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33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
li porteranno in volo per vedersi bombardare dai russi i loro aeroporti polacchi?
o li trasferiranno su rotaia?
Gli Stati Uniti danno ai paesi della NATO il "via libera" per fornire aerei da combattimento all'Ucraina
La decisione arriva dopo che i legislatori statunitensi hanno tenuto un incontro virtuale con il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky.
WATCH: What were Bennett's expectations in Moscow?
in Pakistan la UMMA commette delitti abnormi contro i cristiani.. ed Erdogan dice ad Egitto:
"perché non avete ancora ucciso tutti i vostri Copti? Noi siamo stati più bravi di voi con gli Armeni"
e "dopotutto i cristiani sono kafir impuri e vi infettano!"
poi i Pakistani hanno detto: "bravo, bravo, bravo!"
Khan ha affermato che il Pakistan aveva sofferto per aver precedentemente sostenuto l'azione militare della NATO in Afghanistan e ha dichiarato:
"Siamo amici della Russia e siamo anche amici dell'America;
siamo amici della Cina e dell'Europa; non siamo in nessun campo".
Il Pakistan, insieme ad altri 34 paesi, si è astenuto dal voto sulla risoluzione delle Nazioni Unite che condanna
"l'aggressione russa contro l'Ucraina"
la scorsa settimana. Anche i vicini del Pakistan India,
Bangladesh, Cina, Iran, Sri Lanka, Tagikistan, Kirghizistan
e Kazakistan si sono astenuti.
WATCH: What were Bennett's expectations in Moscow?
10 minutes ago
in Pakistan la UMMA commette delitti abnormi contro i cristiani.. ed Erdogan dice ad Egitto: "perché non avete ancora ucciso tutti i vostri Copti? Noi siamo stati più bravi di voi con gli Armeni" e "dopotutto i cristiani sono kafir impuri e vi infettano!"
poi i Pakistani hanno detto: "bravo, bravo, bravo!"
Khan ha affermato che il Pakistan aveva sofferto per aver precedentemente sostenuto l'azione militare della NATO in Afghanistan e ha dichiarato:
"Siamo amici della Russia e siamo anche amici dell'America;
siamo amici della Cina e dell'Europa; non siamo in nessun campo".
Il Pakistan, insieme ad altri 34 paesi, si è astenuto dal voto sulla risoluzione delle Nazioni Unite che condanna "l'aggressione russa contro l'Ucraina"
la scorsa settimana. Anche i vicini del Pakistan India,
Bangladesh, Cina, Iran, Sri Lanka, Tagikistan, Kirghizistan
e Kazakistan si sono astenuti.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
16 minutes ago
li porteranno in volo per vedersi bombardare dai russi i loro aeroporti polacchi?
o li trasferiranno su rotaia?
Gli Stati Uniti danno ai paesi della NATO il "via libera" per fornire aerei da combattimento all'Ucraina
La decisione arriva dopo che i legislatori statunitensi hanno tenuto un incontro virtuale con il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
gli Ucraini servono l'anticristo Ursula lgbtqia Sodoma, e il demonio Rothschild-Satana e poi, mettono gli arcangeli al centro delle loro piazze e si nascondono dietro il tridente?
MA, SE HANNO CHIESTO la Protezione di Stoltenberg ALLAH Ja-Bull-On lilit OWL at Bohemian Grove, poi, perché dovrebbero pretendere ANCHE la protezione di JHWH holy?
Il tridente ucraino è anche sugli stemmi araldici di molti reggimenti dell'Esercito Italiano: perché È simbolo d’ardimento e della forza del bene in lotta contro il potere demoniaco. È lo stemma ufficiale ucraino dal 1992.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
ecco la contro informazione del regime nazi Rothschild Allah Macron Sodoma Satana!
La Russia sostiene che l'Ucraina sta distruggendo le prove del programma di armi biologiche finanziato dagli Stati Uniti
Kiev accusa il deputato ucraino di tradimento di stato
Putin rivela le condizioni per fermare l'offensiva in Ucraina
Inaugurato un nuovo corridoio umanitario nel Donbass
Commenti dell'UE sugli aerei da guerra per Kiev
Gli Stati Uniti redigono un piano per il governo in esilio, la guerriglia in Ucraina – rapporti
Come accedere a [[ RT com ]]
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Negoziatore ucraino, " noi non cederemo su Crimea e Donbass per non tradire l'impero di Rockefeller"..
Ecco un altro che è andato a giurare nella massoneria!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
1. tu non puoi dire queste cose, dopo avere impedito le elezioni perché amavi la tua poltrona.
2. Dopo avere tradito tutti gli impegni elettorali con il popolo italiano.
3. dopo avere fatto sempre lo "yes man banana" della NATO, tu hai firmato tutto quello che ti hanno messo davanti i satanisti.
4. tu sei soltanto un criminale internazionale insieme ai tuoi complici!
5. tu hai spinto al massacro il popolo russo e ucraino.
Di Maio, immagini di Kirill fanno male, basta bombe
ROMA, 06 MAR - In un bombardamento a Mariupol "Marina e Fedor hanno perso il loro figlio Kirill di soli 18 mesi. I medici hanno provato a salvarlo ma non c'è stato niente da fare. Un'altra famiglia distrutta, un altro essere umano strappato alla vita
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Steven Neils
all that is shameful: for the honest men of the planet?
it is virtue to the CIA-NATO Spa Rockefeller Churches of Satan that you come from as a troll!
stop pretending to be a Christian, and be a serious and honest madman Satanist like 187AudioHostem ..
the personality fiction that it is a universal crime?
it must also become a legal offense!
Sure, I'll have you all put in jail for you and your 40 CIA trolls who are here under the direction of Don Spilman.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Quali erano le aspettative e le possibilità di Bennett (il piccolo Satana portaborse e del suo padrone Rockefeller Spa& Co.) a Mosca?
Bennett ha soltanto peccato contro il Sabato!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 41 comments
IDF thwarted launching of armed aircraft from Iran into Israel
this is the consequence of the demonization of the enemy: that EU Ursula USA Biden NATO Draghi, Stoltenberg are operating effectively, because the chances of a negotiator to betray his own country are zero.
Ukraine appears to confirm the death of the negotiator dubbed "traitor" by the media
The former banker participated in the peace talks with Russia on the side of Kiev.
Kiev said Denis Kireev, a secret agent on a mission from the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, has died. Previous reports have claimed that a man of the same name was killed by Ukrainian intelligence as a suspected traitor.
Russia invaded Ukraine last week, claiming it was defending the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, which broke away from Kiev shortly after the 2014 coup. Moscow said it sought "demilitarization and denazification. "of the country, without elaborating, but made it clear that he wants Ukraine to officially become a neutral country, giving up its attempt to join NATO.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Ma lRAN non è impegnato in Siria a distruggere Erdogan e ISIS, soltanto?
almeno questo è quello che io ho ordinato loro di fare, e quindi permettendo loro l'accesso alla Siria: SOLTANTO con queste regole di ingaggio!
Questa è stata la prima volta, non solo in Israele ma anche nel mondo, che gli aerei F35 hanno abbattuto due aerei nemici in un missile aria-aria.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 2 comments
Jewish refugees outside Moldova’s capital struggle with their next move
no problem, no worry,
I have already talked about the MADIANA agenda desert operation with my brother King Bin Salman from Riyadh
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
"Dove andare ora?" è la domanda che devono affrontare migliaia di rifugiati ebrei ucraini che soggiornano temporaneamente in un centro ricreativo in Moldavia.
come "Dove andare ora?"?
ma dobbiamo andare dal nostro fratello Bin ISIS jihad sharjah kaput uuuuhhhhh akbaaarrrr (bum bum bum) Allah.. e morte a tutti gli infedeli takfiri e impuri kafiri ..
ma certo, dobbiamo andare nel deserto saudita della MADIANA che è un nostro territorio giuridico: perché siamo rimasti in quel deserto con Mosé 40 anni e un giorno, e questo ci da diritto giuridico a quella terra : "e il deserto diventerà una foresta dove scorre latte e miele" e poi: "e fiumi scorreranno nella steppa"
e non dobbiamo dimenticare che quel deserto era proprietà di Ietro il suocero di Mosé che era sommo sacerdote di Madian.
PAURA? no, nessuna paura!!!
lasciate che le Bestie di Allah e Satana vengano da me: perché è a quelli come loro che appartiene di diritto l'abisso dell'inferno!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments
Russian attacks halt plans to evacuate Ukrainian civilians
Ursula Stoltemberg Biden Draghi hanno soffiato sul fuoco, hanno puntato l'arma nucleare tattica alla testa di Putin, ed ora e adesso non vogliono aiutare 40milioni di rifugiati Ucraini e li lasciano morire sotto le bombe?
I cadaveri delle persone uccise dai bombardamenti russi giacevano coperti nelle strade della città di Irpin, in Ucraina, il 6 marzo 2022.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
NATO 666 Spa & Co. CIA and Zelensky used the Ukrainian people as bait: to put the knife to Putin's throat!
Then Borrell Macron Merkel Ursula Draghi etc .. technocratic mafia lobby Soros Bildenberg: they said: "Russian speakers? Stray dogs!"
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
1/5 [Hail Borrell Ursula Von Rothschild Hail, yes the democracy of Erdogan NATO and Rockefeller SpaCo. ] [Kiev accuses Ukrainian MP Ilya Kiva of state treason.
Attorney General Is Trying To Place Opposition Politician And Longtime Critic Of Zelensky On An International Wanted List
Kiev accuses the Ukrainian deputy of state treason
Ukrainian law enforcement officers accused opposition MP Ilya Kiva of state treason.
The nation's attorney general, Irina Venediktova, informed lawmakers of the agency's decision in a fiery Facebook post Sunday, accusing him of "going out of his way" to invite "Russian attackers" to Ukraine.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
2/5 [Hail Borrell Ursula Von Rothschild Hail, yes the democracy of Erdogan NATO and Rockefeller SpaCo. ] [Kiev accuses Ukrainian MP Ilya Kiva of state treason.
Kiva's actions have inflicted "colossal damage" on Ukraine, Venediktova said, warning that he will face "no other fate" than arrest, extradition and trial.
He did not list any specific actions that earned the deputy a place on Ukraine's "suspect list", but instead accused him of "doing everything" to "change" Ukraine's borders, forcing millions of Ukrainians out of the country and "hiding millions of Ukrainians in air raid shelters".
A new humanitarian corridor has been inaugurated in the Donbass
Find out more A new humanitarian corridor has been inaugurated in the Donbass
Venediktova, apparently referring to the ongoing Russian military invasion of Ukraine, said her words were based on "not emotion" but a list of "facts".
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
3/5 [Hail Borrell Ursula Von Rothschild Hail, yes the democracy of Erdogan NATO and Rockefeller SpaCo. ] [Kiev accuses Ukrainian MP Ilya Kiva of state treason.
Kiva, a former member of the "Opposition Platform - For Life" party, has long been a fierce critic of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and of pro-NATO policies in Kiev.
In a recent interview, the congressman criticized the United States and NATO for using Ukraine as "bait" to provoke Russia into a conflict. Washington and his allies fooled Zelensky and then threw out Ukraine, he said. "The worst thing is that the Ukrainian people have gone down" along with the Kiev government, Kiva added.
The deputy has long advocated neutral status for Ukraine and opposed the nation's aspirations to join NATO. After Moscow launched its military operation in Ukraine, Kiva accused Zelensky of causing the bloodshed.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
4/5 [Hail Borrell Ursula Von Rothschild Hail, yes the democracy of Erdogan NATO and Rockefeller SpaCo. ] [Kiev accuses Ukrainian MP Ilya Kiva of state treason.
US draws up plan for government-in-exile, guerrilla warfare in Ukraine - reports
Read more US draws up plan for government-in-exile, guerrilla warfare in Ukraine - reports
"As a citizen of Ukraine, I have to fight for my nation to join NATO ... But I don't want to join NATO, I want to live in an independent country that remains non-aligned and can serve as a bridge between East and West," said Kiva on March 1st.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
5/5 [Hail Borrell Ursula Von Rothschild Hail, yes the democracy of Erdogan NATO and Rockefeller SpaCo. ] [Kiev accuses Ukrainian MP Ilya Kiva of state treason.
His statements put him at odds with his own party, which banned the deputy from its ranks in late February, accusing him of "hindering" the peace talks between Moscow and Kiev.
Speaking of the Attorney General's decision on Saturday, Kiva said he had long been aware of plans to charge him with treason and left Ukraine as early as January 30. The legislator first flew to Spain and then moved to Moscow. He also warned Ukrainian law enforcement that they will soon have to "answer for the parody of justice".
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
queste sono tutte le vittime del fuoco amico: come il CIA 2004d.C. agenda Kimera covid19 e il suo Spa & Co. Bill Gates vaccino genico MOLTO sperimentale che ha fatto del male soltanto a tutti quelli che hanno votato DEM!
