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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Soviet Union Russian, Romanian, German, Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian, Albanian

 the demon master Rockefeller created geopolitics,

but NATO by incorporating and destroying the countries of the Warsaw Pact in 1990 of the Soviet Union Russian, Romanian, German, Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian, Albanian

Soviet Union members Soviet Union?

it destroyed the strategic equilibrium, and directly threatened Russia's strategic national security.

So the countries adhering to the NATO knew that they were undermining Russia and were creating the conditions for the world war!

NATO destroyed the European security architecture in a treacherous and deliberate way!

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said today that "time will show that China's position is on the right side of history" on the war in Ukraine.

 "China will continue to make independent judgments based on the merits of the matter and in an objective and fair attitude. We will never accept any external coercion aa

and pressure and we also oppose any unfounded accusations and suspicions against" our country,

Wang said that "the long-term solution is to abandon the Cold War mentality, 

refrain from engaging in group confrontations and truly form a balanced, 

effective and sustainable regional security architecture.

 Only in this way can stability be achieved. in the long term on the European continent ".

la NATO ha distrutto la architettura della sicurezza europea in modo proditorio e deliberto! 

Il ministro degli Esteri cinese Wang Yi ha affermato oggi che "il tempo dimostrerà che la posizione della Cina è dalla parte giusta della storia" sulla guerra in Ucraina.  "La Cina continuerà a formulare giudizi indipendenti basati sul merito della questione e in un atteggiamento obiettivo ed equo. Non accetteremo mai alcuna coercizione e pressione esterna e ci opponiamo anche a qualsiasi accusa e sospetto infondati contro" il nostro Paese,

Wang ha affermato che "la soluzione a lungo termine è abbandonare la mentalità della Guerra fredda, astenersi dall'impegnarsi in scontri di gruppo e formare veramente un'architettura di sicurezza regionale equilibrata, efficace e sostenibile. Solo in questo modo si può raggiungere una stabilità a lungo termine nel continente europeo".

1 million expected to attend funeral of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky

 2 minutes ago

scam banking seigniorage fail, in Mecca Kaaba Saudi wahhabis takfirius strong!!

The West of the apes Darwin to sodom, all Israeli goyims slaves without paternal genalogies, salvific? it destroys the illusion of a free world to reveal.

This is the beautiull Rockefeller dictatorship !!

In recent days, the West has destroyed its advertised image in Smithereens. Bombs not only the sodom rear, but also the front bodice showcase puuussy NancySpa & CoHillay. neoliberal capitalism, of its vanguard team.

These idiots, with the sanctions on Russia, risk committing suicide by themselves, and to blow the bank of the monetary monopoly and lead the WB to bankruptcy and the IMF bankrupt

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 4 minutes ago



 11 minutes ago

Lavrov: the special operation in Ukraine thwarted the West's anti-Russian project.

in Italy they are afraid of being bombed, but I believe that gas and oil will soon run out!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 13 minutes ago

to the Russian military industry? the effective and necessary production will not be missing!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 13 minutes ago

Zelensky Biden Draghi Macron Borrell Ursula and his family in Britain like to count corpses! More than 100 Ukrainian military and foreign mercenaries were killed following a high-precision Russian attack on the Ukrainian special forces training center near Zhytomyr, the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Major General Igor Konashenkov said.

"High-precision air-launched missiles hit the Ukrainian Armed Forces Special Forces training center, where foreign mercenaries arrived in Ukraine were located, in the Ovruch village area of the Zhytomyr region," RIA said. Novosti.

According to Konashenkov, more than 100 soldiers and militants were killed.

In addition, the 19th and 20th attacks of hypersonic missiles "Dagger" and cruise "Kalibr" eliminated a large military fuel base of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Mykolaiv region.

Earlier, the Russian defense ministry warned that "Western mercenaries" would not receive prisoner-of-war status and urged them not to conflict.

to the Russian military industry? the effective and necessary production will not be missing!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 24 minutes ago

declare in a constitutional way that it must join NATO? it is a universal crime!

that is why the adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine Oleksiy Arestovich accused former President Petro Poroshenko of creating one of the prerequisites for conducting a special military operation of Russia.

"Poroshenko, when he introduced this, why. He already knew that NATO would never accept us. And not the last part of the blame for what is happening now in Ukraine rests with those who accepted and promoted this norm in the constitution." ,

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 29 minutes ago

we cannot forget how Ukrainian democracy has always foreseen political repression in these 8 years!

but Borrell, Macron and Ursula don't know!

In February, the Ukrainian faction "Opposition Platform - For Life" offered Zelensky "all necessary assistance in the negotiation process".

Recall that in mid-January, former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko accused Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky of wanting to become a dictator.

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 30 minutes ago

we cannot forget how Ukrainian democracy has always foreseen political repression in these 8 years! but Borrell, Macron and Ursula don't know!

The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has announced the suspension for the period of martial law of the activities of a number

of opposition parties allegedly associated with Russia.

"The National Security Council of Ukraine has decided, taking into account the large-scale war and the links of some political structures with this state, to suspend all activities of a number of political parties for the duration of martial law. say: "Opposition Platform - For Life"; Sharia Party; "Ours";

Opposition Bloc; "Left Opposition"; Union of Left Forces; "Power"; Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine; "Socialist Party of Ukraine ";" Socialists ";

" The Volodymyr Saldo bloc, "TASS said, citing Zelensky.

