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33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
Zelensky to address joint session of Congress, Biden weighs Europe trip
the crap of western disinformation: fake news!
Ukraine-Russia War,
1. Moscow (the world's granary, and the second largest arms dealer in the world) asks Beijing for missiles and meals for the soldiers.
Kiev media: "The kidnapped mayor was taken to the Donbass and accused of terrorism"
no he was accused of genocide of Russian speakers in the Donbass and must be shot!
lo schifo della disinformazione occidentale!
Guerra Ucraina-Russia,
1. Mosca (il granaio del mondo, e il secondo venditore di armi al mondo) chiede a Pechino missili e pasti per i soldati.
Media di Kiev: «Il sindaco rapito è stato portato nel Donbass e accusato di terrorismo»
no è stato accusato di genocidio dei russofoni nel Donbass e deve essere fucilato!
Zelensky to address joint session of Congress, Biden weighs Europe
Russia and China open letter ] [ deadly anti-tank and anti-aircraft shoulder missiles cancel the superiority of heavy tanks. therefore we need an army of drone-robots on land and in the air.
get ready for the worst, and start integrating your two economies, the US is not looking for reasonableness and truth, theirs are pretexts, because Rockefeller and Bin Salman from Riad need this world war!
The "coordination" of Russia and China has caused concern in the United States
Russia e Cina open letter ] [ i micidiali missili a spalla anti tank e anti aerei, annullano la superiorità dei carri armati pesanti. quindi occorre un esercito di droni-robot terrestri e aerei.
preparatevi al peggio, ed iniziate ad integrare le vostre due economie, gli USA non cercano ragionevolezza e verità, i loro sono pretesti, perché Rockefeller e Bin Salman from Riad hanno bisogno di questa guerra mondiale!
Il "coordinamento" di Russia e Cina ha causato preoccupazione negli Stati Uniti
if, today, a third of the world economy revolves, today around: Is the renminbi (人民币, rénmínbì; or yuan, 元 / 圆, yuán) the legal tender currency in the People's Republic of China?
today about dollar: false accounting, financial bubbles, junk bonds, etc .. today the same dollar would collapse!
but, I will donate monetary sovereignty to all Nations, and I will donate for free-gratis, my AURITO coin, which will replace all the coins on the all planet in international transactions
ma, io donerò la sovranità monetaria a tutte le Nazioni, ed io donerò gratuitamente, la mia moneta dell'aurito, che sostituirà tutte le monete del pianeta nelle transazioni internazionali
Ukraine leads brutal crackdown on dissent.
it is true in the US EU it is not possible to disagree with the Rockefeller-Binbelberg DEM regime: it is impossible to contest abortion, euthanasia, sodomy, evolutionism and banking seigniorage, and then, there is only one voice of the media that of the DEM-lgbt-Goldman Sach, the theought dominant !
"They came for me from the SBU." Such statements have been made en masse in Ukraine in recent days by people who until recently allowed themselves to publicly disagree with the Kiev regime's policy. Now some of them suddenly appear on the air in a very strange way and make very strange confessions. And some disappear entirely. What is happening?
the tragic story of ASSANGE proves it!
ASSANGE is a hero for democracy, but not so for the Rockefeller nazi regime FED IM ECB BM NWO!
these SatanAllahSodoma meet in Freemasonry and annul the constitution and autonomy of States!
la tragica storia di ASSANGE lo dimostra!
ASSANGE è un eroe per la democrazia, ma non è così per il regime dei Rockefeller FED IM ECB BM NWO!
questi SatanaAllahSodoma si incontrano nella massoneria ed annullano la costituzzione e la autonomia degli Stati!
5 minutes ago
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
10:41. Ukraine returns as ambassador to Tbilisi
Ukrainian ambassador Igor Dolgov, recalled from Kiev on 1 March
after Tbilisi's refusal to adhere to economic sanctions against Moscow,
has returned to Georgia, reports the correspondent of the VZGLYAD newspaper in Tbilisi.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
10:36. In Russia, the risk of a shortage of products was ruled out
In Russia, there is no risk of a shortage of products due to Western sanctions, Moscow is expanding supplies from friendly countries,
Deputy Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko said.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
10:33. The ruble continued to rise for the fourth consecutive day
The ruble is growing against the dollar for the fourth consecutive day,
the euro is stable against the backdrop of one-off transactions,
according to data from the Moscow Exchange.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
10:29. Azov militants fired on a car with people leaving Mariupol
Militants from the Ukrainian nationalist regiment "Azov"
fired at a car with children and adults who tried to leave Mariupol,
the injured local resident said.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
10:25. In the DPR, 300 miners cannot come to the surface due to the bombing
of the armed forces of Ukraine
Nearly 300 miners are unable to come to the surface due to the bombing
by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) of the Skochinsky mine in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), the Ministry of Coal and Energy of the DPR reported.
contro la censura occidentale nazista dei wahhabiti-Rockefeller!
10:21 Il magazzino ha preso fuoco sul territorio della preoccupazione "Kalashnikov" a Izhevsk
L'edificio del magazzino ha preso fuoco sul territorio della preoccupazione Kalashnikov a Izhevsk, ha detto un rappresentante dei servizi di emergenza.
contro la censura occidentale nazista dei wahhabiti-Rockefeller!
10:14 Le truppe russe presero il controllo dell'intera regione di Kherson
Le truppe russe durante un'operazione speciale hanno preso il controllo dell'intera regione di Kherson in Ucraina, ha detto il rappresentante ufficiale del Ministero della Difesa, il maggiore generale Igor Konashenkov.
contro la censura occidentale nazista dei wahhabiti-Rockefeller!
