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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Pisa, madre e figlia (di 8 anni) trovate nude in auto di notte

Pisa, madre e figlia (di 8 anni) trovate nude in auto di notte (in na zona pericolosa e irraggiungibile): l'incubo di una setta, è giallo.. questa è una storia macabra di satanismo, ipnosi e progetto monarch


Le donne non avevano portato nulla dietro: come hanno mangiato? E dove sono finiti gli indumenti? Forse sono stati gettati e perché? Per non lasciare tracce?

È la sezione della Mobile specializzata per reati contro le persone più fragili, donne e minori, ad aver preso in carico questa storia. Nel frattempo, si stanno visionando le immagini delle telecamere delle autostrade lungo il possibile viaggio fatto.

Rimini, tenta di rubare delle cassette d'acqua e muore. Il video

l'acqua non ha un valore commerciale, questi sono i poveri disperati di Rothschild e Rockefeller: con i loro massoni (la società parassitaria) loro sono i più grandi assassini della storia del genere umano.

Un uomo di 46 anni è deceduto al supermercato Diamante di Cattolica, mentre tentava di rubare delle bottiglie d'acqua. È stato travolto e schiacciato dai bancali che gli sono caduti addosso

io ho lavorato senza problemi per una ora, con la lettera "z", ma ora i satanisti della CIA hanno deciso di bloccarmela!

La Scenza come oscurantismo dogmatico che ci uccide. I nuovi ignoranti con il dogma dello scientismo Darwin lgbtq.

Maurizio Blondet 19 Aprile 2022. Tutta la “scienza” che in base alla quale ci viene imposto l’ordine nuovo mondiale è superstizione. Il fatto che le masse progressiste la credano vera è un oscurantismo senza precedenti nella storia per ferocia e grottesco, perché esibito da ignoranti, che però sono scientisti. “Credono” nella scienza senza volerla conoscere.

I potenti del World economic Forum o della UE condividono questo scientismo come superstizione.


A cominciare dalla “punizione-costo” decretata dalla UE per chi ha la colpa di produrre “troppo CO2”, che secondo loro causa l’effetto-serra, e in base alla quale si impone il motore elettrico agli automezzi. La CO2 – lo ripetiamo – non è un inquinante ma l’alimento da cui le piante verdi traggono ossigeno, attraverso la fotosintesi clorofilliana; quando c’è nell’atmosfera “troppa” CO2, la vegetazione diventa più verde e densa, e produce più ossigeno smaltendo la CO2; come tutta la natura vivente, mondo vivente vegetale si auto-regola, e auto-regola anche l’ambiente.

non salire sui bus elettrici

— GZibordi (@CGzibordi) April 18, 2022

Lo scientsmo impostore della UE ha imposto l’adozione di veicoli elettrici alimentati con batterie. Il motore elettrico, è vero, non produce CO2 , ma lo scientismo superstizioso non vuol sapere che le batterie per conservare l’elettricità sono una tecnologia non-matura: costosissime, altamente inquinanti e atrocemente insicure. Prendono spesso fuoco con una violenza tale, che lo spegnimento è impossibile; i pompieri stessi devono starne alla larga Quanta CO2 di troppo ha prodotto questo incendio?

Science as dogmatic obscurantism that kills us. The new ignorant with the dogma of scientism Darwin lgbtq.

Maurizio Blondet April 19, 2022. All the "science" that under which the new world order is imposed on us is superstition. The fact that the progressive masses believe it to be true is an unprecedented obscurantism in history for ferocity and grotesque, because it is exhibited by ignoramuses, who are however scientists. They "believe" in science without wanting to know it.

The powerful of the World Economic Forum or the EU share this scientism as superstition.


Starting with the "punishment-cost" decreed by the EU for those who are guilty of producing

"too much CO2", which according to them causes the greenhouse effect, and on the basis

of which the electric motor is imposed on vehicles. CO2 - we repeat - is not a pollutant but the food from which green plants draw oxygen, through chlorophyll photosynthesis; when there is "too much"

CO2 in the atmosphere, the vegetation becomes greener and denser, and produces more oxygen

by disposing of the CO2;

like all living nature, the living plant world regulates itself, and the environment also regulates itself.

do not get on the electric buses


- cobraf.Com GZibordi (@CGzibordi) April 18, 2022

The EU scientist imposter has imposed the adoption of electric vehicles powered by batteries.

The electric motor, it is true, does not produce CO2, but superstitious scientism does not want to know

that batteries to conserve electricity are an immature technology: very expensive, highly polluting

and terribly unsafe. They often catch fire with such violence that extinguishing is impossible;

the firefighters themselves must keep away from it How much extra CO2 did this fire produce?


Science as dogmatic obscurantism that kills us. The new ignorant with the dogma of scientism Darwin lgbtq.

What, if not superstition and obscurantism, is the ferocious reaction in defense of trans women who feel they are women in order to easily win women's competitions?

Against a champion idolized by the media until yesterday,

guilty of having said something scientifically true?

they are writing full of words to try to hide the obvious:

that Sofia Goggia expressed:

you can't make effeminate males compete, together with real women,

because their male body pulls more!

La Scenza come oscurantismo dogmatico che ci uccide. I nuovi ignoranti con il dogma dello scientismo Darwin lgbtq.

Che cos’è, se non superstizione e oscurantismo, la reazione feroce a difesa dei trans che si sentono donne per vincere facile le gare femminili? Contro una campionessa idolatrata mediaticamente fino a ieri, colpevole di aver detto una cosa scientificamente vera?

stanno srivendo piumi di parole per cercare di occultare l'ovvio: che ha espresso Sofia Goggia:

non puoi fare gareggiare i maschi effemminati, insieme con le donne vere,

perché il loro corpo maschile tira di più!

Scholz (Strunzzz) ha detto che la guerra è entrata in una nuova fase e che la sofferenza dell'Ucraina non lascia nessuno indifferente, secondo quanto riporta la Dpa. "Proviamo una tristezza infinita per le vittime e - va anche detto - grande rabbia verso il presidente russo e questa guerra senza senso", ha detto Scholz(Strunzzz)


ma non è anche lui il pappagallo di rothschild che ha detto: "Putin ha sbagliato, la colpa è tutta sua, senza se, e senza ma".

ma, io vedo la Germania rasa al suolo, che è ventata un solo cimitero a cielo aperto!


Malcolm Nance, the American reporter enlisted with the Ukrainian army to fight the Russians


between hollywood and the masonic world government?

there is no clear separation!

then, we DON'T know how many useful idiots Rothschild Spa & Co managed to lobomize-lobotomize

Malcom Nance, il reporter americano si arruola con l'esercito ucraino per combattere i russi


tra hollywood e il governo massonico mondiale?

non c'é una netta separazione!

poi, NON sappiamo quanti utili idioti Rothschild Spa&Co, è riuscito a lobotomizzare

Thus the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, in his latest video message. "The Russian army will forever be described in history as the most barbaric and inhumane in the world", remarked the leader of Ukraine quoted by the international media.


and that's why Hollywood fails to see what Ukrainians do to Russian prisoners?

who use human shields?

that bring the dirty war between the houses ??

who make girls fight?


is it because you worked to threaten the survival of the Russians in Russia?

why did you amass 150,000 against Donbass? and after 8 years of massacres in Donbass you were the good army?

