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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Pd lgbt sharia traitor of Fatherland

 While Jewish groups rebuke Trump’s ‘disloyalty’ remark, others question Democratic silence on Omar, Tlaib

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



Pd lgbt sharia traitor of Fatherland

corano-666talmud blogspot com/2019/08/pd-lgbt-sharia-traitor-of-fatherland.html


Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom




Pd lgbt sharia traitor of Fatherland



Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



A TROLL nichus blok ] politics is made up of unequivocal explicit acts

and this is the Democratic Party:

relativism, weak thinking: fluid society: nihilism

the perfect Islamic traitor ((who spits on the Christian martyrs and on the blood of the Israelis)) and lgbt Darwin Sodoma Rothschild dracula Saruman: FED 666 FMI 322 OCI:

the traitor of the Fatherland!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


the new Islamic civilization of the Democratic party Clandestini jihad sharia Erdogan just landed on the hunt for women in Lampedusa, raiding houses and stealing to tourists, Pd: "We know that the Tunisians are violent"

voxnews info/2019/08/27/clandestini-a-caccia-di-donne-a-lampedusa-razziano-le-case-pd-si-sa-che-i-tunisini-sono-violenti/

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


the new Islamic civilization of the democratic party "Migrants Open Arms set fire to the police van in Lampedusa", it is chaos

According to the local newspaper there would be no doubt about the malicious matrix and there would be little doubt about the authorship of the violent gesture, which would have been made by some guests of the structure.

voxnews info/2019/08/27/migranti-open-arms-incendiano-furgone-della-polizia-a-lampedusa-e-caos/

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


the technocratic usury of the ECB and EU Bilderberg Shadow government: private financial coup and Masonic corporate

#Tremonti reveals: Italy forced by EU to save German banks

through accomplice Mario Monti

and making a debt of 48 million not owed by the Italian people

/voxnews info/2019/08/27/tremonti-rivela-italia-costretta-da-ue-a-salvare-le-banche-tedesche/

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


the new Islamic society wanted by the Democratic Party! Turin, Senegalese violent Italian disabled: dragged into the condominium

August 27, 2019 A fifty-year-old woman was attacked in a building in Turin, a few meters from the notorious market of Porta Palazzo, a multi-ethnic neighborhood in Turin.

The African who attacked her, a twenty-year-old Senegalese, was arrested by the police on charges of sexual violence.

The brutal aggression took place around 6.30am yesterday morning, Monday 26 August. The victim, a 50-year-old Italian with psychological problems, was walking with her dogs when the man dragged her into the hallway.

A resident of the building, who was going to work, because the Italians work, coming down the stairs he witnessed the scene. He saw the woman, with torn clothes, trying to break free from the African and hurled herself at the rapist. The victim is admitted to the San Giovanni Bosco hospital with various injuries.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


my President RIVLIN ] start the countdown by 08/25/2019 10:33 am

missing: 28 days to destroy IRAN with atomic weapons

Palestinian Authority Refuses to Condemn Murder of 17-year-old Israeli Girl

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


from the satanic theosophy of GENDER lgbt Darwin: technocratic maximalism Rothschild to the liquid society! dear Di Maio, now tell us DiBibbiano: ask your allies for children

/voxnews info/2019/08/27/e-ora-di-maio-parlateci-di-bibbiano-chiedete-ai-vostri-alleati-dei-bambini/

Di Maio, remember what was said a month ago. Only a month ago:

Now that with the "child thieves" you find yourself at night at Palazzo Chigi, you can ask them what happened to Bibbiano.

In Bibbiano children were taken away from their parents and then entrusted to "family homes" and gay, so as to do business; and somehow the same happens with the so-called "unaccompanied minors" that the law wanted by the PD obliges us to maintain.

presumed Afro-Islamic Minors commit 268 rapes: they cannot be expelled

In light of the latest crimes involving foreign minors, the most recent being the brutal rape of Como, we republish the speech in the courtroom of Senator Malan, during the discussion of the Zampa Law, later approved by the PD, which effectively prevents expulsion and refusal of minors. Even the alleged ones. Very alleged. In the video, the senator

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

all the slanders of the President CONTE against SALVINI: in reality: they hide the absolute immorality of the M5S (Beppe GRILLO said: "we are a little PC and a little DC": as if to say the worst of the catto-communists lgbt) M5S that cancels the meeting with the Pd: "First clarify on Conte". while at 4 pm there are consultations on the Hill, of a President Mattarella, proud of his ethical technocracy, but which he can lose: instead contact with the dignity, morality and justice: to trampling on the people he should serve and protect:

given that the two electoral forces: Pd and M5S (statistically) in the perspective of opposition (in the real society) were, precisely, they are called to compose another Rothschild Saruman coup government

tutte le calunnie del Presidente CONTE contro SALVINI: in realtà: nascondono la immoralità assoluta del M5S (Beppe GRILLO disse: "noi siamo un poco PC e un poco DC": come a dire il peggio dei catto-comunisti lgbt) M5S che annulla l’incontro col Pd: “Prima chiarisca su Conte”. mentre alle 16 ci sono le consultazioni al Colle, di un Presidente Mattarella orgogliosametne etico tecnocrazia, ma, che può perdere: invece il contatto con la dignità, moralità e giustizia: calpestando quel popolo che dovrebbe servire e proteggere:

dato che le due forze elettoralisticamente: Pd e M5S (statisticamente) in prospettiva di opposizione (nella società reale) sono state, proprio loro, sono chiamate a comporre un altro governo golpistico Rothschild Saruman

Discussion on World Israel News  182 comments

While Jewish groups rebuke Trump’s ‘disloyalty’ remark, others question Democratic silence on Omar, Tlaib

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

all the slanders of the President CONTE against SALVINI: in reality: they hide the absolute immorality of the M5S (Beppe GRILLO said: "we are a little PC and a little DC": as if to say the worst of the catto-communists lgbt) M5S that cancels the meeting with the Pd: "First clarify on Conte". while at 4 pm there are consultations on the Hill, of a President Mattarella, proud of his ethical technocracy, but which he can lose: instead contact with the dignity, morality and justice: to trampling on the people he should serve and protect:

given that the two electoral forces: Pd and M5S (statistically) in the perspective of opposition (in the real society) were, precisely, they are called to compose another Rothschild Saruman coup government

tutte le calunnie del Presidente CONTE contro SALVINI: in realtà: nascondono la immoralità assoluta del M5S (Beppe GRILLO disse: "noi siamo un poco PC e un poco DC": come a dire il peggio dei catto-comunisti lgbt) M5S che annulla l’incontro col Pd: “Prima chiarisca su Conte”. mentre alle 16 ci sono le consultazioni al Colle, di un Presidente Mattarella orgogliosametne etico tecnocrazia, ma, che può perdere: invece il contatto con la dignità, moralità e giustizia: calpestando quel popolo che dovrebbe servire e proteggere:

dato che le due forze elettoralisticamente: Pd e M5S (statisticamente) in prospettiva di opposizione (nella società reale) sono state, proprio loro, sono chiamate a comporre un altro governo golpistico Rothschild Saruman

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


IMAM Erdogan sharia jihad and the 1400ANNI genocide UMMA, TODAY is the turn of the Israelis people! In the 39-second video clip, when the girl says: "The Jews", women and children respond: "Death!"

When he says: "Palestine", they answer: "He will be saved".

When he shouts, "Hagia Sophia" - referring to the Byzantine cathedral-museum in Istanbul that the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced will be turned into a mosque - they sing, "It will be open."

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


all the demonic instinct FED FMI NWO SpA Rothschild Corporation-sharia Riyad: of the Democratic Party against the Christian Jewish civilization! The refugee night in the hotel, he raped Italian girls by day with a humanitarian permit

August 26, 2019. The Gambian asylum seeker who raped an Italian girl at the Sferracavallo metro station in Palermo, has been a guest of Italian refugee hotels for years. And now the Democratic Party is preparing to reopen them. Alpha Yallow, a 19-year-old African asylum seeker, numerous precedents behind him for harassment, obscene acts in public places and damage, collected a long list of complaints, mainly for crimes against property and against the person, the Gambian had left the structures where he lived to disappear into thin air.

This at least until a few days ago when, quietly on the loose, he approached and attacked two women in Palermo, managing to rape one of them.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


these NGOs are a Ursula Bilderberg project, which is a subversive ideology of a technocratic, bureaucratic Europe of unscrupulous speculative financiers: the EU made up of dangerous Masons Soros Bilderberg, and all the forces of the atheist and filthy Islamist antichrist!

"We are facing the umpteenth mockery of the Spanish Open Arms, which for days has been wandering the Mediterranean for the sole purpose of gathering as many people as possible to bring them only ever to Italy. In all this time they could already have gone back and forth in a Spanish port three times. These NGOs are just political. They are using immigrants against our country. I will not give up. " - Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini.

"Open Arms does not save the shipwrecked. If it did, it would take them to the nearest port. What it does is use immigrants as an instrument of extortion against countries that choose to defend their sovereignty.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Nichus Block



the Jewish traitor to Israel

and the suffocator of Abraham's blessings?

that's you!

Democratic Party is the derivation of the God Marduch of Babylon!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Nichus Block



you are a perverse and hypocritical Jewish man: a den of vipers, a whitened sepulcher: an absolute traitor! and this just because your Rothschild money in the bank? for you they are more important than the survival of all Israelis.

you, with the democratic party: you cannot legitimize ISLAM against the Christian martyrs of 1400 years, and against the Israelis who die every day!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



Trump says: "the Democrats are not doing enough to address the anti-Semitism of Omar and Tlaib."

and this is indisputable!

in this way the Democrats spit on all the peoples who suffered the Islamic genocide: given that the 14000-year-old sharia of Moametto is the same sharia as today! of all Islamic terrorism? the democrats are the real culprits!

all of them with the facts admit that Jews are not entitled to their own nation state!

certainly the Jews who vote for a democratic party have "a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty".

On Wednesday Trump tried to clarify his observations and told reporters: "If you vote for a Democrat, you are disloyal to the Jews and you are very disloyal to Israel".

The declaration came after the rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) And the rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Who made past anti-Semitic remarks, and last week prevented them from entering Israel because of their support for the anti-Israel BDS movement, strongly criticized the Jewish state for its decision .

Trump, despite the president's opinion that the Democratic Party had not done enough to address the anti-Semitism of Omar and Tlaib.

in Conclusion: all the Jews of the Diaspora prove to be enemies of both Israel and enemies of all free peoples!

they are not shown by themselves to be a rothschild international Masonic conspiracy!

the Jews of the diaspora justify all the reasons of historical anti-Semitism: because they preferred the monopoly of the rothshilds to the life and the survival of the same Jewish communities in the world

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom




Trump is absolutely right 90% of US Jews are treacherous and unfair: support Ilhan Omar and stab Israel!

“@RealDonaldTrump verified that he invoked an anti-Semitic trope, asserting that American Jews should be‘ loyal ’to Israel by supporting him. 90% of American Jews consider themselves' pro-Israel 'and about 3/4 of them are Dems because their Jews vote values,' tweeted Jewish Democratic Council of America executive director Halie Soifer.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Richard DiBenedetto


babbeo! what you say would be true if ISLAM recognized our democratic and republican values!

therefore he would have the right to all political rights and freedom of speech.

while the ARAB LEAGUE where Islam rules both religiously and politically; It does NOT recognize any of the fundamental human rights: it only proves to be a Nazi genocide!

So Islam has no democratic or republican constitutional legal legitimacy!

Discussion on World Israel News  49 comments

Trump says he’s willing to meet Rouhani

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



President Mattarella will also have an ethic to bring the Democratic Party to the Government for the sixth time in 4 years (without going through the elections), but, he will have to renounce his morality as guardian of the democratic will of the Italian people

Presidente Mattarella avrà anche una etica a portare il Pd al Governo per la sesta volta in 4 anni(senza passare dalle elezioni), ma, dovrà rinunciare alla sua morale di custode della volontà democratica del popolo italiano

Discussion on World Israel News  33 comments

DAILY RECAP: Israel Pounds Hamas; Arab Party Joining Israeli Government? Minister Opposes Women in Combat; More Top News

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



yes, you are absolutely right!

and unfortunately the anti-Semitism of the Tsars was not inferior to the anti-Semitism of the Bolsheviks!

however, in the historical complexity: it should deepen:

about, how much of that anti-Semitism had been deserved by Masonic conspiracies of the financial activity and usury of Jewish bankers.

of course in both cases: however the Jewish people had to pay a terrible price because of their identity!

we hope that the wounds are healed and that the Jewish people can have their own country, like all peoples,

and it is for this purpose that we work every day!

Discussion on World Israel News  55 comments

Israeli strikes are a 'declaration of war,' claim Lebanon and Iraq

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Israeli strikes are a ‘declaration of war,’ claim Lebanon and Iraq


if the muslims are a bunch of psychic killers? the fault is only of their religion that with the sharia has become law of the State!


se i mussulmani sono un branco di psicolabili assassini? la colpa è soltanto della loro religione che con la sharia è diventata legge dello Stato!

