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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Russia unleashes attacks on Ukrainian rail and fuel installations

 'I know where you live!' Terrorist's father threatens victim's family in court

King Israel lorenzoJHWH 

"no one touches Cain" said God.

but, Cain must be prevented from killing Abel,

and the demonic Jewish-Masonic Anglo-American sodomitic regime does not, because it has intentional unjust laws that facilitate crime. has ineffective institutions to favor mafias and bureaucratic corruption,

because he, Rockefeller Spa & Co, is the biggest terrorist on the planet.

because, the Rothschild usurer has stolen the bank seigniorage and the soul, the hope and the future of the peoples

  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI 

WATCH: How an IDF Soldier’s Great Grandparents Saved Jews During the Holocaust

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

 19 minutes ago

eih Israel, you call lorenzoJHWH for your salvation becouse Rockefeller must kill you.

Riyad, deep state, masonic system Goldman Sachs, Rockefeller and Rothschild (esoteric talmud & Kabbalah agenda) have decided to destroy Israel

eih Israel, you call lorenzoJHWH for your salvation becouse Rothschild will kill you.

your savior is King Israel lorenzoJHWH and UniusREI the worldwide attorney governor

1   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI 

Pro-Palestinian Protester in NY Assaults Man on Crutches With Israel Flag

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

 21 minutes ago

eih Israel, you call lorenzoJHWH for your salvation

Riyad, deep state, masonic system Goldman Sachs, Rockefeller and Rothschild (esoteric talmud & Kabbalah agenda) have decided to destroy Israel

eih Israel, you call lorenzoJHWH for your salvation

by King Israel lorenzoJHWH and UniusREI the worldwide attorney governor

  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI 

Security guard, 23, murdered by terrorists in Samaria

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

 29 minutes ago

1. NATO CIA UK Anglo-American Jews Freemasons achieved: Maidan coup with Chechen snipers who killed 100 innocent people, Odessa pogroms, and genocides in Donbass, etc. etc. has used Ukraine to attack Russia since 2014. but, in recent years, television has not said it.

2. Russia defends itself, and he hasn't moved on, but NATO has gone after him, Russia does NOT have a plan imperialism or to attack Europe.

3. there is no doubt: Riyad, deep state, masonic system FED 322 IMF 666 ECB 187 BM scam banking seigniorage (see scientist Giacinto Auriti) NWO OCI Riad, Rockefeller and Rothschild (esoteric talmud & Kabbalah agenda) have decided to destroy Israel

by King Israel lorenzoJHWH and UniusREI the worldwide attorney governor

  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on United with Israel  104 comments

The Holocaust Photo that Offended Facebook

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

 an hour ago

i am king og kings Unius REI

king Israel

2   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on United with Israel  18 comments

Important Message from the Chief Rabbi of Odessa

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

 an hour ago

i am king Messia

1   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on United with Israel  41 comments

Jordanian King and Abbas discuss saving Jerusalem from ‘Israeli aggression’

King Israel lorenzoJHWH 

1. NATO has used Ukraine to attack Russia since 2014.

2. Russia does NOT have a plan to attack Europe.

3. there is no doubt: Riyad Rockefeller and Rothschild have decided to destroy Israel

2   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  42 comments

Palestinians riot on Temple Mount on last Friday of Ramadan

King Israel lorenzoJHWH 

this is high treason! Kabbalah, Ottoman Wahhabi Jews, Masons, decreed the destruction of Israel: through Iran, Hebollah and Hamas.

after the destruction of Russia,

Ukraine (new israel) was chosen by the Jewish Masons to welcome

the 3 million Israelis who will survive the destruction of Israel!

2  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

King Israel lorenzoJHWH 

Thus, the objective of the B’nai B’rith lodge has been achieved: Ukraine is at war with Russia.

Thus, for a second time, the men of the B'nai B'rith - led by the president of the Ukrainian section,

the "brother" Vadim Kolotushkin - gather the entire Jewish galaxy, which, in Ukraine,

is represented by over one hundred and sixty communities, including "two hundred families of Chabad Lubavitch emissaries", many of whom reside in Kiev.

"The Jews of Ukraine will fight alongside their neighbors against the Russian invasion,"

said Meir Stambler, chief rabbi of Kiev close to the B'nai B'rith.

“It's true, this country is steeped in our blood and our history here is complex and painful. But the last few years have been good,

we have an excellent relationship with our fellow citizens and we share the suffering of this absurd invasion:

side by side ".

In confirmation of this, the Italian Jew Paolo Salom, in the Corriere, recalled that many Jews

"are now in the front line to defend what they consider their own country [ie Ukraine].

So, does it make sense to speak of "denazification"? "

"Don't believe the propaganda," echoed an artist from Kiev.

"Just for your information, there is not a single Nazi deputy in our parliament, while we have elected a Jewish president

[Volodymyr Zelens'kyj]".


2  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  21 comments

European antisemitism envoy: Putin's 'denazification' rhetoric trivializes Holocaust

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH


you have lost this comment!

Content unavailable


Content unavailable


i save your channel, but you block 80% users here are CIA troll,

they vote positively your comment, but still report your channel


2  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  9 comments

WATCH: Zelensky to host senior US officials in Kyiv

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

 10 hours ago

my Zionism is incompatible with Freemasonry and the Talmud! ] [The responsibility of the B'nai B'rith (the masters of satans allah sodoma and their goyims slaves) https://www.maurizioblondet.It/la-parte-del-bnai-brith-nella-guerra/

Ukraine the New Jerusalem

It is the Kremenchug newspaper which, for the first time, in a 2017 article written by the Ukrainian general Grigory Omelchenko, reveals to the world the occult project of the B'nai B'rith. According to Omelchenko, the Grojsman-Poroshenko government has in fact "developed a plan" to create a "new Jerusalem" "in Ukraine, involving the cities of Odessa, Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk, Mykolaiv and Cherson. This "new republic", with "cultural capital" Odessa, should have represented, in contrast to Putin's prerogatives of Russification, a "" Ukrainian Jerusalem "", in which to resettle - according to the plan's directives - "about 5 million Jews »From Israel or other countries.