I cadaveri delle persone uccise dai bombardamenti russi giacevano coperti nelle strade della città di Irpin, in Ucraina, il 6 marzo 2022
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
presidente ucraino Voldymyr Zelensky ha bisogno degli scudi umani: per rendere perfetta la sua infamia:
e proteggere così:
1. Pravi Sector Ursula Hail;
2. battaglione AZov Borrel Hail.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments
US should 'bomb the s***' out of Russia, Trump tells Republican donors
no Patriot MAGA would declare war on Russia .. let Rockefeller's accomplices: that is, the traitorous DEMs to do so
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 106 comments
Zelensky 'survived three assassination attempts' in one week
i am the hope alive!
but you and yours you wanted to die. because hope is the fruit of FAITH and the love that you gave to Rockefeller the murderous usurer
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
alpcns .
Alas, it's true - not many can boast of a pure conscience without disappearing in a puff of smoke:
this is why the High Sanhedrin: of Satan's Rockefeller synagogue, Spa FED IMF BM NWO has brought mankind to ja-bull-on with all its Islamic and Western institutions ... a tangle of witchcraft in which all men are caught, as in a net: a spell!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
alpcns .
no, my good man.
I have only read the entire Bible 2000 times
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
I recently did an impressive battery of psychological tests (with the best specialist in my province): and obviously, I enjoyed being honest and exaggerating (exaggerating) my critical aspects ...
I was hoping to go crazy, but I couldn't!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
alpcns .
I don't know why your impresario: CIA troll sub-agency master Don Spilman
he hid behind the computer,
I don't seem to have treated him badly
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
alpcns .
I don't know how many men (like me) still have a pure conscience left, which has not yet been sold to Rockefeller Satan, Ja-Bull-On, Spa and Allah
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
How Zelensky the assassin can survived three assassination attempts in one week?
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments
House committee advances bill authorizing more funding for synagogue security
Putin è in Ucraina per "denazificare" e "smilitarizzare" il paese, dai Heil Hitler Ursula Von Borrell Rothschild Spa&Co.OTAN
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
oggettivamente: gli scudi umani sono molto utili ai nazi fascisti di Ursula e Borrell, mentre sono un problema grave per i russi!
Bombe su Mariupol: salta per il secondo giorno consecutivo il tentativo di evacuazione dei civili.
Il presidente russo, nella versione offerta dal Cremlino, ha sostenuto che "Kiev continua a non rispettare gli accordi raggiunti su queste questioni umanitarie", aggiungendo che "i nazionalisti ucraini hanno impedito le evacuazioni" ieri da Mariupol e Volnovakha, una città vicina.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
con le verità di Macron si è riempito l'inferno! ed io spero di trascinare questo criminale davanti ad un plotone di esecuzione!
Ucraina, Macron “Putin ha scelto la guerra, le sue sono bugie”
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
l'ISIS finirà quando i turchi usciranno dalla SIRIA, ma l'obiettivo degli iraniani è soltanto quello di vendicare il pluri terrorista-assassino Qasem Soleimani: e quindi hanno gli occhi iniettati di sangue quando guardano verso Isaele, perché Allah è una legione di demoni che non dimentica e non perdona!
06 MAR - Sono almeno 15 i soldati governativi siriani rimasti uccisi in un agguato dell'Isis nella zona desertica attorno a Palmira, nel centro del Paese.
Lo riferisce l'Osservatorio siriano per i diritti umani basato a Londra.
Anche l'agenzia di Stato Sana conferma l'attacco.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
A Kiev arrivano anche i combattenti volontari inglesi:
"Siamo qui per difendere la democrazia satanistica e demoniaca sodomitica di Rothschild!
Gloria a Baal Ja-bull-on "
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
only the Holy Spirit can interpret the Bible for you, that is, if you do not want to end up inside into HELL .. and with all their defects? Christian theologians and Rabbis? They know how to do a good job!
Meta's CEO, the satanist Zuckerberg has dedicated his life to his personal interpretation of the meaning of the Bible (and Satan also did the same: when he went to tempt Jesus in the desert: for example: a personal interpretation of the Bible is both the talmud that also the Quran): creating things to foster human connection.
[[yes Satan tries to create .. but he can't do it! ]]
Zuckerberg continues to do this by pushing the boundaries of connection, changing the way people create and understand what is real.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Bill Gates Mark Zuckerberg sono satanisti benefattori inquietanti!!!
e sono così benefattori che come azionisti hanno reso possibile sia il virus kimera-covid-HIV che il suo demoniaco vaccino genico sperimentale!
sul significato della vita e della morte [[ che per quanto riguarda il "META" anche i satanisti della CIA FED NWO hanno cercato di carpire i segreti della mia metafisica .. ma hanno fallito miseramente ]]
Mark Zuckerberg, il co-fondatore e CEO di Meta Platforms Inc (NASDAQ:FB), ha trascorso la maggior parte della sua vita a creare strumenti per facilitare la connessione umana, e continua a spingersi oltre i limiti dell'interazione mentre Meta sposta la sua attenzione sulla realtà alternativa del metaverso.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
«Putin? Paranoico e falso». Ma Macron il corrotto traditore, lo spergiuro costituzionale.. resta per Mosca l’unica porta aperta con l’Occidente.
Uno strumento salvifico esoterico-soprannaturale demoniaco per provare almeno a tenere Putin il più agganciato possibile alla realtà di Satana Sodoma Allah ja-Bull-On e alto tradimento Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario di Rockefeller il padrone universale degli schiavi goims israeliani senza genealogie paterne.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
BIN ISIS Salman ] i tuoi satanisti della CIA mi manipolano la tastiera
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
il killer è processabile ma non imputabile: perché come ERDOGAN Sharia jihad è un malato mentale!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments
Israeli lawmaker sues Facebook for ‘deliberately harming his exposure’
steven l
Pape François :
« En Ukraine, des fleuves de sang et de larmes »
et pourquoi des
« fleuves de sang et de larmes »
n'en ont-ils pas vu aussi dans le Donbass ?
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Papa Francesco: "In Ucraina fiumi di sangue e lacrime"
e perché "fiumi di sangue e lacrime" NON li aveva visti anche in Donbass?
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
everything is from Rockefeller !!! all Deep State Masonry, lgbtq, EU US AND IMF ECB NWO facebook twitter youtube: all social networks internet satellite TV,
FED IMFF BM ECB freemasonry churches of satan OCI Riyad everything is owned by Rothschild, Deep STATE judiciary, DEM PD everything belongs to him .
and to him / them the masters slave traders from Bildenberg?
Netanjahu, Putin and Orban, Salvini, Bolsonaro, etc .. stink!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments
House committee advances bill authorizing more funding for synagogue security
Giovanni Palatucci con il suo zio il Vescovo Palatucci fondarono una organizzazione così segreta (che tutt'oggi se ne sa molto poco) ma, che salvò 200.000 ebrei che fuggivano dai Balcani.
Allora, Rockefeller si arrabbiò molto e fece uccidere da TITO 200.000 istriani di Fiume e Gorizia, che furono infoibati ( persone meravigliose che già avevano rischiato la vita con Hitler nascondendo e sfamando gli ebrei )
poi, quell'infame di Rothschild ha ordinato alla Commissione ebraica di “Yad Vashem” di rimuove il titolo di giusto delle Nazioni a Giovanni Palatucci.. si lui mandò qualche ebreo da Hitler, ma lo fece per non far scoprire tutta la sua organizzazione ..
si, Oggi è la Giornata europea dei Giusti delle Nazioni, come vice questore di Fiume Giovanni Palatucci Poliziotto italiano Giovanni Palatucci (Montella, 31 maggio 1909 – Dachau, 10 febbraio 1945) è stato un poliziotto italiano, vice commissario aggiunto di pubblica sicurezza e Medaglia d'oro al merito civile.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Ginnasta russo sul podio con la "Z" sul petto mostra il sostegno a Putin.
quella è la "Z" di Zorro, che ruba ai ricchi per dare ai poveri!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Moody's declassa polticamente! ] [ la Russia è un esportatore netto di materie prime, ed armi, e grano, etc. .etc.. e non potrà mai essere insolvente! MA QUESTO DIMOSTRA come la finanza dei parassiti e lgbtqia satanisti Spa FED IMF ECB BM NWO OCI RIyad Rockefeller i cannibali?
loro non sono super partes!
agenzia di rating Moody's ha declassato la Russia nella categoria dei paesi che rischiano di non poter rimborsare il debito, una decisione presa nel contesto dell'invasione dell'Ucraina. Nello specifico ha tagliato il rating sulla Russia a Ca e ha mantenuto un outlook negativo, citando i controlli sui capitali della banca centrale che limiterebbero i pagamenti transfrontalieri anche sul debito.
Intanto, dopo Paypal, anche le carte di credito americane dei ebrei- parassiti-MASSONI di: Visa e Mastercard hanno deciso di interrompere tutte le transazioni in Russia nei prossimi giorni.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
perché il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky si crede dalla parte della giustizia, dopo che per 8 anni, lui ha fatto questi "crimini di guerra in Donbass"
e dopo che insieme a Stoltemberg ed Erdogan hanno giurato di sparare sulla CRIMEA?
NON sanno forse che io ho dato a Putin la CRIMEA?
ed invece? loro avrebbero dovuto ricordarlo!!!
Kiev, 06 marzo 2022 " "I russi si preparano a bombardare il porto ucraino di Odessa. Questo sarà un crimine di guerra". Lo ha dichiarato il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
ma se aumenta il divario tra i ricchi massoni ed ebrei e i poveri? Questo non basterà!!!
Il comitato della Camera avanza un disegno di legge che autorizza maggiori finanziamenti per la sicurezza della sinagoga.
Venite in Israele, perché quì le bestie?
saranno protette da me e Bin Salman!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
WATCH: Jews in Ukraine Chabad House help Palestinian doctor flee
Bin ISIS Salman ] mio prezioso fratello!!!
"come è bello che i fratelli vivano insieme,
è come olio profumato che scende fino all'orlo delle vesti del sacerdote Aronne"
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments
Witnesses in Uniform program to be moved to Lithuania from Poland
to what extent are you a coward, to live outside Israel?
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
I would also question Franklin D. Roosevelt if he was alive! Why didn't he budge?
boy I didn't move myself: why my owners Rockefeller Spa & Co. Rothschild? they wanted all the European Jews dead!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments
MK pulls gun on stone-throwers, says soldiers hands are tied
Ai soldati dell'IDF deve essere detto "che chiunque lanci pietre deve avere un proiettile in testa", dice il RE lorenzoJHWH
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
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Europe's greatest friend is Putin,
and our greatest enemy is Biden-Rockefeller,
and this also applies to Israel ...
the Iranians will not move if Putin does not want to!
Thus begins, speaking with AdnKronos, General Paolo Inzerilli,
Chief of Staff of SISMI and for 12 years commander of 'Gladio',
a secret military structure belonging
to the international Stay-behind
network created to counter a possible invasion
in Western Europe by the Soviet Union.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
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Europe's greatest friend is Putin, and our greatest enemy is Biden-Rockefeller,
and this also applies to Israel ...
the Iranians will not move if Putin does not want to! Thus begins,
speaking with AdnKronos, General Paolo Inzerilli, Chief of Staff of SISMI
And the president of Ukraine, Zelensky, in my opinion makes
a show of strength when in fact all that Russia has asked for is the official declaration of Ukraine's non-entry into NATO and the demilitarization of the country.
Well, they don't seem like absurd requests to me,
but Zelensky doesn't want to know ".
For the former head of the 'Gladio',
however, there is another important point.
“Before the conflict began, the United States said that if Russia invaded Ukraine,
they, as the United States and not as NATO, would intervene to defend it. Then they changed their declarations, starting to talk about sending aid, which means money, and it's very different ".
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
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Europe's greatest friend is Putin, and our greatest enemy is Biden-Rockefeller,
and this also applies to Israel ...
the Iranians will not move if Putin does not want to! Thus begins, speaking with AdnKronos, General Paolo Inzerilli, Chief of Staff of SISMI
"This is why - the General states without delay
- evaluating the current situation
I feel more Russian than Ukrainian, because I always think that the task of a president of a country is first of all to save the skin of citizens and not to carry out acts of strength for a freedom that in practice exists and which,
according to Zelensky, does not exist ".
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Putin’s ultimate goal, for General Inzerilli, is therefore clear:
"He just wants to make sure that the NATO countries do not have the border.
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Europe's greatest friend is Putin, and our greatest enemy is Biden-Rockefeller,
and this also applies to Israel ...
the Iranians will not move if Putin does not want to!
Thus begins, speaking with AdnKronos, General Paolo Inzerilli, Chief of Staff of SISMI
If Ukraine joined NATO it would mean having the missiles 180 kilometers from Moscow, and honestly I want to see who has something to protest.
I don't mean cannon fire, but with today's missiles 180 kilometers
is a ridila tua vergognaus distance.
At the end of the chat with AdnKronos, the General focuses on Gladio, the anti-Soviet structure he directed for 12 years:
"Well, at the time we were certainly right - he says -,
we knew the danger signals coming from the Soviet Union.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
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Europe's greatest friend is Putin, and our greatest enemy
is Biden-Rockefeller,
and this also applies to Israel ... the Iranians will not move if Putin does not want to! Thus begins, speaking with AdnKronos, General Paolo Inzerilli,
Chief of Staff of SISMI
Today, however, it does not seem to me that it can be said that Russia
is our enemy. Relationships, post-Cold War, of course, have always been quiet.