10:01 Basurin racconta le battaglie per Mariupol
L'operazione speciale sta andando secondo i piani, i militari della DPR continuano a spremere i nazionalisti da Mariupol, ha detto Eduard Basurin, un rappresentante della Milizia popolare della DPR.
contro la censura occidentale nazista dei wahhabiti-Rockefeller!
09:51 Il Ministero degli Esteri ha messo in guardia sul pericolo dei laboratori biologici in Ucraina per l'Europa
I laboratori biologici in Ucraina rappresentano un pericolo non solo per la Russia, ma per l'intera Europa, ha detto Alexei Polishchuk, direttore del Secondo Dipartimento dei paesi della CSI del Ministero degli Esteri russo.
contro la censura occidentale nazista dei wahhabiti-Rockefeller!
09:41 Bastrykin ha deciso di rispondere all'Ufficio del Procuratore Generale dell'Ucraina sulla persecuzione dei cittadini russi
Il capo del Comitato investigativo (IC) della Russia Alexander Bastrykin ha incaricato di aprire un procedimento penale a causa del procedimento penale in Ucraina del rappresentante ufficiale del Ministero degli Affari Esteri Maria Zakharova e dei generali Sergei Surovikin e Igor Kirillov.
contro la censura occidentale nazista dei wahhabiti-Rockefeller!
09:35 Il numero di sfollati verso la Russia dal Donbas e dall'Ucraina è cresciuto fino a 260 mila persone
Il numero di cittadini evacuati in Russia da DPR, LPR e Ucraina è aumentato di 11,6 mila al giorno e ha raggiunto quasi 260 mila persone, hanno riferito le forze dell'ordine.
contro la censura occidentale nazista dei wahhabiti-Rockefeller!
09:23 Gazprom non ha prenotato la capacità di Yamal-Europe per i nuovi giorni
Gazprom in un'asta aggiuntiva non ha registrato la capacità del gasdotto Yamal-Europe per l'intera giornata del gas del 15 marzo, come risulta dai dati della piattaforma GSA.
contro la censura occidentale nazista dei wahhabiti-Rockefeller!
09:19 Le Forze Armate dell'Ucraina sono state condannate per aver usato le tattiche dei nazisti
Se l'operazione speciale della Russia in Ucraina non fosse iniziata, ci sarebbero state molte più vittime, ha detto Alexei Yaroshenko, capo del Centro per il supporto degli esperti dei processi politici. Ha sottolineato che le forze armate dell'Ucraina hanno iniziato ad adottare le tattiche dei battaglioni nazionali.
contro la censura occidentale nazista dei wahhabiti-Rockefeller!
09:15 Le truppe ucraine hanno condotto un massiccio bombardamento del distretto Petrovskij di Donetsk
Le truppe ucraine stanno conducendo un massiccio bombardamento del distretto Petrovsky di Donetsk, ha detto il sindaco Alexei Kulemzin martedì mattina.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
10:21 The warehouse caught fire on the territory of the concern "Kalashnikov" in Izhevsk
The warehouse building caught fire on the territory of the Kalashnikov concern in Izhevsk, a representative of the emergency services said.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
10:14 Russian troops took control of the entire Kherson region
Russian troops during a special operation took control of the entire Kherson region of Ukraine, said the official representative of the Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
10:01 Basurin recounts the battles for Mariupol
The special operation is going according to plan, the DPR military continues to squeeze the nationalists out of Mariupol, said Eduard Basurin, a representative of the DPR People's Militia.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
09:51 The Foreign Ministry warned about the danger of biological laboratories in Ukraine for Europe
Biological laboratories in Ukraine pose a danger not only to Russia, but to the whole of Europe, said Alexei Polishchuk, director of the Second Department of CIS countries of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
09:41 Bastrykin decided to answer to the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine on the persecution of Russian citizens
The head of the Investigative Committee (IC) of Russia Alexander Bastrykin instructed to open a criminal case because of the criminal case in Ukraine of the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova and generals Sergei Surovikin and Igor Kirillov.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
09:35 The number of displaced people to Russia from Donbas and Ukraine has grown to 260,000 people
The number of citizens evacuated to Russia by DPR, LPR and Ukraine increased by 11.6 thousand per day and reached nearly 260 thousand people, law enforcement officials said.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
09:23 Gazprom has not booked the capacity of Yamal-Europe for the new days
Gazprom in an additional auction did not record the capacity of the Yamal-Europe pipeline for the entire gas day of March 15, as shown by data from the GSA platform.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
09:19 The Armed Forces of Ukraine have been condemned for using Nazi tactics
If Russia's special operation in Ukraine hadn't started, there would have been many more casualties, said Alexei Yaroshenko, head of the Center for Support of Political Trials Experts. He stressed that the armed forces of Ukraine have begun to adopt the tactics of the national battalions.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
09:15 Ukrainian troops conducted a massive bombing of the Petrovsky district of Donetsk
Ukrainian troops are conducting a massive bombing of Donetsk's Petrovsky district, Mayor Alexei Kulemzin said Tuesday morning.
Zelensky to address joint session of Congress, Biden weighs Europe trip
CINA RUSSIA ] io impedirò che la guerra mondiale possa realizzarsi al confine occidentale!
voi preparatevi a scendere in ARABIA SAUDITA!
CHINA RUSSIA] open letter [ I will prevent the world war from happening at the western border! you get ready to go down to SAUDI ARABIA!
once the head of the devil Allah is crushed? then, even the devil Sodom Satan will die!
