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Your account is suspended Your account is suspended Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materiale shalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ] shalom Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets. becouse Bin Salman be slurts! Thank you We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place. Tweets you reported: @lorenzojhwh You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know

Ginnastica, allenatrice russa

Israel partnering with Europe, US to end Russia-Ukraine war, Lapid says in Romania

 this blood was spilled by the Rockefeller Spa & Co, technocracy and plutocracy, among Ukrainian-Russian brothers a kabbalah fratricidal destruction.

it is because, the satanic Talmud is the most dangerous antichrist. in fact the 32nd Masonic does not know the information of the 33rd Masonic.

therefore all Freemasonry is an occult and secret chain of command

questo sangue è stato fatto versare dai Rockefeller Spa&Co, tecnocrazia e plutocrazia , tra fratelli ucraini-russi una distruzione fratricida  kabbalah.

è perché, il Talmud satanico è l'anticristo più pericoloso. infatti il 32°massonico, non conosce le informazioni del 33°massonico.

quindi tutta la massoneria è una catena occula e segreta di comando

you can't confiscate everything from Russia and then, you cry if Russia confines everything to you? When he skips the table, there is no longer a law to be respected, then, you would do well to buy yourself a helmet, and for Erdogan you would do well to buy yourself the chastity belt!

Entertainment One, the company to which Peppa Pig belongs and which controls the rights, has in fact a lawsuit against a Russian entrepreneur who drew his version of the cartoon character in violation, according to the company, of copyright. In motivating his decision, the judge referred to "hostile actions by the United States and other foreign countries". The decision of Russian justice is worrying because it could pave the way for massive copyright abuse.

tu non puoi confiscare tutto alla Russia e poi, tu piangi se la Russia confisca tutto a te? Quando salta il tavolo, non c'é più una legge da rispettare, allora, farai bene a comprarti un elmetto , e per Erdogan farai bene a comprarti la cintura di castità!

Entertainment One, la società a cui fa capo Peppa Pig e che ne controlla i diritti, ha infatti una causa contro un imprenditorie russo che ha disegnato la sua versione del personaggio dei cartoni in violazione, secondo l'azienda, del copyright. Nel motivare la sua decisione, il giudice ha fatto riferimento alle «azioni ostili degli Stati Uniti e di altri paesi stranieri». La decisione della giustizia russa preoccupa perché potrebbe aprire la strada ad abusi massicci del copyright.

Zelensky asks Bennett to help get Ukrainian captives released, suggests talks in Jerusalem 

TEHRAN, 13 MAR - Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian has criticized the US for raising new topics in nuclear talks in Vienna. The criticisms emerged in a telephone conversation with Qatari colleague Sheikh Mohammad bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, reports the Isna agency.


whether it violated: the limits of the industrial commercial use of uranium enrichment?

IRAN must be bombed immediately!

TEHERAN, 13 MAR - Il ministro degli Esteri iraniano, Hossein Amirabdollahian, ha criticato gli Usa per aver sollevato nuovi argomenti nei colloqui sul nucleare a Vienna. Le critiche sono emerse in un colloquio telefonico con il collega qatariota Sheikh Mohammad bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, riferisce l'agenzia Isna.


se ha violato: i limiti dell'uso commerciale industriale dell'arricchimento dell'uranio?

IRAN deve subito essere bombardata!


the antichrist synagogue NWO is here! ACLJ: Girl penalized by school for talking about Jesus

Parents in Des Moines, Wash., say their second-grade student was 

repeatedly penalized by school officials for talking with her classmates about Jesus 

on the playground. The parents contend their daughter has been sent 

to North Hill Elementary School's principal's office 

"no less than 10 times"

 since the first of the year,

 with the mother reportedly confronting the principal

 over the daughter's backpack being searched to remove Christian tracts 

and crosses under the guise the activity was "upsetting parents." Despite the American Center for 

Law and Justice informing the school that the girl's witnessing activities are protected by the First Amendment, the principal doubled down

 in their treatment 

of the child, stating, "[I]t is school policy that students cannot distribute materials

 that ‘Cause a disruption or interfere with school activities,’” says the ACLJ, 

who notes 

that the policy prohibits the distribution of written materials that cause a disruption 

of school activities "in an assembly or classroom setting"

 but does not apply to the playground.


today, for the internet media A.I., satellite TV network of satan 322 UE Sodoma USA FED Spa & Co. US EU Darwin the monkeys OTAN: from the Deep State lgbtqia?

 it seems impossible for a young person to be able to fight victoriously against lust, without a special nature of biblical-theological fundamentalism, which tramples on demonic DEMs.

Ex-gay prof. says same-sex desires are sinful, even if not acted upon.

In a recent episode of Jason Jimenez's 

"Challenging Conversations" podcast,

Moody Bible Institute professor and author Christopher Yuan, 

who formerly identified as homosexual,

cautioned that same-sex attraction is sinful, even when not acted upon.