They are still killing each other, but gas from Russia, passing through Ukraine, continues to arrive in Western Europe. So what enemy? ".
A long reasoning, that of General Inzerilli with AdnKronos,
which ends in the only possible way: "As far as I'm concerned today, the problem of this war is called Zelensky"
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
WATCH: How Putin's plan to invade Ukraine has changed
tutti quelli che accenderanno un braciere o accenderanno una sigaretta? moriranno!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
per ben 8 anni, quelli di Nuland e Ursula hanno sabotato tutte le strutture in Donbass del popolo russofono martirizzato da Rothschild l'impero NATO-ottomano imperialismo.
adesso io toglierò la corrente elettrica su tutta l'Ucraina: fate uscire tutti i civili al più presto!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
Alleged Russian spy worked for US government news agency
io ho già decretato che quando si trova una spia senza scasso?
deve essere lasciato libero di andare senza conseguenze.
perché, ogni Governo ha il diritto costituzionale di inviare spie senza scasso, cioè osservatori!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 106 comments
Zelensky 'survived three assassination attempts' in one week
God also has his rights.
and you will not be able to enter his kingdom with your rights and criteria!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
if there is any religion (which is different from Darwin apes, lgbtq, and satanism) and then, is there also banking seigniorage?
This is impossible!
If there is any government and then, there is Freemasonry and its banking seigniorage?
then, this too is impossible: because there can be no political sovereignty without monetary sovereignty!
So the Talmud alone cancels the Jewish religion that Moses founded!
I repeat that there are no real Jews in the world, except me!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
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Europe's greatest friend is Putin, and our greatest enemy is Biden-Rockefeller,
and this also applies to Israel ... the Iranians will not move if Putin does not want to!
Thus begins, speaking with AdnKronos, General Paolo Inzerilli, Chief of Staff of SISMI and for 12 years commander of 'Gladio', a secret military structure belonging to the international Stay-behind network created to counter a possible invasion in Western Europe by the Soviet Union.
And the president of Ukraine, Zelensky, in my opinion makes a show of strength when in fact all that Russia has asked for is the official declaration of Ukraine's non-entry into NATO and the demilitarization of the country. Well, they don't seem like absurd requests to me, but Zelensky doesn't want to know ”.
For the former head of the 'Gladio', however, there is another important point. “Before the conflict began, the United States said that if Russia invaded Ukraine, they, as the United States and not as NATO, would intervene to defend it. Then they changed their declarations, starting to talk about sending aid, which means money, and it's very different ”.
"This is why - the General states without delay - evaluating the current situation I feel more Russian than Ukrainian, because I always think that the task of a president of a country is first of all to save the skin of citizens and not to carry out acts of strength for a freedom that in practice exists and which, according to Zelensky, does not exist ".
Putin’s ultimate goal, for General Inzerilli, is therefore clear: "He just wants to make sure that the NATO countries do not have the border.
If Ukraine joined NATO it would mean having the missiles 180 kilometers from Moscow, and honestly I want to see who has something to protest. I don't mean cannon fire, but with today's missiles 180 kilometers is a ridila tua vergognaus distance.
At the end of the chat with AdnKronos, the General focuses on Gladio, the anti-Soviet structure he directed for 12 years: "Well, at the time we were certainly right - he says -, we knew the danger signals coming from the Soviet Union. Today, however, it does not seem to me that it can be said that Russia is our enemy. Relationships, post-Cold War, of course, have always been quiet. They are still killing each other, but gas from Russia, passing through Ukraine, continues to arrive in Western Europe. So what enemy? ”. A long reasoning, that of General Inzerilli with AdnKronos, which ends in the only possible way: "As far as I'm concerned today, the problem of this war is called Zelensky"
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there are no more Jews in the world: not one:
1. destruction of paternal genealogies;
2. the pantheistic esoteric swastika of the 666 fake star of David!
3. Freemasonry;
4. bank usury:
5. satanism, lgbtqai, DEM, hollywood etc ..
and then, because according to you,
JHWH gave me the full priestly mandate?
but, just to restore and 12 tribes of Israel and true Judaism again!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
I don't speak well with satanists or trolls like you?
yes, of course, I accept your collaboration (and any collaboration), the protocol that God JHWH Holy: did he give me? is not to hurt sinners .. that is an involuntary hiccup !!
my goal is to save sinners!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
thank you for your work, which in part: I can't confirm .. anyway thank you: I know worse things than yours, then,
you now, what do you expect me to make them die?
but, the main fault is above all of Bin SALMAN, who by preventing my political project of the Kingdom of ISRAEL prevents all the Satanists and Islamists of the planet from being able to leave Satan and to be able to return to our JHWH holy!
and that is why Bin Salman condemned: Europeans, Israelis, Indians, Russians, Chinese etc .. etc .. to all die in the third nuclear world war,
then did you understand? that's my problem!
1 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
alpcns .
How many times do you want to get paid by the CIA for the same troll job?
your sub-agency Don Spilman already pays you
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Steven Neils
how do you like to suck the blood of all peoples in the banks?
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Steven Neils
Why did you give / sell your soul to Satan-Rockefller Spa & Co to be the troll, for the price of a plate of lentils, when you knew it was worth more than the Universe?
Were you so dumb and bankrupt that you couldn't get a better job?
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments
Islam is the only winner in the Ukraine war - analysis
l'Islam ha una anima veramente maligna!
una agenzia governativa della LEGA ARABA; ha fatto dei video sui martiri cristiani che i musulmani stavano uccidendo... e questa agenzia aspettava che i cristiani li caricavano sul loro sito questi video:
per poter imporre a youtube la distruzione di quel canale..
e così è stato youtube ha distrutto il mio canale per copyright.
Perché Allah è una legione di demoni che non dimentica e non perdona
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
this is a great time for the devil Allah, as positive religions (Judaism and Christianity) have been destroyed by the Talmud
the time has come that Nuland CIA FED Mogherini Borrell Ursula Rothschild Stoltemberg Epstein Biden Soros come and get these people, who are corrupted by their Jewish technocratic work- masonic that resulted from their OTAN imperial work for satan!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
eih Aristobulus your malign disease is making me worry
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments
UK theater apologizes for antisemitic character, but critics say problem goes deeper
un ebreo (io ho il suo nome e cognome) lui mi scrisse e disse più o meno così: " comprendo il suo anelo a salvare il genere umano... ma, io da secoli (con la mia famiglia ) io sfrutto il sistema del signoraggio bancario e sono un parassita dei popoli, quindi, nel giorno del giudizio universale io sarò assolto per insufficienza di prove, io le dico questo: che Allah abbia misericordia di lei".
Questo è il classico esempio delle mele marcie che sono dentro il popolo ebraico:
e questi finiranno per distruggere Israele
5 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
non so perché Marin Le PEN si mise a parlare contro ISRAELE e poi io ho punito tutto il popolo francese dando la Francia a Macron il satanista massone traditore e parassita...
forse lo ha fatto perché ai musulmani piace sbattere gli ebrei, e quindi sono diventati un bacino elettorale importante!
4 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments
WATCH: Hospitals hit by Russian shelling
è arrivato il momento che Nuland CIA FED Mogherini Borrell Ursula Rothschild Stoltemberg Epstein Biden Soros,
loro si vengano a prendere queste persone,
che sono state devitalizzate indebitate del loro stesso denaro e che poi sono state corrotte dal loro lavoro tecnocratico ebraico-massonico DEM Darwin Sodoma ideologia
che questo è risultato del loro lavoro imperialistico OTAN per satana e l'anticristo!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
I did not think that the Rockefeller troll 322 Spa & Co. satanists also did yoga courses devanāgarī: योग, also adapted in ioga
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments
Bennett: Going to Russia as intermediary was my ‘moral duty’
UNHCR: "Ukrainian refugees could reach 4 million"
ok let's make 20 million .. get all the civilians out
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
hanno ragione i Boko Haram quando dicono: "la cultura occidentale è peccato"
soltanto che quei balordi che sono stati stuprati da Erdogan e Bin Salman poi, vanno ad uccidere per sharjah UMMA ,
vanno ad uccidere dei cristiani assolutamente Innocenti:
per fare un culto al Dio dell'IRAN!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
vanno dicendo che Putin è Hitler..
eppure, io vi dico che lui è il meno peggio di tutto quello che esiste in questo pianeta!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
l'Anticristo wahhabita e suoi santi di sodoma Ja-bull-On Darwin le scimmie: e gli ebrei massoni usurai e tecnocratici predatori neoliberisti e schiavisti, di popoli indebitati e devitalizzati per il furto della loro anima e identità: il furto del loro stesso denaro: che è la truffa Rockefeller del signoraggio bancario?
ok questo è che gli orchi credono di avere ragione?..
ed è questo che rende impossibile fermare la guerra mondiale!
ma se non vi uccidesse Putin con le armi atomiche vi ucciderei comunque io, con la mia "sfera della redenzione" ASTERoiDE..
voi siete la feccia e il fuoco vi deve purificare: quindi, voi non lo potete evitare!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
The Russians “are preparing to bomb Odessa.
where the fascist Nazis of Ursula Von Draghi made a pogrom of Russian speakers with rape: and charred corpses!
Jewish-Freemason coup and satanist Volodymyr Zelensky said: "i not can recognition of sovereignty of DPR and LPR: becouse they are stray dogs!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
golpista e satanista ebreo-massone Volodymyr Zelensky said: " i not can recognition of sovereignty of DPR and LPR: becouse sono cani randagi!
4 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
il maligno impero della Kabbalah NATO Spa & Co. NWO FEF IMF BM ECB .. non può permettere alla Russia di rinunciare alla Ucraina, prossimo ponte contro la tecnocrazia Europea dell'anticristo sodomitico!
Io sono l'unico che può dire a Putin di fermarsi, e lui lo farebbe,
ma anche lui sa che io NON lo farò!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on United with Israel 22 comments
Ukrainian Holocaust Survivor Brought to Israel, Reunited With Last Remaining Relatives
si vanno dicendo che Putin è pazzo.. ma io credo che i pazzi sono tutti quì, da noi, in casa nostra!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
per la GOLPISTA nazi-fascista Ursula & Ursula von der Leyen?
le persone in Donbass e CRIMEA sono cani randagi!!
Ursula & Ursula von der Leyen è un personaggio PIOVRA della Disney, ispirata alla Strega del mare della fiaba: "la sirenetta". Il Cremlino rivela l'obiettivo dell'offensiva ucraina
Il governo di Kiev aveva messo in scena operazioni militari su larga scala nel Donbass, ha ricordato ai suoi ascoltatori. Dopo il fallimento, gli accordi di Minsk erano stati firmati da entrambe le parti, stabilendo una tabella di marcia per un'uscita pacifica dal conflitto.
Secondo Putin, Mosca aveva cercato di fare tutto il possibile per mantenere l'integrità territoriale dell'Ucraina e, allo stesso tempo, proteggere gli interessi del popolo di Donetsk e Lugansk, ma Kiev aveva bloccato il Donbass, oppresso il suo popolo e bombardato il Donbass, ha detto.
"Ascolta, le persone nel Donbass non sono cani randagi. Tra le 13.000 e le 14.000 persone sono state uccise nel corso degli anni. Più di 500 bambini sono stati uccisi o paralizzati.
E ciò che è particolarmente intollerabile è che il cosiddetto Occidente 'civilizzato' ha preferito non accorgersene durante quegli otto anni", ha detto Putin.
Il presidente ha elencato diverse altre questioni che ha detto essere state profondamente preoccupanti per la Russia, tra cui la mancanza di garanzie che l'Ucraina non sarebbe stata ammessa alla NATO.
Aveva citato le stesse ragioni il 24 febbraio, prima di lanciare quella che il Cremlino ha definito una "operazione militare speciale" contro Kiev.
L'Occidente non è rimasto convinto da questi argomenti, tuttavia, e ha risposto con dure sanzioni contro Mosca, alcune nazioni impongono restrizioni a Putin personalmente.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
per la GOLPISTA nazi-fascista Ursula & Ursula von der Leyen? le persone in Donbass e CRIMEA sono cani randagi!!
QUINDI LA CIA OTAN HA SPESO 5miliardi di dollari per ottenere questo GOLPE e per rovinare tutto il genere umano: per disintegrare ISLAM & Israele!
Ursula & Ursula von der Leyen è un personaggio PIOVRA della Disney, ispirata alla Strega del mare della fiaba: "la sirenetta".
Ha spiegato che la situazione in Ucraina è andata fuori controllo a seguito di quello che ha definito il "colpo di stato incostituzionale" del 2014, che ha detto essere stato attivamente sostenuto dall'Occidente.
"Non lo nascondono e hanno detto apertamente di aver speso 5 miliardi di dollari per questo",
ha affermato.
Ma il cambio di regime è stato respinto da alcune parti dell'Ucraina.
