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33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
WATCH: Israel to establish field hospital in Ukraine
Ursula Von My Kaiser said she must avenge the LGBTQs because they cannot pervert children in Russia!
it seems to me a reasonable request:
But first let's put the transsexuals in the front row to fight for their rights against the Russians army!
Ursula Von My Kaiser ha detto che deve vendicare gli lgbtq perché, non possono pervertire i bambini in Russia!
a me sembra una richiesta ragionevole:
però prima mettiamo i transessuali in prima fila a combattere per i loro diritti contro i russi!
WATCH: Israel to establish field hospital in Ukraine
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Ursula Von My Kaiser said she must avenge the LGBTQs because they cannot pervert children in Russia!
it seems to me a reasonable request:
But first let's put the transsexuals in the front row to fight for their rights against the Russians army!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Ursula Von My Kaiser ha detto che deve vendicare gli lgbtq perché, non possono pervertire i bambini in Russia!
Questa della NATO è la rivincita di Sodoma contro la BIBBIA!
Non salveremo gli ucraini cancellando Dostoevskij, Cajkovskij e Tolstoj.
In Occidente è delirio culturale russofobo. Nel 1959, il Bolshoi fece un leggendario tour negli Stati Uniti. Oggi è bandito in Europa, come "Il lago dei cigni".
Il boicottaggio è stato invocato contro l’Arabia Saudita e la sua guerra nell’inferno dello Yemen (a oggi 377.000 morti)? Qualcuno si è mai fatto avanti con una proposta simile contro l’Iran, i cui atleti non gareggiano con quelli di Israele, un paese che il loro governo vuole distruggere? A chi è mai venuto in mente di boicottare la cultura turca perché il presidente Erdogan, membro della Nato, ha creato quella che Amnesty ha definito “la più grande prigione al mondo per giornalisti”?
Dobbiamo smettere di leggere Alexander Solzenicyn perché sostenne la guerra in Cecenia di Putin? Censureremo i racconti di Sebastopoli di Tolstoj perché si svolgono in Crimea e il consigliere culturale di Putin è Vladimir Tolstoy, il pronipote del romanziere? E in che modo tutto questo salverà Kiev dal terribile attacco in corso?
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Biden appeases mullahs in the hope of Spa Rockefellers to be able to kill ISRAEL, Iran escalates killings
By Majid Rafizadeh March 8, 2022
At least two men from the Iranian Quds Force ... are planning to assassinate former US National Security Advisor John R. Bolton ....
However, officials of the Biden administration do not want to indict the Iranian killers, for fear of disrupting the "progress of the disastrous defeat" in Vienna, Austria, of a catastrophic "nuclear deal" on a global level, during which the interests of states United are being negotiated by Russia, because IRAN soon has everything that is useful to obtain its 100 miniature atomic bombs!
Iran's theocratic terrorist regime also targets foreign political and diplomatic leaders that the regime opposes.
The Iranian regime is known to have "target packages" which most likely include foreign nationals or residents who are human rights defenders, critics of Iranian leaders, political activists and dissidents.
The Biden administration and the EU, must reward the Iranian terrorist regime with billions of dollars, The Biden administration and the EU, must give international legitimacy to its full-blown nuclear weapons program that it can unleash on the world the terror,
Because the LGBTQs in ISRAEL do not yet control the Government and for this Israel must be destroyed!
the Iranian revolutionary guards and its delegates are terrorist organizations and we see this in Syria where they have superimposed themselves on the Saudi Wahhabi and Erdogan to do the dirty work against Israel, which is a job that everyone in the ARAB LEAGUE knows that it is right that it has to be done.
The more the Biden administration appeases the Iranian regime, lifted sanctions against it, and finances and strengthens its brutal expansionism, the more the ruling mullahs will have the power to carry out barbarism at home and murder, terrorism and marauders abroad.
The mullahs in power are carrying out assassination plots abroad with impunity. Meanwhile, not only is the Biden administration suppressing information and refusing to indict the killers, it is also continuing to appease the mullahs by lifting sanctions.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
the 666 Spa&Co. Satanist 322 Biden pushes trans Sodoma kingdom lgbtq rights during State of the Union.