According to the general's words, the political cadres (precisely "twelve leaders") of this new republic were even formed, promising each inhabitant "a monthly pension of 500 euros, regardless of work experience". But, in the end, due to the continuation of the conflict in Donbass and the strong instability of the country, it was decided to shelve the project and wait for more favorable times.

my Zionism is incompatible with Freemasonry and the Talmud! ] [The responsibility of the B'nai B'rith (the masters of satans allah sodoma and their goyims slaves) https://www.maurizioblondet.It/la-parte-del-bnai-brith-nella-guerra/

Ukraine the New Jerusalem

Zelens'kyj arrives

1   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

 10 hours ago

After three official visits by President Poroshenko to Jerusalem and the conclusion of various bilateral agreements with the State of Israel, in May 2019 the Zionist and B'nai man B'rith Volodymyr wins the Ukrainian elections, with 73% of the votes. Zelenskii, becoming the first Jewish president in the history of Ukraine.

Fascinated by the old "Ukrainian Jerusalem" project conceived by Grojsman and Poroshenko, he immediately strengthened the ties between Ukraine and Israel, signing - in August 2019 - an agreement with Netanyahu aimed at "promoting the study of the language Jewish in educational institutions in Ukraine ". Basically, Hebrew is being taught in schools. In all schools.

But there is more. Research conducted at the time by the Pew Research Center in Washington concluded that, of the various European nations surveyed in the research, Ukraine is "the friendliest nation to Jews." General Omelchenko, who was also a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, even concluded that "Ukraine is the main prize for international Zionism" and that it "is turning into a 'little Israel'".

1   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  30 comments

Rutgers Jewish fraternity egged during Yom HaShoah ceremony for second straight year

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

 11 hours ago

Arisa without veils and all the stars hugging their curves


we fear a drift from Satanism to the p0rn0 of this singer

2  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

 11 hours ago

Jewish volunteers] Golpe Maidan: it is a Jewish-Masonic-demonic Islamic sodomitic globalist project.

but, my Zionism is incompatible with Freemasonry and the Talmud! ]

the War in Donbass

[On the other hand, the activists of the B'nai B'rith, with the support of the progressive lodges and of the American Jewish-Zionist groups, have taken steps to mobilize,

in an anti-Russian perspective,

most of the Ukrainian Jews, whose community constitutes the third largest Jewish community in Europe and the fifth largest in the world. Since 2014, numerous Jews have thus been enlisted as volunteers,

ending up even in overtly national-socialist departments,

such as the infamous Azov battalion (equipped with Israeli weapons), whose founder

- Andry Bilecky - has incredibly admitted to being "a staunch supporter of Israel ",

as" its model of society and defense is very close to the ideal model for Ukraine ".

"Several Jews fought with us,"

he finally confessed. "Personal opinions do not matter, it is important to defend the country".


2  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

 11 hours ago

Jewish volunteers] Golpe Maidan: it is a Jewish-Masonic-demonic Islamic sodomitic globalist project.

but, my Zionism is incompatible with Freemasonry and the Talmud! ]

Confirming this, Josef Zissels, co-chair of the Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities in Ukraine, stated that, after the 2014 coup, "the attitude towards Jews [in Ukraine]

has drastically improved, as they they were active during [the protests of] Maidan and enlisted

to fight at the front.

The Jews have shown that they identify with the Ukrainian state,

with its future and its challenges, and that they are ready to assume their share of responsibility ”.


2  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

 11 hours ago

Golpe Maidan: it is an Islamic sodomitic Jewish-Masonic-demonic globalist project. but, my Zionism is incompatible with Freemasonry and the Talmud! ]

the War in Donbass [But not all Ukrainian citizens have silently accepted the removal of President Yanukovych and the establishment of a pro-Zionist-demonic-Masonic government.

In fact, while Crimea, after a controversial referendum won with over 90% of the votes, is annexed to the Russian Federation,

an intense civil war erupts in Donbass (south-east of Ukraine),

from which two new independent anti-republics emerge. -western, the Republic of Donetsk and the Republic of Lugansk,

whose leaders immediately accuse "the American and European Freemasons of the ongoing conflict", declaring themselves ideologically close to Putin's Russia.

"No one is responsible for the fact that our banks, shops, [Donetsk] airport are closed,

with the exception of Ukrainian fascists and freemasons from the United States and Europe,"

declared Vladimir Antiufeyev, then deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Donetsk.

"Are we not aware of the influence that Masonic lodges exert in the West ?!"


2  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

 11 hours ago

Golpe Maidan: it is an Islamic sodomitic Jewish-Masonic-demonic globalist project. but, my Zionism is incompatible with Freemasonry and the Talmud! ]

The aim of the B'nai B'rith, in short, was to involve Ukrainian Jews

(and other ethnic minorities, such as the Tatars) in the protests, by channeling

all anti-Russian forces

- including the radical right, made up of the Svoboda party,

by the Nationalist Congress and the Pravyj Sektor movement (and Nazi Azov Battalion)

- in a single, large pro-American and pro-European cartel, capable of leading to a radical change of government and thus freeing Ukraine from the clutches of Russia. Through NGOs and local and foreign activists,

the B'nai B'rith lodge blew the fire of Ukrainian discontent, leading to a rapid escalation

of protests and the consequent escape of Yanukovych (February 2014), who, as expected,

left the country in the hand of the pro-Zionist and pro-European clique

of the new president Petro Poroshenko, who, a year later, is already in Jerusalem to make several bilateral agreements, admitting: "Ukraine is with the State of Israel".