Così il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky, nel suo ultimo videomessaggio. "L'esercito russo rimarrà per sempre descritto nella storia come il più barbaro e disumano del mondo", ha rimarcato il leader dell'Ucraina citato dai media internazionali.


e questo perché Hollywood non a vedere quello che gli ucraini fanno ai progionieri russi?

che usano gli scudi umani?

che portano la guerra sporca tra le case??

che fanno combattere le ragazze?


è perché avete lavorato per minacciare la sopravvivenza dei russi in Russia?

perché avete ammassato 150000 soldanto contro il Donbass? e dopo 8 anni di massacri in Donbass voi seite stati l'esercito buono?


WATCH: US lawmaker boosts private security while pushing to defund police

an hour ago

17hoursAg*edited Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

i am lorenzoJHWH Unius REI unique Kindom Israel DOMAIN unique


an hour ago

Thus the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, in his latest video message. "The Russian army will forever be described in history as the most barbaric and inhumane in the world", remarked the leader of Ukraine quoted by the international media.


and that's why Hollywood fails to see what Ukrainians do to Russian prisoners?

who use human shields?

that bring the dirty war between the houses ??

who make girls fight?


is it because you worked to threaten the survival of the Russians in Russia?

why did you amass 150,000 against Donbass? and after 8 years of massacres in Donbass you were the good army?


an hour ago

Malcolm Nance, the American reporter enlisted with the Ukrainian army to fight the Russians


between hollywood and the masonic world government?

there is no clear separation!

then, we DON'T know how many useful idiots Rothschild Spa & Co managed to lobomize-lobotomize




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"And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he who sat on him had a bow; and he was given a crown, and he went out winning and winning, to win and win again." (Revelation 6: 2)

Who is the rider of this "white horse"? It's lorenzoJHWH Unius REI, he has always won against the NWO in these 14 years, but the Saudi Wahhabis have chosen world war!

It is impossible to unlock these prophecies without understanding the Fatima Apparition.

Russia was healed, after communism caused chaos when "the quarter of the earth" (just as the Apocalypse foretold in the "fourth seal") was consumed by communism which brought spiritual death, sword and starvation, then God healed Russia through Fatima and a "period of peace" was granted and God's wrath was "appeased" just as Zechariah prophesied. This "period of peace" is about to expire and the annihilation of the nations (as foretold at Fatima) in time will begin to accomplish Numbers 24.

"They also healed the pain of the daughter of my people, saying: Peace, peace; when there is no peace..

So listen, you nations, and know, O congregation, what is between them. Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people, the fruit also of their thoughts, because they did not listen to my words, nor to my law. but they rejected it.. Thus says the LORD: Behold, a people comes from the NORTH COUNTRY, and a great nation will be resurrected from the sides of the earth ". (Jeremiah 6:14, 18-19,22)

Who is the "country of the North" here and does this prophecy address ancient Israel?

"Who would not fear you, O King of the nations? For it belongs to you: for among all the wise men of the nations and in all their kingdoms, there is none like you. But they [the nations] are utterly brutal and silly: the stock is a doctrine of vanity.

But the Eternal is the true God, he is the living God and an eternal king: at his anger the earth will tremble and the nations will not be able to bear his indignation..

Because the priests (Masons jabulon and idol of jealousy: the banking seigniorage Spa & Co. Sharia & lgbtq bring satanism to the world) have become brutal and have not sought the Lord: therefore they will not prosper and all their flocks will be dispersed. Behold, the sound of noise has come, and a great commotion from the NORTH COUNTRY, to make the cities of Judah desolate, and a den of dragons.. they call on your name, because they devoured Jacob, they devoured him, they consumed him and made his dwelling desolate. "(Jeremiah 10: 7-10, 22)


why choose world war instead of seeking my kingdom of Israel?

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Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments

GAME CHANGER: Israel's new 'Iron Beam' laser defense 'turns tables on terror'

an hour ago

L’Arma dei Carabinieri renews its fleet and chooses Fiat: deliveries of approximately 1,300 copies of the Tipo continue, the model assigned to the weapon stations. Through the partner Leasys, the supply includes a framework rental agreement, the ideal choice to have always efficient vehicles available without immobilizing capital. Characterized by the classic Blu Arma institutional livery with white roof, the fleet consists of a five-door type equipped with the 130 HP 1.6 Multijet engine.


the coward does not say they are built by the ottoman turkish enemy jihad akbar sharia genocide and replacement theology, and that the air fan is shoddy and loud

2 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Scholz, Putin responsible for war crimes in Ukraine ANSWER

and why should the lgbtqia + (the dog, the donkey and the dawin + monkey) not fight the biblical Russian Christians, down to the last Ukrainian, to avenge their banned gay pride?

after all, the Ukrainians have been fed by them, in these 8 years, with the money that Rothschild has stolen from everyone with the banking seigniorage scam

2 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI


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Science as dogmatic obscurantism that kills us. The new ignorant with the dogma of scientism Darwin lgbtq.

Maurizio Blondet April 19, 2022. All the "science" that under which the new world order is imposed on us is superstition. The fact that the progressive masses believe it to be true is an unprecedented obscurantism in history for ferocity and grotesque, because it is exhibited by ignoramuses, who are however scientists. They "believe" in science without wanting to know it.

The powerful of the World Economic Forum or the EU share this scientism as superstition.


Starting with the "punishment-cost" decreed by the EU for those who are guilty of producing

"too much CO2", which according to them causes the greenhouse effect, and on the basis

of which the electric motor is imposed on vehicles. CO2 - we repeat - is not a pollutant but the food from which green plants draw oxygen, through chlorophyll photosynthesis; when there is "too much"

CO2 in the atmosphere, the vegetation becomes greener and denser, and produces more oxygen

by disposing of the CO2;

like all living nature, the living plant world regulates itself, and the environment also regulates itself.

do not get on the electric buses


- cobraf.Com GZibordi (@CGzibordi) April 18, 2022

The EU scientist imposter has imposed the adoption of electric vehicles powered by batteries.

The electric motor, it is true, does not produce CO2, but superstitious scientism does not want to know

that batteries to conserve electricity are an immature technology: very expensive, highly polluting

and terribly unsafe. They often catch fire with such violence that extinguishing is impossible;

the firefighters themselves must keep away from it How much extra CO2 did this fire produce?

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"provoke the Kiev regime to fight to the last Ukrainian." we no longer have Western leaders, who think patriotic to protect their peoples, because the DEMs have destroyed the concept of homeland, monetary sovereignty and the Constitution!

So the Digigenti and Officials if they have not carried out a mafia plan, which suffocates the democratic prerogratives, however, must fear each other, flattering the weapon of the judiciary, which is always controlled by the Rothschilds!

