draft law on euthanasia is now close to approval, with probably very broad consensus.

It is a fact that is presented by its supporters with the usual mantra of progress and alignment with countries that are more culturally advanced than ours. This gives as resolved once and for all a number of capital questions about the human condition and the meaning of associated life and of law,

psychologically and intellectually blackmailing those who are unwilling to file those questions and indeed understand the impossibility of ignoring them.

This displacement and definition, we will say perimeter of the field of discussion, is then concealed behind a linguistic register in which the solemn declamation of the principles of defense and affectionate attention of the state towards the citizen,

deforms and distorts the truth of things.

Thus the possibility of grasping the stakes and, therefore, also of establishing a serious and in-depth, albeit harsh, confrontation in this regard shifts indefinitely.

The techniques of persuasion can thus have a free field, a field whose vertices could be identified as flattery, seduction, blackmail and threat.

There is no need here to recall the fact that the area of propaganda, which is thus outlined, coincides with that of the exercise of naked power, with all that this drags along.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
4 RIGHTS 666 LGBT 322, transnational Rothschild Masonic regime and State Satanism. IN PLACE OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY "/ Rizzo: this sinister DEM PD is a deception. Maurizio Blondet 11 May 2022 In a tweet you said you were deeply opposed to the Spanish school reform which in compulsory education will replace subjects such as philosophy and history with ecofeminism and LGBTIQ + rights. Where does your criticism start from?

A. It starts from the fact that the Spanish reform does not make them additional subjects, but substitutes.

I am not opposed to studying these issues, they are against the denial of essential subjects such as history and philosophy.

These are things that could easily have been inserted into a specific subject apart, like our old civics education.

But thinking of replacing history and philosophy, that is, the foundations of critical thinking, means depriving the new generations of critical thinking.

History is the facts of the world, philosophy is the analysis of the interpretation of facts.

Q. So to prevent a maturation of those elements that allow us to face reality?

A. It means depriving what may be the elements of the construction of thought, of the construction of evaluations. It is the deconstruction of the thought of the new generations, an expedient by virtue of adapting to a standardization of single thought. Mine, I repeat, is a criticism of the replacement element, not the additional one.

Q. You have said that it is a "single thought of capitalist globalization". What exactly do you mean?

A. A communist can only be critical of this model of globalization, the model of a society where there are no longer points of reference such as history.

It means having a McDonald's on Mont Blanc like in Lipari. A general uniformity with a single god, the market.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
4 Pus*y Riot's longtime activist escapes Russia disguised as a rider.

But she had gone nowhere. The arrest warrant was only the latest act in a long judicial affair that began with a first sentence in 2012 for hooliganism aggravated by the offense to a religious confession (the Orthodox) for a protest against Putin that took place in the Church of San Salvatore.


it is good for the sc*m of Soros Rothschild tribe of DAN to come: here in the EU USA lgbtqia the antichrist

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

'Prepared for any scenario': IDF begins Israel's largest-ever military exercise
4 https://youtu.Be/r6h6AEDDKMc


the Tribe of DAN (Rockefeller Spa & Co, Rothschild) is the satanic genealogy that will reach up to the generation of the ANTICHRIST.

by lorenzoJHWH is Mahdì x ALLAH


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

WATCH: Is Russia strongman Putin having health issues?
4 Bin ISIS Salman ] [ Can Almighty JHWH holy God adjust to our situation just because we have been corrupted by original sin?

no, of course, this God will never do it! So what if you don't have a biblically valid covenant? then, your hope of not falling into hell is ZERO. (I am the third covenant of my third Jewish temple)

That's why, Jesus of Bethlehem said: "be holy, as my father who is in heaven is holy" and obviously, he knew that this was for us, it was an impossible situation to realize, since it was also impossible for the angels ( to be realized), yet, he had a strategy, which was to end up on the CROSS, to clothe ourselves with his justice and holiness.

I saw a wedding photo from the 1970s: in which the groom was also dressed in white, ok he "met his wife" "he joined his wife" only 4 times in his entire life, and he did it to get his 4 children,

and of course, by God JHWH (in that area), he has only sinned 4 times.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments

’Credibility at stake’: UN’s Palestine investigator accepts PLO award
4 today, we have two absolutist imperialist / globalist projects: which are in demonic partnership

1. Ottoman-Wahhabi-Shia Sharia;

2. Spa & Co: FED ECB IMF BM NWO,

therefore, after having conquered Russia and CHINA, their nuclear "noon of fire" will come, but the Mahometans are also confident in their numerical superiority.

A powerful hacker attack knocked out Rutube and much of the Russian national web broadcast on the morning of V-Day.

Putin's speech at the Victory Day in Russia

Vladimir Putin's message does not climb the scale of threats, which many expected differently for the 77th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany:

"NATO threatened us, operation in Ukraine inevitable"

In his 11-minute speech, Putin evoked the memory of Soviet heroism in World War II to spur his army to victory in Ukraine. He has repeatedly compared the war in Ukraine to the challenge the Soviet Union faced against Adolf Hitler in 1941.

