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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

pagate voi l'interesse con le tasse e lavorate e morite da schiavi

'Nuclear terror': Russian forces shell, seize Ukraine nuclear plant

Bin ISIS Salman ] colpiscono gli oligarchi russi, per intimidire te e i wahhabiti..

anche perché, quando il FMI sarà caduto nelle mie mani?

deciderò io chi, e quanto, e quando: di soldi deve avere ogni persona in questo pianeta!

Non puoi fare/creare dal nulla: il denaro/ la massa monetaria per 1000 volte il Prodotto interno lordo di tutto il pianeta, e poi tu dici ai poveri:

"pagate voi l'interesse con le tasse e lavorate e morite da schiavi"


Bin ISIS Salman ] colpiscono gli oligarchi russi, per intimidire te e i wahhabiti.. anche perché, quando il FMI sarà caduto nelle mie mani?

deciderò io chi, e quanto, e quando: di soldi deve avere ogni persona in questo pianeta!

Non puoi fare/creare dal nulla: il denaro/ la massa monetaria per 1000 volte il Prodotto interno lordo di tutto il pianeta, e poi tu dici ai poveri: "pagate voi l'interesse con le tasse e lavorate e morite da schiavi"
jewish Messia x Yitzhak KaduriAn asteroid has passed within 5 kilometers of Earth


no, it wasn't mine
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
all western politicians are traitors sold to Satan and Rockefeller!

What then, Rothschild told Erdogan, that the Ottoman Empire can do it again!

Ukraine-Russia War, Di Cesare: "Ukrainians are not helped by giving them weapons"

I live with pain and anguish the vicissitudes of the Ukrainians, but I think that we cannot help the people with weapons or by sending legionaries. I never expected such a stance from Italy and Germany, not only for their energy dependence on Russia, but also for the cultural and political ties they had created over time. I am thinking, for example, of the conference on Kant in Kaliningrad (the former city of Königsberg, where the German philosopher was born) scheduled for next year and which has been canceled: a fact as serious as the cancellation in Milan of Paul's course on Dostoevsky. Nori. Evidently even the dead are scary ”.
Speaking of Kant, he concludes, "one of his most important texts by him comes to mind, 'For perpetual peace', a work with an ambiguous title, which plays with the reference to the quiet of the dead in the cemetery. If there is no perpetual peace in Europe, if diplomacy does not try to replace arms, there will be perpetual peace in cemeteries ”.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
the ideological-imperialist narrative of the EU is so vulgar, so false, so biased, it is so shameful. that even in the ARAB LEAGUE have more dignity than Draghi Ursula Macron Borrelle and Ursula: all put together in the Bildenberg sewer!

Speaking with Adnkronos, the philosopher Donatella Di Cesare is clear in underlining her "pacifist positions, I really want to say it and to be so", even against a war "told through a simplistic narrative: the idea that it all started with the Russian invasion. Of course, who would not condemn Russia starting only from this 'background'? Instead, we should investigate a little deeper, go back in time, to before the war, to what determined it ", adds the professor of theoretical philosophy of the 'La Sapienza' University of Rome, much criticized after her statements last night at 'Piazza Pulita' on La7.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

this is a difficult truth for a Jew to accept, not least because there are not too many sources surviving to prove it!

The control of History the Rothschilds gained through the French Revolution ...

and much of the news in the history books was distorted by the victorious Jewish usurers:

the Jewish-Freemasons are the greatest forge of Christian martyrs!

Prince SAuDITA told me: "yes we are the murderers, but the Jews are the mandates, to make Christians die all over the world"

in Columbia they had the FALC of the Communists, but everything that belongs to the antichrist comes from the Talmud.

and in Mexico we had the cristeros martyrs, because only one is Rockeffeller's Freemasonry in the whole world!

Father Enrique Vasquez was murdered: his body was found north of San Pedro Sula in Honduras. "Once again the blood of the martyrs bathes our land".

Thus expressed Monsignor Ángel Garachana Pérez, bishop of San Pedro Sula, in the video message in which he announced the death of the priest of his diocese.

According to news gathered by the Fides agency, the priest's body was found on the night of Wednesday 2 March, in his car, in a secondary area of Santa Cruz de Yojoa, where he had gone to visit his parents, but never getting there. Having no documents on him, he was transported to the institute of forensic medicine.

The next day, the diocese reported his disappearance, without knowing of the discovery of the body.

The bishop went to identify him and reported that Fr Enrique had been shot in various parts of his body.

"The pain touches me very closely, because it is a priest from the diocese of San Pedro Sula, whom I ordained and accompanied,"

explained the bishop in the video message, expressing his condolences, affection and prayers to his family and his community.
"I ask our authorities that the safety of citizens is one of the priorities of the current government", reiterated Monsignor Ángel Garachana Pérez,

who also launched an appeal to families, schools, the Church itself, to educate young people in a culture of respect for life and peace, "so that the dream of a better Honduras becomes reality".

Don Enrique Vasquez, known affectionately as “Quique”,

was born in 1974. He was originally from Agua Azul Sierra de Santa Cruz de Yojoa. He was ordained a priest 16 years ago and is currently parish priest of San José, in the Medina district of San Pedro Sula.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Ukraine-Russia war, Moscow obscures BBC: "Fake news".

all Western fiction is biased, untruthful.

and wants to push the peoples of Europe into war against Russia ..

because let's face it, Ukraine is its own creation. Rockefeller NATO imperialism did not go well!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
'Nuclear terror': Russian forces shell, seize Ukraine nuclear plant.

no no 'Nuclear terror'! they left the Donbass in the dark and cold for 8 years, and now their time has come!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
‘Significant upgrade in relations’: German chancellor visits Jerusalem
no OTAN no War!

Israel should increase its neutrality in the face of any conflict in the world!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 2

Israel's security doesn't care to Rockefeller and therefore nobody cares!

I don't think Iran will hit Israel with a nuke,

because it will be the CIA to use it in his Iran name!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


WATCH: If Jews studied history, they would suffer less 2

ISIS from Riyad: they shoot a touch and whoever comes out blows up: as a kamikaze to kill the Shiites! Because Allah told Erdogan that the Shiites were wrong, and they were wrong to become Takfiri!

Attack on a mosque in northwestern Pakistan, dozens of A powerful bomb exploded in the Shiite mosque in the Kocha Risaldar district, near the historic Qissa Khwani bazaar, in the center of Peshawar, a city in northwestern Pakistan. At least thirty people were killed, 56 injured. Many are in serious condition and it is feared that the death toll could rise.

Takfirism has been classified by scholars of Islamic thought and law as a violent and aberrant Wahhabi practice, germinated by the Sunni Salafist movement from Riyad
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 2

Read against LePen: «She is a friend of Trump and Putin. A failed foreign policy program "

msn com/it-it/notizie/mondo/letta-contro-lepen-lei-amica-di-trump-e-putin-un-programma-di-politica-estera-fallimentare/

that the DEM instead of protecting the people, protect the Banks, and are infamous, and are in bad faith,

this is demonstrated by the fact that in this video Marine Le Pen is not given a chance to fight back ..

After all, we in Italy have always had the Democratic Party in government for more than 15 years, even if it always loses the elections.

Elections that Italy cannot be held, because Ursula Mattarella Satana and Rothschild said no!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 2

Islam is a devil the UN likes it because he is Satan!

Brooke Goldstein, founder and director of The Lawfare Project. Goldstein questions the use of the word Palestinian as an ethnic or religious identity as Arab Christians, Arab Muslims and Jews may come from Palestine along with ethnic Armenians and Druze. According to her, "there is no Palestinian person".

Continuing his work from the film, in 2007 Goldstein founded the Children's Rights Institute, "a non-profit organization that legally tracks and combats violations of children's basic human rights, with a focus on child suicide-homicide, child soldier and the phenomenon of human shields ".