Is the Russian military operation in Ukraine prolonged? All the fault of the United States and the West, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said in a military meeting.

"The United States and the states of the West under US control are doing everything to prolong the military operation as much as possible," Shoigu said. "The growing volume of foreign arms supplies clearly demonstrates their intention to provoke the Kiev regime to fight to the last Ukrainian."

1 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI


Russia must be ready for possible aggressive actions by NATO (and that Russia is being attacked by OTAN? This no one can deny, because it is the NATO structures that are encircling, suffocating and attacking Russia, and after the Maidan coup and the Donbass genocide? no one can believe NATO's peaceful intentions).

The vice-president of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev said at a meeting

of the Presidium of the Council for science and education, according to reports from TASS.

"We are mainly talking about an attempt to expand NATO's presence near our borders,"

the former Russian president said. "And this is no longer a figure of speech today, this is not a standard set

of threats. We need to be prepared for those aggressive actions that could happen."

Therefore, Medvedev continued, it is important to build a system that allows the country to be supplied

with the most modern weapons. "

1 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI


Pisa, mother and daughter (8 years old) found naked in a car at night (in a dangerous and unreachable area): the nightmare of a sect, it's yellow.. this is a macabre story of satanism, hypnosis and the monarch project


The women had brought nothing with them: how did they eat? And where have the clothes gone? Maybe they were thrown away and why? To leave no traces?

It is the section of the Mobile specialized in crimes against the most fragile people, women and minors, that has taken charge of this story. In the meantime, the camera images of the highways along the possible journey are being viewed.

1 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 52 comments

Samaria wine at White House Passover Seder not a political statement, says official


my said to [ BIN ISIS Salman ] but witch Vice President Kamala Harris, she is content to take nine-month fetuses to satan's altar of planned parenthood for the organ trade, so their food becomes kosher. [ I a little while ago, I dreamed that in France: the Churches of Satan, the secret services and Freemasonry (Magistrates), made possible the kidnapping / disappearance of university girls,

in reality, this is a macabre phenomenon that is very widespread in the USA, Germany and England,

even as it is possible in all false democracies without monetary sovereignty,

because there is only one Masonic world government, which inhibits and intimidates our politicians

2 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

God is not homophobic, it is the LGBTQs who are the Satanists!

https://www.christianpost.Com/news/street-preacher-cleared-of-hate-speech-for-preaching-from-bible.html Street preacher cleared of "hate speech" for preaching from the Bible

The Union flag flutters in front of the clock face on the Queen Elizabeth Tower, commonly called

Big Ben on April 2, 2019, in London, England.

A UK court acquitted a 72-year-old Christian street pastor of all charges a year after his arrest

for allegedly causing "alarm and distress" in London by preaching on the Biblical definition of marriage,

which police have termed "incitement." to hatred. "

The Uxbridge Magistrates' Court acquitted Pastor John Sherwood of

Penn Free Methodist Church in north London, whose defense centered on Article 10

of the 1998 Human Rights Act.

8 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

purify the heart first

and then everything else will be pure,

because everything is pure for the pure

9 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

I also claim to know the Kuran-Talmud slave traders metaphysical publication of the Kabbalah codes Spa&Co. of:

Allah-Satan Sodom and jabulon

on this planet, cursed by the Rockefeller's Deep State Riyad !!

7 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments

How Palestinians desecrate everyone's holy sites, including their own


Lavrov denies that Russia could use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine. CIA chief slanderer William Burns said last week that it "will change the world in a flash".


I've been seeing russophobia for 14 years and it's sickening!

NATO 666 OTAN is the killer!

6 2 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI


this is happiness: of the happiness of the kingdom of ISIS Rockefeller Spa & Co. Big Pharma and Salman from Riyadh (welcome to hell).


In what appears to be the latest medical threat bamboozling doctors in the US and Europe,

public health officials in Europe and the US are investigating dozens of puzzling cases of severe hepatitis in young children.

The viruses that typically cause the illness - hepatitis A, B, C, D and E

- have been ruled out in the cases in question, leaving doctors searching for the culprit, per NBC News.

And in several cases, the illness has been so severe that the children needed a liver transplant.

Fortunately, no deaths have been reported (at least, not yet).

The WHO said Friday said that it was investigating 74 cases of "severe acute hepatitis"

in children under age 13 in the UK and Northern Ireland. Three cases were also reported in Spain,

the WHO said. It's not clear when symptoms for most of the children began, but of the first 10 identified

in the UK, nine got sick in March and one in January 2022.

Dr. Wes Stubblefield, district medical officer for the Alabama Department

of Public Health, said that all of the children he had seen with the mysterious illness were otherwise healthy. So far, doctors have been unable to find an "obvious link" between the children.

With all forms of common hepatitis ruled out, the current leading theory is that a different virus, called adenovirus type 41, is likely responsible, however,

doctors said this set of symptoms is very unusual.

The CDC is working with the Alabama Department of Public Health to investigate the cases, and is reaching out to other state health departments to see if other cases exist.

6 2 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI


"Attention, jihad multiculturalism sharjah highly flammable DEM PD Ursula Imam"

Swedish towns set on fire to "avenge the Koran" (no one sets fires when they destroy a Bible). Swedish journalist Paulina Neuding tells us what is happening:

"Masked men throwing stones at the police, police buses hijacked by criminals, police cars set on fire, attempted Molotov cocktails against a bus that forces passengers to flee, schools in flames,

violence against rescuers, wounded and terrified policemen ".

Until 2006, Sweden was a peaceful country.

Today it is the most dangerous country in Europe

(one third of all women killed in Sweden are victims of "honor killings").

for the accusation

of having torn a leaflet that spoke of Islam a Christian has just been lynched by the crowd and torn to pieces. When they open their eyes it will be too late..

6 2 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI


how did the devil hog these satanists? who has ever threatened them?

all US EU leaders must come forward, and must be exposed, to a revolutionary tribunal!

Lithuania prepares for war with Russia: "We need NATO"

5 2 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI


Pd lgbtq UE Bildenberg DEM are nazi regime Rockefeller ] [ "I want to stop the cancel culture, this mental virus that threatens Western civilization".

It sounds like the typical American story of technology and capitalism, but it is much, much more. An emblematic story about power and public opinion. Elon Musk wants to spend 43 billion dollars to give free speech back to social media and the oligarchy goes crazy ("fascist"). Because progressivism, what Elon Musk called "the huge jerks who jump on every cause of the day", must be able to terrorize and censor to keep power.

6 2 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI


CHINA RUSSIA INDIA SCO] in case of war, the first to fall are the satellites! [The United States against anti-satellite missile tests

6 2 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI





it is in Zelensck's interest to push the EU into the abyss of world war!

but even sending weapons will only multiply death and suffering!

US 666 EU are unable to take the blame in this conflict!

Ukraine, attacked a village in Russia. That is why it can be a turning point in the war

7 3 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI


Palestinians and Ukrainians use civilians as human shields, and militarize civilians, then, they fight in the Cities, this is the best of making BIDEN Draghi Ursula a dirty war!