CINA RUSSIA ] io impedirò che la guerra mondiale possa realizzarsi al confine occidentale!
voi preparatevi a scendere in ARABIA SAUDITA!
una volta schiacciata la testa al demonio Allah? poi, anche il demonio Sodoma Satana morirà!
Bro. Nick Nicholas
For more than ELEVEN (11) hours after this article about the 'Cyber-Warfare Attack' by an Iranian { ancient "Persia" } website against "Israel" was posted
- The only previous comment was made by the '' --- who is an Italian man ---
As a 'Biblical CHRISTian' who is a 'Watchman on the Wall' I am sounding the Biblical WARNINGS that are written in the Book of Ezekiel 33:1-6 [AV]~[KJV]
- And this WARNING is about the very pro-Russian Italian man who is a follower of Charismatic Roman Catholicism
- Who also claims that he is the --- 'jewish Messia . . . . . .' ---
- And the --- '. . . . . . universal rational metaphysical agnostic' ---
- And they do also publickly state --- 'i am King Israele lorenzoJHWH, Governor worldwide universal UniusREI x universal brotherhood' ---
- And --- '. . . . . . everything that I have written in the past can never be lost! BECAUSE I AM METAPHYSICAL! LorenzoJHWH [Evolution is Religion] lorenzoALLAH -
YHWH Allah, ie: all: =: praise the Most High, the sublime: the sublime
YHWH Allah, ie: the: =: praise him in the firmament of his omnipotence
YHWH Allah ie: lu: =: Praise him with trumpet blasts
YHWH Allah ie: jah: =: Praise him with harps and lyres
JHWH ie Allah: all: =: praise the Most High: the sublime: the exalted
JHWH ie Allah: le: =: praise him in the firmament of his omnipotence
JHWH ie Allah: lu: =: praise him with trumpet blasts
JHWH ie Allah: jah: =: praise him with harps and harps . . . . . .' ---
- Each person must choose what they are going to do about this Biblical WARNING .
Bro. Nick Nicholas
everything that I have written in the past can never be lost! BECAUSE I AM METAPHYSICAL!
yes, I wrote: on average from 300 to 200 comments a day for 7 days a week, and for 14 years, so I wrote about 10 million comments!
and every word that I wrote: it is law, both here on earth and also in the kingdom of God JHWH,
because I am the only man (Unius REI) to have received a "jurisdiction" from God: universal and eternal. and with full powers: I am the only Governor-Procurator of the Kingdom of God without mandate limits!
it is because God trusts me so much, that I can also abrogate the Word of God, which the Jews wrote (and I will in rare cases, because those who assembled the Tanakh ( תנך, TNK, Tenàkh), were Satanists in the occult)!
Bro. Nick Nicholas
'Jewish Messiah and universal rational metaphysical agnostic'?
this is the political part of my ministry.
Because there cannot be a universal religious political ministry, of course Muslims want to achieve it, but first they must continue to carry out the shar'a genocides that they have always done in 1400 years, because the anti-Christian Kabbalah of the Talmudic Rockefellers and the Synagogues allowed them, so that Christians and Israelis could be exterminated !!
Bro. Nick Nicholas
i am pro-Russian Italian man? oh no!
then, in your opinion, I should be stupid like Putin that he is also a communist, and incoherent Christian?
I am only a monarchist!
Bro. Nick Nicholas
i am only a follower of Charismatic Roman Catholicism? oh no! i am (born again) only a follower of Charismatic Christian Orthodox movement worldwide evangelical-biblical fundamentalist: pro-Israel and the messianic Jews! but this is a personal fact not a project of my universal political ministry!
I see that your Satan is struggling to find the right path!
MELUZZI SENZA FRENI AVVERTE IN DIRETTA "QUESTA È UNA GUERRA TERRIFICANTE PER DOMINARCI!" la tecnica delle sinagoghe di satana e sodoma, gli orchi mostri all'attacco del genere umano!
Bro. Nick Nicholas
everything that I have written in the past can never be lost! BECAUSE I AM METAPHYSICAL!
yes, I wrote: on average from 300 to 200 comments a day for 7 days a week, and for 14 years, so I wrote about 10 million comments!
and every word that I wrote: it is law, both here on earth and also in the kingdom of God JHWH,
because I am the only man (Unius REI) to have received a "jurisdiction" from God: universal and eternal. and with full powers: I am the only Governor-Procurator of the Kingdom of God without mandate limits!
it is because God trusts me so much, that I can also abrogate the Word of God, which the Jews wrote (and I will in rare cases, because those who assembled the Tanakh ( תנך, TNK, Tenàkh), were Satanists in the occult)!
everything that I have written in the past can never be lost! BECAUSE I AM METAPHYSICAL!
si, io ho scritto: mediamente dai 300 ai 200 commenti al giorno per 7 giorni alla settimana, e per 14 anni, quindi io ho scritto circa 10 milioni di commenti!
ed ogni parola che io ho scritto: è legge, sia quì sulla terra che anche nel regno di Dio JHWH,
perché io sono l'unico uomo (Unius REI) ad avere ricevuto da Dio, una "giusdizione": universale ed eterna. e con i pieni poteri: io sono l'unico Governatore-Procuratore del Regno di Dio senza limiti di mandato!
è perché Dio si fida così tanto di me, che io posso anche abrogare la Parola di Dio, che gli ebrei hanno scritto (e lo farò in rari casi, perché quelli che hanno assemblato la Tanà, erano satanisti in occulto)!