The creation of a martyr

CNN host Carol Costello describes Goldstein as "a woman on a mission" who traveled to the West Bank, "as a young law student," to shoot the 2006 documentary The Making of A Martyr. [4] Goldstein produced and directed the film about a 16-year-old Palestinian, Hussam Abdo, who was stopped at an Israeli border checkpoint when guards found live explosives wrapped around his body. Goldstein argues that Palestinian activists are abusing the rights of Palestinian children by encouraging suicide bombings. [1] [4] Goldstein calls the use of children as suicide bombers, "the intentional murder of innocent children".


How Erdogan and Bin Salman create the false kamikaze martyrs.
Goldstein says there are "Muslim children all over the world who are being targeted over the Internet, through satellite programming, by religious leaders, by political leaders to kill themselves as suicide bombers. And it is nothing more than a form of child abuse."
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 2

This page was blocked by Spa NWO 666 Microsoft 322 Edge.

well the girl Brooke Goldstein is cute, but the video is not shown, how do I know if she is stupid?
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 2

Italy to seize Russian property, as done by France, to pay the debt to Rockefeller Spa & Co.

but, here, it all depends on the also in the balance of the Rothschild computer:

if you are very bad? the debt goes down,

but are you honest? the debt goes up!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 2

Ukraine-Russia war, Rockefeller's idot US Senator Lindsey Graham: he said "The only solution is to kill Putin".

Here there are no men, here the system exists!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 2

The United States is forcing Europe to betray the planet because of Russian gas
The International Energy Agency has come up with ten measures that will make the EU free of one third of Russian gas.

Freedom is incomplete, expensive and not fast. Then the US-controlled agency proposed an alternative and radical plan. Europe can more than halve Russia's gas supplies and much faster. But he will have to sacrifice the salvation of the world: from increased pollution.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


'No bunker can protect you from God,' Zelensky tells PutinBro. Nick Nicholas


eih Bro, what do you want to know about God or Satan?
jewish Messia x Yitzhak KaduriBro. Nick Nicholas


I am the King of Kings
jewish Messia x Yitzhak KaduriBro. Nick Nicholas


I must tell you that you disappointed me a little, you are not very good at solving puzzles and riddles
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 4

Ukraine, Macron: in hell they call him by two names:

1. the Cumaean Sibyl of Satan;

2. pinocchio the murderer from Ursula;

he said:

"Putin chose war, his are lies"
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 4

Ukraine, the Russians destroy the Okhtyrka power plant: a city in the dark and cold,

in fact, it is what Ursula Von Draghi Kissinger had done to Donbass, involuntarily, for 8 years, because and they didn't notice it, and they had also taken off the water for 8 years, because Borrell was thirsty
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 4

Il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky ha avvertito Putin: "Nessun bunker può proteggerti da Dio", ma adesso, noi dobbiamo identificare, quale potrebbe essere il vero Dio SARUMAN-ALLAH di Rockefeller Spa OWL JA-Bull-On di la strega Elisabetta II Queen: a cui lui e Ursula hanno giurato insieme con la gonnellina di Netanjahu, dove hanno giurato a Salman-Erdogan-Rothschild-Soros-Epstein-Clinton-Kissinger, ed hanno giurato in ginocchio filiale rispetto e ubbidienza cieca e fedeltà assoluta: perché quelli sono una legione di demoni OTAN CIA UK FED NWO IMF BM ECB OCI che non dimentica mai e non perdona mai in modalità: lobby loggia talmudico cabalistica e coranica culto!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak KaduriEndIranBringPeaceToMiddleEast


the UMMA is like a venomous snake:

first he buggers you with his poison (demographic bomb) hidden jihad;

and then, when you are weakened: it eats you alive: with the juridical sharjah jihad;
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak KaduriEndIranBringPeaceToMiddleEast


so, I only asked 8000 sq km in Madiana desert, for my political project in Egypt desert and Riyadh desert:

but they told me: "bum, boom, boom, the UMMA will conquer the world!"
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak KaduriEndIranBringPeaceToMiddleEast


to get to the point? The geopolitics your Rockefeller created? it will inevitably lead to the third nuclear world war, that is, if you do not immediately build my Kingdom of Israel
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 16

Ucraina: Segre, mai avremmo immaginato questo in Europa.

mentre lei, il Golpe di Maidan e i 14000 cadaveri in Donbass se li immaginava possibili?
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


WATCH: Israeli startups try to help Ukrainian colleagues amid war 6

dear Isaac Herzog my buddy President of Israel, about the our dear jew adamwlewis com / articles / blogger-find-replace # state = awl-bfr

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e4d'

Login failed for user 'adamwlewis_user'.

/ includes / functions asp, line 46 (I used this app to remove the red dots, and I also sent some money to our dear jew adam w lewis)


but, I don't believe that the priests of satan would make you arrive alive at the end of the month, if you dared to put your nose in this universal crime.

The Deep State (aka: Silicon Valley) has put 10 red html-code dots on the internet to inhibit all search engines,

and block all articles that Soros Epstein Obama and Rockefeller don't like:

why they would not have made the coup in Kiev,

if they BIDEN DEM Club mafia octopus the swamp had not after made the coup against Patriot Donal TRUMP by stealing his elections
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

WATCH: Emotional reception for Ukrainian immigrants at Tel Aviv airport 7

dear Isaac Herzog my President of Israel

about the dear jew adamwlewis com/articles/blogger-find-replace#state=awl-bfr

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e4d'

Login failed for user 'adamwlewis_user'.

/includes/functions asp, line 46 ( io usavo questa app per togliere i punti rossi, ed ho anche inviato del denaro a caro nostro, dear jew adam w lewis )


ma, io non credo che i sacerdoti di satana ti farebbero arrivare vivo alla fine del mese, se tu osassi mettere il naso in questo delitto universale.

il Deep State (aka: Silicon Valley) ha messo 10 punti rossi html-code in internet per inibire tutti i motori di ricerca, e bloccare tutti gli articoli che non piacciono a Soros Epstein Obama e Rockefeller:

perché questi non avrebbero fatto il golpe a Kiev, se prima loro non avessero fatto il golpe a Patriot Donal TRUMP rubandogli le elezioni
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 7

The total war on truth in Moscow. "Rebel" TVs closed,

ok which rebel TV is left in the EU OCi UK USA?

Erdogan ha detto che non può esistere un ISLAM moderato:

"Allah uuuhhh aKBaRrrrr",

e che lui deve insegnare come si porta il burqua a MACRON (che è una KEKKA)

ok, io non sono colpevole, lui lo ha detto
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 7

eih Satana Rockefeller and Allah Bin ISIS Salman ] voi dove avete messo i miei soldi? che ne avete fatto?
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 7

but where does Satanism and the wickedness of our planet come from?

was born in the constitutional betrayal which is the banking seigniorage

that the Freemasons lgbtq and tecnocratic islamist Bin Salman from ISISI Riad stole from all peoples and gave to Rothschild Spa coorporation!

obviously, Russia has only a (fictitious) technical debt, but this article clearly indicates how all the governments of this planet are being blackmailed by the shareholders Spa & Co. of the FED which then,

are always the same Jewish-Masonic criminal subjects

(the octopus Ursula Draghi in the swamp of the Deep State (aka Silicon Valley))

as all the other central banks!

Russia, the specter of default. Ruble always at historic lows and debt downgraded to "junk"

The Russian currency hit record lows again after rating agencies downgraded Russia to the category of countries at risk of being unable to repay debt.

Moody's 666 Satan Sodom cult lowered its long-term debt rating from Baa3 to B3, keeping it under scrutiny.

Fitch downgraded the rating from BBB to B, with a negative outlook.

These ratings put Russia's debt on the "speculative" level.

The S&P 322 "skull and bones "the pirates" Bush and Kerry Global agency removes the 'triple B' from Russian sovereign debt downgrading it to 'junk'.
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Suspect? UK-based Ukrainian tycoon found dead after sanctions threat 7

ma dove nasce il satanismo e la malvagità del nostro pianeta? ovviamente, la Russia ha soltanto un debito tecnico ( fittizio ), ma questo articolo indica chiaramente come tutti i Governi di questi pianeta siano ricattati dagli azionisti Spa&Co. della FED che poi, sono sempre gli stessi soggetti criminali ebraico-massonici (la piovra Ursula Draghi nella palude del Deep State (alias Silicon Valley )) di tutte le altre banche centrali!