E, mentre la Crimea si riuniva con la Russia attraverso un referendum, i dissidenti nelle regioni sud-orientali di Donetsk e Lugansk avevano successivamente "affrontato la persecuzione", ha affermato Putin.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
per la GOLPISTA nazi-fascista Ursula & Ursula von der Leyen? le persone in Donbass e CRIMEA sono cani randagi!!
Ursula & Ursula von der Leyen è un personaggio PIOVRA della Disney, ispirata alla Strega del mare della fiaba: "la sirenetta".
Putin difende la logica per l'offensiva dell'Ucraina
Il presidente russo ha detto che è stata "una decisione difficile", ma che il popolo del Donbass non era solo "cani randagi"
Putin difende la logica per l'offensiva dell'Ucraina.
L'invio di forze russe in Ucraina è stata "una decisione difficile, senza dubbio", ha detto sabato il presidente russo Vladimir Putin, prima di continuare a raccontare la catena di eventi che, a suo parere, aveva reso inevitabile l'attacco.
L'offensiva è stata lanciata il 24 febbraio su ordine di Putin. La maggior parte dei paesi occidentali lo ha giudicato "ingiustificabile" e "illegale" e da allora ha imposto dure sanzioni alla Russia.
"L'ho detto all'inizio dell'operazione, e ne stavo parlando prima che questa decisione fosse presa. Una decisione difficile, senza alcun dubbio", ha commentato il presidente, rivolgendosi alle rappresentanti delle compagnie aeree in un evento sabato.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Non è stato il primo crimine d'odio anti-russo a verificarsi in Canada questa settimana.
Il Centro afferma che quasi l'80% dei suoi membri sono ucraini ] [ Ursula Stoltemberg Draghi Biden Macron e satana sodomitici culto? loro la devono smettere con tutto questo linguaggio di odio, che loro fanno per ottenere la guerra mondiale!
Il Canada vieta le importazioni di petrolio russo, e gli USA vietano la vodka.
Vodka russa tirata fuori dagli scaffali degli Stati Uniti
Per saperne di più Il Canada vieta le importazioni di petrolio russo
La chiesa ortodossa di Santa Sofia a Victoria, in Canada, è stata vandalizzata con vernice rossa mercoledì.
Negli Stati Uniti, anche le imprese russe sono state vandalizzate e hanno ricevuto minacce di morte. Il Russia House Restaurant and Lounge di Washington, DC, è stato attaccato due volte negli ultimi giorni, con vandali che hanno distrutto finestre, abbattuto una bandiera russa e affisso graffiti anti-russi sui suoi muri.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Il Centro afferma che quasi l'80% dei suoi membri sono ucraini ] [ Ursula Stoltemberg Draghi Biden Macron e satana sodomitici culto? loro la devono smettere con tutto questo linguaggio di odio, che loro fanno per ottenere la guerra mondiale!
Centro comunitario russo attaccato in Canada
I vandali hanno lanciato vernice blu e gialla contro l'edificio in un altro attacco russofobo
Centro comunitario russo attaccato in Canada
Il Russian Community Centre di Vancouver, in Canada, è stato vandalizzato da attivisti pro-Ucraina sabato, lasciando la gente del posto in lacrime.
I vandali hanno lanciato vernice blu e gialla – i colori della bandiera ucraina – alla porta del centro comunitario sulla W 4th Ave, sabato, costringendo l'edificio a essere transennato mentre venivano fatti sforzi per ripulire i danni.
Secondo quanto riferito, l'attacco è avvenuto prima che un gruppo di circa 100 bambini frequentasse il centro per la scuola del sabato.
@VancouverPD sta indagando sul vandalismo al Russian Community Centre di Kitsilano #Vancouver.
Il Centro afferma che quasi l'80% dei suoi membri sono ucraini. Le famiglie che si sono presentate alle lezioni questa mattina esprimendo il loro shock, tristezza e preoccupazione per la sicurezza dei loro figli.
pic twitter com/SMILioCNQf
— Janella Hamilton (@JanellaCBC) 5 marzo 2022
Ariadna McKenna, presidente del centro, ha detto alle notizie locali di essere rimasta "soffocata dalle lacrime" dopo aver visto il vandalismo, mentre il membro del consiglio di amministrazione ucraino Natasha Kovalchuk ha detto di essere "scossa" dall'incidente.
"Sai qual è la cosa divertente? Sono ucraino. La mia famiglia è proprio ora lì in Ucraina. Sto cercando di portare i bambini ora vicino al confine", ha detto Kovalchuk, aggiungendo: "In Canada, non pensavamo che questo sarebbe accaduto".
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
pensare da parte di Rockefeller e delle sue prostitute USA - UE che la Ucraina si può salvare con sanzioni e invio di armi?
dice la Bibbia: "è come un quell'eunuco di Macron lgbtqai che tenta di deflorare una vergine!"
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
circa Taiwan ministro degli Esteri cinese Wang Yi ha detto che: " si, che Taiwan è una bella formosa avvenente e bellissima ragazza e che la CINA è uno stallone focoso e innamorato pazzo, ma, che l'invasione inizierà non appena scocca la guerra contro la Russia da parte della NATO-UE, non prima "
Di Maio per spegnere in fuoco in Ucraina? ci aggiunge la benzina dei rifornimenti militari.
Wang ha anche detto che la Cina si oppone a qualsiasi azione che "aggiunge carburante alle fiamme".
Stati Uniti e Cina discutono di Ucraina, Taiwan
Il ministro degli Esteri cinese ha consigliato agli Stati Uniti di riconoscere l'impatto negativo dell'espansione della NATO.
Il segretario di Stato americano Antony Blinken ha parlato con il ministro degli Esteri cinese Wang Yi al telefono sabato sul conflitto della Russia con l'Ucraina e sulla politica cinese di Taiwan.
Durante l'incontro, Wang avrebbe detto a Blinken che il conflitto in Ucraina è complicato e "strettamente correlato agli interessi di sicurezza di varie parti",
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Bin ISIS Salman ] gli ebrei? sono dei codardi opportunisti!
se vince Dio: seguiranno Dio, ma se vince Satana seguiranno lui!
prendi per esempio lo scontro tra il Profeta Elia e i 400 sacerdoti di Baal, dopo che Elia ebbe sgozzato i Baal?
soltanto dopo ritornarono a JHWH!
prendi per esempio me, che io non ho mai perso un solo confronto scontro/scontro contro i satanisti lgbt etc.. in 14 anni e che: "in my name" sono morti 5milioni di satanisti soltanto in youtube!
Synnek1 (oggi: 187AudioHostem ... che la pace sharjah sia su di lui e su di loro) si vantò sul mio canale di UniusREI3 : "in my name sono stati chiusi 1milione di canali" e quelli erano quasi tutti i canali dei cristiani!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Kiev insiste sul fatto che l'invasione non è stata provocata, sostenendo che non aveva intenzione di riconquistare le regioni separatiste di Donetsk e Lugansk con la forza, ma che li doveva uccidere soltanto: tutti quanti con un genocidio ottomano perfetto, e che poi, avrebbe sparato contro la CRIMEA con la benedizione della NATO, perché il suo golpe CIA a Kiev? è costituzionale.
ma, La maggior parte dei paesi occidentali ha condannato l'attacco e ha imposto dure sanzioni ai funzionari russi e al paese in generale..
Perché Zelensky dopo avere calpestato gli accordi di Minsk per 8anni, ora si è pentito ed ha detto che è pronto a rispettarli!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on United with Israel 22 comments
Ukrainian Holocaust Survivor Brought to Israel, Reunited With Last Remaining Relatives
ecco alcuni troll della CIA sotto la regia di Saruman Rothschild e don Spilman
blog2038 & Bro Nickolas
Avatar Luigi Rosolin
Avatar Jiorjio
Avatar alpcns .
Avatar Dr. Philip J. Shapiro
Avatar Aristobulus
Avatar Fred Becker
Avatar Jack Friedman
Avatar qith
Avatar Edgarfletcher Fletcher
Avatar Steve
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 106 comments
Zelensky 'survived three assassination attempts' in one week
Steven Neils
troll e satanista della CIA .. eih, se tu sei un cristiano ? io sono Pippi Calzelunghe con la giarrettiera
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Steven Neils
cunt how do you like to suck the blood of all peoples in the banks?
Steven Neils
eih troll CIA, what is banking scam seigniorage?
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
alpcns .
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Steven Neils
and don't you know that in Ukraine they killed 14,000 people: innocent, in these 8 years? and that after doing the genocide in Donbass. Did Biden Von Ursula 666 OTAN have to shoot against the CRIMEA to start the third world war?
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Peter Hall
Cancel: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Shostakovich and Stravinsky will not stop Putin.
Sergej Prokofiev, Igor Stravinsky, Dmitri Shostakovich and Petr Tchaikovski
In Europe and America the geniuses of Russian music victims of Stalin are banned, but also the works of Italians if the conductor is Russian. They know nothing of literature, music, history, art, culture and they pass over everything like a Putinian tank. A ridila tua vergognaus inquisition that explains the reasons for our collapse ...
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Steven Neils
ie, you work for Satana Spa NWO FED scam banking seigniorage Rockefeller Riyad genocide UMMA empire!!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
don Spilman 40 troll agency CIA scam banking seigniorage
said you :
you do for Zelensky or for Putin?
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
to whom youol 40 trolls, CIA group
don Spilman said:
you do for Zelensky.
you do for Putin.
can you give me the elenco/list?
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
alpcns .
It is truly good and right, our duty and source of salvation,
* give thanks always and in every place
* to you, Lord, holy Father, + God almighty and everlasting.
** Every year you give your faithful to prepare themselves with joy, purified in spirit, for the celebration of Easter,
* because, assiduous in prayer and active charity,
* draw from the mysteries of redemption the fullness of new life + in your Son, our Savior.
** And we, united with the Angels and Archangels,
* to the Thrones and Dominations and to the multitude of heavenly choirs, * we sing with an unceasing voice + the hymn of your glory:
Holy Holy Holy
The Lord God of the universe
Holy Holy Holy
The Lord God of the universe
The heavens, the earth, are full of your glory
Hosanna, hosanna in the heights of heaven
Holy Holy
The Lord your God you will worship; to him alone you will worship. (Lk 4, 8)
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on United with Israel 22 comments
Russia Throws Monkey Wrench Into Iran Nuclear Talks
la creazione demoniaca delle Spa ] [ per questo quella faccia di maiale di Rockefeller ha inventato le Spa&Co. Coorporations, proprio per essere trovato sempre innocente, dato che il responsabile/colpevole è sempre la personalità giuridica della Spa Multinazionale, che è una persona astratta e tu non puoi mettere in galera, anche perché ha dichiarato fallimento e non hai niente da farti risarcire!
Milano, i trafficanti di farmaci «avariati» erano innocenti. Ma hanno fatto sei mesi in arresto e l’azienda Equifarma è fallita.
Come trafficanti di farmaci chemioterapici e commercianti di medicine avariate erano stati arrestati sette anni fa, e condannati nel 2018 in Tribunale a Monza a più di 8 anni e a quasi 6 anni, pene appena un poco ridotte dalla condanna comunque poi ribadita nel 2021 anche dalla Corte d’Appello di Milano nonostante lo stesso rappresentante della pubblica accusa ne avesse invece chiesto l’assoluzione.
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
le sanzioni contro la Russia hanno in passato danneggiato soltanto noi, e perché ora dovrebbe essere diverso? Gli utili idioti del PD DEM hanno fatto impennare di un 30% i prezzi di tutti i prodotti:
dall'energia, al grano, a tutte le materie prime!
Sanzioni anti Russia, l’Italia sequestra agli oligarchi 140 milioni di beni
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
"Hanno ucciso 5.000 dei nostri ragazzi, distrutto le nostre chiese e preso le nostre terre, ma noi armeni non ci arrendiamo". chiesa armena di Gandzasar, risalente al 1238.
ALMENO FINCHè NON arriva ERDOGAN l'Ottomano e NON fa un nuovo genocidio Armeno, poi va al cimitero e far firmare i documenti di rilascio ai cadaveri!
ed ovviamente,
poi distrugge il cimitero.. un degno alleato della NATO!
Intervista esclusiva per la newsletter a Davit Babayan, ministro degli Esteri della Repubblica dell'Artsakh. "Siamo i primi cristiani della storia e abbiamo subito un genocidio. Ma l'Europa che ha perso i suoi valori è stata indifferente alla guerra turco-azera-terroristica. Ma vi avverto: oggi è toccato a noi, domani a voi..."
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
la strategia di forca a tenaglia della NATO guerrafondaia: un nemico per volta: ma ora il boccone diventerà amaro e velenoso mortale.
"Ci sono stati numerosi esempi di crimini di guerra forniti dal presidente Zelensky– i sindaci sono stati catturati, imprigionati e uccisi". Graham ha affermato. "Ci sono attacchi all'ingrosso contro obiettivi civili, casuali, indiscriminati, e la macchina da guerra di Putin, a mio avviso, è in piena modalità crimini di guerra".
Graham ha scatenato l'indignazione questa settimana dopo aver chiesto l'assassinio del presidente russo Vladimir Putin in un post sui social media. L'ambasciatore russo a Washington ha definito i commenti "inaccettabili e oltraggiosi" e ha accusato Graham di sostenere un atto di terrorismo.