"The NATO countries did not want to listen to us"

[[in fact, the great antichrist Ursula, received, had more power from the Great Prostitute USA, and this is all written in the Apocallisse]]]


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

4 Milani: "The pandemic and the war in Ukraine are part of the same strategy" [[in fact the great antichrist Ursula, received, had more power from the Great Prostitute USA, and this is all written in the Apocallisse]]]

Is the conflict part of the same strategy as the pandemic?

The famous international community we are talking about are the famous forty countries linked to the United States by trade and military agreements. In my book "The Plague and the Revolution", conceived in April 2021, I already wrote that the Covid front is a NATO front. And I announced that, after a de facto revolution of the buildings, there would be a war. One thing calls the other.



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

4 oh oh oh oh: FAUCI Spa&Co, Bill 322 Gates are afraid that if the Russians discover a remedy

against the coronavirus, then the problem of overlapping can no longer

be solved! indeed in GENEVA (they are a legion of sharjah Spa & Co demons, a jihad that does not forget and does not forgive) - The member countries of the European region of the World Health Organization (WHO) have approved a resolution that could lead to the closure of the office in Russia and the suspension of meetings in the country, in response to the invasion of Ukraine. The resolution, supported by Ukraine and the European Union, passed with 43 votes in favor, 3 against (Russia, Belarus, Tajikistan) and 2 abstentions. Supporters of the proposal see it as an important political step to isolate Moscow and have said they intend to avoid any major impact on the Russian health system. The resolution refers to a "health emergency" in Ukraine, which affects the huge number of victims, as well as the risk linked to chronic and infectious diseases as a consequence of Russia's military actions. The Russian envoy, Andrey Plutnitsky, opposed the measure and said he was "extremely disappointed". "We believe this moment is enormous damage to the global health care system," said Plutnitsky. ANSWER

FAUCI and Bill Gates are afraid that if the Russians discover a remedy against the coronavirus, then the problem of overlapping can no longer be solve


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
4 the violence of the antifa DEM monkeys Darwin lgbtq and their dictatorship!

I was fired (actually, the state pays me my salary and they keep me at home doing nothing) because, for them, the Bible is a criminal.

"The West has adopted Orwell's Newspeak and anyone who doesn't speak it is a fascist." by Giulio Meotti May 8. In Siena I moderated a conference on gender with representatives of the left, feminism and the Catholic world. Vandalized posters ("it stinks of bundles") and appeals from the usual progressive circle ("they must not talk") ..


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
4 Bin ISIS Salman ] [ without having the skills, without ever having done so, I have successfully assembled a complex video intercom by myself:sure the angels helped me!

I have never taken a course in computer science, and I have no competence in electronics. You promised me to go fishing, when do we do it?5

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

4 who made the coup in Kiev, and made the Misck accords fail?

he is the culprit of all the Ucriana disasters:

any independent court would sentence Biden and all his accomplices to the death penalty!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 37 comments

Russia threatens nuclear war: We would destroy NATO countries in 30 minutes
5 1. Why did Putin wait: 8 years, and 14,000 dead in Donbass, to make the land invasion?

2. Why did he spark the Minsk1 and Minsk2 agreements, which CIA-UK-NATO brought to an end?

it is clear then: it is the EU-USA-UK, that is the place where the real absolute criminals and the real Satanists are Ursula Macron Trudeau, Mario Draghi and Goldman Sachs.

the world war for: destroying Israel: and introducing Africa and Europe into the ARAB LEAGUE is in the projects of the Enlightened and their Wahhabites!

I am the universal brotherhood, and I hate violence when it can be avoided: this is why Sharjah and Spa & Co must be abolished on the whole planet!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

No end in sight for Ukraine war as Putin hails Victory Day
5 #worldisraelnews you are a scum,

this is a bad place full of trolls, satanists of the CIA, who are all fake and fake, and here a good person, I don't say like me, that I am unique (Unius REI), but here a normal person any? no, he can't even get in!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
5 The Russian ambassador to Warsaw smeared with red paint


we had: a violent regime, political repression, pogroms and genocides for 8 years against the sovereign people of Russian speakers,

while for NATO 666 OTAN today there is the category of the constitutional coup of the CIA.

and certainly Putin would not have intervened, if with Erdogan the Nazi-fascist satan sodomites had not promised to shoot against CRIMEA as well, and to put hypersonic missiles with double nuclear capability on the borders of Russia,

and that's all that makes you, #worldisraelnews a scum


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
5 yes #worldisraelnews you are dumb, all knows it] you haven't even tried to be a diplomat: that is, ideologically equidistant, you have married all the lies of NATO 666 OTAN CIA the octopus Ursula [ No end in sight for Ukraine war as Putin hails Victory Day http://disq.Us/t/47ivosn


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on United with Israel 18 comments

Running Down Israel’s 5 Talking Points With Turkey
6 NATO Sodoma 322 OCI 322 OTAN Satana sharia allah are imperialistic project, Cia Golpe Maidan 2014. etc.. etc..but

Putin is patriot only


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on United with Israel 92 comments

Israel Rejects Foreign Interference on Temple Mount, Declares Prime Minister
6 Midwives and the magical holy sperm serum GMOs cyborg aliens agenda. We cannot remain silent: dangers for mothers and children.