Russia, lo spettro del default. Rublo sempre ai minimi storici e debito declassato a "spazzatura"

La valuta russa ha nuovamente toccato i minimi storici dopo che le agenzie di rating hanno declassato la Russia nella categoria dei Paesi che rischiano di non poter rimborsare il debito. Moody's ha abbassato il proprio giudizio sul debito a lungo termine da Baa3 a B3, mantenendolo sotto osservazione.

Fitch ha abbassato il rating da BBB a B, con outlook negativo.

Questi rating pongono il debito della Russia al livello "speculativo" .

L'agenzia S&P Global toglie la 'tripla B' al debito sovrano russo declassandolo a “spazzatura”.
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 7

since the Talmudic crime of Satanism and usury of the Masonic Jewish banking seigniorage is kept hidden from all peoples by their corrupt politicians?

then, everyone thinks that Democracy is the deocracy, while in reality it is the darkest Cabal supernatural dittatorship and demonic regime in the history of this planet!
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Russian Jewish billionaire to sell assets, donate proceeds to suffering Ukrainians 7

although now OTAN Rockefeller is the master of the world, and has Satan and Allah as two dogs on a leash?


he must not overdo it with his arrogance, even if his cursed soul told me: "I don't want to win the war this time; I have to kill the Wahhabis, destroy ISLAM and I want at least 2-3 billion corpses, to start a new usurocratic and devitalizing monetary cycle! "!

Moscow and Beijing had also issued a joint statement declaring that their partnership "had no limits" and condemning the expansion of NATO. Exactly the justification that Putin will use a few weeks later to motivate the invasion.
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Childless Israeli couple seeks help to rescue surrogate mother in Ukraine 8

from a fiscal and bureaucratic point of view? Italy is one of the most absurd countries on the planet.

I waited for the building permit to build 8 years!

Abusive housing, demolition after 24 years in line with the Convention
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 8

Marilyn 666 Satana Rockefeller Manson Responds To Evan Rachel Wood's Sexual Abuse Allegations And Sues Her For Defamation

But, wasn't he still the same worm, who took off his rib to get to suck his penis by himself?
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 8

Jewish-Masonic technocratic democracy is the greatest financial fraud in history.

there cannot be an independent newspaper: if the state does not possess its constitutional monetary sovereignty!

Russia: problems with access to international media and social media

The internet pages of Facebook and various independent or international media have become partly inaccessible in Russia. This was confirmed by the GlobalCheck monitoring service and AFP journalists in Moscow. In addition to Facebook, access problems were also encountered at the independent Russian website-newspaper based in Latvia, but also the German TV Deutsche Welle, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (Rte / Rl) of the American Congress and the Russian-language services of the Bbc
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 8

la narrazione Occidentale in combutta con quella della LEga aRaBA?

sono asimmetriche assolutamente faziose e ideologizzata:

perché una persona onesta intellettualmente ci possa trovare un barlume di verità!

"Rischio di pregiudizio razzista nei confronti dei cittadini russi"?

Questa è la crema della civiltà degli ebrei-massoni!
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 8

un delinquente corrotto bugiardo, e complice di assassini NATO UK CIA UE Borrell: di venduto traditore Di Maio: un uomo senza dignità: che ha rinnegato tutti i suoi impegni politici fatti al popolo italiano ha detto:

"Putin? No offese personali, ma sua in Ucraina è guerra atroce"
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 8

ma, quale libertà di parola e azione è rimasta in UE tecnocratica?

se in Ucraina non ti arruoli? ti sparano!

Ucraina: regista Oleg Sentsov in trincea contro avanzata russa
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 8

Childless Israeli couple seeks help to save surrogate mother in Ukraine.

This is certainly a beautiful love story.

But it points to something absolutely terrible:

the EU Golpe Pogrom of the devil Ursula?

has it indebted and enslaved the Ukrainian people while Russia? she never would!
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

UN vote condemning Russia brings together Mideast coalition 9

the UMMA is like a very poisonous snake:

the Islamist religious hypocrisy? first it inoculates you with its poison (demographic bomb) conceals jihad;

and then calmly waits for its poison to take effect:

and then, when you are weakened: it eats you alive: with the sharjah which is the juridical jihad;

ISLAM is the greatest predator: absurd regime and absolute crime in the history of this planet,

absolute denial of any human right;

but, to UN-Rockefeller: the universal master, Islam likes it that way!
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 9

EndIranBringPeaceToMiddleEast said me: "Your signal to noise ratio is far to loud. You spew so much, who would waste their time even reading it all.

Learn to get to the point."


The geopolitics your Rockefeller created?

it will inevitably lead to the third nuclear world war,

that is, if you do not immediately build my Kingdom of Israel

so, I only asked 8000 sq km in Madiana desert,

for my political project in Egypt desert and Riyadh desert:

but they told me:

"boom, boom, boom, the UMMA will conquer the world!"
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 9

Putin told me that after the Nazi-fascists of Ursula Von Pravi Sector? the turn of that infamous Mario Draghi will come!

therefore, all the corpses of these 8 years: Golpe Pogrom: 14,000 dead in Donbass have they put them in the family album Allah-Satan-Sodom-sewer Cia Mogherini Nuland?

All the puppies of the Orc Rockefeller SpaCo NWO.

UN vote condemning Russia brings together Mideast coalition Israel, Kuwait, Qatar and Turkey were among the 96 co-sponsors of the resolution.

Israel and the Middle East have rarely been so united in one vote. Almost all US allies in the region have aligned,
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 9

quindi, tutti i cadaveri di questi 8 anni: Golpe Pogrom: 14000 morti in Donbass li hanno messi nell'album di famiglia Allah-Satana-Sodoma?

UN vote condemning Russia brings together Mideast coalition Israele, Kuwait, Qatar e Turchia sono stati tra i 96 co-sponsor della risoluzione.

Israele e il Medio Oriente raramente sono stati così uniti in un voto. Quasi tutti gli alleati degli Stati Uniti nella regione si sono allineati,
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


'No bunker can protect you from God,' Zelensky tells Putin 16

we have seen ocean crowds in the TRUMP PATRIOT countryside

but, at Biden (the snake) there were only very few people!

so also the corrupt statistics, because the DEMs control the institutions and secret services: the Deep State!

is that the democratic system has been cheated by the Jewish Masons: "Nazism?" .. and that there can be no other rational answer:

"Trump's presidency was stolen!"

then, now Ursula has to stop talking about democracy.

Usa, 6/1 commission: from Trump fraud to avoid vote defeat
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 16

in a world that has become the exclusive property of Spa Rockefeller and its squire Bin ISIS Salman sharia? what is the function of tax havens?

When Rothschild with his computer creates the banary seigniorage from scratch: and sells his demonic money to the states in exchange for BOTs and CCTs (bonds or bills)?

then, Rockeeller needs tax havens: to wash that dirty money: since he has closed the budget at zero, but takes the debts of the enslaved peoples to the Kaiman Islands!

Abramovich sells Chelsea but the center of power is the Evraz steel mill. The escape from tax havens

a msn com / 01 / it-it / AAUxE2w? ocid = st
Little is known, however, of Abramovich's assets in the British Virgin Islands (Bvi), namely the companies Camberly International Investments Limited (which finances Chelsea) or Greenleas Holdings (which invested in Evraz). There in the middle of the Caribbean Sea until today he has kept his billions of him well protected. But the world is changing and tax havens risk becoming hell for the oligarchs close to the Kremlin. All the more so if they are British protectorates. Recent moves on Evraz tell how much Abramovich fears for his heritage.
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 16

hunt for the oligarchs, it's up to the nabob Mordashov ..

hunting ? fox hunting?

ok, but are they edible like wild boars?
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 16

Ursula von der Leyen said that Mordashov is a nabob, and that Rockefeller is Mother Teresa of Calcutta!