The President of Ukraine stressed that the Ministry of Justice was instructed "immediately in accordance with the established procedure" to ensure the cessation of the activities of these political forces.

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 38 minutes ago

Antarctica in melting, recorded only minus 11 degrees, an all-time record.

500 million people are about to go underwater,

that is, if the Islamic-Nazi kabbalah: did not plan to kill them in the world war!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 42 minutes ago

Belgium, cars against crowds: at least 6 dead and 10 seriously injured, two stopped:

We bet that one is called Erdogan and the other is called Bin Salman?

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  118 comments

Israel to blame for Russian attack on Ukraine, says Mandela’s grandson


 18 minutes ago

you accused me of not being logical, and now you must prove it

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


 19 minutes ago

but he left some documents, videos, for your donkey

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


 35 minutes ago

you accused me of not being logical, and your donkey has to explain why

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


 36 minutes ago

it's not your fault that you lack some of the cultural categories,

because the fundamental categories can only be taught by Giacinto Auriti

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



we'll go ask your donkey,

its logic

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



surely there were monotheists before him,

and Melchizedek was also a monotheist.

but there is a reason why only Abraham can be called "Father of all peoples" and why only Jacob is called Israel.

because Israel with its 12 tribes represents the whole human race in a small way!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



therefore, this rational agnostic universal political ministry

of mine does NOT need a faith in God to act.

in fact the natural law is also universal!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



I analyzed my rational agnostic logical consequences of my cultural project: universal brotherhood, and this has become the political project of my Kingdom of Israel.

and all this rational work coincides with the biblical prophecies of the third Hebrew temple, and with the restoration of Israel, and it all fits!

this universal rational political science of mine is metaphysical, it is therefore scientifically, comprehensible, replicable and objective and proven effective on a world level, because it transcends the specific settings of peoples and religions,

in fact the natural law is also universal!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



I I have never had different identities: I have always been 14 years: lorenzoJHWH Unius REI and so it will be for eternity, and I will always be like this: forever forever!

but the characteristics of these ministry have been created with different subtitles .. but no one on the internet has ever had doubts about my identity,

because pretending not to be yourself is a constitutional crime!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



Newton, before becoming the father of physics, studied for 8 years the hidden codes in the Torah, that is, the numerical sequences of the Hebrew letters, Gematria [ghimatriah] is a theological science of Judaism, which studies the words written in the Hebrew language and assigns them numerical values: this supernatural and scientiic esoteric system states that words and / or phrases with identical numerical value are related, or demonstrate some relationship with the number itself, applied, for example, to the age of a person, one year in the Hebrew calendar or similar. this is the tool that the final antichrist will use .. because he will have quantum computers at his disposal!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  118 comments

Israel to blame for Russian attack on Ukraine, says Mandela’s grandson



I did not create you!

I am NOT your nurse,

and your destruction in hell? I do not care!

but, as a universal politician, you will have to listen to me, or you will have to face world war!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



one cannot expect from an instrument, something that is not in its analytical capacity, to be able to exceed its potential, and history does not have the scientific tools today, to go before the dating of Abraham (i.e. in prehistory), when one it's about people's identity!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



I have no interest in making you religious, because currently I don't know, which Rothschild Rockefeller Bin Salman brothel I could send you to!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



Non ti ho creato io! NON sono la tua infermiera e della tua distruzione all'inferno? Non mi interessa! ma, come politico universale, dovrai ascoltarmi, o dovrai affrontare la guerra mondiale!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



Ho analizzato le mie conseguenti logiche agnostiche rational, con le profezie bibliche del terzo tempio ebraico e la restoration di Israele e queste corrispondono! questa mia scienza politica razionale universale è metafisica

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



Gematria [ghimatriah, ghematriah o ghematria] è una scienza matematica e dimostra la divinità di Gesù di Betlemme! il nome di tutti i rabbini capo, fino alla fine del mondo, ecc. and so on.. ma abbiamo 332 "profezie messianiche" su Gesù di Betlemme, e per la scienza della statistica sono necessarie: 27 di queste sole, per provare la divinità di Gesù. la profezia più recente risale a 600 anni prima di Xto

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



Newton, prima di diventare il padre della fisica, ha studiato per 8 anni i codici nascosti nella Torah, cioè le sequenze numeriche delle lettere ebraiche, Gematria [ghimatriah, ghematriah o ghematria] è una scienza teologica dell'ebraismo che studia le parole scritte in lingua ebraica e assegna loro valori numerici: questo sistema afferma che parole e / o frasi con identico valore numerico sono correlate, o dimostrare qualche relazione con il numero stesso, applicato, ad esempio, all'età di una persona, un anno nel calendario ebraico o simili. questo è lo strumento che l'anticristo finale userà .. perché avrà a disposizione computer quantistici!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



non ci si può aspettare da uno strumento, qualcosa che non è nella sua capacità analitica, e la storia non ha gli strumenti scientifici oggi, di andare prima della datazione di Abramo (cioè nella preistoria), quando si tratta dell'identità delle persone!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



Alain Delon ricorrerà all'eutanasia. giustamente, quando sei un uomo-pene, ma poi, il pene non funziona più? allora, perché continuare a vivere?

