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33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
explosive testimony fake seal Netanyahu’s Rothschild fate fake
Stabbing victims identified, 10 orphans left behind
jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri
Stabbing victims identified, 10 orphans left behind
Jews and Muslims were expelled from Spain in 1600AD. because they were both involved in hateful terrorism, murders and Masonic conspiracies!
and their dangerous lethality? it hasn't changed today.
jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri
It is therefore logical that Zionism should become the victim both of the Jewish globalist plutocrats lgbtq cult Spa&Co, of the diaspora, as of all the Muslims sharjah all of the ARAB LEAGUE.
This is the same story as Saint George (ie, Putin's Russia, China and UniusREI)
who kills the Dragon (OCI UMMA NWO OTAN) who wants to eat the girl of Israel
What Our Fathers Did – A NAZI Legacy in Ukraine https://sonar21.Com/what-our-fathers-did-a-nazi-legacy-in-ukraine/
The Russian accusation that Ukraine still hosts Nazis, albeit 3rd generation Nazis, is true. You can read more about this in my previous post, Yes, the Azon battalion are Nazi sympathizers. I encourage you to watch the full documentary. It's creepy and oddly relevant for today.
Quello con cui sono d'accordo è che la lobby della Massoneria nel nostro paese dovrebbe essere chiusa in modo permanente e non sta nemmeno seguendo la legge della Torah, è seguire e il male che è in verità indicibile e fa di più che minare le verità di Dio e del nostro Messia a venire.
Anche il governo di coalizione è contrario agli insegnamenti e al rispetto della legge della Torah e del nostro Tanakh, quindi perché è stato loro permesso di essere messi in posizioni di potere così alte mi batte.
Se la legge marziale debba essere istituita qui o meno, non lo so davvero, ma una cosa è certa, le cose devono cambiare per la nostra gente per ciò che è giusto e poco prima del nostro Adonai e prima è meglio è.
What I do agree with is that the Freemasonry lobby in our country should be permanently shut down and it's not even following Torah Law, it's following and evil that is in truth unspeakable and does more than undermine the truths of G-d and our Messiah to come.
Even the coalition government is against the teachings and following of Torah Law and our Tanakh, so why were they even allowed to be put in such a high positions of power beats me.
Whether martial law should be set up here or not I really don't know but one thing is for sure, things need to change for our people for what is right and just before our Adonai and the sooner the better.
Anyone who serves G-d, no matter what race they are from, are no better than each other or holier than anyone else, we are all learning to live before G-d as He says we should be
and when we get it wrong,
we should make it right before our Messiah
so we can continue to live our lives as G-d asks of us all.
Yes we are G-ds first chosen that has never changed
but even our own people are still learning to live as G-d asks of us,
it's not just anyone else who has been willing to except G-d as their creator either.
Chiunque serva Dio, non importa da quale razza provenga, non è migliore l'uno dell'altro o più santo di chiunque altro, stiamo tutti imparando a vivere davanti a Dio come Egli dice che dovremmo essere
e quando sbagliamo,
dovremmo farlo proprio davanti al nostro Messia
così possiamo continuare a vivere le nostre vite come Dio chiede a tutti noi.
Sì, siamo G-ds scelti per primi che non sono mai cambiati
ma anche la nostra stessa gente sta ancora imparando a vivere come Dio ci chiede,
non è solo chiunque altro che è stato disposto ad eccetto G-d come loro creatore.
your speech is very honest socially and intellectually.
but, your rabbis will tell you that there is a level of holiness and mystique, prophecy and special charisms, supernatural gifts (and I have almost none of that),
a whole vertical and transcendent world that I know very well, and I, in fact, I know my level of holiness inside the vertical pyramid of God!
but, holiness and charisma and love draw closer to God's love, but God is not only love,
in fact, the heavenly kingdom of God (like Israel: the terrestrial kingdom of God) is also a hierarchical institutional political organization (medieval type), and from this point of view: there is no creature (angelic or human) from the point of view institutional, which is closer to God than me: because only I am Unius REI.