Hunt for the oligarchs, it's up to the nabob Mordashov

but, Mordashov said that Ursula von der Leyen with all those stars around her head? she is really the Most Holy Madonna of the devil Allah-Ja-Bull-On
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 16

"No bunker can protect you from God," Zelensky tells Putin,

apart from the violation of the Russian national security?

but I believe that Zelensky and all his accomplices will soon have to deal with Satan (very soon) for the 14,000 victims they made in Donbass and that again, they pretend that they haven't been there!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 16

certainly "Sanctions are a crime against the Russian people".

but, it is NATO and the UK UE CIA that in these 8 years: have destroyed the social system of peaceful coexistence and made the Russian invasion inevitable and indispensable!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel 4

Israeli Aid Worker Delivers Heartbreaking Report From Ukraine Border 17

it's very sad when criminals are the ones who have to judge you!

Assault on Congress, Commission accuses Trump: "Attempted fraud against the United States"
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel 1

Russia and the Lie of a ‘Longer, Stronger’ Iran Deal 17

India, Russia USA UN China EU] [we must stop finding our Islamists good and other people's Islamists bad

because they all have a single criminal ideology: of genocide and replacement theology: called sharia!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on United with Israel 40

Amnesty Staffer Says It’s Okay to Hound Israelis Off Campuses 17

the criminal ideological and imperialist narrative of OTAN Spa Rockefeller. by Francesco Amodeo: the greatest Italian investigative journalist, overshadowed by the Masonic Jewish technocratic regime!

The news about Ukraine that the Italian media do not want

let you know.

Kind ,

I felt it necessary to send you this specific newsletter on what is happening in Ukraine because I realize that we are once again victims of unacceptable misinformation.

Given that there is never anything that can justify a war and that it is always a duty to condemn it without ifs and buts, I must however acknowledge that just condemning it is no longer enough.

Something that has already happened and that can no longer be avoided is condemned.

Instead, we must learn to condemn the causes and those who induced that event for their own interests.

This is not happening in our straight media.

The finger is pointed at the visible person responsible, but the responsibilities of those who have contributed, for their own interests, to induce what is happening and that the Ukrainian people are paying for themselves are totally omitted.

The only real victim to whom all our solidarity must go.
In this regard, I have prepared an exclusive dossier for you, complete with sources and photographs.

Complete dossier

I also proceeded to make a video with the salient points of the dossier.
The American apparatuses had infiltrated the Ukrainian government, the media and the square.

Watch my interview on the crisis in Ukraine
All evidence of US involvement in Ukraine. And how they pushed it into war with Russia.

For further information I also recommend this article from the Matrix Edizioni website
The role that the US apparatuses had in the past in destabilizing the world in an anti-Soviet function are today more relevant than ever and are being proposed again in an anti-Russian function.
For those interested in deepening those Cold War scenarios in detail, to understand what we will encounter, I highly recommend reading my investigation:

"The Revolutionary DIegO"
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel 12

WATCH: Holocaust Survivors Slam Russia’s Claim of Ukraine ‘Denazification’ 17

yes! Ukraine ‘Denazification’ against Borrell battaglione Azov

yes! Ukraine ‘Denazification’ against Ursula pravi sector

Golpe Maidan, pogrom ed genocide in Donbass 14000 corpses by Macron and Draghi!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Iran further raising nuclear stockpile, UN atomic watchdog warns 17

Islamists are always fake friends of someone and enemies of someone else ..

but, all that dirt joins the sewer,

so every sharia of genocide comes to Bin ISIS Salman from Mecca caaba

Iran further raising nuclear stockpile, UN atomic watchdog warns
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 17


Islamists are always fake friends of someone and enemies of someone else .. but, all that dirt joins the sewer, so every sharia of genocide comes to Bin ISIS Salman from Mecca caaba

Iran further raising nuclear stockpile, UN atomic watchdog warns


all monsters from Rockefeller Talmud and Cabal! Motion in the Municipality of Milan against the "uterus for rent" fair

Parliamentary question against the unacceptable "children's market"

Yes, it seems impossible, but in Milan there is a real fair of that horror called "uterus for rent", otherwise defined, with the modesty of the hyprocrites, "surrogate motherhood" and that the subversion of thought, attempted through the language revolution, she is trying to impose on our imagination as a "gestation for others", aka a "pregnancy for third parties" that hurts everyone, first of all the child who is born from it, and who, en passant, in Italy is an ILLEGAL practice.

Because, if you fail to put a spoke in the wheels of this machine of horror, this horror will take place amid rich prizes and cotillions in the Italian capital of business, fashion and postmodern urban frenzy. Literally an open-air nightmare.

But all is not lost. Several voices have been raised and are still being raised to protest.

Voices of politics through motions and questions, voices of civil society through cultural denunciation and, first of all, your voice. Yes, your voice.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 17

sodomy communism DEM freemasonry state mafia and weak thinking, usury, bureaucracy taxes, technocracy .. Bildenberg lobbying ..

"Relativism condemns us to the great sleep of extinction".

Thirty years ago, at the collapse of the USSR, the famous Greek philosopher Cornelius Castoriadis published Fatiscenza dell’ Occidente. A prophetic text on the evils that afflict us and here for the first time translated into Italian. "The United States is experiencing an internal collapse, Islamic fundamentalism is stronger than ever and our democracy is increasingly reduced to conformism and the administrative provisions of the 'tutelary state', but the Panglosses continue their navel rhetoric without being disturbed from the noise and fury of history ... ".
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 17

Biden Rockefeller Soros Ursula Borrel Macron Trudeou is the Masonic rEGIME of the most vulgar racism in history after Hitler's Holocaust. sports artists are affected: all Russians: in fact a declaration of war!

US, new Russian oligarchs hit by sanctions

WASHINGTON, 03 MAR - The Biden administration is preparing to "considerably" extend the list of Russian oligarchs affected by the sanctions. This was revealed by sources from the White House and the Treasury Office to the Washington Post. They are, they explain, characters who have already ended up in the crosshairs of the European Union, including
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 17

jihad akbar uuuhh akbar sharia.. The hypocritical world of Satanist demonic-Masonic culture sodomitia Ursula Biden OTAN: Russia is banned, but it spreads red carpets to Iran and Turkey.

"Nostalghia" by Andrej Tarkovskij, shot at the abbey of San Galgano

From Turin to Venice to Frankfurt (where the Russians are banned but the Saudis sell Hitler's Mein Kampf) and Bologna Russian books and films are banned (the immense Andrei Tarkovsky today would be persona non grata in Italy). But then they choose the Islamic Republic of Iran as their guest of honor, where 5 million books have been destroyed since 1979 and writers commit suicide by throwing themselves out of the window. Or Turkey, which PEN says broke the record for writers in prison and where Erdogan banned 135,000 books from public libraries, 300,000 from schools and fired 5,800 academics. A cultural dementia that fuels, rather than appeases, war ...
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 17

The UN, to help the Afghan people work with the Taliban, why AK-47: Автомат Калашникова, Avtomat Kalašnikova, Kalashnikov's automatic rifle?

to a sharjah jihad job automatically!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Israeli doctors are first to treat Ukrainian refugees – from afar 18

things may not go in the easy way, but that does not reduce the inevitable need for this denazisification by the Rockefeller Rothschild Salman from Riyadh of Ukraine!

and then, there is a whole host of infamous who speak for the benefit of themselves, sucking on the blood of the unfortunate unfortunates and accepting the imperialist aims of Ursula and NATO.

