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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme go to Moscow

Bin ISIS Salman ] [ i troll dell CIA hanno trovato il sistema di bloccarmi 40 account disqus, allora, quando i troll della CIA, si sono accorti che io li stavo bloccando sistematicamente? loro mi hanno boccato loro preventivamente!

C.Brian Ross, Rahel, Gershon Perry, Alex Peshansky, evangeline golding, Eagle, u4ea Here, 24 Guest Votes

Marcia (Freemer) Kar, ArleneB, Mark Strazynski, 16 Guest Votes

Following_Christ, Alex Peshansky, 11 Guest Votes

Ringgo1, True Modesty


quando qualcuno ti blocca in disqus? tu non puoi saperlo, oppure, tu devi avere una funzione speciale per saperlo, ma tu non sai se può esistere questa funzione speciale!

l'80% di tutti gli utenti che sono quì? sono tutti sacerdoti di satana della CIA Spa&Co FED IMF BM NWO ECB OTAN, i satana sodoma allah.

the fact that the slanderer: Dr. Rafael Medoff is director of the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, do you compare Hitler to Putin? this is a detestable fact, which violates the reality and the truth of history, there is a coup of shameless and unpunished murderers who have carried out a genocide of Russian speakers for 8 years, hidden by the "democratic" media

in the largely dramatic scope of its reality.

Like NATO's hypersonic missiles, dual nuclear capability would have given Russia no defensive capabilities.

and it was this element that made the invasion of Ukraine inevitable.

and if we add to this that fighting in an infamous way (like the Palestinians) inside the urban centers, is in itself the worst of war crimes.

which led Russian soldiers to get angry and certainly to commit abuses.

if then the corrupt Dr. Rafael Medoff is director of the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies,

he doesn't want to see BANDERAS and Nazi-fascists (Pravi Sector & Azov Battalion) in Ukraine?

besides, this is a catastrophic problem for him, and his crimes of high treason to the Constitution should at least disqualify him from the register of journalists!

il fatto che il calunniatore: Dr. Rafael Medoff è direttore del David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, paragoni Hitler a Putin? questo è un fatto detestabile, che violenta la realtà e la verità della storia, esistente un Golpe di assasini spudorati e impuniti che hanno portato avanti un genocidio di russofoni per 8 anni, nascosto dai media "democratici"

nella portata ampiamente drammatica della sua realtà.

Come i missili ipersonici della NATO, a doppia capacità nucleare non avrebbero dato alla Russia nessuna capacità difensiva.

ed è stato questo l'elemento che ha reso inevitabile la invasione della Ucraina.

e se a questo si aggiunge che combattere in modo infame (come i palestinesi) dentro i centri urbani, è di per se stesso il peggiore dei crimine di guerra..

che ha portato i soldati russi ad incattivirsi e sicuramente a commettere abusi.

se poi il corrotto Dr. Rafael Medoff è direttore del David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies,

lui non vuole vedere BANDERAS e nazi-fascisti (Pravi Sector & Battaglione Azov) in Ucraina?

poi, questo è un suo problema catastrofico, e i suoi delitti di alto tradimento alla Costituione come minimo dovrebbero radiarlo dall'albo dei giornalisti!


are you are not inside the Nazi Jewish-Masonic delusional Western criminal slanderous and lying position? then, you must be purged as in the worst regimes that the history of our planet remembers!

April 25, Conte: "Petrocelli out of M5S, unspeakable provocations"

"Vito Petrocelli used the letter" z "and is out of the 5 Star Movement".

So on Twitter the "Hail Hitler" leader of the M5S, Giuseppe Hitler Conte. "We are completing the deportation procedure.

His latest tweet is just plain shameful.

April 25th is a serious anniversary. Certain provocations are unspeakable ".

PETROCELLI'S TWEET - "Happy Liberation Day tomorrow.. Libera" Z "ion" tweeted Vito Petrocelli, M5S Senator and President of the Senate Foreign Commission.

Giuseppe Conte


Vito Petrocelli is out of @ Mov5Stelle. We are completing the deportation procedure. His latest tweet is just plain shameful. April # 25 is a serious anniversary. Certain provocations are unspeakable.

sei non sei dentro la nazi ebraico-massonica delirante posizione occidentale criminale calunniosa e menzognera? poi, devi essere epurato come nei peggiori regimi che la storia del nostro pianeta ricordi!

25 aprile, Conte: "Petrocelli fuori da M5S, provocazioni inqualificabili"

"Vito Petrocelli ha usato la lettera "z" ed è fuori dal Movimento 5 Stelle".

Così su Twitter il "Hail Hitler "leader del M5S, Giuseppe Hitler Conte. "Stiamo completando la procedura di espulsione.

Il suo ultimo tweet è semplicemente vergognoso.

Il 25aprile è una ricorrenza seria. Certe provocazioni sono inqualificabili".

IL TWEET DI PETROCELLI - "Per domani buona festa della LiberaZione… Libera"Z"ione " aveva scritto in un tweet Vito Petrocelli, senatore M5S e presidente commissione Esteri del Senato.

Giuseppe Conte


Vito Petrocelli è fuori dal @Mov5Stelle. Stiamo completando la procedura di espulsione. Il suo ultimo tweet è semplicemente vergognoso. Il #25aprile è una ricorrenza seria. Certe provocazioni sono inqualificabili.


Kuleba warned that if Western powers want Ukraine to win the war and "stop Putin in Ukraine and not allow him to go further, deeper into Europe", then countries must speed up the delivery of the weapons Ukraine requires.


we have two problems:

1. NATO must remove all its aggressive structures from the borders of the Russian Federation.

2. if the CIA coup is constitutionally valid, then, of course, we can say that this Ukraine of the CIA coup, and pogroms of Russian speakers for 9 years, is judicially legitimate, and that effectively,

the Crimean peninsula, was seized from Ukraine in 2014.

Kuleba ha avvertito che se le potenze occidentali vogliono che l'Ucraina vinca la guerra e "fermi Putin in Ucraina e non gli permetta di andare oltre, più in profondità in Europa", allora i paesi devono accelerare la consegna delle armi richieste dall'Ucraina.


abbiamo due problematiche:

1. la NATO deve allontanare tutte le sue strutture aggressive, dai confini della Federazione Russa.

2. se il Golpe della CIA è costituzionalmente valido, allora, certo, noi possiamo dire che questa Ucraina della CIA Golpe, e pogrom di russofoni per 9 anni, è giudicamente legittima, e che efettivamente,

la penisola di Crimea, è stata sequestrato all'Ucraina nel 2014.


Biden to Abdullah: US wants Jordan as Temple Mount authority

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Jordan's King Abdullah] by chance your Allah is like: that other idiot Allah of Bin ISIS Salman who is vassal of the devil OWL JabulOn Satan Sodom Dracula lilit and, you too as a vassal to him pay the jihzia, of the bank seigniorage scam Rockefeller Spa & Co. your God Baal at bohemian grove cremation of care?