Bro. Nick Nicholas
'Jewish Messiah and universal rational metaphysical agnostic'?
this is the political part of my ministry.
Because there cannot be a universal religious political ministry, of course Muslims want to achieve it, but first they must continue to carry out the shar'a genocides that they have always done in 1400 years, because the anti-Christian Kabbalah of the Talmudic Rockefellers and the Synagogues allowed them, so that Christians and Israelis could be exterminated !!
'jewish Messia and universal rational metaphysical agnostic'?
questa è la parte politica del mio ministero.
Perché non può esistere un ministero politico religioso universale, certo i musulmani lo vogliono realizzare, ma prima devono continuare a are i genocidi shar'a che hanno sempre fatto in 1400anni, perché la Kabbalah anticristica dei Rockefeller talmudici e delle Sinagoghe lo hanno permesso loro, affinché cristiani e israeliani potessero essere sterminati!!
Israeli gov’t websites back online after crashing in cyberattack
certainly, for the NATO of sodomitic Jewish-Freemason antichrists: only Muslims have the right to carry out the coup, the genocide, the Arab springs of ISIS, and to secede in Kosovo.
"After the conflict in the Balkans, the East has never stabilized"
Israeli gov’t websites back online after crashing in cyberattack
those criminals of Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, Borrell, the German Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, Olaf Scholz, who are led by the priests of Satan that I know well!
they told Poland:
"enough to send us trains full of Ukrainians, we want more Muslims!"
quei criminali della Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, Borrell, il ministro della Sanità tedesco, Jens Spahn, Olaf Scholz, che sono guidati dai sacerdoti di Satana che io conosco bene!
loro hanno detto alla Polonia: "basta a mandarci treni pieni di ucraini, vogliamo più islamici!"
YHWH Allah, ie all = praise the Most High, the sublime: the sublime.
- Each person must choose what they are going to do about this Biblical WARNING.
I cannot condemn a person for being born a Muslim, also because many Muslim saints live in the world today, and they are more numerous than the saints, of any other religion!
io non posso condannare, una persona per il fatto di essere nato musulmano, anche perché molti santi musulmani, oggi vivono nel mondo, e loro sono più numerosi dei santi, di ogni altra religione!
Nixon’s grandson rewrites Israel’s history
the masons satan CIA OTAN antisionismo sodom of today?
they are not the representatives
of the then: US President Richard M. Nixon and Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir.
because ogres have taken their place, and have taken possession of the Jewish-Christian symbols!
also: ISLAM today remaning in his worst place/form.
but is it really a "Putin tax", or is it the tax of aggressive NATO imperialism (and nuclear tactical eumissiles), coup Kiev, and extermination of Russian speakers?
This exposes the impotence and wickedness of the Biden regime and its sodom satan: against their own peoples.
Russia has imposed a "Putin tax" on the United States.
At least, that's what US President Joseph Biden is trying to convince his fellow citizens.
In this demagogic way, he is trying to justify himself for the huge increase
in the price of gasoline and other fuels. However, it can already be said that Biden's propaganda has failed.
ma è veramente una "tassa Putin", oppure è la tassa dell'Imperialismo aggressivo della NATO (ed eumissili tattici nucelari), golpe Kiev, e sterminio dei russofoni?
Questo espone l'impotenza e la malvagità del regime di Biden e dei suoi satana sodoma: contro i loro stessi popoli.
La Russia ha imposto una "tassa Putin" agli Stati Uniti. Almeno, questo è ciò che il presidente degli Stati Uniti Joseph Biden sta cercando di convincere i suoi concittadini. In questo modo demagogico, sta cercando di giustificarsi per il grandioso aumento del prezzo della benzina e di altri combustibili. Tuttavia, si può già affermare che la propaganda di Biden è fallita.
where is the bark of sodomitic and satanist Freemasons of the antichrist Rockeeller Spa & Co BM FMI? where their worm does not die, is where their hellfire feeds more and more!
Against the backdrop of the Russian Armed Forces Special Operation in Ukraine, Tokyo's ambitions have increased dramatically. Now the Japanese want not only Russia's most severe punishment, but also the construction of a "new world order" (aka: supernatural and technocological demonic slavery against all peoples, a kind of victims of monarch programming
monarch mind control today
signs of mk ultra programming against all mankind) through reforms, and de facto through the abolition of the United Nations Security Council, where Moscow has the right of veto. Only here, but a new world order is impossible without a new world war: welcome to hell!
dove è il latrato dei massoni sodomitici e satanisti dell'anticristo Rockeeller Spa&Co BM FMI? la dove il loro verme non muore, è la dove il loro fuoco dell'inferno si alimenta sempre di più!
Sullo sfondo dell'operazione speciale delle forze armate russe in Ucraina, le ambizioni di Tokyo sono aumentate drammaticamente. Ora i giapponesi vogliono non solo la punizione più severa della Russia, ma anche la costruzione di un "nuovo ordine mondiale" (alias: schiavitù demoniaca soprannaturale e tecnocologica contro tutti i popoli, una specie di programma victims of monarch programming
monarch mind control today
signs of mk ultra programming contro tutto il genere umano) attraverso le riforme, e di fatto attraverso l'abolizione del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, dove Mosca ha il diritto di veto. Solo qui, ma un nuovo ordine mondiale è impossibile senza una nuova guerra mondiale: benvenuti allinferno!
Berlin will hit German industry, while Italy will drive 1 million people to suicide!
so only to spite Russia.