2  1

Discussion on World Israel News  30 comments

Israeli Supreme Court cracks down on right-wing but lets radical Arab MKs run for Knesset

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom




1. you are worried about Putin's second wife


2. Are you worried about the oil that Erdogan bought from ISIS?

your insults without argumentation? they have no dialectical value!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



DIEGO FUSARO: #Pd 666 # 5Lgbt stars? Yellow-pink government, victory of the usurocratic technocratic globalist elite, the EU's Soros Bilderberg regime of the antichrist Ursula Merkel von Hitler (depressive austerity)!

there is still a hope for Israel and for the hope of Abraham: its blessings turned away from the Rothschild satanists?

the society based on financial capital rothschild bilderberg regime: it is a society that is corrupt dishonestly intrinsically!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


yes, sorry this exclusion of the orthodox Jews

and regret the inclusion of the Arabs, that is, of those who oppose a Jewish nation!

however they may not disperse their will vote, and support the right for Netanjahu!

Israeli Supreme Court cracks down on right-wing but lets radical Arab MKs run for Knesset

si, dispiace questa esclusione degli ortodossi ebrei

e dispiace la inclusione degli arabi, cioè, di chi si oppone ad una nazione ebraica!

tuttavia possono non disperdere il loro vosto e sostenere la destra!

Israeli Supreme Court cracks down on right-wing but lets radical Arab MKs run for Knesset r

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Becchi: "Total split between people and institutions"

August 26, 2019 Vox

It is the first case in the world of the majority in the opposition

answer. we must move from a parliamentary democracy to an elective democracy!

Becchi: “Spaccatura totale tra popolo e istituzioni”

Agosto 26, 2019 Vox

E’ il primo caso al mondo di maggioranza all’opposizione

answer. dobbiamo passare da una democrazia parlamentare ad una democrazia elettiva!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


facebook com/forzearmateitalianeffaa/videos/2430968413840305/ What they want to put up is the #Bibbiano government. #Pd (fuxia) and M5S (yellow) lgbt cult: must be shameless. Costs what it costs. How can a Di Maio be so credible:

thus, a yellow-fuchsia-Bilderberg government is being established!

I don't know if the Italian people can survive all this too!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Demons Middle East Allah sharia uh jihad akbar: death to all infidels kafir dhimmis murtidi saudi takfiri sudairii.

#Iran sells crude oil tanker Darya 1. the 'Cargo is 2.1 million barrels for unknown buyer Erdogan'

Erdogan has a long career of genocide and purchases from ISIS as Putin can show (that is, if he had not already sold his second wife)

Medio Oriente dei demoni Allah sharia uh jihad akbar: morte a tutti gli infedeli kafir dhimmis murtidi.

#Iran vende greggio petroliera Darya 1. il 'Carico è di 2,1 milioni di barili ad acquirente ignoto Erdogan'

Erdogan ha una lunga carriera di genocidi e di acquisti da ISIS come Putin può dimostrare (cioè se, lui non avesse già venduto anche la sua seconda moglie)

Discussion on World Israel News  8 comments

DAILY RECAP: Iran’s ‘Kamikaze-Drones’ Exposed; Israel Hits Palestinian Terrorists on Lebanon Border; Court Bans Right-Wing Candidates; More Top…

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Alarm League, Pact Of Bibbiano between M5s and PD to cover up

August 26, 2019 Vox

‘Responsibility to be ascertained, everyone takes on their own’ "Sure. We are talking about a case that is also political and not limited only there ". Speaking in Palermo was the League of Family and Disability Minister, Alessandra Locatelli, for whom there is "a system that somehow tends to be hidden by some political subjects and that tends to be belittled".

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Pd against League: "People can not arise, it is subversive" August 26, 2019

The coup leaders Merkel Rothschild Saruman Rothschild Erdogan Bilderberg Soros Riyad Di Maio and Zingaretti meet at Palazzo Chigi: it is a declaration of war to the Italian people

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Regensburg, clashes between immigrants in front of the Cathedral - VIDEO voxnews info/2019/08/26/ratisbona-scontri-tra-immigrati-davanti-cattedrale-video/

Dozens of vehicles were vandalized, including two police cars:

the Afro-Muslims brought us the civil war

Ratisbona, scontri tra immigrati davanti Cattedrale – VIDEO

Decine di veicoli sono stati vandalizzati, comprese due auto della polizia:

gli afro-islamici ci hanno portato la guerra civile

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


our jail for them is a hotel

and we don't have the death penalty:

therefore, the Afro-Muslims feel the masters of operating any crime: with impunity!

The Monza Police reported against three asylum seekers accused of setting fire to the Monza Park. The reason? Make a video.

Bad episode in Lombardy where yesterday evening three asylum seekers were reported by local police for intentionally causing a fire in the Monza Park.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Iran's 'Kamikaze-Drones' Exposed; Israel Hits Palestinian Terrorists on Lebanon Border;

Iran proves in Syria: that its religion is evil!

that he has no respect for the lives of men (his and others)

and to be a threat to the international community!

if, the CIA makes an attack in ISRAEL from Syria?

the war will become inevitable!

then all the ARAB LEAGUE: OCI will answer!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Iran's "Kamikaze-Drones" Exposed; Israel Hits Palestinian Terrorists on Lebanon Border;

the problem of IRAN is what it cannot say it is in Syria and Iraq to kill Erdogan!

and he can't even say he is on vacation:

or to be engaged in a religious pilgrimage!

so IRAN should go out with his men from Syria and Iraq

Discussion on World Israel News  17 comments

Netanyahu exposed to opposition fire after latest Hamas barrage on Sderot

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


no man should take away the hope: Muhammad and Rothschild the Uruk-hai of Saruman

Malpensa airport a young man would have tried to take his own life by jumping off the departure ramp and falling to the floor below. It would be a 25-year-old Indian citizen, local media reports.

The young man reported many traumas and was transported by helicopter to the Varese hospital in red code.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



my President RIVLIN] the only valid word a Muslim can say?

it is that word spoken by him when he died!

Muslims must talk to me

my President RIVLIN ] l'unica parola valida che un islamico può dire?

è quella parola detta da lui quando è morto!

gli islamici devono parlare con me

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Kashmir: Pakistan, nuclear war risk

Prime Minister Imran Khan: 'Consequences for the whole world'


patience! we will also address this other sharia risk stoically!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


my RIVLIN President] yes, I am aware that when I call Rothschild: "Saruman" he really gets angry!

but I'm not Rothschild's doctor

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


it is a Saruman Rothschild magic

the Pd (democratic party) will be in government for the 4th time in 6 years without going through the electoral consensus:

and without the vote? this is a coup d'état: yet another

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Pd (fuchsia) to M5s (yellow) gay party lgbt sodoma pride darwin apes, the minority that belongs to Rothschild, and that would be fired by the Italian people if you went to vote,

they are ready for a legislative agreement: with the blessing of: Allah Soros Saruman Merkel Ursula Von Hitler the Masonic parasitic financial technocratic regime!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


to entertain some Rothschild mason? they have already killed dozens of people because of wild boars that never existed in Italy! CATANZARO, AUGUST 26 - At the wheel of his motorcycle he had collided with a boar that had suddenly invaded the provincial road on which he was passing through Simeri Crichi. Antonio Rocca, 47 years old, died in the hospital of Catanzaro where he had been hospitalized since the end of July.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


the Turks turkesten kaput are the orcs led by the demon Erdogan: who in turn takes the orders from Rothschild called SARUMAN! even if all this Islamic history? it could never be a happy ending story!

The Syrian army advances on Idlib and surrounds the Turks in Mork

The reconquest of Khan Sheikhoun marks the beginning of an attack that will lead to the release of Idlib. Damascus seems to have broken the pacts between Moscow and Ankara and wants to expel the Turks from Syria. Everything looks more like a war between Syria and Turkey, and not between Damascus and Idlib mercenaries, supported by Ankara and Doha. Encircling Mork is a direct response to the Turkish-American decision to create a security zone in northern Syria

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


I don't think Netanjahu's critics can be politically credible since

are engaged in an electoral campaign against him!

however this is a question to which I have not yet received an answer: "why have not all the Palestinians been deported to Syria?"

Erdogan exterminated the Kurds for much less!

Netanyahu exposed to opposition fire after the latest Hamas barrage on Sderot

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Netanjhau TRUMP ] I wouldn't want to be vulgar! but, you should stop the CIA (rothschild parallel shadow government) from continuing to do the color revolution in Hong Kong

non vorrei essere volgare! ma, voi dovreste far smettere la CIA (il governo ombra parallelo rothschild) di continuare a fare la rivoluzione colorata ad Hong Kong


Discussion on World Israel News  4 comments

US think-tank defiant after Iran threatens action by ‘security apparatuses’

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


after 1400 uninterrupted years, of honorable genocide Umma?

and after what was written in the Koran (the sharia law of the ARAB LEAGUE) which is already a threat of death for the human race:

this is really too much that some Muslims also allow themselves the luxury of formally threatening!

roll it out! US think-tank defiant after Iran threatens action by ‘security apparatuses’

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


ha ragione Zio Erdogan NON esiste un iSLAM NAZISTA moderato Uncle Erdogan is right. NO moderate NAZIST iSLAM exists

Officially Islamic, Morocco an increasingly visible Islamist influence is worrying to many of Morocco’s Christians, who are a mix of converts from Islam, members of the small historical Catholic Church, and expatriates.

Moroccan Christians demand equal marriage rights

June 12, 2018 Burial, Converts, King Mohammed VI, Marriage, Morocco

Uncle Erdogan is right. NO moderate NAZIST iSLAM exists

Religious minorities’ struggles the focus of Morocco conference

A conference taking place in Rabat, Morocco, tomorrow (18 November) will focus on the problems religious minorities are facing in the Muslim-majority country. Muslims account for 99 per cent of the population, according to US Department of State figures, and the remaining 1 per cent experience “marginalisation and exclusion”, according […]

Morocco Christian survives assassination attempt

Uncle Erdogan is right. NO moderate NAZIST iSLAM exists

Evangelism charges dropped against Moroccan convert

Uncle Erdogan is right. NO moderate NAZIST iSLAM exists

Court hearing for Moroccan delayed

October 17, 2013 Mohamed el Baldi, Morocco, Proselytism

A court hearing for Mohamed el Baldi, a Moroccan Christian accused of ‘shaking the faith of a Muslim’, has been postponed to

‘Surprise’ release of Moroccan jailed for 30 months for evangelism

October 3, 2013 Aïn Aïcha, King Mohammed VI, Mohamed el Baldi, Morocco, Proselytism

‘Surprise’ release of Moroccan jailed for 30 months for evangelism

A Moroccan Christian man jailed for evangelism has been temporarily released after serving one month. Mohamed el Baldi, 34,

Moroccan Christian jailed for evangelising

A Moroccan Christian man has been jailed for two-and-a-half years and fined for evangelising. Mohamed el Baldi,

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


horror ISLAM NAZIfor slaved dhimmis and Koran genocide worldwide

christian martyrs under Riyad jihad Erdogan Boko Haram sharia

At least 150 Christians arrested in Eritrea clampdown

176 children lost one or both parents in Sri Lanka Easter bombings

Afghanistan: Radical Islamist groups recruit at universities

Nigeria: Violence continues but government in denial, church leaders say

‘It’s time to be real: what happens in Iraq is ethnic cleansing’ – UK analyst

Discussion on World Israel News  21 comments

Brazilian university calls off speech on the Middle East due to Muslim threats

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Di Maio sells the children of Bibbiano to the PD in exchange for the seats - VIDEO

voxnews info / 2019/08/26 / di-maio-sell-the-children-of-bibbiano-al-pd-in-change-of-armchairs-video /

1/3 of the Pd and 2/3 of the M5S would lose the seats!

it is clear that: Mattarella Merkel Belzebul LGBTQ Macron Ursula will trample the Italian people: now!

we must put an end to a parliamentary democracy to introduce an always elective democracy!

Di Maio vende i bambini di Bibbiano al PD in cambio delle poltrone – VIDEO

voxnews info/2019/08/26/di-maio-vende-i-bambini-di-bibbiano-al-pd-in-cambio-delle-poltrone-video/

1/3 del Pd e 2/3 del M5S perderebbero le poltrone!

è chiaro che: Mattarella Merkel Belzebul LGBTQ Macron Ursula faranno calpestare il popolo italiano: adesso!

dobbiamo porre fine ad una democrazia parlamentare per introdurre una democrazia sempre elettiva!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Bolsonaro Trump Salvini China UN Russia] in Palestine Islam sharia jihad considers itself entitled to establish Islamic terrorism, jihadist galaxy, all over the world!

against the LEGA ARABA sharia jihad system? you must take a stand!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


we no longer want to see the Government of people who are in dystonia with the Torah!

if Macron made the pig? now take the insults!

BIARRITZ (FRANCE), AUGUST 26 - Jair Bolsonaro makes fun of Brigitte Macron on Facebook and between France and Brazil the diplomatic crisis after the fires in the Amazon worsens.

After the personal attacks on Emmanuel Macron, Bolsonaro took it with the premiere dame of France, posting an offensive comment on Facebook. At the same time, the Brazilian Education Minister, Abraham Weintraub, attacked Macron calling him "an opportunistic cretin".

On Facebook, the Brazilian president replied to a post by a user named Rodrigo Andreaca, who had published a failed photo of Brigitte, 66, flanked by an image in which Bolsonaro's wife, Michelle (37) appears particularly comely. Below, Andreaca's comment: "now do you understand why Macron persecutes Bolsonaro?" Below, among the comments, that of Bolsonaro himself: "do not humiliate him, hahaha (laughter)".

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


China Russia Iran Riyad] I demolished every day: a bit of NWO, in these 13 years, but, I will not arrive in time: to save you from WW3: if you do not move your embassy to Jerusalem.

it has always hurt the people to have had Jews out of Israel !!!