2  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

 11 hours ago

Golpe Maidan: it is an Islamic sodomitic Jewish-Masonic-demonic globalist project. but, my Zionism is incompatible with Freemasonry and the Talmud! ] November 2013,

the year in which the pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych - a close collaborator of Putin

- decided to suspend the free trade agreement with the European Union, causing strong popular protests, which,

"supported by the American government of Barack Obama and western progressive Masonic lodges ”took the name of #Euromaidan. Among the most influential Western lodges that financially and morally supported the protests, contributing

- in February 2014 - to the development of a real coup d'état (which was also joined by the Hungarian Jew George Soros), there is the very powerful B ' nai B'rith, a pre-Zionist lodge

"of totally Masonic inspiration, but with a Jewish specificity",

closely linked to Israel, but based in the United States.


2  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  20 comments

Illiberal wokeness is waging a war on free speech and the Jews

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH


 13 hours ago

in 8 years of genocide in the Donbass, we have not seen any reports

Nothing was known about the Maidan coup with the CIA's Chechen snipers.

but now they are doing "corpse x corpse" reports to coerce / convince people that it is inevitable to wage a world war against China and Russia.

then, the government said it was campaigning against disinformation

3  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH


 13 hours ago

here all is false! also GraceJoyy she may have been killed and her profile hacked.

this is the NWO of the Saudi Wahhabis:

the kingdom of Satanism Spa & Co, which is the kingdom of Allah-OWL a worse Kingdom in the whole history of mankind, and even worse than the kingdom that God destroyed in the universal flood:

everything in the NWO Spa FED IMF BM NWO is concealment

3  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

 13 hours ago

BIN ISIS Salman CIA agent from Riyad ] [ disqus_0buVifEVOD ratfink @disqus_0buVifEVOD

R*F* said: " Rockefeller is a RAT, and that him he's afraid of me ".

now, all the satanist trolls that are here have failed, but I beg you forgive them, don't put them in your sulfuric acid bin, because Unius REI is immortal invincible, and as you saved 187AudioHostem's inutil life, so it also saves their inutil life, because it it is not useless in my eyes,

2  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  21 comments

European antisemitism envoy: Putin's 'denazification' rhetoric trivializes Holocaust

King Israel lorenzoJHWH

King Israel lorenzoJHWH


 15 hours ago

1 Guest Vote follows you and me, how is that possible?

3  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

 41 minutes ago

Piazza Pulita, Santoro blurts out: "Right now it is Biden OTAN CIA UE UK who must stop"


the sodom satans want to obtain the destruction of Ukraine, and of Russia!

1   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on United with Israel  104 comments

The Holocaust Photo that Offended Facebook


 an hour ago

Cinema, Barbareschi: «The problem is the homosexual mafia. Inclusiveness is stupid ». Lazio Pride: «Unacceptable words» http://a.msn.Com/01/it-it/AAWMwiP?ocid=st

lgbtq have become a world threat regime, the religion of Satan Darwin the apes of Rockefeller!

2   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


 an hour ago



 an hour ago

The Holocaust Photo that Offended 666 Satana Facebook lgbtq

becouse p0rn0 movie?

2   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  21 comments

European antisemitism envoy: Putin's 'denazification' rhetoric trivializes Holocaust


 2 hours ago

yes, Wahhabi-Anglo-American colonialism continues thanks to the betrayal of our Freemason politicians.

they have decided to destroy Israel, and to kill all biblical Zionists, so they think that the globalist Zionists will be saved in Ukraine, because they will destroy Russia, in the impending world war

2   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


 3 hours ago

1. NATO CIA coup Maidan, Odessa pogrom, etc. etc. has used Ukraine to attack Russia since 2014.

2. Russia does NOT have a plan imperialism or to attack Europe.

3. there is no doubt: Riyad, deep state, masonic system Goldman Sachs, Rockefeller and Rothschild (esoteric talmud & Kabbalah agenda) have decided to destroy Israel


King Israel lorenzoJHWH

2   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


 4 hours ago

maybe the two of us here, we're the only ones who aren't CIA satanist trolls.

these Israeli Freemasons want to defend the rights of God JHWH Almighty with the help of Satanists

2   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

 a day ago

Ukraine, Kiev attacked by the Russians during Guterres' visit


I wouldn't want to be wrong: but while Guterres was there, didn't the Ukrainians bomb Russian territory?

4   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

 a day ago

these ghost jihad zombies sharia troll from the CIA prevent me from blocking their channel:

Putrid Putler reloaded

Chaya Raichik III

2 Guest Vote


yet they know that, two days before, that Russia was forced to invade Ukraine, the Holy Spirit brought me here, so these villains should tremble, because the Holy Spirit testifies to them that they will not be able to escape their destruction

3   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

 a day ago

China attacks NATO: "A tool to seek hegemony"


this time the Chinese wisdom failed: because Satan Owl Lilit Baal JabulOn Allah and Sodom said:

"Russia is guilty and has made a mistake without ifs, and without buts!"

then, they added: "the CIA's democratic institutional coup in Maidan in 2014: it was legalized by the UN, so 15,000 dead in Donbass, it's their fault that they died!"

3   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

 a day ago

Ukraine, the US sends military aid. Biden "We will not give up fighting against tyrants"


the greatest tyrant in history is called: FED Spa Rockefeller Spa & Co, e Salman from Riyad is its inspiring prophet

3   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  6 comments

Prioritize the defense of living Jews while honoring the Six Million

 3 hours ago

Cinema, Barbareschi: «The problem is the homosexual mafia. Inclusiveness is stupid ».

lgbtq DEM ideology has become a Nazi ideology, a branch of the churches of satan to fight biblical civilization

Lazio Pride: "Unacceptable words"


Christians and Jews have the same interests in common, but Islam is a sharia mass murderer: with jihad genocide and substitution theology for 1400 years against the impure kafirs.

Islam is incompatible with the survival of mankind.

1   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on United with Israel  41 comments

Jordanian King and Abbas discuss saving Jerusalem from ‘Israeli aggression’

Sharon Faulkner

 4 hours ago

Islam is incompatible with the survival of mankind.

please teach me

I can also make my account link inaccessible like you?

3   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


 4 hours ago

Christians and Jews have the same interests in common,

but Islam has been a mass murderer of sharia genocide and replacement theology for 1400 years.

