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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

È il momento di dire BASTA!

È il momento di dire BASTA!

Ogni giorno in centinaia di scuole italiane si svolgono lezioni, attività, corsi su "affettività e sessualità" profondamente intrisi di ideologia Gender.

L'ideologia Gender confonde i bambini sulla loro identità sessuale. Afferma che il sesso biologico maschile o femminile non determina l'essere uomini o donne, perché le persone, anche i bambini, possono scegliere la propria "identità di genere" sulla base dei propri "sentimenti".

Uomo, donna, transgender, genderfluid, pangender, agender... le "identità di genere" sono infinite.

Gran parte di questi progetti nelle scuole sono spesso promossi o gestiti da attivisti dei collettivi omosessuali e transessuali (LGBT), gruppi politici che mirano a diffondere tra i più giovani la loro ideologia sulla famiglia, sulla sessualità, il matrimonio, i figli, l'utero in affitto.

Il diritto dei genitori di educare i propri figli sulla base dei convincimenti familiari viene totalmente scavalcato.

Questo sopruso, questo enorme lavaggio del cervello di massa nelle scuole italiane - finanziato con i soldi pubblici di tutti i contribuenti - deve cessare!

Firma subito la petizione per chiedere al Parlamento di approvare una legge che vieti l'indottrinamento gender nelle scuole dei figli degli italiani rispettando il diritto di priorità educativa della famiglia!


Senatore degli Stati Uniti fischiato per aver notato "l'esistenza di due sessi" come "verità scientifica"

17 maggio 2022

Senatore degli Stati Uniti fischiato per aver notato "l'esistenza di due sessi" come "verità scientifica"La senatrice repubblicana del Wyoming Cynthia Lummis (Stefani Reynolds/Pool via AP)

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Lummis si è scusata, dicendo che non è mai stata sua intenzione "far sentire qualcuno sgradito o mancato di rispetto".

Di World Israel News Staff

La senatrice Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) è stata fischiata ad alta voce durante il suo discorso di apertura dell'Università del Wyoming sabato dopo aver detto che "anche le verità scientifiche fondamentali come l'esistenza di due sessi, maschio e femmina, sono soggette a sfida in questi giorni".

La senatrice statunitense Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) è stata fischiata ad alta voce durante il suo discorso di apertura dell'Università del Wyoming ieri dopo aver osservato che "anche le verità scientifiche fondamentali come l'esistenza di due sessi, maschio e femmina, sono soggette a contestazione in questi giorni".

— Tony Webster (@webster) 15 maggio 2022

Ex alunna della UW, ha tentato di mitigare le sue osservazioni dicendo: "Non sto facendo un commento sul fatto che ci sono persone che passano da un sesso all'altro".

Gli scherni continuarono comunque, e lei non disse altro sulla questione mentre concludeva il suo discorso.

Il presidente della UW Ed Seidel ha inviato una dichiarazione dopo la cerimonia.

"Uno dei nostri relatori ha fatto osservazioni sul sesso biologico che molti nel campus contestano. Mentre rispettiamo il diritto di tutti di esprimere le proprie opinioni, dagli studenti ai funzionari eletti, affermiamo inequivocabilmente che UW è un'istituzione che sostiene e celebra le sue diverse comunità".

Lummis si è scusata, dicendo che non è mai stata sua intenzione "far sentire qualcuno sgradito o mancato di rispetto".

Secondo un rapporto del Casper Star-Tribune del Wyoming, "lo scontro alla cerimonia di sabato riecheggia l'attrito tra studenti UW e funzionari governativi della sessione legislativa di quest'anno, quando i legislatori stavano prendendo in considerazione un disegno di legge che avrebbe vietato alle donne transgender di competere in squadre femminili".

Abby Gruner, studentessa di ingegneria chimica della UW, ha scritto al giornale, dicendo: "Questa riluttanza ad accettare nuove idee e sostituire quelle vecchie sicuramente frustra le generazioni più giovani come la mia".

The Federalist, una rivista online conservatrice americana, ha detto che "scusandosi per la verità sul sesso biologico, il senatore Lummis ha ceduto il terreno chiave della guerra culturale alla folla svegliata".

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme an hour ago

Bin ISIS Salman, Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan elected UAE's new president and his brave brothers] you really think, that with your nazi-genocide sharjah, with your demographic bomb: with your Koranic hypocsia, you can kill Israel, you can defeat the NWO without me?

it would be sheer madness, artificial intelligence robot soldiers already exist.

today, there are 3 ways to enter Heaven:

1. ancient covenant Abraham, Moses;

2. new covenant Jesus of Bethlehem; but what has Freemasonry and the devil JabulOn done with them? he tried them and almost deactivated them.

