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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know




Come nota a margine, il nazionalismo ucraino del XIX secolo era già altamente razzializzato e precede l'ideologia nazista. Bandera ei suoi seguaci, in modo simile (e indipendentemente) ai nazisti, sostenevano l'allevamento selettivo per creare una razza ucraina "pura" e svilupparono un elaborato discorso antiebraico. Questo è stato anni prima dell'occupazione tedesca dell'Ucraina.

L'argomento secondo cui il battaglione Azov e la sua leadership non sono affiliati all'ideologia nazista è palesemente falso.

Il primo comandante dell'unità fu il nazionalista di estrema destra Andriy Biletsky, che guidava l'Assemblea nazionale-sociale neonazista e il patriota dell'Ucraina.

Anche l'affermazione che il battaglione Azov sia stato organizzato nel 2014 come forza di volontari e finanziato da Igor Kolomoisky per difendere l'Ucraina è di fatto errata.

L'organizzazione è nata come una compagnia di polizia speciale del Ministero degli Affari Interni.

Era guidato da Volodymyr Shpara, il leader del Vasylkiv, ramo di Kiev del Patriot of Ukraine e Right Sector.

Per quanto riguarda la vera motivazione dietro l'investimento di Kolomoisky nell'organizzazione, probabilmente era più il profitto di guerra che il patriottismo.

punch_corona_news_wire_service lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

kolimoiski è un signore della guerra.. dopo il rovesciamento del 2014 in ucraina [un governo neutrale al momento] i cazari hanno preso il sopravvento - kolimoiski, nuland, elenski e hanno collocato gli ideali dell'azov nazista in politica, istruzione, esercito, social media, affari..ovunque.. anche gli USA hanno donato 5 miliardi di dollari in aiuti militari

all'azov nazi a partire dal 2014.. in 2 mesi del 2022 - feb - mar hanno dato all'esercito nazista altri 5 miliardi di dollari in 2 mesi.. l'ucraina è sempre stata marcia con la filosofia della nazione ariana dei galiziani.. questa guerra è una battaglia nazista..



As a side note, 19th century Ukrainian nationalism was already highly racialized and predates Nazi ideology. Bandera and his followers, similarly (and independently) to the Nazis, advocated selective breeding to create a "pure" Ukrainian race and developed an elaborate anti-Jewish discourse. This was years before the German occupation of Ukraine.

The argument that the Azov battalion and its leadership are not affiliated with Nazi ideology is patently false.

The first commander of the unit was the far-right nationalist named Andriy Biletsky, who led the neo-Nazi National Social-National Assembly and the patriot of Ukraine.

The claim that the Azov battalion was organized in 2014 as a volunteer force and funded by Igor Kolomoisky to defend Ukraine is also factually incorrect.

The organization began as a special police company of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It was headed by Volodymyr Shpara, the leader of the Vasylkiv, Kiev branch of the Patriot of Ukraine and Right Sector.

As for the real motivation behind Kolomoisky's investment in the organization, it was probably more war profit than patriotism.

punch_corona_news_wire_service lorenzoJHWH LEVIATHAN UniusREI

kolimoiski is a war lord.. after the 2014 overthrow in ukraine [ a neutral govt at the moment ] the khazars took over - kolimoiski, nuland, elenski & placed the ideals of the azov nazi in politics, education, military, social media, business... everywhere.. the US also gave $ 5 billion in military aid

to the azov nazi starting 2014.. in 2 months of 2022 - feb - mar they have given the nazi army another $ 5 billion in 2 months. ukraine was always rotten with the aryan nation philosophy by the galicians.. this war is a nazi battle.


nonostante tutte le calunnie a reti unificate contro la Russia? il popolo non si beve la foglia di fico.

"Legittima la resistenza armata degli ucraini": è la posizione del criminale di guerra e presidente nazionale dell'Anpi, Gianfranco Pagliarulo. "Tutto - ha dichiarato il bugiardo - è nato dall'invasione russa, moralmente e giuridicamente da condannare".


Sabrina Volpi 🇪🇺🇺🇦


Legittima, eppure non avremo dovuto inviare armi. E con cosa si sarebbero dovuti difendere?


vergognati. E chiedi scusa.




E no. Non avremmo dovuto inviare armi. Perché inviarle equivale a mettersi in guerra. E io di fare un'altra guerra per un pagliaccio drogato non lo voglio! Che di problemi in Utalia ne abbiamo così tanti e non li risolviamo, senza andarcene a mettere per gli altri.

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Luca De Napoli


Legittima non significa che rappresenta la soluzione migliore al problema dell'invasione. Vedo un allineamento delle istituzioni italiane su posizioni belliche. Il contrario di quanto sta avvenendo in Europa, e questo mi addolora molto

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invasione russa non sarebbe stata se la nato=usa non avrebbe circondata le confini russe



Anche lui è stato costretto ha rimangiarsi tutt, si vede che è più importante la presidenza che la coerenza a questo punto non ci resta che sentire cantare Bella Ciao dal battaglione Azov a reti unificate il 25 Aprile

Massimo Dippoliti


Ti stimavo prima... adesso sei uno dei tanti prezzolati costretto a dire quello che vuole la mano che lo foraggia.



La legittimità di quanto accaduto non può essere investito da una valutazione soggettiva in quanto in Donbass era da 8 anni che i nazi ukraini martoriavano la popolazione mentre i benpensanti se ne sbatevano

mirco ricotti


Ricordo che l'Italia ripudia la guerra..lo avete scritto Voi in costituzione...!!!

Quindi che ca77o vuoi....???



Inversione a U un autostrada. Qualcuno lo ha INVITATO a riflettere.



Il film Idiocracy è stato profetico: Sembra doveroso fare una premessa del genere ad un pubblico che non ha più capacità di discernimento

Break in the wall.


Forse le parole del Presidente della Repubblica, hanno fatto fischiare le orecchie a qualcuno.

Ma l'imbarazzo rimane.



Ma non è giusto per molti motivi paragonarlo alla nostra di Resistenza. Motivi storici non roba da social...o da laureati in Wikipedia.

despite all the unified network slander against Russia? the people do not drink the fig leaf.

"The armed resistance of the Ukrainians is legitimate": this is the position of the war criminal and national president of the Anpi, Gianfranco Pagliarulo. "Everything - the liar declared - was born from the Russian invasion, morally and juridically to be condemned".


Sabrina Volpi 🇪🇺🇺🇦

@ Sabrina_Volpi02

Legitimate, yet we should not have sent weapons. And what were they supposed to defend against?


shame on you. And apologize.


@ Simona7018


And no. We shouldn't have sent weapons. Because sending them is tantamount to going to war. And I don't want to wage another war for a junkie clown! That we have so many problems in Utalia and we do not solve them, without going away to put for others.