"Illogical and irrational", "victim of the system you created". This is how the former author of Vladimir Putin's speeches, Abbas Gallyamov, describes the Russian president in the days of the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Interviewed by the BBC, Gallyamov wrote Putin's speeches for three years during his first term as president. Today he speaks of him as an "illogical and irrational" person, whose ideas derive from the fact that he never receives "objections or criticisms" from those around him. Putin thought that, with the entry of Russian forces into Ukraine, "the Ukrainians would surrender and Zelensky would flee to the United States," Gallyamov said.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 19

as a symmetrical measure to the total censorship of UK UE USA NWO OCI Riyadh: and to their Nazi-Fascist technocratic imperialist and Jewish-Masonic neoliberal narrative: anti-Zionist as well as false and biased?

also President Vladimir Putin has officially introduced state censorship and in a few hours, at most days, there will be no more independent media in Russia.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Jewish Agency: '10,000 Ukrainian Jews could make Aliyah'


there is nothing more aberrant from a legal point of view than NATO 666 OTAN UK CIA UE USA Spa & Co. FED IMF ECB NWO from Bildenberg lgbtq
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 19

The yachts of the oligarchs are targeted: kidnappings in France and Germany.

the expropriation of the private property of citizens of any state, not declared compliant by a court?

it is much more than an explicit act of war!

it is a violation / crime of international and universal law!

and as if a single citizen were guilty of his government's actions, that is, it is an act of the worst racism!

the EU has hit all those it considered to be involved in the attack on Ukraine.

because for the EU the coup, pogroms, genocides, etc .. everything is good when it makes NATO and Bin Salman happy!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 19

welcome in my kingdom Israel!

‘10,000 Ukrainian Jews could make Aliyah’

welcome in my kingdom Israel!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Major US Jewish groups bemoan Ukraine suffering, don't mention RussiaGuest


for about 4 years: every day, I was on the youtube / user / discussion page fighting against 4 priests of Satan: 2 USA; 1 German, 1 Italian.

Obviously, youtube had to close this page 4 times, and now for me it has been closed for good.

Obviously, even if they are today here, they no longer talk to me, they become invisible, I know that these 4 priests of satan are connected with me always!

I don't know why JHWH holy holy holy Almighty took my defenses off that time!

but IHateNewLaYout priest of satan with supernatural voodoo powers, took a long sword, invisible and thin: and with the black voodoo magic: he crossed my whole chest piercing my heart (I felt the skin of the chest and the skin of the shoulder as it came crossed) .. obviously, I wore the hole in my heart for two months, but then, the wound closed, and for 5 years I didn't bring any sensitivity (for that wound), but for some years I feel that wound is sensitizing (albeit very weakly), I did the analyzes: and the best cardiologists said that I am fine and that I have nothing,

and I no longer know what to tell you, about what happened to the satanists who protected the eye of Lucifer-Allah, and why they disappeared .. and therefore Allah-Satan's eye, that Bin ISIS Salman protects? he was been blinded by me, he the demon who lived in Mecca Caaba!

.. but, some evil ones say and go saying that it was all my fault the genocide dei satanists, yet I can promise you that, I don't know anything about it!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak KaduriBro. Nick Nicholas


Bro. Nick Nicholas

I remember that time when I got really angry!

the world director of youtube Synnek1 today: 187AudioHostem (go to his channel and say hello for me: also because at your venerable age? you should no longer be afraid of dying as a martyr), but, he really gifted with supernatural supernatural voodoo powers and technology secret of Enlightened Spa & Co. FED (by Gmos A.I. Demon's Aliens) technology unknown to us. So, he said to me "we here in the youtube community? We don't kill each other" and he said so, because of all the Churches of Satan in the CIA that make 200,000 human sacrifices: every year, on the altar of satan in the OTAN? the rumor had spread that I was going around on youtube to kill the satanists!

But the priests of Satan of Merkel, in Germany, killed a German friend of mine named MarlaMarleen,

and so it was that I got so angry: that AudioHostem187 went crazy, and Rockefeller no longer found any satanist who could manage the social internet NetWork satellite Tv worldwide NWO. he was forced to give the management of all the media to lgbtqia .. and it is since then, that they have put so many: filters, algorithms and 10 red points in html-code language: that now the A.I. manages all communication on the planet and pushes all peoples to Satan with that immense power of communication.
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak KaduriBro. Nick Nicholas


buddy my sentinel of G-d: you cheer up my dark days! you must know that once, that old fox of King: Abd Allāh bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd, to see if I had supernatural powers he started pretending to be dead!

Obviously, I don't have those powers, and the truth is, him was the jerk!

I said to the evil soul of King: Abd Allāh bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd: while he was about to become truly dead:

"brother King al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd, if you don't come to my Jewish temple? you will end up in hell"

and he said to me: "where does the mule (Rothschild) go, will the cart al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd go too."

and was it so that after so much love that I had given him?

he too fell to hell along with his Wahhabi carrion!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak KaduriBro. Nick Nicholas


buddy the sentinel G-d bless you: you cheer up my dark days!

you must know that Netanjahu and I (for 4 years) have saved the life of that ungrateful and shameless: without a minimum of dignity of Bashar Hafiz al-Asad: بشار حافظ الأسد, Baššār Ḥāfiẓ al-Asad, and then that John Forbes Kerry said 322 "skull and bones" he was saying: "I did not understand how and why Syria does not collapse" .. and this is because I ordered my holy angels to expel the jihadist galaxy of Erdogan and Bin Salman, and so it was that, by chance, a prince of the Persian Gulf (thinking - like you - that I was an anti-Zionist) made me understand that there was a plot by the whole ARAB LEAGUE against Israel (secret plot dating back to after the 6-day war: because the Mohammedans all say: "revenge is a dish that is eaten cold"), and this is how Netanjahu and I abandoned Assad, but, I did not want to hand over Syria to the Wahhabi Sunnis because those are all takfiri, so I ordered Putin Iran and Hezbollah to intervene, al my place!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak KaduriYoureanidiot


who them?

if you are a Zionist you could never be an imperialist Ursula Rothschild Rockefeller the suckers
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak KaduriBro. Nick Nicholas


axxo caxxo caxxo ((you discovered me in the foul)) detective sleuth Sherlock Holmes
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

#Putin ] smetti di sacrificare la vita dei tuoi soldati, soltanto perché quelli di Ursula Pravi Sector e Borrell Battaglione d'Azov usano i civili come scudi umani... perché non c'é nessuno che ti ringrazierà per questo, e tu avvilisci il morale delle tue truppe così!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

questi sono una soprannaturale esoterica e stregoneria lgbt legione di demoni che non dimentica e non perdona!

Ursula Von Rothschild Hitler è la piovra UE tecnocratica ebraico-massonica neoliberista è l'antagonista principale del classico Disney La sirenetta:

vive nella palude del Deep State.

e lei NON ha bisogno di essere onesta intellettivamente,

perché tanto tutti i media Network satellite TV NWO FED IMF ECB BM Spa&Co.

anche tutto il mondo sono tutti del suo padrone-Dio: Ja-Bull-On con l'occhio di Lucifero Allah in Mecca Caaba Bin ISIS Salman from Riyad!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

Ursula Von Rothschild è la piovra UE tecnocratica ebraico-massonica neoliberista è l'antagonista principale del classico Disney La sirenetta: nella palude del Deep State. lei NON ha bisogno di essere onesta intellettivamente, perché tanto tutti i media Network satellite TV NWO FED IMF ECB BM Spa&Co. sono tutti del suo padrone-Dio: Ja-Bull-On!

Un'affermazione ampiamente diffusa del governo ucraino secondo cui gli attacchi aerei russi avevano danneggiato il memoriale di Babyn Yar, che commemora il sito in cui 33.000 ebrei furono massacrati dagli ucraini durante la seconda guerra mondiale, è stata successivamente rivelata falsa.
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


WATCH: Syria supports Russian invasion, says Assad adviser a day ago

BIN ISIS Salman from Riyad ] ovviamente io sto molto attento a parlare perché Nic Nicholas Bro è sempre in agguato dietro il computer a cogliermi in fallo ed a sputtanarmi worldwide
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Most of world, including Israel, lines up against Moscow at UN

a day ago

ma le anime all'Inferno hanno perso il libero arbitrio cioè proprio come avviene: in CINA, nella LEGA ARABA e nella NATO!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

BIN ISIS Salman ] non si può escludere la vita sessuale in Paradiso da un punto di vista fisiologico come possibilità .. soltanto che non è desiderata da nessuno!