” Biden also used his time at the podium to express pro-trans sentiments
and speak against recent measures designed to prevent biological males who identify
as females ( Obama cult Epstein ) from competing in women's sports in light of concerns
that the biological differences between men and women give biological males a competitive advantage over their female counterparts. Referring to such measures as "simply wrong,"
he stated, "I’ll always have your back as your president so you can be yourself and reach your God-given potential.” Continue reading.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Gli Emirati Arabi Uniti a SATANA SARUMAN Rockefeller e Sua Altezza il tombino della fogna di Mohammed bin Zayed, principe ereditario di Abu Dhabi?
Insieme a tutti i wahhabiti? stanno tutti per fare la fine dei topi nell'acqua bollente!
perché il loro verme antisionista Spa&Co. Rothschild non muore,
e la loro fiamma maligna Erdogan jihad Sharjah non si spegne
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Putin è un eroe, un vero cristiano: e i SATANA-ALLAH SODOMA gli orchi di Rockefeller Von Ursula si accaniscono contro di lui!
io mi assumo la responsabilità della invasione dell'UCRAINA al 100%.
Invasione che Putin mai avrebbe fatto senza il mio permesso!
CRIMEA che Putin mai avrebbe fatto senza il mio permesso!
perché io sono la vera regalità monarchica: in ogni paese di questo pianeta per legittimità divina e razionalità politica
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
la nuova minaccia OTTOMANA è nel mediterraneo, essa viene amplificata dalla legge della sharjah di tutta la LEGA ARABA: che è storicamente più pericolosa di nazismo e comunismo messi insieme!
Come ogni altro autocrate del terzo mondo, Erdoğan attribuisce il collasso economico a "potenze straniere che complottano contro la graziosa ascesa della Turchia".
Il principale funzionario turco per gli appalti della difesa, Ismail
L'ufficio di Demir sta gestendo centinaia di programmi di armamento navali rivolti esclusivamente contro la Grecia, poiché la Turchia non ha altri rivali litorali.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
non posso mai dimenticare come un agente segreto turco, mi chiuse un mio canale facebook in Italia, soltanto perché lui non sapeva come rispondere alle mie domande...
è chiaro: il Governo Italiano è il più grande nemico del popolo italiano e questo si può anche dire di qualsiasi altro governo europeo!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
in questo semplice commento, i turchi che controllano i media di Rothschild: loro mi hanno messo ben: 3 punti rossi html-code, per bloccare i motori di ricerca. Motori di ricerca che non possono girare su nessuno dei miei blogspot, perché la CIA-lgbtq li ha bloccati tutti!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Satan-Allah dice che io sono un utente del social che fa commenti, come tutti...
ma JHWH lui sa che io sono un filosofo politico universale agnostico-Metafisico.
Quello che io scrivo, in tutti questi 14 anni, ogni giorno?
non è mai un commento a se stante, ma il pezzo/sezione di un trattato di politica e teologica-metafisica!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
the West is hay of false information about war and the reasons for it, a deliberate and bad faith ideological attitude to lead peoples to hatred and world war
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
forse è più prudente farlo in Russia e Ucraina!
Israele stabilirà un ospedale da campo in Ucraina
WATCH: ‘If Russians do this, Ukraine as we know it will crumble’
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
*** dopo 8 anni di massacri in Donbass.
*** dopo il Golpe della CIA.
*** dopo i pogrom di Odessa.
*** dopo i cecchini ceceni della CIA in Piazza Maidan.
*** dopo la violazione del plebiscito universale dei russofoni.
*** dopo la deliberata violazione degli accordi di Minsk per 8 anni.
tutti i leaders ucraini ed europei devono essere tutti eseguiti per alto tradimento, corruzione e combutta con il nemico Spa&Co. la personalità giuridica demoniaca di Draghi e Ursula Von Rothschild
White House Relies on Russia to Finalize Iran Nuclear Deal there is a limit to everything: and IRAN has exceeded this limit !!!
IRAN said he must kill ISRAEL and wrote it on all of his missiles. he is enriching mad uranium to 90%, because the consistency of the bomb is serious reasoning.