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Luca De Napoli


Legitimate does not mean that it represents the best solution to the invasion problem. I see an alignment of the Italian institutions on war positions. The opposite of what is happening in Europe, and this pains me a lot

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Russian invasion would not have been if NATO = USA had not surrounded the Russian borders



He too was forced to take everything back, we see that the presidency is more important than consistency at this point we just have to hear Bella Ciao singing by the Azov battalion with unified networks on April 25th

Massimo Dippoliti

@ MassimoDippol13

I respected you before.. now you are one of the many hired people forced to say what the hand that feeds him wants.


@ Gavino14182179

The legitimacy of what happened cannot be invested in a subjective evaluation as in Donbass it was 8 years that the Ukrainian Nazis had been torturing the population while the right-thinking people did not give a damn about it.

mirco ricotti

@ comirco3

I remember that Italy repudiates the war.. you wrote it in the constitution... !!!

So what the hell do you want.... ???


@ markigno60

U-turn a freeway. Someone has INVITED him to reflect.



The film Idiocracy was prophetic: it seems only right to make such a premise to an audience that no longer has the capacity of discernment

Break in the wall.


Perhaps the words of the President of the Republic made someone's ears ring.

But the embarrassment remains.


@ Simona7018

But it is not fair for many reasons to compare it to ours of the Resistance. Historical reasons not social stuff.. or Wikipedia graduate stuff.


Ukraine denounces a Russian missile attack on Odessa, the missiles hit 'infrastructure facilities'. "The only target of the Russian missile attacks on Odessa is terror (no, idiot, this is a visiting card to the Nazis of: Borrell OTAN and Ursula: ours are announcing each other. And soon they will be in ODESSA, Ukraine will also lose the access to the Black Sea, why the Russian-speaking pogroms you made in Odessa? those, you shouldn't forget "). Russia must be designated as a sponsor state of terrorism and treated accordingly. No business, no contacts, no cultural projects. We need a wall between civilization and the barbarians hitting peaceful cities with missiles, "says Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.


and why have they been doing the same things in DONBASS for 8 long years?

L'Ucraina denuncia un attacco con missili russi su Odessa, i missili hanno colpito 'impianti infrastrutturali'. "L'unico obiettivo degli attacchi missilistici russi su Odessa è il terrore (no, idiota, questo è un biglietto da visita ai nazisti di: Borrell OTAN e Ursula: i nostri si stanno annunciando. e presto saranno ad ODESSA, Ucraina perderà anche l'accesso al Mare Nero, perché i pogrom dei russofoni che avete fatto a Odessa? quelli, non li dovreste dimenticare"). La Russia deve essere designata come Stato sponsor del terrorismo e trattata di conseguenza. Niente affari, niente contatti, niente progetti culturali. Abbiamo bisogno di un muro tra la civiltà e i barbari che colpiscono città pacifiche con i missili", dice il ministro degli Affari Esteri ucraino Dmytro Kuleba.


e perché loro hanno fatto le stesse cose in DONBASS per 8 lunghi anni?


CHINA open letter ] the war of military satellites has just begun and must be won! [ Russia, Korolyov space and missile research center, near Moscow, on fire, The large-scale fire in the center that houses numerous plants related to the production of energy and aerospace components. There are hypotheses of sabotage or laser beams coming from space that also hit Chinese airliners.

the war of military satellites has just begun and must be won!

CHINA open letter ] la guerra dei satelliti militari è appena iniziata e deve essere vinta! [ Russia, a fuoco il centro di ricerca spaziale e missilistico di Korolyov, vicino Mosca, L'incendio di vaste dimensioni nel centro che ospita numerosi stabilimenti legati alla produzione di energia e componentistica aerospaziale. Si fanno ipotesi di sabotaggio oppure di raggi laser provenienti dalla spazio che colpiscono anche aerei di linea cinesi.

la guerra dei satelliti militari è appena iniziata e deve essere vinta!

Orlando rightly said: "Without a wage increase there will be a social crisis"


Rome, April 23, 2022 Without an increase in workers' wages, there will be a social crisis and if there is no recovery in purchasing capacity, there will be a dramatic fall in domestic demand ": said Labor Minister Andrea Orlando at the Article congress. 1.


Italy is deficient in almost everything, because: the mess: of politics, the judiciary and executive powers have become a single mafia cauldron soup: deep state, in the technocratic and bureaucratic Freemasonry of the Rothschilds.

So our leaders are the Masonic-parasitic society, the poor must be kept good, and the townspeople and small businesses bear an impossible cross.

giustamente Orlando ha detto: "Senza aumento salari ci sarà una crisi sociale"


Roma, 23 aprile 2022 Senza aumento dei salari dei lavoratori ci sarà una crisi sociale e se non c'è ripresa della capacità di acquisto ci sarà una drammatica caduta della domanda interna": lo ha detto il ministro del Lavoro Andrea Orlando al congresso di Articolo 1.


l'Italia è deficitaria su quasi tutto, perché: l'inciucio: di politica magistratura e poteri esecutivi sono diventati un unico minestrone mafioso calderone: deep state, nella massoneria tecnocratica e burocratica dei Rothschild.

Quindi i nostri leaders sono la società massonico-parassitaria, i poveri devono essere mantenuti buoni, e la borchesia e le piccole imprese portano una croce impossibile da portare.


Ronde Sharia di Eurabia a Torino impediscono di bere in strada: “Viola Ramadan”. “Musulmani ci considerano inferiori”

Aprile 22, 2022

L’immigrazione afroislamica deve essere fermata. I ricongiungimenti familiari abrogati. La legge sulla Cittadinanza deve tornare allo ius sanguinis integrale. Tutto il resto sono palliativi e propaganda.

Sharia in Italia, musica vietata in scuole e ronde islamiche. Imam a italiani: “State zitti”

Aprile 22, 2022, In Italia ormai vige la Sharia. Ronde di immigrati islamici impongono la legge di Maometto nei quartieri:

L’assessore piemontese alle Politiche Sociali e Cooperazione internazionale Maurizio Marrone incontrerà i cristiani copti, aggrediti a Torino. «L’episodio è preoccupante perché ci dà il polso di quanto le nostre città stiano diventando territori franchi per integralisti islamici che non hanno alcuna intenzione di integrarsi, e anzi aggrediscono coloro che ritengono “non rispettino la legge islamica”»


Ronde Sharia of Eurabia in Turin prevent drinking in the street: “Viola Ramadan”. "Muslims consider us inferior"

April 22, 2022

Afro-Islamic immigration must be stopped. Family reunifications abrogated. The law on citizenship must return to the integral ius sanguinis. All the rest are palliatives and propaganda.

