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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Missiles strike Saudi oil tanks near Jeddah, Saudis blame Iran

 Weapons, ISIS material found in Arab-Israeli town

greetings Bennet, and what are you doing?

I see that you feel inadequate

So why don't you let me work

ISIS claims responsibility for Hadera terror attack, victims identified

 then the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy nazi & Ursula Spa&Co the she-wolf Sodoma Satana beast of the octopus UE OTAN the antichrist paws, and pretend to be eligible to carry out a Sharia peace agreement! so. Ukraine asks the Red Cross not to open an office in Rostov-on-Don in Russia.

and yet, he promises Pinocchio Putin political and military neutrality.

"The Committee asks the International Committee of the Red Cross not to legitimize the 'humanitarian corridors' on the territory of the Russian Federation and not to support the kidnapping of Ukrainians and their forced deportation," Radutskyi said in a statement.

The ICRC told Reuters that it did not have "first hand" information on reports of forced evacuations to Russia from Ukraine and that it did not facilitate such operations.

  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Erdogan Ursula the she-wolf beast of the octopus UE OCI Riad paws, because with drones he can exterminate the Armenians and they cannot defend themselves!

The Armenian Foreign Ministry called on Monday for an investigation into the actions of the Russian peacekeeping force during the raid and released two Russian Defense Ministry maps showing that Azerbaijani troops were still present.

"We expect the Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh to take concrete measures to stop the incursion of Azerbaijani units into the area of responsibility of the peacekeepers and the withdrawal of the Russian armed forces," said a statement.

Azerbaijan said on Sunday that it had not withdrawn its forces and said the area was its sovereign territory.

  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Erdogan Ursula the she-wolf beast of the octopus UE OCI Riad paws, because with drones he can exterminate the Armenians and they cannot defend themselves!

LONDON, March 28 (Reuters) - Armenia said Monday it expects Russia to take action to have Azerbaijan withdraw troops from an area of Nagorno-Karabakh guarded by Russian peacekeepers where tensions are mounting. in a bitter territorial dispute.

Azerbaijani troops in 2020 ousted ethnic Armenian forces from swaths of territory they had controlled since 1990 in and around Nagorno-Karabakh before Russia brokered a ceasefire and deployed peacekeepers.

On Saturday, Moscow said Azerbaijan had violated the agreement by allowing its soldiers to enter an area of the region near the village of Farrukh, but that Azerbaijan had withdrawn them by Sunday.

  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


The deadly attack marks the second terrorist attack in less than a week by Arab-Israelis with ties to the Islamic State.

did ISIS kill them?

no! Bennet killed them!

  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  2  

Abbas tells Blinken: West ignores Israeli 'crimes,' hypocritically embraces Ukraine


and this is what is instructive:

when will I have deported all the Muslims living in Israel and deported them all to Syria?

more and more holy. I'll become!

  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Abbas tells Blinken: the West ignores Israeli "crimes",


in fact when: Erdogan Blinken and Bin Salman put in mass graves (in the name of the UMMA OCI UN) 4 million Christians in Syria and Iraq?

ISIS Cia sharjah Erdogan Arag LEague jihad sharia? always saints have remained, for the UN!

  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  1 comments

WATCH: Weapons, ISIS material found in Arab-Israeli town


Weapons, ISIS material found in Arab-Israeli town

greetings Bennet, and what are you doing?

I see that you feel inadequate yourself! So why don't you let me work

  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  2 comments

Hours after meeting Blinken, Bennett tests positive for COVID-19


the Lawyer Morons fears the strong occult masonic powers (the esoteric agenda the swamp the deep State) and the corrupt Bari judiciary and from this point of view he has all my understanding,

for having waived a probable compensation of 1 million euros

  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Hours after encountering Blinken infestation, Bennett tests positive for COVID-19 (and to 3 fleas).

but how could we calculate the number of demons Bennett added to his?

here, it would take a good exorcist and unfortunately, I am only a rational agnostic King of Israel!

  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  21 comments

Houthi missiles strike Saudi oil tanks near Jeddah


the devil Allah made them, and the devil Allah eats them! until the sharjahs see an innocent prey and go to tear it to pieces!

Missiles strike Saudi oil tanks near Jeddah, Saudis blame Iran

  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


who in Israel is responsible for high treason? - Avi Abelow (@AviAbelow) March 27, 2022

Israel has a fifth column problem that nobody talks about.

Massive Terror Attack Stopped. Israeli Arab Muslim Terrorists Kill Two Israelis in Hadera Shooting Attack - @IsraelVideos https://www.israelunwired.Com/israeli-arab-muslim-terrorists-kill-two-israelis-in-hadera-shooting-attack/

2 innocent Israelis were killed. About 5 or 6 injured.