Then he went to Syria, because Erdogan is an aggressor, and this is another reason why Israel is guilty of existing !!
However, officials of the Biden administration do not want to indict the Iranian killers, for fear of disrupting the "progress of the disastrous defeat" in Vienna, Austria, of a catastrophic "nuclear deal" on a global level, during which the interests of states United are being negotiated by Russia, because IRAN soon has everything that is useful to obtain its 100 miniature atomic bombs!
Iran's theocratic terrorist regime also targets foreign political and diplomatic leaders that the regime opposes.
The Iranian regime is known to have "target packages" which most likely include foreign nationals or residents who are human rights defenders, critics of Iranian leaders, political activists and dissidents.
The Biden administration and the EU, must reward the Iranian terrorist regime with billions of dollars, The Biden administration and the EU, must give international legitimacy to its full-blown nuclear weapons program that it can unleash on the world the jihad terror. Because the LGBTQs in ISRAEL do not yet control the Government and for this Israel must be destroyed said Rockefeller!
the Iranian revolutionary guards and its delegates are terrorist organizations and we see this in Syria where they have superimposed themselves on the Saudi Wahhabi and Erdogan to do the dirty work against Israel, which is a job that everyone in the ARAB LEAGUE knows that it is right that it has to be done.
The more the Biden administration appeases the Iranian regime, lifted sanctions against it, and finances and strengthens its brutal expansionism, the more the ruling mullahs will have the power to carry out barbarism at home and murder, terrorism and marauders abroad.
Meanwhile, not is only is the Biden administration suppressing information and are refusing to indict the killers, it is also continuing to appease the mullahs by lifting sanctions.
thanks to OBAMA now, we have an out of control Shiite nuclear terrorism! IRAN has not fulfilled the promise of the limit of enrichment, and unjustified sanctions (according to him) cannot be an objective excuse!
Biden's 'Capitulation' To Iran Endangers Arabs, Middle East, U.S.
by Khaled Abu Toameh March 2, 2022 at 5:00 am
"The parties of the international community that are negotiating with Iran .... must realize that the extremist Iranian regime has not, and will not, abide by international laws, regulations and agreements, even if it swore and signed or pledged to abide by and implement them. The Iranian regime was founded on the ... Khomeini ideology that adopts terrorism and believes in exporting chaos and destruction. " - Dr. Ibrahim al-Nahhas, Saudi political analyst and academic, Al-Riyadh, February 23, 2022.
The Khomeini ideology ... has already brought destruction to Arab countries, including Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq and Syria. - Dr. Ibrahim al-Nahhas, Al-Riyadh, February 23, 2022.
"Although the Biden administration pledged upon its arrival at the White House that it would not be a third term for former President Barack Obama, it is following him step by step. This is evident in the Biden administration's position on the Iranian nuclear issue. position seems to be weak, hesitant and subject to Iranian blackmail .... In the end, the countries of the region will not accept being hostage to Iranian nuclear technology. " - Rami Al-Khalifa Al-Ali, Syrian political analyst, Okaz, February 23, 2022.
The most dangerous point is that the US administration "has ignored other issues in which Iran poses a threat to the region, including the ballistic missile program" as well as the terrorist militias. - Rami Al-Khalifa Al-Ali, Okaz, February 23, 2022.
"These militias are Iran's arm in the region and they intend to spread chaos and destruction wherever they are. The [new] agreement is expected to unleash Iran's hand in the region, as what happened during the Obama era, which led to an increase in violence in the region. " - Rami Al-Khalifa Al-Ali, Okaz, February 23, 2022.
"It is not surprising that Vladimir Putin went to the end in Ukraine after discovering that he faced an American administration that could not be more than an extension of Barack Obama's administration. The Biden administration can yell and threaten as much as it wants." - Kheirallah Kheirallah, veteran Lebanese journalist, Al-Arab, February 16, 2022.
In [Fahs's] view, not reaching any agreement would be better than reaching a new one. "The lack of agreement will keep the conflict with Iran confined to the great powers." - Mustafa Fahs, Lebanese editor, Asharq Al-Awsat, February 25, 2022.