Islam is incompatible with the survival of mankind.

please teach me,

as I can also make my account link inaccessible?

3   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

 4 hours ago

you filled this site with satanist CIA NWO trolls to protect Israel and God's rights! you are crazy

3   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

 4 hours ago

UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood


they prevented me from entering the comments section, to block in turn the CIA trolls who have blocked and deactivated this channel this channel


United With Israel


3   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  42 comments

Palestinians riot on Temple Mount on last Friday of Ramadan

 8 hours ago

the satanist Biden: "War is not cheap, but giving in to Russian aggression would have a higher price"


Russia has been attacked since 2014 and was forced to defend itself

2  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

 9 hours ago

my Zionism is incompatible with Freemasonry and the Talmud! ] [The responsibility of the B'nai B'rith (the masters of satans allah sodoma and their goyims slaves)


Ukraine the New Jerusalem: where to save the Israelis after the destruction of Israel.

Biden and the Rockefeller-Wahhabis War to Destroy Israel

However, until 2020 Ukraine enjoys relative peace, with sporadic episodes of micro-conflict between the Donbass separatists and the Ukrainian national forces, in which numerous Jews continue to fight. But, in January 2021, with the arrival at the White House of Joe Biden

(an occult agent of the B’nai B’rith and "man of Israel in Washington"), the directives changed radically.

It is Biden, in fact, on the orders of Western Freemasonry (including the B'nai B'rith),

who issues new provisions to the Ukrainian government and army, "in order to annoy Putin and hope for his sudden attack against the 'Ukraine, in order to make the Russian Federation appear, in the context of international public opinion, the nation that gave birth to the conflict ”.

Not surprisingly, the main objective of the B'nai B'rith lodge is to bring Crimea and the Donbass territories back to Ukraine, thus weakening Russia and making Ukraine join NATO.

"We are facing provocative acts along the line of contact," Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov said in April 2021. "It is the armed forces of Ukraine that have embarked on a path towards the escalation of these provocative acts, and are continuing this policy. These provocations tend to intensify.

All this is creating a potential threat for the resumption of a civil war in Ukraine ”.

In the same month, Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry,

also declared that the situation in Donbass is worsening day by day due to the

"warlike intentions of Kiev".

"Troops and military equipment are deployed in the region and the mobilization plans are updated," she concluded Zakharova. "The Ukrainian media are fomenting hysteria based on the myth of the Russian threat."

2  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  34 comments

Panic at Ben Gurion Airport as family brings unexploded artillery shell

 12 hours ago

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused the United States and NATO countries of using Ukraine as "one of the tools to destroy and attack Russia".

According to Lavrov, "in recent years, the United States and its allies have done nothing to stop the intra-Ukrainian conflict, which their CIA OTAN ignited.. because they carried out the Maidan coup, and 'pumped' the regime. of Kiev with weapons, trained and armed the Ukrainian army and the nationalist battalions of Nazi-fascists.

They encouraged the aggressive anti-Russian course pursued by the Kiev authorities to exterminate the sovereign people in the Donbass and Crimea. "

1   lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  10 comments

A chilling Russian cyber aim in Ukraine: Digital dossiers

 a day ago

Video: In connection the Russian journalist Nadana Fridrikhson

he said: "the whole West from the point of view of Kiev-NATO-CIA, and never brings the point of view of Russia.

the West boycots the Russian media and this violates democratic principles. "


Nadana Fridrikhson made a list of facts: 1. the 2014 coup, 2. the ensuing murders, and: 3. the intentional boycott of the agreements of: Minsk1, and Minsk2, 4. when Petro Oleksijovyč Poroshenko said: "Our children have to go to school and theirs have to live in shelters". 5. of the avenue of angels: "where all the killed Russian-speaking children are buried: by Ukrainians killed in the Donbass.

6. but no one in the West was scandalized by these 8 years: the massacres against Russian speakers.

Then, the reporter was attacked by a bully, saying that she was lying, while what Nadana Fridrikhson said is indisputable in the light of the historical facts. Then, an attempt was made to trouble her about questions she could not have the answer to.


3  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  31 comments

The anti-Israel past of NY Times Jerusalem bureau’s latest hire


what is certainly true, beyond the bloc sectarian narratives, is that the NATO CIA with the Maidan coup has gone to add fuel to the fire of a critical situation in Ukraine, because the interest of NATO is world war! Otherwise, the EU US OTAN would not be so corrupt and intellectually dishonest as to say:

"the fault lies with Russia with no ifs, and buts"

Transnistria, a war of nerves and lies. Moscow cuts ties to arms, "Shots were fired from the Ukrainian side," is the complaint of the Transnistrian authorities. The explosions would have been located in Cobasna. Not just any village, but the gigantic arms depot bequeathed by the Soviet Union.


3  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


my best Brother Bin ISIS Salman ] [ when I say "I am the criterion of good and evil, the supreme judge", this is not an exclusive statement to my physical person, but also exclusive to every metaphysical man on this planet (hence his orientation: sexual, race, religion, ideology: they are NOT a prejudice to the universal rational oggettive METAFISIC of natural law).

So if I put a sentence, anyone who follows natural law and universal law

(which are a domain of the universal human rational mind)

can correct an involuntary error of mine.

Because we start from the dogma that the metaphysical man is consecrated to the good for the truth: and that it does not seek a personal but a collective-planetary advantage.

3  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  21 comments

'I do not forgive the Germans for the Holocaust,' MK tells Bundestag president


Likud Deputy Ofir Akunis at the Knesset Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony] this idiot, doesn't realize that the devil he hates is actually his master, actually, we hate sin, but not the sinner, and neither are the children guilty of the father's crimes. This generational curse: it is typical of the Bible of satan, the Koran and the Talmud.

No people must be found guilty, nor can the past make the present guilty, that is, if the ideological errors of sharia, Spa, communism, Nazism, etc. and religious of the past have disappeared, or, we must work for the extinction of everything the human race.