This time, two Muslim Arab Israelis pulled out automatic weapons in the middle of a central street and started shooting innocent Israelis who got off a city bus.

At the beginning of the video we can see the terrorists shooting a victim in the head while the injured victim is already lying face down on the ground. Absolute evil.

This could have been a terrorist attack with a massive amount of murdered Israelis.

Fortunately, two police officers eating at a nearby restaurant ran out and killed the two terrorists before other innocent Israelis were killed or injured.

Pray to heaven for our leaders to quickly wake up to the real enemy that prevents us from fighting our enemies - a weak Jewish identity and an ideology and policy of appeasing our enemies.

Wake up everyone! Until we wake up and demand a leadership that defends a strong Jewish state of Israel, connected and in defense of the true Judaism of the Torah connected to our history of more than 3,000 in the Bible, where truth and justice are on our side, while we denounce the evil and the lies of our enemies, this terror against us will never end.

An Israeli couple innocently driving down the street suddenly hears gunfire from Muslim Arab terrorists, who are Israeli citizens. Remember, they have full equality and freedom. This is not about #occupation. #palestine is evil. Period. pic.twitter.Com/XZRcZCFudE

- Avi Abelow (@AviAbelow) March 27, 2022

Look at the number of guns, ammo, and knives they were planning to use to kill many, many people! Thankfully, only 2 were killed in this evil terrorist attack by Israeli Muslim Arab citizens. All those automatic weapons and ammunition were stolen by the IDF!


  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


ONE OF THE MOST EMBARRING THINGS IMAM BIDEN HAS DONE DURING HIS PRESIDENCY. he said that Ruḥollāh Moṣṭafāvī Mōsavī Khomeynī became the light in the dark for him: and then he said: "Allah uh Akbar" and Rockefeller replied: "bravo bravo Inshallah"

(and may sharjah peace be theirs)

A healthy Joe Biden wouldn't make the decisions the old version of Joe Biden is making now. Joe Biden was never the kind of politician leaning towards dictators. He was a liberal with a pretty solid understanding of how foreign policy has profoundly affected the lives of Americans. It is truly shocking to see some of the policies he is implementing now, especially towards Iran.


  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


ok Bin Salman and Al-Sisi accept, becouse they not wont kill christian martyrs innocent, again sharia, agan jihad, again UMMA again OCI

replacement theology,

why Jacob and Rebecca? they were Erdogan's parents,

than him to completely exterminate the Russians, the Armenians and the Greeks?

he would also get a p*s*y inserted

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


the Western OTAN: scam banking seigniorage neoliberal Masonic narrative is false, ideologically criminal, and ideologically catastrophic!

"The narcissistic and opportunistic Western elites try to make up for it with the war in Ukraine".

Exclusive interview for the newsletter with the great English sociologist Frank Furedi. "From newspapers to politicians to rock stars, fans of the 'end of history', who have lost all legitimacy, see the possibility of a moral rehabilitation, as if this tragedy affects them personally too ..."

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Trudeau is a demonic lgbtq ape Darwin! The Left and Trudeau's Government Go Full Orwell -

@IsraelVideos https://www.israelunwired.Com/the-left-and-trudeaus-government-go-full-orwell/

Trudeau's government has gone completely insane. And it should wake up the whole world.

What's happening is terrifying!

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


ok Bin Salman and Al-Sisi accept, becouse they not wont kill chinese people

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


I am the governor Unius REI from kingdom heaven JHWH holy,


who is also the proxy of all States and Governments of this planet, like agnostic and rational ministry

because the UN has become an Islamic jihad sharia terrorist who denies the history and identity of Israelis,

and this is why you are all going to die

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


i am messia lorenzoJHWH

i am mahdì lorenzoALLAH

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  12 comments

Biden makes Putin too toxic to finalize Iran deal – now what?

Bro. Nick Nicholas


why are you spamming and not answering my questions? ok, you have listed my merits, and now, what is your accusation?

many good messiahs have come to the aid of God's holy people, up to now, to protect them. and the work of the messiah cannot be done by everyone, but only by heroic, educated, saint and extraordinary creatures like me.

I want to offer / surrender my role as Messiah and King of Israel,

but unfortunately so far? I have not found a single candidate who wanted to free me from this responsibility. Also why the lucky candidate?

he should prove to dominate the satanists and witches of the planet with their witchcraft, he should prove to defeat Sodom (and the Darwin monkeys like Macron Trudeau) and esoteric agenda, occult masonic power, etc ..! and then he should also have the trust of the Wahhabis and Egyptians, to be able to peacefully receive from them the Madiana desert and part of the Egyptian desert (and this already excludes the Jews).