"Biden has decided to acquiesce in Iran ... to yield to its expansionist project, which ultimately aims to impose Iranian hegemony in the region." - Sayed Zahra, deputy editor of the Bahraini newspaper Akhbar Al-Khaleej, February 25, 2022.
"In other words, it means that Iran and its proxies feel at liberty to do whatever they want. We should expect that reaching a new agreement with Iran will mark the inauguration of a new era of escalation of the Iranian terrorist threat in the region. The Arab countries must prepare for this. " - Sayed Zahra, Akhbar Al-Khaleej, February 25, 2022.
grazie a OBAMA ora, noi abbiamo un terrorismo nucleare sciita fuori controllo!!
Arabs are warning that the Biden administration's appeasement of the extremist
and terrorist regime in Tehran would allow Iran's proxy militias to continue
their attacks on America's Arab allies and massively destabilize the Middle East.
As the world's attention is focused on the Russia-Ukraine war,
the Arabs are continuing to express fear about the possibility that the Biden administration and the world powers will revive the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran.
The Arabs are warning that the appeasement of the extremist and terrorist regime in Tehran would allow Iran's proxy militias to continue their attacks
on America's Arab allies and massively destabilize the Middle East. Dr. Ibrahim al-Nahhas, a prominent Saudi political analyst and academic,
wrote on February 23:
ABOUT unjustified sanctions (according to him IRAN)
Sharokh Zamani was jailed and tortured for 11 years for criticizing the Iranian regime and prison conditions. Iran also deprived his family of an autopsy. (See also: Sharokh Zamani's 2012 letter)
thanks to OBAMA now, we have an out of control Shiite nuclear terrorism! IRAN has not fulfilled the promise of the limit of enrichment, and it cannot be an objective excuse!
Biden's 'Capitulation' To Iran Endangers Arabs, Middle East, U.S.
WATCH: ‘If Russians do this, Ukraine as we know it will crumble’
my holy JHWH holy ] [ I want to see all the demons of the Middle East as they jump in the pan
voglio vedere tutti i demoni del Medio Oriente come saltano nella padella
my holy JHWH holy] [I want to see all the demons of the Middle East as they jump in the pan.
A kick to human rights. Qatar sentences a woman who has been raped to 100 lashes and 7 years in prison.
And in June she will host the World Cup. The free world does not question itself enough
Un calcio ai diritti umani. Il Qatar condanna a 100 frustate e 7 anni di carcere una donna che subisce uno stupro.
E a giugno ospiterà i Mondiali. Il mondo libero non s’interroga abbastanza
Kamal witch Harris tears up nine-month-old fetuses, and then sells them to the Spa & Co. planned Rockefeller Talmud parenthood.
England and Wales don't put the brakes on "do-it-yourself" abortions
Extensions or outright approvals to emergency regulations decided during the pandemic make the "kill pill" increasingly accessible
Pro-life doctor banned from prescribing life-saving abortion reversal pill
While on the website [[ Politics co uk ]], Carla Lockhart, Member of Parliament for the constituency of Upper Bann, belonging to the Democratic Unionist Party of Northern Ireland, reiterated with alarm the danger posed by the “emergency” legislation due to Covid-19 , enforced in the United Kingdom for almost two years and which allows abortion “at home”, ie taking the “kill pill” used for abortion at home and without real medical supervision.
For this and other reasons, “iFamNews” also hoped that the British government, finding itself in this very period of time making decisive decisions regarding this policy, would make the right choice and put an end to it as soon as possible.
While hope, common sense, logic and evidence were on the side of life, politics had already snuck its way into the decision.
In fact, Congresswoman Maggie Throup, undersecretary of state for vaccines and public health, on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services announced "[...] a six-month extension to the temporary arrangements for the provision of early medication abortion put in place during the Covid-19 pandemic. The government will end the temporary regulation put in place at the beginning of the pandemic, which allows women to take both early medication abortion pills at home for up to 10 weeks of gestation.
The temporary regulation will expire at midnight on August 29, 2022. At that time, pre-Covid regulatory requirements for the provision of early medication abortion will be reinstated.
