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Your account is suspended

Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

US has decided to hit Russia with a preemptive nuclear strike

UKRAINE? The US has decided to hit Russia with a preemptive nuclear strike.

According to the US, no one can rule out a Russian nuclear attack. But the cost imposed on Vladimir Putin and Russia would be astronomical, assures US undersecretary of state for political affairs, Victoria Nuland.


Victoria Nuland is the witch of the Kiev coup, and of the Chechen snipers in Paiaa MAIDAN, and these are dangerous criminals, without any moral dignity.

we all know that Russia would never initiate a nuclear attack, so it is clear they are the ones who planned it

UCRAINA? Secondo gli Usa, nessuno può escludere un attacco nucleare russo. Ma il costo imposto a Vladimir Putin e alla Russia sarebbe astronomico, assicura la sottosegretaria di Stato Usa per gli affari politici, Victoria Nuland.


Victoria Nuland è la strega del golpe di Kiev, e dei cecchini ceceni in Paiaa MAIDAN, e questi sono criminali pericolosi, senza nessuna dignità morale.

sappiamo tutti che la Russia non inizierebbe mai un attacco nucleare, quindi è evidente sono loro che lo hanno pianificato===================

I deleted these two articles that Allah and sodom don't like, but, equally, the satans of blogspot CIA will not give me the site back for sure!

El islamismo relevo of communism

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH


26 Oct 202

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH


17 Oct 202

Jewish lawmaker dubbed 'Russian traitor' by Ukraine

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

21 hours ago

It is a tragedy what is really going on in Ukraine; and this raises the question whether Zelensky is really fit to rule. His narrative of the situation in Mariupol suggests that he is a politicalised comedian that is generally not fit to rule at all. Some few days ago he claimed that the Ukrainian forces held up in the Azovstahl Steel plant made a tactical manoeuvre to join forces with other Ukrainian defenders of the city so as to effectively resist the Russian forces from taking control of the city. Following the admission by a commander of the Neo Nazi thugs, who are using ethnic Russian speaking Ukrainians as a human shield, that the military situation of the Ukrainian army in the city, as well as that of the notorious Azov Battalion, was increasingly becoming dire, Zelensky proposed to the Russians a prisoners swap, which would save the lives of the trapped civilians and the Ukrainian armed forces and their Neo Nazi allies etc. rapped in the Azovstahl factory. Astonishingly, he claimed yesterday again that while diplomatic efforts are ongoing to secure the release of those trapped Ukrainian forces, the civilians, the Azov Battalion, as well as Western military forces dubbed volunteers or mercenaries, he also claimed that his forces were contemplating on a military strategy how to free the trapped of the Azovstahl werk if the diplomatic negotiations failed to yield the desired results On this note, it would be right to ask about the soundness of Zelensky mind. Is Zelensky really normal or mentally unstable?

Discussion on World Israel News 66 comments

Manhunt for Tel Aviv terrorist ends in shootout

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

15 days ago

The ANU leadership ((legitimate heir of the Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians Per-annic/pharoanic culture system) would like to extend it condolence to victims of these heinous attacks, and urges the Israeli government to immediately end its participation in an apartheid peace process that has the potential of permanently undermining the security of the Jewish State of Israel. Only an inclusive peace would bring the benefits of peace to bear.


Discussion on World Israel News 103 comments

'Arab, Islamic nationalist revolt' in Israel has begun -- former IDF general

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

24 days ago

This is the tragedy of an Apartheid peace process, which the Israeli leaders have so far failed to disengage from. It is still not too late. The TRUTH is that Israel must disengage immediately from the apartheid peace process in the Middle East, which castigates Israel as a occupying colonial power of the so-called Arabs land but pari passu turns a blind eye on Arabs colonial occupation of the Sacred Land of Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians Per-annic/pharaonic culture system. Unless the Israel leaders are bold enough to immediately disengage from such an apartheid peace process and make the condition for any future peace settlement with the Arabs the inclusion of the issue of Arabs occupation of North Azania (africa?), Israel would be systematically outwitted by the radicals Israel leaders have relied too much on falsehood and deception and failed to defend the Truth, which is the denouncement of the apartheid peace process in the Middle East, and accept that the Middle East crisis is directly linked to the Arabs occupation of the Sacred Land of the Azanian Nation. The UN and the entire international community are aware of this by they choose to bully the timid Israel leadership to submission.

Discussion on World Israel News 101 comments

Biden slams Putin as a 'butcher' who 'cannot remain in power'

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

a month ago

Biden sounds confused and seems to be running out of geopolitical and geostrategic options vis-a-viis the Ukraine and other serious geopolitical crises. On the one hand, he is myopically disparaging Putin and even proposing a regime change in Russia as if Russia is Libya; and on the other hand he is desperately asking both Moscow and Beijing to use their influence to curtail North Korea's nuclear programme. The fact that the US has miserably failed to effect a regime change in Iran, Syria and North Korea, makes Biden's regime change rhetoric not only absurd but laughable. Russia is not Libya; and the Russians who heed to the Biden's virtually impracticable and empty boastings that, in reality, was mainly intended for the timidly quiescent European leaders,, who (in the light of the Ukrainian crisis) have irresponsibly allowed the European project to be turned into a subordinate institution of the US Foreign Policy, would be baffled by the Biden's lacklustre proposal which has the potential of irreversibly damaging US Foreign Policy image. Biden must come to terms with the waning US power and thus thread accordingly rather than trying to make fools of the highly educated Russians, who are daily reminded of the chaos US and its subordinate European NATO allies left behind in Libya and elsewhere in the world.