Besides, everyone knows that Al-Sisi (my candidate) would never have become President without my intervention

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  24 comments

WATCH: Islamic gunmen open fire with M-16 rifles in Israeli city

Bro. Nick Nicholas


many good messiahs have come to the aid of God's holy people, up to now, to protect them.

and the work of the messiah cannot be done by everyone, but only by heroic, educated, holy and extraordinary creatures like me.

I want to offer / surrender my role as Messiah and King of Israel,

but unfortunately so far? I have not found a single candidate who wanted to free me from this responsibility.

Also why the lucky candidate ?

he should prove to dominate the satanists and witches of the planet with their witchcraft, he should prove to defeat Sodom (and the Darwin monkeys like Macron Trudeau) and esoteric agenda, occult masonic power, etc ..!

and then he should also have the trust of the Wahhabis and Egyptians, to be able to peacefully receive from them the Madiana desert and part of the Egyptian desert (and this already excludes the Jews).

Besides, everyone knows that Al-Sisi (my candidate) would never have become President without my intervention

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


ok, you have listed my merits,

and now, what is your accusation?

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Pope Santo Wojtyla and his Holiness NOT said: "Do not be afraid, the battle will be long".

no! he only said: "do not be afraid, open wide the doors to C*R*ST!"

and if Wojtyla stood in the place of the heretic Bergoglio?

he would have excommunicated BIDEN and kamala lgbt the witch for the practice of abortions!

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


the satanist Biden: "Putin is a butcher, he cannot stay in power"

the satanist Biden: quote: Pope Santo Wojtyla quotes Holiness for him: 'Do not be afraid, the battle will be long'.

who is giving arms to Ukraine?

He decided

1. to host 1.2 / 2 million Ukrainians each.

2. he decided to make 1 million corpses.

3. and decided to raze all of Ukraine to the ground!

4. because I cannot leave a pro-Satan Rothschild sodom regime in Ukraine anyway

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


about the Ukrainian territory? not a single centimeter will be returned to the CIA Sodoma Satana Ursula and Rothschild

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Russia-Ukraine negotiations resume in Turkey.


rather, we are starting negotiations on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in Turkey. and for the return of Cyprus.

since Erdogan from 2014 he said he would open fire on CRIMEA,

because the empire of his master Rothschild could not be stopped

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Islamic gunmen open fire with M-16 rifles in Israeli city


I refuse to see this video, because either the Israeli politicians must all be executed for high treason or this is witchcraft in Israel ..

he Erdogan who covered himself with slander and went to kill innocent people and peoples in other nations, and Israel, on the other hand, cannot defend her people?

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Germany's 11 September: the Russia-Ukraine war marks the final collapse of Ostpolitik.


when Christians were exterminated behind the "Iron Curtain", this was good for the European Communists and the Spa & Co synagogue. lgbt and its Anglo-Americans, but now that Putin the Christian is here? now, that human rights are respected in Russia? now, Russia is no longer doing well, for Ursula's antichrist the technocratic octopus Kissinger and neoliberalism Soros Bildenberg.

But, I am happy with this European rearmament, because we all have a dirty job against the ARAB LEAGUE to do,

and this dirty work we all have to do all Cina Russia USA UE INDIA together,

because Rockefeller Dracula still needs at least 3 billion corpses to reactivate a new monetary cycle devitalizing usurocratic and paralyzing bank seigniorage

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Ukraine: Zelensky, let us seek peace without delay


Zelensky is a Nazi and coup regime imposed by the CIA with 14,000 corpses and the repression of Russian speakers, they have broken the unity of the country.

therefore Zelensky does not legitimately represent Ukraine

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


and why can't Israeli gas reach Italy, hurting the interests of Greece and Cyprus?

because turkey boia Erdogan said: "no! i am gotta sell my gas in europe, only!"

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  24 comments

WATCH: Islamic gunmen open fire with M-16 rifles in Israeli city


Dear energy, race against time for the new Italian gasifiers: but there is competition from Germany


gas from the USA costs at least double that of Russia, and this is a joke, if this cost is to be paid by companies that can no longer be competitive, and by families who cannot pay for it .. and all for love of the Rockefeller empire that is called demon-cracy sodomy technocracy neoliberal masonic satanism and witchcraft, which will increase the numbers of the poorest on this planet by a billion.

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Watchman for Zion


any sharia worldwide OCI UMMA is terrorism e genocide

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  141 comments

Ukraine: Russia damaged Holocaust memorial



if, I also put myself in freemasonry, and I start sucking too: the banking seignorage, NWO Rockefeller Spa & Co. Rothschild?

then, I could get rich quick, too!

Indeed the world director of youtube (Synnek1) told me: "come with us (satanists), I'll pay you a coffee".

and the value of that coffee he wanted to give me? they were trillions of dollars.