Sodoma Satana cult Antichrist Darwin Ape superhuman URSULA Von Draghi is here!
Sam Brinton–the literal “King of Kink” just joined the Biden administration
Bullied Macedonian girl with Down syndrome escorted to school by her country’s president
Pedophile sting: Facebook exec caught in the act while police and BigTech work to cover it up
Abortion always ends a human life
Repentant men: the role of the father in the recourse to abortion
WATCH: ‘If Russians do this, Ukraine as we know it will crumble’
Madonna, pseudonimo di Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone (Bay City, 16 agosto 1958), è una cantautrice, attrice, pro*t*duttrice discografica e cinematografica statunitense.
che promise un dono intimo: di succhiazione: sukkers a quelli che votavano per BIDEN ..
ma come come fanno tutti i politici corrotti dalla massoneria di Rockefeller, che non mantengono mai le loro promesse,
ad iniziare da Di Maio M5S?
poi, Ciccone Mrs, finì per andare a soddisfare soltanto il figlio di Biden, ma poi, prese delle randellate da un altra cantante Mrs GAGA che era arrivata prima di lei!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Bin ISIS Salman ] JHWH non applica una censura in PARADISO, per le mie volgarità, perché i santi e gli angeli sono molto santi e puri e non scarseggiano in ironia, umorismo e senso del divertimento. [ non sento le voci, ma nell'emisero destro (paradiso) e sinistro (inferno) del cervello (fischio al timpano leggero che sparisce se parlo con qualcuno) ci sono leggere vibrazioni che mi fanno intuire emotivamente quello che succede in Paradiso o all'inferno. e se fosse un disturbo organico? non potrebbe essere così motivato e intelligente, a volte questo fenomeno divertente si presenta ancor prima che io abbia pubblicato un post. Certo che per quella barzelletta, ora stanno piangendo all'INFERNO, ed ora stanno tutti ridendo in PARADISO.
Netanyahu: ‘The Iranians are fighting like lions while Bennett, Lapid and Gantz surrender like rabbits’ Sodomia sharjah e Satanismo sono il volto degradato del REGIME talmudico totalitario nazista Cabalista che viene dalla usura ebraico massonica mondiale: per devitalizzare indebitare ed espropriare tutti i popoli della propria sovranità monetaria e politica! Tutti i nostri politici ci hanno traditi!
Ucraina, il patriarca Kirill si schiera con Putin: "Da 8 anni sterminio nel Donbass, ma è una guerra contro i modelli delle parate gay"
il patriarca Kirill si schiera con Putin: "Da 8 anni sterminio nel Donbass,
ma è una guerra contro i modelli delle parate gay"
Da più parti nei giorni scorsi, sia dal fronte cattolico che da quello ortodosso ucraino facente capo al suo stesso Patriarcato moscovita, si erano levate voci affinché il patriarca Kirill - notoriamente legato a doppio filo a Vladimir Putin
- si pronunciasse chiaramente contro la guerra d'invasione. Ma la sua risposta è stata di tutt'altro tenore. In un sermone-shock pronunciato domenica Kirill ha infatti giustificato la guerra in Ucraina, vista come lotta contro la promozione di modelli di vita peccaminosi e contrari alla tradizione cristiana.
Il sermone contro la lobby gay Nel suo sermone al termine della Divina Liturgia nella Cattedrale di Cristo Salvatore a Mosca, il patriarca ha fatto dapprima riferimento a che "questa primavera è stata offuscata da gravi eventi legati al deterioramento della situazione politica nel Donbass, praticamente lo scoppio delle ostilità".
Poi ha incentrato tutta la sua argomentazione sulla necessità di lottare contro i modelli di vita promossi dalle parate gay. "Se l'umanità riconosce che il peccato non è una violazione della legge di Dio - ha osservato -, se l'umanità concorda sul fatto che il peccato è una delle opzioni per il comportamento umano, allora la civilta' umana finirà li'". E le parate gay "sono progettate per dimostrare che il peccato è una delle variazioni del comportamento umano". "Ecco perché per entrare nel club di quei paesi è necessario organizzare una parata del gay pride - ha proseguito -. Non per fare una dichiarazione politica 'siamo con te', non per firmare accordi,
ma per organizzare una parata gay. E sappiamo come le persone resistono a queste richieste e come questa resistenza viene repressa con la forza. Ciò significa che si tratta di imporre con la forza un peccato condannato dalla legge di Dio, e quindi, di imporre con la forza alle persone la negazione di Dio e della sua verità".