Maurizio Blondet 7 May 2022*** Previous Post: The Pentagon denies the Deep State: we didn't help kill the generalshttps://www.maurizioblondet.It/le-ostetriche-e-il-siero-non-possiamo-tacere-pericoli-per-madri-e-bambini/


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
6 nazi zelensky came in Satana Sodoma UE USA ] https://www.maurizioblondet It/leurogolpe-draghi-lo-consiglia/the nazi zelensky side The Eurogolpe: Draghi recommends it

Maurizio Blondet May 9, 2022. Mario Draghi launched his "proposal" in front of an empty European Parliament on May 4: to abolish the principle of unanimity in the EU. The rule is that decisions must be made by the 27 together, no one excluded. To this end, he is willing to "reform the European treaties" - previously untouchable and sacred - at breakneck speed. In this supported by Macron, who holds the six-month presidency of the EU, by the Euroligarchy who ardently desires it, and by the numerous MEPs who follow Soros. There is no doubt that the "proposal" will pass. The 27 states will lose the right of veto. It must be said that this, as the French journalist Karine Béchet-Golovko points out, is a coup. The latest coup d'etat with which the euro-oligarchy not voted for by anyone expropriates the states of the last power."The reforms, which are taking shape in Europe under the declared intentions of greater" efficiency "and greater" democracy ", prepare the official end of the sovereignty of the States, and therefore of the States themselves, and the resumption of control from part of the oligarchs on the electoral process, which has become too dangerous for them in times when the rupture between the national elites and the populations has been consummated. This is called a coup, an attempt to take power forever.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on United with Israel 74 comments

Italian Artist, Honored by Catholic Church, Revives Anti-Semitic Blood Libel
6 Putin is only pratriot hero, against NWO FED Spa&CCo, sodoma Satana Allah OCI 187 UMMA 322 Otan 666 NATO is imperialism Golpe Kiev 2014



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 28 comments

Terror in Jerusalem: Policeman shot, suspected neutralized
6 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI said: "Putin is only patriot, but, Otan 666 NATO is imperialism Golpe Kiev 2014


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on United with Israel 63 comments

NY Times Op-Ed Uses Pandemic to Attack Israel, Deny Terrorism
UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood

6 i am kingdom israel lorenzoJHWH


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on United with Israel 18 comments

Twitter Greenlights Palestinian Celebration of Axe Murderers
6 UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood2 years agoHold onthis is waiting to be approved by United with Israel.

hundreds of children were killed: like this, like this: "Blood Pasque: Jews of Europe and ritual murders,

Ariel Toaff's Book " today, this macabre work is done by the churches of satan ... and this blood transformed into ash ends up in the Jewish rituals (in fact, the rabbis are forbidden to produce the sacramentals themselves)

but, this does not mean that: all Jews were aware of these aberrant crimes ..

the ritual sacrifices were made only by a secret Rothschild lobby (1%): to obtain the occult and Masonic power over the world. in fact, today they are the shareholders of the FED IMF NWO ECB and Merkel

that, after having sacked the euro, the countries of the Mediterranean now, the loot of the stolen goods is held tight (in a minute we have lost 40% of the purchasing power of the lira): and does not want to print eurobonds!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on United with Israel 9 comments

WATCH! Stop Blaming Others for the Coronavirus!
6 i am jewish messia


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

WATCH: Is Russia strongman Putin having health issues?
6 Putis is HERO patriot, NATO CIA attacked him and forced him into dramatic action


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 112 comments

China threatens 'cold war' with US
6 my JHWH hol ] [ you know everything, you know that I always work on the vertical!

woe to the vanquished!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments

WIN EXCLUSIVE: Israeli tour guides to Bennett - Don't our lives matter?
6 i am king israel lorenzoJHWH Messia


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 113 comments

Ukraine evacuates civilians from steel plant under siege

6 Istat: in Italy a third families are one-person.

this is how the FED SpaCo, FMI BM NWO synagogue continues to persecute Jesus of Bethlehem after 2000 years!

deprived, indebted and sterilized, thus led to massacre and extinction by the plutocratic Jews.

this is the war of the Talmud-Qur'an against the Bible


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

6 Carlo De Benedetti: "The Europe of antichrist Bildenberg Ursula has no interest in waging war on Putin. You must not follow Biden in his world war madness to destroy the EU of the Freemason antichrist where I am happy "

https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/mondo/carlo-de-benedetti-l-europa-non-ha-interesse-a-fare-la-guerra-a-putin-non-deve- follow-biden / ar-AAX2l16

Carlo De Benedetti: «No: I only see what is happening. A war that is superimposed on a very severe recession, such as the one we are facing, is absurd, meaningless. The consequences would be catastrophic ».