First of all, the Germans plan to abandon Russian coal.
The German government has announced plans to abandon Russian coal by the end of autumn, oil by the end of the year and gas in the unclear future.
Experts believe that we can talk about the deindustrialisation of Germany.
Berlino colpirà l'industria tedesca, mentre l'Italia spingerà al suicidio 1 milione di persone!
così solo per fare dispetto alla Russia.
Prima di tutto, i tedeschi progettano di abbandonare il carbone russo.
Il governo tedesco ha annunciato l'intenzione di abbandonare il carbone russo entro la fine dell'autunno, il petrolio entro la fine dell'anno e il gas in un futuro non chiaro.
Gli esperti ritengono che possiamo parlare della deindustrializzazione della Germania.
Nixon’s grandson rewrites Israel’s history
Putin knew 14 years ago: World War was coming, because I told him!
Hence, Putin saved the resilience of the Russian economy, therefore, all strategic assets in Russia, both military and civilian, are intact!
us: 1. Unius REI, 2. China 3. Russia? we are ready to win this world war: against the anti-Zionists: sodom satan and the Jewish-Freemason antichrist by Ursula UE the technocracy.
you will all be executed as:
1. traitors to your country,
2. traitors to your constitution,
3. perjury of the Gospel,
4. and accomplices of the scam bank seigniorage!
I swear: you will all be executed!
Putin sapeva 14 anni fa: che sarebbe giunta la guerra mondiale, perché glielo ho detto io!
Quindi, Putin ha salvato la resilienza della economia russa, quindi, tutte le attività strategiche in Russia, sia militari che civili sono integre!
noi: 1. Unius REI, 2. Cina 3. Russia? noi siamo pronti a vincere questa querra mondiale: contro gli antisionisti: sodoma satana e l'anticristo ebreo-massone di Ursula UE la tecnocrazia.
voi sarete eseguiti tutti come:
1. traditori della vostra patria,
2. traditori della vostra costituzione,
3. spergiuri del Vangelo,
4. e complici del signoraggio bancario truffa!
io lo giuro: voi sarete eseguiti tutti!
Nixon’s grandson rewrites Israel’s history
Iran has been declaring for 40 years that it wants to exterminate the Israelis, and in these 40 years: it has acted consistently in this direction of Shari'a, for obtain Shoah genocide, and now, it is fortifying its military positions in Syria (which I obtained to IRAN, against ISIS and Erdogan) but, IRAN pursues the goal of the entire ARAB LEAGUE UMMA, and their principals, the Neturei Karta: Spa & Co. 666 Rockefeller who swore to get rid of Israel,
why suck the blood of banking seigniorage from all peoples in the Banks?
it is more convenient.
So there are NO legitimate concerns of Iran other than receiving a legitimate bombing as soon as possible!
BEIJING, 15 MAR - On the nuclear dossier of Iran, the spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Zhao Lijian, expressed his hope for an increase in "diplomatic efforts for a consensus on the outstanding issues in the short term. As initiators of the Iranian nuclear crisis, the US should make a political decision as soon as possible and respond to Iran's legitimate concerns ".
Iran dichiara da 40 anni di voler sterminare gli israeliani, ed in questi 40 anni: ha agito coerente in questa direzione di genocidio shri'a shoah, ed ora, sta fortifiando le sue posizioni militari in Siria (che io gli ho ottenuto contro ISIS e Erdogan) ma IRAN persegue l'obiettivo di tutta la LEGA ARABA UMMA, e dei loro mandanti i Neturei Karta: Spa&Co. 666 Rockefeller che hanno giurato di liberarsi di Israele,
perché succhiare il sangue del signoraggio bancario da tutti i popoli nelle Banche? è più conveniente.
Quindi NON esistono legittime preoccupazioni dell'Iran, se non quello di ricevere un legittimo bombardamento quanto prima!
PECHINO, 15 MAR - Sul dossier nucleare dell'Iran, il portavoce del ministero degli Esteri cinese, Zhao Lijian ha auspicato l'aumento degli "sforzi diplomatici per un consenso sulle questioni in sospeso in tempi brevi. In quanto iniziatori della crisi nucleare iraniana, gli Usa dovrebbero prendere una decisione politica quanto prima e rispondere alle legittime preoccupazioni dell'Iran".
I can't take for myself the Ukraine, without razing all the bigger cities to the ground, that's why,
I asked that demon of Ursula not to reject the Ukrainian civilians, which is exactly what she is doing!
non posso prendere per me: la Ucraina, senza radere al suolo tutte le città più grandi, ecco perché, io ho chiesto a quel demonio di Ursula di non respingere i civili ucraiani, che è proprio quello che sta facendo!
Nixon’s grandson rewrites Israel’s history
3 minutes ago
I can't take for myself the Ukraine, without razing all the bigger cities to the ground, that's why,
I asked that demon of Ursula not to reject the Ukrainian civilians, which is exactly what she is doing!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Iran has been declaring for 40 years that it wants to exterminate the Israelis, and in these 40 years: it has acted consistently in this direction of Shari'a, for obtain Shoah genocide, and now, it is fortifying its military positions in Syria (which I obtained to IRAN, against ISIS and Erdogan) but, IRAN pursues the goal of the entire ARAB LEAGUE UMMA, and their principals, the Neturei Karta: Spa & Co. 666 Rockefeller who swore to get rid of Israel,
why suck the blood of banking seigniorage from all peoples in the Banks?
it is more convenient.
So there are NO legitimate concerns of Iran other than receiving a legitimate bombing as soon as possible!
