non è una testata giornalistica

Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

whoever gives his life for: love, virtue and justice

indeed, whoever gives his life for: love, virtue and justice, he keeps a germ of immortality with God (which is the gift that God reserves for his saints), that this is a superior joy and vitality, which is superior to that of all the others.

The Revolution of Passover

Quello del telemarketing aggressivo non è un fenomeno da prendere alla leggera. Un esempio sono le attivazioni indebite di contratti di servizi nei confronti di coloro che hanno bisogno di maggiore assistenza, spesso anziani o disabili, o al trattamento illecito di dati personali con il fine promozionale.

Il nuovo Registro delle Opposizioni

A tal proposito, il Governo italiano ha deliberato con DPR 26/2022 la creazione di un nuovo Registro pubblico delle opposizioni, che permetterà ai consumatori di bloccare chiamate indesiderate sia da fisso che da cellulare. In realtà, il Registro delle Opposizioni viene per la prima volta istituito nel 2011 ma era rivolto unicamente alle utenze fisse e postali.

Il nuovo Registro delle Opposizioni entrerà in vigore a partire dal 27 luglio e l’iscrizione sarà gratuita: basterà comunicare il numero telefonico che si intende proteggere attraverso un modulo online sul sito web o per via telefonica. L’iscrizione, sarà portata a termine il successivo giorno lavorativo. Le compagnie di telemarketing, quindi, dovranno aggiornare mensilmente le loro liste contatti prima di poter promuovere telefonicamente un’iniziativa: in questo modo, i contatti iscritti nel Registro non saranno chiamati. Consigli su come difendersi dal telemarketing aggressivo

Come possiamo difenderci dal telemarketing aggressivo prima dell’entrata in vigore del nuovo registro?

Oggigiorno, tanti sono i modi per poter informarsi in merito agli operatori telefonici o ai fornitori di energia. Per questo motivo, se desideri non ricevere più chiamate promozionali, ti consigliamo diversi modi: Il primo, è quello di chiedere formalmente alla compagnia di non chiamare più il vostro numero. Questo può essere fatto durante la chiamata con l’operatore o inviando una email/raccomandata alla società in cui espressamente si chiede la cancellazione del vostro numero dalla lista dei contatti per fini promozionali. Il secondo modo è quello di bloccare definitivamente il contatto tramite il vostro smartphone. Dopo aver ricevuto la chiamata, i possessori di Android e iOS hanno la possibilità di bloccare il contatto direttamente dalle ultime chiamate ricevute. È possibile scaricare delle App (che non sono totalmente infallibili) che ti permettono di capire chi ti sta chiamando. Infine, come menzionato anche prima, registrandosi sul sito del Registro delle Opposizioni. Questo metodo risulta essere quello più valido e definitivo. Per altre informazioni, puoi consultare direttamente il sito web.

Seppur possa sembrare quasi impossibile evitare questi servizi, tanti e semplici sono i modi per poter affrontare meglio una chiamata di telemarketing aggressivo.


did you say nonsense to open a discussion?

1. the real mountain "Sinai Oreb" is located in Saudi Arabia (Madiana desert), and has been cordoned off, because Bin Salman is afraid that I will go and get it!

2. there are the stems that King Solomon had erected in the plain of Nubeida: which celebrate the crossing of the sea.

3. and opposite, in Nubeida, under the sea, there are the war chariots of the pharaoh which are still set with corals, etc. .etc ..

EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

Iran's – and America's – plans to fund Russia's war in Ukraine

2 hours ago

Patrick Lyoya, African American killed by a policeman with a hit to the neck: video shock. "An execution". Protest explodes


In the USA-EU the sacedotes of Satan and the LGBTQ have control and that's all!

EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

Arab ENT doctor rushes to treat Tel Aviv terror victims

3 hours ago

SAID: " anti-Semitic is as despicable (as any other racism)

but anti-Zionism is Satanism itself, for this reason no one will be able to rehabilitate the devil Allah!

1 EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

4 hours ago

this is a huge war crime! Zelensky proposes the exchange of prisoners

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has proposed that Russia hand over oligarch Viktor Medvedchuk to Moscow in exchange for the release of Ukrainians taken prisoner by Russian forces.


Biden and Obama, too, want to give: Benedetto XVI, Netanjahu, Orban, and TRUMP MAGA Patriot to the cannibals in exchange for the girls: to be sacrificed on the altar of satan.

now the DEMs have thrown their masks!

EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

4 hours ago

Russia has warned NATO that if Sweden and Finland join the military alliance, it will be forced to strengthen its defenses and there can be no longer talk of a "nuclear-free" Baltic.


no one has threatened these two Rothschild s+l*ts, who have no respect for their peoples and for mankind and have sworn allegiance to Rockefeller!

1 EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

5 hours ago

ok but we can move them to Siberia, there is a lot of space there!

Migrants, London: "Asylum seekers will be transferred to Rwanda" Towards agreement with Rwanda - Interior Minister Priti Patel intends to sign a £ 120 million agreement with the African country's government that provides for rapid repatriation for some applicants asylum, with the commitment of Rwanda to manage the process of documents and checks.

The anti-landing plan - Johnson explained the anti-landing plan in a speech given on the English coast of Kent. According to Downing Street, the situation has become unsustainable following the record number of illegal landings: on Wednesday alone, over 600 people arrived, landed on the coasts with small boats and rafts, for a total of over 5 thousand arrivals touched this year.

bully Boris complains for: 5 thousand

we get 35,000 every year, almost all of the Nigerian mafia, and prostitutes

1 EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

5 hours ago

Detected as spam

sodomy and satanism same: they are equivalent.

2 hours agoSodomaDetected as spam

dirty URSULA club UN they declared war on Putin because he said: "I have sensitive hem0r*hoids"

Disney Talmud Spa & Co sodomy WW3 Wahhabis, and the kingdom of satan allah and Rockefeller!

Pro Life and Family

lorenzoJHWH, this is very serious: when I saw this video I was shocked.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Some of Disney's top executives were admitting live

the existence

of a "No Secret Gay Agenda" promoted through children's cartoons.

Textual words: I had the video subtitled in Italian for you so that you can check

with your eyes and ears.

Watch the video now:

youtu.Be/h3WRbXdQ8I4 (sodomy and satanism same: they are equivalent)

Heard? Hallucinating!

In June, one of the most anticipated cartoons by children will be released in Italy:

Buzz Lightyear, on the story of the famous Toy Story character.

Disney put an explicit gay kiss into the cartoon.

Why did he do it?

Executive producer Latoya Reneveau has claimed the choice, listen

to her words from her:

youtu.Be/h3WRbXdQ8I4 (sodomy and satanism same: they are equivalent)

lorenzo, we can no longer consider Disney cartoons and products

to be automatically safe for our children.

Disney is repositioning itself on the market by making earlier political

and ideological choices.

Choices that impact on the education of our children, including in the sexual and moral sphere.

Who should educate our children? Us or the far-left Disney executives?

Disney has given us strong emotions, but now is the time to use reason, not feelings.

Reason tells us that paying for Disney products or services

now means funding the Gay Agenda claimed by its executives. And doing so means putting

the integrity of millions of children around the world at risk, starting with our children

and our grandchildren.

I'm not exaggerating, lorenzoJHWH.

Please listen to their words to understand the sheer gravity of what is happening

at Disney:

youtu.Be/h3WRbXdQ8I4 (sodomy and satanism same: they are equivalent)

After watching the video I am sure that your first need will be to share it with family and friends

to spread the news ...

We have received your request for review ) WELL

(sodomy and satanism same: they are equivalent)

We have received your request for review


5 hours ago

all doctors should respect the Hippocratic oath but today they swear in JabullOn and in DEMs to abort and euthanize

and to kill political opponents such as Giulietto Chiesa, Maradona and me.

1 EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

Jewish professor gets her day in court against Pittsburgh university

7 hours ago

Israeli police arrest ISIS terrorist for 3 murders, [lucky her! ] Jewish professor gets her day in court against the University of Pittsburgh [lucky her! ]

including 2019 slaying of elderly couple


only Freemasons in Italy quickly obtain from the judiciary

(other Freemasons like them) the justice and injustice they want to obtain.

but, for the poor in Italy and the bourgeoisie

it has all fallen into poverty then for them there is no hope in the judiciary.

1 1EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Israeli police arrest ISIS terrorist for 3 murders, including 2019 slaying of elderly couple

7 hours ago

Israeli police arrest ISIS terrorist for 3 murders, including 2019 slaying of elderly couple


only Freemasons in Italy quickly obtain from the judiciary (other Freemasons like them) the justice and injustice they want to obtain.

but, for the poor in Italy and the bourgeoisie it has all fallen into poverty then for them there is no hope in the judiciary.

EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

7 hours ago

we must face the demon of the banking seigniorage of the plutocratic sodom satans:

to be able to judge this scum of:

presidents of Poland and Baltic states in Kiev, Duda:

"This is not a war, it is terrorism"!


so they were the CIA terrorist snipers on maidan square in 2014,

who killed 100 people at random, and made the coup?

1 EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

Major Passover terror attack thwarted

8 hours ago

Mélenchon DEM Imam Allah uh Akbar, and Macron madrassa jihad sharia? the various alliances of all the antichrists of the planet against the last fortress: Jewish-Christian CHINA RUSSIA and Israel!

but, Why did Mélenchon rise to more than 21%?

yes, the reference to submission is emblematic where it is expected that in 2026 Islam will take power in France, that is, in the next elections ...

He will surely ally with Macron,

EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

8 hours ago

Disney the kingdom of UE UN, Sodoma, Spa & Co Rothschild FED NWO Satan OTAN antichrist!

we can no longer consider Disney cartoons and products to be automatically safe for our children.

Disney is repositioning itself on the market by making earlier political and ideological choices.

Choices that impact on the education of our children, including in the sexual and moral sphere.

Who should educate our children? Us or the far-left Disney executives?

After listening to these few minutes of madness your opinion on Disney will change radically:


Reason tells us that paying for Disney products or services now means funding the Gay Agenda claimed by its executives.

EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Four terrorists were arrested, including the killer of 2015 victim Malachi Rosenfeld.


Allah is a beast that you must always look at from the sight of a rifle,

while, Merkel Macron Mario Draghi gave the Italian, French and German peoples to Erdogan,

just to spite Putin, who didn't want to wear fishnets like Vladimir Luxuria!

EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

NY mayor slams social media over subway shooter's violent posts

the Freemasons of Sweden-Finland say: that their army is stronger than the Russian one, and that they are ready for anything, just to defend: Spa & Co. Technocratic Neoliberalism: Rothschild Satan, Sodom and Allah!

but, the project to demolish CHINA, INDIA and RUSSIA etc .. to perfect, the NWO OCI UMMA is a Wahhabi project: which precedes the 2014 coup in Kiev,

because the Wahhabis, by preventing my reign of Israel, are not leaving the enemies of NATO with a single hope of survival!

[A very dangerous escalation. ]

[Russia resorts to the black market in arms and warns: nuclear in the Baltic if Sweden and Finland in NATO


**** A very dangerous escalation.

Ukraine 666 UE Ursula-Zelensky that is only the fuse of hell!

1 EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

Soldier inquires about freezing sperm 'in case I don't come back'

10 hours ago

"I'm Russian, is this a problem for you?" And Kseniya opens a house to Ukrainian brothers


the universal crime of sharia sodomy, rockefelelr Spa & Co plutocraia technocracy and freemasonry of NATO and its accomplices all?

cries out for vengeance in the sight of God! and revenge will come!

Ukraine, Zelensky: "800 million dollars in military aid, thanks Biden"

1 1EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

WATCH: California voters are ready to move on from Pelosi

10 hours ago

#Islands #Fiji] ] if I was Putin? I sent you 10 ICBMs, all nuclear!

1 EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

Arab Joint List MK to right-wing coalition defector: Thanks for empowering us

12 hours ago

it is definitely a good start to start studying

End Times - Daniel UNSEALED! (2021 Great Tribulation)


Also known as the "2520 End Times Prophecy" video, this is likely one

of the most amazing end-times videos you will have ever watched. Simple, yet profound, this video explains

in detail how the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy forecasts the end of days. Watch

as C.J. Lovik masterfully explains this prophecy.

The END is closer than you think! Share will friends and lost loved ones--there's

not much time left before the LORD returns to gather His children home. Will you be among them?

1 EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 97 comments

Hamas threatens violence if Jews offer Passover sacrifice on Temple Mount


12 hours ago

I have no experience of these 34 parallel universes (thankfully) but it was Albert Einstein who said it, and we think he is a credible person

EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


12 hours ago

I am the King of Israel lorenzoJHWH,

therefore of the traitors of Masonic societies it is said:

"parasitic societies"

EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Libyan fencing team withdraws from competition to avoid Israeli athletes

14 hours ago

#worldisraelnews #Disqus ] i dont know if it is normal that

"2 Guest Votes" zombies 666 ghosts CIA NWO FED Spa&Co

they must continue to vote negatively on all my comments, and how can I defend myself against this?