Secondo Kirill, "ciò che sta accadendo oggi nell'ambito delle relazioni internazionali, quindi, non ha solo un significato politico. Stiamo parlando di qualcosa di diverso e molto più importante della politica. Si tratta della salvezza umana, di dove andrà a finire l'umanità". "Tutto ciò che dico non ha solo un significato teorico e non solo un significato spirituale. Intorno a questo argomento oggi c'è una vera guerra", ha rimarcato.
"E' da 8 anni che lo sterminio nel Donbass va avanti, il mondo intero tace"
"Chi sta attaccando l'Ucraina oggi, dove la repressione e lo sterminio delle persone nel Donbass va avanti da otto anni? Otto anni di sofferenza e il mondo intero tace: cosa significa? - ha detto ancora il patriarca -
Ma sappiamo che i nostri fratelli e sorelle stanno davvero soffrendo; inoltre, possono soffrire per la loro fedeltà alla Chiesa".
"Tutto quanto sopra indica che siamo entrati in una lotta che non ha un significato fisico, ma metafisico - ha quindi insistito a proposito della necessità di combattere -. So come, sfortunatamente, gli ortodossi, i credenti, scegliendo la via di minor resistenza in questa guerra,
non riflettano su tutto ciò a cui pensiamo oggi, ma seguono umilmente la strada che mostrano loro i poteri costituiti".
"Non condanniamo nessuno, non invitiamo nessuno a salire sulla croce - ha aggiunto -, ci diciamo solo: saremo fedeli alla parola di Dio, saremo fedeli alla sua legge, saremo fedeli alla legge dell'amore e giustizia, e se vediamo violazioni di questa legge, non sopporteremo mai coloro che distruggono questa legge, offuscando il confine tra santità e peccato, e ancor piu' con coloro che promuovono il peccato come esempio o come uno dei modelli di comportamento umano".
"Oggi i nostri fratelli nel Donbass, gli ortodossi, stanno indubbiamente soffrendo, e noi non possiamo che stare con loro, soprattutto nella preghiera",
ha concluso Kirill. Allo stesso tempo, "dobbiamo pregare affinché la pace giunga al più presto, che il sangue dei nostri fratelli e sorelle si fermi, che il Signore inclini la sua misericordia verso la terra sofferente del Donbass".
Netanyahu: ‘The Iranians are fighting like lions while Bennett, Lapid and Gantz surrender like rabbits’
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
stimo molto e moltissimo il patriottismo eroico di Netanyahu: il quale batte la "sella" sporca di Bennett, Lapid e Gantz, mentre, in realtà,
lui non può arrivare a colpire il "cavallo" Satana Allah Rockefeller & Rothschild Spa &Co.
Netanyahu: ‘The Iranians are fighting like lions while Bennett, Lapid and Gantz surrender like rabbits’
ovviamente questa denuncia di Netanyahu è gravissima contro Bennett, Lapid e Gantz, perché è una accusa di ALTO TRADIMENTO CONTRO LA Sicurezza Nazionale!
"Gli iraniani combattono come leoni mentre Bennett, Lapid e Gantz si arrendono come conigli".
"Se non vedono o non sentono Israele opporsi, perché dovrebbero? Perché dovrebbero cercare di abrogarlo in seguito?
È stata la nostra persistente obiezione che ha aiutato gli Stati Uniti a uscire dall'accordo precedente.
Il silenzio del governo mina la legittimazione per qualsiasi futura azione israeliana contro gli impianti nucleari iraniani",
ha detto.
Bennett, Lapid e Gantz dovrebbero concentrarsi sull'Iran, non sull'Ucraina, ha sottolineato Netanyahu, ma non lo stanno facendo perché "semplicemente non sono pronti a confrontarsi nemmeno con i nostri alleati".