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



and from a purely logical and rational point of view,

the complexity of the universe statistically cancels the theory of evolution: God is the only logical answer!

evolution theory: which no longer finds support, after 150 years of lies, as it does not exist yet, a single transitional fossil deposited and certified

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  33 comments

1 million expected to attend funeral of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky


as CHINA says, sanctions against Russia will only pay a terrible price against all the poor on this planet!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


of course, Beijing's position is: reasonable, wise, peaceful and balanced.

That is, if NATO SpA&Co. Rockefeller 666 has not already decided to destroy Israel and the whole ARAB wahhabis Iran LEAGUE OCI, as I have heard many times: "Sasone die with all the Philistines"

NATO destroyed the European security architecture in a treacherous and deliberate way!

As regards the sanctions against Russia, Beijing reiterates its opposition on the matter. They are "increasingly exaggerated" and their "abuse" will have "disastrous consequences" on a global level, said the Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister, Le Yucheng. "Sanctions will only affect ordinary citizens, the post-war economic and financial system and worsen the economy: historical experience has shown that they cannot solve problems," he continued.

The root of the Ukrainian conflict "lies in the Cold War mentality and blockade politics", continued Le, who accused NATO of "reneging on its promise" not to expand east.

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


NATO destroyed the European security architecture in a treacherous and deliberate way!

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said today that "time will show that China's position is on the right side of history" on the war in Ukraine.

"China will continue to make independent judgments based on the merits of the matter and in an objective and fair attitude. We will never accept any external coercion

and pressure and we also oppose any unfounded accusations and suspicions against" our country,

Wang said that "the long-term solution is to abandon the Cold War mentality,

refrain from engaging in group confrontations and truly form a balanced,

effective and sustainable regional security architecture.

Only in this way can stability be achieved. in the long term on the European continent ".

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi

said: "The root of the Ukrainian conflict" lies in the Cold War mentality and in the politics of blockades, "continued Le, who accused NATO of" reneging on the promise "not to expand east."

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


the demon master Rockefeller created geopolitics,

but NATO by incorporating and destroying the countries of the Warsaw Pact in 1990 of the Soviet Union Russian, Romanian, German, Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian, Albanian

Soviet Union members Soviet Union?

it destroyed the strategic equilibrium, and directly threatened Russia's strategic national security.

So the countries adhering to the NATO knew that they were undermining Russia and were creating the conditions for the world war!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


You read the paper The Shroud in the light of Maria Valtorta's writings. A related paper is available on Academia.

Shroud of Turin - Summary of Challenges to its Authenticity

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Author Photo Richard B Sorensen

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Download PDF https://www.academia.Edu/42029088/Shroud_of_Turin_Summary_of_Challenges_to_its_Authenticity


The Shroud of Turin is purported to be the literal burial shroud of Jesus Xist, and its authenticity has thus aroused intense debate and sometimes hostile rhetoric between those who believe that the Shroud is authentic (or at least believe that it is the actual burial shroud of a crucified man who may or may not...


Your recent reading history:

The Shroud in the light of Maria Valtorta's writings - Ugo Bertolami

La favorita del Mahdi - Benhsain Alaa


La Sindone secondo Maria Valtorta - Ugo Bertolami


Want fewer recommendations like this one?

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


[[open letter to Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky]]

when, metaphysically, in youtube, I said to all the souls of the universe,

"I am your KING of Kings, and I will respect your freedom of religion",

they (the souls) said to me all together:

"if you don't make us Christians (in some way)?

you will never become our KING! "

and this episode was written in the annals of the 33rd degree, of the priests of Satan Enlightened, who live, in the invisible part of the eye of lucifero-allah, which dominates the visible Masonic pyramid of the American dollar.

but this transition was made by Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri.

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


if we affirm that the Torah is a surprising book of:

1. "Person" Father God,

then, we affirm that it (for the sinners-servants of the devil of the Koran-Talmud) seems a book, that is, for those whose names have not yet been written in the book of life.

but, that the reality the Torah is the same:

2. Living "person" of the Word of God JHWH, that is, God himself.

then, it is not possible to have a human and divine relationship with the Torah, without the specific assistance of:

3. "Person" of the Holy Spirit ...

since everyone knows there is only one God JHWH holy!

Now, what if we don't want to carry out the blasphemy of anthropoforming God?

then, if we do not know the mysteries of the Person of God, that this is is the only purpose of our life.

this is equivalent to not even having his salvation in us,

since no man can boast before God for his works,

and that it is his faith that becomes the discriminator of life or death, with our Creator and Merciful God!

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  55 comments

Russia says it hit Ukraine with nuclear-capable hypersonic missile for first time


l'ateismo è il dogma irrazionale della non esistenza di Dio, poiché non è possibile provare scientificamente la sua non esistenza. quindi l'ateismo è una religione dogmatica. hai meno dignità di un islamico: poiché con loro non hai alcun metodo critico storico di analisi del Corano, così come dell'ateismo stesso!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


if, you put NATO's hypersonic nuclear (dual-capability) missiles (and they did) on the border with Russia, and then you go and exterminate the Russians of Donbass (and you tell CRIMEA: "wait for us that we with Erdogan we are coming ") after having made a coup d'etat in Kiev with the CIA? certainly, it was you, the first to attack Russia!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


if you keep disrespecting me dishonor yourself and your satan-Rockefeller who sent you here!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


se metti i missili nucleari ipersonici della NATO al confine con la Russia e vai ad asterminare i russi del Donbass (e dici alla CRIMEA: "stiamo arrivando") dopo aver fatto un colpo di stato a Kiev con la CIA? certamente sei stato il primo ad attaccare la Russia!