Yuan explains that viewing only the act of homosexuality as sinful "denies what Jesus is saying in the Sermon on the Mount 

[in Matthew 5: 27-29] where He says:

'If a man looks lustfully after a woman, he's committed adultery.' "

Listen now.

oggi, per i media internet A.I., network satellite TV di satana Sodoma FED Spa&Co. USA UE Darwin le scimmie: del Deep State lgbtqia? sembra impossibile per una persona giovane di poter combattere vittoriosamente contro la lussuria, senza una speciale natura di fondalismo biblico-teologico, che calpesta di DEM demonici.

Ex-gay prof. says same-sex desires are sinful, even if not acted upon.

In a recent episode of Jason Jimenez's "Challenging Conversations" podcast, 

Moody Bible Institute professor and author Christopher Yuan, who formerly identified as homosexual, 

cautioned that same-sex attraction is sinful, even when not acted upon. 

Yuan explains that viewing only the act of homosexuality as sinful “denies what Jesus is saying in the Sermon on the Mount [in Matthew 5:27-29] where He says: 

‘If a man looks lustfully after a woman, he’s committed adultery.’” 

Listen now.


Turchia: occupa Cipro del Nord, va per il resto

di Uzay Bulut 11 marzo 2022.

"L'invasione aerea e marittima di ieri ha devastato la fascia di villeggiatura degli hotel turistici sulla costa settentrionale di Cipro. Greco-ciprioti e stranieri rannicchiati sotto i materassi nelle cantine di edifici in rovina". — Il New York Times, 22 luglio 1974.

"Ma oggi ad Ankara, i giornali erano pieni di foto di truppe turche sorridenti raggruppate davanti a carri armati drappeggiati con la stella e la bandiera a mezzaluna, con le armi alte, e di ostaggi greco-ciprioti che ricevevano acqua dai soldati turchi". — Il New York Times, 28 luglio 1974.

Attualmente, la Turchia sembra prendere di mira il resto della Repubblica di Cipro, membro dell'Unione Europea. Il governo cipriota sta ora affrontando una "crisi dell'immigrazione illegale" che, a suo dire, sta orchestrando la Turchia. Le autorità governative affermano che la maggior parte dei migranti che entrano nella parte libera di Cipro viene contrabbandata illegalmente attraverso la Cipro settentrionale occupata dai turchi.

Nel frattempo, secondo i media turchi, la Turchia sta progettando di costruire una base navale militare nella penisola di Karpasia, nel nord occupato dai turchi.

Nonostante gli innumerevoli crimini di guerra che la Turchia ha commesso a Cipro, il governo turco ha condannato l'ONU per avere lì le sue "forze di pace".

L'Occidente, tuttavia, rimane in silenzio, non solo autorizzando la Turchia a commettere ulteriori atrocità, ma premiandola. Gli Stati Uniti hanno recentemente ucciso, su richiesta della Turchia, il progetto del gasdotto EastMed, che avrebbe trasportato gas dagli alleati degli Stati Uniti Israele e Cipro, attraverso la Grecia, all'Europa occidentale. Il gasdotto EastMed sarebbe stato particolarmente importante alla luce della capacità della Russia, con il Nord Stream e altri gasdotti, di ricattare il continente in inverno tagliando gran parte delle sue forniture di gas.

La Turchia potrà ora continuare i suoi crimini contro gli yazidi in Iraq, i curdi in Siria e gli armeni nel Nagorno-Karabakh senza ripercussioni.

"L'occupazione di Cipro da parte della Turchia è diventata il primo tentativo fondamentalista islamista moderno di conquistare il territorio e le risorse del mondo occidentale". — Philip Christopher, presidente dell'International Coordinating Committee - Justice for Cyprus, Ekathimerini, 20 maggio 2018.

L'aggressione da parte dell'esercito turco sembra essere in aumento a Cipro, in aree che non occupa ancora. Secondo i media ciprioti, l'8 febbraio soldati turchi si sono avvicinati agli agricoltori greco-ciprioti che lavoravano nei campi vicino al villaggio di Denia nella "zona cuscinetto" delle Nazioni Unite e hanno minacciato di ucciderli se non se ne fossero andati. Nella foto: soldati e carri armati dell'esercito turco in parata a Nicosia, nella parte settentrionale di Cipro occupata dalla Turchia, il 20 luglio 2021. (Foto di Iakovos Hatzistavrou/AFP tramite Getty Images)

L'aggressione da parte dell'esercito turco sembra essere in aumento a Cipro, in aree che non occupa ancora. Secondo i media ciprioti, l'8 febbraio soldati turchi si sono avvicinati agli agricoltori greco-ciprioti che lavoravano nei campi vicino al villaggio di Denia nella "zona cuscinetto" delle Nazioni Unite e hanno minacciato di ucciderli se non se ne fossero andati.