So when you get on the mat, and hit your head like a rabbit, who are you worshiping?


lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Jordan's King Abdullah] I compliment you [you have just been promoted by the satanist Biden and his witch Kamala, as the favorite keeper of a holy place: but which Hamas has desecrated,

because ISIS sharia said:

"" only my prayers are the ones that God will hear! and in fact only I am welcome ""


Discussion on World Israel News 39 comments

Turkey: 'Israel is an important player,' will maintain ties despite Temple Mount clashes

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Putin explains the war to a 12-year-old: "The tragedy in the Donbass forced Russia to launch this military operation" The head of the Kremlin gives his version of the facts:

"In the last eight years things had changed for the worse"


in the 2014 CIA coup in Maidan, with the CIA's Chechen snipers they made 96 corpses that are still without guilty today?

there was already the kabbalah project of forcing the Russians into world war in order to raze the EU.

EU politicians know this but they don't have the dignity to get out of this deadly game!

5 3

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


"The West lived in a paradise. He had no realism in relations with Russia ”.

Interview-podcast for the newsletter with Efraim Inbar, one of the major strategists in Israel and adviser to Netanyahu.

"Everyone knew that bringing Ukraine closer to NATO would trigger a reaction from the Russian bear.

We Israelis know him better than you and we warned you. "

In fact, it has been since 1997 that Joe Biden, the United States ambassador to the Soviet Union, Bill Clinton's secretary of defense and the current head of the CIA have also said so.. Inbar: "The amnesia of the West has a price".


there is no one who has the courage to say: that NATO and its accomplices are: imperialists, coup leaders, criminals, serial killers, mafia, practically a world Jewish Masonic government,

that it is because of Bin Salman that for his ISIS caliphate, that he needs Satanists to unleash the world war against the Chinese!

5 3

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


the Talmudic High Sanhedrin of: Caiaphas Anna Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild NWO 666 UK OTAN UE lgbtqia+++ Donkey Darwin, they thought that Satan and Allah are more reasonable and convenient than JHWH and his Jesus, because they have too many commandments that mortify the penis!

A Pennsylvania school district voted against a parent's request to launch an After School Satan Club at an elementary school for students who want to participate in a non-religious extracurricular program.

By a vote of 8-1 on Tuesday, the Northern York County School Board based in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania rejected a request to establish an "After School Satan Club" at the district's Northern Elementary School.

4 3

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


the ottoman vulture Erdogan evaluates the nations by the lethal power of their army.. but what if Iran hezbollah and hamas undermine Israel?

sure, then, he would become the chosen prey of allah!

5 3

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

WATCH: Ukrainian Jews celebrate Passover under fire

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Big 666 pharma NWO. welcome to gene hell, and nano technologies

#no correlation

Sudden illness, bassist Simone Massarut dies at 30

#no correlation

There was nothing to do for Carlo Cardinale, a 46-year-old Salento from Galatone, in the province of Lecce: he died in Veneto, in Vicenza, after a sudden illness in front of his colleagues.

4 4

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


shalom + salam = universal brotherhood

5 4

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


there is no single reason to transform: Xi-Jinping and Putin into an enemy, except the fact that: they did not wear fishnet stockings and they did not come in high heels with exposed buttocks to make a procession for holy satan: in a parade of gay pride lgbtqia +++ the dog, the donkey, the mouse the beast and the fluid monkey talmud-darwin Ape Mokey Charles Michel: iridescent and flashing.

"The Russian tennis players excluded from Wimbledon 2022? I find it a str BIP BIP.. ata BIP BIP,

if I can use this term. Medvedev and Rublev, among other things, I think they have already disagreed with what their country is doing".

This was stated by Adriano Panatta who spoke to the microphones of Un Giorno da Pecora. "Russian tennis players are people who do this job. A Russian engineer who is in London then shouldn't

be working anymore?" Added the former great blue champion.

4 4

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ I had decided to take all of Ukraine, to take it away from satan and sodom and Ursula the witch the antichrist.. but I see that it would be a huge human price!

but when will I go down with my anger in the sharia ARAB LEAGUE?

I will have no mercy on islamist sharjah

4 4

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


I would never have sent weapons. Our Constitution prohibits it ". ]] [[ M5S, Coltorti: "Zelensky ceda Donbass, Putin is not a butcher"

https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/mondo/m5s-coltorti-zelensky-ceda-donbass-putin-non-%C3%A8 -butcher

"I would immediately sign a motion on the sale of the Donbass and on stopping the sending of weapons, I would support it like a sword", insists Coltorti, who spares no criticism of the work

of the Ukrainian president: "I don't know if Zelensky represents the voice of the Ukrainian population:

there is a state of war, people are forced to wear uniforms. The Ukrainian people may not be all on Zelensky's side ". The one underway in Ukraine, according to Coltorti, "

is a war fought through intermediaries. The US wants to isolate Russia, we have no interest in

doing this and we are pursuing a policy against the achievement of peace".

For US President Biden, Putin was responsible for war crimes. "If these are war crimes,

even US presidents have committed them. I think it's wrong to call Putin a 'butcher'.

Obviously I don't condone it. Russia ", remarked Senator Grillino, who commented

on the line adopted by the Movement:" The M5S followed the initial wave, I would never have sent weapons.

Our Constitution prohibits it ".


he does not have the courage to say that Putin is right.

but it is a point of departure and arrival to obtain an immediate cessation of the conflict.

that idiot Zelensky to do Biden a favor, now he's about to lose access to the Black Sea too!

4 4

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


A possible motion on the sale of the Donbass to Russia and on stopping the shipment of weapons to Ukraine "I would sign it immediately". Word of the senator M5S Mauro Coltorti,

president of the Transport Commission of Palazzo Madama. "The request for the recognition of the independence of Donbass and Crimea and the state of neutrality of Ukraine

- says the senator in conversation with Adnkronos -

was made by Russia at the beginning of the conflict.

If Zelensky had accepted, he would have avoided bloodshed.

There has been a conflict in Donbass since 2014, once the Russians got in they put up a very serious mortgage. The sale of Donbass would have been a very honorable solution.

Crimea, on the other hand, is already Russian. I was in Crimea years ago, there they speak Russian not Ukrainian "


that idiot Zelensky to do Biden a favor, now he's about to lose access to the Black Sea too!

5 4

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


free Julian Paul Assange Now there is the extradition order, issued by the Westminster Magistrates Court in London. The only thing missing is the green light from the Minister of the Interior, the super hawk Priti Patel, then Julian Assange will be deported to the United States: then we will see a modern form of execution.


Are we actually witnessing a disguised death penalty, which is prohibited by all international conventions, or, to free Assange, will we now put Biden and his demonic and criminal world-wide predatory system in jail?

5 4

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


OTAN Spa & Co Uk 322 UE lgbtq of the antichrist Ursula nazi FED BM NWO?

free Julian Paul Assange (Townsville, 3 July 1971) is an Australian journalist, programmer and activist, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the popular organization WikiLeaks.

his fault was to prove that Biden & Boris are 2 macaron the Satanists


5 4

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


#MOSCA "What is happening in Ukraine is a tragedy, but Russia had no other choice, because in the OTAN Spa & Co Uk 322 UE lgbtq of the antichrist Ursula nazi FED BM NWO?

they are a legion of Rothschild demons who do not forget and do not forgive. "

this was said by Russian President Vladimir Putin,

5 4

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


United Kingdom, Assange's extradition to the US: the reactions of his supporters



Assange is punished because he did his duty to him. but, of course, only Xi and Putin are the tyrants!

while in the ARAB OIC LEAGUE jihad sharia kaput, they only are the larks of San Francesco live

5 4

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

WATCH: Ukrainian Jews celebrate Passover under fire

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel




lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


United Kingdom, Assange's extradition to the US: the reactions of his supporters

Westminster Magistrates' Court issued the formal order for the founder of WikiLeaks.


to say that a journalist violates state secrets: while he reveals massacres of civilians, and genocide torture, which are not constitutionally allowed? it's like cursing the first amendment,

Assange is a hero and martyr of democracy, whom Talmudic plutocratic Jews hate,

but, unfortunately this is the real face of the USA UE UK OTAN Spa & Co NWO FED is that they are a legion of demons that do not forget and do not forgive.