So, the knowledge that I have of God: it is unique, and it is not related to religion, or to any religion.
Because I represent the political aspect of the kingdom of God JWHH
il tuo discorso è molto onesto dal punto di vista sociale e intellettuale.
ma, i tuoi rabbini ti diranno che esiste un livello di santità e di mistica, profezia e carismi speciali, doni soprananturali (ed io non ho quasi nulla di tutto questo),
tutto un mondo verticale e trascendente che io conosco molto bene, ed io, infatti, io conosco il mio livello di santità dentro la verticale piramide di Dio!
ma, la santità e il carisma e l'amore di avvicinano all'amore di Dio sempre di più, ma Dio non è soltanto amore,
infatti, il regno di Dio celeste (come Israele: il regno di Dio terrestre) è anche una organizzaione politica istituzionale gerarchica (di tipo medioevale), e da questo punto di vista: non esiste una creatura (angelica o umana) dal punto di vista istituzionale, che è più vicina a Dio di me: perché soltanto io sono Unius REI.
Allora, la conoscenza che io ho di Dio: è unica, e non è in funzione alla religione, o a qualche religione.
Perché io rappresento l'aspetto politico del regno di Dio JWHH
Anyone who serves G-d, no matter what race they are from, are no better than each other or holier than anyone else, we are all learning to live before G-d as He says we should be
and when we get it wrong,
we should make it right before our Messiah
so we can continue to live our lives as G-d asks of us all.
Yes we are G-ds first chosen that has never changed
but even our own people are still learning to live as G-d asks of us,
it's not just anyone else who has been willing to except G-d as their creator either.
Chiunque serva Dio, non importa da quale razza provenga, non è migliore l'uno dell'altro o più santo di chiunque altro, stiamo tutti imparando a vivere davanti a Dio come Egli dice che dovremmo essere
e quando sbagliamo,
dovremmo farlo proprio davanti al nostro Messia
così possiamo continuare a vivere le nostre vite come Dio chiede a tutti noi.
Sì, siamo G-ds scelti per primi che non sono mai cambiati
ma anche la nostra stessa gente sta ancora imparando a vivere come Dio ci chiede,
non è solo chiunque altro che è stato disposto ad eccetto G-d come loro creatore.
Phosphorus bombs, and why is it forbidden to use them (even for Russia)?
the USA systematically uses phosphorus weapons in Syria: and depleted uranium pores,
they insert phosphorus into the bullets of heavy machine guns.
I've seen bodies burn so alone,
the bodies of the Wagners, the army of contractors? they burned by themselves!
The US has no morality to blame Russia for its alleged use of white phosphorus
Bombe al fosforo, e perché è vietato usarle (anche per la Russia)?
gli USA usano sistematicamente le armi al fosforo in Siria: e poriettili ad uranio impoverito,
inseriscono il fosforo nei proiettili delle mitragliatrici pesanti.
io ho visto bruciare i corpi così da soli,
i corpi dei Wagner, l'esercito dei contractor? bruciavano da soli!
Gli USA non hanno una moralità per poter rimproverare la Russia, di un suo uso presunto di fosforo bianco
Morning 5, Emma Bonino smokes live on TV and the host scolds her: the answer that leaves you speechless.
ANSWER. the words of this corrupt witch and killer of fetuses? they are disconcerting.
in fact, she is the accomplice of Soros and Rothschild to steal the banking seigniorage from all peoples.
and when they asked her the question: on bank seigniorage: she replied cryptically: "Are there many types of bank seigniorage? Which one do you mean?"
as if to say: which of the viper daughters do you want to know the name?
it is clear that everyone is the mother viper that is Rockefeller!
Mattino 5, Emma Bonino fuma in diretta tv e il conduttore la rimprovera: la risposta che lascia senza parole.