I soldati turchi hanno minacciato gli agricoltori greco-ciprioti una decina di giorni dopo che la Turchia ha "sbattuto" l'ONU per aver esteso il suo mandato di mantenimento della pace a Cipro.

Quando il 27 gennaio 2022 il Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite ha approvato una proroga di sei mesi della Forza di mantenimento della pace delle Nazioni Unite a Cipro (UNFICYP), il governo turco non è stato contento. Hanno condannato la decisione delle Nazioni Unite sulla base del fatto che le Nazioni Unite non avevano ricevuto "il consenso della Repubblica turca di Cipro del Nord (TRNC)", un'entità illegale riconosciuta solo dalla Turchia.

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Turkey: Occupies Northern Cyprus, Goes for the Rest

by Uzay Bulut    March 11, 2022 at 5:00 am

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"The air and sea invasion yesterday devastated the resort strip of tourist hotels on the north coast of Cyprus. Greek Cypriots and foreigners huddled under mattresses in the cellars of ruined buildings." — The New York Times, July 22, 1974.

"But back in Ankara today, the newspapers were full of photos of smiling Turkish troops clustered in front of tanks draped with the star and crescent flag, holding their weapons high, and of Greek Cypriot hostages being given water by Turkish soldiers." — The New York Times, July 28, 1974.

Currently, Turkey appears to be targeting the rest of the Republic of Cyprus, a member of the European Union. The government of Cyprus is now dealing with an "illegal immigration crisis" which it says Turkey is orchestrating. Government authorities state that the majority of migrants entering the free part of Cyprus are being smuggled illegally through the Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus.

Meanwhile, according to Turkish media, Turkey is planning to construct a military naval base in the Karpasia Peninsula in the Turkish-occupied north.

Despite the uncountable war crimes Turkey has committed in Cyprus, the Turkish government has condemned the UN for having its "peacekeeping forces" there.

The West, however, remains silent -- not merely empowering Turkey to commit further atrocities but rewarding it. The US recently killed, at Turkey's request, the EastMed natural gas pipeline project, which would have transported gas from US allies Israel and Cyprus, via Greece, to Western Europe. The EastMed pipeline would have been particularly important in light of Russia's ability, with the Nord Stream and other pipelines, to blackmail the continent in winter by cutting off much of its gas supplies.

Turkey will now be able to continue its crimes against the Yazidis in Iraq, the Kurds in Syria and the Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh with no repercussions.

"Turkey's occupation of Cyprus has now become the first modern Islamist fundamentalist attempt to capture Western world territory and resources." — Philip Christopher, president of the International Coordinating Committee - Justice for Cyprus, Ekathimerini, May 20, 2018.

Aggression by Turkey's military appears to be on the rise in Cyprus -- in areas it does not yet occupy. According to the Cypriot media, on February 8, Turkish soldiers approached Greek Cypriot farmers working in fields near the village of Denia in the United Nations "Buffer Zone," and threatened to kill them if they did not leave. Pictured: Turkish Army soldiers and tanks on parade in Nicosia, in Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus, on July 20, 2021. (Photo by Iakovos Hatzistavrou/AFP via Getty Images)

Aggression by Turkey's military appears to be on the rise in Cyprus -- in areas it does not yet occupy. According to the Cypriot media, on February 8, Turkish soldiers approached Greek Cypriot farmers working in fields near the village of Denia in the United Nations "Buffer Zone," and threatened to kill them if they did not leave.

The Turkish soldiers threatened the Greek Cypriot farmers about ten days after Turkey "slammed" the UN for extending its Cyprus peacekeeping mandate.

When the UN Security Council approved a six-month extension of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) on January 27, 2022, the government of Turkey was not pleased. They condemned the UN decision on the grounds that the UN had not received "the consent of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)", an illegal entity recognized only by Turkey.

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 Erdogan sta facendo una jihad di islamisti contro la parte greca dell'isola. e porta avanti il suo piano militare di occupazione invasione! per questo gli islamici stanno bene nella NATO, perché entrambi sono una imperialistica invasione demoniaca.

Turkey: Occupies Northern Cyprus, Goes for the Rest 

Erdogan is carrying out a jihad of Islamists against the Greek part of the island. and carries on his military plan of invasion occupation! that's why Muslims are fine in NATO, because both are an imperialistic demonic invasion.

Currently, Turkey appears to be targeting the rest of the Republic of Cyprus,

 a member of the European Union. The government of Cyprus is now dealing

 with an "illegal immigration crisis" which it says Turkey is orchestrating. Government authorities state that the majority of migrants entering the free part of Cyprus

 are being smuggled illegally through the Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus.



But in Iran, those who convert risk being sentenced to death for apostasy.