"...Apri la mente a quel ch'io ti paleso

e fermalvi entro; ché non fa scienza,

sanza lo ritenere, avere inteso..."

"...Se mala cupidigia altro vi grida,

uomini siate, e non pecore matte,

sì che 'l Giudeo di voi tra voi non rida! ..."

...sì vid'io ben più di mille splendori

trarsi ver' noi, e in ciascun s'udia:

"Ecco chi crescerà li nostri amori"..

tu ci stai costringendo tutti a vivere nel tuo demoniaco UMMA NWO, di cui noi due (insieme) abbiamo avuto da Dio la possibilità di farlo terminare!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

the russophobia of the ideologized and globalist West, imperialist, neo-liberal technocratic Masonic, cannot be an interlocutor, because it cannot recognize the CIA coup in Maidan Square and all the murders, repressions and political purges, persecutions of political opponents consequent. .and then let's say that Erdogan is a EXECUTOR, only he, simply Erdogan is worthy of NATO!

In the aftermath of the cross-border green light of the Italian Parliament to send military aid to Ukraine, the members of the Defense commission received an email from the Russian ambassador to Italy through the formal channels with the attached declaration with which, in recent days, Russian Foreign Minister Serghei Lavrov told the EU that the sanctions "will not go unanswered".

Ukrainian crisis, Lavrov: "I hope that russophobia is not used to avoid discussion with us"
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

a day ago

it's not that bad, they are just inviting the Russian army to Europe in a friendly way.

At least that's what Mario Draghi had orders from Rothschild to make!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

From Stinger missiles to mortars, arms for 150 million from Italy to Ukraine.

Men be, and not mad sheep, that the Freemason Jew, warmonger, predator, parasite, usurer, technocrat Ursula, lgbtqia Macron among you does not laugh! "

Dante Alighieri writes, in the fifth canto of Paradise (74-81) 1200 AD:
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

Treviso, anziani coniugi trovati morti: l'ipotesi è di omicidio-suicidio.

Uomini siate, e non pecore matte, che il giudeo massone parassita usuraio tra voi non rida!" Scrive Dante Alighieri, nel V canto del Paradiso (74-81) 1200 d.C.:

Avete il novo e l’l vecchio Testamento, / e ‘l pastor de la Chiesa che vi guidava, ma tanto, ma tanto tempo fa: quando la massoneria era scomunicata; / questo vi basti a vostro salvamento.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

Mariupol's drama: "Without water, they have been bombarding us for 12 hours, we cannot take the wounded away"

but, in Donbass they bombed children for 8 years and nobody noticed!

why Ursula Von Rothschild why?
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

io non credo che uno Stato debba permettere tale mostruosità, o che debba consigliare le perversioni sessuali!

Ma questo è uno Stato demoniaco sodomitico dove il cinismo e malvagità sono permesse.

#Arisa mostra la sua collezione di sexToys: "Sono troppo sincera con voi"

Arisa sempre più osé: "Eccovi uno scorcio delle mie chiappe".
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

there are no Russian invading forces,

the CIA and NATO invaded Ukraine 8 years ago!

and the esoteric and kabbalistic supernatural octopus of the Deep State Swamp NWO Riyadh? he took possession of the souls that only took them all to hell!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

go against the institutional system of Saruman Satan and Allah that Rockefeller Spa & Co. talmud Kabbalah they created is very problematic: because the Masonic system has become an esoteric and supernatural demonic entity.

you see Putin who is 100% right, and instead it seems that he is 100% wrong
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Israeli leader walks tightrope, speaks to both Zelensky and Putin a day ago

Ukraine, Macron "Putin chose war, his are lies" Has there never been an honest intellectual in those islamist masonic regime Ursula UMMA OCI Spa&Co., who stole monetary sovereignty from the peoples to give it to rockefeller?

those are the satanists criminal genocide cult club!

Whoever believes in me is saved, and whoever does not believe in me is damned!

Because few (indeed very few) souls enter heaven,

because almost all of them fall into the abyss.

and we have laughed at those guruascets who put a bandage on their mouth to swallow a gnat, or who howl in front of themselves,

so as not to step on an ant, while in reality we are all the fools us!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago


Ukraine, Macron "Putin chose war, his are lies"

Has there never been an honest intellectual in those who stole monetary sovereignty from the people to give it to rockefeller?

those are the satanists!

Whoever believes in me is saved, and whoever does not believe in me is damned!

Because few (indeed very few) souls enter heaven, because almost all of them fall into the abyss.

and we have laughed at those guruascets who put a bandage on their mouth to swallow a gnat, or who fuck in front of them, so as not to step on an ant, while in reality we are all fools!

a day ago

Israeli leader walks a tightrope, speaks to both Zelensky-Rockefeller Spa & Co. than Putin (my kingdom Israel for Zionism)

now, thanks to the technocratic Jewish Freemason cannibal satanists who turned on the cameras? we have so much human compassionate legitimate understanding for the Ukrainian people, who are suffering (because there are no guilty peoples).

and why were Ursula Von DRACULA's cameras turned off when the Russian people suffered in the same way, in Donbass for 8 years?
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

certainly, Putin in UKRAINE has enormous responsibilities:

he had to intervene militarily 8 years ago, when the CIA made the coup and spread the Nazi-fascists of Ursula Mogherini and Nuland who went to exterminate the Russian speakers!

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of trying to "cancel"

Ukraine and her story. Zelensky, who has Jewish parents, then turned to Jews,

asking them not to be silent in the face of this massacre.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

is an article that World Israel News did not like

the Israeli drop (against Netanjahu's opinion) voted in the UN to condemn the inevitable and indispensable Russian police operation for the denazification of Ukraine and to protect Russian national security from malicious NATO CIA aggression!

a day ago, WATCH: Israeli diplomat addresses UN on Ukraine

Detected as: s p a mTH

Foreign Minister Lapid reproaches you with the HOLY Spirit, of which the Menorah is the symbol!

Foreman spoke at the hearing in place of Ambassador Arden

as decided by Foreign Minister Lapid.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

Il primo ministro Bennett mi ricorda un mio amico che portava sia la Croce che il ferro di cavallo con amuleto del corno gobbuto:

lui disse: "se non funziona Dio? certo funzionerà Satana"
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Russian businessman offers $1 million bounty on Putin a day ago

quando il criminale diventa il giudice!

insomma, non è una bella situazione quando sono i criminali DEM, e i sacerdoti di satana Spa&Co. di Rockefeller e i Golpisti di Biden CIA: quei Giudici Massoni del Deep State: la piovra Ursula nella palude di Soros: di quei Mafiosi Giudici: "bianco e blu" che ti devono giudicare!

La Commissione della Camera Usa che indaga sull’assalto a Capitol Hill del sei gennaio del 2021 ha concluso che l’allora presidente Donald Trump

e il suo entourage hanno cercato di «ostacolare in modo illegale il Congresso nel conteggio dei voti elettorali»

e «hanno cospirato per frodare gli Stati Uniti».

Lo rivela Politico precisando che i risultati dell’indagine sono stati inviati ad una Corte Federale questa sera. Secondo l’inchiesta,

Trump ha infranto «diverse leggi cercando di impedire al Congresso di Certificare la sua sconfitta».
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

insomma il solito criminale come Macron lgbtqia e Justin Pierre James Trudeau: che giudica le persone oneste patriottiche e per bene!