Today the situation has even deteriorated!

all Jews must be punished and must be locked up in their Kingdom State!

also: Why, God said through the Prophet Isaiah: that all the Jews must be brought back as holy offerings before his glory!

that's why God said:

"I will take Levites for myself from all the peoples of the earth!"

Cina Russia Iran Riyad ] io ho demolito ogni giorno: un pezzetto di NWO, in questi 13anni, ma, io non arriverò in tempo: a salvarvi dalla WW3: se voi non spostate la Vostra ambasciata a Gerusalemme.

ha sempre fatto male ai popoli avere avuto gli ebrei fuori di israele!!!

Oggi la situazione è addirittura peggiorata!

tutti gli ebrei devono essere puniti e devono essere rinchiusi nel loro Stato Regno!

anche: Perché, Dio ha detto attraverso il Profeta Isaia: che tutti gli ebrei gli devono essere riportati come delle offerte sante davanti alla sua gloria!

ecco perché Dio ha detto:

"io prenderò per me stesso dei leviti da tutti i popoli della terra!"


Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


you speak as someone who has no meaning of the word "good" and the word "evil"

the genocide of sharia from which mankind must defend itself is bad.

it is bad "rothschild who stole monetary sovereignty"

all that violates the natural law is bad!

therefore the "good" must defend itself from these evils!

parli come qualcuno che non ha un significato della parola "bene" e della parola "male"

è male il genocidio della sharia da cui il genere umano deve difendersi.

è male "rothschild che ha rubato la sovranità monetaria"

tutto quello che viola la legge naturale è male!

quindi il "bene" deve difendere se stesso da questi mali!


Discussion on World Israel News  57 comments

Palestinian village where Tlaib's grandmother lives is rolling in dough

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Erica Ling


you speak as someone who has no meaning of the word "good" and the word "evil"

the genocide of sharia from which mankind must defend itself is bad.

it is bad "rothschild who stole monetary sovereignty"

all that violates the natural law is bad!

therefore the "good" must defend itself from these evils!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Erica Ling


Communists, Satanists, Muslims, Pharisees: like all predators Luciferians Enlightened: the over man or the super man?

1. or do not have an afterlife like Jews and communists

2. or theirs is always a terrestrial representation: like the Muslims

because this is their truth: they have everything now and then there is hell!

Rothschild masons and Mohammed have lied!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Erica Ling


if the Arab League does not remove the sharia? then, the human race will be removed!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Erica Ling


Erika you reversed good with evil

Hitler of today? is the sharia of the ARAB LEAGUE!

and THIS is TRUE: AS THE SHARIA also also has its good reasons:

but, he is wrong in the dogmatic method: given that if instead of hitting the Rothschilds he hits the whole Jewish people.

and, in fact: the sharia does not forgive you: if you are a kafir Dhimmis and Murtidi: because the sharia does not recognize and respects diversity!

Discussion on World Israel News  21 comments

Brazilian university calls off speech on the Middle East due to Muslim threats

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Look at how they steal your luggage in France.

Macron has invented a new job for Afro-Muslims

/twitter com/i/status/1161333514631094272

The army of Afro-Islamic occupation is enriched by a new battalions (500 soldiers) every day. WITH TURKISH VELIERI FULL OF MALE PAKISTANS, etc .. or who land in Lampedusa waiting for the X hour. In the next few days other slaughtering departments are expected.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


someone could correct this historical concept on the Bolshevism movement

this I have read!

antichrist Rothschild Jews FOUNDED and DIRECTED the MOVEMENT of BOLSCEVICHI, Lenin Stalin were not Jews?

so who led Christians and Jews to genocide in Russia? they themselves were Jews!

even the gray wolves that made the Armenian genocide in Turkey were infiltrated Jews!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


She has a 'too short' skirt, a fight between immigrants and Germans who defend the woman

Incredible what Merkel is doing to Germany. In Duisburg ethnic clashes erupted between Germans and Turkish immigrants, almost all of whom were already German citizens.

The latter were irritated by the presence of a woman who wore a skirt too short and sat next to men.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


therefore the alleged falsehood of SALVINI was true: Di Maio did the Yellow-Fuchia mess with Zingaretti PD (Fuxia technocracy and financial regime). about the financing of Russia, which unfortunately did not exist, what would be wrong with it?

con URSULA (urlano le emorroidi lgbt) is our enemy (the one that Pd and M5S voted together), certainly not Putin!

youtu be/PCHzsClD9n0 M5sParliament

Published 18 Jul 2019

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


no one should underestimate the sharia and the jihad of Erdogan! we cannot resist all this Islamic sharia violence:

when will the IMAM have the FATWA order coming from the Wahhabi Saudi takfiri sudairii? we can't survive!

A 15-year-old Afghan asylum-seeker stabbed another Afghan fellow countryman to death on Saturday in a brawl in the Moria refugee camp for unaccompanied minors on the Greek island of Lesbos.

Two others were injured and the murderer was arrested. The reason for the attack is not yet known.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Rothschild e i poteri voodoo della TRILATERALE!

Rothschild and the voodoo powers of TRILATERALE! Charles Manson is only a criminal, a human evil: of course: always something inhuman.

but you cannot face the powers of Satan CIA and NWO without the power of the Holy Spirit!

As, Rothschild could steal monetary sovereignty even from the Israelis if he did not have satan's powers at his disposal.

that is a universal evil: institutional: transnational Masonic: FED FMI BCE NWO: a demonic evil (so cannibalistic and cruel and we are so powerless as a society) that it is for us becomes invisible, only because a human mind cannot sustain it: fear, horror terror, without removing it !

Charles Manson è soltanto un criminale, una umana malvagità: certo: sempre qualcosa di disumano.

ma tu non puoi affrontare i poteri di Satana CIA e NWO senza la potenza dello Spirito Santo!

Come Rothschild poteva rubare la sovranità monetari anche agli israeliani se non aveva a sua disposizione i poteri di satana.

quella è una malvagità universale: istituzionale: massonica trasnazionale: FED FMI BCE NWO: una malvagità demoniaca (così cannibalica e crudele e noi siamo così impotenti come società) che è per noi diventata invisibile, soltanto perché una mente umana non la può sostenere senza rimuoverla!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


ok Mr President RIVLIN ] start the countdown

by 08/25/2019 10:33 am

missing: 29 days to destroy IRAN with atomic weapons

Palestinian Authority Refuses to Condemn Murder of 17-year-old Israeli Girl

Discussion on World Israel News  33 comments

DAILY RECAP: Israel Pounds Hamas; Arab Party Joining Israeli Government? Minister Opposes Women in Combat; More Top News

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



this I have read!

antichrist Rothschild Jews FOUNDED and DIRECTED the MOVEMENT of BOLSCEVICHI, Lenin Stalin were not Jews?

so who led Christians and Jews to genocide in Russia? they themselves were Jews!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



sorry is only my bad english.

rather it will be the democratic party that is a derivation of the Rothschild Marxism to declare war on Russia and CHINA.

that in turn: they did not find in themselves the honesty of ideologically condemning: all the murders of communism!

murders committed against the best people in their society: against Christians!

Discussion on World Israel News  61 comments

'Crappy Jew Year': New York Times' editor apologizes for anti-Semitic tweets in 2010

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



Fay socialoracle 3 months ago] for three months your friend has not published comments and is afraid to do so?

the CIA in Germany killed my friend in youtube MERLAMARLEEN, she was a well-prepared and well-educated saint theologian ( it was normal to criticize for her: that international satanist Merkel criminal who ruined all the Mediterranean countries and led them to Islamize the Germans people )

so now, I'm afraid to involve female friends in my speeches!

the priests of Satan have their law, and if you are prudent and if you do not violate the Torah: they will not take you!

unfortunately my friend MERLAMARLEEN: she trusted a new very kind friend: and entered with her in a place that she didn't know, and where the CIA satanists made the party to her: instead!

Fay socialoracle 3 months ago] da tre mesi il tuo amico non pubblica commenti e forse ha paura di farlo?

la CIA in Germania mi ha ucciso la mia amica in youtube MERLAMARLEEN, lei era un teologo santo molto preparato e bene istruito (era normale che criticasse quel criminale internazionale della Merkel che ha rovinato tutti i Paesi del Mediterraneo e che ha spinto a islamizzare i tedeschi)

quindi, ora, io ho paura a coinvolgere amiche donne nei miei discorsi!

i sacerdoti di Satana hanno la loro legge, e se sei prudente e se non violi la Torà: non ti prenderanno!

purtroppo la mia amica MERLAMARLEEN: si è fidata di una nuova amica molto gentile: ed entrò con lei in un locale che lei non sapeva, e dove i satanisti della CIA hanno fatto la festa a lei: invece!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



Charles Manson is only a criminal, a human evil: of course: always something inhuman.

but you cannot face the powers of Satan CIA and NWO without the power of the Holy Spirit!

As Rothschild could steal monetary sovereignty even from the Israelis if he did not have satan's powers at his disposal.

that is a universal evil: institutional: transnational Masonic: FED FMI BCE NWO: a demonic evil (so cannibalistic and cruel and we are so powerless as a society) that it is for us becomes invisible, only because a human mind cannot sustain it without removing it !

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


someone, even today: he accuses the Jews of drinking the blood of Christians at Easter: or that they are blood incinerated in the sacramentals:

and this is the truth: it is not the Rabbis who prepare the sacramentals as they should be right!

Rothschild and the CIA priests of satan prepare the sacramentals: for the Synagogues and nobody: they know the origin, the protocol and the procedure!

but if this is true?

the Jews are the real first victims of this voodoo spell of the rothschilds:

that of course the Jews? they are unaware of this spell!

as for us Christians? we would be happy to give our blood for them!

1  2

Discussion on World Israel News  72 comments

Israeli pre-emptive strike foils planned Iranian Guard drone attack

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Mickey Oberman


GENDER is not science, but it is satanic theosophy!

lgbt are usually the persecutors of hom0s e x u als!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Mickey Oberman


the article I read does not mention his name!

lgbt = lesbiansGay 666 transsexualsBisexuals

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


it was a fortunate for him, that he did not fall, into the hands satanists lgbt Masonic judges of UK France Rothschild Bilderberg!

He had an accident in 1988 and died after 31 years in a coma

He was in a vegetative state after a car accident at the age of 22, he died on 23 August

è stata una fortuna per lui che non sia caduto nelle mani dei giudici massoni lgbt di Uk Francia i satanisti!

Ebbe un incidente nel 1988, muore dopo 31 anni in coma

Era in stato vegetativo dopo un incidente stradale a 22 anni, è morto il 23 agosto scorso

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



The Pope: "Saving the Amazon, the lung of our planet".

Bolsonaro: 'Pretexting sanctions'. Merkel with Macron: "You talk about the G7". Greta: the war against nature must end.

answer. every forest is a lung! why not take angry it out on Putin or TRUMP who can plant trees in Alaska and didn't do it?

Il Papa: 'Salvare l'Amazzonia, polmone del nostro pianeta'.

Bolsonaro: 'Sanzioni pretestuose'. Merkel con Macron: "Ne parli il G7". Greta: la guerra contro la natura deve finire.

answer. ogni bosco è un polmone! perché non se la prendono con Putin o con TRUMP che può piantare alberi in Alaska e non lo hha fatto?

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Fivizzano: 'I feel ashamed, I ask for forgiveness'

Together with Mattarella, the two heads of state honor the 174 victims of the SS in 1944

ANSWER. but doesn't he realize that with the transition from LIRA to EURO, Italians have lost 40% of their national wealth in an instant?

of course: he killed more Greeks and Italians, his EU his Bilderberg with suicide, demografic winter,

than those who killed his SS in 1944

these scum technocrats must be uprooted!

questi tecnocrati feccia devono essere sradicati!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


my President RIVLIN] [the Romans were not Islamic killers: their motto was: "you pay taxes, you want to adore cows this does not concern us!"

indeed, having seen that Jesus did not seek sedition: but to bring the kingdom of love as a heaven on earth in his kingdom of Israel? then, the Romans were happy to receive part of that love along with taxes.

were the Pharisees Rothschilds Anna Kaifa: Belzebull the great Sanhedrin, talmud, usury: and the synogogue of satan: that they did not want the kingdom of ISRAEL and that they forced the Romans to destroy everything!

that's why Rothschild decided to have all the Israelis killed!

and this story that Rothschild is to blame for having from the Saudis OCI ARAB LEAGUE: to have all Christians and all Israelis killed

this the Saudi Prince told me

youtube com/channel/UCgJL8acM5hbGYxNlJ1tPhIQ


that if you with secret agents, you can enter his comment cards?

you can see that he really said it!

ecco perché Rothschild ha deciso di fare uccidere tutti gli israeliani!

e questa storia che la colpa è di Rothschild di fare uccidere dai sauditi: OCI LEGA ARABA di fare uccidere tutti i cristiani e tutti gli israeliani

me la ha detta il Principe Saudita


che se tu con gli agenti segreti, tu puoi entrare nelle sue schede di commento?

tu puoi vedere che lui lo ha detto veramente!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


my President RIVLIN] [no one should think that Jesus or that Apostle Peter founded Christianity or the Vatican or the Catholic church!

no, no, no, Christianity was founded by Paul of Tarsus:

because, Jesus and all his 12 apostles were peaceful zealots who worked only to raise the Kingdom of Israel: as a political mirror of the heavenly kingdom of God: "the Father: Abba"

So Jesus was for theocracy, and he was certainly not for democracy!

democracy was founded by Rothschild to steal bank seigniorage from everyone and to transform everyone into apes darwin lgbt beasts and pigs

my President RIVLIN ] [ nessuno dovrebbe pensare che Gesù o che Apostolo Pietro abbiamo fondato il cristianesimo o il Vaticano o la chiesa Cattolica!

no, no, no, il cristianesimo è stato fondato da Paolo di Tarso:

perché, Gesù e tutti i suoi 12 apostoli erano degli zeloti pacifici: che lavoravano soltanto per innalzare il Regno di Israele: come uno specchio politico del regno di Dio celeste: "il PAdre: Abba"

Quindi Gesù era per la teocrazia, e lui non era certo per la democrazia!

la democrazia è stata fondata da Rothschild per rubare il signoraggio bancario a tutti e per trasformare tutti in bestie scimmie e maiali darwin lgbt

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


it is true that usurers, Pharisees, slave traders, Islamic, comunists, Masonic satanists, lgbt. democratic party, evolutionists, scientist, relativism, materilism, corporations, joint stock company,

they mocked the Christian martyrs

but, this was also to bear witness: their scrum World of them was not worthy: because from the time of Abel the just one

the world had already been judged and condemned!