But I cannot betray the needs of the kingdom of God to which I have consecrated myself, I cant betray the blood of the Christian martyrs (and of all innocent people) that I claim and represent, and who have fallen victims to the NWO-OCI in some way, becouse i am their king!

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



Why do you want to be killed by your Rockefeller Master of yours?

it is high treason and sedition.

because you know that the King of the Satanists is Rothschild and that the whole planet FED spa & Co is all theirs,

as the King of ISIS Boko Haram Fulani Talebani al-nursa is Erdogan-Salman

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



I am not a real dictator, because God JHWH holy is not a dictator either.

Satan-Allah has the slaves, but God has the co-workers.

God does not impose his love of him on everyone: but, instead, he gives everyone free will.

so I cannot impose the blessing, wealth and life of my Kingdom of Israel on all mankind,

because of the saudi Wahhabis who imposed the death and destruction of the nuclear world war, against all the people and against all peoples of this planet,

becouse Allah must dominate this planet like Erdogan who is his prophet, said it is right that Muslims must kill kafirs all over the world under the aegis jihad of UN-UMMA-Sharia: OCI international law.

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  16 comments

Biden foundation to protect children spends huge chunk on 6-figure salaries – report

Bro. Nick Nicholas


no never! i not "blasphemes" against JHWH holy, never and "JEHOVAH" or Allah not exist like name of God!

and this is fortunate for the religious idiots of the planet,

ie,is that I am only a rational agnostic!


no biblical warning has ever been demonstrated or quoted against me!

and it must be true that, io has constantly increasing numbers of very devout 'Disciples'

since in one vision I counted 70 billion of very devout 'Disciples' ..

but unfortunately here on earth I have only two devoted disciples and they are both Satanists: Bro Nicolas and Aristobulus, who are two very fond lizards

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


I have no problem sharing: the ideology, and the religious cult of every man on this planet, if it adheres to natural law and universal law, because my jurisdiction is universal, and anyone who adheres to natural and universal law from me he will always be approved regardless of whatever identity he wanted to choose to be.

So I do not condemn homosexuality at the individual level of people, I condemn: 1. Satanism / Freemasonry; 2. Darwin's theory and 3. Gender theory,

because they are scientifically false.

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


my metaphysics, is a rational agnostic logical scientific process,

therefore I do not need a religious basis to set up my cultural and political project of universal brotherhood and kingdom Israel.

it seemed right to me: having to become the most powerful politician in the history of mankind (so on earth, just as I am already in heaven: the universal butler of the kingdom of God), to publicly write my thoughts and feelings for all this 14 years.

but, my inner identity, is it religious? it is not the subject of my political project.

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


no, I'm not Russian thread, or anything thread,

I only fight the NWO of satan allah sodoma,

because I am the kingdom of Israel

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  39 comments

ISIS-inspired terrorists kill 2 Israelis, wound 6 in northern Israel


ISIS sharia? same Iran sharia, same Riad sharia [ ISIS-inspired terrorists kill 2 Israelis, wound 6 in northern Israel ] this is sharia genocide under egida ONU

1  1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel  33 comments

Are Former IDF Commandos Ukraine’s Secret Weapon in Russia War?



no, I will destroy the IMF Spa & Co. so I don't participate in the stock market

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



yes, talmud agenda (The Globalist Takeover is a global conspiracy theory based on globalist ideology) go on, go on ,go on.

now Rockefeller will kill 6 million Jews in Israel

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



the plutocrats Rothschild Spa & Co. they do not represent the Jewish people of God.

but his enemy

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



porcum P A R C? what do you want from me?

that I protect your bank securities to kill mankind?

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  79 comments

Republican lawmakers 'uneasy' with Israel's 'neutral' stance on Russia-Ukraine war


why no one thinks Hitler is Biden today?

because this is the truth! Biden struck a coup in Kiev! So Finland chooses to make the same mistakes as Ukraine?

that is, to force Putin to defend Russian national security once again!

Helsinki, March 26 "It is not news that Russia would not be happy if Finland joined NATO." Terhi Suominen states this, with a huge yellow-blue billboard behind him, with two white doves on either side that stands out in the center of Helsinki. She is the Secretary General of the Atlantic Council of Finland (ACF), an independent, non-partisan and non-profit organization dedicated to promoting discussion on Euro-Atlantic issues with a particular focus on foreign and security policy.

1  1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  16 comments

Biden foundation to protect children spends huge chunk on 6-figure salaries – report


there is always a double side of the coin,

since the Japanese mafia also buys ambulances and does charity.

like this

The Biden Foundation to Protect Children and its associate Obama takes children to the altar of satan

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


https://youtu.Be/kgOSrw9Q8rc Russian pornStars banned from OnlyFans amid invasion of Ukraine.