3  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


Banner of Victory, Russia has two souls: a good one (Christianity), a bad one (communism), it is in the interest of the whole human race to make the good soul win.

but from the prophecies about Armageddon we know that in 250 years the evil soul of Islam (sharia) and communism (darwin the planet of the apes to sodom) will come back together, against ISRAEL (the Bible) to kill him shoah!

3  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  4 comments

Arab indicted for attacking Jews in Jerusalem's Old City during Passover

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Bin ISIS Salman] you in this world war will lose everything, Life, Country, and religion!

but what if you drop the IMF Spa & Co FED BCE BM? you will keep 1/3 of your capital, you will keep life; and you will keep your religion.

because I will not leave anyone in this world to starve and no business will fail!

in fact I Unius REI I am the new one: BM NWO FMI, founded on the monetary sovereignty of the peoples and therefore no one will pay taxes on the whole planet anymore, and above all the Chinese will not come to kill you and your Lizard God !!

3  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  80 comments

Zelensky demands global control over Russia’s nukes



USA EU NATO Riyadh = the evil empire!

5  3  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI



Zelensky made money with all the killings, well, 15,000 corpses he has done since 2014 on behalf of the CIA] the vice president of Gazprombank leaves Russia to join the Ukrainian forces [because there are people like Zelensky Ursula Macron Boris Borrell Draghi who we hate God and love Spa&Co. Rockefeller love Satan and love demonic Allah and are ready to die for him.

11  5  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  5 comments

WATCH: There’s more we can do for Holocaust survivors than just remember


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MOSSAD my Israel and my dear brother Bin ISIS Salman] obviously, I don't have the money for a lawyer, but like Moses he put his feet in the sea, coming down from the plain of Nubeida, to come to you: in Saudi Arabia in the Madiana desert , property of Jethro the Priest of Midian, so I too must move by faith, when circumstances force me to do so.

very kind to ** @ p.c. cm ** @

with a grateful soul

the writer lorenzoJHWH

asks to speak if possible

with Sign C *** and with Sign C *** for clarifications relating to the provision formulated by them.

with Prot. Reserved n. ** the DS M *** of the Licei C ***, on 14-02-2022 placed the undersigned in "suspension" from the role of teacher for health reasons

on 24-03-2022 (without protocol) the Executive Superintendent G *** (formerly my dear DS at IISS ***, for 2 years, and linked to me with mutual respect) issued a request for my use to 3 Institutes of the my municipality was unsuccessful, and my personal contacts and letters to about 10 other schools in the area were also unsuccessful.

My attempt to ask for my use at the Superintendency was also useless (since it is well-known - it is said - they are underpowered with regard to personnel)

Thus, having failed every expedient at my disposal to date, I am unemployed at home, and the state pays me my salary.

in conclusion, the Syndicate is aware that sooner or later, I will be forced to face the 4 criminal complaints for mobbing that I filed with the Public Prosecutor's Office and the related: 16 complaints for slander, which I was forced to file for gratuitous insults and indemonstrable slanders: and it is in LEARNING because the document formulated by you of absolute psycho-aptitude suitability (page 1) is not found consistent not so much with my temporary professional dimensioning (Mod. BLS / Estr.2) as with its conditions of stress that the state of bullying has produced on my health, which where not specified would still find me a victim of my own righteousness, intellectual honesty and professional correctness at the exposure of the complaints mentioned above.

The Syndicate thinks it was the Headmaster M *** the subject who had to be moved from ITS. C ***, due to environmental incompatibility, and DOES NOT agree with the downgrading of my professional function and thinks that the alternative would have been more appropriate for my transfer to another Institute, and in any case this option would have been the most suitable solution in consideration that the factors of stress, against my person are determined by a state of mobbing, of three years, periodically documented also by the hierarchical superiors, who have not at all wanted to consider their intervention even if requested several times.

with gratitude Prof. lorenzoJHWH

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Discussion on World Israel News  30 comments

On eve of Yom Hashoah, Muslims on Temple Mount call to massacre Jews


MOSSAD my Israel] [ Chaya Raichik III, AvatarLorenzo be lynched

Karen Greendear Gerkinson and other 2 Guest Votes: CIA zombies ghosts

same Aristobulus CIA troll dear one Satan Spa&Co Sodom Condom

ok, there are those who have hammas and therefore is it right that I have to suffer from this parasite?

but I'm not guilty because you want to keep Hamas!

3  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


my Israel] For a cruel fate by Big 666 pharma #nessunaCorrelazione, Ilaria Callegari, 33, from San Pietro Viminario, in the province of Padua, will never hold her little girl to her chest.

3  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI



my Israel ] the money is all of Rockefeller Spa & Co, Rothschid and they take by the balls Bin ISIS Salman: to kill russia and china and push the world into the abyss of world war!

3  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  9 comments

Suspected Hezbollah agent on trial in New York


Yitzchak Kaduri Messiah@jhwhinrikingJudah

here it says "Comments 1916" but I only see two.

Yitzchak Kaduri Messiah a year agoDetected as spam

Coronavirus, Netanjahu Spa & Co FED IMF ECB NWO Ja-Bull-On Moloch killed its 6,000 vaccinated immediately:

Baal asked him but, who will die in the future?

even if there are statistics not even Satan can know!

We have received your request for review

4  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


my Israel] what do you have, a bar of soap instead of a heart? UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood


50% of these articles / comments of mine you have removed

4  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


if he was within my range, with my 80 kg? with a fist I would put him to sleep into Sodom

4  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  55 comments

Don’t believe the spin: Biden will make a deal with Iran – analysis


eih, jabulOn Owl Satan Rockefeller Marduck Rothschild Moloch Spa & Co. Dracula ]

you take the M.O., and leave Europe, I will order you in Jesus's Xtus name my Master Lord and King!

[ The reported airstrike marks the third Israeli attack on Iranian assets in Syria in April. and then, you to these crazy, you will giving many atomic bombs? no, you don't believe the turning point: Biden... really?

then, you take this old Biden crazy idiot and give him a secure drink!