Sharia in Italy, music banned in Islamic schools and patrols. Imam to Italians: "Shut up"

April 22, 2022, Sharia law is now in force in Italy. Patrols of Islamic immigrants impose Muhammad's law in neighborhoods:

The Piedmontese councilor for Social Policies and International Cooperation Maurizio Marrone will meet Coptic Christians, attacked in Turin. "The episode is worrying because it gives us the pulse of how our cities are becoming free territories for Islamic fundamentalists who have no intention of integrating, and indeed attack those who believe" they do not respect Islamic law ""


Ronde Sharia in Italy, Christians stabbed by Muslims: cases in Rome and Turin


Ronde Sharia in Italia, cristiani accoltellati da islamici: casi a Roma e Torino



Putin will not stop with Ukraine. The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, in his nocturnal speech, said that his invasion of his country "is only the beginning" and that Moscow has "plans to conquer other countries". “All the countries that, like us, believe in the victory of life over death, must fight alongside us, they must help us because we are on the front line. And after that, who will it be? », Zelensky declared.


against Putin there is a lot of slander and nonsense.

If, Putin wanted to avenge the Russian speakers, then why did he wait 8 years of massacres against them in Donbass?

and If, he wanted to annex new nations, perhaps he lacked the opportunities? of course not,

but, the aggression / encirclement of the CIA OTAN, even through Ukraine, was a matter of life and death for the entire Russian Confederation!

The CIA agents had amassed 150,000 men against the Donbass and then, they would shoot at the CRIMEA (as Erdogan had promised to do) and then, NATO would arrive with its tactical nuclear missiles (5 minutes away from Moscow) and these missiles would have demolished everything as far as the Urals.

and NATO is not a clud of friends of the bowls as Fassino says.

then, now no one has to say anymore than Putin is the aggressor, and that Ukraine is the attacked (no ifs, ands or buts: as a dogma of the Koranic mantra), because the exact opposite is true.

and all US EU leaders must come before an international criminal court for threatening the survival of mankind.

Now I say: how many innocent people have died because of the US, and how has the US spread Islamic extremists around the world from World War II to today (with their democracy how many massacres have they committed)?

and Ukraine is another sampling of their horrors, and of course, this deadly music of Pied Piper Rockefeller, Bin Salman really likes

Putin non si fermerà all'Ucraina. Il presidente ucraino, Volodymyr Zelensky, nel suo discorso notturno, ha affermato che l'invasione del suo Paese «è solo l'inizio» e che Mosca ha «progetti di conquistare altri Paesi». «Tutti i Paesi che, come noi, credono nella vittoria della vita sulla morte, devono combattere al nostro fianco, devono aiutarci perché noi siamo in prima linea. E dopo, a chi toccherà?», ha dichiarato Zelensky.


contro Putin si dicono un sacco di calunnie e di scemenze.

Se, Putin voleva vendicare i russofoni, allora perché lui ha atteso 8 anni di massacri contro di loro, in Donbass?

e Se, lui voleva annettere nuove Nazioni, forse gli mancavano le occasioni? certo che no,

ma, la aggressione/accerchiamento della CIA OTAN, anche attraverso la Ucraina, era una questione di vita o di morte per tutta la Confederazione Russa!

Gli agenti della CIA avevano ammassato 150.000 uomini contro il Donbass e poi, avrebbero sparato contro la CRIMEA (come Erdogan aveva promesso di fare) e poi, sarebbe arrivata la NATO con i suoi missili nucleari tattici (a 5 minuti di distanza da Mosca) e questi missili avrebbero demolito tutto fino agli Urali.

e la NATO non è un clud di amici bocciofili come dice Fassino.

allora, adesso non deve più dire nessuno che Putin e l'aggressore, e che la Ucraina è l'aggredito (senza se, e senza ma: come un mantra coranico dogma), perché è vero proprio tutto il contrario.

e tutti i leaders UE USA devono venire avanti ad un tribunale penale internazionale per minaccia alla sopravvivenza del genere umano.

Adesso io dico: quante persone innocenti sono morte per colpa degli USA, e come hanno diffuso gli estremisti islamici nel mondo gli USA dalla seconda guerra mondiale ad oggi (con la loro democrazia quanti massacri hanno compiuto)?

e la Ucraina è un altro campionario dei loro orrori, ed ovviamente, questa musica mortale del pifferaio magico Rockefeller, piace molto a Bin Salman


Turkey: 'Israel is an important player,' will maintain ties despite Temple Mount clashes


Putin explains the war to a 12-year-old: "The tragedy in the Donbass forced Russia to launch this military operation" The head of the Kremlin gives his version of the facts:

"In the last eight years things had changed for the worse"


in the 2014 CIA coup in Maidan, with the CIA's Chechen snipers they made 96 corpses that are still without guilty today?

there was already the kabbalah project of forcing the Russians into world war in order to raze the EU.

EU politicians know this but they don't have the dignity to get out of this deadly game!

4 3lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


"The West lived in a paradise. He had no realism in relations with Russia ”.

Interview-podcast for the newsletter with Efraim Inbar, one of the major strategists in Israel and adviser to Netanyahu.

"Everyone knew that bringing Ukraine closer to NATO would trigger a reaction from the Russian bear.

We Israelis know him better than you and we warned you. "

In fact, it has been since 1997 that Joe Biden, the United States ambassador to the Soviet Union, Bill Clinton's secretary of defense and the current head of the CIA have also said so.. Inbar: "The amnesia of the West has a price".


there is no one who has the courage to say: that NATO and its accomplices are: imperialists, coup leaders, criminals, serial killers, mafia, practically a world Jewish Masonic government,

that it is because of Bin Salman that for his ISIS caliphate, that he needs Satanists to unleash the world war against the Chinese!

4 3lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


the Talmudic High Sanhedrin of: Caiaphas Anna Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild NWO 666 UK OTAN UE lgbtqia+++ Donkey Darwin, they thought that Satan and Allah are more reasonable and convenient than JHWH and his Jesus, because they have too many commandments that mortify the penis!

A Pennsylvania school district voted against a parent's request to launch an After School Satan Club at an elementary school for students who want to participate in a non-religious extracurricular program.

By a vote of 8-1 on Tuesday, the Northern York County School Board based in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania rejected a request to establish an "After School Satan Club" at the district's Northern Elementary School.

3 3lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


the ottoman vulture Erdogan evaluates the nations by the lethal power of their army.. but what if Iran hezbollah and hamas undermine Israel?

sure, then, he would become the chosen prey of allah!

5 3lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

WATCH: Ukrainian Jews celebrate Passover under fire


Big 666 pharma NWO. welcome to gene hell, and nano technologies

#no correlation

Sudden illness, bassist Simone Massarut dies at 30

#no correlation

There was nothing to do for Carlo Cardinale, a 46-year-old Salento from Galatone, in the province of Lecce: he died in Veneto, in Vicenza, after a sudden illness in front of his colleagues.