1 1EditJHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

a day ago

the greatest crime in the history of mankind, is the Masonic Jewish system of false democracies, without monetary and political sovereignty .. and this is high treason, conspiracy, seditions, criminals have taken possession of the EU US NATO!

Maurizio Blondet April 13, 2022

The alarmist "news" in the Western regime press about the possible use of "chemical weapons" by the Russian army has been increasing in recent days. Doubtful forms are used, the conditional is used, the stone is thrown into the pigeon house knowing that simple people, accustomed to drinking as very certain truths everything that the main stream press pours into their heads every day.



The Revolution of Passover

16 minutes ago


All I could not say to Isn't the Arena. My comments to the scenes went live.

Today the mystification of the reality on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine

and the media disinformation perpetrated by the media are of an unprecedented danger

as they are fueling the war.

They are preparing the ground in public opinion to justify the sending of weapons

and an escalation

of the conflict.

Never before has fighting disinformation become a vital issue in the interest of peace,

in the interest

of the Ukrainian people,

a true victim of everything that is happening, but also in the interest of Italian citizens,

otherwise destined to suffer, at best cases, the disastrous consequences of a war economy

or at worst to find yourself in a military confrontation with one of the major powers.

We need to make sure that the truth bypasses censorship and reaches

as many people as possible.

Only an aware public opinion can oppose this scenario of war which instead appeals to those who,

like certain atlantist apparatuses,

have everything to gain from the continuation of the conflict.

Unfortunately these devices are very powerful.

Over the decades they have created very influential lobbies and organizations by co-opting most of those who manage our information and those

who sit on the boards of directors of TV and newspapers.

For this reason, pro-US propaganda

- which in this case is pro-war propaganda - has become suffocating, omnipresent, invasive.

But it must be stopped.

With great difficulty I tried to bring some truths to national TV as a guest of Massimo Giletti's

"Non è L'Arena" broadcast on La7. Unfortunately, the idea was not to let me express my concepts

or to deepen the many truths about the ongoing conflict that emerged in my documented journalistic investigation entitled

"Why the conflict is NATO". The idea was to drag me into a media trap. Fortunately, the truth always imposes itself.

This is the video with my interventions at Non è l'Arena that I integrated with some comments on everything that they did not let me say.

I hope it can give you a different point of view on the responsibilities of what is happening.

If we do not understand the origins of the conflict and the causes that triggered it, we could never aspire

to a lasting peace but we will continue to keep burning a fuse that has continued to explode without interruption since 2014.


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

Iran's – and America's – plans to fund Russia's war in Ukraine

an hour ago

the power of rockefeller allah satan and sodom

on the eve of the third nuclear world war!


70% of Americans are less likely to do business with Disney due to its LGBT activism: poll


The Canadian church hosts a controversial assisted suicide ceremony for members with ALS



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

2 hours ago

[21:28, 14/4/2022] Lorenzo: I have a cause for 500,000 euros mobbing and more to be made, for 3 years of mobbing that I suffered at high school c **** of t *** or, but I can't find A lawyer specialized in labor law, school law that wants to work for me at%. (obviously, I take the cost of stamps, and fixed costs)

[21:39, 14/4/2022] Lorenzo: I filed 4 complaints for mobbing at 1. Procura della Repubblica, 2. Provincial school office 3. Regional school headquarters, 4. Ministry of Education, but so far everything It has proved to be a single homertent, accomplice institutional mafia

[21:39, 14/4/2022] Lorenzo: The strategy is this, 1. Start working on the rates (and I would start working like this), 2. Working on the abuses committed in the Giuslavoristic area, and only in the future on the future Causes won, 3. Set the cause for mobbing that today would be rejected.


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

2 hours ago

In the Russia-Ukraine war, the United States of America does not take "lightly" the possibility of Russia using tactical nuclear weapons. CIA director Bill Burns said this today speaking to the Georgia Institute of Technology, reports CNN.


in the US-EU the priests of Satan and the LGBTQs are in control and that's it!

calumnies on every sector, are the destruction of a pre-existing hypocritical glimmer, and boasted of civilization and credibility!


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

2 hours ago

Certainly, if the deal goes ahead, allowing Iran to pay its debts to Moscow, then the Biden administration could find itself accused of having the blood of innocent Ukrainian civilians in its hands for allowing Iran to fund the effort. war of the Kremlin.

Iran's - and America's - plans to fund Russia's war in Ukraine.


the innocent blood of the Ukrainians and Russians? OTAN EU and US have it all on their hands, however, for the CIA-funded Kiev coup in 2014.

nothing is more criminal and distorted than NATO's nuclear World War III narrative.