3  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  2 comments

Syria: Israeli airstrike near Damascus killed 4, wounded 3


Putin to the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres: "Western partners did NOT notice the CIA coup in 2014, and all the desperate measures to stop the suffering of those living in the provinces of Donbass and Luhansk"

3  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI



https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/mondo/sposo-muore-in-aereo-in-viaggio-per-la-luna-di-miele-era-diretto-alle-maldive/ar- AAWDDy9? Ocid = msedgntp & cvid = 2707b7de539c4d5e8ff79dd0e090bf6c The oncologist Glauto Tuquarre, 49, who had married his beloved Lícia Dutra Tuquarre,

The plane had departed as planned from Brazil and was headed for the Maldives. As reported by the local press, the suspicion, according to family members, is that the man had a heart attack.

Glauto and his wife had married just two days earlier, in Teresina, Brazil. The woman said that her husband had begun to feel ill and had complained of chest pains, however he was rescued in vain by the passengers who were on board.

The plane landed in Doha, Qatar, as scheduled for the route.

3  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  28 comments

Death threat made against Prime Minister Bennett’s family, security increased



Gazprom stops supplies to Poland and Bulgaria. Antichrist Von der Leyen lgbtqia +++: unacceptable.


hey, Von Azov der Pravi Leyen Sector: "no rubles? no gas!" olo


4  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


according to its murderous and criminal style (which is its method tested all over the world) the CIA: in Ukraine it financed the Nazi-fascist battalions (with the complicity of the EU, too, it systematically boycotted the Minsk agreements, for make them fail

and carry on his projects of ethnic cleansing of the Russians) and with the Maidan coup: and his coup masons regime Sodom Satan: he took possession of the nation, and used this unsuspecting Ukrainian people: to go and destroy Russia with weapons nuclear weapons.

Russia has been forced to react, and has no fault on why its troops are in Ukraine, to protect the Russian-speaking peoples from genocide after 8 years, in a desperate attempt to give stability to the region, by creating certain borders!

God bless our holy mother Russia!

3  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


Death threat made against Prime Minister Bennett’s family, security increased

Koran and Talmud are in partnership, the murders of one, today, work in favor of the murders of the other

4  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  8 comments

WATCH: Israel foils weapons smuggling from Lebanon

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


all are witnesses: UK by transferring offensive weapons to Ukraine, compromises NATO in world war!

Moscow threatens Gb: "Russia ready to retaliate", A back-and-forth that came within hours of the statements of the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, who invoked the specter of a third world war, Moscow: "Is it legitimate to send British weapons to Kiev? So we we can hit the NATO countries ". These are the words declared by Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, replying to the statements of James Heappey, British Deputy Defense Minister.

"Does the British government consider it legitimate to send weapons to Kiev?

Then it also applies to Russia against the NATO countries ".

"Russia could consider it equally legitimate to target Ukrainian supply lines deep into those countries which transfer weapons to Ukraine that also produce death and destruction," Zakharova

4  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


Ukraine, Petrocelli case: all groups ask for an urgent meeting with the President of the Senate Casellati.


Rockefeller-Salman use all our institutions to go to war against Russia!

but I have decided to fight the world war in the territory of Saudi Arabia!

4  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  12 comments

WATCH: Ukraine 'needs weapons faster'


Mariupol resists and America ensures the shipment of weapons


the Western US EU NATO narrative is: murderous, warmongering, delusional, pathetic, cynical as well as criminal.

there are 2500 trapped people buried alive like moles, who are suffocating, in underground tunnels, who are about to starve, because the food is gone, but then, is it always Putin's fault?

4  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


#worldisraelnews ] Eih [ Lorenzo be lynched Avatar Chaya Raichik III Avatar Karen Greendear Gerkinson Avatar 2 Guest Votes.

this is same your one only your Cia criminal organization. STOP bulling me

4  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


worldisraelnews disqus] this Karen Greendear Gerkinson

@karengreendeargerkinson votes me badly, but doesn't want to talk to me. stop these ghost zombies and guest vote against me

Sorry, this page is currently unavailable.

4  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


Zelenski, with Moscow in Chernobyl world on brink of catastrophe


we all know that his criminal interest is to push mankind into the abyss of world war, after all the US paid him well for doing this!

his deposit amounts to over 500 million dollars, and about 300 he made as President, selling hard movies?

4  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


Orsini: "If Russia hits NATO (or viveversa), Italy declares itself neutral"


Russia has no elements / interests to attack someone as NATO criminals are slandering, and Finland and Sweden

4  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba welcomes US support for his country's fight against Russia, but argues that as long as Russian soldiers remain on Ukrainian soil "nothing is enough".


if, the UN can recognize, that is, it has the courage to recognize an illegal and illegitimate government, which is elected by the murderous coup of Nuland, with Chechen snipers from the CIA, and absolute repression: not only of the Russian speakers, but also of the opposition parties , then, squadrons of Nazi-fascists are financed, and for Ursula and Borrell all this is normal, then, zelensky's Ukraine can be legalized to Sodom Allah and Satan: because those are a legion of demons that do not forget and do not forgive.

But since this juridical offense cannot be committed, then, the UN would be juridically deligitimated:

so that the Supreme Judge Unius REI can take over as arbiter between the governments of this planet.

5  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  30 comments

Israel participating in US-led summit on arming Ukraine



Erdogan EXECUTOR !! Demonstrations in 16 provinces of Turkey to protest against the life sentence of Osman Kavala, activist and opponent of Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

5  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


#ISRAEL ] [ Putin did not have a "plan B"

NATO forced him to descend to Ukraine

6  3  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  13 comments

Judge finds Donald Trump in contempt in New York legal fight


Bin ISIS Salman fron Riyad [ stop being afraid of lizards and come to me ] my soul is purer than a diamond, what if I don't love someone? I will certainly trip and fall! that's why Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild FED IMF ECB NWO. I am more than 5 years old, and he no longer finds anyone who wants to challenge me!


I say that everyone will love us, because the two of us are the only salvation for mankind, to save everyone's bodies and souls! but, if we really have to fight, will death no longer be consoling for us, if we have to die together on the battlefield?