Russia calls for civilian release from Mariupol steel plant

The Russian Defense Ministry has requested that measures be taken to free civilians from the Azovstal metallurgical plant in the port city of Mariupol, if any.

7 2 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI


Born Satana OCI Riyad allah Sodoma OTAN 666 NATO ] [ it is the war criminal, the imperialist aggressor! Ukraine, General Bertolini: "Without negotiations, an infinite war that sooner or later will involve us"

7 2 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments

How Palestinians desecrate everyone's holy sites, including their own


“And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he who sat on him (lorenzoJHWH UNIUS REI) had a bow; and a crown was given to him: and he came out victorious, and to win, and to win again. " (Revelation 6: 2)

7 2 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments

Turkey: Kurdish children killed, no consequences

Upon reaching shore, the friends called for help, but by the time they and the others returned to the site, the assailants had fled, he said. The Christians and area residents found Tambika's body the next day in the water near the shoreline. He had been beaten on the head, tied with a rope and strangled,

Mukuma said.

Tambika's father had mentored his son in how to share the gospel, and area Muslims began monitoring Tambika's movements after he led five teenage Muslims to Xrist, sources said.

His father di lui had led a community leader and about 30 other Muslims to Xist before he died in 2019.

The conversions led to confrontations with clan members, and several former Muslims who put their faith in Xist left the area due to threats on their lives, sources said.

Christians have reported the killing to police (Reference No. SD REF 04/01/09/21).

Tambika's family has hired an attorney in the case.

The assault was the latest of many instances of persecution of Christians in Uganda that Morning

Star News has documented.

Uganda’s constitution and other laws provide for religious freedom, including the right to propagate one’s faith and convert from one faith to another. Muslims make up no more than 12 percent of Uganda's population, with high concentrations in eastern areas of the co

6 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI




salam peace

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Muslim Extremists Kill 19-Year-Old Christian in Boat for His Faith

By Morning Star News on September 8, 20212 Comments

Crowds at Lake Lemwa, Uganda on Sept. 1, 2021 await recovery of the body of Dante Tambika, killed the previous night. (Morning Star News)

Crowds at Lake Lemwa, Uganda on Sept. 1, 2021 await recovery of the body of Dante Tambika, killed the previous night.


NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) - Muslim extremists in eastern Uganda last week boarded a boat in which a young evangelist was fishing and killed him, sources said.

Dante Tambika, also known as Patrick, was beaten and strangled to death near Nankodo 3 village, Nankodo Sub-County, on Aug. 31 after he and friends went out on Lake Lemwa, said Stephen Mukama, a survivor of the attack. Tambika was 19.

Mukuma, Tambika and two other friends were walking toward the lake when they realized five Muslim teenagers were following them, Mukama said. They knew the five Muslims who stopped them, he said.

“They tried to provoke us by calling us infidels and saying that they were going to crush us just like Allah did to those who used to attack their prophet, Muhammad,” Mukama said.

Area residents untie the body of Dante Tambika on shore of Lake Lemwa, Uganda on Sept. 1, 2021. (Morning Star News)

Area residents untie the body of Dante Tambika on shore of Lake Lemwa, Uganda on Sept. 1, 2021. (Morning Star News)

The four Christians did not respond, continued on to the lake and began fishing from the boat at about 6:30 p.m. As they were returning to shore about two hours later, they saw the same boys, and one shouted the jihadist slogan, “Allah Akbar [Allah is greater],” Mukama said.

“From nowhere we saw six other Muslims approaching our fishing boat, furious and uttering defaming words against us,” he told Morning Star News. "I told my friends that we were in trouble and that each of us should prepare for self-defense. I led them in prayers. "

The jihadists, whom the Christians did not recognize, came close, and one of them jumped into their boat and began beating Tambika on the back with his fist and a stick, Mukama said.

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"He commanded us to believe in Allah, or else they will kill us," he told Morning Star News. "Dante replied that we can’t renounce Christianity, saying, 'If you want to kill us, kill us, know that we are ready.'"

Mukama asked the assailants why they should renounce Xist. Tambika's late father, Boaz, had been a successful area evangelist, and one of the assailants replied that a Christian named Boaz had converted many Muslims, including his brother di lui, to Christianity.

“Others jumped into our boat and started beating us with sticks,” Mukama said. “I jumped off the boat and swam to shore. I was followed by my other two friends who could swim. Unfortunately, Dante was left in the hands of the assailants because he had no swimming skills. "

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Coptic Orthodox priest in Egypt stabbed to death

Head of the Islamic school burned, fired for becoming a Christian


The Muslim sheikh poisoned after converting to Christianity


Armed terrorists kill Christians near Kaduna City, Nigeria

Pastor attacked in India faces unfounded accusations, death threats

7 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 161 comments

Russia to Israel: Hand over Jerusalem compound immediately


there is no religious question here, but https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_7hhsPUFjgJ/

I speak to Spedsupv and he does not answer me why? why is he racist? but what has he done more than me for Israel?

and he doesn't want to speak against me, because he has russophobia!

and since I am not Russian, but just a goyims slave, I admit I have some flea lice (so what?), but this is not a good reason not to want to talk to me!

7 2 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI



your Talmudic supremacist ogre,


who is ashamed of talking to me, poor goyim in form talmudic animal like me GENTILE

laja kurc

the Russians are famous for giving a few days in jail, and 10 grams of marjuaha held by that poor Israeli wretch, which was for personal use, should not have been punished for 9 years in prison!

6 2 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Elijah Rose

Yes I know, so what do you mean? who do property well, to take it away from the Russians, and who do well to respect property from the Rancesi?

6 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

the traitor Ėl'vira Sachipzadovna Nabiullina (Эльвира Сахипзадовна Набиуллина ?; Ufa, 29 October 1963) current governor of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.


she serves Rockefeller not her homeland!

arrest her! but it is serious for Putin not to proclaim full monetary sovereignty, he can always use bartering to exchange resources

7 3 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI


then, they should try to take the Property from France, too, in Israel

8 2 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

Iran confirms centrifuge workshop moved to underground site

who: EU Russia China said it would ensure that Iranian uranium would never be enriched beyond 3.5%

Tehran steps up security measures for nuclear equipment after accusing Israel of sabotage attacks.

7 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI


APRIL 18, 2022

The audio on Telegram: "Hit hard, cause pain and terrify". Then the hope: "War will last until 'the crusaders' are burned"

Using the war in Ukraine as a distraction to carry out attacks in Europe and claim former leaders killed. This is the appeal made by the Islamic State (Isis)

to its militiamen, immigrants scattered throughout Europe.

https://voxnews.Info/2022/04/18/isis-si-schiera-con-lucraina-appello-agli-immigrati-islamici-sfruttate-guerra-russia-per-incendiare-europa/comment-page-1/ # comment-159749

"We announce, with Allah's help, the start of a blessed battle to reclaim the two Sheikhs

Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi and Sheikh al-Muhajir Abu Hamzah al-Qurayshi,"

said the new ISIS spokesman ,

Abu Omar al-Muhajir, in an audio message broadcast on Telegram.