The stars may fare better if they embrace Zelensky's gender-fluid lgbtq strategy displayed in this video.

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Allah loves his slutsHaria, and he bangs them

Yemen, the UN condemns both the Houthi attacks and the response of the Riyadh coalition

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


War in Ukraine, the Governor sent by Rockefeller to rule the Goyims slaves without paternal genealogies: that is the Freemason Ignazio Visco: he said:

1. "The international economic structure is at risk"

2. "Consequences difficult to predict, but 100 million people will return to poverty".

therefore, they forced Putin into this Russia-Ukraine War, to ruin mankind and get world war:

to do the OCI Erdogan Wahhabis a favor

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  141 comments

Ukraine: Russia damaged Holocaust memorial

Bro. Nick Nicholas


JEHOVAH is a manipulation of the priests of the temple, to prevent the true name of God from falling into the hands of the infidels like you.

JEHOVAH is a fake and do not exist as God's name.

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


John, Chapter 3,16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


what the NWO Spa & Co. Has he left any saving grace in this world? which religion has not been desecrated, partly deactivated?

but, I will restore the saving function of both Judaism and Christianity, which Freemasonry has desecrated.

and not only: I represent a new juridical form for eternal life:

salvation by mercy in favor of all men of good will, which is a third way of salvation to which all other religions and all people, even atheists, will be able to adhere.

But to obtain this redemption it is necessary to build my third Jewish temple

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


if you take: 1 million comments: what have I written, in these 14 years?

then, you can make a penal and civil code of the Kingdom of Israel ..

I always speak under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

because, I am a rational agnostic, therefore everything arises from a logic (a hierarchy of political values) that is understandable and rationally verifiable by everyone, and this is metaphysics,

something that the intelligence of every person on this planet can understand, criticize and share.

So my word is not stopped by an ideological and religious barrier

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


all the royal and priestly authority of: Moses, Melchizedek and Abraham?

they are a small partial synthesis of the power of my Unius REI ministry!

Because God gave me an unlimited mandate, while they couldn't tell to do something they didn't hear from God they could say and do

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


I lorenzoJHWH Unius REI i did not come to condemn the world,

but I am here so that the world may be saved through me!

if, Muslims, Jews, Christians, etc .. or some other religion need the fullness of my priestly powers?

they will be able to use it in their favor.

But, my main mission is politics ..

since without Unius REI you are forced to face the world war

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


yes, 6 years ago there was a boy, who wanted to follow me, but then, we got lost!

where do you see them, all these devoted followers of mine?

Jesus of Bethlehem my God JHWH? he did a perfect work of spiritual redemption,

but he never started a political redemption / restoration work of the Kingdom of ISRAEL, and so he is now HIM doing this political work through me and within me!

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Grace Joy


yes, USA still has a little more time.

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



in the fight against me? the worldwide director of youtube Synnek1 (aka 187AudioHostem) went crazy, and was fired, the satanists in youtube died like flies, and Rockefeller was forced to give youtube and social networks to lgbtqs.

Then, the youtube layout was changed 4 times, (in the channels you can't talk anymore) and now youtube is a place where nobody can talk.

because, the lgbtqs have filled: even the whole internet of A.I. and filters and algorithms, with 15 red html-code points (to block search engines) and therefore, on the internet that the first amendment was destroyed ..

and obviously this is NOT a sign of victory, but it is a sign of defeat and weakness,

the NWO? he folded in front of me!

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Grace Joy


satanists have no hope of winning against me.

indeed, this is not the right place for a woman!

CIA churches of satan have already killed three woman friends to me.

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



even though I am the most powerful of all creatures, which God Almighty JHWH holy has created? I am always a useless servant!

for no servant comes forward in his name, but comes forward in the name of the master who sent him!

Just as you come forward in Satan's name,

so I come forward in the name of God,

and this is your failure in 14 years none of you have defeated me!

that's why your NWO is finished!

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  3 comments

Terror in northern Israel; 2 victims dead, 6 wounded


so for 70 years, almost every day, someone has to die in Israel, and someone has to die in Palestine.

so, this is a planning / agenda of the whole ARAB LEAGUE

in fact of the Iranian nuclear arsenal?

then, in addition to chatter? Saudi Arabia does not seem really worried: to be part of UMMA-Rockefeller Spa & Co with Syria. which marked the shoah fate for Israel.

and like the mosquitoes, the Palestinians, one at a time? in the mosque they cast lots, and whoever comes out in the loop, goes and gets killed!

but, the greater fault is of those who prevent me lorenzoJHWH from going down to Israel.

1  1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  16 comments

'Adopting the Palestinian narrative': MKs fume over Bennett's wording in talks with Blinken


we are not doing imperialism, we are only recovering our homeland from the devil Allah, who has taken it hostage! all the Islamists in our way? must be suppressed!