5 4

Discussion on World Israel News 84 comments

'It's a lie' - Bennett goes head-to-head with CNN journalist

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Bennett said: "The problem is that the Palestinian leadership is totally corrupt, incompetent, so we have to do the job because there is no one to work with on the other side, and..


Bennett knows he is lying.

no, Muslims are specialized killers, they have obtained 1.2 billion innocent victims of Sharia law, and they have made the genocide of 50 previous Christian nations.

as vultures are lethal and opportunistic predators and are only waiting for your false step!


The whole ARAB LEAGUE UMMA OCI must be suffocated in their demonic wickedness!

5 3

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


"Who is murdered? We are seeing Palestinians killing Israelis. We do not see Israelis killing Palestinians, and that is why there is no symmetry here..

"I also object, these are not occupied territories, they are disputed territories, and we have claims on our places, as well as on them," she said.

"I understand," continued the Israeli leader. "Nobody is going anywhere. We have to figure out how to live together. This is my job. Providing security for Israelis, dignity for Palestinians. I am working very hard on it, and we are succeeding."


Israelis pretend to be stupid, but everyone knows that: you can't put goat and cabbage together!

as long as there is a sharia regime in the world, all Muslims can turn into potential terrorists, and for now, they must be deported to Syria!

of course now Bennet knows he's lying: "I'm working very hard on it, and we're succeeding."

7 6

Discussion on World Israel News 148 comments

Arabs attack former Israeli beauty queen in mixed city, Orthodox Jew in Jerusalem

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Arabs attack former Israeli beauty queen in mixed Jewish-Arab town; Orthodox man attacked in Jerusalem


everything here must be interpreted in a Froidian way.

Wahhabi Islamists are prehistoric and pre-biblical, let's say cavemen.

the male must be expelled from the herd, and the woman's only value is the hole.

5 3

Discussion on World Israel News 42 comments

Jewish lawmaker dubbed 'Russian traitor' by Ukraine

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Ilaria: "Promise kept, Stefano had justice and dignity"


fought against the deep state institutional octopus, DEM, the swamp of Masonic consociativism Bildenberg,

and she won: because she too belongs to another media potentate of the Democratic Party.

but, in Italy there are millions of Italians who are raped daily by the injustice of the Democratic Party!

6 4

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Afghanistan, l'Isis rivendica l'attentato alla moschea Sciita di Mazar-iSharif

Afghanistan, Isis claims the attack on the Shiite mosque of Mazar-iSharif


there is no doubt, Allah is a good devil!

7 4

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel



Svitolina: "Russians and Belarusians at Wimbledon if they take sides against Putin"


which judge ruled that Putin is guilty?

I am: Unius REI, the supreme judge, and my sentence is that his enemies are guilty!

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Colombia: drug kingpin 'Boliqueso' captured in Mexico

There is NO justification for the crime, but where did the plutocratic Jew Freemason steal the most? there, only the mafia can give you a chance to survive, and can give you the chance to have that justice that the state has a duty to represent.


6 4

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


no difference with Erdogan, even for him his opponents are the enemies of God Allah Rothschild!

The administration of Ukrainian President Baal-JabulOn Volodomyr Zelensky has declared that a Jewish parliamentarian from an opposition party is a "collaborator, pro-Russian politician" and traitor to Ukraine, the Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) reported.

Vadim Rabinovich, a longtime rival of Zelensky, was recently added to a blacklist of Ukrainians that includes opposition lawmakers, local politicians, journalists and bureaucrats who are allegedly linked to Russia or its president, Vladimir Putin.

7 4

Discussion on World Israel News 24 comments

Jerusalem tensions soar ahead of Old City flag march

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Yes this is the new freedom of religion of Islam

4 2

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

Stop 'encouraging violence, rewarding Hamas' - Bennett fires back at Jordan

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


#worldisraelnews #MOSSAD ] [ this criminal hacker my account [[meicanselib1985

@meicanselib1985]] she/he it want to put on my lists

6 4

Discussion on World Israel News 54 comments

Arab assaults 16-year-old Jewish girl on Jerusalem train

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


it is 80 years of terrorism that we have cried, and another 80 years of terrorism will not be given to us yet,

why if Israel does not react adequately?

no one can vouch for its existence

Judge finds Donald Trump in contempt in New York legal fight



an hour ago

Bin ISIS Salman fron Riyad [ stop being afraid of lizards and come to me ] my soul is purer than a diamond, what if I don't love someone? I will certainly trip and fall! that's why Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild FED IMF ECB NWO. I am more than 5 years old, and he no longer finds anyone who wants to challenge me!


I say that everyone will love us, because the two of us are the only salvation for mankind, to save everyone's bodies and souls! but, if we really have to fight, will death no longer be consoling for us, if we have to die together on the battlefield?


Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

Operation Wave Breaker: IDF arrests 11 terror suspects




Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad ] my soul is purer than a diamond, what if I don't love someone?

certainly, I will do him trip and fall him!


that's why Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild FED IMF ECB NWO

are more than 5 years , that Sodoma Satana no longer finds anyone who wants to challenge me!

stop being afraid of lizards and come to me






no, comment ] [ lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel to JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO11Pending

anti-Pope: "Sorrow for Kiev, the world has chosen Cain's scheme: killing his brother"

ANSWER-Bergoglio does not see Satan, does not see Rockefeller, and does not see banking SpaCo. seigniorage.

so or he is an atheist, or he is a staunch Satanist!

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel11Pending

I read 14 years ago, on the official CIA website, that in the USA 100,000 human sacrifices are made on the altar of satan every year,

then, I said: "since no one is punished, then, it is the CIA that does these crimes!", that's how they took away that news!

obviously I did an investigation:

every year: 30,000 human sacrifices are made in Germany, 15,000 human sacrifices in France, and 20,000 human sacrifices in the UK.

but, the human sacrifices that are made in NATO? I'm out of static.

The "Satanic Temple" in the United States has started raising funds for Ukraine. April 15, 2022,

The "Satanic Temple" of Massachusetts, recognized by the American authorities, has expressed its support for Ukraine and has opened a fundraiser to help the country.

In social networks, many users, including the Ukrainian, thanked the temple for its support, reports RT in its Telegram channel.

The "Satanic Temple" is a legal structure, in 2019 it was even exempted from paying taxes.


lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel11Pending

Speaking from Helsinki, Tuppurainen noted that there is now a profound change in relations between Russia and Finland, which "saddens" her. You then described Russia's actions as a "brutal" war in Ukraine and "a wake-up call for all of us".


ok, Tuppurainen before making a wicked choice, why don't you consult with me?

who brought about this profound change in relations between Russia and Finland, perhaps your sanctions?