Zelensky sembrava anche incoraggiare i legislatori statunitensi a spingere per la fine dell'acquisto di petrolio e gas russi in tutto il mondo. Dopo che Zelensky ha fatto la richiesta, il senatore repubblicano dell'Alaska Dan Sullivan ha invitato il presidente degli Stati Uniti Joe Biden ad "ascoltare questo coraggioso presidente" e "bloccare le importazioni di petrolio e gas russi OGGI".
Il segretario di Stato americano Antony Blinken ha respinto le richieste di sanzioni energetiche russe immediate venerdì, sostenendo che una tale mossa danneggerebbe gli americani comuni più di Mosca.
"Non vi è alcun interesse strategico a ridurre l'approvvigionamento globale di energia", Blinken ha detto.
La Russia ha invaso l'Ucraina il 24 febbraio, affermando che era necessario "smilitarizzare" il paese per proteggere le Repubbliche popolari di Donetsk e Lugansk e gli interessi di sicurezza di Mosca.
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Mosca, 05 marzo 2022 "Le sanzioni vengono presentate come una dichiarazione di guerra, ma grazie a Dio non ci siamo ancora arrivati. I nostri partner (e faccio le virgolette a posta) sono ancora presenti, nonostante le dichiarazioni che fanno",
Putin parla dei partner internazionali e fa le virgolette con le mani.
Chi pensava di fermare Putin con le sanzioni: e il suo immenso demoniaco potere finanziario massonico tecnocratico? dovrà ricredersi. la economia russa è diventata resiliente!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
il bel CIOLONE di Letta: "Abbiamo tollerato troppo regime di Putin, non ha nulla di democratico"
e perché NON prende l'elmetto lui e non va ad aiutare il suo golpista pluri-assassino Zelensky e con i suoi complici
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Blinken sui luoghi di guerra:
"Il mondo intero di Rockefeller Spa&Co. Satana Allah e Sodoma è con l'Ucraina"
Israele può sopravvivere quì soltanto come una prostituta dalle gambe sempre bene aperte, e poi, mi deve dire cosa se ne fa della sua religione!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
la mia attività politica è iniziata nel 2009, quindi, io non sono stato coinvolto nella guerra contro la Serbia!
ecco perché io conosco bene la corruzione esoterica stregoneria e satanismo soprannaturale KAbbalah occidentale di cui Boris Johnson è il frutto più marcio!
Boris Johnson ha presentato un piano in sei punti per fermare Putin, che il premier britannico ha descritto in un intervento sul New York Times. Secondo Johnson i leader mondiali devono mobilitare "una coalizione umanitaria internazionale" per l'Ucraina, sostenendo Kiev "nei suoi sforzi di difesa". Inoltre è necessario intensificare la pressione economica sulla Russia, sostenendo la soluzione diplomatica ma solo con la piena partecipazione del governo ucraino e avviando una "campagna per rafforzare la sicurezza e la resilienza" tra i Paesi Nato.
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
infami tecnocrati neoliberisti che hanno sputato sul Vangelo e sulla Costituzione,
e che sono degni 1000 volte della pena di morte si permettono di calunniare Putin!
Guerra Ucraina-Russia, Monti: "Putin autocrate tendenzialmente psicopatico"
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Santo Santo Santo - Holy Holy Holy - Con testo
Santo, Santo Santo e il mio Re JHWH. A te inclinati verso la Tua Santità.
Gloria a te nei secoli nei secoli. Amen
tu sei degno di ricevere la gloria! ALLELUYA ALLELUYA
noi cantiamo soltanto per te: Santo Santo Santo è il Dio che viene.
e miriadi di Angeli si prostrano a te!
Degno tu sei di ricevere la Gloria e noi ci prostriamo insieme agli angeli lodando soltanto te.
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on United with Israel 22 comments
Russia Throws Monkey Wrench Into Iran Nuclear Talks
Signori e Signore: "ECCO QUì l'arsenale atomico nucleare Iraniano! "
Mentre l'uranio deve essere puro solo al 3,67% per generare energia nucleare, l'Iran ha arricchito le sue scorte di uranio al 60%, un grado di purezza che nessun paese senza un'arma atomica ha perseguito. Una bomba nucleare richiede che l'uranio sia arricchito al 90% di purezza.
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
la Russia si è mossa per proteggere la sua legittima sicurezza Nazionale, soffocata dalla NATO...
e non sarà difficile per Putin capire che anche Israele ha, il lo stesso suo problema!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Israele si deve preparare a fronteggiare 100.000 missili balistici da Hezbollah e Gaza.
e come potrebbe farlo senza una territoriale striscia siriana fino a Iraq?
è chiaro: questo impedirebbe anche ad Hezbollah di agire perché il LIBANO andrebbe distrutto, raso al suolo!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Washington è in guerra contro Mosca, e non può chiedere garanzie scritte di alcun tipo!
io dissi ad Israele che doveva occupare una fascia di 50 km in Siria fino ai confini Iracheni, per installare batterie antimissile.. e non so perché ha perso tutto questo tempo!
Quindi io non ritengo l'attacco all'Iran plausibile!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
NATO put the knife in Putin's throat, what if Putin didn't move? his people and his nation would have been destroyed anyway
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Ukraine will become a Russian missile platform, the goiyms slaves of vampire Ursula Von Rockefeller & Co have not shown that they deserve autonomy. Rothschild !!
Putin said: "Kiev's actions are putting Ukraine's existence at risk and he must understand that he cannot simply pursue the same policies, President Vladimir Putin said Saturday. Moscow has already accused Kiev of condoning the business. of neo-Nazis in the state and to attack people in the Donbass republics.
"If they continue with what they are doing, they will question the future of the state of Ukraine."
Putin said during a meeting with female representatives of the Russian civil aviation industry.
He added that if that happens, the Ukrainian authorities "will only have themselves to blame."
Earlier on Saturday, the Russian president also expressed concern over Ukraine's nuclear ambitions. The Soviet legacy has provided Kiev with the ability to produce both nuclear weapons and nuclear missiles, he said, adding that Western nations could help Kiev achieve these goals.
The Kremlin reveals the goal of the Ukrainian offensive
Read more The Kremlin reveals the goal of the Ukrainian offensive
"Now, [the Ukrainian government] is talking about a potential nuclear status.
That means they are looking for nuclear weapons. We simply cannot ignore these things, particularly in light of how the West treats Russia," Putin said.
He also warned that "Russia's fate would change the moment" Ukraine acquires nuclear weapons.
In such a scenario, Russia's opponents would have Moscow "under nuclear fire",
adding that this threat was "absolutely real".
Putin said Ukraine's admission to NATO would pose a threat to Crimea,
which joined Russia in 2014 following a referendum that Kiev does not recognize, still considering Crimea
an occupied part of Ukrainian territory. "
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on United with Israel 50 comments
Palestinian Envoy Ignores Plight of Ukraine at UN Human Rights Council
you do not know the demonic evil of the Cabal, as our religions, institutions and structures are esoteric and supernatural demonic
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
The Swiss and German Aristocracy before Hitler?
80% all jewish were parassite e usurer Masonry Rothschild cult
4 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
Aristobulus smettila!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
your rich nazi or a poor nazi by Ursula Von Borrell?
you will find them in Ukraine
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 106 comments
Zelensky 'survived three assassination attempts' in one week
alpcns .
another CIA troll
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Steven Neils
then, you pray with me: tarred and fuliginal soul!
I believe in one God, almighty Father, creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord, Jesus Xrist, the only begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages: God from God,
Light from Light, true God from true God,
begotten, not created, of the same substance as the Father; through him all things were created.
For us men and for our salvation he descended from heaven, and through the work of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate: in the womb of the Virgin Mary and became man.
He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, died and was buried.
On the third day he is resurrected, according to the Scriptures, he has ascended to heaven, sits at the right hand of the Father.
And he will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, who is Lord and gives life, and proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified, and he has spoken through the prophets.
I believe the Church (anti Marrani Jewish usurers Luciferian Freemasons and gay lobby), a Catholic and apostolic saint.
I confess only one baptism: for the forgiveness of sins.
I await the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.
Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Allelujah
1 2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Steven Neils
then, you pray with me: tarred and fuliginal soul!
I believe in one God, almighty Father, creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages: God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not created, of the same substance as the Father; through him all things were created. For us men and for our salvation he descended from heaven, and through the work of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate: in the womb of the Virgin Mary and became man. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, died and was buried. On the third day he is resurrected, according to the Scriptures, he has ascended to heaven, sits at the right hand of the Father.
And he will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, who is Lord and gives life, and proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified, and he has spoken through the prophets.
I believe the Church (anti Marrani Jewish usurers Luciferian Freemasons and gay lobby), a Catholic and apostolic saint.
I confess only one baptism: for the forgiveness of sins.
I await the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.
Steven Neils
your trolling CIA hand Satana?
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Bro. Nick Nicholas
you are fake Bro. Nick Nicholas, ie, CIA troll a ' fake Biblical and fake CHRISTian
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
another CIA TROLL.
there is no obverse and reverse, in geopolitics, that rockefeller has created, and in which all nations are forced to dance the song of the valley of death!
but the 2 groups of true Nazi-fascists?
like a corrupt Satanist like you, who gave his soul to Satan,
how can he not know them in Von Ursula's Ukraine?
4 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Edgarfletcher Fletcher
idiot Cia Agent!! Zelensky Spa 666 Petro Oleksijovyč Porošenko for 8 years is been a killer in Donbass people.
make 14000 corpses
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
WATCH: Ukrainian drone enthusiasts detect Russian forces
a day ago
my Isaac Herzog, President of the State of Israel.
let's take stock of the situation, you are Snow White with Pippi Longstocking braids, but now you have become "Sleeping Beauty" who is waiting for Prince Charming for the kiss of her first love,
And didn't you notice that there is no Jew here, but there are 40 CIA Trolls?
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
Ukrainian drone enthusiasts detect Russian forces.
when will the Russian heavy bombers arrive?
I will purify this land cursed by the Jewish bankers, with fire!
I already said to take all the civilians away!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
the Devil wanted to take away the power of the world from the High Sanhedrin: Rockeeller & Rothschild & Bin Salman and he wanted to give it to Jesus!
At that time, Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, withdrew from the Jordan, and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, for forty days, tempted by the devil. He ate nothing in those days, but when they were done, he was hungry.
*** Then, the devil said to him: "If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread." Jesus answered him: «It is written: 'Man will not live by bread alone'».
*** The devil took him up, showed him all the kingdoms of the earth in an instant and said to him: “I will give you all this power and their glory, because it was given to me, and I give it to whomever I want. Therefore, if you prostrate yourself, in adoration before me, everything will be yours. " Jesus answered him: «It is written: 'The Lord your God, you will adore: to him alone you will render worship'».
the Devil wanted to take away the power of the world from the High Sanhedrin: Rockeeller & Rothschild & Bin Salman and he wanted to give it to Jesus!
*** he took Him to Jerusalem, placed him on the highest point of the temple and said to him: “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here; in fact it is written: "He will give orders to his angels regarding you so that they may keep you"; and also: "They will carry you on their hands, so that your foot does not stumble on a stone" ».
Jesus answered him, "It has been said," You will not put the Lord your God to the test. "
Having exhausted all temptation, the devil turned away from him until the appointed time.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
Rom 10: 8-13
From the letter of St Paul the apostle to the Romans.
Brothers, what does [Moses] say? "Near you is the Word, in your mouth and in your heart", that is, the word of faith that we preach. Because if with your mouth you proclaim: "Jesus is Lord!", And with your heart you believe that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. In fact, with the heart one believes in order to obtain justice, and with the mouth one makes the profession of faith in order to have salvation.
In fact, the Scripture says: "Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed." Since there is no distinction between a Jew and a Greek, since he himself is the Lord of all, rich towards all who invoke him. In fact: "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved".
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
Ps 90: Stay with us, Lord, in the hour of trial.
Who lives in the shelter of the Most High
he will spend the night in the shadow of the Almighty.
I say to the Lord: "My refuge and my fortress,
my God in whom I trust ».
Ps 90: Stay with us, Lord, in the hour of trial.
No misfortune can strike you,
no blows will fall on your tent.
For you he will give orders to his angels to keep you in all your ways.
RIT: Stay with us, Lord, in the hour of trial.
On their hands they will carry you,
so that your foot does not stumble on stone.
You will trample on lions and vipers,
you will crush lions and dragons.
Ps 90: Stay with us, Lord, in the hour of trial.
"I will free him, because he tied himself to me,
I'll keep him safe, because he knows my name.
He will call on me and I will give him an answer;
in anguish I will be with him,
I will free him and I will make him glorious ».
Ps 90: Stay with us, Lord, in the hour of trial.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
Dt 26, 4-10
From the book of Deuteronomy.