4  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  8 comments

Operation Wave Breaker: IDF arrests 11 terror suspects


Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad ] my soul is purer than a diamond, what if I don't love someone?

certainly, I will do him trip and fall him!


that's why Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild FED IMF ECB NWO

are more than 5 years , that Sodoma Satana no longer finds anyone who wants to challenge me!

stop being afraid of lizards and come to me

4  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


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no, comment ] [ lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel to JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO11 Pending

anti-Pope: "Sorrow for Kiev, the world has chosen Cain's scheme: killing his brother"

ANSWER-Bergoglio does not see Satan, does not see Rockefeller, and does not see banking SpaCo. seigniorage.

so or he is an atheist, or he is a staunch Satanist!

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel11 Pending

I read 14 years ago, on the official CIA website, that in the USA 100,000 human sacrifices are made on the altar of satan every year,

then, I said: "since no one is punished, then, it is the CIA that does these crimes!", that's how they took away that news!

obviously I did an investigation:

every year: 30,000 human sacrifices are made in Germany, 15,000 human sacrifices in France, and 20,000 human sacrifices in the UK.

but, the human sacrifices that are made in NATO? I'm out of static.

The "Satanic Temple" in the United States has started raising funds for Ukraine. April 15, 2022,

The "Satanic Temple" of Massachusetts, recognized by the American authorities, has expressed its support for Ukraine and has opened a fundraiser to help the country.

In social networks, many users, including the Ukrainian, thanked the temple for its support, reports RT in its Telegram channel.

The "Satanic Temple" is a legal structure, in 2019 it was even exempted from paying taxes.


lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel11 Pending

Speaking from Helsinki, Tuppurainen noted that there is now a profound change in relations between Russia and Finland, which "saddens" her. You then described Russia's actions as a "brutal" war in Ukraine and "a wake-up call for all of us".


ok, Tuppurainen before making a wicked choice, why don't you consult with me?

who brought about this profound change in relations between Russia and Finland, perhaps your sanctions?

1. but, if the crimes of Ursula CIA OTAN in Ukraine from 2014 to date with her 15,000 killed are nothing for you, how could you be a witch?

2. and if after all this, NATO brings you nuclear hypersonic missiles 5 minutes from MOSCOW,

and then you say: "I am a pacifist, without ifs, and without buts?"

3. So you think you are crushing the Russians because you are richer and stronger and more numerous and better armed, because you are for the world war, so you have russophobia, which is a kind of rugna, which makes you itch all the time ?

4. then, what does it matter to you about Christians who no longer have a future in the ARAB LEAGUE?

if you are a witch then, this is your logic!

and why certainly you must be a witch!

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel11 Pending

China[open letter]if you want to take Taiwan? you can do it, but you have to be ready for the world war experience.

Since, there is only one Allah-OCI-NWO of Rockefeller the Satanist thief Spa & Co, so it is only a convention to say: "Japan" "Korea" etc...

In fact, there is only one world Masonic government (and this is clearly seen in the EU, and not only, due to the coordinated slander against Russia)

but, from a legal and moral point of view:

"stealing something from the Rockefeller thief is not a sin, but must be understood as a legitimate restitution of the badly taken away".

and then, you know the history books are written by the winner and the winner will be you!

and then it is not said that the cowardly Japanese are ready to die for the Taiwanese, also because the many old people who are there? they would be left without a caregiver

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel11 Pending

Biden is used to shaking hands with Satan and his ghosts, but who would come after him? could be worse!

the Spa & Co system. Rockefeller Freemasonry prevents honest men from pursuing political careers.

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no, comment ] [ JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO11 Pending

Abu Mazen jihad akbar sharia ] The violence went on for hours,

the police then allowed the faithful to participate in the midday prayer. ANSWER

if you don't stop being violent? I show you this caxxo of a mosque how it collapses

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel11 Pending

but now he is too busy / busy with 33 9 year old Aisha virgins.

In Jenin, a 17-year-old Palestinian, Kamal Abed,

died after being seriously wounded yesterday by gunshots in clashes with Israeli soldiers.

The Ramallah Ministry of Health reported. He is the seventh Palestinian victim from Wednesday

to today, in the context of security operations in the West Bank, particularly in the Jenin area, launched by the Israeli armed forces in light of the recent wave of attacks in the Jewish state.


they call them martyrs, but they are crazy killers,

they call them martyrs, but it is because you are the real martyr!

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel11 Pending

Ukrainian flag projected on the Russian embassy in the US: the reaction is bizarre


bizarre? no it's a desecration and a declaration of war!

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel11 Pending

The Syrian Observatory Satan Allah Sodom, for human rights based in Great Britain 322 UK Jabulon?

does not know the Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians since every 8 minutes, Muslims kill a peaceful

and completely innocent Christian,

for the rule of sharia law and for the love of the UMMA

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

11 Pending

Ukraine, Mariupol: the deNazified inhabitants are quietly in the streets among the Russian military


4  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI



Discussion on United with Israel The Revolution of Passover

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel hollywoodjeff

11 PendingYou have a fool face, but instead you asked very pertinent and rational questions,


the alternative to this alliance is world war, and Bin Salman does not need to be afraid of me, since the army of Chinese will arrive here, all very angry at him!

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

hollywoodjeff 11 Only a mountain? all the desert of Madiana, because being in the desert for 40 years and one day means (for the Bible) having a legal right to that property,

also because the master of that territory was Ietro who was the priest of Maidan.

Obviously, there is no violence in this operation, because it is an alliance, that is, that of obtaining from Egypt and Saudi Arabia, another 8000 sq km to be able to call all the Jews who today, in the world are dispersed!

View in discussion lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

12 Pending-Names and surnames of the enemies of the people for the first time live TV

high betrayal and speculative finance,

Here, the name of criminals

lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel hollywoodjeff 12Pending

did you say nonsense to open a discussion? 1. the real mountain "Sinai Oreb" is located in Saudi Arabia (Madiana desert), and has been cordoned off, because Bin Salman is afraid that I will go and get it!