1. but, if the crimes of Ursula CIA OTAN in Ukraine from 2014 to date with her 15,000 killed are nothing for you, how could you be a witch?

2. and if after all this, NATO brings you nuclear hypersonic missiles 5 minutes from MOSCOW,

and then you say: "I am a pacifist, without ifs, and without buts?"

3. So you think you are crushing the Russians because you are richer and stronger and more numerous and better armed, because you are for the world war, so you have russophobia, which is a kind of rugna, which makes you itch all the time ?

4. then, what does it matter to you about Christians who no longer have a future in the ARAB LEAGUE?

if you are a witch then, this is your logic!

and why certainly you must be a witch!

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel11Pending

China[open letter]if you want to take Taiwan? you can do it, but you have to be ready for the world war experience.

Since, there is only one Allah-OCI-NWO of Rockefeller the Satanist thief Spa & Co, so it is only a convention to say: "Japan" "Korea" etc...

In fact, there is only one world Masonic government (and this is clearly seen in the EU, and not only, due to the coordinated slander against Russia)

but, from a legal and moral point of view:

"stealing something from the Rockefeller thief is not a sin, but must be understood as a legitimate restitution of the badly taken away".

and then, you know the history books are written by the winner and the winner will be you!

and then it is not said that the cowardly Japanese are ready to die for the Taiwanese, also because the many old people who are there? they would be left without a caregiver

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel11Pending

Biden is used to shaking hands with Satan and his ghosts, but who would come after him? could be worse!

the Spa & Co system. Rockefeller Freemasonry prevents honest men from pursuing political careers.






no, comment ] [ JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO11Pending

Abu Mazen jihad akbar sharia ] The violence went on for hours,

the police then allowed the faithful to participate in the midday prayer. ANSWER

if you don't stop being violent? I show you this caxxo of a mosque how it collapses

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel11Pending

but now he is too busy / busy with 33 9 year old Aisha virgins.

In Jenin, a 17-year-old Palestinian, Kamal Abed,

died after being seriously wounded yesterday by gunshots in clashes with Israeli soldiers.

The Ramallah Ministry of Health reported. He is the seventh Palestinian victim from Wednesday

to today, in the context of security operations in the West Bank, particularly in the Jenin area, launched by the Israeli armed forces in light of the recent wave of attacks in the Jewish state.


they call them martyrs, but they are crazy killers,

they call them martyrs, but it is because you are the real martyr!

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel11Pending

Ukrainian flag projected on the Russian embassy in the US: the reaction is bizarre


bizarre? no it's a desecration and a declaration of war!

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel11Pending

The Syrian Observatory Satan Allah Sodom, for human rights based in Great Britain 322 UK Jabulon?

does not know the Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians since every 8 minutes, Muslims kill a peaceful

and completely innocent Christian,

for the rule of sharia law and for the love of the UMMA

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Ukraine, Mariupol: the deNazified inhabitants are quietly in the streets among the Russian military








Discussion on United with Israel The Revolution of Passover

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel hollywoodjeff

11PendingYou have a fool face, but instead you asked very pertinent and rational questions,


the alternative to this alliance is world war, and Bin Salman does not need to be afraid of me, since the army of Chinese will arrive here, all very angry at him!

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

hollywoodjeff 11Only a mountain? all the desert of Madiana, because being in the desert for 40 years and one day means (for the Bible) having a legal right to that property,

also because the master of that territory was Ietro who was the priest of Maidan.

Obviously, there is no violence in this operation, because it is an alliance, that is, that of obtaining from Egypt and Saudi Arabia, another 8000 sq km to be able to call all the Jews who today, in the world are dispersed!

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

12Pending-Names and surnames of the enemies of the people for the first time live TV

high betrayal and speculative finance,

Here, the name of criminals

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel hollywoodjeff 12days agoPending

did you say nonsense to open a discussion? 1. the real mountain "Sinai Oreb" is located in Saudi Arabia (Madiana desert), and has been cordoned off, because Bin Salman is afraid that I will go and get it!

2. there are the stems that King Solomon had erected in the plain of Nubeida: which celebrate the crossing of the sea. 3. and opposite, in Nubeida, under the sea, there are the war chariots of the pharaoh which are still set with corals, etc.etc.







lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel5Pending

Svitolina: "Russians and Belarusians at Wimbledon if they take sides against Putin"

ANSWER === which judge ruled that Putin is guilty? I am: Unius REI, the supreme judge, and my sentence is that his enemies are guilty!






Putin: "We had no choice, no doubts about achieving goals"


it is true in NATO there are satanists: and the Koran-Talmud Agenda: it is a sharia-Spa & Co project. for partition of the planet. and Putin had no choice,

because, only his intervention by him could prevent the nuclear world war: and the destruction of the Russian confederation itself!

that since this world war's NATO was ordered, from Salman and Rockefeller to realize it anyway, 14 years ago, yes. but, this WW3nuclear cannot be prevented now, since Unius REI now makes it possible.

ok may the best win! that i am



Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

Ilhan and Pakistani Islamist share incredible Islamophobia intimacy – opinion




Famous Actress Discovers Her Jewish Roots - @IsraelVideos


Where do we come from? Many people come from mixed lineages. Scarlet Johansson is one example. Her mother returns to a family that came from the old world to America before the First World War. From where?


all Christians have a Jewish identity,

the Jewish roots, on the other hand, we leave them to the exterminators of the sharia and UMMA jihad genocide, who have the complex of Islamophobia, like Ilhan Omar and former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan



Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments

From enemies to friends? Iran, Saudi Arabia playing nice as nuclear talks falter




it is not clear how a warming relationship with Saudi Arabia will affect the approach of other regional powers towards Israel.. as Rockefeller said: "Die Samson with all the Philistines uuh akbar Allah nuclear bum bum bum uuuhh"



Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Yom Hashoah event will honor Jews who saved Jews during the Holocaust




Bin ISIS Salman] what I think on a personal level has no political value:

1. I can be loved by mankind worldwide,

2. I can be hated by mankind,

but my first political mandate, it will always remain ( which JHWH holy gave me 14 years ago) is to bring about the Kingdom of Israel, and to gather the 12 tribes of Israel that are scattered around the world,

and this mandate is not subject / subject to the approval of: ideologies or personal beliefs of any kind: ideological and or religious, or geopolitical.


if then, for you and for anyone it is convenient to disobey God, I leave it, to your Koran to decide: which is an uncreated word for you, and has said that this land belongs to the Jews



Discussion on World Israel News 33 comments

Former Iranian MP confirms Tehran seeks nuclear weapons





Ukraine, Gb intelligence: "Kreminna conquered by Russia"


1. no one has a doubt about the outcome of this war, and

2. Putin's duty is to stabilize the region by making Kiev lose all access to the sea.

3. these NATO criminals woke up on the morning of February 24, 2022, and said: "Putin is to blame with no ifs and buts". because this is a dogma of allah Darwin Sodom and Satan the witch of Ursula l 'Antichrist






A war recovery is the one proposed by Roberto Speranza, secretary of Article 1 to help Italy get out of the crisis caused by the war in Ukraine.

“An intervention that can mitigate the effects of the high cost of living.

I am very worried for the next few months.

The consequences of the war risk being heavy for the weaker groups and the middle class ”he said in an interview with La Repubblica.