Un imprenditore russo con un passato troppo simmorale e oscuro ha offerto una taglia di 1 milione di dollari agli ufficiali militari per l'arresto del presidente Vladimir Putin,

Konanykhin è autore del libro "Defiance: How to Succeed in Business Nonostante sia perseguitato dall'FBI, dal KGB, dall'INS, dal Dipartimento della Sicurezza Interna, dal Dipartimento di Giustizia, dall'Interpol e da Mafia Hitmen", pubblicato nel 2006 da Renaissance Publishing.
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


POWERFUL: Kiev rabbi curses those who remain silent in wake of Russian onslaught a day ago

Ucraina della feccia islamo-ebraico-massonica: alto tradimento Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario monopolista assoluto, Pinocchio detto Macron:

“Putin ha scelto la guerra, e le sue sono bugie”

Questa patetica narrativa NATO 666 OTAN Spa FED CIA UK UE Bildenberg:

senza autocritica e senza onestà intellettuale:

occulta tutti i delitti costituzionali, giuridici e pogrom che sono stati commessi in Ucraina, come se i 14000 omicidi in Donbass li ho fatti solo io!
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

e perché lui taceva mentre i russofoni nel Donbass venivano sterminati in questi 8anni dai nazi-fascisti di Macron?

"Se Dio non voglia che io debba morire, allora che la maledizione sia su coloro che tacciono",

dice il rabbino ucraino Moshe Reuven Azman in un videoclip,

supplicando il mondo di non rimanere indifferente alla violenta incursione della Russia.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

Eminente rabbino ucraino maledice coloro che rimangono in silenzio sulla scia dell'assalto russo.. oh caxxo! caxxo! caxxo! caxxo! caxxo! caxxo!

Queste demoniache Rockefeller maledizioni talmudico Cabalistiche soprannaturali voodoo ti maledicono, di generazione in generazione tutta la linea genealogica fino alla fine del mondo!

anche perché la piramide massonica con occhio di: "Saruman: lucifero-allah"?

stritola a morte i livelli inferiori che ovviamente: sono oggi i russi e cinesi!

ma, questa è una storia che è stata costruita dalla Cabala già nel 1200d.C.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Zelensky: Russia is Nazi-like, Jews must speak up a day ago

heil hitler Volodomyr Zelesnky ]

1. dal tuo fascista Pravi Sector Merkel: Sieg Heil!;

2. e dal tuo nazista battaglione Azov Ursula Von Borrell: Sieg Heil!;

3. SS, Heinrich BIDEN Himmler, del 4°Reich: Sieg Heil!;
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri a day ago

la narrativa Occidentale è patetica! in Ucraina ti sparano come disertore se non hai meno di 18 e più di 60 anni! il primo ballerino dell'Opera imbraccia le armi e si mette al servizio del Paese.

A Kiev non c'è spazio per l'arte, la guerra sta spazzando via tutto ma non il patriottismo. Lo sa bene il primo ballerino della National Opera dell'Ucraina, Oleksii Potiomkin, che di fronte all'intensificarsi del conflitto ha deciso d'impegnarsi direttamente per difendere il proprio Paese.
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Most of world lines up against Moscow at UN; fighting intensifies

BIN ISIS Salman ] [ non è affatto vero che la maggiorana vince, o che la maggiorana ha ragione, almeno Abramo e Mosé questo lo hanno sconfessato!

La maggior parte del mondo si schiera contro Mosca alle Nazioni Unite; mentre i combattimenti si intensificano. per Es:.

i satanisti Spa&Co. social network satellite Rothschild TV? no, non hanno raccontato il martirio dei russofoni, etc.. dei jiahzidi, etc.. armeni, etc.. e quindi nessuno ha pianto per loro!

Così è Rockefeller il padrone di tutto, che lui decide chi deve ridere e chi deve piangere!

Chi deve vivere e chi deve morire.. e questo è perché tu sei il suo complice principale.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Bin ISIS Salman ] [ adesso, tu penserai erroneamente, chissà come Dio ama di più lorenzoJHWH, che non me Bin Salman, Rockefeller Erdogan etc.. etc... e questo è impossibile, perché Dio ama di amore infinito tutte le sue creature senza distinzione.

forse molto raramente, Dio JHWH dice a me qualcosa (perché io sono lo strumento) ma è perché, lui ama più te, di me...

è che Dio si rivolge a me, è soltanto per amore di te,

quindi se non amasse te? a me LUI non si rivolgerebbe!

Cioè, è per amore tuo/lui/lei/loro, che Dio parla a me..

Perché, io sono lo strumento di Salvezza (Unius REI) e quindi, è per amore di voi, che Lui Dio Onnipotente è costretto a parlare con me..

I ministeri di potenza? non sono mai in relazione alla santità dei ministri.

ed oggettivamente, io ho delle integrità:

come: non ho mai fatto del male a nessuno,

come: non ho mai mentito,


ma, io non credo affatto di essere santo, più di qualsiasi altro suo strumento o ministro..

Ed allora, dove risiete il segreto della Potenza che vive in me?

Risiede nella mia posizione di Unius REI, sul Trono di Dio!

Io ho preso la mia posizione presso Dio, e ne sto pagando il prezzo da 61 anni, tutti i giorni.

Come creatura sul Trono di Dio ci sono soltanto io e la Vergine Maria,

io sono al centro, alla mia destra c'é Gesù, e alla destra di Gesù c'é Maria, sua Madre, alla mia sinistra c'é il Padre.

Adesso tu dimmi, io come potrei sentirmi umiliato e inadeguato..

Allora tu potresti dirmi: " chi ti costringe a stare li, se ti senti in difficoltà? tu VATTENE! ". Ma io ho avuto una visione c'erano diversi miliardi di persone con abiti grigi, che attendevano nell'atrio esterno al tempio ebraico celeste per non finire disintegrati nel giorno del giudizio universale .

Ed io non sono qualcuno, che può deludere qualcun altro, che ha fiducia in me.
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Bin ISIS Salman ] [ quando, nel 2008 io ho creato: " lorenzoJHWH " il mio primo canale youtube, (poi, nel 2009 ho aperto HumanumGenus, ShalomGerusalemme, fino

ad arrivare a 100 canali youtube, con 400000 video di martiri cristiani, quasi tutti uccisi dai wahhabiti e da Kim Jong-un).

Poi, quando, nel 2008 io ho creato: " lorenzoJHWH " il mio primo canale youtube?

io sono stato preso da un dispiacere: ed ho detto:

"perdonami Signore, se io ho messo il mio nome prima del tuo nome"

e il Signore JHWH mi ha risposto:

"no, io non mi sono offeso"
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


WATCH: Putin trying to assassinate Zelenskyblog2038
you cannot put Russia (a nuclear superpower) on a par with any other nation.

NATO may have administrative offices, but not offensive structures, in the countries bordering Russia!

This is what Unius REI has established
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Biden calls Russian moves on Ukraine an 'invasion'; Israel is 'prepared'David Pattie
the eagle's gaze has a different horizon

from those of other birds,

so other birds may not believe him
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


In possible jab at Moscow, Herzog pays surprise visit to the Golan

so is Erdogan when he has to start a genocide, he speaks of love! But of the love of Salman Bush & Obama (the nobel for the war)? the cemetery is full!

In the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia,

"EU citizens and structures involved in the supply of lethal weapons and fuel to the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be held responsible for any consequences of such actions in the context of the ongoing special military operation.

They cannot fail to understand the degree of danger and the consequences ". This is what we read in a long statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry published today on the website of the Moscow embassy in Rome, in which it is emphasized that" for many years the The European Union, disguised as a 'peacemaker', has generously financed the Kiev regime, which came to power as a result of an unconstitutional coup. "

"Now, however, the mask has fallen - reads the note -.

The decision of the EU on February 27 to start supplying lethal weapons to the Ukrainian army is self-reported.

It marks the end of European integration as a "pacifist" project to reconcile the peoples of Europe after the Second World War.

The EU has finally sided with the Kiev regime, which has unleashed a policy of genocide against part of its own
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak KaduriGuest
dear Brother Bro. Nick ] [ when 14 years ago, I said to God: "I have to demolish this demonic the NWO, but, will you help me and will you be with me?"