"It is incredible that former Yesha Council director and current Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is adopting the Palestinian narrative that he believes in the occupation.

"The prime minister's statement on Judea and Samaria demonstrates how dangerous the situation is for the Israeli settlement".

The freezing of the construction is just the tip of the iceberg. Bennett is dangerous for Israel. The government he leads must be overthrown ", amen

2  1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken ] [ when I have bombed Ukraine for eight years,

as you have done for 8 years in Donbass?

then, we will see if the Donbass belongs to Russia or not!

1  1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  12 comments

Biden makes Putin too toxic to finalize Iran deal – now what?


#worldisraelnews criminal satanist scrum [ the Holy Spirit rebukes you ] you assume that Putin will certainly use chemical weapons!


#worldisraelnews is the third time, that I reproach you, to put Putin in a bad light with your images!

Biden makes Putin too toxic to finalize the deal with Iran - now what?

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Putin is right to censor all Western media, here in Europe there is no freedom of speech, nor even pluralistic information.

Western fiction is maximalist and clamorously lying.

A post of solidarity with Russia is causing a real political storm on the Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Ceccano (Frosinone), Stefano Gizzi. He rises to the Democratic Party, who deems the sortie of the exponent of the Ceccanese municipal administration shameful and asks the mayor to remove him from office. In his speech on Facebook (later eliminated), with the "Z" symbol of Putin’s operation in Ukraine, Gizzi, now in Lega, wrote: "Solidarity with Russia, with the Ribbon of St. George victorious over the Dragon". Open up heaven. Dozens of comments on social media. And the Democratic Party immediately went on the attack with the leaders of the party in Ciociaria.

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


the international community must protect the Armenians from Erdogan's repeated genocide.

Russia accuses Azerbaijan of violating the ceasefire agreement with Armenia

in Nagorno-Karabakh, brokered in November 2020.

Baku has rejected Moscow's request, which urges Azerbaijani troops to withdraw

from areas under the control of the Russian peacekeepers.

According to the Kremlin, Azerbaijani forces carried out four raids in the area, using Turkish Bayraktar drones.

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


the international community must protect the Armenians from Erdogan's repeated genocide.

Russia accuses Azerbaijan: truce in Nagorno-Karabakh violated With an official note, the Russian Defense Ministry therefore pointed the finger at Azerbaijan for violating the provisions of the tripartite declaration of the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia and he called for the immediate withdrawal of the troops.

The Azerbaijani advance takes place in the middle of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Baku argues that Moscow has no right to call military moves illegal.

The border areas between Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan remain militarized in a "ceasefire" regime, which records numerous violations on both fronts.

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


(open letter) Antony John Blinken, aka Tony (open letter) after 14,000 deaths and 8 years of bombing the Donbass?

Isn't it Volodymyr Oleksandrovyč Zelenskyi who can say something about the Donbass, given that the coup in Kiev in 2014 completely de-legitimizes him along with his entire government?

him with the government of him? he's just a CIA infiltrator

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


(open letter) Antony John Blinken, aka Tony (open letter)

a month before election campaign for Donald TRUMP Maga Patriot ended?

my twetter channel was closed for no reason, and that's what they from Scotland twetter told me.

and only for this? the elections were illegal and must be repeated.

because twetter has boycotted not only me, but also all Trump supporters!

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Is Israel the biggest impediment for Rockefeller's NWO to be accomplished, and from this point of view? Iranians are Rockefeller's greatest allies, and the worst thing is that Iranians are unaware that they are the instrument of Satan, because Allah is a demon subordinate to him

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  8 comments

WATCH: Herzog welcomes Blinken, top Arab diplomats to Israel for landmark summit


WATCH: Herzog welcomes Blinken , Arab diplomats to Israel for landmark Iran summit watch-herzog-welcomes-blinken-top-arab-diplomats-to-israel-for-landmark-summit/

Iranians are only dangerous because,

they are on the other side of the line, and want to kill the Israelis?

So, the Sunnis who kill innocent Christians all over the world, is it all right for them?

all Muslims are dangerous because Islam and the Koran are a terrorist political action against all mankind!

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


https://disqus.Com/by/Aristobulus000/ Aristobulus the satanist

when i write? or just I think?

the hosts of my angelic armies act!

and Putin has understood that having weapons, these alone are not enough, if he does not first free his people from the ideological errors of the DEM Spa&Co. and the NWO lgbtq ideology

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


the infamous traitor Graziano Delrio, former leader of the group and Pd minister: "We need the United States of Europe"

first he must still let us vote on: membership:

to the euro and about the accession to the EU of the antichrist lgbtq regime

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Putin Vladimir [[ open letter ]] "arrest him for threatening state security"

Sergei Savostyanov: "Russia could conduct a full-scale offensive against Poland, the Baltic states, Moldova and Kazakhstan as part of a global special military operation on demilitarization and denazification"

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Russia, shock proposal by Duma Deputy Savostyanov CIA agent: "We are also invading Poland, Moldova, the Baltic States and Kazakhstan"


Putin must now free his people from the communists and their sodom satan who have infiltrated the structures of the state, and to do this he needs special powers.