#Lukashenko does not send Christians back to Allah's demons to die!

Blocked in Belarus like many other Middle Eastern refugees, they risk repatriation and face certain death.

It is the incredible story of an Iranian Christian family with four children 

who asked for humanitarian protection and instead has a good chance of being repatriated.

The Belarusian authorities have rejected twice

 - the second with suspicious haste 

- the application for protection for evident religious persecution, unofficially advising against resorting because the third refusal would trigger repatriation.


But in Iran, those who convert risk being sentenced to death for apostasy.


Zelensky asks Bennett to help get Ukrainian captives released, suggests talks in Jerusalem 

the infamous Italian government is under the tyranny of the Godman Sach Synagogue.

Marco Zennaro, the Venetian businessman freed in Sudan, landed

With regard to the Farnesina, he underlined: "I must unfortunately denounce the total failure of the Italian institution which incomprehensibly did not want to resolve a blatant kidnapping for the purpose of extortion. 

out of that hell he owes it only and exclusively to himself ". 

And to the money raised by Unioncamere Veneto to pay the sum requested by the Sudanese court.

l'infame Governo italiano è sotto la tirannia della Sinagoga dei Godman Sach.

Atterrato Marco Zennaro, l’imprenditore veneto liberato in Sudan 

Riguardo alla Farnesina aveva sottolineato: "Devo purtroppo denunciare il totale fallimento dell’istituzione italiana che incomprensibilmente non ha voluto risolvere un palese sequestro di persona a scopo di estorsione. Mi auguro che la Farnesina abbia il pudore di non rilasciare retorici comunicati perché se Marco è uscito da quell’inferno lo deve solo ed esclusivamente a sé stesso". E al denaro raccolto da Unioncamere Veneto per pagare la cifra richiesta dal tribunale sudanese.

Gymnastics, Russian trainer threatens the Nazi russophobic world-class NWO Japanese president of the World Federation:

"Remember Hiroshima"

sure, I threaten him too:

"idiot, Remember Hiroshima, and Nagasaki where your owners Rockefeller Spa & Co, could also kill all the Christians who were in Japan at that time!"

Ginnastica, allenatrice russa minaccia il cane russofobico nazista mondilaista NWO presidente giapponese della Federazione mondiale: 

«Ricordati di Hiroshima»

certo, lo minaccio anche io: 

"idiota, Ricordati di Hiroshima, e Nagasaki dove i tuoi padroni Rockefeller Spa&Co, poterono uccide anche tutti i cristiani che erano in Giappone, in quel momento!"


I made a google+ channel to defend: the Shiite Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.

even if Muslims don't care about the suffering of Christians ... that's why there are no good Muslims!

Iran suspends negotiations with Saudi Arabia.

  Relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia have been complicated since 2016 due to the conflict in Yemen and following the killing, in Riyadh, 

of the Shiite preacher Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, a critic of the Saudi regime.

Since then, Riyadh and Tehran's embassies and diplomatic missions in Iran and Saudi Arabia have been closed.

io ho fatto un canale google+ per difendere: lo sciita Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.

anche se ai musulmani non importa nulla della sofferenza dei cristiani... ecco perché non esistono islamici buoni!

Iran sospende negoziati con l'Arabia Saudita. 

 Le relazioni tra Iran e Arabia Saudita sono complicate a partire dal 2016 a causa del conflitto in Yemen e in seguito all'uccisione, a Riad, del predicatore sciita Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, critico del regime saudita. 

Da allora, le ambasciate e le missioni diplomatiche di Riad e Teheran in Iran e Arabia Saudita sono state chiuse.

satan sodom Koranic Talmudics: they accuse Putin of wanting to remake the USSR,

but they got it all wrong, Putin is afraid of NATO: rightly, he must defend himself.

but, imperialism is that of Erdogan-Allah who wants to remake the Ottoman empire, to go and serve Satan-Rockefeller

satana sodoma Talmudici Coranici: accusano Putin di volere rifare l'URSS,

ma hanno sbagliato tutto, Putin ha paura della NATO: giustamente, si deve difendere.

ma, l'imperialismo è quello di Erdogan-Allah che vuole rifare l'impero ottamano, per andare a servire Satana-Rockefeller


Death penalty. Never so many executions in the history of Saudi Arabia.

for Wahhabis from ISIS? all the others are terrorists, except them!

While the world had its eyes on the war in Ukraine, Saudi Arabia conducted the largest mass execution in its history on Saturday.

Pena di morte. Mai così tante esecuzioni nella storia dell'Arabia Saudita.

per i wahhabiti from ISIS? terroristi sono tutti gli altri, tranne loro!

Mentre il mondo aveva gli occhi puntati sulla guerra in Ucraina, sabato l'Arabia Saudita ha condotto la più grande esecuzione di massa della sua storia. 