Inviting all jihadists to resume attacks in Europe and to take advantage of the war in Ukraine, the ISIS spokesman addressed "all the lions of the Caliphate and Islamic State fighters everywhere.

If you hit, hit hard in a way that causes pain and terrifies ”. It is hoped, the spokesman for the jihadist group added, that the war in Ukraine will not end until "the crusaders are burned and their territories destroyed".

7 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

Arab-Israeli party suspends support for Bennett Gov't; ordered by Islamic Council

we have been deeply betrayed by: FED BM NWO CIA 666 OTAN UE UMMA USA Technocracy Macron and Bildenberg.

the Islamic conquest of Europe

Western journalism must be turned inside out like a dirty sock and put at ninety degrees.

Do you think that the Swedish government is thinking of asking for NATO membership to defend itself from the 'Russian danger'. While the real danger lies within, in their cities, in the delivery rooms. And like Sweden, the rest of Europe is concerned about the 'Russian enemy' while it has the real enemy that threatens its existence at home.


APRIL 18, 2022

It is war in Sweden. Muslims are declaring Sharia law in entire neighborhoods and driving out the police. But here's how the Italian media present the Islamic revolt:


7 2 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

wahhabis ISIS Islamic State theologians have issued an extremely detailed ruling on when “owners” of women enslaved by the extremist group can have se* with them, in an apparent bid to curb what they called violations in the treatment of captured females.

The ruling or fatwa has the force of law and appears to go beyond the Islamic State’s previous known utterances on slavery, a leading Islamic State scholar said.

6 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Turkey attacks Kurdish PKK bases in northern Iraq


the Sunnis belong to NATO and they are allowed any slander and any genocide!

6 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

a Zionist state that has anti-Zionist parliamentarians

it is an extreme threat to national security

6 1 lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

Discussion on World Israel News 51 comments

Antisemitic flyers target LA Jews on Passover


What if Finland and Sweden bluff about their own decision to make?

I say that they bluff and that there is only one Masonic world government of Rockefeller Spa & Co.

and that states and governments are a scam, a global deception


Putin blasts Israel's 'disrespect of status-quo' in call with Abbas


3 minutes ago

if you resist to ignoring the doctrines of the scientist Giacinto Auriti?


you can understand many things, but not geopolitics

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


42 minutes ago

Definition of nudnik: a person who is a bore or nuisance

annoyance, annoyer, bother, gadfly, gnawer, nuisance, pain, persecutor, pest, tease, teaser


no, I am the political project of the Kingdom of ISRAEL,

and they are also the only rational metaphysical agnostic cultural project: of universal brotherhood founded on natural law and on universal law.

everything can be forgiven to a humble and kind person like you!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


an hour ago

Talmud and Koran, are a fundamental component of the Bible of Satan written by Anton LaVey

while no one can find the Bible guilty, if it is read in a historical-critical and spiritual style as we do.

while Muslims and Kabbalists read everything dogmatically literally

because they are unrepentant exterminators and predators of peoples!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



because you believe that Rockefeller Spa & Co. network satellite TV might he have an interest in telling you the truth?

follow the teachings of Giacinto Auriti

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



the talmud is the mother of all satanism and all evil: on this planet!

his name is "bank seigniorage" and other constitutional betrayal.

follow the teachings of Giacinto Auriti

Talmud and Kuran both in Bible Satana BE


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



1. after 200 million innocent victims of communism ( of them the Talmud is guilty Spa&Co. )

2. after 1.2 billion ISLAM innocent victims? ( of them the Talmud is guilty NWO FED IMF ECB Rockefeller central Banks)

no one has to talk about these two demons anymore!


of them the Talmud is guilty

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



i am lorenzoJHWH Unius REI unique Kindom Israel DOMAIN


Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild said in Ja-Bull-On Kabbalah jabulon, "Putin was wrong, and this is dogma Darwin lgbtq Quran Talmud Sodom theosophy EU US OTAN, it's a dogma with no ifs and buts"

then, Satan, Allah and Sodom said:

"we are a legion of demons who do not forget and do not forgive"

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Russia China and Israel are two predestined victims of Kabbalah-UMMA and it is not in their mutual interest to show each other enmity!

and even if forced on two opposite sides?

they have to tone down and cooperate!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments

GAME CHANGER: Israel's new 'Iron Beam' laser defense 'turns tables on terror'


an hour ago

Scholz (Strunzzz) said the war has entered a new phase and that Ukraine's suffering leaves no one indifferent, according to the Dpa. "We feel infinite sadness for the victims and - it must also be said - great anger towards the Russian president and this senseless war," said Scholz (Strunzzz)


but he too is not Rothschild's parrot who said: "Putin was wrong, the fault lies entirely with him, no ifs, ands or buts".

but, I see Germany razed to the ground, which has become a single open-air cemetery!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

eih, 187AudioHostem aka Aristobulus] [Lorenzo be lynched

@lorenzobelynched] but, me with my 80 kg? ' I have a lethal punch, and I see your satanists? they already have poor health!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Science as dogmatic obscurantism that kills us. The new ignorant with the dogma of scientism Darwin lgbtq.

What, if not superstition and obscurantism, is the ferocious reaction in defense of trans women who feel they are women in order to easily win women's competitions? Against a champion idolized by the media until yesterday, guilty of having said something scientifically true?

they are writing full of words to try to hide the obvious: that Sofia Goggia expressed:

you can't make effeminate males compete, together with real women,

because their male body pulls more!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Bin ISIS Salman] spam only allow Bro Nicholas and yet mine was not spam, but they blocked it anyway! Science as dogmatic obscurantism that kills us.

The new ignorant with the dogma of scientism Darwin lgbtq.

Maurizio Blondet April 19, 2022. All the "science" that under which the new world order is imposed on us is superstition.

The fact that the progressive masses believe it to be true is an unprecedented obscurantism in history for ferocity and grotesque, because it is exhibited by ignoramuses,

who are however scientists.

They "believe" in science without wanting to know it.

The powerful of the World Economic Forum or the EU share this scientism as superstition.

Starting with the "punishment-cost" decreed by the EU for those who are guilty of producing

"too much CO2", which according to them causes the greenhouse effect, and on the basis

of which the electric motor is imposed on vehicles. CO2

- we repeat - is not a pollutant but the food from which green plants draw oxygen, through chlorophyll photosynthesis;

when there is "too much" CO2 in the atmosphere,

the vegetation becomes greener and denser, and produces more oxygen

by disposing of the CO2; like all living nature, the living plant world regulates itself, and the environment also regulates itself.

do not get on the electric buses

https://t.Co/J5gsECoPiE cobraf.Com GZibordi (@CGzibordi) April 18, 2022 The EU scientist imposter has imposed the adoption of electric vehicles powered by batteries.

The electric motor, it is true, does not produce CO2, but superstitious scientism does not want to know

that batteries to conserve electricity are an immature technology: very expensive, highly polluting

and terribly unsafe.

They often catch fire with such violence that extinguishing is impossible;

the firefighters themselves must keep away from it How much extra CO2 did this fire produce?