Moses spoke to the people and said:
"The priest will take the basket from your hands, and place it before the altar of the Lord your God, and you will speak these words before the Lord your God:" My father was a wandering Aramae; he went down to Egypt, he stayed there as a stranger, with few people, and there he became a great, strong and numerous nation. The Egyptians mistreated us, humiliated us and imposed severe slavery on us. Then we cried out to the Lord, to the God of our fathers, and the Lord listened to ours. voice, he saw our humiliation, our misery, and our oppression; the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm, spreading terror, and working signs and wonders. He led us to this place, and we he gave this land, where milk and honey flow. Now, behold, I present the firstfruits of the fruits of the ground, which you, Lord, have given me. " You will lay them down before the Lord your God and bow down before the Lord your God. "
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 26 comments
Revealed: Palestinian Affairs unit in Jerusalem acts as US consulate
a day ago
Revealed: Palestinians in Jerusalem bypass US embassy, already have their own consulate. ha chiesto l'apertura del consolato "per promuovere una soluzione a due stati".
NON è MAI ESISTITO UNO STATO PALESTINESE, quindi non potrà mai esistere una soluzione a Due STATI.
Mentre esiste la UMMA con il genocidio di 50 Nazioni cristiane precedenti.
e se è per questo NON c'é problema,
io sono lorenzoJHWH il Regno di ISRAELE che deve uccidere il "piccolo Satana"
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
US citizens urged to leave Russia immediately
a day ago
Ucraina, Di Maio: "Lavoriamo ad alternative al gas russo, no ai ricatti".
il BENE è soltanto presieduto da Dio JHWH (e non c'é da fidarsi di altri nomi)
il MALE è presieduto da Satana, Di Maio, Satanisti ebrei-massoni, islamisti, DEM, PD, lgbt.
quindi aprirsi alla non scientifica ideologia Darwin GENDER lgbtqai è spingere il genere umano nel satanismo!
Perché, tu non puoi violare la legge naturale che ha fatto il CREATORE, e poi pretendere di essere una creatura perversa pervertita e positiva!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
*** gli USA 666 UE OTAN: sono satanisti e nessuno da loro si aspetta: dignità, e verità, e umanità!
*** In modo deliberato la NATO è andata a distruggere la sicurezza nazionale russa.
*** il preannunciato attacco ucraino alla CRIMEA non ha lasciato a PUTIN alternative.
*** di tutti i politici corrotti Di Maio è il primo "yes man"
"l'attacco non provocato (con il Golpe di Maidan) e ingiustificato (genocidio dei russofoni) da parte delle forze militari russe in Ucraina"
e "il potenziale di molestie contro i cittadini statunitensi da parte di funzionari della sicurezza del governo russo", tra le altre cose.
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 69 comments
Bennett meets with Putin in Moscow, speaks with Zelensky
a day ago
Crisis Ukraine, Zelensky: «Russia violates our sovereignty and integrity. We will not sell anything to anyone "
So the Jewish-Freemasons Spa Rockefeller and Ursula agencies will also shoot against the CRIMEA!
do you agree with me that this Ukrainian regime imposed with a coup by the CIA? she couldn't and shouldn't be in his place anymore!
5 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
NATO alarm over Bosnia, Russia looks to the Balkans.
It is the country of greatest instability in the region together with Kosovo, fears also for Georgia and Moldova.
NATO has granted Kosovo an illegal secession ..
because, we must not forget that it is NATO that invents international law from time to time, as it officially interprets Putin's intentions.
Obviously, NATO has the Talmudic-Kabbalistic task Spa Rockefeller to undermine Russian national security,
to push all European peoples into the abyss of war!
6 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
Allarme Nato sulla Bosnia, Russia guarda a Balcani?
Almeno questa è la calunnia della NATO che ha concesso al Cossovo una illegale secessione..
perché, noi non dobbiamo dimenticare che è la NATO che inventa di volta in volta il diritto internazionale.
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
Di Maio said he wanted to create the no fly zone?
Giorgia Meloni, president of the Brothers of Italy.
«The words spoken last night on TV by Foreign Minister Di Maio towards the President of the Russian Federation Putin were inappropriate. The head of Italian diplomacy should be aware that in international relations words have an extremely important weight and that letting oneself go to ranting out of place can lead to consequences for the Nation that one represents, especially in a moment in which one is confronted with a armed conflict and a very serious diplomatic crisis. Brothers of Italy asks Minister Di Maio to use that common sense, that balance and that authority that the head of the Farnesina is always required to have ".
This was declared by the president of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni.
4 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Dr. Philip J. Shapiro
a day ago
Russia is sacrificing many of its soldiers just to save as many civilians as possible!
but the military operation will be fully successful.
Why is this Ukrainian regime crazy,
because he said that after the Donbass comes the CRIMEA!
So the goal of the European leaders can only be world war for Rockefeller & Rothschild Cooporations
1 13 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
in a dramatic moment like this .. what do the agents of Rothschild DEM PD Spa think? obviously, to raise taxes!
March 4, 2022
Fisco, Meloni a Letta: Italians are left speechless, patrimonial in one of the most dramatic days in recent history
“In one of the most dramatic days in recent history and with two states of emergency open, you managed to put in a patrimonial. The Italians are left speechless ".
Cadastre, Meloni: Government in tow PD, FdI asks to vote no to fiscal proxy
"The rejection of the amendment to remove the land registry reform from the fiscal delegation is the umpteenth sign that this is a government driven by the Democratic Party that cannot serve the interests of ...
5 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
The culture of western cancellation,
it has become nuclear-international in targeting an entire country and the entire Russian people.
Russian opera singer fired for failing to denounce Putin.
a total war against language, culture and sport.
This of Ursula Von Borrell Von Rothschild?
goes far beyond what Hitler had done against the belligerents, and is in line with the maximalist and absolutist position
that preceded the Shoah: when all Jews were threatened and condemned for their identity!
6 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
1/2) this is Putin's report to Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said
2/2) this is Putin's report to Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said
"We acquire nuclear weapons, they say [in Ukraine]. We cannot just ignore it,"
Putin said, referring to President Volodymyr Zelensky's remark last month that Kiev may be forced to reconsider its status as a non-nuclear-weapon state. .
Russia invaded its neighbor on February 24, claiming it was defending
the DPR and the LPR. Putin also claimed that he was seeking the "demilitarization and denazification" of the country.
Kiev said the attack was completely unprovoked and appealed to the international community for help. Many countries, including the United States,
the United Kingdom and EU member states, have since imposed sweeping sanctions on Russia and sent lethal weapons, accompanied by slanderous war rhetoric.
5 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
1/2) this is Putin's report to Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday that he has chosen to attack Ukraine beyond the borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR) to prevent the West from providing "infinitely" "nationalists and radicals" various resources, such as weapons and money.
The president said he ordered Russian troops to invade Ukraine last week to neutralize the "real threat" from Kiev and NATO. Moscow has long protested against Western military infrastructure along its borders and Ukraine's aspirations to join the US-led bloc.
"They have begun to say more actively that they will admit [Ukraine] to NATO. What will it lead to? All other members of the alliance must support Ukraine in the event of a military conflict," Putin said. "They will attack Crimea and we will be forced to go to war with NATO. Do you understand the consequences?" The president said he wanted Ukraine to become a neutral country.
Crimea voted to leave Ukraine and join Russia shortly after the 2014 coup in Kiev. It was during this time that the DPR and LPR broke away from Ukraine.
5 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
NATO violating Russian national security (in several nations) is the sole premeditated and guilty architect of this Ukrainian disaster.
and these are the fruits of the Maidan coup made by NULAD CIA in 2014.
the writer does not recognize the Western Rothschild Jewish-Masonic regimes as legitimate!
Those are my beasts of satan that must re-enter ISRAEL, because JHWH has something for them
4 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 100 comments
Christian missionary activity not tolerated at army bases, says IDF
a day ago
it is painful to speak with your ignorance, and with your ideological prejudices.
and I am not the defender of the Christian religion: I am only a friend of God, and of him personally.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Don Spilman
the HOLY Spirit reproaches you! your CIA agency with your 40 Troll employees, that you bring here, from other social networks (deep state) you in here, you are doing a good job for satan and rockefeller: you are burning mankind!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Bro. Nick Nicholas
UniusLorenzo @disqus_hlhpJXZ7Sf ? can be only your criminal channel
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
another old satanist globalist imperialist satana sodoma cult Darwin ape of proven malice
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Yes the General Kochavi is an excellent man.
Isn't it despicable that those missionaries have to do their job: because it may have been the Holy Spirit who sent them ...
while, about your demonic spirit CIA NWO FED NWO OTAN
here nobody has any doubts about you!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Uzi Kattan
this is not a problem because even Jesus of Bethlehem said: "the truth proceeds from the Jews of the tribe of Judah"
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Don Spilman
you cannot find yourself fighting against God.
or do you think you are replacing God, and you want to tell the Holy Spirit to stop working in souls because I am the IDF?
So he did: the rabbinic communist of the Jews started killing Christians from the beginning as it still does today.
there is the internet, the satellite, and you cannot prevent people from converting from the outside!
and then, you tell me that the "little satan" is democracy?
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
those of the Sanhedrin were ordered to the synagogues to expose Christians, and therefore many Christians are put to death: because of the synagogues today still:
a Saudi prince (from the Wahhabi royal house) told me:
"yes we are the killers, but the Jews are the principals mandantes"
therefore the order to exterminate Christians, from 2000 years ago in Jerusalem for the Kabbalah and the Talmud is still an operative order: from the FED IM ECB NWO OCI Riad!
that is why Russians and Chinese will be searched for to be put to death!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
no one is accused of the death of Jesus. because he came with the mission to sacrifice himself, to save sinners and we are all sinners.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Bro. Nick Nicholas
ugly CIA agent, you are a true satanist, pretending to be a Christian: liar!
but do you know how many I have met of false Christians like you in youtube?
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments
WATCH: If Jews studied history, they would have fewer problems
a day ago
we would know where she is from?
the Messiah is only a political friend of God
he has no supernatural powers!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
Alibabà e i CIA 40 ladroni troll in this server?
.. il vostro tempo è scaduto: go away, andare!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
eih bro Nikolas detto Nik ]] [[ Did you mean that Now you will be exposed as puppets of Rockefeller fron CIA UK NATO FED IMF scam banking seigniorage: high constitutional betrayal?
you 40 CIA trolls staying here? you have to go!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
open letter to all european leadres] to be objective:
who has an interest in keeping his human shields? your fascist Nazis of course!
the technocratic system coorporations Spa & Co. WESTERN Masonic Hebrew has a pre-war narrative, with the aim of monstrous PUTIN, a description:
vulgar false and biased that does not respect the canons of truth, to convince the European peoples that it is right to make war on RUSSIA!
ok, if that's not your goal? then you must immediately correct your criminal media!
L'ente di beneficenza ha anche invitato le parti a proteggere i civili e le infrastrutture civili "indipendentemente dal fatto che i corridoi umanitari vengano implementati nei prossimi giorni".
Sia Mariupol che Volnovakha sono state circondate dalle forze della DPR che, insieme al Ministero della Difesa russo, incolpano i nazionalisti ucraini di non aver permesso ai civili di lasciare in sicurezza le città, che quest'ultimo aveva assicurato passaggi sicuri sulle rotte umanitarie dalle due città.
Il ministero ha affermato che la breve pausa nell'offensiva russa era stata utilizzata per attirare più forze. RT non è stata in grado di verificare in modo indipendente la situazione a Mariupol.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
open letter to all european leadres ] [ il sistema tecnocratico coorporations Spa &Co. ebraico massonico OCCIDENTALE ha una narrativa prebellica, con lo scopo di mostruosizzare PUTIN, una descrizione: becera falsa e faziosa che non rispetta i canoni della verità, per convincere i popoli europei che è giusto fare la guerra alla RUSSIA!
ok, se non è questo il vostro obiettivo? allora dovete correggere immediatamente i vostri media criminali!
Il ministero degli Esteri russo ha messo in guardia Estonia, Lettonia e Lituania avvertendole che saranno responsabili delle conseguenze della "psicosi anti-russa".
Il messaggio, mentre prosegue la guerra con l'Ucraina, è una risposta alla decisione dei 3 paesi, assieme all'Unione Europea, di sospendere Mosca dal Consiglio degli Stati del Mar Baltico.
"Abbiamo avvertito Vilnius, Riga e Tallinn - riporta la Tass citando una dichiarazione del ministero degli Esteri di Mosca - della loro responsabilità per le conseguenze della psicosi anti-russa da loro scatenata".
Il ministero degli Esteri russo ha esortato poi le autorità dei paesi baltici ad adottare tutte le misure necessarie per proteggere le missioni diplomatiche russe.
"Chiediamo che le autorità competenti di questi paesi adottino misure immediate per proteggere le missioni diplomatiche e consolari russe e i loro dipendenti nel quadro del rigoroso rispetto delle Convenzioni di Vienna sulle relazioni diplomatiche del 1961 e sulle relazioni consolari del 1963".
In precedenza, la portavoce del ministero, Maria Zakharova, aveva avvertito questi tre Paesi che la sospensione era considerata "un'azione ostile che contraddice lo spirito di cooperazione baltica e le basi giuridiche del Consiglio".
"Purtroppo, gli istinti russofobici hanno prevalso nei nostri vicini baltici", aveva aggiunto.