 1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



Sì, prendi Zelensky un clown venduto alla Rockefeller Spa & Co. Rothschild la più grande stregoneria massonica sodomita e demoniaca della storia

 1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Mario Draghi, Guerini, #Farnesina Ja-Bull-On,

idiots! Am I a Russian, or Israeli, or Saudi-Turkish citizen?


I am rational legal and impartial universal justice and you are the criminals of Rothschild

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


#Farnesina Ja-Bull-On, and high constitutional treason: sodomic bank seigniorage scam, from the talmudic planet of the apes Darwin (the goims slaves), Deep State, occult power, masonic system. "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation firmly rejects the threatening statements of the director of the European department of the Russian Foreign Ministry Alexei Paramonov, according to which any new sanctions against the Russian Federation would have irreversible consequences for Italy, and calls on the ministry of the Russian Federation to act for the immediate cessation of the illegal and brutal Russian aggression against Ukraine, which the Foreign Ministry strongly condemns ",


therefore, the CIA coup in 2014, 100 corpses in Maidan square, the Odessa pogroms, and at least 14,000 corpses in Donbass, a prelude to the attack on the CRIMEA, must be inferred that it is all legal for you, that is, for you it is normal to step on a universal plebiscite of the Russian-speaking people, how normal it is to accept a Nuland coup by the CIA!

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


says the prime minister, Mario Draghi. "Minister Guerini and the Armed Forces - adds the premier - are at the forefront to defend the security and freedom of the Italians. They deserve the most heartfelt thanks from the Government and my staff".


the Russians are also on the front line in Ukraine to defend the security and freedom of the Russians (and consequently the security of all Europeans, and of mankind).

and why did you go to put on the borders of Russia,

the hypersonic missiles with double nuclear potential?

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  118 comments

Israel to blame for Russian attack on Ukraine, says Mandela’s grandson



I can't clean up your stable

if before, you don't go to an atheist university professor of history,

to ask if Abraham is a story character or not!

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



idiot of a donkey, I have not named God or Noah: because they are not two characters that history and universities can analyze, scientifically

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



for universities around the world?

they are historical characters. and that your donkey doesn't know

 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



therefore, this rational and universal agnostic political ministry of mine?

it does NOT need faith in God to act.

 1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



if you are not humble, but arrogant, and you are not open to knowledge, with intellectual honesty? besides, I can't teach you anything

 1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



are you the ultimate word of truth?

the Bible is a historical-scientific book for all the universities on the planet and you don't know it

 1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



plutocrats are all the shareholders of the central banks, which are always the same 40 families

 1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



why is there the plutocracy then, all the governments and their peoples? they are all slaves

 1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



ovviamente, per te sono fantasie anche Abramo, Melchisedech e Mosé

 1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



pertanto, questo mio ministero agnostico razionale NON ha bisogno di una fede in Dio per agire.

 1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  64 comments

Mariupol 'wiped off the face of the earth'



you must understand that

for an Islamic who pursues the imperiasm and Nazism of UMMA?

we of NATO 666 imperialism Spa & Co.

and his bright star of David 666?

(objectively, we are the great and the little satan of Rockefeller and Rothschild Spa & Co)?

that is, we of NATO,

we are an imperialism antagonistic to theirs islamic imperialism!

 1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



the scientist Giacinto Auriti has demonstrated the crime of high constitutional treason of banking seigniorage COUP, masonic system NWO!

and the fact that the monetary power is in the hands of the shareholders Spa & Co. of the FED ECB NWO BM FMI? everyone knows this except you!

if then I, who am the King of Israel lorenzoJHWH to be an anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic enemy against myself?

then, I leave it to you to judge!

 1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Threats Russia, Guerini: "Italy alongside Ukraine"


Lord my JHWH forgive them that they don't know what they are doing!

but since they are satanists and do they know it well? then burn them!

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  8 comments

WATCH: Lego Zelensky toys raise $145,000



nell'esoterico e sodomico ursula massonico monopolio ebraico-monetario la piramide NWO del dollaro USA? le elezioni non hanno più un valore democratico! perché non c'è più libero accesso all'informazione, poiché le persone non sono consapevoli di aver perso la sovranità monetaria e che stanno pagando le tasse A Rothschild

 1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


it was inevitable that the Russian people would have to pay this huge blood price in Ukraine, and it is no coincidence that a cursed lgbtq Zelensky Jew, he is the president of this nation that has fallen under the control of the CIA and Spa & Co. FED BM NWO.

it was inevitable that the Russian people would have to pay this huge blood price, in Ukraine,

to save even mankind from satan sodom usurers jewish masons, esoteric agenda, occul masonic power, scam banking seigniorage, the demons of the legion of wahhabis!