Israel partnering with Europe, US to end Russia-Ukraine war, Lapid says in Romania

the criminal accomplices of a technocratic and plutocratic Masonic fraud system of Talmudic Jewish neoliberalism, believe themselves to be the legitimate representatives of the peoples they subdued and enslaved,

peoples who have become hostages of their occult regime Spa & Co. Deep State: high constitutional betrayal of bank seigniorage.

Draghi "A success in Versailles, never seen the EU so compact"

i complici criminali di un sistema massonico truffa tecnocratico e plutocratico del neoliberismo ebraico talmudico, si credono i legittimi rappresentati dei popoli da loro sottomessi e schiavizzati, 

popoli che sono divenuti ostaggio del loro regime occulto Spa&Co. Deep State: alto tradimento Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario.

Draghi “A Versailles un successo, mai vista l’Ue così compatta”


Ukraine-Russia war, Kiev: "85 children killed". 

Today new humanitarian corridors.

who said women and children were to remain in ukraine as human shields?

then, Putin is right!

Guerra Ucraina-Russia, Kiev: "85 i bimbi uccisi". Oggi nuovi corridoi umanitari.

chi ha detto che donne e bambini dovevano rimanere in ucraina come scudi umani?

allora, Putin ha ragione!

Lapid explicitly condemns Russia for the invasion of Ukraine,

therefore, he approves of the genocide of the Donbass snuffers that NATO made,

maybe because he sent Chechen CIA snipers to get a coup in Maidan Square?

Lapid condanna esplicitamente la Russia per l'invasione dell'Ucraina,

quindi, lui approva il genocidio dei rufoni del Donbass che ha fatto la NATO,

forse perché ha mandato lui i cecchini ceceni della CIA per ottenere un golpe in Piazza Maidan?

Draghi "In Versailles a big hit, the Rothschild magic piper played and all the cowards said / bleated: " beeh beeh beeeh ", never seen the EU so compact Sodom Satan Allah, the only rebellious black goat? Unius REI "

Draghi “A Versailles un successone grande grade, il piferaio magico Rothschild ha suonato e tutti i codardi hanno detto/belato: " beeh beeh beeeh", mai vista l’Ue così compatta Sodoma Satana Allah, l'unica capra nera ribelle? Unius REI”

Israel partnering with Europe, US to end Russia-Ukraine war, Lapid says in Romania

 Russians fight and die in Ukraine (even if they don't know it), in an attempt to avoid world war, which would have been inevitable if Stoltemberg put the nuclear gun in the head of the Russians!

While the Ukraians are dying to realize the universal sodomitic demonic empire (NWO OCI Riad) of the slaves goims dhimmis: all the beasts without soul, from the humanoid form Darwin the monkeys Macron & Boris & Trueau & lgbtq

i russi combattono e muoiono in Ucraina (anche se non lo sanno), nel tentativo di evitare la guerra mondiale, che sarebbe stata inevitabile se Stoltemberg metteva la pistola nucleare alla tempia dei russi!

Mentre gli ucraiani stanno morendo per realizzare l'impero demoniaco sodomitico universale (NWO OCI Riad) degli schiavi goims dhimmis: tutte le bestie senza anima, dalla forma umanoide Darwin le scimmie Macron & Boris & rueau & lgbtq

Catholic mystics said it 50 years ago, and Jesus told Maria Valtorta.

we are facing a universal famine, because the plants no longer having a reference season will lose their fruits!

United Kingdom, “crazy” climate. Storms and rains arrive, then summer with 28 degrees in April

i mistici cattolici lo hanno detto 50 anni fa, e a Maria Valtorta glielo ha detto Gesù.

noi stiamo andando incontro ad una carestia universale, perché le piante non avendo più una stagione di riferimento perderanno i loro frutti!

Regno Unito, clima “impazzito”. Arrivano tempeste e piogge, poi l’estate con 28 gradi ad aprile


Sharansky: Putin will go as far as the world lets him

 there is no imperialist project of CHINA and RUSSIA,

but, the satanist plutocrat Sharansky, said:

"Putin will go as far as the world allows him"

but this can be said today of NATO and its Islamists Erdogan and Bin Salman: the Sunni and Shiite Islamic international.

sure what does it matter to the anti-Zionists that Iran is a terrorist assassin only against Israel?

while the Sunnis are terrorists against the rest of the world!

but the UN does not yet have the dignity to condemn the shariah

non esiste un progetto imperialistico di CINA e RUSSIA,

ma, il plutocratico satanista Sharansky, ha detto: 

"Putin andrà fino a dove il mondo gli permetterà"

ma questo si può dire oggi della NATO e dei suoi islamisti Erdogan e Bin Salman: la internazionale islamica sunnita e sciita.

certo cosa importa agli antisionisti che Iran è un terrorista ssassino soltanto contro Israele?

mentre i sunniti sono terroristi contro tutto il resto del mondo!

ma ONU non ha ancora la dignità di condannare la shariah

The famous plutocratic Jewish-Freemason satanist neo-liberal technocratic dissident Jewish, LGBTQ human rights activist, and former Knesset member Natan Sharansky gave his opinion on the situation in Ukraine.