“High energy costs also risk getting companies in trouble, which could lose significant market share with job losses. I therefore share Draghi's initiative, shared by Macron, of an energy price cap: price regulation.

And if necessary we will be able to touch the extra profits again ”.


the delusional murderous and criminal position: DEM Deep State, Spa & Co. Rothschild regime EU US OTAN, which slanders and attacks Russia: treacherously, and which threatens mankind






Former Iranian MP confirms Tehran seeks nuclear weapons


since it enriches uranium over 3%, then, the war purpose is the only purpose left!

but Rothschild & Rockefelelr like it that way, because they are afraid of the success that Israel is having thanks to Netanjahu



Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

WATCH: Defense Ministry releases unseen footage from First Lebanon War




Israel always wins, and wins again again again



Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

WATCH: Trump, Pence hit campaign trail on separate, possibly colluding paths




Enrico Letta and the protests of April 25: "We are convinced of our choices on arms in Ukraine"


this is the aspect: murderer, warmonger, coup and anti constitutional of the DEM PD lgbtqia +++






UKRAINE | The chronicle of the day. Zelensky: "Here the fate of the democratic world is decided". Three Russian airstrikes were recorded this morning in the southern Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhia; in Lugansk 17 raid in 24 hours


this is the democracy of every perversion, and Masonic consociativism, now the word "democracy" has remained, but it is an empty shell, here is the most dangerous regime of the antichrist since the time of the universal flood.

UKRAINE | Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov launched a fundraiser to buy weapons in Kiev and was the first to donate a month's salary, inviting his fellow citizens to do the same


rich Freemasons suit this criminal Rothschild system


former vice president Mike Pence was complicit with the Bidens,

for having stolen the more than evident election victory from Trump,

endorsing the biggest election fraud in history

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

Russia unleashes attacks on Ukrainian rail and fuel installations


dying at 62 for Rothschild EU technocracy and neoliberalism and Big 666 Pharma is a heroic and patriotic act,

Why does the goyim slave of Rockefeller Spa & Co BCE FED BM NWO IMF Spa & Co have to live on, to take advantage of retirement and health?

25 APR - It's Marco Occhetti, aka Kim, former voice of the Country Cousins. He died at the age of 62 on Friday evening - his daughter Giulia says - due to cardiac arrest and the funeral will take place today

at 3 pm in Fiano Romano at the Church of Santo Stefano Protomartire.

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

Students for Justice in Palestine harass Jewish students at Rutgers during…


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


but if you had the king of Israel lorenzoJHWH? this would not have happened!



Discussion on United with Israel 7 comments

Terrorists’ Rocket Lands Inside Gaza, Injuring Palestinian Civilian




Allah fail


Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

WATCH: Trump reveals how he would handle Putin’s nuclear threats




Did you forget to rate my comments, or did you fail?





Trump reveals how he would handle Putin's nuclear threats


since there is no Russian nuclear threat, and no Russian imperilism.

then, the problem does not arise.

and we know that Patriot Maga he would never start a war





Believing is Seeing: A Perspective on Perceiving Images of Objects on the Shroud of Turin Paper Thumbnail

Author Photo Mercedes Sheen View PDF ▸ Download PDF ⬇ ABSTRACT

For many years, the Shroud of Turin has been famous for images of a body and face which many believe were formed during The Resurrection. More recently, however, claims have been made that the Shroud also contains evidence of other objects, and these claims have been used to support the view that the Shroud is the...




Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

Russia unleashes attacks on Ukrainian rail and fuel installations



Kuleba warned that if Western powers want Ukraine to win the war and "stop Putin in Ukraine and not allow him to go further, deeper into Europe", then countries must speed up the delivery of the weapons Ukraine requires.


we have two problems:

1. NATO must remove all its aggressive structures from the borders of the Russian Federation.

2. if the CIA coup is constitutionally valid, then, of course, we can say that this Ukraine of the CIA coup, and pogroms of Russian speakers for 9 years, is judicially legitimate, and that effectively,

the Crimean peninsula, was seized from Ukraine in 2014.



Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

World Jewish population stands at 15.2 million: Central Bureau of Statistics



The numbers are just a little below the world's Jewish population on the eve of the Holocaust.


my friend is saying, actually: that how Rockefeller killed 6 million Jews through Hitler?

so, today, Rothschild will kill another 6 million Israelis through IRAN!


and we know this metaphysical truth, because the Holy Spirit is saying it to us

Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments

What Russian TV wouldn’t let me say (about Putin and the Holocaust)



are you are not inside the Nazi Jewish-Masonic delusional Western criminal slanderous and lying position? then, you must be purged as in the worst regimes that the history of our planet remembers!

April 25, Conte: "Petrocelli out of M5S, unspeakable provocations"

"Vito Petrocelli used the letter" z "and is out of the 5 Star Movement".

So on Twitter the "Hail Hitler" leader of the M5S, Giuseppe Hitler Conte. "We are completing the deportation procedure.

His latest tweet is just plain shameful.

April 25th is a serious anniversary. Certain provocations are unspeakable ".

PETROCELLI'S TWEET - "Happy Liberation Day tomorrow.. Libera" Z "ion" tweeted Vito Petrocelli, M5S Senator and President of the Senate Foreign Commission.

Giuseppe Conte


Vito Petrocelli is out of @ Mov5Stelle. We are completing the deportation procedure. His latest tweet is just plain shameful. April # 25 is a serious anniversary. Certain provocations are unspeakable.


Bin ISIS Salman] [you have to stop laughing about the fact that the NWO is about to exterminate: Russian, Chinese, Israeli, European and Indian, because of you: allah uuh akbar.

because this is bad!


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ CIA trolls found a way to block 40 disqus accounts, so when did the CIA trolls realize that I was systematically blocking them? they shot me in advance!

C. Brian Ross, Rahel, Gershon Perry, Alex Peshansky, evangeline golding, Eagle, u4ea Here, 24 Guest Votes

Marcia (Freemer) Kar, ArleneB, Mark Strazynski, 16 Guest Votes

Following_Christ, Alex Peshansky, 11 Guest Votes

Ringgo1, True Modesty


when someone blocks you in disqus? you may not know, or, you must have a special function to know, but you do not know if this special function can exist!

80% of all users who are here? they are all priests of satan of the CIA Spa & Co FED IMF BM NWO ECB OTAN, the satan sodom allah.

Discussion on World Israel News 57 comments

PA TV calls for 'extermination of evil Jews, Israel silent'


ItaGlia aaaahhhhhh ] [ in Italy do you hear one news or one any show?

and then, you've heard them all.

in Italy there is no alternative thought.

the devastation of brainwashing, I find it in the confused mind of my father-in-law, who watching television all day, but ends up not understanding anything of reality but end repeating what the Democratic Party says.

however, he is a man of the right, with sympathies for Berlusconi


Official Palestinian Authority TV station broadcasts prayer calling for mass slaughter of Jews.


it is not that Catholic princes have saved the lives of these beasts of satan for 2000 years, because you could exterminate them in sharia law, you,

no! this is a bad deed that you cannot do!

We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News.


Judge finds Donald Trump in contempt in New York legal fight

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

a minute ago

only Donald Trump is our Patriot MAGA!

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

Operation Wave Breaker: IDF arrests 11 terror suspects

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

worldisraelnews the gost your zombies Guest Vote? vote against me badly here!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Operation Wave Breaker: IDF arrests 11 terrorist suspects


but in my opinion the whole ARAB LEAGUE is suspected!