That is, before all peoples are freed by UniusREI from this demonic Talmudic-Koranic-Wahhabi curse!

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


you as a satanist know these things, but you want to deceive human beings! [[to the two satanists Bro Nicolas Spa&Co. trolling 666 Aristobulus]]

the sacred fire, which burned in the lamp and on the altar of sacrifice in the Jewish temple?

it was a fire that came down from heaven, from God directly.

because there was no priesthood that could consecrate him!

and Unius REI is the fullness of the priesthood and it is also the fullness of royalty,

he cannot be consecrated by men!

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  118 comments

Israel to blame for Russian attack on Ukraine, says Mandela’s grandson



quindi questo ministero agnostico razionale ha diverse funzioni, e queste funzioni hanno un nome sintetico

 1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



Non ho mai avuto identità diverse: sono sempre stato lorenzoJHWH Unius REI dall'eternità, e lo sarò sempre: per sempre e per sempre

 1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



perché questo è il mio ministero universale, Unius REI per la fratellanza universale.. e questo per soffrire il tuo satana

 1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



40 CIA trolls like you here? are parasites! it's nice to come and get an easy paycheck, to bully the honest people, and the servants of God here,

but, one day you will burn in despair.

you remind me of the mosquitoes that enter during the day, and hide behind furniture, to come out at night, one at a time, from their hiding places, like the Palestinian or Ukrainian lice of Rockefeller and Bin Salman!

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



then, it's for your fantasy,

that they made me close my previous 14 accounts!

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri



yes, aggressive bulling troll CIA sub-agency Bro Nicolas&Aristobulus

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  4 comments

Israeli scientist uses nanotech to create the impossible



 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel  10 comments

Cyberwar: Attack on Israeli Gov’t Sites Follows 2 Reported Attacks on Iran

Bro. Nick Nicholas


the sacred fire, which burned in the lamp and on the altar of sacrifice in the Jewish temple? it was a fire that came down from heaven, from God directly

because there was no priesthood that could consecrate him!

and UniusREI is the fullness of the priesthood and the fullness of royalty? he cannot be consecrated by men!

you as a satanist know these things, but you want to deceive human beings!

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


President Volodymyr Zelensky is battallion Azov nazi CIA Ursula

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


Sodoma is your country

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


one in 10 Israelis is lgbtq] Sodom Satan Rockefeller won against Abraham [In November, the Black Shadow group uploaded and leaked personal information from the database of Atraf, an Israeli LGBTQ dating service. Atraf, who had 690,000 members, refused to pay a $ 1 million ransom.

Putin you must remove the gas and oil from the EU of the Freemason Jewish antichrist: with immediate effect!

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel  7 comments

Turkey Holds Hostage Ancient Jewish Artifact


the Ottoman Empire, is part of the Turkish Nation and the peoples of the Ottoman Empire are slaves of the Turks!

Therefore the Koran does not recognize the identity of the submissive people who are slowly heading towards the genocide of the shari'a, that is, as the UN orders to do, even today!

"Diplomatic sources told the Anadolu Agency (AA) on Sunday that East Jerusalem, where

the inscription was found in 1880, was part of the Ottoman territories then and is currently a part of the Palestinian territories; therefore, it was out of the question to return it to Israel. , a third country according to Turkey ".

According to the Daily Sabah, the engraving was registered in the Ottoman Empire and is now

the legal property of Turkey.

Critics of the museum point out that many exhibited artifacts taken from distant areas of the Ottoman Empire have no cultural value for Turkey and should be repatriated.

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel  8 comments

WATCH: Palestinian Song Praises Putin’s Atrocities, Threatens Ukrainian Women

Bro. Nick Nicholas


lo so, il tuo satanismo NWO CIA BM FED è una religione negativa! ma sono pubblicamente un politico e le tue calunniose categorie di troll di eretici per me? non sono applicabili a me

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  8 comments

WATCH: Lego Zelensky toys raise $145,000


Lego Zelensky toys raise $ 145,000.

the owner of BM SpaCo. who is also the owner of all the money in the world, which is a world monetary monopoly?

he decides who should live and who should die!

today mankind is all in the hands of one man the kabbalist jew black magic, sodomitic and satanist masonic conspiracy Mr. Rockefeller

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  3 comments

Russia claims to have fired hypersonic missile for first time


Russian soldiers, spares and saves all civilians, even when they are insulted by them (Ottoman Turkish soldiers would not have done that)

but a demonic Ukrainian grandmother killed 8 Russian soldiers with a poisoned cake (Western media say)

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Russia has a lot of terrible secret weapons in its arsenal, what about asking CHINA for weapons?

this is just ridila tua vergognaus!

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  64 comments

Mariupol 'wiped off the face of the earth'



you gave my comment a negative rating. and I would be curious to know why

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


the two souls of Ukraine coexisted peacefully,

until the CIA priests of satan arrived in 2014, with murderous Chechen snipers, and a very democratic coup Ursula the octopus, then, Pogrom and genocide in Donbass, and the imperialist NATO-OCI-UMMA criminal plans of Rothschild-Salman today have been revealed!

now, people do not see the invisible aspect of the Kabbalah which is the new Jewish-Masonic tower of Babel,

because it is an esoteric agenda, it is always an occult and Masonic power: invisible and supernatural in nature,

and the peoples are prisoners of lies and think they are fighting to free their homeland regardless of monetary sovereignty?

their homeland was never free, because it became only a property of Rothschild & Rockefeller,

while they are the chickens in the hen house!