ANSWER. le parole di questa strega corrotta e assassina di feti? sono sconcertanti.
infatti, lei è il complice di Soros e Rothschild per rubare il signoraggio bancario a tutti i popoli.
e quando le fecero la domanda: sul signoraggio bancario: lei rispose in modo sibillino: " ci sono moti tipi di signoraggio bancario? quale tu vuoi dire? "
come a dire: quale delle figlie vipere tu vuoi conoscere il nome?
è chiaro che tutti cercano la vipera mamma che è Rockefeller!
all the US nuclear bombs?
must leave the EU immediately!
"Europe takes an initiative for nuclear disarmament"
"Europe risks the dreaded Third World War more and more every day". A group of parliamentarians - first signatory Senator Paola Binetti of the UDC - has adopted the motion promoted by the Committee for a Civilization of Love, chaired by Giuseppe Rotunno who asks the EU to promote nuclear disarmament. "In the century that has just ended, there have been two world wars which, within a few years of each other, have claimed millions of victims on our continent. This time the war could break out due to the clash of nuclear powers present in Europe and neighboring countries ». Because of this
WATCH: Could today
WATCH: Could today’s explosive testimony seal Netanyahu’s fate?
March 23, 2022
State’s witness Shlomo Filber gave testimony at the corruption trial of Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday that could potentially seal his fate.
qith 10
A lying witness, or at least one who deviates often from the truth? What did I miss?
One who keeps changing his story is not believable.
MrPoohead qith 4
Ian 9
When will the earth be ruled by Just and Righteous rulers who do not take a bribe, and do not favour the rich or the poor, who will not be intimidated, or coerced?
Trial by Media is an evil business when Media is run by $$$$$$$.
Torah Law forbad making final judgments on the testimony of 1.
But today, even the collusion of 2 or false witnesses can seal the judgment on one innocent re the charges laid.
Bribery and false testimony was also to be treated with severity.
Where are the Judges that have the
wisdom of Solomon, which he received
from God, gratis?
avi weis 8
this guy full of BS
No matter they try to do against Benjamin Netanyahu - he will make it through. G-d has said in a prophesy that He was not through with using him. So keep the faith and know that G-d is still on the throne.
garry pollack JCLUVU22 9
BiBi's true legacy will B that he promoted the "vaxxine"/gene therapy that murdered so many Israelis & eventually murdered Israel...
Mrs Jane Godfrey garry pollack an hour ago
If Bibi had known the real truth of what the covid vaccines were truly about, then I don't believe he would have gone through with having so many of our people receive this vaccine to begin with. He is not the only person who has been tricked into something as evil as these covid vaccines, not one of us is perfect or has yet been perfected in Adonai. Think about it, where do you think our so called 'health industry' truly originates from? If you do enough digging you can discover that truth and why was the Nuremberg Code really put in place to begin with?
Yet if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and seek my face, I will heal their land comes to mind. Return to Torah and the teachings of Tanak, then you'll find that Adonai was never for man made medicines to begin with, even Jeremiah states in chapters 30 and I think 46 that there is no man who can create a medicine that can cure anyone of us and even within Tanak G-d gives us a way out so we can heal our firmities with His Foods and prayer. G-d says He will heal All our diseases, so why doesn't my own race believe Him, that's my question?
jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri Mrs Jane Godfrey 14 minutes ago
Morning 5, Emma Bonino smokes live on TV and the host scolds her: the answer that leaves you speechless.
ANSWER. the words of this corrupt witch and killer of fetuses? they are disconcerting.
in fact, she is the accomplice of Soros and Rothschild to steal the banking seigniorage from all peoples.
and when they asked her the question: on bank seigniorage: she replied cryptically: "Are there many types of bank seigniorage? Which one do you mean?"
as if to say: which of the viper daughters do you want to know the name?
it is clear that everyone is the mother viper that is Rockefeller!
alpcns .
Oooohh... Bibi accepted not one but two boxes of cigars! The horror!
jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri 11 minutes ago
all the US nuclear bombs?
must leave the EU immediately!