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

Israel's UN envoy shows who's to blame for Temple Mount riots

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran, I have always thought that you look like an intelligent person.


Do you remember when the two of us were little, how we used to play marre (apricot kernels), and then growing up we moved on to playing pallucce (glass marbles)

but now that we have become two adult goats?

now we will play with the atomic marbles:

but, you are quick to produce a few hundred, because I will always win!

all the beasts of Allah and Satan know this: "Unius REI is invincible"

they say!



Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

Ukraine war may cause Israeli, Palestinian food shortages

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



Ukraine war may cause Israeli, Palestinian food shortages, and a world catastrophe!


kabbalah in Spa & Co Riyadh: Deep State tescocratic, in an Islamic-Talmudic-Koranic demonic association, with / through the CIA coup Nuland in Maidan Square (2014) he thought of having Russian Christians massacred against European Christians (in the world war) , to benefit ISLAM in the world!

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

Ilhan and Pakistani Islamist share incredible Islamophobia intimacy – opinion

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



CHINA RUSSIA INDIA US EU UN ] [the OCI Muslims Riad Iran sharia are shameless killers, without reciprocity and without laicity, and

there is no place on this planet for us and for them: one of us: he must get out!

Mohammed said nothing about the many women who have been threatened, brutalized, or even killed for not wearing hijab,

or about the ongoing persecution of Christians and Hindus in Pakistan.

For him, Muslim victimhood is all that matters,

as a tool to intimidate the world into adopting Sharia prohibitions on criticism of Islam. Apparently,

that is Ilhan Omar's goal as well.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



the supremacist exterminators of the sharia and UMMA jihad genocide, the beasts of allah uuh akbar, who have the complex of Islamophobia, but have killed 1.2 billion innocent people in 1400 years, and kill an innocent Christian martyr every 8 minutes, like Ilhan Omar known by all: as Aisha 9 years old sheep, and former Pakistani ISIS Prime Minister Imran Khan death to all kafiri infidels as Erdogan takfiri sudairi Ali Khamenei

Supreme guide of Iran in jihad partnership with Wahhabis, all Shiites blasphemous apostates and impure Chinese kafir MURTIDI and dhimmis slaves, who do not want to pay the Jizya tax (جزية, ğizya

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

Russia unleashes attacks on Ukrainian rail and fuel installations

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



have you transformed into "24 Guest Votes" ie all CIA 666 troll bulling

all those who have not learned to vote well?

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



when the sodom allah satan CIA Spa&Co UMMA block an article to you?

you send it to me fedele250660 gmail com

and I try to propose it again!



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Detected as spam

Report accuses Jill Biden of plotting to get rid of Kamala

'Harris and her team di lei are referring to him as the Titanic'.

Joe Biden campaigned for president as being THE one who could unify America.

But he set aside that he's not even come close, adopting divisive policies and practices as quickly as he can in the months he's been in office. Now it's appearing that he perhaps should begin his unification effort in his own administration.

It's because Jack Posobiec is reporting that there are "two administrations" in the White House and "Jill Biden has asked about using 25th Amendment to get rid of Kamala Harris."

'Jill Biden has asked about using 25th Amendment to get rid of Kamala Harris'.

'There are two administrations in the White House'


Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) October 27, 2021

TRENDING: Dumb and dumber: During an appearance on Steve Bannon's War Room, Posobiec was commenting on a new poll showing 35% of Americans want the 2020 presidential election outcome overturned.



this is definitely fake news (and I support the Italian interior ministry which says: beware, why are the real fake news? those are just ours), I think that Jill Biden, yes, she agreed to eat insects, but about the food, made by the 9-month-old fetuses, of Kamala the witch? there, she just refused!

We have received your request for review

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


What is going on? Vatican abruptly cancels live broadcast of pope meeting Biden


perhaps Biden has confused Bergoglio with his wife!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



when zelensky danced in high heels. rejoice in having been indebted and expropriated of our monetary and political sovereignty by the Bildenbergs, that this is our constituent fathers? they certainly didn't want it!

then he demonstrated, what the technocratic and anti-Zionist Masonic Jews had made democracy a prostitute Ursula lgbtq technocratic bureaucratic devitalizing and mafia, where if you are a poor man? you can even die!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



to say that Russia is the aggressor? means having slept up to 2 months ago, and not knowing anything about the Kiev coup CIA-Nuland in Maidan Square with all the Russian-speaking pogroms that have taken place, in the last 8 years,

now, Putin has a duty to stabilize the region, and to caustic the beasts of satan and sodom of NATO!

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Yom Hashoah event will honor Jews who saved Jews during the Holocaust

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


while the Demonic Kabbalah mandates FED IMF BM NWO, about Shoah agenda talmud : who were also the masonic cult cowards of Rockefeller Spa & Co. club Bohemian Grove the god OWL Rothschild? they had already fled!

Many who might have tried to escape preferred to stay and save the others; some have paid for it with their lives.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS OCI Riyad Iran UMMA ] [ for a good purpose? from whose point of view? for whose benefit? but, this is high treason:

because only me: lorenzoJHWH Unius REI,

only I on this planet decide what is good and what is bad

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman] obviously, you can't put the devil and holy water together. and therefore, I immediately came into conflict with the CIA trolls who are here, and as the demons pleaded with Jesus and said, "send us to those takfiri and Wahhabi pigs, don't send us to hell right away"

so, all the trolls that are here begged me and said, "but we are here to protect Israel"

Now I ask you and any idiot who reads me:

but I can realize a metaphysical biblical theocracy (on the theological-spiritual level): but, a rational metaphysical agnostic of the Kingdom of Israel (on the juridical-political level):

that is, to found my world kingdom (the universal brotherhood of Unius REI) on a lie (that is, the collaboration with the trolls of the CIA) that according to them would be a lie said for good purposes, to protect Israel?

but, which Israel are we talking about here among the sodomitics of the New World Order?

that is certainly not the Israel that I know

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman ] figlio di una cag*a [ when I entered this social network, about 4 years ago, I was not too surprised, because all social networks were given by Rockefeller Spa & Co under the control, of your satan priests and their suckers. lgbtqia+++: NWO Masonic agenda Quran-Talmud (known in hell as the idol of Jealousy: who entered and defiled the house of God)

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREIking Israel Unius REI governor worldwide said:

"the delusional murderous and criminal position: DEM Deep State, Spa & Co. Rothschild regime EU US OTAN, which slanders and attacks Russia: treacherously, and which threatens mankind.

1. no one has a doubt about the outcome of this war, and

2. Putin's duty is to stabilize the region by making Kiev lose all access to the sea.

3. these NATO criminals woke up on the morning of February 24, 2022, and said:

"Putin is to blame with no ifs and buts".

because this is a dogma of allah Darwin Sodom and Satan the witch of Ursula the Antichrist



Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

WATCH: Trump, Pence hit campaign trail on separate, possibly colluding paths

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



Miranda Devine: 'The most compelling evidence' of 2020 vote fraud https://www.wnd.Com/2022/04/miranda-devine-compelling-evidence-2020-vote-fraud/

Miranda Devine was the lead reporter in the New York Post's blockbuster stories weeks before the 2020 election featuring evidence of Joe Biden's involvement in the family's influence peddling operation.