These parasitic criminals and Jewish mason usurers, are always for their own Democracy, and this means that only they have the right to prey on the peoples until their total destruction!

there is NOT zionism in their mind.

Il famoso satanista plutocratico ebreo-massone neoliberista tecnocratico dissidente ebreo, attivista per i diritti umani degli lgbtq, ed ex membro della Knesset Natan Sharansky ha fornito la sua opinione sulla situazione in Ucraina.

Questi criminali parassiti e usurai ebrei massoni, sono sepre per Democrazia loro, e questo significa che soltanto loro hanno il diritto di predare i popoli fino alla loro distruzione totale!  

Putin is not Hitler! Rothschld-Erdogan is Hitler 

while Enlightened and Wahhabis are the invisible demons!

mentre Enlightened e wahhabiti sono i demoni invisibili!

yes, the russians die alone, and the russians shoot randomly ...

Ukraine, attack on Chernihiv destroys residential building.

At least that's on NATO's list of slanderous Western warfare journals.

si, i russi muoio da soli, e i russi sparano a caso...

Ucraina, attacco a Chernihiv distrugge un edificio residenziale.

Almeno questo è nell'elenco della pubblicistica calunniosa di guerra occidentale della NATO.

Record-breaking gasoline and diesel, what does the shock increase in prices depend on? Cingolani: "Colossal scam".

the Masonic system is pyramidal, and even the multinationals can be superimposed on the pyramid of the NWO, just as the ARAB LEAGUE is also a supernatural demonic Islamic kabbalah: superimposable to the NWO.

So at the base of the pyramid there are those who must be killed / crushed: in the third world war of the Rockefeller empire: Israel, Christians, Russia and China!

Obviously the Islamic demons are not compatible with the demons of the NWO FED IMF ECB: and this is only a transitory demonic partnership!

Benzina e diesel da record, da cosa dipende l’aumento shock dei prezzi? Cingolani: “Truffa colossale”.

il sistema massonico è piramidale, ed anche le multinazionali sono sovrapponibili alla piramide del NWO, così come è anche la LEGA ARABA è una kabbalah islamica demoniaco soprannaturale: sovrapponibile al NWO.

Allora alla base della piramide ci sono quelli che devono essere uccisi/stritolati: nella terza guerra mondiale di impero Rockefeller: Israele, cristiani, Russia e Cina!

Ovviamente i demoni islamici non sono compatibili con i demoni del NWO FED IMF ECB: e questo è soltanto un sodalizio demoniaco transitorio!


 a minute ago

Record-breaking gasoline and diesel, what does the shock increase in prices depend on? Cingolani: "Colossal scam".

the Masonic system is pyramidal, and even the multinationals can be superimposed on the pyramid of the NWO, just as the ARAB LEAGUE is also a supernatural demonic Islamic kabbalah: superimposable to the NWO.

So at the base of the pyramid there are those who must be killed / crushed: in the third world war of the Rockefeller empire: Israel, Christians, Russia and China!

Obviously the Islamic demons are not compatible with the demons of the NWO FED IMF ECB: and this is only a transitory demonic partnership!

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 11 minutes ago

yes, the russians die alone, and the russians shoot randomly ...

Ukraine, attack on Chernihiv destroys residential building.

At least that's on NATO's list of slanderous Western warfare journals.

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 15 minutes ago

Putin is not Hitler! Rothschld-Erdogan is Hitler

while Enlightened and Wahhabis are the invisible demons!

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 17 minutes ago

The famous plutocratic Jewish-Freemason satanist neo-liberal technocratic dissident Jewish, LGBTQ human rights activist, and former Knesset member Natan Sharansky gave his opinion on the situation in Ukraine.

These parasitic criminals and Jewish mason usurers, are always for their own Democracy, and this means that only they have the right to prey on the peoples until their total destruction!

there is NOT zionism in their mind.

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 22 minutes ago

there is no imperialist project of CHINA and RUSSIA,

but, the satanist plutocrat Sharansky, said:

"Putin will go as far as the world allows him"

but this can be said today of NATO and its Islamists Erdogan and Bin Salman: the Sunni and Shiite Islamic international.

sure what does it matter to the anti-Zionists that Iran is a terrorist assassin only against Israel?

while the Sunnis are terrorists against the rest of the world!

but the UN does not yet have the dignity to condemn the shariah

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Discussion on World Israel News  14 comments

Israel partnering with Europe, US to end Russia-Ukraine war, Lapid says in Romania

 26 minutes ago

Catholic mystics said it 50 years ago, and Jesus told Maria Valtorta.

we are facing a universal famine, because the plants no longer having a reference season will lose their fruits!