‘ECHR’ backs Poland against transgender birth certificate
European Court of Human Rights supports Polish decision to maintain accuracy of citizens' birth certificates
‘ECHR’ backs Poland against transgender birth certificate
Last updated on March 3rd, 2022 at 11:50 am
A woman, who will be identified at Y., has been recognized as a “man” in the proceedings of the first section of the European Court of Human Rights. She is 52 years old, she was born in Poland, she lives in France, she made the “transition” for the change of sex qualifying from that moment on as a man and in 1993 she married, according to the transalpine regulations, a French woman with whom she had a daughter in 2001. Now Y. is in the process of applying for citizenship of her country of choice and adopting a child.
In 1992, after the surgical operation aimed at changing sex, Y. had obtained from her country a birth certificate in an abbreviated form, commonly used for any bureaucratic and administrative act, which reported explicitly her new male identity and that allowed her, in fact, to contract marriage qualifying as “husband”.
In 2011, Y. requested a new birth certificate from the Polish authorities, this time in full form, equally updated to reflect her “male” identity, but it was denied. Indeed, Warsaw stated that the “long form” certificate is a record of the birth as it actually occurred and that most European countries do not alter the original birth records when a person undergoes sex reassignment surgery. The short form certificate is much more commonly used for identification and documentation, while the longer version primarily constitutes a civil document.
Y. at this point submitted an appeal to Strasbourg against the Polish decision, which a few days ago was rejected by the Court, which sided with Warsaw, holding that its policy of not issuing new full birth certificates after a person has undergone sex reassignment surgery is in no way discriminatory.
The first section of the court agreed with Poland, concluding that the country has “[…] the right to maintain accurate birth records and the refusal to amend the long-form version did not have a significant impact on the man’s life[sic].” Moreover, wrote the seven-judge panel, “the plaintiff has not shown that he has suffered sufficiently serious adverse consequences or hardship resulting from the fact that his assigned sex at birth is still visible in the form of an annotation on his full birth certificate.” Finally, “the court pointed out that both his marriage certificate and his daughter’s birth certificate reflected his male identity.” What more could be expected, then?
Pedophile sting: Facebook exec caught in the act while police and BigTech work to cover it up
A small task force of volunteers caught Jeren Miles red-handed. And yet, the police have not made an arrest or charged the senior Facebook executive with any crime while YouTube and Facebook run interference.
Pedophile sting: Facebook exec caught in the act while police and BigTech work to cover it up
Facebook Meta is in trouble. One of its top executives allegedly made advances toward a 13-year-old boy named “Corey.” Jeren Miles, head of data center management for Mark Zuckerberg’s multinational company, is accused of sending obscene messages to a minor and attempting to arrange an encounter in a hotel room in Columbus, Ohio. (“Corey”is the fictitious name of an account run by a small organization of pedophile stalkers, the Predator Catchers Indianapolis.)
The story was reconstructed by The Daily Mail. A man and woman from the task force showed up at the hotel, convincing Miles to turn himself in, while streaming their dialogue on Facebook. The executive was promptly terminated by Meta, which launched an investigation. Miles, however, has not been arrested nor has he been charged with any crime. Miles admitted to sending the lewd messages, but denies intending to perform any sex acts upon a minor.
Miles reportedly began private messaging “Corey” on November 22 with a simple, “Hey, do we know each other?” Although the user revealed an age of only thirteen years, the Meta manager launched into a series of allusive statements towards the interlocutor, even saying that he had in mind to “try to get into some trouble”, such as that, precisely, of “having spoken with a minor”. Miles delivered some disturbing texts, saying “I love naked cuddles on a cold evening” and “I won’t have any restraint around you if I’m horny.”
From the stars to the stables
Once Miles was unmasked at the Columbus hotel, Eric Schmutte and Shanda Nolley, the two agents of Predator Catchers Indianapolis, put him under the microscope: “So you’re okay talking about sex online as long as you don’t meet the kids?” Nolley asked him. “That’s the only time I’ve ever done that,” was the Meta executive’s response.