è vero che Farisei usurai, commercianti di schiavi, satanisti massoni islamici, lgbt. partito democratico, evoluzionisti, scientisti relativismo, materialismo, corporations, società per azioni,

hanno deriso i martiri cristiani

ma, questo era anche da testimoniare: il Mondo di loro non era degno: perché dal tempo di Abele il giusto

il mondo era già stato giudicato e condannato!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


obviously, if Jesus of Bethlehem had failed to prove that he really was: 1. a real man, and 2. a true son of God.

we could file his story as an operation that went under failure!

but, precisely Paul of Tarsus: and many and many after him have shown: by their example that it is true:

that: the man Jesus, born in Bethlehem in the house of David: the true King of Israel, he was truly God and was true man. therefore we have seen it accomplished as it is today: acts of true humanity and true divinity even in its followers!

ovviamente, se Gesù di Betlemme non fosse riuscito a dimostrare di essere veramente stato: 1. un vero uomo, e 2. un vero figlio di Dio.

noi potremmo archiviare la sua vicenda come una operazione che è andata sotto fallimento!

ma, proprio Paolo di Tarso: e tanti e tantissimi dopo di lui hanno dimostrato: con il loro esempio che è vero:

quell'uomo Gesù nato a Betlemme nella casa di davide: il vero Re di Israele era veramente Dio ed era verametne uomo. quindi abbiamo visto compiere come è tutt'oggi: atti di vera umanità e di vera divinità anche nei suoi seguaci!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


my President RIVLIN] if we analyze the historical story of Jesus of Bethlehem only from a philosophical point of view (and we do not philosophically pose the religious problem: about the existence of God)

we must yield to conceptual and rational historical evidence:

no one in the history of mankind has given a concept of God's higher love than the Christian message!

now a definition of God is that his virtue and value be on an infinite level:

therefore it is not possible for man or for the angel to be able to probe the infinite vastness of God's love for us!

and it is not physical or psychological torments: but the sorrow of what one has understood: and what is lost, and that one has not been able to understand in life: this is

the real torment of the evil-spirited souls in hell!

Discussion on World Israel News  7 comments

Latest Israeli poll: Two major parties neck-and-neck with right-wing bloc holding advantage

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


"An Israeli aggression". Thus the Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri called the fall of two armed drones, attributed to Israel, this morning in Beirut near Hezbollah positions.

as Saad Hariri justifies Hezbollah's paraellel army: and what is its purpose to fight against him?

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


if Netanjhau is criticized because it is too soft against Hamas and the Jordanian Islamic jihad on the Temple Mount;

when will the left be weaker than he?

I ask Jordan to demonstrate its vaunted freedom of religion on the Temple Mount

Discussion on World Israel News  3 comments

Unit 9900: Secretive intelligence group may produce next wave of Israeli startups

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Italy of: Pd M5S Prodi Mattarella Merkel Macron and Ursula is prey to thugs and mafias of all types!

Florence, a famous foreign youtuber attacked by immigrants: "Not even in the third world" - VIDEO

August 25, 2019

I would like to point out to you this video of a famous youtuber, a Norwegian or in any case a Northern European creed (Norwegian ed.), Which has a channel where it publishes videos of tourist destinations.

He recently arrived in Florence and was attacked by North Africans. He also filmed police reactions. The video has made over two hundred thousand views:

This youtuber has also traveled to third world countries (Philippines, Sri Lanka) and this is the first time he is involved in an episode of violence.

Also noteworthy are the comments at the bottom of the video, in which many people from the so-called poor countries are surprised and consider inconceivable such facts and especially the reaction of the police.

"I've seen this scam dozens of times - says Harald Baldr in his video -. They are not Italian and they do it not far from the police, which did not help me much. I think this is a big problem here in Florence, I just hope it's taken seriously. For Florence it is a shame that these people are allowed to defraud tourists in the light of day. "

Thousands of comments from users: many attack the two agents for being too lazy and doing nothing.

Especially in tourist cities like Florence, agents should be instructed in speaking English. Not a good business card for Italy this video.

Discussion on World Israel News  24 comments

Blue and White’s Gantz says rejection of Arab coalition partner has zero to do with racism

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Gantz of Blue and White says that the refusal of the Arab coalition partner has nothing to do with racism


#CHINA #USA #Russia #India #UN

Sharia not only denies ISRAEL's right to exist, but denies this right to existence to all mankind as dhimmis slaves who pay jizia. and as Murtidi apostates who were sentenced to death!

so why give the Muslim enemy political rights?

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Qatari envoy brings Gaza Strip $10 million monthly infusion

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


The Qatar envoy brings a monthly infusion of $ 10 million into the Gaza Strip


#CHINA #USA #Russia #India #UN indeed there is no one in all the ARAB LEAGUE that you think ISLAM jihad sharia has structural problems:

and that's why, mankind has been condemned to death by Muslims: even your fault!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


but if erdogan denies the genocide of the Armenians

Why should Muslims not deny the next genocide of the Israelis?

ma se erdogan nega il genocidio degli armeni

perché i mussulmani non dovrebbero negare il prossimo genocidio degli israeliani?

ACT NOW! Democratic Leaders Must Speak Out Against Promoting Holocaust-Denying Cartoonist!

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Israeli pre-emptive strike foils planned Iranian Guard drone attack

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


my President RIVLIN] [ I will not let it be profaned again: by the atheist Masonic and philosophical system of the Rothschilds Epstain Obama Bush lgbtq Bilderberg URSULA Clinton: our Jewish-Christian symbols: and I will not leave to ISLAM jihad Erdogan sharia IRAN: no other possibility of genocide, and it is for this is what Unius REI is here! ]

my President RIVLIN ] [ io non lascerò profanare ancora: al sistema massonico e filosofico ateo dei Rothschild Epstain Obama Bush Clinton: i nostri simboli ebraico-cristiani: e non lascerò a ISLAM jihad Erdogan sharia IRAN: nessuna altra possibilità di genocidio, ed è per questo che Unius REI è quì! ]

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


"White Italian girl kisses my black a s s": this is how immigrants harass our girls

/voxnews info/2019/08/25/ragazza-italiana-bianca-bacia-il-mio-la tua vergogna-nero-cosi-gli-immigrati-molestano-le-nostre-ragazze/

the problem is not given by the request to kiss the a s s e s

but we would not want Italian girls to be raped as girls were raped and kill: in Norwegians, in French, English and German

that the depraved one of Queen Dragh 666 antichrist Mekel of Her Majesty

Gezabele Ursula second: she is without some form of dignity!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



"White Italian girl kisses my black a s s": this is how immigrants harass our girls

the problem is not given by the request to kiss the a s s e s

but we would not want Italian girls to be raped as girls were raped: Norwegians, French, English and German

that the depraved one of Queen Dragh 666 antichrist Mekel of Her Majesty Gezabele Ursula second: she is without some form of dignity!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Communists, Satanists, Muslims, Pharisees, corporations FED IMF Gmos agenda: NWO UE Ursula Merkel Macron: like all predators Luciferians Enlightened: the over man or the super man?

1. or do not have an afterlife like Jews and communists

2. or theirs is always a terrestrial representation: like the Muslims

because this is their truth: they have everything now and then there is hell!

Rothschild masons and Mohammed have lied!

comunisti, satanisti, mussulmani, farisei: come tutti i predatori luciferini Enlightened: l'oltre uomo o il super uomo?

1. o non hanno una vita ultraterrena come gli ebrei e comunisti

2. o la loro è sempre una rappresentazione terrestre: come i mussulmani

perché questa è la loro verità: hanno tutto adesso e dopo c'é l'inferno!

massonerie Rothschild e Maometto hanno mentito!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Allah uuh akbar OWL Nwo NATO FED 666 FMI ] Erika you reversed good with evil

Hitler of today? is the sharia of the ARAB LEAGUE!

and THIS is TRUE: AS THE SHARIA also also has its good reasons:

but, he is wrong in the dogmatic method: given that if instead of hitting the Rothschilds he hits the whole Jewish people.

and, in fact: the sharia does not forgive you: if you are a kafir Dhimmis and Murtidi: because the sharia does not recognize and respects diversity!

Erika tu hai invertito il bene con il male

Hitler di oggi? è la sharia della LEGA ARABA!

e QUESTO è VERO: COME Hitler anche la sharia ha anche le sue ottime ragioni:

ma, sbaglia nel metodo dogmatico: dato che se invece di colpire i Rothschild va a colpire tutto il popolo degli ebrei.

e, infatti: la sharia non ti perdona: se tu sei un kafir Dhimmis e Murtidi: perché la sharia non riconosce e rispetta la diversità!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


URSULA Von Hitler and the technocratic socialism of regime NAZI Bilderbergs antiChrist: rather it will be the democratic party of world usury: and NAZI EU technocracy: that is a derivation of the Rothschild Marxism to declare war on Russia and CHINA.

that in turn: they have not honesty of ideologically condemning: all the murders of communism!

murders committed against the best people in their society: against Christians!

URSULA Von Hitler e il socialismo tecnocratico del regime NAZI Bilderbergs anticristo: piuttosto sarà il partito democratico dell'usura mondiale: e la tecnocrazia dell'UE: questa è una derivazione del marxismo Rothschild per dichiarare guerra alla Russia e alla CINA.

questo a sua volta: non hanno l'onestà di condannare ideologicamente: tutti gli omicidi del comunismo!

omicidi commessi contro le persone migliori della loro società: contro i cristiani!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Bibbiano: "We need more children" - VIDEO

August 25, 2019

New chilling elements emerge in the inquiry into the Bibbiano scandal. This was revealed by the regional news agency in Emilia that shows images of an internal document of the Hansel E Gretel Research Center in a report.

/voxnews info/2019/08/25/bibbiano-abbiamo-bisogno-di-piu-bambini-video/

An email that a secretary would send to the director and para-psychologist Claudio Foti.

"In the e-mail the secretary suggests that Foti increase the cost of therapy from 135 to 180 euros per hour, aware that social services would have accepted without protest."

"The psychotherapists were only 60 euros per hour. The rest remained with Foti, also through the Rompere il Silenzio association, of which he was president, but to which Federica Anghinolfi and Francesco Monopoli were enrolled, as well as a former magistrate of the court for minors in Bologna. "

In short, the public employees Anghinolfi and Monopoli, close to the Democratic Party, used the 'useful' facts on the skin of children, to transfer money, public money, to an association of which they were part.

This Anghinolfi, and not only her, was invited to meetings and parties of the Democratic Party, was called by the PD in Parliament and Region.

Di Maio is negotiating with the Di Bibbiano Party, but he had sworn he would never do it!

For them, children were money, like 35 euros for illegal immigrants. And the more children there were, the more the profit grew and the more money there was to share. And then, the children had to increase. And this is one of the reasons that brought these criminals: to "steal children and tear them away from their parents. Then, of course, there is gender ideology, since they ended up being gay.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


#Meloni #FdI #Berlusconi #FI

you knew even before #Mattarella was Merkel's accomplice and the traitor #Rothschild #Mason murderer and the ruin of the Italian people:

so why did you bring down the Yellow-Green Government: and did you carry out this #Pd # M5S government of: taxes on taxes, LGBT perverts and African-Islamic invasion?

all those who will be driven to suicide? the fault will be all yours!

#Meloni #FdI #Berlusconi #FI

voi sapevate anche prima che Mattarella era il complice della Merkel e il traditore Rothschild l'assassino massone e la rovina del popolo italiano:

allora, perché voi avete fatto cadere il Governo giallo-Verde: ed avete realizzato questo governo #Pd #M5S di: tasse su tasse, pervertiti lgbt e invasione afro-islamica?

tutti quelli che saranno spinti al suicidio? la colpa sarà tutta vostra!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


my President Rivlin] Kant and Darwin: "criticize, ridicule, condemn" their theories: while Friedrich Nietzsche

seized by hatred: he goes mad: and he dies mad: but the Rothschilds have said that for their kabbalah all this was fine all the same!