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme



Bin ISIS Salman sharia akbar ] [ I worked without problems for an hour, with the letter "z", but now the satanists of the CIA have decided to block it!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


Finland and Sweden are selling their citizens like cattle at the OTAN Moloch, just as the Ukrainian Freemasons have already done!

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Rimini tries to steal water boxes and dies. Video

water has no commercial value, these are the desperate poor of Rothschild Spa&Co Rockefeller: with their Freemasons (the parasitic society) they are the greatest murderers in the history of mankind.


A 46-year-old man died at the Diamante supermarket in Cattolica, while trying to steal bottles of water.

A 46-year-old man died at the Diamante supermarket in Cattolica, while trying to steal bottles of water. He was overwhelmed and crushed by the pallets that fell on him

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


BIN ISIS Salman ] [ I a little while ago, I dreamed that in France: the Churches of Satan, the secret services and Freemasonry (Magistrates), made possible the kidnapping / disappearance of university girls,

in reality, this is a macabre phenomenon that is very widespread in the USA, Germany and England, even as it is possible in all false democracies without monetary sovereignty, because there is only one Masonic world government, which inhibits and intimidates our politicians

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments

Stop 'encouraging violence, rewarding Hamas' - Bennett fires back at Jordan


"And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he who sat on him had a bow; and he was given a crown, and he went out winning and winning, to win and win again." (Revelation 6: 2)

Who is the rider of this "white horse"? It's lorenzoJHWH Unius REI,

he has always won against the NWO in these 14 years, but the Saudi Wahhabis have chosen world war!

It is impossible to unlock these prophecies without understanding the Fatima Apparition.

Let's ask a Jesus-style question: Why do Protestants always equate "Jacob" with "Judas"

when Judas is being punished here for devouring Jacob? Who is "Jacob" in this prophecy?

Is it "Judas"? And who is "Israel" in this following Isaiah prophecy:

"Hear, O shores, to me, and pay attention, you peoples from afar! The LORD called Me from the womb; from the matrix of My mother He made mention of My name.

And He said to me: 'You are mine. servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified. '" (Isaiah 49: 1-3)

Is "Israel" here Jewish-Israel or is it God, the Messiah? He thinks wisely.


why choose world war instead of seeking my kingdom of Israel?

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

WATCH: US lawmaker boosts private security while pushing to defund police


after 200 million innocent victims of communism and

after 1.2 billion ISLAM innocent victims?

no one has to talk about these two demons anymore!


Lenin statue erected in Henichesk, a Ukrainian city occupied by the Russians. A statue of former Soviet leader Lenin was erected in Henichesk, a city occupied by the Russian military in the Kherson region. In front of the regional council building, a similar monument was removed in 2015, following the project of "decomunization" of the country wanted by the then president Poroshenko. The photo of the new statue was posted on social networks. A Russian flag can be seen on the roof of the building.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme


the greatest massacre of Christians in the world? BIDEN guilty !!!

For the talkative Biden it is all a genocide, except for Christians torn to pieces because they are Christians. It speaks of "Ukrainian genocide", "Rohingya genocide" and "Uyghur genocide", but the Democratic Administration acquits the country of the 45,744 Christians killed in ten years, of 17,500 churches attacked and 6 million Christians forced to flee to avoid being slaughtered by jihadists (Trump had condemned him).. The reason for the double standard was explained by a witness nun in Nigeria: "It is difficult to tell these Christians that this is not a religious conflict, what they see are fighters dressed entirely in black, praising 'Allahu Akbar' and shouting 'Death to Christians'.. ".


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments

How Palestinians desecrate everyone's holy sites, including their own


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what if the Muslim wanted to marry her instead of forwarding her to prostitution? the police would not have released her!

but in the article there is no mention of a Christian girl!

This is a universal crime UN OCi Riyadh!

Meereb, 16, kidnapped and raped for conversion. But she is now free

http://a.msn.Com/01/it-it/AAWmKW4?ocid=st she The last young Christian victim of kidnapping

and abuse in Pakistan is a sixteen year old. According to her testimony and her first investigations,

Meerab Mohsin was kidnapped and raped by the Muslim Noman Abbas in Orangi,

an area that includes the largest slum in Asia within the southern metropolis of Karachi.

The purpose was also conversion, essential for the recognition of the marriage by the religious authorities.

The attacker, who already has a precedent for similar crimes, accused of having kidnapped two young men in the province of Punjab in the past, married and sold to others,

had brought Meerab to the same province but the girl managed to escape him and ask for help

from the family who

- confirms Aid to the Church in Need (Acs) - has obtained legal protection from the lawyer Tabassum Yousaf, a lawyer in the High Court of Sindh, a province of which Karachi is the capital.

Yousaf is known for her work to protect young minorities forced into forced unions

that often permanently separate them from their families and which in many cases end in repudiation, "sale" on the prostitution market or slavery. She herself brought the case

to the attention of the Karachi High Court under the law that prohibits marriages under the age of 18 in Sindh.

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#DISQUS idiot-criminal! your unluck all my account that you have block with your CIA trolls


LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI

where the pig Mohammed pedo-polygamous magic ottoman Kuran?

there is always a holy place sharia jihad akbar UMMA genocide,

and the Bible adds:

"Salman ISIS OCI the Wahhabis dog BIG is back to eat his vomit his takfirius!"

We have received your request for review by lorenzoJHWH Unius REI unique Kindom Israel DOMAIN


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 59 comments

Poland 'open' to hosting nuclear weapons

UniusREI governor worldwide

Dio non è omofobo, sono gli lgbtq che sono i satanisti!

https://www.christianpost.Com/news/street-preacher-cleared-of-hate-speech-for-preaching-from-bible.html Il predicatore di strada è stato scagionato dall'accusa di "incitamento all'odio" per aver predicato dalla Bibbia

Di Anugrah Kumar , collaboratore di Christian Post| Lunedì 18 aprile 2022

La bandiera dell'Unione sventola davanti al quadrante dell'orologio sulla Queen Elizabeth Tower, comunemente chiamata Big Ben il 2 aprile 2019, a Londra, Inghilterra. | Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Un tribunale del Regno Unito ha assolto un pastore di strada cristiano di 72 anni da tutte le accuse un anno dopo il suo arresto per aver presumibilmente causato "allarme e angoscia" a Londra predicando sulla definizione biblica di matrimonio, che la polizia ha definito "incitamento all'odio"

La Corte dei magistrati di Uxbridge ha assolto il pastore John Sherwood della Penn Free Methodist Church nel nord di Londra, la cui difesa era centrata sull'articolo 10 dello Human Rights Act del 1998.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments

Muslims destroy ancient artifacts to block Jewish visits to Temple Mount

Western propaganda shows homosexuals as victims of Putin and the Pope Kirill.

but this is yet another slander.

we, we will never be able to accept only: the satanic theosophy of the Gender-Darwin ideology theory

because it has no scientific basis, and because they are devastating to the social fabric