Discussion on World Israel News 53 comments

Israel guilty of apartheid, torture, says UN Human Rights report

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

a month ago



Discussion on Hoover Institution 6 comments

False Flag Operations

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

a month ago

What about the chemical attack in the Syrian war that led to the then President Obama to refuse to act on his redline threats? Does it have anything in common with the coup d'etat in Turkey that resulted in Erdogan's government purge of the Turkish military?

Discussion on World Israel News 151 comments

Compromise or catastrophe: Israel's advice to Ukraine's Zelensky

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

a month ago

That is the tragedy of voting comedians and delusional psychopaths into power. The leaders in Kiev should long have accepted the neutrality status proposed by Moscow ages ago rather than delusionary seeking to embroil the world in their so-called Third World War (WW III).


Discussion on World Israel News 28 comments

Russia: Ukraine blocking Israelis from evacuating

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

a month ago

The Ukrainian authorities are preaching World War III and seeking to hit the Heads of NATO and the Russian Federation against each other. It's increasingly becoming clear that the world is dealing with psychopaths in Kiev, who are bent at plunging the world into their so-called Third World War. The Ukrainian leaders have genuine interests of keeping civilians as human shield and then blaming the Russian soldiers for civilian deaths. Since it's now clear that one is dealing with unstable leadership in Kiev which strives to acquire nuclear weapons, the reasonable world has to abandon it to wage its so-called WW III alone. Russia should never allow such a desperate clique of psychopaths to remain in power in a country as important to Russian national security as the Ukraine (Novorussia).

Discussion on RT 3793 comments

Germany makes U-turn on sending weapons to Ukraine

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

2 months ago

It's lamentable; but Germany's U-turn only reveals its subordinate position to the NATO Alliance and Russia deserves the right to respond in kind. Moscow should never allow trade to stand on the way of its national security. Instead, the Western sanctions must fall.


Discussion on RT 151 comments

Peskov sees ‘positive’ signs in Zelensky’s remarks

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

2 months ago

The ANU leadership (legitimate heir to the Bantu/Kushitic-Ethiopians Per-annic/pharaonic culture system) thinks Russia's decision to cautiously consider Zelenkys neutrality pledge as a positive step forward. Zelenskys seemed to have a belatedly come back to his senses and now prepared to save what remains of the Ukrainian state. The ANU leadership which fully backs the Russian Federation's security operations in Ukraine urges Moscow not to compromise on its security concerns by naively accepting NATO's unwarranted eastwards expansion. The ANU also urges all colonial African states never side with any Western sanctions against Russia as the Russian people are genuine friends of the Azanian people.


Discussion on RT 221 comments

Ukraine needs more than ‘advice’ from West – Erdogan

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

2 months ago

President Erdogan should focus more on domestic issues of his country rather than seeking to distract his government's domestic failures with grandiose theocratic preaching. Why did Turkey not help NATO during the Afghanistan crisis?

Discussion on RT 628 comments

Russia says it captured airfield outside Kiev

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

2 months ago

Russia's operations has so far proven to be humane as it takes absolute care to protect the civilian population, as well as treating all soldiers who lay down their arms with dignity and respect. But Moscow must ensure that it does not in anyway involve in negotiations with those that the Kremlin has identified as drug addicts, neo-nazi thugs, and foreign puppets. Russia's national security must be utmost in any future negotiations involving Kiev (should the remnants of any Ukrainian state retain its as its future capital); and that must imply leaders of a future Ukrainian state fully renouncing its ambition to join NATO and NATO agreeing to withdraw its forces and equipment from the former Warsaw countries. The Kremlin should be suspicious of anything less than that. If anything at all, the reincorporation of the entirety of Ukraine into the Russian Federation is rectification of the historic wrongs of the Communist leadership of the former Soviet Union (USSR). Incorporating Ukraine into the Russian Federation would not only be beneficial to the Ukrainians but would also compensate for any long-term losses Moscow would incur from the rill-intentioned Western sanctions.. Whether sanctions or not (together with Ukraine), the Greater Russian Federation's future is bright as it would remain the main bread basket of Asia and Europe for next 2500 years. Moscow should never give in to the Hawks in the West, who have been seeking to undermine Russian security and territorial integrity since the early 1990s.

The West had the opportunity to stop this war; but the NATO alliance chose to test Russia's resolve over its security concerns. Just like the USSR withdrew its missiles from Cuba because of the USA and NATO security concerns then, the NATO should have taken Russia's security concerns more seriously and withdrawn all its forces from Eastern Europe and the former Warsaw countries. This should be remain the precondition for peace in Europe. Otherwise, NATO real intentions is to undermine Russian security, which any freedom loving Russian must never accept.