A poll indicated that if those revelations had not been censored by Twitter, Facebook and other social media, they would have changed the outcome of the vote.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Turkey, life imprisonment for Kavala: the anti-Erdogan philanthropist convicted for the protests in Gezi Park, they were afraid of Erdogan who does not have the blackmail of oil, and then, in front of all the other sharia exterminators, what will they do?


Erdogan is the best of the scum in the ARAB LEAGUE when it comes to freedom of expression, but for NATO EU US that's okay! On 10 December the same Court rejected the appeal presented by the lawyers of Kavala,

who demanded the release of the philanthropist, in compliance with a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights.

The Court based in Strasbourg on 2 December last had in turn initiated an infringement procedure against Turkey,

after Ankara did not respect the release order issued by the same court for a year.

The "Kavala affair" risked creating an international crisis when the Turkish philanthropist received the support of ambassadors from the United States, France, Germany, Holland, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and New Zealand

who had launched a joint appeal to enforce the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights which it declared

the "illegality" of the detention measure.

President Erdogan's response to the appeal was a declaration of "persona non grata" addressed to diplomats,

which is played as a possible antechamber of a probable expulsion.

The crisis only subsided after ambassadors pledged that they did not want to interfere in Turkey's internal affairs.

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

Students for Justice in Palestine harass Jewish students at Rutgers during…

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

there are Jewish students "baby killers" and "terrorists." really?

1.2 billion innocent victims of sharia law UMMA OCI Mecca idol Kaaba: who made them?

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


eih Disqus your 666 Spa&Co "3 Guest Votes" CIA zombies ghosts are upon me, all the time!



Discussion on World Israel News 57 comments

PA TV calls for 'extermination of evil Jews, Israel silent'

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


if Israel had the King lorenzoJHWH? this crime would never have happened, simply because all Muslims would have already been deported to Syria!

PA TV station calls for 'extermination of evil Jews,' Israel silent

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

WATCH: Trump reveals how he would handle Putin’s nuclear threats

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



flawless analysis the West is becoming an absurd regime and is about to commit suicide by itself!

Darkness always precedes light, but the choice to decide correctly is ours alone.

We are ready?




Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

Elon Musk has an agreement to acquire Twitter for about $44B

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


who has the money like Elon Musk?

1. he can go to the moon but,

2. he cannot question or threaten the Rothschild & Rochefeller monopoly power of the New World Order,

3. sack their sodomitic satanists,

4. remove filters and algorithms, ed

5. prevent users from being managed by the A.I.

so that the first amendment can be reinstated



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman ] why hasn't Nart become a "Guest Vote" too? [ about my account https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_XchKMwk34w/

my last comment in


was also voted negatively by

Nart @ disqus_SuGu7dizPw You've blocked this user.

You won't see any comments from this user on Disqus in discussions, notifications, and more.

We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News

Nart and 2 Guest Votes

why hasn't Nart become a "Guest Vote" too?



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

BIN ISIS Salman ] [ these are not users, they are paid and hired professionals 80%, or 90% CIA trolls, and people don't come here,

some of them are employed, and some are Satanists.

and I after 4 years, I have no reason to be angry at all of them?

I did not expect them to recognize my political ministry, because recognizing it is only your responsibility!

sure, I would have respected them, anyway, but they bullied me, and they didn't have a civil, and friendly approach to me, because their first commitment is not to protect Israel, but to protect the NWO who planned to kill Israel. that's why none of them could show me cordiality and friendship.



Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

World Jewish population stands at 15.2 million: Central Bureau of Statistics

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Of the 15.2 million Jews in the world, 6.9 million or 45% live in Israel.


BIN ISIS Salman, you prepare everything necessary for the most affectionate welcome, of mine and your brothers: that is, of all the Jews of the diaspora in the Madiana desert,

but, have you defined an area of 8000 sq km for me?



Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments

What Russian TV wouldn’t let me say (about Putin and the Holocaust)

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Storm over Schröder: «The massacres in Ukraine? Putin is not involved. "


800 tanks and their crews were blown up by infamous ambushes made by the urban centers with deadly javelins,

What if you watched your friends die like that?

you would have become very very bad too!

It may be that some Russian soldiers have indulged in war crimes, but the primary responsibility for all this carnage?

it is certainly not in a Putin order,

but, it is the responsibility of the EU US NATO CIA, who lured Russia in a criminal way when premeditated in this disaster

who predicted such a criminal war in urban centers? sure, not Putin!

So, censorship and intimidation, we must say that they are the new democratic standard of the PD DEM!

Here is the narrative of Goldman Sachs Western Bildenberg regime:

they say: "

of former Social Democratic Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, who claims and defends all his controversial choices, from friendship with Vladimir Putin to maintaining well-paid posts in the service of the Russian energy industry, to refusing to directly criticize the Kremlin leader, explicitly condemning the aggression against Ukraine.

It is the first time that Schröder has spoken publicly since the start of the war and the gravity of his statements even pushes the co-president of the SPD, Saskia Esken, to say that the former chancellor should leave the Social Democratic party:

“We have repeatedly invited him to leave his posts in Russian companies, but he did not want to follow our advice. Unfortunately, he has been acting only as a businessman for many years. Now we must stop looking at him as a statesman and former chancellor, "said Esken, according to whom" his defense of Putin against war crimes charges is absurd "



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

the fact that the slanderer: Dr. Rafael Medoff is director of the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, do you compare Hitler to Putin? this is a detestable fact, which violates the reality and the truth of history, there is a coup of shameless and unpunished murderers who have carried out a genocide of Russian speakers for 8 years, hidden by the "democratic" media

in the largely dramatic scope of its reality.

Like NATO's hypersonic missiles, dual nuclear capability would have given Russia no defensive capabilities.

and it was this element that made the invasion of Ukraine inevitable.

and if we add to this that fighting in an infamous way (like the Palestinians) inside the urban centers, is in itself the worst of war crimes.

which led Russian soldiers to get angry and certainly to commit abuses.

if then the corrupt Dr. Rafael Medoff is director of the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies,

he doesn't want to see BANDERAS and Nazi-fascists (Pravi Sector & Azov Battalion) in Ukraine?

besides, this is a catastrophic problem for him, and his crimes of high treason to the Constitution should at least disqualify him from the register of journalists!



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Yes, many major US newspapers downplayed or ignored Holocaust news, but that was shoddy journalism (and, in some cases, anti-Semitism), not "collusion with Nazism."


the Jews and their Western associates are a bunch of corrupt!

everyone knows that the first guests of the extermination camps were the Jehovah's Witnesses, and they have published with great heroism, pamphlets in 4 languages, on what they were doing to the fake jews without paterna genealogie.

but, even knowing the news 4 years before the end of the war? Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild have ordered, not to bomb the crematoria, which would have made it impossible to massacre of those proportions,

but, the Jewish goyims without paternal genealogies, and with the fake Star of David (invented after the resurrection of Jesus) which is a 6-pointed Hindu swastika-satan?

and mongrelized Jewish life, for the High Sanhedrin? it has no value, that's why Israel has been continuously threatened with Shoah for 80 years every day!



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Putin has always been a loyal and honest person.