3 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


shalom + salam = universal brotherhood

5 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


there is no single reason to transform: Xi-Jinping and Putin into an enemy, except the fact that: they did not wear fishnet stockings and they did not come in high heels with exposed buttocks to make a procession for holy satan: in a parade of gay pride lgbtqia +++ the dog, the donkey, the mouse the beast and the fluid monkey talmud-darwin Ape Mokey Charles Michel: iridescent and flashing.

"The Russian tennis players excluded from Wimbledon 2022? I find it a str BIP BIP.. ata BIP BIP,

if I can use this term. Medvedev and Rublev, among other things, I think they have already disagreed with what their country is doing".

This was stated by Adriano Panatta who spoke to the microphones of Un Giorno da Pecora. "Russian tennis players are people who do this job. A Russian engineer who is in London then shouldn't

be working anymore?" Added the former great blue champion.

4 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ I had decided to take all of Ukraine, to take it away from satan and sodom and Ursula the witch the antichrist.. but I see that it would be a huge human price!

but when will I go down with my anger in the sharia ARAB LEAGUE?

I will have no mercy on islamist sharjah

4 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


I would never have sent weapons. Our Constitution prohibits it ". ]] [[ M5S, Coltorti: "Zelensky ceda Donbass, Putin is not a butcher"

https://www.msn.Com/it-it/notizie/mondo/m5s-coltorti-zelensky-ceda-donbass-putin-non-%C3%A8 -butcher

"I would immediately sign a motion on the sale of the Donbass and on stopping the sending of weapons, I would support it like a sword", insists Coltorti, who spares no criticism of the work

of the Ukrainian president: "I don't know if Zelensky represents the voice of the Ukrainian population:

there is a state of war, people are forced to wear uniforms. The Ukrainian people may not be all on Zelensky's side ". The one underway in Ukraine, according to Coltorti, "

is a war fought through intermediaries. The US wants to isolate Russia, we have no interest in

doing this and we are pursuing a policy against the achievement of peace".

For US President Biden, Putin was responsible for war crimes. "If these are war crimes,

even US presidents have committed them. I think it's wrong to call Putin a 'butcher'.

Obviously I don't condone it. Russia ", remarked Senator Grillino, who commented

on the line adopted by the Movement:" The M5S followed the initial wave, I would never have sent weapons.

Our Constitution prohibits it ".


he does not have the courage to say that Putin is right.

but it is a point of departure and arrival to obtain an immediate cessation of the conflict.

that idiot Zelensky to do Biden a favor, now he's about to lose access to the Black Sea too!

3 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


A possible motion on the sale of the Donbass to Russia and on stopping the shipment of weapons to Ukraine "I would sign it immediately". Word of the senator M5S Mauro Coltorti,

president of the Transport Commission of Palazzo Madama. "The request for the recognition of the independence of Donbass and Crimea and the state of neutrality of Ukraine

- says the senator in conversation with Adnkronos -

was made by Russia at the beginning of the conflict.

If Zelensky had accepted, he would have avoided bloodshed.

There has been a conflict in Donbass since 2014, once the Russians got in they put up a very serious mortgage. The sale of Donbass would have been a very honorable solution.

Crimea, on the other hand, is already Russian. I was in Crimea years ago, there they speak Russian not Ukrainian "


that idiot Zelensky to do Biden a favor, now he's about to lose access to the Black Sea too!

4 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


free Julian Paul Assange Now there is the extradition order, issued by the Westminster Magistrates Court in London. The only thing missing is the green light from the Minister of the Interior, the super hawk Priti Patel, then Julian Assange will be deported to the United States: then we will see a modern form of execution.


Are we actually witnessing a disguised death penalty, which is prohibited by all international conventions, or, to free Assange, will we now put Biden and his demonic and criminal world-wide predatory system in jail?

4 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


OTAN Spa & Co Uk 322 UE lgbtq of the antichrist Ursula nazi FED BM NWO?

free Julian Paul Assange (Townsville, 3 July 1971) is an Australian journalist, programmer and activist, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the popular organization WikiLeaks.

his fault was to prove that Biden & Boris are 2 macaron the Satanists


4 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


#MOSCA "What is happening in Ukraine is a tragedy, but Russia had no other choice, because in the OTAN Spa & Co Uk 322 UE lgbtq of the antichrist Ursula nazi FED BM NWO?

they are a legion of Rothschild demons who do not forget and do not forgive. "

this was said by Russian President Vladimir Putin,

4 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


United Kingdom, Assange's extradition to the US: the reactions of his supporters



Assange is punished because he did his duty to him. but, of course, only Xi and Putin are the tyrants!

while in the ARAB OIC LEAGUE jihad sharia kaput, they only are the larks of San Francesco live

4 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments

WATCH: Ukrainian Jews celebrate Passover under fire


United Kingdom, Assange's extradition to the US: the reactions of his supporters

Westminster Magistrates' Court issued the formal order for the founder of WikiLeaks.


to say that a journalist violates state secrets: while he reveals massacres of civilians, and genocide torture, which are not constitutionally allowed? it's like cursing the first amendment,

Assange is a hero and martyr of democracy, whom Talmudic plutocratic Jews hate,

but, unfortunately this is the real face of the USA UE UK OTAN Spa & Co NWO FED is that they are a legion of demons that do not forget and do not forgive.

4 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 82 comments

'It's a lie' - Bennett goes head-to-head with CNN journalist


Bennett said: "The problem is that the Palestinian leadership is totally corrupt, incompetent, so we have to do the job because there is no one to work with on the other side, and..


Bennett knows he is lying.

no, Muslims are specialized killers, they have obtained 1.2 billion innocent victims of Sharia law, and they have made the genocide of 50 previous Christian nations.

as vultures are lethal and opportunistic predators and are only waiting for your false step!


The whole ARAB LEAGUE UMMA OCI must be suffocated in their demonic wickedness!

4 3lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


"Who is murdered? We are seeing Palestinians killing Israelis. We do not see Israelis killing Palestinians, and that is why there is no symmetry here..

"I also object, these are not occupied territories, they are disputed territories, and we have claims on our places, as well as on them," she said.

"I understand," continued the Israeli leader. "Nobody is going anywhere. We have to figure out how to live together. This is my job. Providing security for Israelis, dignity for Palestinians. I am working very hard on it, and we are succeeding."


Israelis pretend to be stupid, but everyone knows that: you can't put goat and cabbage together!

as long as there is a sharia regime in the world, all Muslims can turn into potential terrorists, and for now, they must be deported to Syria!

of course now Bennet knows he's lying: "I'm working very hard on it, and we're succeeding."

6 6lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 134 comments

Arabs attack former Israeli beauty queen in mixed city, Orthodox Jew in Jerusalem


Arabs attack former Israeli beauty queen in mixed Jewish-Arab town; Orthodox man attacked in Jerusalem


everything here must be interpreted in a Froidian way.