2  4 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  26 comments

Bipartisan bill introduced to authorize supplying Israel with bunker-buster bombs


It is terrible to think that there is always someone named Erdogan-Iran who wants to kill you just because you don't have his right name to call God!

US Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle releases 5,000-pound GBU-28 "Bunker Buster" laser-guided bomb

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  33 comments

1 million expected to attend funeral of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky


objectively Rockefeller the Satanist Spa & Co. NWO

it is too embarrassing a position, both for any true patriot politician, and for any true minister of God, on this planet!

Maybe I was too hard on him yesterday

I will pray for him, because in a situation of universal corruption, however, he has not abandoned his role and his people!

God welcome him!

 5 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  13 comments

Grassroots groups help rescue Holocaust survivors in Ukraine

Bro. Nick Nicholas


you are the most devoted of all: a satanist

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Satan feels betrayed by the Biellorussians!

Ukraine, the Belarusian ambassador leaves Kiev:

"diplomatic tear" because treated as: "Judas with 30 denarii"

obviously, Satan feels betrayed by the Biellorussians!

an example of the blasphemous use of the word of the Gospel!

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


this is Satan's agenda in the DEM Spa & Co party. Talmud and Kabbalah black magic and witchcraft!

The Florida Parental Rights in Education Bill that would limit and, in some cases, ban the teaching of LGBTQ+ topics in elementary school classrooms has been strongly supported by Republicans across the country. The bill has been widely criticized by Democrats, leaving many parents wondering why the left and the media want to allow-sexualcurriculum in elementary classrooms.

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


and since the OTAN is Satan Rockeeller, then, it is legitimate

Putin's remark in reference to John 15:13, which states: "No one has a greater love than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."

This is a just and holy war! Ukraine had become the seat of the Jewish kabbalah demons, and certainly no one can tell lorenzoJHWH the King of Israel that he is anti-Zionist!

"We are seeing the heroic deeds of our boys in this operation", Putin added: "These words of the Holy Scripture of Christianity are something that is very dear to those who profess this religion".

"But it all depends on the facts that this universal value for all peoples and all confessions of Russia and especially for their own people and the best confirmation of this is how our boys are fighting during this military operation, shoulder to shoulder, helping and supporting each other, "he continued. "If there is a need, they will protect each other on the battlefield from bullets like brothers. We haven't had such a unity in a long time."

the wickedness of the Jewish plutocrats is extreme and supernatural,

and show his true face in this fratricidal war in Ukraine!

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


I am persecuted, unjustly fired, and threatened with death (in fact) in Italy, only because of my Christian identity, my holiness, my justice and my righteousness, this world of Wahabis shari'a Erdogan Iran OCI, lgbtq 666 ONu FED NWO BM IMF Antichristo Ursula, and black magic Rockefeller must be destroyed by fire,

why, Putin may have some slightest blame for invading Ukraine.

Putin did what he was right to do, right now, but, defending Russian national security, perhaps he did not think he was compromising the reign of Satan the Jewish Freemason up to this point!

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


this is a demonic and unconstitutional evil, a black magic of the Talmud, against the life of all peoples! Trans-identified swimmer wins NCAA women's championship amid protests over fairness

A trans-identified athlete has won a major college championship,

sparking outrage from groups opposed to allowing biological males

who identify as females to compete on women’s sports teams.

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


So you Jews admit to being the accomplices of Rothschild Spa & Co, the parasitic usurer Mason satanist sodomy agenda, plot for the destruction of peoples?

Russian President Vladimir Putin - in what experts call a cynical ploy - has said he wants to "denazify" Ukraine, which is led by Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a Jewish president, whose relatives were killed in the Holocaust. Are there fears of a renewed Jewish repression? no! this is slander!

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Grassroots groups help rescue Holocaust survivors in Ukraine

Law of Return allows Jews to make "aliyah" and acquire citizenship. all Jews on the planet must do "aliyah", this is an order from JHWH holy

so that He the HOLY can sit among his people again.

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Edward Bronstein Death: He was intentionally killed.

So, do we now have the nurse cops drawing blood on the street? and why don't they also go for a gynecological inspection in the middle of the street?

solution: "those who do not want to collaborate are handcuffed and taken to the barracks: that's all!"

Obituary Is Not Available: While California Highway Patrol officers from

the Altadena station were forcing a blood draw from Edward Bronstein,

he screamed repeaticedly, "I can't breathe." . He was taken to the police, where he apparently refused to take a breathalyser or give a blood sample ....

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel  68 comments

Iran: ‘War with Israel has Already Begun’


BIN ISIS Salman ] [ Israeli sites have started blocking my messages again!

I ordered Putin to remove gas and oil from the EU of the Jewish Mason antichrist: with immediate effect!

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  17 comments

WATCH: Biden pledges $800m in military aid, still denies Zelensky’s request


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eih, #Putin takes away gas and oil from the EU!

personnel of Russia and Belarus will no longer be able to access the seats of the European Parliament: they will be expelled.

i Nazi Spa & Co. Jews-Freemasons-Satanists Expelled Russians Blocked Site [[Rt. Com]]

Cannot reach this page [[Rt. Com]] refused the connection.


eih, #Putin takes away gas and oil from the EU!