Kant fails to give a convincing explanation of his "a priori forms" if he then closes himself in the subjectivism of "I think" he ends up falling into idealism: but, this is his terror: not being able to give value objective to its philosophical approach!

therefore, Thomist medieval logic is still valid and has not lost its intrinsic authority!

because either one remains with his feet on the ground to a healthy medieval realism (the Kingdom of ISRAEL) or, one inevitably falls into the pure anarchist and depersonalizing subjectivist idealism: the necessary and indispensable conditions for the predatory and speculative finance of the Rothschild SpA FED FMI NWO BCE: high Constitutional treason bank seigniorage and its inevitable death penalty!

my President Rivlin ] Kant e Darwin: "criticano, ridicolizzano condannano" le loro teorie: mentre Friedrich Nietzsche

preso dall'odio: lui impazzisce: e muore pazzo: ma i Rothschild hanno detto che per la loro kabbalah tutto questo andava bene lo stesso!

Kant non riesce a dare una spiegazione convincente delle sue "forme a priori" se poi, si chiude nel soggettivismo del "io penso" lui finisce per cadere nell'idealismo: ma, è proprio questo il suo terrore: non riuscire a dare un valore oggettivo alla sua impostazione filosofica!

quindi, la logica medioevale tomista è ancora valida e non ha perso la sua autorevolezza intrinseca!

perché o si rimane con i piedi per terra ad un sano realismo medioevale (il Regno di ISRAELE) oppure, si cade inesorabilmente nell'idealismo puro soggettivistico anarchico e spersonalizzante: le condizioni necessarie ed indispensabili per la finanza predatoria e speculativa dei Rothschild SpA FED FMI NWO BCE: alto tradimento Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario e sua inevitabile pena di morte!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Kant Rothschild Darwin and the triumph of Satanism 1. as conditioners, 2. and as the only different forms / ways: of our knowledge.

obviously even the crazy Mohammedans have their own logic: cme all the fools: it is the problem that arises where and why: their premises have been erroneous!

1. How did Kant discover the forms a priori?

2. What tools did you use, since as he says: "reason cannot know NOUMENO"?

Kant himself acknowledged that his entire plant fails in this issue: so why did the Rothschilds finance it anyway?

Kant Rothschild Darwin and the triumph of Satanism] the contradictions della gratuità delle forme a priori [ buona parte della dottrina di Kant sulla "RAGION PURA" è fondata sulla essenza e sulla esistenza delle forma a priori. 1. in quanto condizionatori, 2. ed in quanto uniche forme/modi diversi: della nostra conoscenza.

ovviamente anche i pazzi maomettani hanno una loro logica: cme tutti i pazzi: è il problema si pone la dove e perché: le loro premesse sono state erronee!

1. come Kant ha fatto a scoprire le forme a priori?

2. di quali strumenti si è servito, dato che come lui dice: "la ragione non può conoscere il NOUMENO"?

Kant stesso ha riconosciuto che tutto il suo impianto fallisce in questa problematica: allora perché i Rothschild lo hanno finanziato lo stesso?

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Israeli pre-emptive strike foils planned Iranian Guard drone attack

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Kant Rothschild Darwin and the triumph of Satanism] the contradictions of his dogmatic religious doctrine of the noumenon [Kant says that we cannot know; "the thing itself"

but we can only affirm its existence, grasping it in our inner selves, through "transcendental apperception"

but, if we can know the NOUMENO, we can also know its essence beyond its existence.

and if, we cannot know the NOUMENO then, all its NOUMENO setting collapses!

in fact, if kant says that NOUMENO exists, then it means that we can also know it.

and if, however, we can know the NOUMENO at least at the level of its existence, why should other characteristics of it be unknown to us?

Kant Rothschild Darwin e il trionfo del satanismo ] le contraddizioni della sua dottrina religiosa dogmatica del noumeno [ Kant dice che noi non possiamo conoscere; "la cosa in se"

ma, possiamo solo affermarne l'esistenza, cogliendola nell'intimo di noi stessi, attraverso la "appercezione trascendentale"

ma, se noi possiamo conoscere il NOUMENO, noi possiamo conoscerne anche la sua essenza otre alla sua esistenza.

e se, noi non possiamo conoscere il NOUMENO poi, tutta la sua impostazione sul NOUMENO crolla!

infatti, se kant dice che il NOUMENO esiste, allora vuol dire che noi possiamo anche conoscerlo.

e se comunque, noi possiamo conoscere il NOUMENO almeno a livello della sua esistenza, perché a noi dovrebbero essere ignote anche altre sue caratteristiche?

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


ok President RIVLIN] we start the countdown

today 08/25/2019 10:33 am

missing: 30 days to destroy IRAN with atomic weapons

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


my Rivlin President] before the 666 LGBT youtube users destroy: my 60 channels simultaneously: and destroy my 300,000 videos of Christian martyrs:

I in my ShalomGerusalemme channel I had many videos to defend the Palestinians from the violence of the Israelis: that despicable and heartless Zionists: they take / steal all the Palestinians' water (poor victims)

but I did not know that: Abbas Abu Mazen does not love his people: he does not think of his people, and Abbas jihad Erdogan sharia: he only thinks about paying the terrorists (but, I did not know this 10 years ago, and I thought that the fault was only of the Israelis).

then, a Prince of the Persian Gulf: a Sunni your ally: he told me explicitly: that there was a plot of all the ARAB LEAGUE to obtain the genocide of all Israelis: but, he did not reveal the strategy to me: that now is a strategy that is become obvious!

in conclusion:

if China and Russia do not move their embassies to JERUSALEM?

I give you 30 days to destroy IRAN with nuclear weapons!

my Rivlin President ] prima che i sodomiti di youtube 666 LGBT distruggessero: 60 canali contemporaneamente: e distruggessero 300.000 video di martiri cristiani:

io nel mio canale di ShalomGerusalemme io avevo molti video per difendere i Palestinesi dalla violenza degli israeliani: che sionisti spregevoli e senza cuore: prendono/rubano tutta l'acqua dei palestinesi(povere vittime)

ma, io non sapevo che: Abbas Abu Mazen non ama il suo popolo: non pensa al suo popolo, e Abbas jihad Erdogan sharia: lui pensa soltanto a pagare i terroristi (ma, io questo non lo sapevo 10 anni fa, e io pensavo che la colpa era degli israeliani soltanto).

allora, un Principe del Golfo Persico: un sunnita tuo alleato: mi disse esplicitamente: che esisteva un complotto di tutta la LEGA ARABA per ottenere il genocidio di tutti gli israeliani: ma, non mi rivelò la strategia: che ora è una strategia che è diventata evidente!

in Conclusione:

se Cina e Russia non spostano le loro ambasciate a GERUSALEMME?

io ti do 30 giorni per distruggere l'IRAN con armi atomiche!

Discussion on World Israel News  35 comments

Palestinians claim Israel is transferring taxes withheld over terror stipends

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


my President RIVLIN] Kant was shaken by the dogmatic sleep of Hume's skepticism;

Kant feels he must reject all dogmatism and feels the impossibility of being able to reach some form of metaphysics:

yet in his wickedness: in his hatred against the God of Abraham and Moses: in his hatred against Jesus of Bethlehem.

himself: with his own premises: Kant elaborates dishonestly intellectually his own metaphysics: which is the religious and scientistic dogma of technocratic and usurocratic finance: against the gift of JHWH to Adam and Eve: the garden of EDEN.

to destroy in a communist and infernal Islamic scream: and suck it all in the black hole of hell!

my President RIVLIN ] Kant è stato scosso dal sonno dogmatico dello scetticismo di Hume;

Kant sente di dover rifiutare ogni dogmatismo e avverte la impossibilità di poter giungere a una qualche forma di metafisica:

eppure nella sua malvagità: nel suo odio contro il Dio di Abramo e Mosé: nel suo odio contro Gesù di Betlemme.

lui stesso: con le sue premesse stesse: Kant elabora in modo disonesto intelletualmente una sua metafisica: che è il dogma religioso e scientista della finanza tecnocratica e usurocratica: contro il dono di JHWH a Adamo ed Eva: il giardino di EDEN.

per distrugger in un urlo islamico comunista e infernale: e tutto risucchiare nel buco nero dell'inferno!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


my President RIVLIN] therefore the research and conclusions of Kant and his successors can be phenomenal from an aesthetic point of view (and therefore exploitable): and doubtful problems in terms of content.

and if, reason is condemned only to grasp appearances, then, the account in the Bank and the juridical societies become more important than the value of human dignity: which is what happened!

that's why, there is no longer any need for Israel or a religion (because Pope Francis' super Masonic religion can work well on a sociological level)

then, money is the true superior reality:

then, it is in logic: "the Israelis in a sea of Islamic Satanism do not have a possible future: given that the FED (with all its corporations: or juridical personalities) has destroyed the concept of the sacredness of human life!

my President RIVLIN ] quindi la ricerca e le conclusioni di Kant e dei suoi successori possono essere sono fenomeniche sul piano estetico (quindi strumentalizzabili): e dubitative problematiche sul piano dei contenuti.

e se, la ragione è condannata soltanto ad afferrare le apparenze, allora, il conto in Banca e le società giuridiche diventano più importanti del valore della dignità umana: che è quello che è avvenuto!

ecco perché, non c'é più bisogno di Israele o di una religione (perché la super religione massonica di Papa FRANCESCO può lavorare bene sul piano sociologico)

allora, è il denaro la vera realtà superiore:

poi, è nella logica: "gli israeliani in un mare di satanismo islamico non hanno un futuro possibile: dato che la FED (con tutte le sue corporation: o personalità giuridiche) ha distrutto il concetto di sacralità della vita umana!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


my President RIVLIN ] what value then can KANT's philosophical research have if he fails to go beyond the phenomenon? therefore the explanation of the phenomenon will become a crazy explanation available to the perverted evolutionists in sodom! the reasons of the SCIENTISTS (technocratic usura, lust lgbt evolutionary ideology) cannot have a conclusion: because they cannot have a scientific basis: in fact, without metafisication of reality: there is no science but there is a dogma of a religious type: that if there is only one source of financing in fact there is only one IMF:

then, historical philosophers religions and scientists have all been turned into prostitutes

che valore allora può avere la ricerca filosofica di KANT se lui non riesce ad andare oltre il fenomeno? quindi la spiegazione del fenomeno diventerà una spiegazione pazza a disposizione degli evoluzionisti pervertiti a sodoma! le ragioni degli SCIENTISTI (tecnocrati usurai lgbt ideologia evoluzionista) non possono avere una conclusione: perché non possono avere una base scientifica: infatti senza metafisica non c'é scienza ma c'é un dogma di tipo religioso: che se esiste una sola fonte di finanziamento infatti c'é un solo FMI:

poi, filosofi storici religioni e scienziati sono stati tutti trasformati in prostitute

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


my RIVLIN President ] [ if all that can be known is the absurd doubt why: it is a desperate doubt: that from Kant Hegel Nietzsche Marx Darwin, that metaphysically he will never be able to have an answer, then: all that the Rothschilds have built and strengthened in the last 400 years: it can only be the self-destruction of the whole human race, the worthy conclusion of the patient work of the Talmud (Babylonian epic Dio Marduch) to demolish the true meanings of the Torah: and transform the whole human race into a single group of slaves for Allah or for some other communist demon!

se tutto quello che può essere conosciuto è il dubbio assurdo perché: è un dubbo disperato: che da Kant Hegel Nietzsche Marx Darwin, che metafisicamente non potra mai avere mai una risposta, allora: tutto quello che i Rothschild hanno edificato e fortificato negli ultimi 400 anni: può essere soltanto la autodistruzione di tutto il genere umano, la degna conclusione del paziente lavoro del Talmud (epopea Babilonese Dio Marduch) per demolire i veri significati della Torà: e trasformare tutto il genere umano in un solo branc di schiavi per Allah o per qualche altro demone comunista!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


but, if Kant is right: "man can only grasp appearances"

then, the supernatural of Mohammed, Rothschild and Satan become invisible to man:

this is why: only the Mason transformed into Satanist (from the technocratic finance of world usury) through symbols and an esoteric hermetic language (he can see a part of what is invisible in the materialistic New World Order) and for vile selfish self-interest: he leads mankind (like a ruthless killer) to its total destruction!

ma, se Kant ha ragione: " l'uomo può afferrare soltanto le apparenze"

poi, il soprannaturale di Mohammed, di Rothschild e di Satana diventano invisibili all'uomo:

ecco perché: soltanto il massone trasformato in satanista (dalla finanza tecnocratica della usura mondiale) attraverso i simboli ed un linguaggio ermetico esoterico (può vedere una parte di cosa è l'invisibile nel materialistico Nuovo Ordine Mondiale) e per vile interesse personale egoistico: conduce il genere umano (come uno spietato assassino) alla sua distruzione totale!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


1. in fact Kant denies the existence of metaphysics (yet his is a metaphysics of nothingness) 2. asserts in many points the limitation of human intellect, restricts human knowledge only to the field of phenomenal,

3. denies the field of the noumenal.

ANSWER. but what value can his own research have for Kant: whether man: observes the phenomenon only, but does not ask questions about his purpose and cause?

here, this is the s h i t that the Rothschild Jewish bankers have funded

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



1. in fact Kant denies the existence of metaphysics (yet his is a metaphysics of nothingness) 2. asserts in many points the limitation of human intellect, restricts human knowledge only to the field of phenomenal,

3. denies the field of the noumenal.

ANSWER. but what value can his own research have for Kant: whether man: observes the phenomenon only, but does not ask questions about his purpose and cause?

here, this is the shit that the Rothschild Jewish bankers have funded

1. infatti Kant nega l'esistenza della metafisica (eppure la sua è una metafisica del nulla) 2. asserisce in molti punti la limitatezza dell'umano intelletto, restringe la conoscenza umana solo al campo del fenomenico,

3. nega il campo del noumenico.