Discussion on RT 1549 comments

Germany suspends Nord Stream 2 certification

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

2 months ago

it's lamentable that Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz has allowed Germany to be bullied by the dominant NATO partners into suspending or scrapping the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline. Germany is undermining its pan European credentials by associating itself with Hawks in Washington, London and Kyiv to impose damaging sanctions against Russia which would have detrimental impact on Europe's economic recovery. As a key European state, Bundeskanzler Scholz should have stick to Germany's neutrality role in Europe on all sensitive security matters involving Russia. In fact, we saw when NATO backed breakup of the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s..., disregarding the Russian Federation interests in maintaining the unity of Yugoslavia, the claims then were that such military intervention was meant to stop a genocide perpetuated by the Serbian government--which desperately sought to secure the territorial integrity of the former Yugoslavia. However, Russia's legitimate intervention in the Donbass region to end a systematic genocide against Russian speakers by the puppet regime in Kyiv has been misconceived as an invasion that merited such myopic economic decisions as the one taken by Bundeskanzler Scholz vis-a-vis the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline; which would have benefitted Germany and the EU both economically and politically. The fact that the sanction the USA government imposed on Russia after Moscow formal recognition of the independence of the Donbass regions from Kyiv is limited to targeting US companies that would engage in any business transactions in the Donbass region should have given the Scholz's government a pause on how to deliberate on the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline.

That Chancellor Scholz would make such a hasty deliberation on the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline suggest a weakness on the part of the German government, which (as is now clear) would rather succumb to the bullying of the dominant NATO states and readily appease them at the expense of Germany/Europe's economic recovery and foreign policy objectives. I made it clear in my other comments that Germany must not cower to bullying from the Hawks in Kyiv and Warsaw, which would result in sort of unwise decisions such as the one taken recently on the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline by Berlin. The Scholz led coalition government should reverse such a myopic and unwise economic and foreign policy decision and seek to amend any misunderstanding with Moscow.

Germany has more to loose in this by cowering under pressure from the Hawks in Kyiv and Warsaw and of capitals of the dominant NATO countries. As much as I have personally endorsed Olaf Scholz as a competent leader..., the coalition government he leads must strive to promote Germany as a political and economic power in Europe and the world at large and is therefore capable of making decisions independent of influences from the dominant NATO members. The decision taken by Berlin on the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline only serves to undermine Germany's prominence as a world power. That is what anyone who seeks to promote Germany's international image would totally agree. Germany must rise up to its European and International challenges and stop being a bully pulpit of the dominant NATO states et cetera.

Discussion on RT 692 comments

EU promises united response to Putin’s recognition of the Donbass

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

2 months ago

The international law that Ursula Von der Leyen so readily speaks about is nothing but a liberal positivist text that only suits the myopic interest of the West, which therefore demands a complete overhaul to genuinely constitute an international legal text. The Russian move is legitimately meant to end a pending genocide in the region, which Western countries have been reluctant to acknowledge is taking place. Russia has every right, even under the prevailing interstate law mistaken for international la, to permanently end the genocide against Russian speakers in the Donbass region.


Discussion on RT 964 comments

NATO is trying to create irresolvable confrontation with Russia – Lavrov

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

2 months ago

The ANU (legitimate heir to the Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians Per-annic/pharaonic culture system) has decided to unanimously approve the Russian Federation decision to recognise the Donbass region of Ukraine as independent sovereign states. The ANU leadership strongly condemn the West for turning a blind eye on the ongoing genocide in the Donbass region; and it thus urges the government of what remains of the Ukrainian state to act prudently and not to escalate the volatile military situation in region that could further endanger the security of the Russian Federation and , with it, hat of Europe. The ANU leadership strongly condemn the bullying tactics and threats of sanctions against Russia which amounts to a blackmail. The unabated attempts by the West since the 1990s to destabilise and undermine the security of the Russian Federation has nothing to do with democracy but sheer politico-economic reasons; and also because of the fact that Russia is the only formidable military power that could withstand the bullying of the West.

The ANU leadership strongly condemns the recent remarks by the UK Foreign ,Ms Liz Truss, that liberal democracy is a universal good and thus applicable everywhere. The ANU leadership, the legitimate heir to the Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians Per-annic/pharaonic, is a staunch advocate of gerontocratic Monarchy as was practiced by the Azanian ancestry n Ancient Thebes, the culture centre and capital of the Azanian nation (the Ancient-Ethiopian kingdom). It therefore considers Liz Truss statement as dispeccable and myopic. True, while the ANU leadership acknowledges the fact king Kekrops,, who first introduced democracy in the West via ancient Greece (as is often celebrated in the founding myth Athens,), was an Ethiopian national, it is worth reminding liberal critics that that form of popular democracy....was bound by authentic cultural values and hence irreducible objectivity; which is generally irreconcilably opposed to the Periclean model in vogue which is driven by shallow economic objectivity and hence besmirched with utter corruption across the broader political spectrum in the West.

The West continues to impose its corrupt and decadent liberal democratic values on the colonial African states because these are week countries, whose leaders have lost track of their ancestral cultural heritage and values. The Russian governments must never allow Russian people to experience similar demeaning experience as he Azanian nationals in colonial african countries, whereby the so-called civilised Western countries continue to scrupulously exploit them, chop down the trees of life in the Congo Basin and turn those into paper money--which they then use to buy off the lands of the indigenous Azanians who are entrapped in the colonial african states. All Russian leaders must understand the unique mission their people owes, first, to Europe and humanity at large. Consequently, Russian democracy must first serve its security concerns and thus should correspond to the Kekropean model which is Just, fair, and realistic; which literally implies that the Russian Federation must permanently remain a national property and should never be sold to scrupulous entrepreneurs of cut throat international capitalism as is currently the case with the colonial african states where Azanian nationals continue to die of hunger and starvation amidst the abundance of land ,which is being misappropriated by a handful of foreign private and public investors.