The very opposite of his enemies, and the confusing superimposed following article proves it, has the purpose of dissociating and disrupting the understanding and sedimentation of information. in fact, the lack of a logical and consequential articulation tires the mind a lot in the search for a single content, while dealing with several complex themes at the same time. As satellites against us? what does it mean? are military satellites firing laser beams at civilian aircraft?

1st argument:

Putin accuses the US and the EU: satellites against us.

And he declares "war on fake news"


2nd argument:

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered immediate measures to be taken against the spread of "fake news",

3rd argument:

in response to calls on the internet for unauthorized protests, reports the Russian agency Tass.

4th argument: Putin says foreign special services, including the CIA, appear to have advised Kiev on the attempted murder of Russian journalists. Putin said Russia's federal security service, FSB, has kidnapped a terrorist group that was planning to assassinate a prominent Russian television reporter. "The activities of a terrorist group that planned the assassination of a prominent Russian journalist were halted this morning," Putin said at a meeting of the board of the attorney general's office. "Of course, they will deny it now, but the facts and evidence are incontrovertible." According to Interfax reports, this is the journalist Vladimir Soloviev, whose killing was planned by neo-Nazi groups - according to the Tass - on the orders of the Ukrainian secret services.

5th argument:

According to the Russian president. the United States and the European Union "are using their satellites in Ukraine (so does Ukraine have the satellites?), to try to destroy Russia from within, but they have also failed in this because Russian society has shown everything his maturity and his support for the armed forces ".

6th argument:

Putin said he was "surprised" by the "American and European diplomats who use their Ukrainian satellites to achieve victory on the battlefield".

7th argument:

"It is a bizarre diplomacy, diplomats should ask for diplomatic solutions", Putin said, stating that in this "the West is showing all its colonial past".


if I didn't break down the arguments, many of which remain unsolved, you would have remembered that there was a CIA plot to kill just one Russian journalist.



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

CIA OTAN lgbtqia+++ donkey Ape Mokey ] oooohhhhhhhhhhhh [ STOP "z" stop blocking the letter "z" on my keyboard, stop it!



Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments

Israel strikes Lebanon after rocket fire on northern border

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

shalom + salam = universal brotherhood in my kingdom Israel



Discussion on World Israel News 39 comments

It's time to end Jordan's special status on the Temple Mount - opinion

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

the only hope that the Nazi-Fascist Jews-Freemasons OTAN UE USA have to save the killer Ukrainians?

it is to push mankind into world war

according to the projects of UMMA OCI and Bin ISIS Salman the Wahhabis takfiri sudairi



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Kiev rejects Guterres trip: 'It is not a good idea to go to Moscow'


they are afraid that a different version of the facts could contrast with the version given by Rothschild Bildenberg



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

another mentally ill like Erdogan? but nothing is said about the religion of the criminal subject!

The incident took place this morning (April 24) in the church of Saint Pierre d'Arene in Nice, France, when a young man, described as suffering from mental health problems, entered the sacred building, approached the priest. and stabbed him several times.

According to conservative legislator Eric Ciotti, who represents the region, a 72-year-old nun bravely intervened and tried to stop the attack, being injured in the process, injuring her hands.

You said: "The extraordinary courage of Sister Marie-Claude who intervened while the attacker continued to stab Father Christophe".


Mr. Estrosi, who was photographed at the crime scene, posted on Twitter: "In the church of Saint Pierre d’Arene with the state services of the Maritime Alps, following the stabbing of a priest and a nun. The attacker, who suffers from mental health problems, was arrested by the National and Local Police ".



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

The foreign thief stuck in the garage door for hours

Robbers aged 15 out of school: beating a boy

IMMIGRANTS with no property, but with 10 thousand euros and doses of drugs

Five North Africans bragged about rape: the horror chat

Beatings and threats to the partner, Nigerian in handcuffs

Ischia, immigrant attacks his wife in front of the eyes of his five-year-old son

Genoa, brawl between young Albanians: one seriously injured

A 47-year-old Romanian and a 30-year-old Albanian denounced

Grumello, businessman killed at home: he was the Moroccan boyfriend of his daughter


Migrant wants to strangle guard who does not let him steal

North Africans sends 8 officers to the hospital

Migrants kidnap and torture couple





yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Russia bombs Odessa and scares Moldova.


total slander: transnistria is not Moldova!

and Putin will give organicity and stability to a territory that NATO condemned to a permanent conflict!



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

The Abbess Serafima, head of the Odessa monastery: "Only Putin can stop this war" The Abbess, head of the Orthodox monastery of St. Michael


what freedom do Christians in the ARAB LEAGUE have to support Israel?

the same freedom that she has now

we hope that the Russians will come to free her



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


D'Alema: "Putin has already lost the war"


this criminal said: "and can we declare war on 2 billion Muslims?"

then the discourse of justice, national security and truth for the founders of the DEM PD

it is secondary



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

in Ucraina? Putin is 100% right


OTAN OCI is 100% wrong



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


China Plans To Expand Weather Modification Program To Cover Area The Size Of India


none of what they have already seen USA do!


The Siberian forest burns uncontrollably: the military who take care of it are engaged in Ukraine


there is an agreement with the USA to obtain the dissolution and exploitation of the Arctic.



Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

Lapid congratulates 'good friend' Macron on reelection

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


BIN ISIS Salman ] [ The hybrid war of money scam banking seigniorage, occult masonic esoteric power? very hybrid very !!!

because Rockefeller Spa&Co's money is the enemy of all peoples on this planet, because of you!




Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Actress Noa Tishby appointed Special Envoy for Combating Antisemitism and…

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



the Masonic system stole the banking seigniorage of the peoples, from the peoples and gave it to Rockefeller Spa & Co

this is destruction and genocide of mankind, induction to Satanism

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



there is a difference in your opinion, between ISIS sharjah

and Riyad sharjah?




Discussion on World Israel News 30 comments

Why is the Biden administration determined to help terrorist Iran get a bomb?…

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Former Democrat


demon rat deep state Spa&Co scam banking seignirage sodoma city



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



if the Iranians UMMA nazi Riyadh get atomic bombs and you still don't have a real King?

then, you are dead, as Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild's kabbalah designated!

Discussion on World Israel News 26 comments

‘Cowardly’ Israeli lawmaker emboldens radical Islamists on Temple Mount,…

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


What role does the Bildenberg regime Mario Draghi (the corrupt traitor and sold to Goldman Sachs) play in relation to these technocratic elites?

"In no country is lying better paid"

Maurizio Blondet April 24, 2022

When you want to know the history of Italy, you must first of all avoid reading the generally approved writers: in no country has it been better known what value lies, and in none it has been better paid "

Stendhal, The Italian Chronicles.

Rai, Lega: Marco Damilano salary of 50 thousand euros per month

"We consider it absolutely inconceivable Rai's choice to hire Marco Damilano, director of L’Espresso, for a weight of gold, with a contract of about 50 thousand euros a month for a television space of only 10 minutes. This was stated by the senators of the League, members of the Rai Vigilance Commission Giorgio Maria Bergesio, Umberto Fusco, Simona Pergreffi.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom




46 but, we little satana We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

What role does Mario Draghi (the corrupt traitor and sold to Goldman Sachs) play in relation to these technocratic elites?

he is a direct terminal to the destruction of our national security

Ukraine, the question and answer between Ugo Mattei and Alan Friedman:

"The Zelensky government is a puppet in the hands of NATO, which Putin cannot recognize",


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