Carlo De Benedetti: "Europe has no interest in waging war on Putin. He must not follow Biden "

That means? "Famine and hunger in North Africa and a large part of southern Africa. Forced to choose between starving and risking dying at sea, Africans risk dying at sea. Other than 500 a day; they will come in the tens, hundreds of thousands. Our top priority must be to stop the war. "


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

6 The Western response to Putin's war has been remarkable. But it's not enough. (useful news of world war from the site of satan and sodom)


However, that's not enough. in NWO Spa & co, FED want world war

Too many countries around the world continue to look away. Thirty-five of them refrained from condemning Russia to the United Nations, hoping that Putin's ugliness would pass without forcing them to take a stand against this international crime.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

7 Theater, the actor Eugenio Allegri died. He was 66 years old.

Rockefeller told Big 666 pharma that this is the right age for his goyims slaves to die!we have turned men into mannequins. TURIN, 07 MAY - Not even the rain has stopped the enthusiasm and energy of Subwoofers, the Norwegian band in Turin for the Eurovision Song Contest, which this afternoon involved Turinese and tourists in a flash mob.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

7 #Ukraine, von Hitler Spa&Co, der Rothschild Leyen jabulon:"Putin steals the future of Rothschild Satan 322 Deep State, masonic system, esoteric agenda occult power Sodom from Russia"


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

7 Rightly, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov NATO countries would do everything to prevent the completion of the operation by "reaching political agreements".

In fact we are all witnesses of how: CIA USA NATO, Stoltemberg and his beasts of Sodom and Allah are not willing to accept the annexation of CRIMEA to Russia.

"We are witnessing the manifestation of the classic double standard and the hypocrisy of the Western establishment right now",

“By publicly expressing support for the Kiev regime, the NATO countries are doing everything to prevent the completion of the operation by reaching political agreements.” Meanwhile, on the ground, the weapons do not stop and pressure is still high in Kharkiv.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

7 Al Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaeda (reported dead): "Ukrainian invasion made possible by US weakness"


the monsters of Sodom Allah and Satan against the world of men: China and Russia!United States sends eight F-35s from Vermont and six F16s from Aviano to northern Europe to defend the borders of NATO countries


there is not, and there will be no aggression by Russia against the EU. but, unfortunately, the opposite is true!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

7 Bin Isis Salman sharjah ] we understand that you have no mercy for Muslims, but, how does it not squeeze your heart to see these confused and frightened Israelis, who are like sheep without a shepherd?

and even I wouldn't want to come to be forced to hurt someone because of you!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

7 Stonehenge is still a mystery


the pre-Flood world (it was not morally good), but it was a world of Giants, their longevity and intelligence exceeded ours by 10 times!

but God JHWH turned them all into oil


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

7 Ukrainian counter-offensive around Kharkiv: "The Russians raped our girls"Egypt, 11 soldiers were killed in an attempt to thwart a jihadist attack by Erdogan and Bin SalmanANSWER

this is the greatest tragedy, and the greatest crime of the beasts of allah and Satan and their satanist jihad rothschild wahhabites, that is,

see the brothers who kill each other, for their plutocratic and imperilistic thirst for power NWO-OCI!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 113 comments

Ukraine evacuates civilians from steel plant under siege

7 EU, Gentiloni "The risk of stagnation is high"

ANSWER === yes, but they have always been the swamp of the Deep State, with the sprawling Octopus Spa & Co, with Ursula inside, the war only accelerates, that inevitable institutional degenerative Anglo-American Masonic phenomenon called: the parasitization of the Rockefeller bank seigniorage ( the conspiracy of the Freemasons)


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

7 Bin Isis Salman sharjah] since, I am Unius REI? so I don't think I'm hurting anyone as a person, and I don't even have plans for hatred and revenge but, obviously, the sovereignty of Adam and Eve are incompatible with the Spa & Co and the Sharia law.

For this, you have chosen to be my greatest enemy:

and because it's all your fault, in fact Rockefeller and Rothschild can't stop being satanists in the NWO,

precisely because you prevent them from having a happy and safe homeland!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

7 Bin Isis Salman sharjah] you can't think of surviving the world war as an opportunist sharia jackal and jihad burial vulture betting everything on the skin of the Chinese and the Russians and Indians [your religious delusion? is totally crazy! ]

IhateNewLayout after voodoo piercing all my whole torare and heart (where I took the hole for two months) with a voodoo sword, he promised me that he would copy and keep all my comments.

also Synnek1 (after he's gone mad) today 187AudioHostem [Audio Hostem lorenzoJHWH, I'm listening to the enemy UniusREI] the presumptuous: he told me: I will follow you invincibly until you are dead. So they witnessed how I ravaged youtube, leaving few satanists to survive.

therefore your religious delusion? is totally crazy!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

7 BIN ISIS Salman from Riyad ] [ only Unius REI can say: "I will tell the story of the third nuclear world war" why are you doing this? this that your devil Allah has not been able to do alone in 1400 years, you hope to be able to obtain it from stupid Sodom and Satan, but, they do not love Allah (the demons do not love each other), but they only hate Jesus of Bethlehem: all together!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

7 Draghi goes to be awarded by the Atlantic Council.

the satans reward the sodomas, and viveversa

and both reward the Allahs, for their extreme hatred against the seed of Abraham and against the hope of Israel


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

7 all the excommunications of the Vatican Council I?

the Second Vatican Council received them!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
7 why, Russia intensifies attack on Mariupol?