BEIJING, 15 MAR - On the nuclear dossier of Iran, the spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Zhao Lijian, expressed his hope for an increase in "diplomatic efforts for a consensus on the outstanding issues in the short term. As initiators of the Iranian nuclear crisis, the US should make a political decision as soon as possible and respond to Iran's legitimate concerns ".
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Putin knew 14 years ago: World War was coming, because I told him!
Hence, Putin saved the resilience of the Russian economy, therefore, all strategic assets in Russia, both military and civilian, are intact!
us: 1. Unius REI, 2. China 3. Russia? we are ready to win this world war: against the anti-Zionists: sodom satan and the Jewish-Freemason antichrist by Ursula UE the technocracy.
you will all be executed as:
1. traitors to your country,
2. traitors to your constitution,
3. perjury of the Gospel,
4. and accomplices of the scam bank seigniorage!
I swear: you will all be executed!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Berlin will hit German industry, while Italy will drive 1 million people to suicide!
so only to spite Russia.
First of all, the Germans plan to abandon Russian coal.
The German government has announced plans to abandon Russian coal by the end of autumn, oil by the end of the year and gas in the unclear future.
Experts believe that we can talk about the deindustrialisation of Germany.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
where is the bark of sodomitic and satanist Freemasons of the antichrist Rockeeller Spa & Co BM FMI? where their worm does not die, is where their hellfire feeds more and more!
Against the backdrop of the Russian Armed Forces Special Operation in Ukraine, Tokyo's ambitions have increased dramatically. Now the Japanese want not only Russia's most severe punishment, but also the construction of a "new world order" (aka: supernatural and technocological demonic slavery against all peoples, a kind of victims of monarch programming
monarch mind control today
signs of mk ultra programming against all mankind) through reforms, and de facto through the abolition of the United Nations Security Council, where Moscow has the right of veto. Only here, but a new world order is impossible without a new world war: welcome to hell!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
but is it really a "Putin tax", or is it the tax of aggressive NATO imperialism (and nuclear tactical eumissiles), coup Kiev, and extermination of Russian speakers?
This exposes the impotence and wickedness of the Biden regime and its sodom satan: against their own peoples.
Russia has imposed a "Putin tax" on the United States.
At least, that's what US President Joseph Biden is trying to convince his fellow citizens.
In this demagogic way, he is trying to justify himself for the huge increase
in the price of gasoline and other fuels. However, it can already be said that Biden's propaganda has failed.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
also: ISLAM today remaning in his worst place/form.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
the masons satan CIA OTAN antisionismo sodom of today?
they are not the representatives
of the then: US President Richard M. Nixon and Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir.
because ogres have taken their place, and have taken possession of the Jewish-Christian symbols!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments
Israeli gov’t websites back online after crashing in cyberattack
Bro. Nick Nicholas
YHWH Allah, ie all = praise the Most High, the sublime: the sublime.
- Each person must choose what they are going to do about this Biblical WARNING.
I cannot condemn a person for being born a Muslim, also because many Muslim saints live in the world today, and they are more numerous than the saints, of any other religion!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
those criminals of Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, Borrell, the German Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, Olaf Scholz, who are led by the priests of Satan that I know well!
they told Poland: "enough to send us trains full of Ukrainians, we want more Muslims!"
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
certainly, for the NATO of sodomitic Jewish-Freemason antichrists: only Muslims have the right to carry out the coup, the genocide, the Arab springs of ISIS, and to secede in Kosovo.
"After the conflict in the Balkans, the East has never stabilized"
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Bro. Nick Nicholas
everything that I have written in the past can never be lost! BECAUSE I AM METAPHYSICAL!
yes, I wrote: on average from 300 to 200 comments a day for 7 days a week, and for 14 years, so I wrote about 10 million comments!
and every word that I wrote: it is law, both here on earth and also in the kingdom of God JHWH,
because I am the only man (Unius REI) to have received a "jurisdiction" from God: universal and eternal. and with full powers: I am the only Governor-Procurator of the Kingdom of God without mandate limits!
it is because God trusts me so much, that I can also abrogate the Word of God, which the Jews wrote (and I will in rare cases, because those who assembled the Tanakh ( תנך, TNK, Tenàkh), were Satanists in the occult)!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Bro. Nick Nicholas
'Jewish Messiah and universal rational metaphysical agnostic'?
this is the political part of my ministry.
Because there cannot be a universal religious political ministry, of course Muslims want to achieve it, but first they must continue to carry out the shar'a genocides that they have always done in 1400 years, because the anti-Christian Kabbalah of the Talmudic Rockefellers and the Synagogues allowed them, so that Christians and Israelis could be exterminated !!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Bro. Nick Nicholas
i am pro-Russian Italian man? oh no!
then, in your opinion, I should be stupid like Putin that he is also a communist, and incoherent Christian?
I am only a monarchist!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Bro. Nick Nicholas
i am only a follower of Charismatic Roman Catholicism? oh no! i am (born again) only a follower of Charismatic Christian Orthodox movement worldwide evangelical-biblical fundamentalist: pro-Israel and the messianic Jews! but this is a personal fact not a project of my universal political ministry!