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

Israeli police arrest ISIS terrorist for 3 murders, including 2019 slaying of…

3 hours ago

USA is a worldwide predator and certainly not a friend of the EU!

indeed today the US is a mortal threat to the EU!

but we have corrupt Freemason leaders that the US 666 NWO imposed on us, we? we did not have a functional democracy,

"The monetary policies of Europe and the United States cannot be compared: it is like comparing apples and oranges", said ECB president Christine Lagarde at a press conference in Frankfurt, who stressed that Europe is "more exposed than states United to the war in Ukraine, and will suffer greater consequences ".



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

3 hours ago

News of April 14th, Thursday VZ (dot)RU

*** Ministry of Defense: Ukraine's biological laboratories planned to spread the cholera along the rivers

*** Names of US citizens and the EU involved in biological programs in Ukraine appointed

*** Ministry of Defense: Ukraine received $ 350 million from the United States for the development of organic weapons


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

3 hours ago

In Estonia, suspected Ukrainian refugees with the intention of prostituting themselves


prostitution of Ukrainian women has been a mass phenomenon since the 2014 coup



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

3 hours ago

France, Macron's "la remuntada": in the polls 10 points behind Le Pen


yes, the priests of satan of the NWO also went to get the zombies from the cemetery


it is no longer possible to find a little honesty in the Spa & Co regime in the Western institutional system!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 97 comments

Hamas threatens violence if Jews offer Passover sacrifice on Temple Mount


3 hours ago

whitewashed sepulcher hypocritical Pharisee!

your contempt for me?

will not leave you a single hope of eternal life!


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments

Arab ENT doctor rushes to treat Tel Aviv terror victims

3 hours ago

the Russians are having huge losses,

because they have weapons (to face the field wars)

but, they do not have adequate military strategies to deal with the situation on the ground in Ukraine!

do not have drones and (ground robots) suitable enough, to expose the FIM-92 Stinger and FGM-148 Javelins,

so they sent many tanks and many men to die in vain,

and then, they send the explorers into trouble in the midst of the enemy, without having snipers to protect their backs,

and without having the artillery protecting the backs of snipers!

even the bombings on inhabited places leave

to be desired!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

4 hours ago

Yachts, Gutenberg's bible and oil. Who is Medvedchuk, the Russian oligarch arrested by Hitler-Zelensky?

Medvedchuk is a martyr of international law, and he is only a politically persecuted.

in Donbass, NATO EU committed one of the most heinous crimes of genocide in the history of mankind.

and be in favor of their autonomy? this is not treason, but it is a legitimate political request, (which works for peace) and which is based on the international law of the sovereignty and self-determination of peoples, because the 2014 coup in Kiev tore the constitutional paper that existed before.

Even Erdogan with an "expired legal card" went to exterminate the Armenians in their home!


but, NATO OCI war crimes? UN does not see them, and this makes world war inevitable!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

4 hours ago

Russian oligarchs, #Kerimov's superyacht Amedea seized at #Fiji: worth 325 million dollars


obviously, the wolf jihad Erdogan sharia SpaCo BIDEN has an interest in keeping the pastrore protector (Putin) away from the sheep (EU)

these sanctions against Russia? they are a colossal deal for the US, and a grave for the EU!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

4 hours ago

BERGOGLIO is an ally of the New World Order, so BEROGLiO decides to make this notary permanent on the front page of the web "Sexual abuse of nuns: the other scandal in the Church

“The truth sets free. Until we say it, how are we going to save the world? ”. Child sexual abuse has long been a sensitive issue for the Church. "


obviously, the compulsion of celibacy for clerics, especially today, in a regime of panse*ualism and state er0ticism?

this is the devil's greatest ally!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

4 hours ago

kissinger wanted him dead] Death of Maradona, asked for manslaughter for 8 doctors: "They interned him and then abandoned him"

[and those are a legion of the Jewish Freemason Rothschild who do not forget and do not forgive



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

5 hours ago

worldisraelnews] you authorize all the spam of Nick Bro Nicholas - against me - only because you are afraid of Satanists, while I do not do of bat anything to you of bad,

and a little the Christians who live with Muslims and who must be pro-Palestinians, necessarily?

"sodomy and satanism same: they are the same.

2 hours ago




JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

5 hours ago

what is absurd is that a minister of God does not see satan (Rockefeller-Bin ISIS Salman) and cannot fight him (sharia-banking seigniorage scam, masonic system, esoteric agenda)!