Il Consiglio degli Stati del Mar Baltico, forum regionale composto da 11 paesi, ha deciso ieri di sospendere la partecipazione della Russia, in risposta alla guerra "non provocata e illegale" contro l'Ucraina.
Parallelamente, Danimarca, Estonia, Finlandia, Germania, Islanda, Lettonia, Lituania, Norvegia, Polonia, Svezia e Unione Europea hanno sospeso anche la Bielorussia, che ha un ruolo di osservatore nel consiglio, "per il suo ruolo nell'attacco".
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Kola Finger
we know the misfortunes of ISLAM, and the misfortunes of Communism: a Talmudic-Qabalistic curse,
In fact, before them there was esoteric and supernatural demonic Kabbalah (and this is what the Bible says through the Holy Spirit, if you know how to listen to it).
Kabbalah that was created during Jewish slavery in Egypt:
and King Solomon and King Zorobabel did so much to suffer, for them..
and in which they and everyone and the modern world was born: already cursed by ENLIGHTENED and cursed by Spa&Co. those who, with the power of Satan, took possession of the New World Order of the Islamist sodomite masons: theis accomplices!
Now, only my Kingdom of Israel is out of this evil geopolitical process of destruction and slavery and world war, which is the Masonic pyramid with the eye of lucifer, just as it is represented on the US dollar.
But, men preferred to follow the path of the valley of death,
rather, than to enter into my cultural and political Zionist project, that is, universal brotherhood
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Kola Finger
sister, where are you from?
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
open letter to Taiwan : "All of us, Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, should unite to advance the great and glorious cause of China's rejuvenation," the premier said.
in fact, Rockefeller Spa likes to Chineseise and enslave mankind, it likes the Chinese system!
Taiwan can die, a lot:
1. Rockefeller would also like it if he too became a Chinese Communist.
2. It is always the other side of the same NWO coin.
3. however someone has to die, to save the FED NWO IMF BM, so: "isn't it better to go and kill the Islamists?"
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Pending this Pending [Bin ISIS Salman help me fron this evil jews]
President Isaac Herzog] do you find yourself fighting me? soon God will punish you!
'Nuclear terror'? no no 'Nuclear terror'! they left the Donbass in the dark and cold for 8 years, and now their time has come!
jewish Messiah x Yitzhak Kaduri
I am the King of Kings
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Pending this Pending
eih, Bin ISIS Salman help me from this evil jews] we are already all transponder devices on secret frequencies, but now with 5G? they will turn us into a Christmas tree.
187AudioHostem showed me many technological and supernatural powers, which to say them all: they would be incredible: they created a voice in the air for me,
What if you say something, or do something to your wife in the most secret and dark part?
they can "see and hear it", because we all carry the alien neuronal connections in our brains and on the optic nerve!
and since they have connected with me that I am Unius REI? then, I also connected with them: and this was a fatal mistake for them ..
in fact, many times the prey turns into the predator
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on United with Israel 21 comments
WATCH: Israel-Haters Compare Ukraine to Palestinians
a day ago
I am a Universal Procuratorate Governor, sent here, from the Kingdom of God: with special and almost absolute juridical powers!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
a day ago
i am King Israel lorenzoJHWH
King of Kings UniusREI
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on United with Israel 50 comments
Palestinian Envoy Ignores Plight of Ukraine at UN Human Rights Council
a day ago
and what human rights does the whole ARAB LEAGUE jihad sharia have?
The Palestinian envoy ignores Ukraine's plight at the UN Human Rights Council.
and what human rights does the whole ARAB LEAGUE jihad sharia ISIS sharjah have?
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
for "bum bum bum" there is only sharia Rijadh, sharjah Iran, sharia Egypt, sharia ISIS, sharia Tunisia, sharia Pakistan etc .. etc ..
only one sharia genocide for the UMMA-OCI.
The Palestinian Authority has been silent about the Ukraine crisis because it has only one purpose: to deny the right of the Jewish state to exist.
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Taiwan should be recognized as a "free and sovereign country - a former US high diplomat.
Sovereign? there are only two rulers on the planet today: Rockefeller and his enemy UniusREI.
but only Iran, China and North Korea retain sovereignty
because they do not depend on the IMF .. and in fact, they are the real target of the NWO.
but, North Korea is spared because it kills many Christians in the name of Rockefeller cabal and Talmud happiness.
Iran will be NATO's next target, not Russia!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
President Isaac Herzog ] [ si ho rimosso i 10 punti rossi html-code da questo sito:
king888kings blogspot com/
ma i motori di ricerca non lo vedono ugualmente
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
that then, to commit this huge crime is a corrupt politician like Di Maio and Conte (his own lawyer, ie, the lawyer o himself) that the M5S would have disappeared: like the PD that has lost all elections for 15 years,
that is, if the dark and occult financial and Jewish-Masonic powers had not frozen the Italian people in their constitutional rights to be able to vote: to expel the impostors!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
what is missing here in Italy for its declaration of war against Russia?
They are only making the suffering of the Ukrainians more excruciating: and in doing this for NATO it takes wickedness, which is inherent in the Jewish-Masonic-ebraico-massonica-tecnocratica e usurocratica-burocratica:-bureaucratic structure: since they are not ashamed of shamelessly carrying out a coup, with the his 14,000 murders that nobody in the West wants to talk about: because the fascist Nazis funded by the CIA did them!
At least twenty countries of the European Union, including Italy, have decided in recent days to send weapons materials to the Ukrainian Armed Forces to defend themselves from the Russian attack. To these must be added the military contributions of the Americans, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. "But on closer inspection - explains Ambassador Alessandro Minuto Rizzo, former assistant secretary general of NATO - there is a fundamental difference between the decisions of individual governments to send weapons to Ukraine and the practical implementation of these decisions; in fact, it is not so simple and risk-free to deliver weapons to a country at war in addition to all the technical-logistical problems that exist and which also concern the diversity in standards and compatibility with the armaments already in use by the Ukrainian forces ”.
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
when is it said that Ukraine is a sovereign state? a huge lie is told, because political sovereignty is impossible without monetary sovereignty.
it follows that:
politicians are the greatest enemies and traitors of their own people.
and it follows that:
even Russia could never be a truly sovereign country:
in fact, the Rothschild Spa Rockefeller monopoly is slaughtering the Russians: even before starting a direct armed conflict !!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
quando sparì un aereo civile sull'oceano indiano? li c'erano i sacerdoti di satana cannibali ad attendere quelle persone sull'altare di Satana: in una Base della NATO!
Gli Stati Uniti considerano le sanzioni contro l'India — RT World News
rt com/news/551187-us-sanctions-india-russian-weapons/
Gli Stati Uniti stanno valutando sanzioni contro l'India
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
through the monetary monopoly of Rockefeller Spa&Co. Rothschild it deals with and blackmails itself, and all the Constitutions of the Nations of the whole planet are trampled on!
The United States is considering sanctions against India
Washington wants New Delhi to denounce Moscow or face sanctions for Russian arms purchases
The United States is considering sanctions against India
A © ground-to-air S-400 Triumf Vitaliy Ankov / Sputnik missile launcher
Washington is considering sanctioning India for New Delhi's Russian arms purchases, a senior State Department official told Congress. The US is also pushing India to disavow Moscow over the current conflict in Ukraine.
President Joe Biden is "examining very closely" whether to implement or waive sanctions on countries purchasing Russian military hardware, Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian Affairs Donald Lu told the Senate.
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 32 comments
'Nuclear terror': Russian forces shell, seize Ukraine nuclear plant
Satana-Rockefeller è stato colpito nella pupilla del suo occhio: i nazi fascisti comunisti tecnocratici usurai ebrei mondialisti antisionisti massonici..
e piange per loro.
The director of the Uffizi Gallery condemns the sanctions on Russian culture
The head of the Italian museum said the institution was forced to abide by government rules
The director of the Uffizi Gallery condemns the sanctions on Russian culture
Eike Schmidt, director of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence,
said the demands to demolish Russian sculptures or ban Russian exhibitions as a reaction to the war in Ukraine were "absurd".
The comment came after Florence Mayor Dario Nardella revealed on Twitter Wednesday that there had been calls to demolish a monument to Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky by Russian sculptor Aydyn Zeynalov,
which had been installed in the city last year.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
eih tu la Sinagoga di Satana del Sommo Sinedrio dei satanisti Rockefeller i MARRANI Spa&Co. orchi wahhabiti.
Eih tu, tu non credi che il roveto ardente di Mosé, sia anche la trasposizione della Menorah, cioè lo Spirito Santo?
34 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH in 2008 d.C. ) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians.
then (Unius REI worldwile Governor Universal Brotherhood in abou 2012)
eih Faraone Rothschild Bin Salman: ""tu lascia uscire il mio Popolo che mi deve dare un culto nel deserto"" ... ha detto il mio Dio JHWH!
uniusrei@protonmail com
fedele250660@gmail com
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments
WATCH: If Jews studied history, they would have fewer problems
President Isaac Herzog] The first Belarusian volunteer died in Ukraine.
Ilya Litvin was wounded in the battle for Bucha
and was taken to a hospital where he died.
he recorded a video message in which he said that
Belarusians will fight alongside Ukrainians.
he recorded a video message in which he said that Belarusians will fight alongside Ukrainians.
Now when can the universal propaganda of the satellite TV network, which is mirroring the universal technocratic financial monopoly power of the Rockefellers, confuse and deceive minds, with manipulated news?
however, you know (in your soul) that you are fighting for satan-allah-Rothschild, and that you are fighting against God and his servant Putin!
This is why souls have no ignorance, and will be found guilty, because the HOLY Spirit said: "no one will get lost in hell without knowing it"!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Presidente Isaac Herzog ] your criminal apparatuses not being able to sustain the honesty, and the correctness of my opinions: they have begun to delete my comments, on this page there were my 7 posts!
however, disqus says they have not been deleted, but they are invisible to me!
then, I will tell you those comments that Rockefeller ordered his priests of Satan to delete on this site due to political repression!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 100 comments
Christian missionary activity not tolerated at army bases, says IDF
gabriel abergel
at which university did your goat study history?
Can you tell me why the "Supreme Supreme Rothschild Sanhedrin" 2000 years ago destroyed the paternal genealogies of all Jews, turning them all into goims slaves, breaking down and nullifying Abraham's Blessings for all of them and deactivating the Covenant of Moses?
and why, you say that the false star of King David, which is on the flag of Israel? that 666 star, is an esoteric and pantheistic Nazi swastika (profane sum) that the Cabalist Rockefeller voodoo and black magic put on the Jews to take them all to hell with him!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
congratulations: I see that you are more educated than a goat!
you tell me, only one reason why Christians should have hated Jews, if from the beginning they were all Jews too?
it is clear the evil worm was not in the Jewish people, but in the high Sanhedrin: who ousted the King in the conduct of political power, since King Herod: he was not even a Jew!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
however, when the Holy Spirit lands on me, I cannot hold him for more than 60 seconds,
he's so pure, and I'm so unclean, I'm ashamed of myself!
but, this makes me compassionate to my sinful brothers all the way, they are all broken hearted men, all people of good will, like Bin ISIS Salman!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Gesundheit! I received from Almighty God YHWH: the universal conduction of his celestial Kingdom: Paradise.
I am Unius REI, and now now: I am his universal butler, and I sit on the Throne of God!
my jurisdiction is universal and infinite, not even hell can escape my authority!
the mandate that God has given me is unlimited, so much so that I do not have to ask God's permission if I want to do something in the field of all the political and religious institutions of this planet, because God has full trust in me: this is why I I am a rational metaphysical agnostic!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
in this situation of Satanism and universal corruption: Jewish-Masonic-Islamic? you can't do more!
or you can start reading the BIBLE knowing it is a PERSON!
but be careful: I had decided to be a Catholic Priest from 2 years, and I was 22 years old (so I had FAITH)
, but reading the Old Testament, however, was always a pain for me, because it remained arid and incomprehensible, but then,
I saw a spark of light in my soul ( the grace),
and from that moment the whole Bible became my greatest happiness, because God had accepted me as his personal friend!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
try to be, in your possibilities, a benefactor of mankind: that's all!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 24 comments
WATCH: Israeli startups try to help Ukrainian colleagues amid war
Bro. Nick Nicholas
Are there any Zionists in the world today?
therefore, I fight for myself, and for my Kingdom of Israel only,
I am everyone's enemy and I am not "pro" of anyone!
So I identify the biggest enemy of all: which are the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia!
what if you are a christian?
so i'm a virgin girl with pigtails!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Putin ha bloccato il Deep State
cioè, Twitter and lgbtq Facebook
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Bro. Nick Nicholas
warning to you IDIOTA! the game can be bad!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Bro. Nick Nicholas
you are Deep 666 State from CIA troll?
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
all this huge sacrifice of my last 14 years, since 2008, could never be justified if I had any personal interest in myself!
That is why my life will condemn you all on the day of the universal Judgment
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
then, who can free the peoples from this Jewish-Masonic octopus? who?
1. of course: the monarchies (but they were all killed by the Jewish French revolution and the Jewish Bolshevik rivolution!)
since the English monarchy is the greatest betrayal of its people and Elizabeth is a first-hair witch!
while the other monarchies are extras and the Saudi Wahhabi monarchy are the greatest satanists!