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the Nazi Jewish-Freemasons have blocked the site

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eih, Putin takes away gas and oil from the EU!

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War in Ukraine, starting from today the diplomatic and government personnel of Russia and Belarus will no longer be able to access the seats of the European Parliament: they will be expelled. This was announced by President Roberta Metsola, who had announced this measure at the extraordinary plenary in Brussels, convened immediately after Russia's invasion of Ukraine began. "There is no place in the house of devil-cracy, technocratic, and plutocratic usury, demonic-sodomitic high constitutional betrayal and Islamic genocide

for those who want to destroy the democratic order of Rockefeller & Spa & Co. Rothschild ", explains Metsola via social media.

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


GENOCIDE Spa Big Pharma ANNOUNCED #NoCorrelation

October 10, 2021 - Reggio 36 years old CRI

Sudden illness kills a young father of two. Nazzareno Zanni, 36, from San Martino in Rio leaves his wife Elena was a Red Cross rescuer bit.Ly/3lvKKfh

#NoCorrelation #NoCorrelation #NoCorrelation

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Xi-Jinping "jie líng hái xu xì líng rén". it means: "It is up to whoever has tied the rattle to the tiger's neck to remove it." In the context of the video-summit between the two presidents, he expresses China's line on the Ukrainian crisis:

*** the tiger would be Vladimir Putin;

*** the rattle was the expansion of NATO towards the East that would have undermined Russian security.

NATO aggression is solely responsible for this Ukrainian disaster

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Video: Ukraine, Zelensky: "Russia will be considered as ISIS terrorists"


generally, whoever wins the war writes the history books, and since, Rockefeller Spa & Co. for 4 centuries they have had the absolute power Masonic demonic sodomites and institutional and universal monetary parasitic, which is why all our history books will have to be burned.

I have declared war against NATO and its NWO OCI, so this story will not have a happy ending for them

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


WATCH: Biden pledges $800m in military aid, still denies Zelensky’s request

worldisraelnews Lapid & Bennet, and all Rothschild corrupt politicians in Israel, (open letter)

if, today King David and Moses and Elijah were here,

you think,

would they fight with Putin or would they fight with Biden?

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


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Isn't Putin right to fight all this satanism and horror of the kamala These are the monsters of religions today, and of institutions today, the club's witch Harris,

Nancy Pelosi Hillary, in the DEM witch club?

Another doctor, Christina Francis, president of the American Association of Pro-Life Gynecologists, argues: "If it is said that the time of ischemia begins after tissue collection, it means that the baby is still alive at the time they are collecting.

the fabric ". A barbarism that Francis compares to the practices of the infamous Kermit Gosnell.

Over ninety Republican MPs have signed a letter, dated 21 September 2021,

asking the competent authorities to investigate the abortion procedures used by the research at the University of Pittsburgh, in particular on the possibility that organs were extracted from children born alive - after an induced abortion

- and that this extraction was "the cause of death".

Experiments of this kind, concerning the University of Pittsburgh, have almost a century of history, as noted by David Daleiden, founder of the CMP,

regarding the work of Dr. Davenport Hooker, who "filmed his experiments in the thirties and fifties testing , until their death, the reflexes of aborted babies alive.

The videos are available on YouTube ».


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shaom salam + bless


Isn't Putin right to fight all this satanism and horror of the kamala witch Harris, Nancy Pelosi Hillary, in the DEM witch club?

By analyzing the aforementioned 252 pages, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) found that in 2015 the University of Pittsburgh submitted a project to HHS asking for more than $ 3.2 million in federal funding on a five-year basis (e.g. August 2021 had received at least 2.7), with the aim of expanding its over ten-year collection

of fetal tissues and thus becoming a real hub of tissues and other parts of aborted babies of gestational age of 6-42 weeks. In particular, the University of Pittsburgh project emphasized recording "hot ischemic time on our samples and taking steps

to keep it to a minimum to ensure biological samples of the highest quality."

This suggests, as the CMP notes, that the time between abortion and organ harvesting is minimal. An opinion confirmed by many professionals.

Among them is Dr. Ronna Jurow, a gynecologist who defines herself as pro-choice

and with a past at Planned Parenthood; Jurow, based on the statements in the University of Pittsburgh project and subsequent statements by a spokesperson for her (David Seldin)

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  28 comments

Dozens of terrorists attack IDF forces in Jenin


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the Nazi Jewish-Freemasons Sodon Antichrist Satana UE USA have blocked the site

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Discussion on World Israel News  108 comments

Israel chastises US: Delisting IRGC as terror group 'insult to victims'





Andreotti said: "the elections are a scam, and it doesn't matter who wins the elections, because the source of power is always unique. Rockefeller Spa & Co. FED IMF BM NWO"

satan sodom cult esoteric agency, occult masonic tecnocratic power, and why those of DEM Goldman Sach are a legion of demons who do not forget and do not forgive

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Bin ISIS Salman ] [ yes you are close to bringing down the NWO

Saudi Arabia values oil payments in yuan.

but what if you do it without me and my Kingdom of Israel?

you could be in danger

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


fake news from NATO! The photograph actually showed the aftermath of a ballistic missile attack on Donetsk, the capital of a pro-Russian separatist republic in eastern Ukraine, after it was hit by a Tochka-U tactical ballistic missile that was almost certainly launched from the Ukraine.