ANSWER. ma che valore può avere, per Kant la sua stessa ricerca: se l'uomo: ne osserva il fenomeno soltanto, ma non si pone domande sul suo scopo e sulla sua causa?

ecco, questa è la talmudica perversione che i banchieri ebrei Rothschild hanno finanziato

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


all the philosophical research of Kant can be summarized as follows: "the cemetery is your final destination because everything is absurd and does not make sense!" therefore good and evil only respond to principles of convenience: and the super man Rothschild Satan Muhammad is destined to suck the blood of his slaves Dalit Goiyms Dhimmis up to their consumption which is a slanderous genocide of the Armenians and Byzantines Erdogan

tutta la ricerca filosofica di Kant si può sintetizzare così: "il cimitero è la tua destinazione definitiva perché tutto è assurdo e non ha senso! " quindi bene e male rispondono unicamente a principi di convenienza: e il super uomo Rothschild Satana Maometto è destinato a succhiare il sangue dei suoi schiavi Dalit Goyims Dhimmis fino alla loro consunzione che è un calunnioso genocidio degli armeni e bizantini Erdogan

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


it is too easy to demolish Kant and all the atheists who were born from him: we have laws of physics and chemistry that we have known minimally: and then we say that the universe and man have no purpose?

we have not succeeded in realizing a single cell in the laboratory and then, do we affirm dogmaticametne that the Universe has been made by chance and that it has no purpose?

this is the suicide of the democratic party: and its plan to destroy all mankind!

this is the blind alley of despair, while the whole universe is an immense hymn to love and harmony

è troppo facile demolire Kant e tutti gli atei che da lui sono nati: noi abbiamo leggi della fisica e della chimica che abbiamo conosciuto in minima parte: e poi diciamo che l'universo e l'uomo non hanno uno scopo?

noi non siamo riusciti a realizzare una sola cellula in laboratorio e poi, affermiamo dogmaticametne che l'Universo si è fatto per caso e che non ha uno scopo?

questo è il suicidio del partito democratico: e il suo progetto di distruggere tutto il genere umano!

questo è il vicolo cieco della disperazione, mentre tutto l'universo è un inno immenso all'amore a alla armonia

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Kan's philosophical system is totally dishonest: because while demolishing every metaphysics he supports his metaphysics of nothingness that obviously with Nietzsche will collapse in madness suicide and selfish and hedonistic hatred: this is why the concept of the People's State and Nation has been replaced the concept of the Masonic predatory society: usury: Rothschild bureaucracy technocracy FED FMI NWO.

a monetary parasite that paralyzes the economy of peoples!

il sistema filosofico di Kan è totalmente disonesto: perché mentre demolisce ogni metafisica lui sostiene la sua metafisica del nulla che ovviamente con Nietzsche crollerà nel suicidio pazzia e nell'odio egoistico ed edonistico: ecco perché al concetto di Stato Popolo e di Nazione si è sostituito il concetto della società predatoria massonica: usura: Rothschild tecnocrazia burocrazia FED FMI NWO.

un parassita monetario che paralizza la economia dei popoli!

Discussion on World Israel News  35 comments

Palestinians claim Israel is transferring taxes withheld over terror stipends

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Kant's suicide system is the same ideological system of the democratic party, which, in order to destroy Israel and its Jewish-Christian civilization: they are ready to be Islamized and are ready to renounce all their rights to the filthy bad dirty lustful lgbt. after all, a private brothel of 4 women and girls can compensate!

il sistema da suicidio di Kant è lo stesso sistema ideologico del partito democratico, che pur di distruggere Israele e la sua civiltà ebraico-cristiana: sono pronti a farsi islamizzare e sono pronti a rinunciare a tutti i loro diritti la luridi sporcaccioni lussuriosi lgbt. dopotutto un bordello privato di 4 donne e bambine può compensare!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


China Russia ] if you open an embassy in Jerusalem?

I will let you join NATO!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Kant has dishonestly demolished the Jewish-Christian civilization: which is the historical experience of a people that cannot be denied as a historical fact!

in fact, Judaism and Christianity are not an abstract religious thought: but, they are the logbook of a people on the move: that is, a political experience: this is why the Jewish Temple is the property of the King and not of the Supreme Sinedrio!

Kant also dishonestly demolished natural philosophy, and therefore also demolished metaphysics: paving the way for the subjectivism of human knowledge.

Kant has robbed the FAITH of its natural objective scientific field of knowledge (so it canceled the political experience of the kingdom of Israel)

much of what his disciples will say from Nietzche to Zapatero lgbt has never been stated by him, but, when the essential and objective limits of the theology and teleology knowledge are broken?

then, everything can be expected: from the Islamic genocide to the Churches of Satan to the Masonic pyramid of the FMI FMI NWO

Kant ha demolito disonestamente la civiltà ebraico-cristiana: che è la storica esperienza di un popolo che come dato storico non può essere negato!

infatti, Ebraismo e Cristianesimo non sono un pensiero astratto religioso: ma, sono il diario di bordo di un popolo in cammino: cioè una esperienza politica: ecco perché il Tempio ebraico è proprietà del Re e non del Sommo Sinedrio!

Kant ha anche demolito disonestamente la filosofia naturale,e quindi ha demolito anche la metafisica: aprendo la strada al soggettivismo della conoscenza umana.

Kant ha derubato la FEDE di un suo naturale oggettivo ambito scientifico della conoscenza (quindi ha annullato la esperienza politica del regno di israele)

molto di quello che i suoi discepoli diranno da Nietzche a Zapatero lgbt non è stato mai affermato da lui, ma, quando si infrangono i limiti essenziali ed oggettivi della conoscenza teologia e teleologia?

poi, ci si può aspettare di tutto: dal genocidio islamico alle Chiese di Satana alla piramide massonica del FED FMI NWO

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


who built the premises to push Nietsche (he died crazy) in nihilism and madness (theoretical suicide) was Kant.

Kantian thought (behind Islamic hypocritical-Pharisees appearances) is actually an atheist thought, to all the errors that led to atheism and led to the enclosing in the sphere of private conscience the FAITH in God, these owe all to him a nefarious contribution!

Kant's transcendentality is in stark contrast to Jewish-Christian civilization!

chi ha costruito le premesse per spingere Nietsche (è morto pazzo) nel nichilismo e nella pazzia (suicidio teoretico) è stato Kant.

il pensiero kantiano (dietro ipocrite islamiche-farisei apparenze) è in realtà un pensiero ateo, a tutti gli errori che hanno portato all'ateismo e hanno portato a rinchiudere nella sfera della coscienza privata la FEDE in Dio, queste devono tutte a lui un nefasto contributo!

la trascendentalità di Kant è in netto contrasto con la civiltà ebraico-cristiana!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


the Rothschilds and the world Freemasonry have financed (among the philosophers: Kant Hegel Nietzsche) all the scum that was to lead to Satan

and they boycotted all the giants of Philosophy (Tommaso D'Aquino, Guardini Maritain) who were to lead to the Kingdom of ISRAEL.

because if it does not bring the peoples to Satan:

1. How can you continue to steal bank seigniorage?

2. How can you get them killed in the world war?

3. How can you Islamize mankind?

4. How can you spread every antichrist and perversion facebook youtube lgbt?

that's why there is no longer a future for the Israelis people!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


time is a gentleman

all the slanders of CONTE against Salvini?

they will only fall on CONTE!

no one was more biased, instrumental: and more attached to his chair!

he represented only the leftist people

and he is truly responsible for the fall of the yellow-green Government!

Conte from the G7 closes the League and warns M5S and PD "first the programs, then the people.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


in the Democratic Party: the Rothschild technocrats of the antichrist Ursula Von Hitler and the Masons, they are slandering the populists

1. in Germany a gay man said: "they don't want me to live with my man!"

ABSOLUTELY false! we are in favor of civil rights (non-marriage), and we are only to criminalize the lgbt false criminal theory of gender!

2. then, they say that: we are against the European Union:

absolutely false: ABSOLUTELY false!

we are for the secular recognition of Jewish-Christian civilization

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


2:14 / 7:09 youtube com / watch?V=UwSWvs-A5oY

What hides the sea sale to France?

why Gentiloni Pd traitor has acquired 23.85 square kilometers from France and has sold to France 339.9 square kilometers?

We are in Viareggio, where the fishermen prepare their boats to leave for the shoals off the coast of Elba and Capraia. But they do it with anger because soon for them too, those waters could be blocked, due to a treaty signed by Italy and France. And meanwhile, environmentalists fear that the agreement will reopen the oil game in our sea (Alice Martinelli, with Vito Trecarichi)

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


voxnews info/2019/08/24/conte-ha-sempre-lavorato-per-distruggere-il-governo-populista/#comment-26103

in this video the secret dialogue between Merkel and ex-Presidente CONTE has been decoded!

President Conte has always worked with Mattarella and Merkel to destroy the populist government

August 24, 2019

Conte, after having for months tied his stay to the former governing coalition, tries to keep them at Palazzo Chigi with a turnaround. The Senate speech should also be read in this key. An attempt to reposition itself in front of the PD.

"For the good of the country I hope that leader of the political forces that are

working to give a perspective to Italy they work well ", he added." I do not deny the political experience with Lega, but it is a closed political season, which for me will not reopen ".

Pleonastic declaration, nobody asks him to stay in the government, in case of restart, from the parts of the League. He was the problem with Trenta and Tria.

His only hope of remaining in the armchair is an agreement with the Di Bibbiano Party. He knows it and does everything to make it happen.

And it is revealed that it was Conte the infiltrator: piddino has always tried in every way to sabotage the populist government. Plotting with Merkel:

It is no coincidence that today he was praised by the EU boyars.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



in this video the secret dialogue between Merkel and count has been decoded!

President Conte has always worked with Mattarella and Merkel to destroy the populist government

August 24, 2019

Conte, after having for months tied his stay to the former governing coalition, tries to keep them at Palazzo Chigi with a turnaround. The Senate speech should also be read in this key. An attempt to reposition itself in front of the PD.

"For the good of the country I hope that leader of the political forces that are

working to give a perspective to Italy they work well ", he added." I do not deny the political experience with Lega, but it is a closed political season, which for me will not reopen ".

Pleonastic declaration, nobody asks him to stay in the government, in case of restart, from the parts of the League. He was the problem with Trenta and Tria.

His only hope of remaining in the armchair is an agreement with the Di Bibbiano Party. He knows it and does everything to make it happen.

And it is revealed that it was Conte the infiltrator: piddino has always tried in every way to sabotage the populist government. Plotting with Merkel:

It is no coincidence that today he was praised by the EU boyars.

Discussion on World Israel News  33 comments

DAILY RECAP: Israel Pounds Hamas; Arab Party Joining Israeli Government? Minister Opposes Women in Combat; More Top News

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



you the rich: you cannot create billions of poor people all over the world and then, think you can win the elections!

all the right. the RIGHT will win all over the world now!

voi i ricchi: voi non potete creare miliardi di poveri in tutto il mondo e poi, pensare di poter vincere le elezioni!

tutte le destre vinceranno in tutto il mondo ora!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



Trump has already imposed his election to the entire New World Order the first time!

the second time? it will be much easier!

Obama demolished the US economy because his goal was the Rothschild world war.

TRUMP is saving the economy and canceling unemployment and wealth will also improve welfare!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



Communism throughout the world has been a demonic infestation like Islam is today

all Christians have found torture and death in communist countries!

you read:

"Tortured for C h r i s t": Wurmbrand Richard - A report of suffering is the testimony of the underground Church in the countries behind the Iron Curtain,

worldisraelnews com/us-confirms-israel-behind-bombing-in-iraq-first-in-4-nearly-decadesq/

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom




Communism throughout the world has been a demonic infestation like Islam is today

all Christians have found torture and death in communist countries!

you read:

"Tortured for Christ": Wurmbrand Richard - A report of suffering is the testimony of the underground Church in the countries behind the Iron Curtain,

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



the "Soviet invasion of the USSR" not took place.

but this does not mean that it was not designed, in fact the USSR financially financed the Italian Communist Party!

therefore the Italian communists have betrayed the Homeland

and they betrayed our soldiers who had been given up for dead and instead were in the gulag lagers building the tunnels in Siberia with their bare hands!

Discussion on World Israel News  35 comments

Palestinians claim Israel is transferring taxes withheld over terror stipends

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Italian girl raped by African while waiting for the train


thanks Obama Imam Merkel Macron OCI Riyad UN

you ruined my homeland and we now live in fear of sharia law!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


China against US duties, 'violated pact'

For Beijing broken agreement between Trump and Xi reached in Osaka.

ANSWER answer.

to ignore on the part of CHINA that it could have been enriched with a disproportionate and unfair policy of the world of work (which would have deserved the appropriate duties at the time)?

this is not intellectual honesty!

however: this trade war will make the banks fail and the rothschild pigs will lose all their titles: "not bad!"

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Afro-Muslims know they have nothing to lose and if they want to kill someone they do it with impunity!

we cannot resist the Islamic invasion Erdogan with the laws of the democratic party!

Asylum seeker breaks a policeman's hand: magistrate frees him immediately - PHOTO

He was hiding heroin balls and cocaine in his mouth. For this reason, when on Friday afternoon he was stopped by a patrol of flying cars in Campo Marzo, area of the shop in Vicenza, especially since the welcome business that the Democratic Party wants to restart, has reacted, it has reacted violently arriving at break an agent's hand.