Kiril sees something (it is evident), but those who criticize him have become ministers of Satan Spa & Co Rothschild Deep State instead!

Ukraine, Father Taras from Kiev: Patriarch Kirill on war? So absurd it seems fake news "



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

Jewish professor gets her day in court against Pittsburgh university

7 hours ago

anti-Semitic is as despicable (as any other racism)


Jewish professor gets her day in court against Pittsburgh university


but anti-Zionism is Satanism itself, for this reason no one will be able to rehabilitate the devil Allah!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

7 hours ago

Detected as spam

Disney Talmud Spa & Co sodomy WW3 Wahhabis, and the kingdom of satan allah and Rockefeller!

Pro Life and Family

lorenzoJHWH, this is very serious: when I saw this video I was shocked. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Some of Disney's top executives were admitting live the existence of a "No Secret Gay Agenda" promoted through children's cartoons.

Textual words: I had the video subtitled in Italian for you so that you can check with your eyes and ears.

Watch the video now:


Heard? Hallucinating!

In June, one of the most anticipated cartoons by children will be released in Italy: Buzz Lightyear, on the story of the famous Toy Story character. Disney put an explicit gay kiss into the cartoon.

Why did he do it?

Executive producer Latoya Reneveau has claimed the choice, listen to her words:


lorenzo, we can no longer consider Disney cartoons and products to be automatically safe for our children.

Disney is repositioning itself on the market by making earlier political and ideological choices.

Choices that impact on the education of our children, including in the sexual and moral sphere.

Who should educate our children? Us or the far-left Disney executives?

Disney has given us strong emotions, but now is the time to use reason, not feelings.

Reason tells us that paying for Disney products or services now means funding the Gay Agenda claimed by its executives. And doing so means putting the integrity of millions of children around the world at risk, starting with our children and our grandchildren.

I'm not exaggerating, lorenzoJHWH.

Please listen to their words to understand the sheer gravity of what is happening at Disney:


After watching the video I am sure that your first need will be to share it with family and friends to spread the news ...

We have received your request for review

7 hours ago

we must in face the demon's Rockefeller sharia Bin ISIS Salman

of the banking seigniorage of the plutocratic sodom satans: to be able to judge this scum of presidents of Poland and Baltic states in Kiev, Duda:

"This is not a war,

it is terrorism"!


so they were the CIA terrorist snipers

on maidan square in 2014,

who killed 100 people at random,

and made the coup?



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

Major Passover terror attack thwarted

7 hours ago

we must face the demon of the banking seigniorage of the plutocratic sodom satans: to be able to judge this scum of: presidents of Poland and Baltic states in Kiev, Duda: "This is not a war, it is terrorism"!


so they were the CIA terrorist snipers on maidan square in 2014, who killed 100 people at random, and made the coup?



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

8 hours ago

Disney the kingdom of UE UN, Sodoma, Spa & Co Rothschild FED NWO Satan OTAN antichrist!

we can no longer consider Disney cartoons and products to be automatically safe for our children.

Disney is repositioning itself on the market by making earlier political and ideological choices.

Choices that impact on the education of our children, including in the sexual and moral sphere.

Who should educate our children? Us or the far-left Disney executives?

Disney has given us strong emotions, but now is the time to use reason, not feelings.

Reason tells us that paying for Disney products or services now means funding the Gay Agenda claimed by its executives.

And doing so means putting the integrity of millions of children around the world at risk, starting with our children and our grandchildren.

I'm not exaggerating,

Please listen to their words to understand the sheer gravity of what is happening at Disney: youtu.Be/h3WRbXdQ8I4



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

8 hours ago

Disney the kingdom of Sodoma Spa & Co Rothschild FED NWO Satan OTAN antichrist!

Heard? Hallucinating!

In June, one of the most anticipated cartoons by children will be released in Italy: Buzz Lightyear, on the story of the famous Toy Story character.

Disney put an explicit gay kiss into the cartoon.

Why did he do it?

Executive producer Latoya Reneveau has claimed the choice, listen to her words: youtu.Be/h3WRbXdQ8I4


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

8 hours ago

the kingdom of Sodoma Spa & Co Rothschild NWO Satan!

when i saw this video i was shocked.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Some of Disney's top executives were admitting live the existence of a "No Secret Gay Agenda" promoted through children's cartoons.

Textual words: I had the video subtitled in Italian for you so that you can check with your eyes and ears.