I see that your Satan is struggling to find the right path!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
MELUZZI SENZA FRENI AVVERTE IN DIRETTA "QUESTA È UNA GUERRA TERRIFICANTE PER DOMINARCI!" la tecnica delle sinagoghe di satana e sodoma, gli orchi mostri all'attacco del genere umano!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments
Zelensky to address joint session of Congress, Biden weighs Europe trip
CHINA RUSSIA] open letter [ I will prevent the world war from happening at the western border! you get ready to go down to SAUDI ARABIA!
once the head of the devil Allah is crushed? then, even the devil Sodom Satan will die!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
CINA RUSSIA ] io impedirò che la guerra mondiale possa realizzarsi al confine occidentale!
voi preparatevi a scendere in ARABIA SAUDITA!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
10:21 The warehouse caught fire on the territory of the concern "Kalashnikov" in Izhevsk
The warehouse building caught fire on the territory of the Kalashnikov concern in Izhevsk, a representative of the emergency services said.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
10:14 Russian troops took control of the entire Kherson region
Russian troops during a special operation took control
of the entire Kherson region of Ukraine, said the official representative of the Ministry of Defense,
Major General Igor Konashenkov.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
10:01 Basurin recounts the battles for Mariupol
The special operation is going according to plan,
the DPR military continues to squeeze the nationalists out of Mariupol, said Eduard Basurin,
a representative of the DPR People's Militia.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
09:51 The Foreign Ministry warned about the danger of biological laboratories in Ukraine for Europe
Biological laboratories in Ukraine pose a danger not only to Russia,
but to the whole of Europe, said Alexei Polishchuk, director of the Second Department of CIS countries of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
09:41 Bastrykin decided to answer to the Prosecutor General's Office
of Ukraine on the persecution of Russian citizens
The head of the Investigative Committee (IC) of Russia Alexander Bastrykin instructed to open a criminal case because of the criminal case in Ukraine
of the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova and generals Sergei Surovikin and Igor Kirillov.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
09:35 The number of displaced people to Russia from Donbas
and Ukraine has grown to 260,000 people
The number of citizens evacuated to Russia by DPR, LPR
and Ukraine increased by 11.6 thousand per day and reached nearly 260 thousand people, law enforcement officials said.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
09:23 Gazprom has not booked the capacity of Yamal-Europe
for the new days
Gazprom in an additional auction did not record the capacity
of the Yamal-Europe pipeline for the entire gas day of March 15,
as shown by data from the GSA platform.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
09:19 The Armed Forces of Ukraine have been condemned
for using Nazi tactics
If Russia's special operation in Ukraine hadn't started, there would have been many more casualties, said Alexei Yaroshenko, head of the Center for Support
of Political Trials Experts. He stressed that the armed forces of Ukraine have begun to adopt the tactics of the national battalions.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
09:15 Ukrainian troops conducted a massive bombing
of the Petrovsky district of Donetsk
Ukrainian troops are conducting a massive bombing
of Donetsk's Petrovsky district, Mayor Alexei Kulemzin said Tuesday morning.
We have received your request for review
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
10:41. Ukraine returns as ambassador to Tbilisi
Ukrainian ambassador Igor Dolgov, recalled from Kiev on 1 March
after Tbilisi's refusal to adhere to economic sanctions against Moscow,
has returned to Georgia, reports the correspondent of the VZGLYAD newspaper in Tbilisi.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
10:36. In Russia, the risk of a shortage of products was ruled out
In Russia, there is no risk of a shortage of products due to Western sanctions, Moscow is expanding supplies from friendly countries,
Deputy Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko said.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
10:33. The ruble continued to rise for the fourth consecutive day
The ruble is growing against the dollar for the fourth consecutive day,
the euro is stable against the backdrop of one-off transactions,
according to data from the Moscow Exchange.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
10:29. Azov militants fired on a car with people leaving Mariupol
Militants from the Ukrainian nationalist regiment "Azov"
fired at a car with children and adults who tried to leave Mariupol,
the injured local resident said.
against the Western Nazi censorship of the Wahhabi-Rockefellers!
10:25. In the DPR, 300 miners cannot come to the surface due to the bombing
of the armed forces of Ukraine
Nearly 300 miners are unable to come to the surface due to the bombing
by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) of the Skochinsky mine in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), the Ministry of Coal and Energy of the DPR reported.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
the tragic story of ASSANGE proves it!
ASSANGE is a hero for democracy, but not so for the Rockefeller nazi regime FED IMF ECB BM NWO!
these SatanAllahSodoma meet in Freemasonry and annul the constitution and autonomy of States!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Ukraine leads brutal crackdown on dissent.
it is true in the US EU it is not possible to disagree with the Rockefeller-Binbelberg DEM regime: it is impossible to contest abortion, euthanasia, sodomy, evolutionism and banking seigniorage, and then, there is only one voice of the media that of the DEM-lgbt-Goldman Sach, the theought dominant !
"They came for me from the SBU." Such statements have been made en masse in Ukraine in recent days by people who until recently allowed themselves to publicly disagree with the Kiev regime's policy. Now some of them suddenly appear on the air in a very strange way and make very strange confessions. And some disappear entirely. What is happening?
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
but, I will donate monetary sovereignty to all Nations, and I will donate for free-gratis, my AURITO coin, which will replace all the coins on the all planet in international transactions
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
if, today, a third of the world economy revolves, today around: Is the renminbi (人民币, rénmínbì; or yuan, 元 / 圆, yuán) the legal tender currency in the People's Republic of China?
today about dollar: false accounting, financial bubbles, junk bonds, etc .. today the same dollar would collapse!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Russia and China open letter] [deadly anti-tank and anti-aircraft shoulder missiles cancel the superiority of heavy tanks. therefore we need an army of drone-robots on land and in the air.
get ready for the worst, and start integrating your two economies, the US is not looking for reasonableness and truth, theirs are pretexts, because Rockefeller and Bin Salman from Riad need this world war!