This so-called human rights drums that are being drummed in the West, especially in the UK, lamentably fail to disclose the fact that all UK citizens are renters in their own country, including those who claim to own their own properties. Is that the kind of liberty which the West wants to export to the rest of the world? As far as the ANU leadership is concerned, Liberal democracy is not a universal good but a hollow idealised dream of the West, which (in reality) has nothing in common with humanity's aspiration for genuine freedom


Discussion on RT 44 comments

Russian, German leaders comment on RT DE feud

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

2 months ago

Europeans need an alternative voice and the RT has proven to be such a voice for the unheard and voiceless masses. Germany must honour its democratic credentials and grant the RT the relevant licence so that it can operate freely in Germany. Denying European such an important alternative voice as the RT is generally lamentable and deserves to be seriously reconsidered by the German government.

Discussion on RT 373 comments

‘Best if Ukraine given status of neutrality’ – German MP

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

3 months ago

The ANU leadership (the legitimate heir to the Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians Per-annic/pharaonic culture system) strongly the West to cautious with Ukraine NATO ambitions. The EU member states such as Germany and France should make their position clear that Ukraine should not allowed member of the NATO. Annalena Baerbock Nord 2 Stream warnings are generally naive and myopic and therefore not conducive to Germany's long term economic interests. Greifswald, where the Nord 2 Stream pipeline is located, makes long term economic sense, and it is now time that Germany authorises the Nord 2 Stream operations inline with Germany's long term geopolitical and economic objectives. It is neither in Germany's interests to condone war in Europe nor to deny Europe the benefits closer economic and political relations with the Russian Federation.


Discussion on RT 1026 comments

Russia receives US response to security proposals

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

3 months ago

The US response shows beyond any doubt that NATO's post-Soviet eastwards expansion is generally treacherous; and that the Russian Federation now deserves the right to take all necessary measures to protect itself and its immediate security region against all future threats, especially at a time when the NATO is embroiled in a precarious security challenges across all geopolitical regions of the earth. Moscow should never allow cheap threats of economic sanctions to undermine its long term security posture in Europe and elsewhere; nor should Moscow ever allow the so-called dominant non-European NATO member states to dictate the future of European security. In any case, the Russian draft security proposal was made in good faith and line with the existing international legal provisions, which the USA only respect when these suit its myopic interests. In the light of the USA response to the Russian draft security proposals, it is now time to question not only the validity of existing international law; but also to ensure a radical reform of the UN system that would result in the reduction of the number of NATO member countries that hold a permanent seat at the security council; which in turn would pave the way for the allocation of permanent security council seats to Azania (Africa?) and India respectively. The current security council system based on the post-World War II arrangements is disfunctional and unjust.

The ANU leadership urges all colonial African countries that strive for Azanian unity to disregard any sanctions the West will impose on Russia as illegitimate and void. For such sanctions to work, the West will need the cooperation of the rest of the world; and all Azanians are advised to reject such dubious and unscrupulous sanctions against the Russian Federation.


Discussion on RT 327 comments

Germany has duty to sell Ukraine weapons – Kiev

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

3 months ago

Olaf Scholz must be mindful of the hawks in Kiev who are trying to instigate war in Europe between NATO and the Russian National Federation. It's preposterous to suggest that Ukraine be treated like Israel; which is absolute nonsense. Israel is the only Jewish state in the world; and, unlike Ukraine, is being scapegoated for occupying the so-called Peleset (Greco-European Philistines and later Imperial Roman Palestine, which (as Southern Kanaan (Canaan)) was an integral part of the Ancient Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians Per-annic/pharaonic kingdom, the Azanian Nation. The fact that most part of the the world considers Israel as coloniser of the so-called Arab land (Palestine?) while turning a blind eye on Arabs colonial occupation of the sacred land of the Azanians national culture system should have given politicians in Kiev a pause in their mind-blowing suggestion that Ukraine be treated like Israel by Germany.

The ANU leadership (the legitimate heir to the Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians Per-annic/pharaonic culture system) which strives to resuscitate the institutions of the Azanian national culture system, and to unify the Azanian people under the geronto-cratic monarchy of the ancient Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopian kingship as was practised in Ancient Thebes (the indivisble capital of Azania), has warned both the secular and sacred Israeli leaders that condoning a UN led apartheid-like peace initiative in the Middle East that overtly castigates Israel as a colonial occupier of Kanaan, while turning a blind eye on Arabs colonial occupation of North Azania (Africa?), is not conducive to long lasting peace. It is only by bringing the Arabs-Israel conflict together with the issue of Arabs occupation north Azania (Africa?) could a permanent and non apartheid peace settlement be reached for fhe peoples of Middle East and North Azania regions That is precisely what the international community needs to understand and seriously act upon. Otherwise, the current apartheid peace process in the Middle East would only further instigate divisions and strengthen the resolve of the radical elements in the region; which is what the ANU leadership has always sought to avoid.

