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33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
I am a 'Biblical CHRISTian' who has been a Zionist supporter of "Israel" since before the 1967 'Six-Day War'
- And I am personally very-very thankful unto "the LORD JEHOVAH" (Isaiah 26:3-4 ~AV~KJV) that there are always the "few in number" who do actually believe and heed the Biblical WARNINGS written in Ezekiel 33:1-6 [AV]~[KJV]
- So I am a 'Watchman on the Wall'
- Whatsoever each person chooses to do with the WARNINGS is entirely up to them .
- And this WARNING is about the increasing "blasphemies" of the "subtil" and the very pro-Russian Italian follower of Charismatic Roman Catholicism who now calls himself
--- 'jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri' ---
- And the --- '. . . . . . universal rational metaphysical agnostic' --- now also publickly declares about themselves that
- 'i am King Israele lorenzoJHWH, Governor worldwide universal UniusREI x universal brotherhood' -
- And they have proclaimed about themselves at one of their numerous publick 'On-Line' sites
e --- 'i am King Israele lorenzoJHWH, Governor worldwide universal UniusREI x universal brotherhood' ---
- And --- '. . . . . . everything that I have written in the past can never be lost! BECAUSE I AM METAPHYSICAL! LorenzoJHWH [Evolution is Religion] lorenzoALLAH -
YHWH Allah, ie: all: =: praise the Most High, the sublime: the sublime
YHWH Allah, ie: the: =: praise him in the firmament of his omnipotence
YHWH Allah ie: lu: =: Praise him with trumpet blasts
YHWH Allah ie: jah: =: Praise him with harps and lyres
JHWH ie Allah: all: =: praise the Most High: the sublime: the exalted
JHWH ie Allah: le: =: praise him in the firmament of his omnipotence
JHWH ie Allah: lu: =: praise him with trumpet blasts
JHWH ie Allah: jah: =: praise him with harps and harps . . . . . .' ---
How very-very thankful I am that "the only wise God" "knoweth" that there always are a few of us who are not surprised that the self-ordained 'jewish Messia . . . . . . '
- And the growing numbers of Biblical "false accusers" have constantly increasing numbers of 'followers'
- For "the words of truth" were written unto us some 3,000 years ago " in Psalm 119:165 [AV]~[KJV] :
Great peace have they which love thy law:
and nothing shall offend them.
~~~> Isaiah 26:3-4 [AV]~[KJV]
why save the planet?
Rockefeller Spa & Co Rothschild Enlightened already have underground cities ..
What if with a global thermo-nuclear purification, the whole planet can be freed from human goyims lice without paternal genealogy?
Hi, many people think the plastic problem is solved, just because straws and cutlery are no longer on sale, but, that's not the case!
Many products will continue to be on the market, such as detergent containers and food packaging, and multinationals aim to double their plastic production by 2035.
Let's really bring plastic pollution to zero, let's not stop making the voices of citizens who want to reduce waste be heard to save the sea!
Sign the Greenpeace petition.
BIN ISIS Salman IRAN OCI UMMA Replacement Theology and Genocide]
this is the TRUE sad Jewish story [then, 2000 years ago? all Israelis wanted to become Christians!
then, Kissinger, Bush, Morgan, Rockefeller & Rothschild & Anna & Caifa, that is the Kabbalah: they took all the men by the beard, and they had the scrolls delivered with the paternal genalogies, and those scrolls were burned on the altar of sacrifice in the Jewish temple, profiling it further.
then, they imposed on them the maternal genealogies, and the false star of David 666 swastika to be able to massacre them periodically ..
and then the Talmudic scientists plutocratic rabbis ruled 2000 years ago:
Jews without paternal genealogy? they're goyims b * st * rds!
they are only b * st * rds who pretend to be Jews, and they are in fact sons of biiitcheees: "in fact, the mother knows who she is, but who can say about the father?"
that's why we have always had pogroms and shoahs in these 2000 years.
Talmudic scientists said:
"that the goiym are human-shaped animals"
and now there is a dispute among the plutocratic rabbis:
that is, if the Wahhabi Muslims are, yes, of the humanoid form, but in their soul they are of the monkey genus, or of the donkey genus!
yes, democracy exists in the West, that is, if you think in agreement with Rockefeller and Mario Draghi]
Talmudic scientists said:
"that the goiym are human-shaped animals" and then they said:
"it is true that there is no such thing as a transitional fossil, but we have a virus that over time has learned to do something that it did not know how to do before".
then, the theory of evolution is a dogmatic religion, yes the same religion of satan to sodom's theory of gender.
but, we have to take all the university teachers and we have to fire them and leave them in their underwear!