"Europe takes an initiative for nuclear disarmament" http://a.msn.Com/01/it-it/AAVpUMC?ocid=st
"Europe risks the dreaded Third World War more and more every day". A group of parliamentarians - first signatory Senator Paola Binetti of the UDC - has adopted the motion promoted by the Committee for a Civilization of Love, chaired by Giuseppe Rotunno who asks the EU to promote nuclear disarmament. "In the century that has just ended, there have been two world wars which, within a few years of each other, have claimed millions of victims on our continent. This time the war could break out due to the clash of nuclear powers present in Europe and neighboring countries ». Because of this
jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri 18 minutes ago
Phosphorus bombs, and why is it forbidden to use them (even for Russia)?
the USA systematically uses phosphorus weapons in Syria: and depleted uranium pores,
they insert phosphorus into the bullets of heavy machine guns.
I've seen bodies burn so alone,
the bodies of the Wagners, the army of contractors? they burned by themselves!
The US has no morality to blame Russia for its alleged use of white phosphorus
jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri 3
but even if in the world now:
there are many servants of God who are Muslims and Jews.
and that they are better than me, and holier than me?
however, only I am UniusREI,
the champion of God for this era!
Mrs Jane Godfrey jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri an hour ago
Anyone who serves G-d, no matter what race they are from, are no better than each other or holier than anyone else, we are all learning to live before G-d as He says we should be and when we get it wrong, we should make it right before our Messiah so we can continue to live our lives as G-d asks of us all. Yes we are G-ds first chosen that has never changed but even our own people are still learning to live as G-d asks of us, it's not just anyone else who has been willing to except G-d as their creator either.
jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri Mrs Jane Godfrey 35 minutes ago
your speech is very honest socially and intellectually.
but, your rabbis will tell you that there is a level of holiness and mystique, prophecy and special charisms, supernatural gifts (and I have almost none of that),
a whole vertical and transcendent world that I know very well, and I, in fact, I know my level of holiness inside the vertical pyramid of God!
but, holiness and charisma and love draw closer to God's love, but God is not only love,
in fact, the heavenly kingdom of God (like Israel: the terrestrial kingdom of God) is also a hierarchical institutional political organization (medieval type), and from this point of view: there is no creature (angelic or human) from the point of view institutional, which is closer to God than me: because only I am Unius REI.
So, the knowledge that I have of God: it is unique, and it is not related to religion, or to any religion.
Because I represent the political aspect of the kingdom of God JWHH
jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri 4 edited
it doesn't matter if Bibi is guilty (of the ice cream he didn't pay for)
or if he's innocent in this story.
For this purely administrative situation, it is used by a lobby of transnational criminal Freemasons, to undermine institutions, vilify parliament, and threaten national security.
Martial law must be set up here right away!
Mrs Jane Godfrey jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri 2
What I do agree with is that the Freemasonry lobby in our country should be permanently shut down and it's not even following Torah Law, it's following and evil that is in truth unspeakable and does more than undermine the truths of G-d and our Messiah to come.
Even the coalition government is against the teachings and following of Torah Law and our Tanakh, so why were they even allowed to be put in such a high positions of power beats me.
Whether martial law should be set up here or not I really don't know but one thing is for sure, things need to change for our people for what is right and just before our Adonai and the sooner the better.
jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri Mrs Jane Godfrey an hour ago edited
I am your messiah!
the talmud gave birth to the Freemasonry Spa & Co Rockefeller scam banking seigniorage.
1. Here because
Even the coalition government is against the teachings and following of Torah Law and our Tanakh,
2. Here because
Netanjahu is attacked because Sodom-Satana-Allah wants to stop me: lorenzoJHWH
MrPoohead jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri 3
Have you considered fiction writing. You’re very good at it!
jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri MrPoohead a few seconds ago
you cannot say that to those who give their life
in martyrdom for the sake of justice and truth and love.
and God represents all of this.
That is why the atheist is condemned by the Bible,
because the true atheist is an egoist who does not live in the service of values.
jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri MrPoohead 31 minutes ago
have you deleted your comments to also drag the deletion of my comments whitin yours?
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