When comes to the delusion that there is anything similar about the political crisis in Ukraine and the Middle East, Germany must not allow itself to be held hostage because of crimes of the Third Reich, which was de jure a product of expansive capitalism. As far as the German state of today is concerned, the unity of Europe is the irreducible priority that gives meaning to its very existence. And that requires collaborating with Russia economically as well as taking Moscow's security concerns seriously and treating all Russians, wherever they may be found in Europe, with respect. Kiev must seek a peaceful settlement with its Russian speaking citizens rather than trying to provoke war in Europe by seeking NATO membership. NATO must stop its provocative expansion into territories of the former Soviet Union.

Germany must not allow itself to be tricked by the Hawks in Ukraine because of their fear of the Russian speaking Ukrainians. These citizens of Ukraine have the irreducible right to want to have close relations wit Moscow; and Germany must always bear in mind that Kiev was the cornerstone of the Russian-European civilisation. This fact, remains untinged.

Discussion on RT 896 comments

It’s time to prepare for the post-American age

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

4 months ago

Russia fails to understand that despite the break up of the Soviet Union, which in itself was a tragedy for humanity, the West (and its security apparatus, NATO) sees the Russian Federation as a powerful military enigma, which the West cannot easily get over with without the irrecoverable destruction of its own power; which is why Russia's post Soviet Union democratic overtures are deemed sham even though the Russian democracy is much more credible than some of the so-called advanced democracies in the West where genuine critical voices are classified as persona non grata who should never get employment or justice in countries such as the UK and elsewhere in the EU.

Russia should stay put, and ignore everything the West is saying since the West has lost the moral authority to be able to dictate so-called human rights values, which is simply a liberal capitalist economic deception meant to protect the property of the one percentage wealthy within the utterly exploited nation states. Western countries should demonstrate their own democratic and human rights credentials at home rather than scapegoating Russia as means to conceal their own democratic and human right failures. Rather than besmirching the credible image of the Russian Federation, Western countries such as Germany and the United Kingdom must stop harassing genuine oppositional voices with cheap manipulated crows, extinct silver American doves, and squirrels; that is through cheap political sorcery and charlatanism.

Discussion on World Israel News 48 comments

IDF hits Gaza, responding to attack on Tel Aviv beaches

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

4 months ago

The ANU leadership (legitimate heir to the Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians Pr-annic/pharaonic culture system) urges restraint from the parties involved in the crisis of the Middle East, and not to escalate the region's political crisis further. Peaceful resolution of the Middle East crisis is possible if Israeli leaders refrain from condoning an apartheid peace process that turns a blind eye on Arabs colonial occupation of North Azania (Africa?) while castigating Israel an occupier of the so-called Arabs land. Such apartheid peace initiative strongly supported by the UN and some Western countries is totally unacceptable to the ANU leadership.


Discussion on World Israel News 69 comments

Ben & Jerry's exec 'wins' antisemite of the year for 202
Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

4 months ago

Such people as Mittal are ignorant of history and scapegoat Israel for the injustices of the world. She would not condemn Arabs colonial occupation of north Azania (Africa?)! But in most cases Israel politicians have to be blamed for approving an apartheid peace process that keeps a blind eye on Arabs colonial occupation of North Azania. As a Bantu-Ethiopian Moor (Moabite), it is ridila tua vergognaus to hear that Canaan would later be misappropriated for the so-called Imperial Roman Palestine, which is derived from the Ancient Ethiopians' Peleset after the Sea people, who were predominantly Europeans rather than Arabs. It is time for Israeli leaders to stop condoning an apartheid peace process, which castigates Israel as a colonial occupier of the so-called Arabs land. The ANU leadership (the legitimate heir to the Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians Pr-annic/pharaonic culture system) urges the Jewsh leaders and the secular Israeli politicians to stop condoning an apartheid peace process that risks undermining the existence of the only Jewish state on earth..


Discussion on RT 415 comments

North Korea’s Kim reveals reason for abrupt weight loss

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

4 months ago

Congrats, Kim. You look younger, smart and heathy, which is a major achievement.


Discussion on RT 430 comments

Ukraine warns Washington against ‘historical humiliation’

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

4 months ago

The Russia today is not the Russia of the Boris Jetlsin era, when the US-led NATO could simply ignore its national security concerns as it did in the 1990s. The Russian Federation has reasserted itself as a force to contend with, and which NATO would need to be able to deescalate such serious international security challenges as the Iran nuclear crisis, the North Korean and Indo Pacific issues. So, the naiivette in Kiev that Washington would shun these challenges to appease Ukraine's NATO membership is far fetched and fortuitous.


Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

4 months ago

One wonders why Ukrainian leaders are so desperate about provoking war between NATO and Russia? Kiev should be more concerned about addressing the political grievances of the Russian speaking population in the north east of Ukraine. Kev should learn from the Finnish example and shelf its dream off joining NATO.