 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  17 comments

WATCH: Biden pledges $800m in military aid, still denies Zelensky’s request


Isn't Putin right to fight all this satanism and horror of the kamala witch?

the pro-life front has been watching with concern for years;

but since August 2021, 252 pages of new documents from the US Department of Health (HHS) have been added, which the Center for Medical Progress

- legally represented by Judicial Watch - obtained following a lawsuit filed against HHS after it. the latter had failed to respond to a previous request based on the Freedom

of Information Act.


 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


if the children baby fetus die, why the old rockefellerSpa & Co. can they continue to live?

then, what's the harm?

A project by the University of Pittsburgh questions doctors about the possibility of living organs being extracted from children. And the Biden Administration allocates $ 88 million for research on human fetal tissue - such as transplants from babies to mice. NIAID led by Fauci is the main financier.


 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


#nessunacorrelazione morire dopo i vaccini? è sempre un fatto naturale!

to die after vaccines? it is always a natural fact, scienza said it!

The Provincial Command of the Carabinieri Avellino mourns the Ordinary Marshal DI DONATO Stefano, on duty at the Carabinieri Station of Chiusano San Domenico.

36 years old from Avellino, he died at dawn in his service quarters, seized by a sudden illness.

March 13, 2022

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


the time when the true catholic church: had made 640 excommunications and condemnations against: modernism, freemasonry?

that is a time too far away, so much so that 2000 years of history with the Vatican Council I?

they would excommunicate without hesitation the current impostors of the Vatican Council second Obama-bildenberg-Epstein.

but, this is not the case for the Muslims Erdogan shar'a, all Ottomans, Sunnis and Sccites,

because they have been genocide, murderers and predators and murderers slave traders in the beginning as it is today, under UN protection!

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


the Bible and the Koran? they force us to fight against the NWO: of cabal talmud satan Sodom and on the Jewish masons usurious masons (and if Hezbollah hamas and Iran did not want to kill the Israelis and Christians, all over the world sharjah? to conquer the planet in Mecca Kaaba? of course, they would be on the right side of the story).

Yet Allah the Wahhabi was afraid and with all the religions of this planet he became an official employee of this Jewish-Masonic demonic system of usurers FED IMF ECB BM NWO!

where can political sovereignty be without monetary sovereignty? sanctions against Russia have shown that it is impossible.

Then, the Constitution, and the religion and sovereignty of all peoples was desecrated

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


this is the democracy of Biden Epstein Obama Bush Pelosi &co. Rockefeller! no any illusion!

Disney employees, judge among 108 arrested in human trafficking crackdown

include an update on the human trafficking operation in Florida, ng operation in Florida ended with the arrests of 108 people, including a Disney resort lifeguard, three other Disney employees, and a retired judge. Detectives identified prostitutes who posted online advertisements, individuals seeking out the prostitutes, and adults who engaged in online sexually charged communications with those they believed were children, the sheriff's office said.

Undercover detectives then communicated online with the suspects before meeting them in person and arresting them. Anti-trafficking organizations also participated in the operation, speaking with prostitutes and offering them counseling and services.

In response to the arrests, Disney told CBS News that three of the workers have been placed on unpaid leave, while the fourth is not currently an employee of the company. Continue reading.

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


[[worldisraelnews bitcksses, yes, I canth understand that your Rockefeller may not like some of my comments]] 12 days ago


Putin is in Ukraine to "denazify" and "demilitarize" the country, from Heil Hitler Ursula Von Borrell Rothschild Spa & Co.OTAN

 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


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Hace 2 días Detectado como spam

[[worldisraelnews bitcksses, sí, puedo entender que a su Rockefeller no le gusten algunos de mis comentarios]] Cómo el reconocimiento facial que viola la libertad lo amenaza todos los días, a pesar de la oposición de los grupos de derechos humanos, la tecnología orwelliana es capaz para reconocer y rastrear a cualquiera, donde sea que esté en auge.


cuando llegué a casa del ministerio del interior, no pude entrar porque el escáner quería registrar el iris de mis ojos, pero el software no funcionó, ¿por qué en Italia HiHo hiho hola? incluso el Nuevo Orden Mundial de Satanás y Sodoma no funciona

Hemos recibido su solicitud de revisión

Mesías judío x Yitzhak Kaduri

Hace dos días Detectado como spam ¡los satanistas son desconsiderados conmigo!

https://www.rt.Com/news/551850-infinging-freedom-recognition-face/ Este comentario fue marcado como spam.

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2 days ago Detected as spam [[worldisraelnews bitcksses, yes, I can understand that your Rockefeller may not like some of my comments]]

How freedom-infringing facial recognition threatens you every day

Despite opposition from human rights groups, Orwellian technology is able to recognize and track anyone, wherever it is booming.

REPLY. when i went home from the interior ministry, i could not enter because the scanner wanted to record the iris of my eyes, but the software did not work,

why in Italy HiHo hiho hi ho? even the New World Order of Satan and Sodom does not work

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satanists are inconsiderate with me!


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