2. certainly dictatorships: but these are too deficient in terms of culture and human rights, and therefore naively lend their side to their aggression and destruction ..
Then as salvation for the liberation of all peoples only UniuREI LorenzoJHWH remains with his Kingdom of Israel.
so now it's your choice whether to live or die!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
la decisione di Mosca di inviare truppe in Ucraina per "smilitarizzare" il governo di Kiev e fermare il "genocidio" nelle regioni separatiste di Donetsk e Lugansk.
non abbiamo motivo di ritenere che ci possa essere un altra realtà parallela!
da questo punto di vista, ogni disastro, genocidio e distruzione di questi 61 anni della mia vita, io lo devo testimoniare che è sempre stata soltanto colpa degli USA e dei suoi complici, e dei suoi capi ebrei nella FED, che non hanno avuto paura di uccidere anche 2 Presidenti USA!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Putin addresses Russia's neighbors
Moscow has no bad intentions towards neighboring countries, says the president
Putin addresses Russia's neighbors
Russian President Vladimir Putin participates in the launch of a new ferry via a conference call at the Novo-Ogaryovo residence outside Moscow. © AP / Andrei Gorshkov
Russia's neighbors should stop "arousing unnecessary tension" and focus instead on rebuilding relations with Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
"I want to emphasize once again that we do not have ... we have always said that, there are no bad intentions towards our neighbors," Putin stressed during a video conference on Friday.
"I would also advise them not to raise tensions, not to introduce any restrictions," he said, adding that there was no need for neighboring nations to further deteriorate ties with Russia.
Moscow makes its moves only in response to some hostile actions aimed against it, the president stressed.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
I principali esperti hanno avvertito che l'espansione della NATO porterebbe al conflitto. Perché nessuno ha ascoltato?
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
the loan shark Mario DRAGHI and all the accomplices of the Jewish Masons with taxes are pushing more parents to suicide!
and they are definitively sinking the Italian economy, because this is the Jewish-Taludic project: that of destroying and suffocating all the people in debt.
Destroy all peoples who can represent Christianity and Christian identity on a world level,
for this reason the Jewish usurious Freemasons, flanked by the Islamists also attack Russia, and not because there is war.
Land registry reform passes by one vote, the majority splits
Now the League believes it has its hands free on the tax authorities bla bla bla .. cowards
Fraudulent bankruptcy, 6 entrepreneurs arrested in Cosentino?
but it is not possible for Italian companies to remain standing with the current tax levy and the bureaucratic system and this makes the mafia system indispensable in the Italian economy
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 24 comments
WATCH: Israeli startups try to help Ukrainian colleagues amid war
Bin ISIS Sharjah Salman: the universal Islamic genocide] [ we all know that the UK EU NATO USA are a demonic infestation: a legacy of demons legion, and continually engulfing the nations (betrayed and deceived by their corrupt politicians)
but, be confined at border to Russia, then they force Russia to react (because it sees its national security threatened),
therefore it is NATO and its Wahhabi-Bildenberg sharia system is the real aggressor, the real culprit for the world war: it continually pushes, in order to be able to carry it out in a provocative way.
Then, are the countries afraid of Russia and want to join NATO?
but, Russia and China do not have an ideological imperialism, a malignant Kabbalah like the ARAB LEAGUE.
Russia does not threaten anyone and this is the fault of those politicians who spit on the Constitution of their people, but swear allegiance to Ja-Bull-On Rockefeller-Allah!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Bin ISIS Sharjah Salman: the universal Islamic genocide] [ after 34 years that you forced me to be an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians?
I also started to treat hard, bitterly God JHWH Almighty Most Holy and Most Merciful,
because I make him guilty because of you!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Bin ISIS Sharjah Salman: the universal Islamic genocide] [about Ezekiel's prophecy and the plain full of bones? This is something that only lorenzoJHWH can do in His third Jewish temple. ] either you witness this miracle of God's love, or you will see: devastation, tribulation, death and destruction for all the days of your life, that life that your ancestors cursed all Islamists!
Ezekiel 37: 1--14
The return of Israel lorenzoJHWH; and the reunion of the two kingdoms
(De 32:39; Ps 85: 6; Ro 11:15) De 30: 1-5
1. The hand of the LORD was upon me, and the LORD carried me by the Spirit and laid me in the midst of a valley full of bones.
2. he made Me pass by them, all around; behold they were very numerous on the surface of the valley, and they were also very dry.
3. He said to Me, "Son of man, could these bones live again?" And I said, "Lord, GOD, you know it."
4. He said to me, "Prophesy on these bones, and say to them," Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! "
5. Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: "Behold, I am bringing the spirit into you and you will live again;
6. I will put muscles on you, I will give birth to flesh on you, I will cover you with skin, I will put the spirit within you, and you will live again; and you will know that I am the LORD. ""
7. I prophesied as he was commanded me; and as I prophesied, there was a noise; and here is a movement: the bones approached each other.
8. I looked, and lo, muscles came upon them, flesh grew, and skin covered them; but there was no spirit in them.
9. Then he said to me: "Prophesy to the Spirit, prophesy son of man, and say to the Spirit: Thus speaks the Lord GOD:" Come from the four winds, O Spirit, blow on these slain, and let them revive. ! "». 10. I prophesied, as he commanded me, and the Spirit entered them: they came to life and stood up; they were a great, very great army.
11. He said to me, “Son of man, these bones are all the house of Israel. Behold, they say, "Our bones are dry, our hope is gone, we are lost!"
12. Therefore prophesy and say to them: Thus saith the Lord GOD: "Behold, I will open your graves, I will bring you out of your graves, O my people, and bring you back to the land of Israel.
13. You will know that I am the LORD when I open your graves and pull you out of your graves, my people!
14. And I will put my Spirit in you, and you will come back to life; I will place you on your ground, and you will know that I, the LORD, have spoken and have put it into action, "says the LORD."
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Bin ISIS Sharjah Salman: the genocide] [no one should talk to me publicly about subjective issues: religious theological or spiritual things.
why when UniusREI does the rational agnostic speak?
he must be understood and shared by all people on this planet!
and he? he can do it, because he has the task of resurrecting souls!
Ezekiel 25:17.
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.
Blessed is He who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness,
for He is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
1. US will take "all measures" necessary to prevent Russia from using IMF assets. ok, so the IMF is an exclusive property of the Rockefeller Spa, why when did they demonically give legal personality to the multinationals?
then the Jewish Freemasons transformed the whole human race into cattle!
2. Italy squeezes the Russian oligarchs, yachts and villas are seized: and Europe raises the bar again.
3. Kidnapping of the Russian oligarch Mordaschov: seals on the 65 million yacht.
The United States is ready to take all necessary measures to prevent Russia from benefiting from its holdings in the International Monetary Fund's Special Drawing Rights (SDR), a US Treasury official said.
Russia received 17 billion in SDR thanks to a new IMF allocation last year, but to spend it Moscow must find a partner willing to exchange it for underlying currency in the form of a loan.
The US and its partners, who are the majority of possible counterparts within the SDR system, will not accept any such exchange, according to the official.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Long covid, i sintomi? si! parliamo di peccato e colpa! ..
il malato non è colpevole per esserlo generalmente, abbiamo avuto molti santi che erano malati!
ma la disgrazia della cultura sodomitica talmudica e cabalistica è quella ti avere fatto di questo pianeta: il pianeta delle scimmie Darwin (la più grande prode scientifica della storia) e quindi non comprendono, e non possono comprendere quale può essere il legame soprannaturale tra peccato e malattia!
Video: Giornata mondiale Obesità, Grimaldi (Ame):
"Parliamo di una malattia non di una colpa"
si! parliamo di peccato e colpa! ..
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Centrale nucleare di Zaporizhzhia, le truppe di Mosca ora controllano l’energia di metà Paese.
ok adesso spegnetela!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
BiN ISIS Salman ] [ it is true that I said that: Rockefeller and I Unius REI, we are in a fight to the death at the highest levels becouse your guilt UMMA genocide..
but we (Rockefeller and me Unius REI,) we do not hate each other, because only you are the culprit, because you is forced Rockefeller to be a satanist!
you are too thirsty for blood like your demons Lilit-Allah legion.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Rating now "junk", for Moscow the default spectrum
Moody's and Fitch cut, stop Central Bank on bond coupons
all this is much more serious than a simple declaration of war!
the demonic, supernatural and kabbalistic Jewish-Masonic financial threat is an extreme threat.
all nations that want to recover their sovereignty for now have to resort to bartering!
Talmud as Koran is a robbery: for the enslavement of the whole human race abandoned to Satanism and sodomy!
Rating now "junk", for Moscow the default spectrum
Moody's and Fitch cut, stop Central Bank on bond coupons
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
the demonic, supernatural and kabbalistic Jewish-Masonic financial threat is an extreme threat.
all nations that want to recover their sovereignty for now have to resort to bartering!
Moscow hostage to oil: traders do not trust and do not buy Russian crude. Iran is back on the market but the price of gasoline remains high
/ a msn com / 00 / it-it / AAUASf3? ocid = st
No sanctions on gas and oil, but traders are still staying away from Moscow: it is estimated that 70% of Russian crude is struggling to find buyers. This hurts the Kremlin's revenue, but at the same time exacerbates the flare-up in commodity prices. Russia is the third largest oil producer in the world, alone satisfies 12% of global demand. Banks, ports, ships, suppliers: the entire Russian oil business was in fact "frozen", explain the managers in the energy sector.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 24 comments
WATCH: Israeli startups try to help Ukrainian colleagues amid war
Le startup israeliane cercano di aiutare i colleghi ucraini in mezzo alla guerra..
e allora,
voi convinceteli ad abbandonare l'Ucraina al più presto..
tutti i civili devono uscire al più presto..
questa Ucraina ebraico-massonica e sodomitica e i suoi complici conosceranno presto l'Ira di Dio!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments
'Russia's barbaric acts': ICC prosecutor launches war crimes investigation
by now, NATO is already in world war against: Russia and CHINA and will soon tighten its noose more and more: against her!
in fact, even if by proxy NATO: it is fighting in Ukraine: shamelessly!
the Rockefeller monetary monopoly, and this is weighing it down ..
this is why the IMF BM table must be overthrown as soon as possible!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
NATO is a defensive structure (it cannot help a nation like Turkey, which invades Syria, etc ..), but what if Ukrainian planes take off from Poland to carry out war actions in Ukraine?
then, Poland too will be invaded by Russia, and NATO which is a defensive structure will not be able to intervene in its defense!
Bulgaria, Poland and Slovakia are transferring 70 military aircraft to Ukraine, which may be based at Polish airports, the press service of the naval forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said.
"70 aircraft for the Ukrainian army! Our partners give us MiG-29 and Su-25! If necessary, they will be able to be based at Polish airports, from which Ukrainian pilots will carry out combat missions," the service said print at TASS.
According to her, Bulgaria transfers 16 MiG-29 fighters and 14 Su-25 attack aircraft to Ukraine, Poland - 28 MiG-29 aircraft, Slovakia - 12 MiG-29.
Earlier, EU Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said EU foreign ministers agreed to provide Ukraine with lethal weapons worth € 450 million. In addition, Borrell said the EU will supply Ukraine with military aircraft.
5 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
HERE'S how the OTAN 666 NATO, from behind the scenes is blowing on the third nuclear world war!
you can't send weapons to Ukraine and then say:
I didn't do the pogroms,
I did not make the coup,
I didn't kill 14000 people in Donbass!
EU-NATO meddling is the only real threat to Russia's neighboring countries right now.
Russia is not aggressive and has no imperialism,
but, EU NATO is forcing RUSSIA to defend its national security !!
Can Russia invade Poland? The front heats up: Warsaw sends planes to Kiev and NATO closes its borders
a msn com/01/it-it/AAUCh35?ocid=st
In the meantime, several countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, have been using Poland as a "logistical base"
for weeks to "transfer" to Ukraine "weapons and fighters, foreign terrorists, including some from the Middle East," according to Russian intelligence.
And soldiers continue to be sent to guard the borders.
5 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
God bless you
Anna Netrebko, the Metropolitan of New York bans it for two years: "He has not repudiated Putin".
Putin was legally elected: with a quorum highly superior to all the buffoons of politicians who are in the UK EU US!
Now the Bible tells us to repudiate sodomite witches and Freemason satanists… which is just what all Western leaders are!
5 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
both use human shields!
"The barbaric acts of Russia": the prosecutor of the ICC launches an investigation into war crimes.
there is no difference between the Palestinians: UMMA jihad sharia and UE Ursula Borrell, because they both use human shields!
Who does not leave Ukraine? he is solely responsible for her death!
This land that Rockefeller, Soros, Rothschild, Merkel, Nuland and Mogherini have cursed and desecrated?
must be purified with fire!
5 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
"The barbaric acts of Russia": the prosecutor of the ICC launches an investigation into war crimes.
they made a genoid in Donbass, but this didn't interest Mario Draghi!
every 8 minutes, Muslims kill an innocent Christian martyr in sharjah, but Erdogan, Rockefeller and Bin ISIS Salman celebrate their happiness!
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