Mariupol has already been taken, only Ursula wants to see the corpses extracted from the steel mill to say: "Putin is bad"


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 35 comments

WATCH: ‘We will fight [Israel] until the last Palestinian child [in the village] dies!’
7 lorenzoHWH your king have a good solution for you Israel


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 51 comments

Terrorists identified, Palestinians celebrate deadly Independence Day attack
lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

7 worldisraelnews ] [ criminal ] [ you filtered me. why this pagehttps://worldisraelnews.Com/antisemite-attacks-3-jews-in-new-jersey-2-in-critical-condition/

is not visible on my computer!



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
8 So Israel, which has one of the strongest armies on this planet,

is responsible for all of this, or is it not responsible for all of this?

Both Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad praised the attack as a

"heroic operation", although neither group took responsibility.ANSWER

34 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan FED Spa & Co (antichrist Rockefeller Spa & Co, Rothschild all masonic system) and Mosques of Sharia OCI UMMA Allah (Erdogan Iran Riyad antichrist all UMMA),

decided that I should become the King of Israel


and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI for universal brotherhood)

uniusrei@protonmail.Com fedele250660@gmail.Com



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 28 comments

Terror victim's widow at funeral: 'How will I tell the children?'
8 the Catholic Church has been transformed into a purse carrier for 60 years and has lost all autonomy of government!

Letter to the Italian bishops / Are you going to keep silent?

Maurizio Blondet May 6, 2022. Dear friends of Duc in altum, the lawyer Salvatore Scaglia of Palermo a month ago wrote a letter to the Italian bishops to confront them with their responsibilities regarding the adhesion to the authoritarian drift that has invested our country under the pretext of the pandemic. Having received no response, the lawyer Scaglia decided to make his letter public.




yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
8 I tried to unite the two blocs (EU USA CHINA RUSSIA INDIA) against ISLAM,

but, Rockefeller and Rothschild want the destruction of Israel at any cost!



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 26 comments

PA, Jordan fight Hamas Temple Mount takeover, reject Israel’s help
8 Putin "is sick". And the commanders "could disobey the order to use nuclear power"


we are in full western delirium, the CIA instead is preparing to carry out a nuclear self-attack

to blame Russia



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments

Latest terror victims leave behind 16 orphans
8 So Israel, which has one of the strongest armies on this planet, is responsible for all of this, or is it not responsible for all of this?



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 55 comments

Russia and China: The worst moment in history coming soon
8 BIN ISIS Salman from Riyad]] really, will the international community face the warlike Russians, Chinese and North Koreans, blah blah blah really?

this article means that iUSA have already decided to make their own typical nuclear self-attack, to unleash the inevitable world war,

The world, therefore, really seems to be rapidly approaching the worst moment in history, given that in the EU there are no longer politicians, but there are Freemasons.



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

8 BIN ISIS Salman from Riyad]] precisely these are the real reasons why Rockefeller Spa & Co, Rothschild are obliged to use their nuclear weapons first, the difficulty: economic, social, identity, financial (title spacing) is all Western not Eastern ! [[These threats that the US made: that is, they said they would use low-intensity atomic bombs in Ukraine-Russia! they may reveal that the leaders of these Western Jewish-Masonic regimes share a mindset from last days in the bunker. because they are ruled by LGBTQ + (which have always represented the catastrophic parable of all great decaying empires) in times of birth and social difficulties, which means that our EU US leaders undoubtedly have low thresholds of risk: and they have little to lose before the angry peoples go to execute them.



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 31 comments

WATCH: Police at the scene of terror
8 There is certianly no need for me to tell you what is at the top of the news this week: the leak of a draft opinion in the pending Supreme Court case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, which reveals that the Court may be positioned to overturn Roe v Wade later this summer. This huge development is the subject of two of our top stories today.In the first piece, Frank Schubert looks at the leak itself, and explores the likely reasons behind it and the potential implications. In the second, Doug Clark considers the content of the leaked opinion, and reflects on why we must all hope and pray that the leaked opinion does turn out to be the final say of the Court in the matter, adopting the lens of Mother Teresa's prophetic words about Roe during her visit to America in 1982.We also have reporting from Robert Seidlecki on the DumpDisney.Com initiative that IOF and iFamNews are co-sponsoring, which today began its international roll-out with the publication of the French site, disneyDechet.Com.