Watch the video now: youtu.Be/h3WRbXdQ8I4


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

NY mayor slams social media over subway shooter's violent posts

New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

it's easy for this scum to go and get those raped by the Masonic Jewish system.

rather, than to create a more just society, and to look at the demon of the banking seigniorage of the plutocratic sodom satans!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Allah uuh akbar !! Spain-Italy-Algeria-Morocco: jjihad Ottoma empire, ISIS, al-Nusra, how does gas diplomacy change UMMA relations in the Mediterranean?

i DEM PD Spa & Co. UN have harmed Putin (our only salvation), only because all the Jews of the Freemason antichrist hate Jesus of Bethlehem.


in Russia they all see violations (real or alleged or false) of human rights,

but then, they become totally blind with the OCI UMMA Lega ARABA

Allah uuh akbar, just because the Israelis and Christians have not all been killed yet!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

Soldier inquires about freezing sperm 'in case I don't come back'

the Islamist antichrist satanist Sean Penn, he thinks he is taking up arms against Russia.

what Rockefeller has created in 400 years of homicide, robbery plots, is so good for the rich and Freemasons and criminals and parasites ..

how sorry to see a Russia and a China who said: "NO" !!! "NO"!!! "NO"!!! "NO"!!! "NO"!!! "NO"!!!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

10 hours ago

Soldier inquires about freezing sperm. this concern arises from a general ignorance, and from a particular ignorance, as if one's genes may have some value, irreversible uniqueness.

In reality, it is the spirit (the values of a man) that make man, and not his genes!

indeed, whoever gives his life for: love, virtue and justice, he keeps a germ of immortality with God (which is the gift that God reserves for his saints), that this is a superior joy and vitality, which is superior to that of all the others.



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

WATCH: California voters are ready to move on from Pelosi

11 hours ago

#Islands #Fiji]] how did you prepare to be bombed? [[the confiscations are of a criminal act, an act of war and piracy, a threat of racism against citizens, because of their identity.

and this is all the more serious as Satanism and ideological sodomy. Plutocratical Jewish-Masonic usury SpaCo, the banking seigniorage which is always a high constitutional betrayal: because it was the CIA that spent billions to carry out the Maidan coup, and corrupt the Ukrainian and world ruling class, which went on to make pogroms and massacres and genocides in Donbass, trampling the plebiscite and popular sovereignty of CRIMEA and Donbass.

NATO (with its principals) is the largest and most criminal institution on this planet!

It is called Amedea, it measures 106 meters in length and is worth 325 million dollars. She is the super yacht seized today, April 14, in the #Fiji islands thanks to the cooperation between the local government in Europe and the United States. The boat is owned by the Russian oligarch



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

11 hours ago

California voters are ready to go from Pelosi the witch,

to another Satanist sorcerer Freemason Rockeffeller Baal worship,

it is because DEMs and the Deep State prevent a non-corrupt and honest person from being able to access institutions



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

Arab Joint List MK to right-wing coalition defector: Thanks for empowering us

12 hours ago


In Conflicts for Hegemony

Will the inevitable happen? today Russia's intentions are increasingly clear and American public opinion is beginning to tremble: In fact, the war in Ukraine is worse than we thought: it is obviously, this is the beginning of the third world war and every country should take it into account

== https://www.controinformazione.Info


how Rockefeller and Biden brought war to Europe with the Maidan Square coup in 2014.


In Conflicts in Europe

Russia considers US and NATO vehicles carrying weapons to Ukraine as legitimate military targets, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said.

Ryabkov said that "US-NATO arms transports moving across Ukrainian territory are considered by us to be



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

12 hours ago

OTAN FED ECB] in Italy there is no possibility of life and development for Italians, therefore the guests and immigrants can only choose between prostitution and the mafia.

Italy has become the home of unhappiness



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

12 hours ago

UE tecnocratic masonic regime Ursula octopus OTAN FED ECB Spa&Co ]

UE tecnocratic masonic regime Ursula octopus OTAN FED ECB Spa&Co ] 1. the coup, 2. pogrom, 3. genocide, and 4. war party [ Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warned that Russia would consider any US and NATO weapons transport as "legitimate targets." Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Riabkov said



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

12 hours ago

all that is anti-Zionist

he must be expelled from Israel

and this is a foundation to be put into constitution



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Discussion on World Israel News 97 comments