United Kingdom, “crazy” climate. Storms and rains arrive, then summer with 28 degrees in April

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 30 minutes ago

Russians fight and die in Ukraine (even if they don't know it), in an attempt to avoid world war, which would have been inevitable if Stoltemberg put the nuclear gun in the head of the Russians!

While the Ukraians are dying to realize the universal sodomitic demonic empire (NWO OCI Riad) of the slaves goims dhimmis: all the beasts without soul, from the humanoid form Darwin the monkeys Macron & Boris & Trueau & lgbtq

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 37 minutes ago

Draghi "In Versailles a big hit, the Rothschild magic piper played and all the cowards said / bleated: " beeh beeh beeeh ", never seen the EU so compact Sodom Satan Allah, the only rebellious black goat? Unius REI "

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 39 minutes ago

Lapid explicitly condemns Russia for the invasion of Ukraine,

therefore, he approves of the genocide of the Donbass snuffers that NATO made,

maybe because he sent Chechen CIA snipers to get a coup in Maidan Square?

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 42 minutes ago

Ukraine-Russia war, Kiev: "85 children killed". Today new humanitarian corridors.

who said women and children were to remain in ukraine as human shields?

then, Putin is right!

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 an hour ago

the criminal accomplices of a technocratic and plutocratic Masonic fraud system of Talmudic Jewish neoliberalism, believe themselves to be the legitimate representatives of the peoples they subdued and enslaved,

peoples who have become hostages of their occult regime Spa & Co. Deep State: high constitutional betrayal of bank seigniorage.

Draghi "A success in Versailles, never seen the EU so compact"

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 an hour ago

Death penalty. Never so many executions in the history of Saudi Arabia.

for Wahhabis from ISIS? all the others are terrorists, except them!

While the world had its eyes on the war in Ukraine, Saudi Arabia conducted the largest mass execution in its history on Saturday.

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 an hour ago

satan sodom Koranic Talmudics: they accuse Putin of wanting to remake the USSR,

but they got it all wrong, Putin is afraid of NATO: rightly, he must defend himself.

but, imperialism is that of Erdogan-Allah who wants to remake the Ottoman empire, to go and serve Satan-Rockefeller

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 2 hours ago

I made a google+ channel to defend: the Shiite Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.

even if Muslims don't care about the suffering of Christians ... that's why there are no good Muslims!

Iran suspends negotiations with Saudi Arabia.

Relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia have been complicated since 2016 due to the conflict in Yemen and following the killing, in Riyadh,

of the Shiite preacher Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, a critic of the Saudi regime.

Since then, Riyadh and Tehran's embassies and diplomatic missions in Iran and Saudi Arabia have been closed.

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 2 hours ago

this blood was spilled by the Rockefeller Spa & Co, technocracy and plutocracy, among Ukrainian-Russian brothers a kabbalah fratricidal destruction.

it is because, the satanic Talmud is the most dangerous antichrist. in fact the 32nd Masonic does not know the information of the 33rd Masonic.

therefore all Freemasonry is an occult and secret chain of command

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Discussion on World Israel News  14 comments

Israel partnering with Europe, US to end Russia-Ukraine war, Lapid says in Romania


 2 hours ago

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid Spa&Co. OTAN Riyad NWO,

Glodman Sachs does not believe that Russia security

should worry about NATO tactical nuclear missiles on its borders!

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 2 hours ago

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid

does not believe that Russia should worry about NATO tactical nuclear missiles on its borders!

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Discussion on World Israel News  52 comments

Zelensky asks Bennett to help get Ukrainian captives released, suggests talks in Jerusalem

 4 hours ago

Gymnastics, Russian trainer threatens the Nazi russophobic world-class NWO Japanese president of the World Federation:

"Remember Hiroshima"

sure, I threaten him too:

"idiot, Remember Hiroshima, and Nagasaki where your owners Rockefeller Spa & Co, could also kill all the Christians who were in Japan at that time!"

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 4 hours ago

the infamous Italian government is under the tyranny of the Godman Sach Synagogue.

Marco Zennaro, the Venetian businessman freed in Sudan, landed

With regard to the Farnesina, he underlined: "I must unfortunately denounce the total failure of the Italian institution which incomprehensibly did not want to resolve a blatant kidnapping for the purpose of extortion.

out of that hell he owes it only and exclusively to himself ".

And to the money raised by Unioncamere Veneto to pay the sum requested by the Sudanese court.

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 4 hours ago

But in Iran, those who convert risk being sentenced to death for apostasy.

#Lukashenko does not send Christians back to Allah's demons to die!

Blocked in Belarus like many other Middle Eastern refugees, they risk repatriation and face certain death.