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
9 this is a witchcraft of the Talmud and the Koran:

with a demonic NWO OCI UMMS Spa&Co Riyad Kabbalah in common



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments

Egypt: Muslim pharmacist berates, slaps Christian woman

9 I am not a King who leaves heirs or descendants, because, I am Unius REI and I am irreplaceable UNIUS!

If someone were well trained in metaphysics, he could certainly continue to do a good job after me!

then, does the Torah say that, I can have an girl love ? of course not! and then it is the Torah that generated me: I am a living Torah Tanakh



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
9 Freedom of expression is an obsession of the white man

Maurizio Blondet May 5, 2022. Hard times for freedom. Digitization of man - reduction to a cipher - green pass as a control tool, the masks of submission, the single thought on war, the culture of cancellation, i.e. the cancellation of culture, the expropriation of the physical body by a system that has become biopower, dominion over life. The strongest attack is concentrated against the freedom that contains all the others, that of expression. An article by Time, the most progressive, liberal and advanced American weekly, the Bible of the American and Western elite, has finally revealed the secret that choked us: freedom of expression - to think freely, affirm and spread opinions and beliefs - is not a right, much less a conquest. It is, no less, an obsession of the white man. Expressed on a provincial paper, the concept would be dismissed as the delirium of an idiot, but if it is published, in black and white, in Time, it becomes a historical force, a political program, a truth carved in marble for progressives and the flock. that follows them.


already the Rockefeller banking seigniorage has transformed mankind into an oleogram, because of the Freemasons and the Wahhabis!


Stoltemberg 666 and Mark 666 Elliot 322 Zuckerberg for the complete digitization of the human oleogram



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
9 Egypt: Muslim pharmacist berates, slaps Christian woman


Sharia law for 1400 years, and with 1.2 billion innocent victims, and every 8 minutes, an innocent Christian is killed in the ARAB LEAGUE: Islam has created these crimes, in an ideological and systemic way for 14,000 with the approval of the UN: as happens today , even in Europe!



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments

Gantz orders closure of Judea and Samaria, Gaza following deadly terror attack
9 US intelligence assisted not only in the death of the generals, but also in the sinking of the Russian flagship: America in direct war.

This means that without a European consensus: in NATO the USA are attacking the Russians directly!




yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

9 sodomites NWO and satanists FED ECB BM of the antichrist satanists of the Supreme Sanhedrin have taken possession of the Jewish-Christian symbols: and they are the most dangerous anti-Zionists in the history of the human mankind because of sharia Bin ISIS Salman.

holy Judaism and holy Christianity and also holy Islam, etc .. etc .. are not dead: but they live terrified in the catacombs,

because the Wahhabis control the NWOANSWER ==== 34 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa & Co and Mosques of Sharia Allah (antichrist all), decided that I should become King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH)

and Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians and Israeli people

then, (Unius REI governor worldwide for universal brotherhood)uniusrei@protonmail.Com




yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

US may host regional meeting during Biden visit to Mideast
10 NWO sodomites and FED ECB BM satanists of the EU-Bildenberg technocratic institutionalized antichrist!

EU Diktat: Hungary counterattacks by Maurizio Blondet May 2, 2022 Incredible. [[ Orban against ursula von Hitler Spa&Co, nazi the OCTOPUS ]] Incredible.
A small country of 9 million inhabitants, with a modest GDP ... challenges the EU oligarchy and puts it in difficulty.

The conflict between the EU Commission and Hungary intensifies

Brussels is blackmailing Hungary with withheld funds. Hungary is now threatening to block the EU's sanctioning policy against Russia.

Hungary has threatened to veto EU sanctions on Russian oil and gas imports. Hungarian Chancellery Minister Gergely Gulyas said…


34 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa & Co and Mosques of Sharia Allah (antichrist all),

decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH)

and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI for universal brotherhood) uniusrei@protonmail.Com fedele250660@gmail.Com



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
10 there is only one Allah, one ISIS, one Koran and one UMMA! Armenia, new protests for Nagorno-Karabakh https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/mondo/armenia-nuov-proteste-per-il-nagorno-karabakh/

The new sharia akbar jihad peace talks.

The new clashes come precisely at the moment of greatest vulnerability in Moscow, the guarantor of peace in the Caucasus region.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported that Azerbaijani forces have withdrawn, but Azerbaijan denies having withdrawn from what it considers its territory.

On the other hand, Armenia claims that its population is being terrorized and subjected to an attempted ethnic cleansing.

The remaining Armenians fear that Russian forces will not be able to guarantee compliance with the ceasefire. Although they accuse each other of hindering peace efforts, both Armenia and Azerbaijan say they are ready to engage at the negotiating table.

The talks are mediated by the European Union. Russia was quick to say that it will actively support any peace agreement.



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

Israel extends its embrace to bereaved families living abroad
10 the supernatural demonic entity and Jewish-Masonic-Islamic Wahhabi Ottoman USA EU OTAN Spa & Co, FED BM NWO IMF is not satisfied with the control of bodies

it entity wants control of souls.

Controlling words and thoughts: the "Ludovico cure" of governments in the West. by Giulio Meotti

"Avia" in France, "NetzDG" in Germany (where incorrect thoughts are reported to the authorities), "C-10" in Canada, the new "Digital Services Act" of the EU, the British minister who admits the existence of a "Disinformation Unit" operating clandestinely and now Joe Biden's "Disinformation Control Council," which the Wall Street Journal compares to the KGB. Names and acronyms for the same dystopia of executive powers that supervise and establish what can be said. Against the backdrop of Elon Musk's battle to restore free speech on social media and for this reason attacked by the bureaucrats of all "democratic" countries. Even in slavish Italy soon on our computers?