Hamas threatens violence if Jews offer Passover sacrifice on Temple Mount


12 hours ago

then, we cannot hide that there is an Islamic sharjah curse, and a globalist and anti-Zionist plutocratic Jewish curse (given that Israel has been suffering from uninterrupted terrorism for 80 years)

and I am here to break these curses (of predation of mankind) i, because I am the King of Israel lorenzoJHWH,

and there is no doubt that the massacres that Jews have suffered over the past 400 years is because they paid for the crimes of the Rothschild Spa & Co Rockefellers who are now in control!

therefore of the traitors of Masonic societies it is said: "parasitic societies"



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


13 hours ago

dear, Freemasonry as a structure, has been cleverly used by Jewish bankers, to rob peoples of their monetary sovereignty, and that's why, all peoples have also lost their political sovereignty,

therefore every monopoly also fell into the hands of the holder of monetary power, thanks to Freemasonry.

against Russia the FED Spa & Co. BCE Spa & Co. have proven to be NATO's deadliest weapon!

and when the Catholic Church of the First Vatican Council had not yet been conquered by the plutocratic Jews,

it had formulated 640 excommunications and condemnation documents against Freemasonry and its deleterious heretical effects


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


13 hours ago

yes, the original context / premise comes from the Garden in Genesis, with Adam and Eve. where is the Creator took an Innocent Animal and had that be slaughtered to provide the Covering Skins for Adam, So haschem it was he who made the first atoning sacrifice for adam and eve.

because even in the earthly paradise there was no sin and no violence between men and animals!

(and why, are we all here today? because we betrayed in the earthly paradise as they betrayed Adam and Eve)

Adam and Eve exhausted from working the fields and the flock,

neglected to make sacrifices all due sacrifices and offerings, in the presence of Cain and Abel,

and that's why Satan could occupy the while of Cain.

because Cain was left without spiritual protection,

and in fact, Job did not forget to make many sacrifices to implore God to protect his 10 children from sin.



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


14 hours ago

there will never be a 4th earthly Jewish temple.

because from eternity, there is only one celestial Jewish temple, which gathers 34 multidimensional universes and much more!

the celestial Jewish temple gathers the whole Kingdom of God (ie the celestial Jerusalem), and is not a structure in itself, distinct from other structures.

therefore in the heavenly Jewish temple there are no bloody sacrifices of animals, because in heaven no one can commit a sin.

Now the visions and prophecies cross the whole history of the human genre and a prophesied character who can encompass thousands who throughout the story will have the same mission and the same profile.

for example, we have had (lgbtq Mohammed, Rothschild Bush Obama etc ..) and we will have many antichrists in the future, even if they all refer to the final antichrist



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


14 hours ago

yours is a very complex reality,

Freemasonry works to prepare the conditions so that the antichrist can act!

Freemasonry is a Jewish-demonic-financial-social-plutocratic invention and its task is to infiltrate institutions and religions, to corrupt them from within.

So the Freemasons with their criminal organization, replace the legitimate owners with their staff, who, for having sworn in Freemasonry

he automatically spat against religion and the constitution.

therefore, now that the true witnesses have been removed / replaced, the criminal antichrist can act in the manner of: "Abomination" that causes Desolation, and because of this, in the holy Temple, he is definitively profaned.

just what Bergoglio is doing to the Catholic Church: today.



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


14 hours ago

also and above all to the King of Jordan Abd Allah II of Jordan

the request must be made, of this UNIVERSAL atoning sacrifice as a symbol of peace and friendship, that is, that it is a prayer and a sacrifice for the benefit of all the sins of Muslims as well!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


15 hours ago

I will build the third Jewish temple, and I myself can derogate from the legitimacy of the sacrifice on the Temple Mount, in the absence of the proper structure and priestly class!

the request for this UNIVERSAL atoning sacrifice must be made immediately to the parliament, that is, for the benefit of all the sins of Muslims as well!



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Hector Zuniga

15 hours ago

they have no authority to create something that never existed

like fakestina

like his Fakestinians



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


15 hours ago

as the Tanakh says,

today the dress of Aaron and Joshua has been made impure by Freemasonry, and by the Spa & Co coorporations which are the new world order.

but what if any Jew feels his heart is pure, and he feels inspired to make that sacrifice on the temple mount?

he does it, and in this moment of transition the serial is suspended,

and the sacrifice will be recognized as valid and accepted by JHWH



JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO

Yaakov Bar Nahman

15 hours ago

today the priesthood is widespread throughout the people, and no one can have a priestly desire if God has not put it within him!

that is the right place,

and this is the right time!


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