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Metaverso is among us, already inhabited by 350 million people


bank seigniorage (which is a demonic spiritual element in the hands of plutocratic Jews) transforms states into holograms,

and with these virtual worlds, peoples will become even more slaves of occult, supernatural demonic, Masonic and esoteric powers.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

#worldisraelnews ] you have to help me because I can't block these two criminals of yours, they rate me negatively and then, they make their account invisible


Putrid Putler reload



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

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https://www.persecution.Org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/secular_sharia.pdf sharia kill mankind! sharia kill mankind! sharia kill mankind! sharia kill mankind!sharia kill mankind! ICC Publishes a Report on Criminal Sharia Law in Nigeria

Christians Vulnerable as Nigeria Drifts Away from laicism

09/18/2021 Washington, D.C. (International Christian Concern) - International Christian Concern (ICC) has published a new report, titled Secular Sharia? Criminal Sharia Law and Its Impact on Nigeria's Christian Communities. In it, ICC considers the history of Sharia law in Nigeria — technically a secular country, describes how criminal Sharia law was introduced around the turn of the century, and explores the impact of criminal Sharia law on the Christian community in Nigeria.

On paper, Nigeria is a secular federation where power is shared between the national government and the individual governments of its 36 states. Within this political structure, state governments have the authority to shape their system of law as long as the system they come up with adheres to the ideals of the Nigerian constitution which creates — on paper — a secular state.

While Nigeria claims to be a secular country, the actions of the 12 northern states that have adopted Sharia criminal law and their support from the federal government have proven otherwise.

"The notion that Nigeria is a well-intentioned but under-resourced country struggling to contain sectarian violence is woefully incomplete," the report says. "The Nigerian government may be under-resourced, but it is not blameless in the matter of sectarian violence. Indeed, though government forces have fought to quell sectarian violence in some instances, in other cases, it has at least exacerbated the problem, if not created it in the first place. "

Sharia criminal law mandates various harsh punishments that stand in contravention of human rights law, including floggings and the amputation of limbs. Under Sharia law, certain criminal offenses known as hudud carry severe, fixed punishments, explicitly laid out in the Quran and the Hadith. These hudud mandate penalties such as floggings for alcohol consumption, the amputation of limbs for theft, and death for apostasy.

ICC's latest report considers eight case studies illustrating the danger of Nigeria's departure from secularism and its impact on Christians in the country.

"The international community must confront Nigeria on its continued embrace of criminal Sharia law," said Jay Church, ICC's Advocacy Manager for Africa. "The international community wants peace, security, and equality in Nigeria. As part of its efforts to bring stability to Nigeria, the international community would do well to push Nigeria to reform its legal system, abolish the use of criminal Sharia law, and return to the principles of equality which its constitution promises. "

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sharia kill mankind! ICC Publishes a Report on Criminal Sharia Law in Nigeria. By International Christian Concern on September 18, 2021

Christians Vulnerable as Nigeria Drifts Away from Secularism

09/18/2021 Washington, D.C. (International Christian Concern) - International Christian Concern (ICC) has published a new report, titled Secular Sharia? Criminal Sharia Law and Its Impact on Nigeria's Christian Communities. In it, ICC considers the history of Sharia law in Nigeria — technically a secular country, describes how criminal Sharia law was introduced around the turn of the century, and explores the impact of criminal Sharia law on the Christian community in Nigeria.

On paper, Nigeria is a secular federation where power is shared between the national government and the individual governments of its 36 states. Within this political structure, state governments have the authority to shape their system of law as long as the system they come up with adheres to the ideals of the Nigerian constitution which creates — on paper — a secular state.

While Nigeria claims to be a secular country, the actions of the 12 northern states that have adopted Sharia criminal law and their support from the federal government have proven otherwise.

"The notion that Nigeria is a well-intentioned but under-resourced country struggling to contain sectarian violence is woefully incomplete," the report says. "The Nigerian government may be under-resourced, but it is not blameless in the matter of sectarian violence. Indeed, though government forces have fought to quell sectarian violence in some instances, in other cases, it has at least exacerbated the problem, if not created it in the first place. "

Sharia criminal law mandates various harsh punishments that stand in contravention of human rights law, including floggings and the amputation of limbs. Under Sharia law, certain criminal offenses known as hudud carry severe, fixed punishments, explicitly laid out in the Quran and the Hadith. These hudud mandate penalties such as floggings for alcohol consumption, the amputation of limbs for theft, and death for apostasy.

ICC's latest report considers eight case studies illustrating the danger of Nigeria's departure from secularism and its impact on Christians in the country.

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Follow @ 4christiannews

"The international community must confront Nigeria on its continued embrace of criminal Sharia law," said Jay Church, ICC's Advocacy Manager for Africa. "The international community wants peace, security, and equality in Nigeria. As part of its efforts to bring stability to Nigeria, the international community would do well to push Nigeria to reform its legal system, abolish the use of criminal Sharia law, and return to the principles of equality which its constitution promises. "

Click here to download the full report.

For interviews, please contact: press@persecution.Org

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Electricity and gas bills, what a sting: from 2011 to date, spending per family has risen by 780 euros a year


an honest state should put solar panels on the roofs of all houses!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Central Bank crack: sanctions hit the world financial market, Russia will resist better than all because it is resilient.

War puts the GDP of all nations at risk,

sanctions on Russia will hurt the EU and the rest of the world very badly, who gains is Biden and the oil market!

then, hydrocarbons and the parasitic monetary technocratic structure of international Freemasonry: they put the knife in the throat of the Nations.

This is why Mario Draghi wants to resign, because the Italian state is on the brink, and if you think about it, killing people in the world war can be a solution.



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

allah uuh akbar Iran Erdogan Salman Riyadh and ISIS urges its UMMAs: "Use the war in Ukraine to attack Europe"


Islam is jihad fron 1400 years old


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments

White House focuses on Ukraine war, anti-Semitism in virtual Seder

Biden Says 'Pope' Told Him That He's a 'Good Catholic' Who Ought To Take Communion

(ROME) - President Joe Biden met face to face with Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who is referred to by Catholics worldwide as “pope” in his role di lui as the head of the Roman Catholic religion, at the Vatican on Friday.

Biden, who identifies as Catholic, supports the murder of unborn children through abortion under the guise of "women’s rights," which is a position that many leaders in Catholicism staunchly oppose.

Biden said that abortion did not come up during the meeting.

"We just talked about the fact he was happy that I was a good Catholic and I should keep receiving Communion," Biden stated.


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on United with Israel 22 comments

WATCH: Israel-Haters Compare Ukraine to Palestinians

Daniel Kelly

if, you don't have the courage and honesty to face me,

then you shouldn't even rate me negatively

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

Iran confirms centrifuge workshop moved to underground site

Ursula Dracula the killer octopus, wants more blood in Ukraine, she only thinks that the Ukrainians can win! ] China has warned Russia of the dangerous US trap

The United States is using Ukraine in a confrontation with Russia: arms supplies to Kiev are just a way to exacerbate the crisis, Chinese military expert Song Chongping shared his opinion in the Global Times.