The "coordination" of Russia and China has caused concern in the United States
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
the crap of western disinformation: fake news!
Ukraine-Russia War,
1. Moscow (the world's granary, and the second largest arms dealer in the world) asks Beijing for missiles and meals for the soldiers.
Kiev media: "The kidnapped mayor was taken to the Donbass and accused of terrorism"
no he was accused of genocide of Russian speakers in the Donbass and must be shot!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments
WATCH: Civilian supplies running out as Russian attacks intensify, says Chabad rabbi
the shameless perverts sodomites like you? they make me disgust disgust disgust! and, besides, I am a pluri-consecrated (multidimensional), and I cannot afford / grant to any woman!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
I don't know how you could be so perverted,
and so attentive to shameful things!
if you don't like regulatory measures?
you can always turn to a donkey's broadsword!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
no! nothing is out of harmony in the body of the King of Israel lorenzoJHWH, his body is healthy and perfect.
I have decided to live up to 110 years to restore justice and goodness in every corner and in every dungeon of this planet!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
the King of Israel lorenzoJHWH is a perfect man,
and above all he is a real man!
Firstborn consecrated before being conceived, and baptized within 24 hours.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
you are only, like all satan sodom: "a homunculus without punctuation"
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
idiot bully and rude! I have now passed the age of the penis, since you still talk like that head of caxxo you are!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
WATCH: Israeli describes fleeing Russian bombing of Kharkiv
Ukraine was invaded because it wanted to join NATO, etc. and c .. etc ..
then, the Satanists of Estonia and Finland said: "we too want to be invaded by Russia! Fuuucccck our people!"
Now we have the proof, that the democratic process of election of our leaders has been ousted by the Jewish-Masonic and private financial technocracy Spa & co. and neoliberal!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
shalom salaam
Finland, record-breaking survey for NATO membership.
Russia said: "NATO must move away from my borders, I have a right to my National security, so everyone will also have their national security"
Then the attitude of Satan Sodom: Rothschild's Freemasons in Estonia and Finland, is only a threat of destruction of mankind
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
The Parliament of Estonia calls for a no-fly-zone for Ukraine and supports its entry into NATO.
for such criminal choices that involve the life and death of citizens?
we must go to the referendum!
but, even the referendum itself, what value would it have if all media networks are tools of the Rothschild regime?
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments
Zelensky to address joint session of Congress, Biden weighs Europe trip
the director of the Central Bank Spa & Co. Rothschild & Rockefeller? his name is Governor,
because it is he who governs the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev, and all the buffoni called ministers, presidents and senators.
Democracy without monetary sovereignty?
it is a crime of Satanism!
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Use: manhunt in NY and Washington for homeless killers.
So, go to the house of Rockefeller Spa & Co. it is he who creates and kills the homeless
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
but what do you say are only the sodom satans: the highly developed Darwin monkeys: the supermen of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, who raised their elbows as usual, and who then, too, died mad
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
"China ready to give military assistance to Russia in Ukraine"
they said in Hollywood OTAN from Bohemina Grove club the Allah-Owl-Ja-Bull-On
ie scam banking seigniorage
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
NATO is an aggressive threat:
Nulan paid the coup in Kiev,
and too many innocent people have died
1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
Undercover police sting leads to arrest of 42 weapons dealers
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
EU member states. approve new sanctions package against Russia.
yes, they have decided not to ship feminine sanitary pads anymore
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Bin IRAN ISIS Salman Hamas] or do you learn to live civilly? or I will throw you off this planet! The vast majority of police activity is carried out in the Arab sector and about 90% of the suspects arrested for shootings and gun offenses were Israeli Arabs.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
I never thought that the looting, by NATO CIA UK EU, could go so far!
Sick Putin? For the immunologist Mauro Minelli "the 'steroid rage' is not an invention as it is part of the long-term effects of cortisone therapies and can manifest itself with progressive aggressive behaviors up to leading to hostility, violence towards oneself and towards others.
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments
Netanyahu: 'Absurd' to continue nuclear talks after Iranian missile attack
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
it is because there are intelligent people
like you, who are filling up with problems
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
Between Land Day in the Negev and Ramadan in Jerusalem: Efforts to prevent security deterioration
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
"Earth Day"?
may the earth be light to shar'a their
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments
WATCH: Prominent Israeli politician lobbies in US to stop Iran deal
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
who is not stopping the Iranian nuclear military arsenal?
he is preparing billions of corpses, and he is thinking of the destruction of the state of Israel!
but, it is better to amputate something immediately, than the whole body to lose its life, due to septicemia!
of course I am also to kill the State of Israel, but this is because I am the Kingdom of Israel
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments
Shabbat conflict ends Israeli Paralympic bid early
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Vaspi said he is looking forward, "with God's help, to compete for Israel again in 2026".
ok Ad maiora
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 2 comments
Charitable organization brings child cancer survivors to Israel and they ‘just love it’
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
we are all welcome in Israel
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments
1st direct commercial flight from Morocco lands in Israel, brings beautiful music
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
youtube muslims? they took offense at me because I was always listening to Israeli music. and I would never want to hurt anyone, but Israeli music? it is the same music of God!
jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri
Discussion on World Israel News 2 comments
Obama tests positive for COVID-19, says he’s ‘feeling fine’
Obama is the friend of Epstein, a killer and dangerous Satanist in the Bush pirate sect, the "skull and bones" club 322, and I have come to redeem the scum like him!
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