Discussion on RT 246 comments

Germany’s dangerous Russia gamble

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

4 months ago

Germany must focus on building peace in Europe and that requires working closely with Moscow. Rather than supporting NATO's east west expansion, which de facto amounts to the deception of the Versailles Peace Treaty when the then European powers bent of rescuing capitalism from its death throes at all cost tricked Berlin into signing an unjust and war instigating treaty, For the security of Europe, Berlin ought to be working towards creating a pan European police and armed forces. The Hawks in Ukraine must end their dream of joining NATO and stop dragging Europe into unnecessary conflicts with such a powerful European force as the Russia. Kiev has no other alternative than to seek a serous diplomatic settlement with its Russian speaking regions; and if necessary grant them autonomy and self-rule. As much as one sympathises with Kiev concerns, that should not stop Berlin from focusing on the important challenges facing Europe today, which is peace and prosperity; and that would involve authorising the Nord Stream 2 pipeline immediately.

As a European national of German citizenship, Berlin must ignore such cheap phrases as fourth or fifth Reich that we often hear from some Eastern European capitals. The Third Reich was the brainchild of laisses faire capitalism and Berlin cannot be blamed for the ghost of the Third Reich, which was deliberately bred to power by Western capitalism through the unjust Versailles Peace Treaty Kanzler Olaf Sholze must open his eyes widely and not allow Berlin to be tricked by cheap phrases like Germany is afraid of Russia; that is absolute nonsense; Berlin's long term interest is safeguarding peace in Europe and that demands working closely with Moscow.


Discussion on RT 711 comments

Russia needs more people – Putin

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

4 months ago

The ANU leadership totally agrees with Putin on this point. Russian needs at least 450 million people to be able to reach its full potential. The ANU leadership (the legitimate heir to the Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians Pr-annic/pharaonic culture system) is prepared to assist our Russian friends on this important cultural question. A strong and indivisible Russia as an integral part of the European culture as proposed by Homer is in the interest of humanity. And the ANU leadership strongly disagrees with the land owning aristocratic families, and their capitalist allies, who are suspicious of the natural trend of the native population growth. #

The Bantu/Ethiopian kings in ancient Thebes, the culture centre of the ancient Ethiopian kingdom, the Azanian nation, were clear on this point. The human population challenge is a cultural question par excellence and best suited for national culture systems and thus beyond the cognition of the economic mind. The ancient Ethiopians (Egyptians?) equation of the twelve Azanian ancestry (Ptah, his four wives (who represented the four geographical regions of the earth) and their seven sons) with the stela bodies presupposes that the national constituencies of humanity (through authentic culture guidance) have the cognitive ability to expand infinitely in the footsteps of the immortal Hyen Nu (One-Hand) (Horus/Heru?), the primordial Hand of universal creation or creativity. The Azanian culture custodians take to task the proponents of the so-called Big Bang theory; they see the Big Bang concept as delusional and immature hypothesis that has miserably failed to logically discern the origin and objective purpose of life. In fact, the giant telescope that was launched on the 25 December 2021 by the West to study the origin of the universe would turn out once again to be as sham as the Swiss underground experiment that was meant to substantiate the long, philosophically, discredited Big Bang hypothesis.

In contrast to the discredited Oxford model (the Big Bang theory), the Theban cultural model presented Hyen Nu (also Aton or Amon) as an eternal being; whence the Azanians definition of Life Manfouir/Menefre (Memphiis?), as an infinite phenomenon is derived (see Azanism (2011)). Thus, the quest for immortality as the objective of the Azanian national culture system, as illustrated vividly by the mummification of the Pr-annh (pharaohs?), who were meant to be resuscitated in line with the Azanian culture objectives, is much more scientifically sound and thus amenable to the perennial human question, what is the purpose of life Thus, when the discredited economically inspired Oxford model draws attention to the miserable life expectancy rate of the advanced economies (which in the case of the USA t has since the 1980s taken a receding dive), what it deliberately withholds from the profane is that it's pseudo-scientists are factually mimicking the objectivity of more advanced and sophisticated cultural model.

Discussion on World Israel News 42 comments

In ‘goodwill’ gesture, Israel returns 95 smuggled artifacts, relics to Egypt

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

4 months ago

The ANU leadership (the legitimate heir to the Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopian Pr-annc/pharaonc culture system) appreciates the goodwill gesture of our Israeli neighbours. However, such cultural heritage should not be handed over to Arab colonial occupiers of modern Egypt at all. Arab colonialists have played a central in the destruction of the Azanian nation' s cultural heritage. Their role in chopping off of the nose and lips of the Sphinx to hide its Bantu/Cushitic features is still under investigation. But recent pseudo-archaeological practices suggest that the Arab colonial government in Caro have systematically been lightening the skin tones of dark, dark brown and light brown figurines to suit their colonial delusions. The ANU leadership consider such actions on the part of Arabs colonial government in Egypt as cultural genocide. Arabs arrival n Azania is of recent, i.e. in the 7th century AD. So, the ANU leadership urges the Arabs in occupied Egypt to start a peace dialogue with the Nubians and other indigenous Azanian groups on handing over power to the Azanian people.

As far as the indigenous Nubians are not in power any return of such invaluable cultural relics to Azania (colonial Africa?) should be coordinated with the ANU leadership. Otherwise, the Arabs in the sacred land of the Azanian national culture, with its centre in ancient Thebes, cannot be trusted to safeguard Azanian culture heritage. The resuscitation of the Pr-annic/pharoanic ideal is an Azanian national culture objective.

Dr R.G. Diaz is the spokesperson of the ANU; and he is the presiding Director of the Theban culture school, Het Ka-Ptah.


Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

The 'very respectable' terrorist and Israel's loss of control in Jerusalem

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

5 months ago

The question is how long can Israeli political leadership condone an apartheid peace process that disregard Arabs colonial occupation of North Azania while castigating Israel as a so-called colonial occupiers of the so-called Arabs land. The Israeli leadership should either be bold on this point or remain silent over what is a crucial point to Israel's long term security.


Discussion on World Israel News 2 comments

Sudan military leaders reinstate deposed prime minister

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

5 months ago

The Israeli leadership should never engage with such aboriginal (confused black people) Arabs trying to sell off as an Arab country. The long term of the Jewish state of Israel is rejecting the apartheid peace process in the Middle East (ME) in the place of a comprehensive and inclusive peace that would include issue of Arabs colonial occupation of the Sacred Land of the Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians Per-annic/pahhaonic culture system, north Azania (Africa) (NA). The battle in the MENA regions is not for the swift and the Israeli leadership should not myopically ally itself with such forces, not in Sudan and not in Morocco. Colonialism has no future in Azania.

Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments

Israel to sign historic first security agreement with an Arab state

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

5 months ago

The ANU leadership urges the current Israeli government to thread wisely with the Moroccan Monarchy in order not to perpetuate Arabs colonial occupation of that part of Azania. All Israeli governments must seek a non-apartheid peace settlement that will include Arabs colonial occupation of North Azania (Africa?). Signing a security cooperation with the Moroccan monarchy which clams direct lineage with prophet Mohammad in an occupied Azanan territory is myopic and short sighted. So, the Jewish leaders and the state of Israeli are urged to resist the temptation of assisting the perpetuation of Arab colonial occupation of Morocco.

Discussion on RT 126 comments

I just graduated from a British university. They’re broken

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G


5 months ago

What a great statement, while UK politicians make millions annually alongside their parliamentary roles non-conformist academics and students alike are intimidated to submission. You either conform or remain lifelong unemployed academic or graduate in the UK economic system. In fact, a colleague once tipped me of an academic role at the LSE (University of London) Government Department in 2019, which I applied for. But even weeks before the applications were passed to the selection committee.. for review, I had already received a rejection email of my application from the head of the HR. When I reminded him that the applications had not yet been reviewed by the Department's' selection committee, he hanged up the phone on me and deleted his email communication from their end. I was not at all surprise that my applications never get pass the desk of the heads of the HR in the UK--because when I completed my PhD in Politics (2011) and came to the London to do a LLM in International Economic Law at Birkbeck, University of London (2010), I overheard some academics there suggesting (of me) that such individuals should never be allowed to get WORK in the UK, as I constitute a threat to their food. If scholars of a so-called Left oriented institution..., where Slavoj Zizek is an academic.., are reduced to thinking that way, what would one expect of the LSE? Thus, competence matters less in UK academic employments, only the most timid and conformist academics and, nowadays, the sexually queer are naturally preferred. Academics actually spy on each other for compliance on such matters. It is not merely a (left or right) liberal malady; it's corruption from the highest hierarchy of the political system. So, when the UK Media often talk about corruption in the post-Soviet Russia, it brings me to laughter as an utterly corrupt liberal democratic system is desperately trying to project its own image on others

The UK is not alone in this case, the same is also true of the German academic system

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

5 months ago

What a great statement, while UK politicians make millions annually alongside their parliamentary roles non-conformist academics and students alike are intimidated to submission. You either conform or remain lifelong unemployed academic or graduate in the UK economic system. In fact, a colleague once tipped me of an academic role at the LSE (University of London) Government Department in 2019, which I applied for. But even weeks before the applications were passed to the selection committee.. for review, I had already received a rejection email of my application from the head of the HR. When I reminded him that the applications had not yet been reviewed by the Department's' selection committee, he hanged up the phone on me and deleted his email communication from their end. I was not at all surprise that my applications never get pass the desk of the heads of the HR in the UK--because when I completed my PhD in Politics (2011) and came to the London to do a LLM in International Economic Law at Birkbeck, University of London (2010), I overheard some academics there suggesting (of me) that such individuals should never be allowed to get WORK in the UK, as I constitute a threat to their food. If scholars of a so-called Left oriented institution..., where Slavoj Zizek is an academic.., are reduced to thinking that way, what would one expect of the LSE? Thus, competence matters less in UK academic employments, only the most timid and conformist academics and, nowadays, the sexually queer are naturally preferred. Academics actually spy on each other for compliance on such matters. It is not merely a (left or right) liberal malady; it's corruption from the highest hierarchy of the political system. So, when the UK Media often talk about corruption in the post-Soviet Russia, it brings me to laughter as an utterly corrupt liberal democratic system is desperately trying to project its own image on others

The UK is not alone in this case, the same is also true of the German academic system


Discussion on World Israel News 104 comments

Judge reinstates ban on Jews praying on Temple Mount, Hamas celebrates…

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

6 months ago

The ANU leadership (the legitimate heir to the Bantu-Ethiopians Per-annic/pharaonic culture system) urges the Israeli government to seriously consider reinstating the Jews irreducible cultural rights to the Temple Mount. The Jewish rights to pray on the Temple Mount should be respected and upheld ,and not be left to the mercy of judicial deliberations. The rights of all religions that lay claim to the Temple Mount must be respected and the decision not to reinstate the Jewish rights to their sacred land amounts to discrimination. The Judge who made such decision should have been aware of this. Whether or not the Judge made that politically charged decision because of the Bennet's Government cower to intimidation from outside influences, the validity of such a legal decision must be seriously questioned and challenged at all levels. The Jewish people should immediately appeal such a politically charged decision.