/voxnews info/2019/08/24/richiedente-asilo-spezza-mano-a-poliziotto-magistrato-lo-libera-subito-foto/#comment-26100

In handcuffs Clement Irabor, 27 year old Nigerian, arrested for dealing, resistance, violence and injury to a public official.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Trans blocked in Sharm El Sheik. they left by plane!

answer. we cannot expect to export our own LGBT theosophy: perversion and lust, which, as Pope Benedict XVI says, is public moral disorder: and eternal inscrutable mad theory: super-evolved Darwin monkeys: without scientific foundation: all over the world!

Trans bloccate a Sharm El Sheik. sono partite in aereo!

answer. non si può pretendere di esportare la propria teosofia lgbt: perversione e lussuria, che come dice Papa Benedetto XVI è pubblico disordine morale: e eterna teoria pazza indimostrabile: delle scimmie Darwin super evolute: senza fondamento scientifico: in tutto il mondo!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


faith means relationship with God:

Abraham has a relationship with God and makes acts of faith that had no precedent.

Noé is related to God and makes acts of faith that did not have a precedent.

Moses has a relationship with God and makes acts of faith that did not have a precedent.

Jesus of Bethlehem has a relationship with God and makes acts of faith that did not have a precedent.

lorenzoJHWH has a relationship with God and makes acts of faith that did not have a precedent.

but, Muhammad never spoke to God:

this is why Muslims exchange the dogmatic religious belief with FAITH

never any Muslim could have FAITH!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Pd + M5S + lgbt ANTIFA Macron and Merkel 100% Bilderberg Satan Allah Soros and high treason constitution banking seigniorage and world wear!

now the Rothschild world war can be realized!

Taxes, Immigrants and Bibbiano: it will be the most "leftist" government in history

August 24, 2019

Shock survey: M5s collapses at 5% if I govern with PD August 24, 2019

The Euro-Roman man Sassoli: "With PD it will be the government of open ports"

August 24, 2019

Tunisia as Italy: no elections for "populist" leader

August 24, 2019

NGOs lining up for Italy waiting for the PD-M5s government: "They will all come free"

August 24, 2019

Meeting of Maio-Zingaretti at the home of the Bibbiano guarantor: pact to cover up?

August 24, 2019

Albanians send their children to Italy to be maintained: they raid and send stolen goods to Albania

August 24, 2019

PD reveals government program: "Ports open to NGOs, Muslims will always land" - VIDEO

August 24, 2019

Mentana admits: an alternative to Salvini is to hide landings and immigrant crimes - VIDEO

August 24, 2019

Reggio, station devastated by 11 asylum seekers: August 24, 2019 cannot be expelled

M5s, base in revolt against Di Maio: "You said" never with the Party of Bibbiano "..."

August 24, 2019

Unsatisfied Islamic public housing: "Places for animals" - VIDEO

August 23, 2019

Turin, Moroccan destroys parked cars - PHOTO August 23, 2019

Bibbiano: the story of Perla, a child 'stolen' from her parents - VIDEO August 23, 2019

Government of Bibbiano Pd Antifa, Lega League revolt on the web: "We march on Rome"

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Merkel and Ursula sold us to Erdogan. Syrian "refugee" is actually the Islamic executioner of ISIS

August 24, 2019 Vox

According to Merkel she was a Syrian refugee fleeing the war, arrived in Germany in 2015, in reality he is a militiaman of the Islamic State, now indicted on charges of being a "decapitator in the service of ISIS".

The magistrates of Koblenz have in fact opened a file for "war crimes" against the thirty-three-year-old who had obtained political asylum for "humanitarian reasons" with millions of illegal immigrants.

The Islamist has been arrested several times for various crimes since his arrival in Germany. During the investigations, "highly compromising evidence" was found by investigators against the "refugee".

//voxnews info/2019/08/24/il-profugo-siriano-e-in-realta-il-boia-islamico-di-isis/#comment-26080

Analyzing the suspect's cell phone, the police have in fact found numerous videos of gunfights and military actions with ISIS members as well as numerous photos in which the immigrant poses, showing off amused expressions, holding "severed heads" .

The suspect allegedly fought for the jihadist organization from 2012 to 2015 near the city of Dara'a, in the south of the country. In the years he spent at the service of the Islamic State he would have killed "hundreds of government soldiers and innocent civilians" and then "wreaked havoc on their corpses", beheading them and then taking pictures with the heads of the victims he mocked.

The suspect would be trying to exonerate himself by affirming, through his lawyer, that he had never harmed anyone and that the heads would "simply" be found "under the rubble of bombing".

The presence of terrorists in the flow of fake refugees that has reached Europe is well known. We are talking about thousands of individuals in millions of illegal immigrants, drug dealers, rapists and murderers.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


we must have no mercy on Islamic sharia terrorists Erdogan "Muslim brothers" or all the sharia mafiosi: Riyadh: all over the world: caliphate as British Labor leader Jeremy Bernard Corbyn, who you have to run forward on the tip of a knife in Londistan

CAIRO, AUGUST 24 - Amnesty International asked the Egyptian authorities to initiate an investigation into the death of a detainee in the Cairo prison, following charges of torture against the authorities.

In a statement, the NGO claims that 30-year-old Hossam Hamed was found dead with his face swollen and bleeding in his cell where he had been held in isolation for 3 weeks. At least three witnesses said Hamed was severely beaten by prison guards. For a long time, they say, they heard beaten against the door, then silence. When the guards opened the door, the inmate was found dead. Since his arrest, 4 years ago, Hamed had been tried several times on charges of terrorism and for having been part of the Muslim Brotherhood. In one of the trials, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison. "The Egyptian Security Forces have an appalling record on the use of brutal ways with almost total impunity," says Magdalena Mughrabi, deputy director of Amnesty for the Middle East and North Africa.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Assad and Iran support Palestinians:

therefore all the Palestinians of Lebanon Israel and Jordan must go (they must be deported) all to Syria from their protectors!

the Lebanese people fear of Palestinian violence in their country is warranted, there is no reason any

why any Arab country should be subjecting Palestinians to discriminatory and apartheid regulations.

Discussion on World Israel News  62 comments

US confirms Israel behind bombing in Iraq, first in 4 nearly decades

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Xi-Jinping] CIA Satanists hate TRUMP are not nationalists or patriotic: they do not seek a US military victory: they hate all peoples, more than anything else they love ISLAM and hate Israel!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Xi-Jinping] do not rejoice too quickly at the technological success! [everything you do as: "big brother" "electronic eye" "police state" "artificial intelligence": everything passes and will pass under the control of aliens and their satanists in the USA on frequencies unknown to us!

the whole internet is already a unitary intelligent organism: the body of Satan wanted by the Rothschilds

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


all burn their woods, worldwide burn their woods and Bolsonaro must keep them for you? your misery you give to the Amazon? it is not appropriate.

now everyone has to plant trees: but you don't have to buy sterile GMOs from Monsanto Bayer 666 GMO!

tutti bruciano i boschi e Bolsonaro li deve conservare per voi? la vostra miseria che date per la Amazzonia? non è congrua.

adesso tutti devono piantare alberi: ma non li dovete comprare sterili OGM dalla Monsanto Bayer 666 OGM!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


CHINA Russia India EU Macron, 'negative trade tensions'

Trump threatens customs duties on French wines


for yourself! the success of the US economy and move the embassies to Jerusalem?

this is the only policy left for us not to enter the world war!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Xi-Jinping] Hong Kong: activist-police clashes.


to the most violent activists?

you can start to soften your back!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


youtube com / watch? v = -fV_W4almdY

these are the proofs of the Rothschild conspiracy and of the democratic party to destroy the Jewish-Christian civilization: demographic winter in Europe (autochthonous must fall to 300 million)

and predisposition for the Afro-Islamic invasion

Everything was predicted, the prophecy in 1990: "We will be invaded by immigrants" - VIDEO

youtube com/watch?v=-fV_W4almdY

August 24, 2019

The audio is the speech made to the House in 1990 by the then secretary of the MSI, Pino Rauti, in which he criticizes the policies of excessive openness to immigration made by socialists and republicans at that time.

Rauti highlighted what he called the "tolerability threshold" of immigration - an expression coined by the French socialist Mitterand, not by a Nazi - and made catastrophic predictions that after almost thirty years they have largely been verified.

In 1990 the so-called Martelli law was issued, from the name of the socialist minister, who gave birth to the first of a long series of cursed amnesties for illegal immigrants who were already in Italian territory: at the end of the six months they were regularized around 200,000 foreigners, mainly from North Africa.

In 1990 immigrants were 0.8 percent of the population, today they are almost 9 percent. In 2001, 1,334,889 immigrants were present in Italy. Today they are, at least, 5,255,503. Quadrupled in 19 years. You know, what does it mean?

Now, think of those who make other catastrophic predictions today. Here, if we do nothing we will come true.

First of all, a block of family reunions is needed. Or we're lost. And ended up as a people.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



these are the proofs of the Rothschild conspiracy and of the democratic party to destroy the Jewish-Christian civilization: demographic winter in Europe (autochthonous must fall to 300 million)

and predisposition for the Afro-Islamic invasion

Everything was predicted, the prophecy in 1990: "We will be invaded by immigrants" - VIDEO

August 24, 2019

The audio is the speech made to the House in 1990 by the then secretary of the MSI, Pino Rauti, in which he criticizes the policies of excessive openness to immigration made by socialists and republicans at that time.

Rauti highlighted what he called the "tolerability threshold" of immigration - an expression coined by the French socialist Mitterand, not by a Nazi - and made catastrophic predictions that after almost thirty years they have largely been verified.

In 1990 the so-called Martelli law was issued, from the name of the socialist minister, who gave birth to the first of a long series of cursed amnesties for illegal immigrants who were already in Italian territory: at the end of the six months they were regularized around 200,000 foreigners, mainly from North Africa.

In 1990 immigrants were 0.8 percent of the population, today they are almost 9 percent. In 2001, 1,334,889 immigrants were present in Italy. Today they are, at least, 5,255,503. Quadrupled in 19 years. You know, what does it mean?

Now, think of those who make other catastrophic predictions today. Here, if we do nothing we will come true.

First of all, a block of family reunions is needed. Or we're lost. And ended up as a people.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


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the Rothschild Democratic Party UN FED IMF NWO (which to defend the work has passed to defend the usurocratic capital) he does not know that ISLAM is a universal genocide sharia jihad theocratic

“We are watching you Nancy Pelosi. We are watching you Chuck Schumer,” declares Dov Hikind, founder of Americans Against Anti-Semitism.

Former NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind, founder of Americans Against Anti-Semitism, a grassroots coalition that mobilizes supporters to take action against anti-Semites, implores House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer to take meaningful action against Democratic Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.

il Partito Democratico di Rothschild ONU FED IMF NWO (che da difendere il lavoro è passato a difendere il capitale usurocratico) lui non sa che ISLAM è un universale genocidio sharia jihad teocratico

In a tweet on Sunday, Hikind reveals the two congresswomen’s “latest outrage” – distributing cartoons by Carlos Latuff, who participated and won second place in the 2006 Iranian cartoon competition on Holocaust denial. One of Latuf’s cartoons shows Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Donald Trump silencing Tlaib and Omar, respectively. A Star of David is in the center of the cartoon.

the Rothschild Democratic Party UN FED IMF NWO (which to defend the work has passed to defend the usurocratic capital) he does not know that ISLAM is a universal genocide sharia jihad theocratic

Another of Latuff’s cartoons celebrates the murder of an American soldier, Hikind notes.

Hikind says that he is waiting for Pelosi and Schumer to act.

This is far from the first time that the two congresswomen have expressed themselves in an anti-Israel and anti-Semitic manner.

il Partito Democratico di Rothschild ONU FED IMF NWO (che da difendere il lavoro è passato a difendere il capitale usurocratico) lui non sa che ISLAM è un universale genocidio sharia jihad teocratico

Tlaib has already argued that Palestinians created “a safe haven for Jews” after the Holocaust, which is very far from the truth. Now, she promotes cartoons from a Holocaust denier.

ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in a statement: “Reps. Tlaib and Omar absolutely shouldn’t have lifted up the work of a cartoonist who frequently promotes hate toward Israel, mocks the Holocaust and traffics in anti-Semitic tropes. Doing so legitimizes his bigotry.”

Demand that Democratic leadership take action against Omar and Tlaib!

Contact House Speaker Nancy Pelosi:

CALL: (202) 225-4965

EMAIL: speaker gov/contact/

the Rothschild Democratic Party UN FED IMF NWO (which to defend the work has passed to defend the usurocratic capital) he does not know that ISLAM is a universal genocide sharia jihad theocratic

Contact Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer:

CALL: (202) 224-6542

EMAIL: schumer senate gov/contact/email-chuck

This isn't spam »

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


US confirms Israel behind bombing in Iraq, first in 4 nearly decades what does it mean?

Allah is always a country of sovereign genocide:

so only Erdogan and Iran can trample Iraq and Syria as often as they want!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Communism throughout the world has been a demonic infestation like Islam is today

all Christians have found torture and death in communist countries!

you read: tu leggi:

"Torturato per C r i s t o ": Wurmbrand Richard - Una

relazione delle sofferenze è la testimonianza della Chiesa clandestina

nei paesi dietro la cortina di ferro,

"Tortured for C h r i s t": Wurmbrand Richard - A report of suffering is the testimony of the underground Church in the countries behind the Iron Curtain,

comunismo in tutto il mondo è stato una infestazione demoniaca come oggi è Islam

tutti i cristiani hanno trovato torture e morte nei paesi comunisti!