Wahhabi Islamists are prehistoric and pre-biblical, let's say cavemen.

the male must be expelled from the herd, and the woman's only value is the hole.

5 3lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 43 comments

Jewish lawmaker dubbed 'Russian traitor' by Ukraine


Ilaria: "Promise kept, Stefano had justice and dignity"


fought against the deep state institutional octopus, DEM, the swamp of Masonic consociativism Bildenberg,

and she won: because she too belongs to another media potentate of the Democratic Party.

but, in Italy there are millions of Italians who are raped daily by the injustice of the Democratic Party!

5 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Afghanistan, l'Isis rivendica l'attentato alla moschea Sciita di Mazar-iSharif

Afghanistan, Isis claims the attack on the Shiite mosque of Mazar-iSharif


there is no doubt, Allah is a good devil!

6 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Colombia: drug kingpin 'Boliqueso' captured in Mexico

There is NO justification for the crime, but where did the plutocratic Jew Freemason steal the most? there, only the mafia can give you a chance to survive, and can give you the chance to have that justice that the state has a duty to represent.


6 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


no difference with Erdogan, even for him his opponents are the enemies of God Allah Rothschild!

The administration of Ukrainian President Baal-JabulOn Volodomyr Zelensky has declared that a Jewish parliamentarian from an opposition party is a "collaborator, pro-Russian politician" and traitor to Ukraine, the Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) reported.

Vadim Rabinovich, a longtime rival of Zelensky, was recently added to a blacklist of Ukrainians that includes opposition lawmakers, local politicians, journalists and bureaucrats who are allegedly linked to Russia or its president, Vladimir Putin.

7 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 24 comments

Jerusalem tensions soar ahead of Old City flag march


Yes this is the new freedom of religion of Islam

3 2lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments

Stop 'encouraging violence, rewarding Hamas' - Bennett fires back at Jordan


#worldisraelnews #MOSSAD ] [ this criminal hacker my account [[meicanselib1985

@meicanselib1985]] she/he it want to put on my lists

4 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 54 comments

Arab assaults 16-year-old Jewish girl on Jerusalem train


it is 80 years of terrorism that we have cried, and another 80 years of terrorism will not be given to us yet,

why if Israel does not react adequately?

no one can vouch for its existence

8 5lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 44 comments

Is Temple Mount calm dependent on restricting Jewish freedom of worship?


PUTIN RUSSIA ] [ don't you remember how they removed the water in CRIMEA?

now, the US EU carries lethal weapons, and you leave the structures standing in Ukraine?

make them all flee to Europe!

8 5lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


#worldisraelnews this channel CIA TROLL 666 Spa&Co Sodoma kingdom is not closed by all accounts, so it is active, yet you prevent me from being able to block it

madam Beulah ye olde


7 5lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Finland & Sweden dear girls my daughters ] these are still the same satanists of NATO! "SAUDI sharia Islamic ARABIA nwo"

I would like to have my posts / articles corrected by you. 110 blogspots blocked me after 14 years, as soon as they became aware of their existence, in fact, thanks to an App, I removed the 10 red html-code points.

two beautiful girls like you, must not fall into the hands of dirty and bloody satanists like OTAN, because they would make you two prostitute witches,

that in my opinion you already are.

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH

Draft 8 Jun 2021


6 5lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


hey, #worldisraelnews

https://disqus.Com/by/therevenger0815/ this criminal of yours has not blocked me, because his icon is visible in his negative votes, but I don't see him active from my channel, while he is active from another mine channel https://disqus.Com/by/lorenzojhwhleviathandominus/

5 5lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Finland & Sweden] There is NO logic to do this, but, if you really want to join NATO, you can do it as long as you can get all NATO atomic bombs expelled from all over Europe.

but you must know that among them those who are in control are the priests of satan,

and they use the Monarch project to take control of people,

and they make human sacrifices on the altar of satan.

and in their bases? you lose jurisdiction and can no longer investigate

5 5lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


and after all, this is logical, because everyone (8 billion people) is all expecting a gift from Unius REI

5 5lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


eih BIN dear, BIN ISIS Salman ] you must tell the CIA Satanist troll about Bro. Nick Nicholas

that I don't have many identities, I only have many names.

5 5lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


hey BIN dear, I have corrected this article many times, and I can guarantee you that there is nothing wrong with it. the sodom satans agenda they protect the little satan Bin ISIS Salman, and are afraid of San Lorenzo of Brindisi,

then, they are afraid of the Jews who pray on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. because the devil Allah hates prayers made to the true God


El islamismo relevo of communism

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom of Israel King LorenzoJHWH


Note: this blog https://sonosatanici.blogspot.Com/

it has been blocked

Your blog has been blocked for violating the Terms of Service.

5 5lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


: the fossil poly-layers: they cross, vertically, all the alleged "geological ages" of our planet! I PROPOSE THE DEATH PENALTY FOR EVOLUTIONIST scientists!

and I am very grateful to Turkey, which has eliminated the criminal ideological dogmatic religious theory of evolution from school textbooks! All the governments of the world must adapt now!

5 5lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Russia-Ukraine war, new explosions in multiple regions. Borrell in conversation with Kuleba: “Discussed situation on the field”. Biden reopens public land for oil and gas drilling.


this massive introduction of western weapons into Ukraine is no longer a police action, but a direct conflict with the EU, and I don't know why the Russians kept the civilian and military structures in Ukraine standing

6 5lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 44 comments

Is Temple Mount calm dependent on restricting Jewish freedom of worship?


Finland and Sweden towards NATO: "We will not end up like Kiev"


in fact, you could end up worse, since there are no nuclear weapons in Kiev.

7 5lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


BIN ISIS Salman from Riyad ] [ you look at me, that I am the universal brotherhood, and that I dream of a world of brothers without violence.

6 6lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


The rebirth of Notre Dame three years after the stake. Macron visits the construction site of the Paris cathedral. the gothic church, symbol of Christianity.


the murderous Freemason always returns to the scene of the crime


7 6lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


BIN ISIS Salman ] [ you take my case, that the lgbtqs fired me because they said the bible was badly written, and now I had to work, in the secretariat from three months (but it seems that everyone in the Province is afraid of me), and nobody calls me, and I stay at home all the time, and they pay me my salary without working!


Why do not you call me? you know how much laughter we can do against the Shiites?

7 6lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 130 comments

Arabs riot on Temple Mount on Ramadan; hundreds arrested, many injured


open letter BEIJING, APRIL 15 - China assures that "there will be reunification" with Taiwan and threatens "effective measures" to protect sovereignty and territorial integrity: after the arrival on the island of a delegation from the US Senate: who met today, President Tsai Ing-wen. This was assured by the spokesman of the Foreign Ministry Zhao Lijian, expressing Beijing's "firm opposition" to any official exchange between Taiwan and the US.