"The reckless supply of weapons by the United States to Ukraine does not contribute to a peaceful solution and only prolongs this conflict.. The United States and NATO want to lure Russia into a trap, dragging it into prolonged bloodshed" , reports RIA Novosti.

According to the expert, Kiev is used by Washington as a puppet. Pumping the country with guns and ammunition "sets a bad precedent, pushing the Ukrainian crisis to unpredictable consequences."

Earlier, European Commission (EC) President Ursula von der Leyen appealed to the countries of the European Union with a call to supply arms to Ukraine as soon as possible.

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Turkey launches new offensive against PKK in Iraqi Kurdistan, days after Masrour Barzani’s visit to Turkey

HEWLÊR-Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan region,— Turkey has launched a new air and ground offensive against Kurdish PKK militants in Iraqi Kurdistan region, Turkish

April 18, 2022 | PKK, Politics, Politics | Read More

Turkish jets bomb Kurdish PKK, YPG in Iraq and Syria, Kurds report ‘casualties’

SINJAR/HASAKA,— Turkish warplanes carried out strikes against Kurdish rebels in Iraqi Kurdistan and Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava), the Turkish defence ministry

February 2, 2022 | Kurdistan, PKK, Politics, Yazidis | Read More

8 Turkish soldiers killed in PKK attack in Iraqi Kurdistan: HPG

QANDIL MOUNTAINS,— At least eight Turkish soldiers have been killed in Iraqi Kurdistan in a military operations carried out by Kurdish fighters from the



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

thisi is ISLAM ISIS Edogan OTAN ] Islamic State, se*, female slaves,+sex,+female+slaves


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme





Islamic ISIS Wahhabis State Yazidi se* slaves moved to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Chechnya



yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Discussion on World Israel News 25 comments

Arab-Israeli party suspends support for Bennett Gov't; ordered by Islamic…

Crimea became part of Russia following a referendum in 2014, said French presidential candidate from the "National Rally" Marine Le Pen.

He was asked about the ownership of the peninsula. "Crimea became part of Russia based on the results of the referendum," said the politician.

Earlier, French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen said that if she wins the presidential election, she intends to offer NATO a strategic approach to Russia after the end of the conflict in Ukraine.


in reality it is the CIA coup, with 100 men randomly killed by Chechen snipers, which canceled the validity of the Constitution

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Italy of DEM PD M5S Bildenberg MArio Draghi Soros!

Two Albanians arrested in the night After a theft, they try another

North Africans enjoy robbing tourists

He attacks a woman at home in Siena: 43-year-old foreigner in handcuffs

Names, photos and social networks: this is how the Albanian boss planned to hit the policemen

52-year-old Albanian continues to torment his ex-wife: arrested

Albino, they steal a car and raid a bar: two Albanians in handcuffs

Albanese there.. falls back: after leaving the barracks, he steals two more e-bikes. He is now in prison

Foligno, non-EU citizen found with hashish and bottles of methadone

Signal, the Nigerian mafia is on trial

Quarrel among the greenhouses, Tunisian stabs compatriot

He doesn't want them on the bus and takes them in a bottle

Pesaro, pregnant beaten bloody by her boyfriend

Immigrant annoys passers-by, police report security and take the man to the hospital


Beaten by the Moroccan stepfather, a six-year-old child dying

She gets beaten up by her Tunisian boyfriend

Migrant sets fire to volunteer in the reception center

Irregular Egyptian gropes 27 years old, then attacks and robberies 32 years old

Migrants devastate buses in Rome

Prè, Senegalese peddle heroin and crack: arrested by the carabinieri


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

CIA 666 NSA FED NWO ] [ 404 Not Found Satan Allah Sodom? very angry !!! 404 Not Found. Video not available

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Obamas' Wahhabist Fundraising Empire New IRS Scandal: Islamic Extremism and Se* Slaves


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Kidnapped Pastor in Northern Nigeria Slain after Ransom Paid

The Rev. Dauda Bature of the Evangelical Chruch Winning All. (Facebook) ABUJA, Nigeria (Morning Star News) - Fulani herdsmen who kidnapped a Christian pastor outside the city of Kaduna in Nigeria northern killed him last week after receiving ransom payments, sources said The Rev. Dauda Bature of the…

Abortionists Get Supreme Court Backing to Sue Over Texas Restriction on Murdering Babies

(Courthouse News) WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court authorized Texas abortion providers on Friday to proceed in their challenge of the state's near-total ban on

Newsom Says California To Become 'Sanctuary' for Women Seeking to Murder Unborn, if Supreme Court Overturns Roe

(Forbes) - Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) said California will become a "sanctuary" for women from other states seeking abortions if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Announces Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate for Private Sector Workers

(CNBC) - New York City is imposing a vaccine mandate for all private sector employers as a preemptive measure to fight a surge of Covid cases this winter, Mayor

Tech Firm Will Pay You $ 200k to Sell Your Identity to Its Robots

(Metro) - Tech company Promobot is on the lookout for a face for its humanoid robot assistant to work in hotels, shopping malls and other crowded places.

'Horrific': School Shooting Leaves 3 Dead, 8 Wounded at Michigan High School

(ABC News) - Three students were killed in a shooting at Oxford High School in Oxford, Michigan, on Tuesday, authorities said. They were a 16-year-old male

Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments in Case of Miss. Law Allowing Abortion, Except After 15 Weeks

Hundreds of women gather in support of abortion and birth control at a Planned Parenthood rally. (CNBC) - The Supreme Court's conservative majority on Wednesday

Haitian Gang Releases 2 Missionaries Held Hostage, 15 Still Being Held

(Fox News) - A Christian missionary group announced that two of its 17 missionaries have been released after being held hostage by a Haitian gang. Christian Aid

Christian Sentenced to Death for 'Blasphemy' Acquitted

Badshahi Mosque in Lahore, Pakistan. (Romero Maia, Creative Commons) LAHORE, Pakistan (Morning Star News) - A Christian in Pakistan incarcerated for nearly 10 years on a false blasphemy conviction was released from prison on Nov. 9 after a high court acquitted him, but quietly to avoid Islamist outrage, his attorney said. The life prison sentence of…

yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

Two British citizens who fought with Ukrainian troops were taken prisoner by the Russians.

This was reported by Tass, according to which the two soldiers have appealed to Prime Minister Boris Johnson,

asking to be released in an exchange with Viktor Medvedchuk, the oligarch and Ukrainian opposition deputy arrested in recent days by the Kiev intelligence.


Viktor Medvedchuk is a martyr, why be in opposition or not share the crimes of the government? this does not make him a traitor!

EU US UK are a gang of criminals!


yitzhak kaduri Rabbi Supreme

I don't know how exactly he could be insulted, this traitor Gen. Tricarico, this threat to the survival of the Planet!

Ukraine, Gen. Tricarico: "With 'closed doors' Putin fears about a nuclear option are growing".


his is a deliberate will for the self-destruction of mankind, which is in him in the Wahhabis and the priests of satan of the CIA alone.

the Russians will never use nuclear weapons first!


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