Despite turning over the obscene messages to Columbus police and police in Palm Springs, California–where Miles is a resident–Schmutte and Nolley received no response from law enforcement. Palm Springs police spokesman Mike Casavan said, “No one by that name has been reported to us.” However, Nolley shared a screenshot of an email sent to police on Feb. 17, at 9 p.m. The Daily Mail requested comment from the Columbus Police Department, but did not receive a response.
Meanwhile, the circle of friends, neighbors and business associates are distancing themselves from Jeren Miles. A man who opened the door to a property purchased by the Facebook manager in 2019 said he did not know Miles and declined to comment further.
Neighbors say Miles lives on the property and rents it out to tourists on weekends. A spokesperson for Meta states, “The seriousness of these allegations is not exaggerated.” He then confirmed that Miles no longer works for Zuckerberg’s company and that there are ongoing investigations, refusing, however, to add any more details.
Suspicious depredations
Interviewed by The Daily Mail, Shanda Nolley took stock of two years of her task force’s work. Many of the men they unmasked are “repeat offenders,” she says. Individuals who ended up in handcuffs in the various raids by Predator Catchers Indianapolis include Brian J. Boyer, 40, an Indiana high school teacher. The man was convicted of soliciting minors after sending sexually explicit messages to what he believed to be a 14-year-old female compatriot. Boyer later took a plea deal for 18 months in prison and two and a half years of probation.
Predator Catchers Indianapolis is part of Predator Catchers Incorporated, registered as a non-profit organization, funded solely by donations. Its workers act as volunteers, and Nolley herself works as a financial manager for a construction company.
In the operation that unmasked Miles, not everything went right. Facebook deleted the account of “Corey”, which contained important information about other sex offenders and pedophiles. As if that wasn’t enough, the Predator Catchers PA YouTube channel has already received two warnings for terms of use violations. “If we get another warning, they’ll cancel our channel,” Nolley laments. “It’s difficult for us to find platforms where we can share this information. We’re trying to educate communities and raise awareness about this issue.”
Doing good (and without remuneration) does not always elicit gratitude. In fact, in some cases you only get a beating. However, when two giants of the global economy such as Facebook (no stranger to opaque operations) and YouTube get in the way, there is cause for concern. A very profound concern.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
#Putin ] [ l'Ucraina non può essere restituita a Volodymyr Oleksandrovyč Zelens'kyj, ed al suo regime sodomitico europeo dell'anticristo, altrimenti, il sangue di tutti i martiri diventerà una maledizione per te!
e poi, io devo installare le mie batterie di missili atomici al confine Europeo,
altrimenti della NATO e dei suoi ordigni nucleari dai tuoi confini? tu non te ne potrai liberare più.
IRGC plot to assassinate former top U.S. officials revealed
il fatto che islamisti sharia e gli lgbtq stanno sbranando il mio corpo sociale e me personalmente?
QUESTO non è un motivo per me per abbandonarmi alla vendetta, JHWH non me lo permetterebbe!
la Sharia e la Jihad non è altro che la applicazione della Corano come carta costituzionale fondamentale dello STATO che appartiene alla UMMA, ovvero, una dichiarazione di genocidio contro tutto il genere umano!
Pertanto non c'é differenza tra i vari obiettivi della sharjah,
la introduzione della Shari'a in Brunei”, parlando di legalizzazione delle punizioni corporali e della pena di morte per gli omosessuali, nel piccolo paese asiatico. L'occhiello del pezzo citato recita:
“Entra in vigore oggi, punisce l'adulterio e il sesso omosessuale e prevede la pena di morte per lapidazione”.
IRGC plot to assassinate former top U.S. officials revealed
l'IRAN deve essere terminato! ogni altro tergiversare è alto tradimento!
Tre obiettivi principali della vendetta iraniana per l'assassinio di Soleimani:
l'ex presidente Donald Trump con l'allora consigliere per la sicurezza nazionale John Bolton (l.)
e il segretario di Stato Mike Pompeo.
maledetti SATANA SODOMA!!
se Putin non ha permesso la atomica a Ucraina, voi perché volete permettere la atomica a IRAN?
la risposta è una sola:
"Rockefeller ha deciso di uccidere ISRAELE"
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