I don't think world war will be born, for this annexation, they will only give you sanctions, and objectively this is not a real problem!

7 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Allah forgot the psychiatric drugs this morning

11 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on United with Israel 10 comments

The Revolution of Passover



only a mountain? all the desert of Madiana, because being in the desert for 40 years and one day means (for the Bible) having a legal right to that property,

also because the master of that territory was Ietro who was the priest of Maidan.

Obviously, there is no violence in this operation, because it is an alliance, that is, that of obtaining from Egypt and Saudi Arabia, another 8000 sq km to be able to call all the Jews who today, in the world are dispersed!

8 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments

PA making terror payments to hundreds of Israeli citizens


and why are Israelis not ashamed to say it?

this is a madness that cannot be seen anywhere else in the world.

The Palestinian Authority makes terrorist payments to hundreds of Israeli citizens

5 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

GROUNDBREAKING: Israel's new defense system 'turning the tables on terror'

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


Russia has blatantly tactically mistaken this war, not least because the Ukrainian killers expected punishment and were adequately prepared to respond.

the Russian attack on the airport near Kiev would have been successful if the information of that attack had not leaked, and instead it was too painful a loss for the Russian troops, who in turn in despair have indulged in violence against civilians , but for this everyone must answer on a personal level!

Ukrainians also tortured and executed Russian soldiers outside international conventions.

All this horror was made "made in USA" in the hope of obtaining the third world war, and of carrying out the death of all European peoples with the complicity of all European leaders, who by betraying their peoples have sworn allegiance to the Rockefeller Freemasonry. and always at the service of the speculative finance of Rothschild and Mario Draghi, and Mario Monti.

a scum of personnel who have committed, en masse, high constitutional treason and threat to national sovereignty and security

7 3lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


eih, #worldisraelnews eih,



I cannot report and block this criminal

6 3lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


"Undress or I'll shoot". The ethnic rapes in the basement of the destroyed cities

by our correspondent Brunella Giovara

A protest in the United States against sexual abuse of Ukrainian women A protest in the United States against sexual abuse of Ukrainian women (afp)

The Kiev authorities denounce hundreds of cases of sexual violence committed by Russians, mercenaries, Chechens. The UN: "Independent investigation"

Poland denies abortion to Ukrainian refugees raped by Russian soldiers


the state must not abandon a woman who has difficulty in continuing the pregnancy, with economic and psychological support this help must be given.

6 2lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments

Iran's – and America's – plans to fund Russia's war in Ukraine


Patrick Lyoya, African American killed by a policeman with a hit to the neck: video shock. "An execution". Protest explodes


In the USA-EU the sacedotes of Satan and the LGBTQ have control and that's all!

8 3lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments

Arab ENT doctor rushes to treat Tel Aviv terror victims


JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO SAID: " anti-Semitic is as despicable (as any other racism)

but anti-Zionism is Satanism itself, for this reason no one will be able to rehabilitate the devil Allah!

5 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


this is a huge war crime! Zelensky proposes the exchange of prisoners

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has proposed that Russia hand over oligarch Viktor Medvedchuk to Moscow in exchange for the release of Ukrainians taken prisoner by Russian forces.


Biden and Obama, too, want to give: Benedetto XVI, Netanjahu, Orban, and TRUMP MAGA Patriot to the cannibals in exchange for the girls: to be sacrificed on the altar of satan.

now the DEMs have thrown their masks!

6 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Russia has warned NATO that if Sweden and Finland join the military alliance, it will be forced to strengthen its defenses and there can be no longer talk of a "nuclear-free" Baltic.


no one has threatened these two Rothschild s+l*ts, who have no respect for their peoples and for mankind and have sworn allegiance to Rockefeller!

8 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


ok but we can move them to Siberia, there is a lot of space there!

Migrants, London: "Asylum seekers will be transferred to Rwanda" Towards agreement with Rwanda - Interior Minister Priti Patel intends to sign a £ 120 million agreement with the African country's government that provides for rapid repatriation for some applicants asylum, with the commitment of Rwanda to manage the process of documents and checks.

The anti-landing plan - Johnson explained the anti-landing plan in a speech given on the English coast of Kent. According to Downing Street, the situation has become unsustainable following the record number of illegal landings: on Wednesday alone, over 600 people arrived, landed on the coasts with small boats and rafts, for a total of over 5 thousand arrivals touched this year.

bully Boris complains for: 5 thousand

we get 35,000 every year, almost all of the Nigerian mafia, and prostitutes

7 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel



all doctors should respect the Hippocratic oath but today they swear in JabullOn and in DEMs to abort and euthanize

and to kill political opponents such as Giulietto Chiesa, Maradona and me.

5 4lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 11 comments

Israeli police arrest ISIS terrorist for 3 murders, including 2019 slaying of elderly couple


we must face the demon of the banking seigniorage of the plutocratic sodom satans:

to be able to judge this scum of:

presidents of Poland and Baltic states in Kiev, Duda:

"This is not a war, it is terrorism"!


so they were the CIA terrorist snipers on maidan square in 2014,

who killed 100 people at random, and made the coup?

7 3lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 24 comments

Major Passover terror attack thwarted


Mélenchon DEM Imam Allah uh Akbar, and Macron madrassa jihad sharia? the various alliances of all the antichrists of the planet against the last fortress: Jewish-Christian CHINA RUSSIA and Israel!

but, Why did Mélenchon rise to more than 21%?

yes, the reference to submission is emblematic where it is expected that in 2026 Islam will take power in France, that is, in the next elections..

He will surely ally with Macron,

8 2lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


Disney the kingdom of UE UN, Sodoma, Spa & Co Rothschild FED NWO Satan OTAN antichrist!

we can no longer consider Disney cartoons and products to be automatically safe for our children.

Disney is repositioning itself on the market by making earlier political and ideological choices.

Choices that impact on the education of our children, including in the sexual and moral sphere.

Who should educate our children? Us or the far-left Disney executives?

After listening to these few minutes of madness your opinion on Disney will change radically:


Reason tells us that paying for Disney products or services now means funding the Gay Agenda claimed by its executives.

5 2lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel


Four terrorists were arrested, including the killer of 2015 victim Malachi Rosenfeld.


Allah is a beast that you must always look at from the sight of a rifle,

while, Merkel Macron Mario Draghi gave the Italian, French and German peoples to Erdogan,

just to spite Putin, who didn't want to wear fishnets like Vladimir Luxuria!