Discussion on World Israel News  35 comments

Opinion: Getting to the bottom of a tragic ‘disloyalty’

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


reject Democratic Party of action against Omar and Tlaib

//jhwhisrael. blogspot com/2019/08/rifiuto-partito-democratico-di-azione.html

rifiuto Partito Democratico di azione contro Omar e Tlaib

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Islam, Satanisms, evolutionary materialism: nihilism, relativism, do-goodism, weak thinking: catholic-communist modernism:

Freemasons, French Revolution and Communism are all an ideological invention of Jewish finance

and it is grotesque that the Democratic Party (heir of the communists) will be technocratic bureaucracy, anarchist, perverse lgbt:

and financial: Trilaerale Bilderberg who will kill all Russian and Chinese communists:

instead of considering that Islam is the real threat

because they are malignant and children of the antichrist and seek the true seed of Abraham (Christians and Israelis) so that they may be put to death

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Opinion: The real scandal is Democrats' refusal to call out anti-Jewish bigots

any antiChrist Islam 600d.C. lgbt, masons, technocrats, finance FED 666 IMF 322 NWO and communists and its derivation the Democratic Party are all the derivation of Rothschild kabbalah: as Jesus of Bethlehem said and said of Nathanael: "finally you are an Israeli, in which can not be found no falsehood! "

Islam 600d.C. lgbt, massoni, tecnocrati, finanza FED 666 FMI 322 NWO e comunisti e sua derivazione il Partito Democratico sono tutti la derivazione di Rothschild kabbalah: come disse Gesù di Betlemme e disse di Natanaele: "finalmente tu sei un israeliano, in cui non può essere trovata nessuna falsità! "

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Chyna Russia democratic Party NWO 666 IMF 322 ECB 322 OIC Riyad ] Precisamente. Il fatto sorprendente è che Trump sta difendendo Israele contro i nemici degli ebrei all'interno del Partito Democratico, mentre quel partito, insieme ai suoi sostenitori ebrei, sta difendendo i nemici degli ebrei nei suoi ranghi.

Il vero scandalo è il rifiuto del Partito Democratico di intraprendere qualsiasi azione contro Omar e Tlaib, nonostante il loro sostegno al BDS (e quindi la distruzione di Israele) e le loro osservazioni antiebraiche.

Tlaib paragonò Israele ai nazisti quando paragonò il BDS a un boicottaggio contro la Germania nazista, mentre Omar ha fatto diversi commenti antisemiti, tra cui affermazioni che il denaro ebraico controlla la politica estera americana. Ed è stato Omar che ha accusato gli ebrei americani di doppia lealtà quando ha messo in dubbio la "fedeltà" dei sostenitori americani di Israele.

Inoltre, il loro tour proposto di quella che chiamavano "Palestina" era stato in parte organizzato da Miftah, un vestito virulentemente antisemita fondato dal veterano attivista dell'OLP Hanan Ashrawi. Le notizie sul sito web di Miftah hanno elogiato gli attentatori suicidi palestinesi, hanno ripetuto la diffamazione del sangue che gli ebrei uccidono i bambini gentili e usano il loro sangue nei rituali religiosi (per i quali in seguito si sono scusati) e hanno affermato ugualmente ripugnante che Israele ruba gli organi dei bambini.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Opinion: The real scandal is Democrats' refusal to call out anti-Jewish bigots

finally the Democratic Party has thrown the mask of hypocrisy and revealed its true evil face to the world!

in fact, behind the banner of the communist genocide, the genocide of Islam has always been hidden and lived

Discussion on World Israel News  57 comments

Palestinian village where Tlaib's grandmother lives is rolling in dough

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Devasahayam the Deplored


the Islamic approach is totally: supernatural and demonic as it is criminal: even towards oneself:

they say, "how many died to us, and how many died to them?"

in this way they show that they do not actually possess the concept of the sacredness of human life!

Discussion on World Israel News  62 comments

US confirms Israel behind bombing in Iraq, first in 4 nearly decades

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



Communism throughout the world has been a demonic infestation like Islam is today

all Christians have found torture and death in communist countries!

you read:

"Tortured for Christ": Wurmbrand Richard - A report of suffering is the testimony of the underground Church in the countries behind the Iron Curtain,

il comunismo in tutto il mondo è stato una infestazione demoniaca come oggi è Islam

tutti i cristiani hanno trovato torture e morte nei paesi comunisti!

tu leggi:

"Torturato per Cristo": Wurmbrand Richard - Una relazione delle sofferenze è la testimonianza della Chiesa clandestina nei paesi dietro la cortina di ferro,

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



I don't think that you have told me when the "Soviet invasion of the USSR" took place.


Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

the "Soviet invasion of the USSR" not took place.

but this does not mean that it was not designed, in fact the USSR financially financed the Italian Communist Party!

therefore the Italian communists have betrayed the Homeland

and they betrayed our soldiers who had been given up for dead and instead were in the gulag lagers building the tunnels in Siberia with their bare hands!

the "Soviet invasion of the USSR" not took place.

ma, questo non significa che non era stata progettata, infatti l'URSS finanziava economicamente il Partito comunista italiano!

quindi i comunisti italiani hanno tradito la Patria

ed hanno tradito i nostri soldati che erano stati dati per morti ed invece stavano nei gulag lager a costruire i tunnel in Siberia a mani nude!

Discussion on World Israel News  38 comments

WATCH: Pro-Hezbollah biker gang waves terror flag on Israel’s border

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


the insults of the M5S against the Pd? they have been without precedent in Italian political history!

Whatever happens, Di Maio is a shameless homunculus: this Frankenstein government is a truly embarrassing condition!

this is the beginning of the definitive loss of an effective opposition to the Right!

The 5-star Movement has set as a condition that Giuseppe Conte not leave Palazzo Chigi ”. "A boulder", comments the director of TgLa7, "since Zingaretti instead demanded that there be a discontinuity with the yellow-green government". However, the Five Stars put as a condition for an agreement that Conte remain premier.

A note from the PD confirms the meeting between Di Maio and Zingaretti in the evening. "Di Maio - the note states - has proposed a new task for Conte

as prime minister. Pd Zingaretti reiterated the need for a

turning government, not for a personal matter but to highlight a necessary discontinuity ".

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


1. Di Maio secretly meets the man of Bibbiano,

2. Zingaretti: Conte does not give up an armchair facebook com/forzearmateitalianeffaa/videos/2430968413840305/

In a normal world, M5S Di Maio would go into hiding.

a serious president would not have made this disastrous frankest test frankestein.

and if Pd and M5S make a government they will end up destroying each other!

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Bibbiano: the story of Perla, a child 'stolen' from her parents - VIDEO but KING UniusREI

August 24, 2019 at 12:41 am


Video is not seen!

August 23, 2019 /voxnews info/2019/08/23/bibbiano-la-storia-di-perla-bimba-rubata-ai-genitori-video/#comment-26002

The "Bibbiano case" is the tip of the iceberg. After the publication of the terrible interceptions of a foster lesbian mother who yells at the child sold to her by her former social services manager next to the PD, here are two parents who are protagonists of an incredible story that concerned their two-year-old daughter, Perla. The child was taken away from her father and mother last April by the social services of Reggio Emilia.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Italian girl raped by African while waiting for the train

August 23, 2019 /voxnews info/2019/08/23/ragazza-italiana-stuprata-da-africano-mentre-aspetta-il-treno/

The nineteen-year-old from the Gambia, Yallow Alpha, raped an Italian woman in early August. It was afternoon and the woman was waiting for the train to the airport on the platform of the Sferracavallo underground station, in Palermo. The city of hospitality.

The Gambian first attacked her and then raped her. Despite the brutal rape, the woman got on the train that took her to the airport, where she reported the violence to the police and was visited by medical personnel.

The agents, during the investigations, went back to a further complaint for s e x ual harassment, that of a foreign tourist. The dynamics of violence are identical, the outcome is different: the woman had managed to escape from the clutches of the African beasts.

The Gambian arrested, the immigrant was immediately recognized by the raped woman and by some witnesses.

The Gambian has precedents for damage, harassment and obscene acts in public places, decriminalized by the PD. Investigators continue to investigate the man, wishing to ascertain whether or not there are other sexual attacks attributable to the Gambian.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


voxnews info/2019/08/23/donna-aggredita-da-branco-di-gay-in-sardegna-perche-fotografarci-e-omofobia/

Woman attacked by a pack of gays in Sardinia because: "Photographing ourselves is hom0ph0bia"

August 23, 2019

"I was just taking a selfie. It's all a misunderstanding and they

attacked me ". There would therefore be a misunderstanding behind the

public denunciation of a group of young people who, on a boat trip along

the coast of Baunei, accused a girl of having taken them and

photographed them on her cell phone because they were "gay and

eccentric", at least according to a reply protagonist of the story.

"I was sitting on the bench and was about to go down to Cala Sisine,"

says Tiziana, 30, "and I was taking a selfie, but I didn't see who was

behind it and they ended up in my shot. They misunderstood and

misunderstood and attacked me trying to rip my cell phone out of my

hands. They were moments of fear, I am agitated and scared. I am not

hom0ph0bic ”.

"A boy got up and verbally attacked her," says

Luciano Batteta, who was on the boat with her, "but Tiziana justified

herself because she was taking a selfie and they ended up in the

background in the shot. He told her: "You are photographing me because I

am a fagg0t" and then I intervened to help Tiziana, who is also being

treated for some health problems. They were very aggressive, but if they

felt offended we apologize, but for our part no hom0ph0bic gesture. I

myself have several h0om0sexual friends with whom I agree most ”.

Exhibitionists with delusions of persecution.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



Woman attacked by a pack of gays in Sardinia because: "Photographing ourselves is hom0ph0bia"

August 23, 2019

"I was just taking a selfie. It's all a misunderstanding and they attacked me ". There would therefore be a misunderstanding behind the public denunciation of a group of young people who, on a boat trip along the coast of Baunei, accused a girl of having taken them and photographed them on her cell phone because they were "gay and eccentric", at least according to a reply protagonist of the story.

"I was sitting on the bench and was about to go down to Cala Sisine," says Tiziana, 30, "and I was taking a selfie, but I didn't see who was behind it and they ended up in my shot. They misunderstood and misunderstood and attacked me trying to rip my cell phone out of my hands. They were moments of fear, I am agitated and scared. I am not hom0phobic ”.

"A boy got up and verbally attacked her," says Luciano Batteta, who was on the boat with her, "but Tiziana justified herself because she was taking a selfie and they ended up in the background in the shot. He told her: "You are photographing me because I am a fagot" and then I intervened to help Tiziana, who is also being treated for some health problems. They were very aggressive, but if they felt offended we apologize, but for our part no hom0ph0bic gesture. I myself have several h0om0sexual friends with whom I agree most ”.

Exhibitionists with delusions of persecution.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom



Woman attacked by a pack of gays in Sardinia because: "Photographing ourselves is homophobia"

August 23, 2019

"I was just taking a selfie. It's all a misunderstanding and they attacked me ". There would therefore be a misunderstanding behind the public denunciation of a group of young people who, on a boat trip along the coast of Baunei, accused a girl of having taken them and photographed them on her cell phone because they were "gay and eccentric", at least according to a reply protagonist of the story.

"I was sitting on the bench and was about to go down to Cala Sisine," says Tiziana, 30, "and I was taking a selfie, but I didn't see who was behind it and they ended up in my shot. They misunderstood and misunderstood and attacked me trying to rip my cell phone out of my hands. They were moments of fear, I am agitated and scared. I am not homophobic ”.

"A boy got up and verbally attacked her," says Luciano Batteta, who was on the boat with her, "but Tiziana justified herself because she was taking a selfie and they ended up in the background in the shot. He told her: "You are photographing me because I am a fagot" and then I intervened to help Tiziana, who is also being treated for some health problems. They were very aggressive, but if they felt offended we apologize, but for our part no homophobic gesture. I myself have several homosexual and transsexual friends with whom I agree most ”.

Exhibitionists with delusions of persecution.

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


voxnews info/2019/08/23/islamiche-insoddisfatte-case-popolari-posti-per-animali-video/

Africans interviewing Pakistanis in British public housing. Is that why you resisted Hitler's bombing?

"Living here is very difficult for any type of family." @ Noel_Phillips meets a family living in a converted shipping container at Ealing Mother Lulu Akubaker says it's not fit for people to live in. /po st/QsjZmB

Unsatisfied Islamic public housing: "Places for animals" - VIDEO

August 23, 2019

Even in England, Muslims are dissatisfied with the hospitality of the white man:

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


Alberto Barona - US Barrier Committee voxnews info/2019/08/23/torino-marocchino-distrugge-auto-in-sosta-foto/

This night at 4am a Moroccan in the throes of alcohol fumes and maybe even a drugged person started to destroy the parked cars and the poor citizens must pay for the damages.

Apparently it seems he was also taken by the police

These are the resources desired by the left, with their much acclaimed landings. It's time to say enough!

#BastaDegrado #Tolleranzazero


Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom

Lion Judah☦️king☦️kingdom


my holy jhwh holy

you Select all this criminal 666 Country becouse Allah Lilit is Akbar jihad sharia


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