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


the Jewish Masons and their DEM PD have destroyed the legality and credibility of the state because mafias and corruption grow in anarchy, while the people lose their constitutional rights, and Rothschild can continue to steal the bank seigniorage undisturbed .. that's why the desperate peoples hated the pluticratic Jews and called Nazi fascism, but then, the victims were above all the innocent Jews, because the rich Jews in the meantime had fled to the USA which is the throne of Satan, as today the EU is the throne of Antichrist!

French presidential elections, Marine Le Pen tugged in Guadeloupe.

Protesters, presented as nationalists, invaded the hotel where Le Pen was recording. For the delegation accompanying the candidate, it was instead "far left" demonstrators who "pushed rather violently".

Her press secretary reported that she received "a shot in the back" and that the protesters "tore the

microphone "from the hands of Marine Le Pen.

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  48 comments

Lebanese army probe: Who's painting the Star of David on main road?



for me it was an honor and this is my honor:

offer in sacrifice to God: my money, my life, and my work!

that's why, i didn't suffer when youtube destroyed me 100 channels,

sure, I would have suffered / I would have been sick, if something had been mine,

but nothing is mine, and my life is not mine, the property belongs only to my master who sent me!

and that's what God told me 14 years ago!

he said to me: "who thinks he can be the master of his life? Don't fear them!"

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  141 comments

Ukraine: Russia damaged Holocaust memorial



which of your satanists, has been able to defeat me in these 14 years?

I have humiliated all the CIA churches of Satan in the NWO, and this is my triumph!

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



I don't have to become Unius REI because men have to recognize it,

because, I am already the universal administrator of the kingdom of God

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



I am lorenzoJHWH what I am, in my eternal position at the throne of God: Unius REI

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



I will never thorn you down from a building,

simply because, even against his will, and in spite of him?

even Satan is forced to serve God and me: lorenzoJHWH Unius REI

that's why my jurisdiction is universal

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


your satan has been wearing diapers for 14 years because of me!

and the best is yet to come

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Jesus has already sacrificing your life for us.

my sacrifice? for now it is not needed!

Why is this so difficult to understand?

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

alpcns .

you prefer an applebolus? but he has no hope of eternal life! and a Rothschild life that comes to the end of the month, just to pay the bills?

this could never be a happy life!

1  3  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


just you! 30 years ago, before you met Satan? you were better than now!

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


why, do you think your Rothschild zombies kingdom could be the solution?

Can't you see that in these 60 years mankind has lost its humanistic values, and wickedness has increased?

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

alpcns .

i understand that you have to protect your salary

 3  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  48 comments

Lebanese army probe: Who's painting the Star of David on main road?



what i write? my heavenly angelic army reads it and applies it, because I am their leader, who came out to win and to win again. Revelation - Chapter 6.

The Lamb breaks the seven seals. [1] When the Lamb broke the first of the seven seals, I saw and heard the first of the four living beings crying as with a thunder voice: "Come". [2] And behold, a white horse appeared to me and he who rode it had a bow, he was given a crown (lorenzoJHWH Unius REI) and then he came out victorious to win, and to win again.


world war comes after me, so if you refuse me? world war will soon come

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



all the governments of this planet look at me, and they certainly don't look at you!

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



all that's mine

it's not mine, but it's my master's JHWH.

and I have nothing that is mine, that is, that he has not given me!

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



no metaphysical man can be segregated in a room, because his is a cosmic body.

and of all metaphysical men I am the apex

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



no, NWO not bullies me, i have bullied him.

and i bullied him again and again, and again i will bullied him, again after, forever.

I am your right medicine

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


satana sodoma allah nwo? all your friends

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Aristobulus you are a disappointment, because you are doing a bad bully job like Boris Johnson!

here in worldisraelnews, they did an article about a jerk, who put a condom on his head to scare the jews, and they still haven't done an article for me being their messiah for 14 years

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  8 comments

WATCH: Herzog welcomes Blinken, top Arab diplomats to Israel for landmark summit


the Chinese jet plunged from about 30,000 feet, almost straight up, down and killed 132 people on board.

and we don't know which laser beam was fired from which US satellite, which killed Chinese pilots on the spot to punish and intimidate China

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  2 comments

Watchdogs slam missionaries 'exploiting' Ukrainian Jewish refugees wherever they go


Watchdogs slam missionaries 'exploiting' Ukrainian Jewish refugees wherever they go


iI thought that we had conquered the laicity state: finally, but I realize that this is not the case in Israel!