6 2lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

NY mayor slams social media over subway shooter's violent posts


the Freemasons of Sweden-Finland say: that their army is stronger than the Russian one, and that they are ready for anything, just to defend: Spa & Co. Technocratic Neoliberalism: Rothschild Satan, Sodom and Allah!

but, the project to demolish CHINA, INDIA and RUSSIA etc. to perfect, the NWO OCI UMMA is a Wahhabi project: which precedes the 2014 coup in Kiev,

because the Wahhabis, by preventing my reign of Israel, are not leaving the enemies of NATO with a single hope of survival!

[A very dangerous escalation. ]

[Russia resorts to the black market in arms and warns: nuclear in the Baltic if Sweden and Finland in NATO


**** A very dangerous escalation.

Ukraine 666 UE Ursula-Zelensky that is only the fuse of hell!

7 3lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

Soldier inquires about freezing sperm 'in case I don't come back'


"I'm Russian, is this a problem for you?" And Kseniya opens a house to Ukrainian brothers


the universal crime of sharia sodomy, rockefelelr Spa & Co plutocraia technocracy and freemasonry of NATO and its accomplices all?

cries out for vengeance in the sight of God! and revenge will come!

Ukraine, Zelensky: "800 million dollars in military aid, thanks Biden"

6 3lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

WATCH: California voters are ready to move on from Pelosi

JHWH pantocrator NO EU SPA NWO


#Islands #Fiji] ] if I was Putin? I sent you 10 ICBMs, all nuclear!

6 1lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments

Arab Joint List MK to right-wing coalition defector: Thanks for empowering us


it is definitely a good start to start studying

End Times - Daniel UNSEALED! (2021 Great Tribulation)


Also known as the "2520 End Times Prophecy" video, this is likely one

of the most amazing end-times videos you will have ever watched. Simple, yet profound, this video explains

in detail how the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy forecasts the end of days. Watch

as C.J. Lovik masterfully explains this prophecy.

The END is closer than you think! Share will friends and lost loved ones--there's

not much time left before the LORD returns to gather His children home. Will you be among them?

6 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 180 comments

Hamas threatens violence if Jews offer Passover sacrifice on Temple Mount



I have no experience of these 34 parallel universes (thankfully) but it was Albert Einstein who said it, and we think he is a credible person

5 3lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel



I am the King of Israel lorenzoJHWH,

therefore of the traitors of Masonic societies it is said:

"parasitic societies"

7 3lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel



my kingdom is laicity solution and teocratic solution both at same time!

but right to order your historical culture?

it was certainly not the Christians who started with the violence!

now these 2,000-year-old violence must stop because JHWH ordered reconciliation,

you want to reconcile with me?

5 3lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments

Libyan fencing team withdraws from competition to avoid Israeli athletes


#worldisraelnews #Disqus ] i dont know if it is normal that

"2 Guest Votes" zombies 666 ghosts CIA NWO FED Spa&Co

they must continue to vote negatively on all my comments, and how can I defend myself against this?

6 2lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

the greatest crime in the history of mankind, is the Masonic Jewish system of false democracies, without monetary and political sovereignty. and this is high treason, conspiracy, seditions, criminals have taken possession of the EU US NATO!

Maurizio Blondet April 13, 2022

The alarmist "news" in the Western regime press about the possible use of "chemical weapons" by the Russian army has been increasing in recent days. Doubtful forms are used, the conditional is used, the stone is thrown into the pigeon house knowing that simple people, accustomed to drinking as very certain truths everything that the main stream press pours into their heads every day.


5 2lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Democracy in Dragistan (the mandatory psycho-technical health regime) Rockefeller loves

you very much and stings you often!

the greatest crime in the history of mankind, is the Masonic Jewish system of false democracies,

without monetary and political sovereignty. and this is high treason, conspiracy, seditions, criminals have taken possession of the EU US NATO!


Maurizio Blondet April 13, 2022

"The raid of the Carabinieri in the national headquarters of USB in via dell’Aeroporto 129 in Rome

occurred in the late morning. The military received an anonymous report on the presence

of weapons in the union building, later finding a gun in the toilet flush ”.

This anti-union action by Draghi based on an anonymous report, immediately "confirmed"

by a gun found in a tray… Read more


4 2lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

on this planet the only man of God? it's His holiness Kirill,

the Orthodox Patriarch defines Putin a 'miracle of God'


and I confirm it: "Putin is a minister of God"

and the satan sodom Allah of the antichrist Ursula the octopus?

have risen against him!

4 2lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Demokracy in Dragistan (the mandatory medical technical spico regime)

Rockefeller loves you too very much and stings you often!

There must be a coup d'etat in progress: a group of mobsters not elected

by anyone announces rules without even being informed by Parliament. And a major newspaper breaks the news

https://t.Co/caQRj6njnB Lucio Malan (@LucioMalan) April 12, 2022

Covid, Aifa announces an annual recall for the autumn with a vaccine adapted for over 50s or 60s

Still to be determined is whether the entire population will be vaccinated.


5 2lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments

Tel Aviv terrorist's father, brother escape Israeli arrest

there are human shields (and no one can deny this) as it is evident to everyone, too, that civilians

are a huge problem for the Russian Army alone!

"The methods and forms of ruthless attitude towards civilians, tested by fascist executioners during

the Great Patriotic War, are now used with particular refinement in practice by Ukrainian neo-Nazis,

" Mizintsev emphasized.

He also said Ukrainian nationalists are holding 6.2,000 foreigners from 11 countries hostage.

In addition, 76 foreign ships from 18 countries continue to be blocked in Ukrainian ports,

the general added.

Earlier, Mizintsev said militants in Ukraine torture Slavyansk residents of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), threaten them with transfer to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU),

and retaliate against relatives for pro-Russian views.

Mizintsev also said Ukrainian authorities are evading to ensure the safe exit of ships

from Ukraine's ports.


Ukrainian militants blocked 450 civilians in the Nikolo-Vasilyevsky monastery, located

in the village of Nikolskoye, Volnovakha district of the DPR, the road to the monastery is crossed,

it is impossible to evacuate, said the head of the National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation, Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev.

4 1lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Viktor Medvedchuk was NOT only slandered, but arrested without trial, and tortured…

because that's how Mario Draghi, Ursula and Borrell like it!

Medvedchuk's Wife: There is no doubt that my husband is being persecuted for political reasons

The wife of the leader of the Ukrainian party "Opposition platform-For life" Viktor Medvedchuk Oksana Marchenko appealed to the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky with a request

to release her husband.

"I, Oksana Marchenko, the wife of Ukrainian People's Deputy Viktor Medvedchuk,

appeal to President Zelensky. I ask you to take all necessary actions for the immediate release of my husband Medvedchuk Viktor Vladimirovich, who is illegally detained by the SBU" Marchenko

said on his YouTube channel.

"Viktor Vladimirovich did not violate any law of Ukraine and did not leave his territory,"

stressed Marchenko.