3. then, the path of "God's mercy" or of the Natural and Universal Law remained, but unfortunately, the demands of God's justice are not compatible with our human nature fallen with original sin, then, you must die a martyr and / or go through the great tribulation, to be able to enter heaven through the path of "God's mercy",

at present most of the human race does not have the possibility and the blessing of being able to fall into the terrible fire of Purgatory, but almost all of them fall directly to hell

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

in my account https://disqus.Com/by/jewishmessiabyyitzhakkaduri/

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

can't find my answers a

"lsatenstein" (and this is a Disqus violation against me and humankind)

maybe Satan allows this cowardly and evil soul predestined to hell to work every other day in worldisraelnews,

anyway, I have been forced to block 100% of all users who come to comment here, because 80 CIA satana priests have haunted this server and blocked my previous 40 accounts, and you never know who someone is real, and is your friend for real.

which of them is a demon, an alien, or a cursed soul in hell that the priests of satan CIA have given access to here

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme an hour ago

Bin ISIS Salman, Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan elected UAE's new president and his brave brothers]

3. then, the path of "God's mercy" or of the Natural and Universal Law remained,


but if, I have the possibility, (if you give me the possibility) to transform this 3 way of salvation, into a juridical covenant with God JHWH: through my third Jewish temple (the home of all brother peoples), then, not only the first two alliances can be 100% reactivated, but also the majority of mankind without renouncing their religious beliefs, can be saved, because the 12 tribes of Israel represent all the peoples of the planet, and the temple Hebrew represents all of the heavenly kingdom of God, as the kingdom of Israel represents the terrestrial kingdom of God.

and in this respect I have had two visions 10 years apart, and after another 10 years I have realized that it was a single vision, where I was one of the three doors of the celestial Jewish temple, and from where perhaps most of the kind human (from Adam and Eve to the end of the world) could have been saved from destruction, because even the needs of God's justice remain infinite needs.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan elected UAE's new president and his brave brothers] a few seconds ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

4 minutes ago edited

6 minutes ago edited


if we know how to "perfect", the protective wall of our religion,


the term "perfect" is just the right term that had to be used, but, I wrong the term: because in my mind the term "overcome" is an equivalent term, but I was wrong and the priests of satan of the New World Order corrected me.


these priests of satan are supernaturally intelligent, so much so that you would think they have a demonic-angelic brain (it's true they do)

1. they already knew who I was 14 years ago while I hadn't discovered it yet,

2. they have tried to defeat me, and also to destroy me economically, and also to kill me, in all this time and they have not succeeded: therefore they surrendered to me.

3. I believe they are the only ones who have kept the FAITH on this planet.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

I am a rational agnostic metaphysician:

therefore I prevent the charismatic supernatural, and I also prevent God himself from being able to manifest himself,

however, I must acknowledge my defeat, and I must admit that the holy angels sometimes helped me, then, trying to stop God (who in Him and of Him are made) is impossible,

you saw the scene of the Aragor movie in "the lord of the rings" he promised the cursed spirits of the traitorous kings, that they would redeem their dignity and that they would have peace if they helped him against the orcs of Rockefeller-Saruman.

ok, i also made the same promise to all demons and all cursed souls who fell to hell, if they help me build my kingdom of israel, i will bring them out of hell on doomsday, and i will not I will disintegrate them along with hell and everything in it on the day of doomsday. In fact, most of the desperate souls cursed and destroyed will persist in hating God and will persist in wanting to be disintegrated.

and my promise is legally valid, because I am UniusREI, and that if my promise was not valid, then, the satanists of the NWO would not also be at my side, and I would not have taken control of the world Masonic government of youtube (which was revealed during TG2: it really said "youtube world masonic government")

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan elected UAE's new president and his brothers ] [ welcome my brothers, sons of Abraham: you are 7, like the sevenfold HOLY Spirit, and like His most holy Menorah, representing eyes of God, who knows everything and see all:. welcome.