Discussion on World Israel News 65 comments

UK Labour party labels Israel an 'apartheid state'

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

7 months ago

The ANU leadership (legitimate heir to the Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians Per-annc/pharaonic culture system) strongly rejects the Labour Party's labelling of Israel as an apartheid state. The EU and the UK's political establishments need to understand the complexity of the political crisis in the MENA (Middle East and North Azania (Africa?)) regions and seek to include the issue of Arabs colonial occupation of North Azania in any realistic and non-apartheidlike peace process. The castigating of Israel as a colonial occupier while turning a blind eye on Arabs colonial occupation of North Azania is not conducive to peace in these regions.

Discussion on World Israel News 24 comments

Opinion: Jews as racial villains - from Jewish blackness to Jewish whiteness

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

9 months ago

It's lamentable that the author of this article associates Louis Farakhan with blackness, forgetting that he supported the aboriginal Arabs (the so-called Sudanese Arabs) genocide against the Darfurians during Omar Bashir regime. Qualifying such a person as a black man is undermining the genuineness that defines the Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians Per-annic/pharaonic kingdom, the Azanian nation. As you rightly noted, Farakhan belongs to the NATION OF ISLAM and not the AZANIAN NATION, which is more than 10,000 older than Islam. The Azanian national culture is that of the Per-annic/pharaonic kingdom, and Farakhan cannot be part of that kingdom at all. He is an American Arab, and his loyalty is both American and Nation of slam.

Discussion on World Israel News 219 comments

Bennett turnaround: Jews have no right to pray on Temple Mount

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

9 months ago

The ANU leadership urges PM Bennett to turn his recognition of the Jewish right to visit the Temple Mount (TM) as a cultural and historical heritage should be turned into a praying right in order to do justice to all religions that have legitimate historic claim to the TM.

Discussion on World Israel News 75 comments

Jewish ancestry threatens political future of Congo politician

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

9 months ago

The issue of denying people with dual citizenship or loyalty is not at all new. For in stance, n countries such as Jordan even Arabs who claim to be Palestinians and marry to a Jordanian do have their children bared not only from Jordanian citizenship, but even from higher education institutions and health care provisions. Similar measures, albeit moderately, are applied in countries such as Japan. So, although the indigenous Azanians of Congo must be mindful not to disqualify a candidate simply because of their Jewish background, as that would also imply that similar measures ought to be taken vis-a-vis Christians and muslims, but must ensure that such policies are equitable and genuinely reflects the need not allow foreigners to undermine Congo as is now the case in Arabs occupied Egypt, Sudan, and the rest of North Azania. Even recently in the Knesset there was a similar bill in relation to dual loyalty put forward by the current Israeli government to ensure that Arabs who claim Palestinian descent do not easily obtain Israel citizenship by marrying to an Israeli Arab. So, the ANU leadership (legitimate heir to the Cushitic-Ethiopians Per-annic/pharaonic culture system) would like to remind our Jewish friends not to misconstrue the genuine concerns of the Azanians in Congo about people with dual loyalties as discrimination against the Jews.

The Azanians have a long cultural and historic bond with our Jewish neighbours beginning with the prominent granting of exile to Abraham in Kanaan/Canaan.

Discussion on World Israel News 26 comments

World leaders congratulate Bennett on new government

Raul Diaz G

Raul Diaz G

10 months ago

The ANU leadership (the legitimate heir to the Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians Per-annic/pharaonic culture system) would like to congratulate Prime Minister Bennet for his government and wish him well for his term in office. The Azanian leadership will like to remind PM Bennet that it strongly condemns the apartheidlike peace process in the Middle East that only focuses on the Israeli-Arabs political crisis while turning a blind eye on Arabs continuing colonial occupation of the Sacred Land of the Azanian national culture system in ancient Thebes. While Netanyahu government was seriously concerned about offending Western allies for proposing the inclusion of the issue Arabs occupation of north Azania (Africa?) (NA) in any realistic peace initiative, you are strongly urged not to condone an apartheid peace process that castigates Israel as a colonial occupier of the so-called Arabs land. As you may be aware, Kanaan was never an Arab land and never will it be, as the Moabites (Moors) who originally inhabited south and north Kanaan, Lebu, Mauretaniye (Mauretania) etc., are Bantus/Cushites and therefore have nothing in common with Arabs. True, some hawkish Moorish politicians did use the Arabs and other groups in an attempt to reclaim southern Europe for the Azanian kingdom, which resulted in the occupation of parts of Span and Italy. These Moor politicians, who were mainly followers of the Moors that once played a central military role in maintaining the Roman empire, do not share the cardinal objective of the Theban Culture school, the restoration the king (Pharaoh?) in ancient Thebes. While such politico-religious Moors were apt in exploiting the universal proclivity of Hyen Nu (Heru/Horus?), as did emperor Konstantin of the Roman empire, such Moors like him are largely political than cultural.


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