She noted that her husband has always supported peace, dialogue and harmony in Ukraine.

"And you, Mr. President, know this very well. There is no doubt that my husband is being persecuted

for political reasons. His life should be out of danger. I am waiting for your response,"

said Marchenko in his speech to Zelensky.

ANSWER now the DEM PD lgbtq are persecuting the political side of the opposition: throughout the West.

and the repression of the political counterpart is a practice in the Ucriana dei Golpisti since 2104

4 1lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Viktor Medvedchuk was NOT only slandered, but arrested without trial, and tortured…

because that's how Mario Draghi, Ursula and Borrell like it!

Russian investigators will verify the legality of the actions of the Ukrainian authorities

against the Ukrainian politician Viktor Medvedchuk, the corresponding instruction was given

by the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin.

"The chairman of the investigative committee of Russia instructed to verify the legality

of the actions of the Ukrainian authorities against Viktor Medvedchuk and in relation

to the requests made for his exchange with Ukrainian prisoners of war,"

said the official representative of the department Svetlana Petrenko in the channel

Telegram of the IC.

On the eve of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that the SBU arrested the head of the political council of the party "Opposition platform - For life" Viktor Medvedchuk.

In confirmation of his words, Zelensky published a photo of Medvedchuk in handcuffs.

Later, the SBU announced the detention of Medvedchuk.

The wife of politician Oksana Marchenko asked Zelensky to release her husband

and asked Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan to help with this.


now, fire, tears and blood!

now the DEM PD lgbtq

they are persecuting the political side of the opposition: throughout the West.

and the repression of the political counterpart is a practice in the Ucriana dei Golpisti since 2104

4 1lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen continues to consider Russian Crimea

and does not regret the ban on visiting Ukraine.

"I don't regret it, since the decision on the status of Crimea was taken in a referendum,"

Le Pen said in response to a question from the BFM TV channel about Kiev's inclusion

on the list of undesirable people in Ukraine.

"I'm not going to Kiev now, but if I'm elected, they might decide to lift the ban,"

said the French presidential candidate.


now, fire, tears and blood!

after the coup in Kiev, pogroms, and the universal plebiscite of Russian speakers?

go to exterminate them: it represented the violation

of all international and democratic constitutional rights,

because the sovereignty of peoples has been vilified,

both in their theoretical concept and in its political-practical implementation

4 1lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

how the technocratic DEM 666 PD 322 UEs destroyed the economies of the planet criminally,

and for imperialist Rockefeller purposes.

Western countries' rejection of normal cooperation with Russia, including

in the energy sector,

has hit the United States and Europe, President Vladimir Putin said at

a meeting on Arctic development.

"The refusal of a number of Western countries from normal cooperation, including Russian

energy resources, has already partially affected millions of Europeans, caused

a real energy crisis and,

incidentally, affects the United States. Prices are rising everywhere and there.

inflation is off the charts.

For these countries, it is absolutely unprecedented, "the head of state said.

He added that Russia can increase the consumption and processing of energy resources and redirect them to other areas.


now, fire, tears and blood! our western leaders must be tried for: high treason, slander,

false public deed, conspiracy and massacre, and induction into world war!

3 1lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Zakharova announced the presence of "White Helmets" in Ukraine.

The active involvement of the members of the organization of the White Helmets

in the situation in Ukraine leaves no doubt, said the spokeswoman

of the Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

The White Helmets are a tool of the West for the implementation

of chemical weapons provocations,

as well as for the use of human rights issues for the purposes and interests of the client.


now, fire, tears and blood! the white helmets were used by Erdogan, to produce

dirty chemical weapons, with which to slander Assad.

4 1lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

shalom ============== universal brotherhood ============== salam

my kingodom Israel came

6 1lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments

For Jews fleeing Ukraine, Passover takes on new meaning

all criminal choices NATO of a generation of Masonic and cursed leaders, and traitors of their own peoples!

Sweden has decided to join NATO: it will apply in June.


now, fire, tears and blood!

6 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments

'WORSE THAN CORONA': Jerusalem businesses suffer due to terror

War Russia Ukraine, the comedian buffoon murderer criminal liar warmonger, corrupt traitor Zelensky:

we can lose the whole of Eastern Europe


why does Zelensky speak with the plural maiestatis or plural maiestatico, he has mounted his head and thinks he is Rothschild or Satan himself?

7 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

The joke of gas - Italy "gives" gas to Croatia http://a.msn.Com/07/it-it/AAW9pAt?ocid=st


we give gifts to everyone,

we have already given Mont Blanc and the Tyrrhenian sea to the French,

thanks to the PD and to Gentiloni, without a discussion the parliament

5 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

USA, Yellen urges China to help stop Russian war in Ukraine "


at present: FED IMF BM NWO OCI Riyad work for Satan allah Sodom and Nato are not just a criminal association,

but they are above all a supernatural demonic structure

4 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 49 comments

Israel’s US ambassador: Bennett no longer leading Ukraine-Russia mediation

Le Pen: "If I win, France will leave NATO integrated command"


at present: EU, US and NATO are not just a criminal association that violates the human rights and the constitution of member states:

but it is also a supernatural demonic structure

6 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Discussion on World Israel News 38 comments

Possible Brooklyn shooting suspect posted antisemitic rants, compared blacks to Jews in Holocaust

Finland and Sweden espouse the criminal Western narrative as if all murders and pogroms since 2014 have never happened in Ukraine, and therefore want to bring NATO's deadly nuclear weapons to Russia's borders,

now we legitimately ask ourselves, why the European leaders instead of thinking about protecting their peoples, are supporting NATO aggression and its world war against China and Russia!

4 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Rothschild from his slaves, he wants all taxes, down to the last penny, and the fact that you have paid so many taxes on your money? this does not mean that your money is truly yours, in that freak clown that is the Italian State.

Payments, ATMs and cards: everything changes. Fines arrive https://www.msn.Com/it-it/money/stories-principali/pagamenti-bancomat-e-carte-cambia-tutto-arrivano-le-multe/

New rules to curb tax evasion. A simplified receipt lottery, a more scrupulous monitoring of the 110% Superbonus, an e-bill for flat-rate VAT numbers, a squeeze on the Pos, as well as a sort of screening of credit card users are some of the solutions identified by the Draghi government to track down those who do not pay taxes.

4 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

help me ISRAEL! MOSSAD! Help me! @therevenger0815 he put mine


in spam, I see it but I can't block it

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so he hid all my work from the last 10 hours

3 lorenzoJHWH x kingdom Israel

Frank James is right,

whites are no better than blacks, and no one is better than no one!

I am the universal brotherhood, and I am sorry that Rothschild thinks of Mario Draghi that ului is a humanoid with a human form goyims dhimmis murtidi dalit, with those takfiri of the Wahhabis


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