So, you walk in righteousness and Holiness and save mankind from demonic powers, help me: lorenzoJHWH, King Israel in this our holy jihad,

yes Israel has too many flaws, but JHWH told me it will improve, and we must take control of it, because, it is the instrument ( the key of the third Jewish temple) with which a new era without satanists, without masons, without lgbtq and without monkeys Darwin, a new era of reconciliation, peace and prosperity for all peoples, God wants to give to mankind, through me: Unius REI universal prosecutor and the guarantor and the protector of all religions and all peoples of this planet, without preferences and without distinctions.

my G-d bless you

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

a Chinese proverb says: "if you want to be a liar? you must have a good memory". and since I have a poor memory, because I have suffered several nervous breakdowns (however my memory becomes perfect - for the touch of God in my life - on the smallest details: in some circumstances that are strategic for me), because of the my virtue (which I loved from my earliest childhood) and of a life that has always been virtuous, of the support of the Bible: which shaped and raised me with the teaching of the holy prophets of Israel, then, my whole life is lived in universal justice, universal love and objective truth, so, since the Bible says: "the glory of God is the living man" then, every rational agnostic man is the most powerful exorcist, and if then, one says / bragging about having FAITH? then, he must also show me that he can move mountains with false FAITH, as Jesus said.

I have developed metaphysics, which is a very simple rational mathematical process: if you are a man with a pure heart, as a child's heart is pure, then, we are all born with metaphysics: in reality.

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI

a few seconds ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and his by him #brothers by him] the Emerald table [then, since we all come from one and only Creator, then, his truth by him is within us, and within everything that lives in our universe.

I think.

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme 4 minutes ago edited

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme 6 minutes ago edited

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI 5 hours ago

the most difficult task, however, is to give voice to this wisdom, and above all it is to find the right words to be able to express it:

obviously, if you do not have the awareness of eternal life:

also, you cannot express yourself in these terms, that is, you cannot describe me: Unius REI.

how then to save our life from futility and eternal death? How can you do perfect works? which remain eternal works, and which are suitable for protecting the whole human race?

lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI lorenzoJHWH Messiah UniusREI 5 hours ago


men without any religion: such as: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Melchisedech succeeded: because they had a personal relationship with G-d, so we can all succeed, if we know how to perfect, the protective wall of our religion, to be able to compare each other directly with G-d,

as they did before us, the prophets and patriarchs of Israel, who are also the patriarchs of all of us.

therefore this perfect composition: "Emerald Tablet" describes my universal political ministry well:

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Tearing apart China and Russia: the ultimate goal of the West

zbigniew-brzezinski and òlimpero of the Rothschilds .. Israel? an inconvenience! Guo Wengui, a purged multibillionaire from Beijing who now operates out of New York, founded an international insurgent organization called "The New Federal State of China" with a new flag, constitution and anthem,

zbigniew-brzezinski and òlimpero of the Rothschilds .. Israel? an inconvenience! Guo Wengui, a purged multibillionaire from Beijing who now operates out of New York, founded an international insurgent organization called "The New Federal State of China" with a new flag, constitution and anthem, or post-CCP China. It is one of the picturesque manifestations of the obsessive efforts that Western intelligence have dedicated to destabilizing and dismembering China and Russia by means of "color revolutions" that appeal to more or less oppressed ethnic and religious minorities.

Maurizio Blondet 14 May

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

today is the day of the year of maximum "gender in schools" risk. A flood of projects and initiatives in the Gender and LGBT sauce could invade hundreds of high schools, middle and even elementary schools.

Today is the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, and the Ministry of Education has invited all schools to celebrate it in classes. The risk is that thousands of boys and girls are bombarded with ideological messages about:

fluid gender identity: "Overcoming" of the masculine and feminine considered mere "cultural stereotypes"

"Rainbow families" founded on rented wombs

how to start changing se* even during adolescence, if not earlier, HELP ME SAY ENOUGH!

Sign now the national petition against the Gender ideology in schools, help us to reach 30,000 signatures, it is close! [Click here] If it were really about fighting real violence and discrimination we would all agree: we are the first to teach our children to respect anyone, without distinction!

But this is not the real stake! Look at this picture, what do you see?

No, she is not a woman who hugs her husband after the Easter Monday barbecue ...

They are both women. One of them, however, feels like a man, she filled herself with hormones to grow a beard, she removed her breast with a mastectomy, and was artificially inseminated to get pregnant with her. It's the new Calvin Klein advertising campaign. The media speak of a "pregnant man". We are mad. Do you think it is not possible for a man to get pregnant?

I have bad news and good news for you. The bad thing is that yours is a "homotransphobic" feeling.

The good is that your brain is still working fine.

This is what they want to "teach" children in schools: that a man can get pregnant.

You have to help me stop this barbarism. Please SIGN NOW against the spread of these follies in Italian schools of all levels! [Click here]

We have to stand up for the boys and girls, the boys and girls. Our children, our grandchildren.


I was fired for opposing the gender theory, Christians are already persecuted not only in the ARAB LEAGUE but also in Europe.

in a little 1/3 of all Italian teenagers will all become lgbtqiazxkhjd+++, this is a demonic infestation, worthy of the Churches of Satan


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