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on United with Israel 24 comments

WATCH: Israeli Spies Grilled IRGC Assassin in Iran, Says Mossad

10 this is a dramatic moment: the beasts of Allah (ISIS OCI UMMA) and Satan (UE USA OTAN), using the Freemasons who have taken control of the West: they are pushing Christians (Russia EU China USA Israel) to kill themselves among of them!

this is yet another deadly attack on our survival!



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

10 34 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa & Co and Mosques of Sharia Allah (antichrist all), decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH)

and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI for universal brotherhood) uniusrei@protonmail.Com fedele250660@gmail.Com

have you ever found someone who talks like me?

I can only be me!



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

‘Despicable timing’: Police attacked during Memorial Day siren, suspects…
11 ISLAM and NAZI same ] [ Sergei Lavrov accused Israel of supporting neo-Nazism in Ukraine. for-this same reason these israeli toilets also support Palestinian terrorism! Don't Lapid and his toilet di lui see him? Just as they

cynically ignore the epidemic of destruction and desecration of-monuments to the true righteous among the nations of the world - the Red-Army soldiers who stopped the Holocaust and saved the Jewish world. How-many times has the Israeli foreign ministry summoned ambassadors from-Poland, Bulgaria, the Baltic countries and Ukraine to serve strong-protests on this occasion? "Asked the foreign ministry. By lorenzoJHWH



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
11 ISLAM and NAZI same ] [ Sergei Lavrov accused Israelof supporting neo-Nazism in Ukraine. for this same reason these israeli

toilets also support Palestinian terrorism!

The ministry noted that the head of the Israeli Foreign Ministry does not see that after

the Russians in Ukraine, the persecution of Jews can begin.

"How many Jews have these very same battalions already killed? and how many will they kill in the future if they take control of power? israeli authorities noted that the number of anti-Semitic incidents, including

vandalism in museums, synagogues and memorials, in Ukraine increased

significantly in 2017, by lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
11 ISLAM and NAZI-Comunism same ] [ Sergei Lavrov accused Israel of supporting neo-Nazism in Ukraine. for this same reason these israeli toilets also support Palestinian terrorism! "Ukraine

has become the leader among all the countries of the former SovietUnion in the number of anti-Semitic incidents, and some publications indicate that Ukraine in their number generally exceeds all the

countries of the former Soviet Union combined," he stressed. Sergei Lavrov recalled the torches held in Ukraine with the portraits of Stepan Bandera and the slogans "Yude - take!" and other

offensive inscriptions. by lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
11 ISLAM and NAZI-Comunism same ] [ SergeiLavrov accused Israel of supporting neo-Nazism in Ukraine. for this -same reason these israeli toilets also support Palestinian terrorism!

The law "On preventing and combating anti-Semitism in Ukraine" signed by -Zenensky does not work, the authorities and law enforcement agencies do not respond to judeophobic cries, the department said.

"Such'state building' is particularly immoral for a country that lost 1.5

million Jews during the Holocaust, and on the territory of the capital

there is a memorial for those who died in Babi Yar," concluded the

Foreign Ministry.

Earlier, Russian Ambassador to Israel Anatoly Viktorov was summoned for an explanatory conversation at the Jewish

State said Sergei Lavrov. by lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
11 ISLAM and NAZI-Comunism same ] [ The Lavrov accused Israel of supporting neo-Nazism in Ukraine. for this same reason these israeli toilets also support Palestinian terrorism! Recall that Lavrov in an interview said that in Ukraine "there is Nazification", "captured militants and battalions" Azov "," Aidar "(approx. VZGLYAD) and other units wear with their the symbol and tattoos of the swastikas, Nazi battalions" . The minister noted that Zelensky "puts forward an argument: what kind of Nazification they can have if he is Jewish". According to Lavrov "the most ardent anti-Semites are usually Jews." Subsequently, Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said the Russian government should apologize to all the Jewish people for Lavrov's words. by lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments

'We won’t have another opportunity': Bennett appeals for unity on Israel's…
11 PM Naftali Bennett and his wife Gilat ]

1. there is no Sovereign Ukraine, because there is no Constitutional CIA coup2. and it is not true that Russia attacked Ukraine (which does not exist)

because bringing 150,000 soldiers against the Donbass (and also against the CRIMEA) was in any case equivalent to going to war against NATO.asks: "" why hasn't Russia declared war on Ukraine in these 8 years of aggression by the Donbass? "

1. because there is no Ukraine.

2. because there was no application for NATO membership.

3. because Russia made every attempt to prevent a direct confrontation, which however had now become inevitable.and there is no doubt that Golpista Ukraine was created as a "proxy for NATO"Question: What would Israel do if it understood that the deadly encirclement of Iran has become just a technical act?

Would he wait for the deadly Shoah event or would he be forced to intervene?