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


i am King of Kings Unius REI

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  15 comments

Vienna talks: 'This isn't Obama's Iran deal. It's much, much worse' - analysis


Ukraine-Russia war, Di Maio: "From Biden decisive words"

Di Maio and the Democratic Party?

he is a criminal that the Italian people would have hunted if Matterella and the sodomitic neo-liberal technocracy of the antichrist Ursula had given the Italian people the opportunity to go and vote!

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Biden practically buried the Wahhabis and all the Arabs of the Persian Gulf

because of Biden, this has now become catastrophic.

Vienna speaks: "This is not Obama's Iran deal. It is much, much worse."

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



because of Biden, this has now become catastrophic.

Biden practically buried the Wahhabis and all the Arabs of the Persian Gulf

  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


because of Biden now 20 million Ukrainians will be forced to flee to Europe

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Biden and the speech against Putin "tyrant" that surprised everyone: what will happen now? The US diplomat: «he created a danger»



Biden's words now force Putin to take all of Ukraine.

Biden destroyed the remaining hope of the Ukrainian people

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Biden and the speech against Putin "tyrant" that surprised everyone: what will happen now? The US diplomat: "he created a danger"


him with Erdogan Obama and Bin Salman? they put 4 million Syrian and Iraqi Christians in ISIS mass graves.

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


lorenzo: Thank you for telling us about what you did regarding the action items discussed in ACT NOW! Tell US to Keep Iranian Guard on Terror Blacklist.

We can really make a difference together!

Please be sure to keep up the good fight and let's do all we can to help Israel.

Best regards,

United with Israel Staff


 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  24 comments

WATCH: The first American-style whiskey distillery in Israel

Joseph Farber


Putin is Patriot Hero, the best politician on the planet now today, after me, of course

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel  11 comments

Negev Drone and Robot Competition Imagines Future of Warfare



I am only a universal agnostic cultural project (of the natural & universal law) of universal brotherhood,

that it becomes an agnostic and rational political project of the kingdom of Israel, and what if, you don't want to experience this world war?

mine is the only way

 1  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel  33 comments

Are Former IDF Commandos Ukraine’s Secret Weapon in Russia War?

Ukraine was just the advancement of the NWO Spa & Co agenda. FED, which started 400 years ago, with the founding of the Rothschild central bank of England and its demon accomplice the criminal traitorous House of Windsor (House of Windsor) is the name of the royal house of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland since 1917, and the other Commonwealth realms

1  4  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Israel and Saudi Arabia? they are today on the dirty side satan sodom bad Allah, which is the wrong side of history Ja-Bull-On Baal Peor OWL at bohemian Grove and, his 200,000 human sacrifices each year on satan's altar

instead of accepting my political project of the kingdom of Israel, they have chosen to experience the world war

 5  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  10 comments

Jewish media defends US judge who minimizes antisemitism

Biden reassures Ukraine: “We will be with you until victory. Putin is a butcher "


the fact that he stole the election from TRUMP with the complicity of the Wahhabis?

this does not mean that he will also be able to steal the lives of the Chinese!

1  2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Big 666 Pharma Spa&&Co. Bill Gates killed three people in this family in just a few months!

Roberto Canepa, the father of 18-year-old Camilla in the Astrazeneca case, died: she was struck down by a thrombosis

https://raffaelepalermonews.Com/morto-roberto-canepa-il-padre-della-18enne-camilla-del-caso-astrazeneca-lei -was-struck-by-a-thrombosis /

Roberto Canepa, 53, fell ill while he was with friends on the steps of the Canevaro castle, in Zoagli, where the family had recently moved after the loss of his daughter . Grandfather had also passed away from the pain.

1  2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

"abra kadabra zulum babalum" Those ten criminal words off the cuff of Biden the Satanist that put the White House in crisis

"abra kadabra zulum babalum".

you guess it, and then, you win the world war prize of Rockefeller Spa&Co. FED IMF BM and his bin ISIS Erdogan Salman

1  2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

"abra kadabra zulum babalum" Blinken the magician told Lapid the fool, 'Iran will not equip itself with nuclear weapons'

"abra kadabra zulum babalum".

so why is it enriching uranium to 70%

1  2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Israel's greatest enemies are some of the diaspora Jews, who like to steal banking seigniorage, are dracula vampires.

The Jewish media defend the US judge who downplays anti-Semitism

 2  jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  83 comments

Biden slams Putin as a 'butcher' who 'cannot remain in power'

Grace Joy


same person, into club 40 troll CIA sub agency infestation


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