JHWH replied:

"sure, but you don't fear those criminals"

and so it was!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

il comunismo INFERNALE di CIA Ursula Nato e Borrell ha ucciso la vita.

L'Ucraina è morta prima ancora che venga invasa.

In vent’anni ha già perso un quarto della popolazione e perderà un altro 40 per cento entro trent'anni.

Un paese di vecchi e di giovani in fuga (chi resta non supera i sessant'anni), di donne che vendono l'utero ai ricchi europei e abortiscono in serie, con un Pil africano che si regge sulle rimesse straniere e fra i più corrotti del mondo.

70 anni di ideologia mostruosa DEM-Bilderberg-Soros distruggono una società...
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak KaduriGuest
in fact I (lorenzoJHWH) I almost never doze!

And most importantly to "believeth" in "the words of truth" written "in Psalm 121: 4

Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
infatti io (lorenzoJHWH ) io non sonnecchio quasi mai!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

ovviamente, lui parla male di Putin, altrimenti sarebbe ostracizzato e nessuno saprebbe quello che dice!

la UE USA UK FED Spa Rothschild è uno dei più spietati regimi della Storia, altro che democrazia!

"La Commissione Europea per me è come il Cremlino, ma odio Putin"

Intervista a Richard Millet, lo scrittore geniale più ostracizzato di Francia. "Bruxelles vuole gli ucraini per l'emigrazione e l'Occidente è decadente,
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

'Nuclear terror': Russian forces shell, seize Ukraine nuclear plant jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri 5 minutes ago edited

Bin ISIS Salman ] noi siamo già tutti dei device trasponder su frequenze segrete, ma ora con il 5G? ci faranno diventare un albero di Natale [ 187AudioHostem mi ha mostrato molti poteri tecnologici e soprannaturali, che a dirli tutti: sarebbero incredibili: hanno creato una voce nell'aria per me,

e se tu dici qualcosa, o fai qualcosa a tua moglie nella parte più segreta e buia?

loro possono "vederla e sentirla", perché portiamo tutti le connessioni neuronali aliene nel nostro cervello e sul nervo ottico!

e poiché loro si sono connessi con me che sono Unius REI? poi, anche io mi sono connesso con loro: e questa per loro è stato un errore fatale..

infatti, molte volte la preda si trasforma nel predatoreZelensky è soltanto un corrotto falso bugiardo e venduto moralizzatore M5S all'ItaGliana, un traditore del popolo e della Costituzione con il permesso criminale della CIA e della NATO!

Per ora, il «capo della banda di drogati e di nazisti» (così lo ha definito Putin e così lo dipinge la propaganda russa) è vivo e sta per essere trasformato in uno zombies nella macabra collezione di Rockefeller, dove si trova anche la faccia di San Padre Pio che i suoi satanisti sono andati a tagliare nella tomba profanata!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Zelensky è soltanto un corrotto falso bugiardo moralizzatore M5S all'ItaGliana!! Quanto ai suoi esordi come presidente, all’inizio Zelensky ha lasciato dubbiosi i più: un po’ populista e un po’ troppo giacobino, promotore di una crociata contro le élites, contro la corruzione, contro le agenzie di rating internazionali e contro gli oligarchi che lo hanno preceduto e che tuttora popolano la mappa del potere nel Paese. Un Saint Just in miniatura dal vorace spirito moralizzatore.
Il che non gli ha impedito di appoggiare la legalizzazione dell’aborto e della cannabis terapeutica, la legalizzazione della prostituzione e del gioco d’azzardo. Non trascurando di dare maggior vigore alla marcia di avvicinamento alla Ue e alla Nato. Un crimine imperdonabile per la Russia
2 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

il presidente Volodimir Zelensky e i suoi protettori Ursula Von Borrell: "L’Ucraina resiste, l’avanzata russa rallenta"

questi: criminali internazionali e ASSASSINI di massa non capiscono nulla di scienza militare!

Li stanno soltanto perimetrando per fare il minore numero di vittime civili!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

non esiste più la libertà di stampa perché il padrone di tutto e di tutti è il solo FED Spa & Co BCE MI BM NWO Rockefeller

L'ex presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump ha reso popolare il termine "fake news" come un modo per difendersi dalla stampa. Tuttavia, l'idea di informazioni false, sia per secondi fini o dovute a un autentico errore, è antico come i giornali stessi.

se, i DEM Deep STATE non riescono a rubarti le elezioni come hanno fatto con Tramp Donald?

poi, ti tagliano le gambe con i loro Giudici Massoni come hanno fatto con Salvini e Netanjahu e Berlusconi ( perché violare la immunità parlamentare è SEMPRE un delitto costituzionale )
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Crimini di guerra, il procuratore della Corte penale internazionale apre un'indagine contro la Russia:

per i i cecchini ceceni del Golpe CIA in Maidan,

i pogrom di Odessa

e i 14000 omicidi in Donbass,

per le mine anti-bambino di Mogherini

e le bombe a grappolo,

e tutti i crimini di guerra.

NESSUNO DOVREBBE DISPERARE: c'é ancora una giustizia in questo mondo dei wahhabiti!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

In possible jab at Moscow, Herzog pays surprise visit to the Golan

La Francia sequestra i beni degli oligarchi russi.

[[ open letter agli orchi di Saruman Borrell e Ursula la piovra: nella Palude: il Deep State ]]

Come? egoisti! Voi vi state mangiando tutti i russi, tutti voi, e a me non lasciate da succhiare neanche una zampina?

Usa chiedono all'Onu espulsione di un dipendente russo: "E' una spia"


datemi subito un russo che me lo devo suchiaaaaareeeee
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

l'unica possibilità che la Russia colpisca: per ritorsione l'ItaGlia e la UE dei traditori ebrei-massoni usurai, luciferini e tecnocratici Rothschild regime: tutte scimmie Darwin sviluppate a Sodoma, con armi nucleari?

è proprio per la presenza delle nostre atomiche USA sul nostro territorio.

L'associazionismo cattolico: «L'Italia metta al bando ora le armi nucleari»

Questo indica la totale irresponsabilità e malvagità contro tutti i popoli europei degli USA e NATO e dei loro complici:
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

ripeto le mie condoglianze alla famiglia, e le mie preghiere e le mie suppliche a G-d JHWH holy, perché purificando i suoi peccati lo possa subito accogliere nella Sua Gloria!

[[ Se ne vanno sempre i migliori ed Erdogan rimane sempre con noi ]]
Il Presidente ha anche espresso cordoglio alla famiglia Roman Brodsky, il primo israeliano ucciso nel conflitto ucraino. Brodsky, era in un convoglio di auto che si dirigeva verso il confine moldavo quando è stato oggetto di un attacco di bombardamento. Brodsky è stato colpito e ucciso dai soldati ucraini in quello che sembra essere stato un caso di identità errata.
Forse lo hanno ucciso perché c'é il fermo di leva dai 18 ai 60 anni, in Ucraina
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

In un possibile colpo a Mosca, Herzog fa una visita a sorpresa al Golan

] open letter: [

Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin: Влади́мир Влади́мирович Пу́тин; Leningrado, ] open letter [ questo discorso del GOLAN? no, non mi sembra opportuno/idoneo, proprio ora, in questi giorni, che: Giordani, Sauditi ISIS Wahhabiti e Egiziani stanno collaborando con me: lorenzoJHWH, per creare una Patria alle mie bestie di Satana Rockefeller SARUMAN e Rothschild (i miei orchi cuccioli) affinché tornando a JHWH holy, si possano salvare l'anima maleficata e danneggiata dal grande demoniaco e sommo sinedrio!
3 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

dice Ursula Von Der Leyer il mio Kaiser lgbtqia my Führer

1. la demilitarizzazione di Kiev, ed il

2. riconoscimento della Crimea;

sembrano richieste scritte appositamente per non essere accettate. E per consegnare a Mosca un pretesto per l'invasione.

ma questa bestia di Satana mi dovrebbe spiegare quale è il suo significato di Golpe e di Democrazia


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