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
11 PM Naftali Bennett and his wife Gilat at a ceremony marking Remembrance Day for Israel's fallen soldiers and victims of terror in Jerusalem,


what I saw in Donbass? it was terrible!

1. Nuland and Mogherini invented "butterfly mines" to kill children with toys.

2. the Nazi-fascist Ukrainians beheaded the Russian-speaking soldiers and kept the enemy's head in the casket.

3. snipers killed the elderly who went to work in the countryside!

4, etc. etc. .etc .. what is it I have to continue? and why didn't you say it?

and why did Mario Draghi say that Ukraine was attacked?

no, that's not it, Putin is only defending his national security!

and the real imperialist project is that of NATO OCI Arab League only!



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme
11 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI said:

"Biden told Twitter:" block the lorenzoJHWH Unius REI channel, otherwise,

even with electoral fraud I will not be able to win the elections ". besides,

it's not my fault that he confuses his wife with his sister di lui.

and lgbtqia twitter: 45 days before the voting, for no reason,

the channel blocked me, then, from Scotland the Twitter management told me:"I don't know why, there is no explanation, but your channel was blocked by USA"

Then, that scum Disqus punished me too,

because those are a legion of demons, who do not forget

and do not forgive!

Then, Biden goes on to tell Putin (who was voted by 70% of Russian voters),he Biden who stole the election,

he goes on to say that Putin is the tyrant, and that he, instead,

is the demoniocracy of satan Rockefeller and Rothschild



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

UK appeals ruling against building Holocaust memorial near Parliament

11 my JHWH holy holy holy ] how what do I do? I am going to avenge the pogroms that the Russians have suffered in ODESSA,

becouse i am the Goel Leviathan



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

11 the pogrom of the Nazi-fascist Rothschild Spa&Co, CIA coup leaders Zelensky Borrell and the anti-Christ Ursula lgbtqia OCTOPUS against the sovereign people of the Russian-speaking martyrs.

After the coup in Kiev, Odessa, like many other cities in the south-east, became the center of resistance to the illegal regime.

Since February, the "people's vechas" organized by Anti-Maidan in Kulikovo Pole square have gathered up to 10,000 activists, despite the fact that there was an order of magnitude fewer Ukrainian nationalists in the city.

Clashes between anti-fascists and Right Sector militants and other neo-Nazis have intensified since the end of March.

On May 2, the most aggressive part of the Maidan fans

- right-wing football fans and "guests" - radicals from other cities - had a situational / institutional advantage.

About 700 right-wing extremists attacked 300 peaceful protesters of the Kulikovo Pole movement, including women and children. After a street fight in Greece Square in the heart of the city (it was later discovered that the local police had been ordered by Kiev not to interfere) and the destruction of a tent camp on the Kulikovo camp, a group of anti- Maidan took refuge and barricaded himself in the House of Trade Unions.

The nationalists who stormed the building used explosives and Molotov cocktails.

The fire that broke out lasted about an hour (while the first fire engine appeared at the House of Unions only 24 minutes after the fire started).

42 people were burned alive or died by jumping to escape the fire from a height. The oldest was 70, the youngest 17.



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

11 the fascist Nazis of Ursula Draghi Borrell Zelenscky were!

But how about the CIA Chechen snipers in Maidan Square? Macron Biden Trudeau

and Boris did not look for them.

The names of those who organized the massacre of Odessa Anti-Maidan activists are known and directly participated in the burning of people in the House of Trade Unions on May 2, 2014.

This is indicated by both the Russian leadership and the resistance activists of Odessa.

Now that Russian troops are liberating the Black Sea region, the prospect of fair justice is becoming real.

Who could be in the dock?

Eight years ago, on May 2, 2014, an event occurred in Odessa, which is sometimes neutrally called - "one of the largest fire victims in post-Soviet Ukraine in terms of death toll".

In reality, we are talking about a mass murder for political reasons, which can be qualified as a crime against humanity.

"It is impossible without shivering to recall the terrible tragedy in Odessa, where participants in a peaceful protest were brutally murdered, burned alive in the House of Trade Unions,"

President Vladimir Putin said in a February 21 speech.

"The criminals who committed this atrocity are not punished, no one is looking for them.

But we know them by name and we will do everything to punish them, find them and bring them to justice."



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

11 the fascist Nazis of Ursula Draghi Borrell Zelenscky were!
I say that they rap*eed a young employee of the municipality, and then, they set fire to her body to hide the traces of s*eemen,

the old women? they strangled them with the electric wire, and then, the employees were shot, some died charred and others jumped out of the third floor window.

But how about the CIA Chechen snipers in Maidan Square? Macron Biden Trudeau and Boris did not look for them.4


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme





11 now against Putin we can invent all the slanders we want:

"it was Putin" "it was Putin" "it was Putin" "it was Putin" "it was Putin" "it was Putin" "it was Putin" "it was Putin" because everyone knows that he was born guilty!

but no one could say that he is the Nazi who went to denazify Zelenschy,

yet that depraved Boris Johnson did it


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