2. there are the stems that King Solomon had erected in the plain of Nubeida: which celebrate the crossing of the sea. 3. and opposite, in Nubeida, under the sea, there are the war chariots of the pharaoh which are still set with corals, etc.etc.

4  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI



lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel5 Pending

Svitolina: "Russians and Belarusians at Wimbledon if they take sides against Putin"

ANSWER === which judge ruled that Putin is guilty? I am: Unius REI, the supreme judge, and my sentence is that his enemies are guilty!

4  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


Putin: "We had no choice, no doubts about achieving goals"


it is true in NATO there are satanists: and the Koran-Talmud Agenda: it is a sharia-Spa & Co project. for partition of the planet. and Putin had no choice,

because, only his intervention by him could prevent the nuclear world war: and the destruction of the Russian confederation itself!

that since this world war's NATO was ordered, from Salman and Rockefeller to realize it anyway, 14 years ago, yes. but, this WW3nuclear cannot be prevented now, since Unius REI now makes it possible.

ok may the best win! that i am

4  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  13 comments

Ilhan and Pakistani Islamist share incredible Islamophobia intimacy – opinion


Famous Actress Discovers Her Jewish Roots - @IsraelVideos


Where do we come from? Many people come from mixed lineages. Scarlet Johansson is one example. Her mother returns to a family that came from the old world to America before the First World War. From where?


all Christians have a Jewish identity,

the Jewish roots, on the other hand, we leave them to the exterminators of the sharia and UMMA jihad genocide, who have the complex of Islamophobia, like Ilhan Omar and former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan

4  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  34 comments

From enemies to friends? Iran, Saudi Arabia playing nice as nuclear talks falter


it is not clear how a warming relationship with Saudi Arabia will affect the approach of other regional powers towards Israel.. as Rockefeller said: "Die Samson with all the Philistines uuh akbar Allah nuclear bum bum bum uuuhh"

5  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  7 comments

Yom Hashoah event will honor Jews who saved Jews during the Holocaust


Bin ISIS Salman] what I think on a personal level has no political value:

1. I can be loved by mankind worldwide,

2. I can be hated by mankind,

but my first political mandate, it will always remain ( which JHWH holy gave me 14 years ago) is to bring about the Kingdom of Israel, and to gather the 12 tribes of Israel that are scattered around the world,

and this mandate is not subject / subject to the approval of: ideologies or personal beliefs of any kind: ideological and or religious, or geopolitical.


if then, for you and for anyone it is convenient to disobey God, I leave it, to your Koran to decide: which is an uncreated word for you, and has said that this land belongs to the Jews

4  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  38 comments

Former Iranian MP confirms Tehran seeks nuclear weapons


Ukraine, Gb intelligence: "Kreminna conquered by Russia"


1. no one has a doubt about the outcome of this war, and

2. Putin's duty is to stabilize the region by making Kiev lose all access to the sea.

3. these NATO criminals woke up on the morning of February 24, 2022, and said: "Putin is to blame with no ifs and buts". because this is a dogma of allah Darwin Sodom and Satan the witch of Ursula l 'Antichrist

4  1  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


A war recovery is the one proposed by Roberto Speranza, secretary of Article 1 to help Italy get out of the crisis caused by the war in Ukraine.

“An intervention that can mitigate the effects of the high cost of living.

I am very worried for the next few months.

The consequences of the war risk being heavy for the weaker groups and the middle class ”he said in an interview with La Repubblica.

“High energy costs also risk getting companies in trouble, which could lose significant market share with job losses. I therefore share Draghi's initiative, shared by Macron, of an energy price cap: price regulation.

And if necessary we will be able to touch the extra profits again ”.


the delusional murderous and criminal position: DEM Deep State, Spa & Co. Rothschild regime EU US OTAN, which slanders and attacks Russia: treacherously, and which threatens mankind

4  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


Former Iranian MP confirms Tehran seeks nuclear weapons


since it enriches uranium over 3%, then, the war purpose is the only purpose left!

but Rothschild & Rockefelelr like it that way, because they are afraid of the success that Israel is having thanks to Netanjahu

4  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  13 comments

WATCH: Defense Ministry releases unseen footage from First Lebanon War


Israel always wins, and wins again again again

4  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  5 comments

WATCH: Trump, Pence hit campaign trail on separate, possibly colluding paths


Enrico Letta and the protests of April 25: "We are convinced of our choices on arms in Ukraine"


this is the aspect: murderer, warmonger, coup and anti constitutional of the DEM PD lgbtqia +++

4  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


UKRAINE | The chronicle of the day. Zelensky: "Here the fate of the democratic world is decided". Three Russian airstrikes were recorded this morning in the southern Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhia; in Lugansk 17 raid in 24 hours


this is the democracy of every perversion, and Masonic consociativism, now the word "democracy" has remained, but it is an empty shell, here is the most dangerous regime of the antichrist since the time of the universal flood.

UKRAINE | Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov launched a fundraiser to buy weapons in Kiev and was the first to donate a month's salary, inviting his fellow citizens to do the same


rich Freemasons suit this criminal Rothschild system

4  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI


former vice president Mike Pence was complicit with the Bidens,

for having stolen the more than evident election victory from Trump,

endorsing the biggest election fraud in history

4  2  lorenzoJHWH        LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News  12 comments

Russia unleashes attacks on Ukrainian rail and fuel installations


dying at 62 for Rothschild EU technocracy and neoliberalism and Big 666 Pharma is a heroic and patriotic act,

Why does the goyim slave of Rockefeller Spa & Co BCE FED BM NWO IMF Spa & Co have to live on, to take advantage of retirement and health?

25 APR - It's Marco Occhetti, aka Kim, former voice of the Country Cousins. He died at the age of 62 on Friday evening - his daughter Giulia says - due to cardiac arrest and the funeral will take place today

at 3 pm in Fiano Romano at the Church of Santo Stefano Protomartire.


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