Rothschild democracy Ursula lgbtq?
she destroyed me:
1. 100 youtube channels, with 400,000 videos of Christian martyrs.
2. 120 blogspots.
3. she kicked me 15 times from worldisraelnews.
4. she has expelled me from all social networks
yes, because democracy exists in the West, that is, if you think in agreement with Rockefeller and Mario Draghi
Ursula Rockefellow owl Bin Salman know your name and address: L*********************************, Italy. What a crappy house. They will embellish it.
I don't know why you want to vilify the identity of the people on this server,
which is a criminal offense! I hope that person, whom I don't know, wants to sue you!
why does your satan suffer so much, and foam between convulsions?
you give him a tranquilizer!
Why are you scared so much because some embellishments will come?
I created / imposed my DOMINION of the Kingdom of ISRAEL,
which is the only one outside the world masonic youtube government.
and I'm the only one who can say to start the world war or not to start it,
but of course I am looking for my third Jewish temple of universal brotherhood.
but, you started playing a dirty game against me,
and now, any secret service from any nation on this planet could harm you.
even Rockefeller himself could hurt you,
because I couldn't be here without your permission
your evil!! What makes you think I'm afraid? no it is not!
you are a criminal along with those who run this worldisraelnews server
and certainly you/their will not lack your/their punishments.
Why do you think that these dangly needed embellishments would deserve "punishments"?
187AudioHostem, coè, the 32nd demonic of the eye of lucifer-allah on the American dollar, the ebariaco-masonic pyramid:
he said to me: "renounce your identity"
and he said so, because he knew that I was hooked or unkind?
anyway, I would have destroyed your kingdom Rockefeller, ie, the NWO of the Wahhabis!
the MOSSAD, and your masters those of the 33rd demonic of the NWO?
they have always protected me in these 14 years and they will continue to do so, because I am the King of the Jews and Unius REI!
their only earthly and eternal hope!
Everyone knows you have a very tiny cazzino. So minuscule. And the chicks hate your boring diatribes, so you pour that senseless drivel into the interwebby, harrassing the Jews.
How those chicks laugh when they see you shuffling on the street.
idiot bully and rude! I have now passed the age of the penis, since you still talk like that head of caxxo you are!
Thanx for fully proving my point. Only the guys who inddeed have those teeny-tiny cazzininos use to screech like that as soon as some says the sad truth about their miscroscopic cazzininininios.
the King of Israel lorenzoJHWH is a perfect man,
and above all he is a real man!
Firstborn consecrated before being conceived, and baptized within 24 hours.
you are only, like all satan sodom: "a homunculus without punctuation"
Hahaha, helpless drivel again by a dottering guy with an extremely minuscule thingie, proving this point again and again :D
no! nothing is out of harmony in the body of the King of Israel lorenzoJHWH, his body is healthy and perfect.
I have decided to live up to 110 years to restore justice and goodness in every corner and in every dungeon of this planet!
Prior to becoming the queen of the seven universes, you should first restore your indeed extremely minuscule cazzinino because it rots and rots, constantly shrinking into negative size.
the shameless perverts sodomites like you? they make me shy! and, besides, I am a pluri-consecrated (multidimensional), and I cannot afford / grant to any woman!
I don't know how you could be so perverted,
and so attentive to shameful things!
if you don't like regulatory measures?
you can always turn to a donkey's broadsword!
in Europe there are two categories of protected citizens, the rich and the poor. Poor people who have any kind of protection in their crimes and wickedness!
but the small borghersia, artisans, VAT numbers (which is the hard core of Christianity) with 70% of the tax levy, burograzia and the judiciary blocked? they must experience what it means to suffer the pains of hell!
because the talmudic and plutocratic synagogue of satan has decided so!
but if you are a rich Freemason? then, of course all the judges will listen to you because they are in the sect in the evening with you!
all peoples of the world: they are suffering and paying for the infamous policies of the FED OCI UMMA Riyad lgbtq DEM Rockeffeller Spa & Co. and its armed wing, NATO.
let us pray for the victims and help the civilians!
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