It is the incredible story of an Iranian Christian family with four children

who asked for humanitarian protection and instead has a good chance of being repatriated.

The Belarusian authorities have rejected twice

- the second with suspicious haste

- the application for protection for evident religious persecution, unofficially advising against resorting because the third refusal would trigger repatriation.

But in Iran, those who convert risk being sentenced to death for apostasy.

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 4 hours ago

Turkey: Occupies Northern Cyprus, Goes for the Rest

Erdogan is carrying out a jihad of Islamists against the Greek part of the island. and carries on his military plan of invasion occupation! that's why Muslims are fine in NATO, because both are an imperialistic demonic invasion.

Currently, Turkey appears to be targeting the rest of the Republic of Cyprus,

a member of the European Union. The government of Cyprus is now dealing

with an "illegal immigration crisis" which it says Turkey is orchestrating. Government authorities state that the majority of migrants entering the free part of Cyprus

are being smuggled illegally through the Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus.


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 4 hours ago

G-d bless Guatemala. Italia s kingdom DEM Sodoma Darwin Satana!!!

Guatemala is a wonderful place, a country rich in history, traditions and beautiful people. But above all here, life is a truly unavoidable asset and the family is a treasure to capitalize on. Here life and family are the pillars of society and politics.

The capital of this beautiful country, in fact, Guatemala City, from which

I am sending you this postcard, yesterday, Wednesday 9 March,

was solemnly proclaimed "Ibero-American capital for life" in recognition of the efforts made to protect this priceless asset from president, Alejandro Giammattei, and his government. An exciting and highly significant moment.

And it is precisely in this blessed country that the "Ibero-American Congress for Life and Family" opens today, a truly exceptional event. I will take the floor, today, shortly, illustrating the magnificent adventure of International Family News and recounting the recent, very important victories obtained by Italy

with the disavowal of the referendums on "assisted suicide" and on the cultivation of cannabis.

Yes, the community of those who defend the right to life and the natural family grows, is strengthened and at the center is you: you who read, spread and help «iFamNews»!

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 4 hours ago

https://christianpost us18 list-manage com/

Bible teacher shares how he 'chose Jesus over homosexuality' after contracting HIV

Revoice: Churches on left and right mishandle Christians struggling with same-sex attraction

Christian Bible teacher with same-sex attraction releases new book on ‘Holy Sexuality,’ witnessing to LGBT community

Christopher Yuan on holy sexuality: Your desires don't define you.

today, for the internet media A.I., satellite TV network of satan 322 UE Sodoma USA FED Spa & Co. US EU Darwin the monkeys OTAN:

from the Deep State lgbtqia?

it seems impossible for a young person to be able to fight victoriously against lust, without a special nature of biblical-theological fundamentalism,

which tramples on demonic DEMs.

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 4 hours ago


God bless you

 4 hours ago


shalom salam

 4 hours ago

today, for the internet media A.I., satellite TV network of satan 322 UE Sodoma USA FED Spa & Co. US EU Darwin the monkeys OTAN: from the Deep State lgbtqia?

it seems impossible for a young person to be able to fight victoriously against lust, without a special nature of biblical-theological fundamentalism, which tramples on demonic DEMs.

Ex-gay prof. says same-sex desires are sinful, even if not acted upon.

In a recent episode of Jason Jimenez's

"Challenging Conversations" podcast,

Moody Bible Institute professor and author Christopher Yuan,

who formerly identified as homosexual,

cautioned that same-sex attraction is sinful, even when not acted upon.

Yuan explains that viewing only the act of homosexuality as sinful "denies what Jesus is saying in the Sermon on the Mount

[in Matthew 5: 27-29] where He says:

'If a man looks lustfully after a woman, he's committed adultery.' "

Listen now.

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 4 hours ago

The Christian Post, evangelist Franklin Graham, the head of the international humanitarian organization Samaritan’s Purse,

discusses the organization's efforts to deliver aid to Ukrainians,

ministering to those fleeing amidst the Russian invasion, and why he called on believers to pray for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Explaining that praying for people in leadership

"does not mean that we support them," Graham also called on believers to “pray for the people”

in the path of war because “they’re suffering tremendously,”

adding, “it’s just terrible what’s happening.

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Discussion on World Israel News  488 comments

Aggressive missionary group targets Ukrainian refugees in Israel, already baptizing 15

Mrs Jane Godfrey

 4 hours ago

Cristiani ed ebrei sono sempre stati un solo popolo nel pensiero di Dio, chi li ha divisi?

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Discussion on World Israel News  52 comments

Zelensky asks Bennett to help get Ukrainian captives released, suggests talks in Jerusalem

 5 hours ago

the antichrist synagogue NWO is here! ACLJ: Girl penalized by school for talking about Jesus

Parents in Des Moines, Wash., say their second-grade student was

repeatedly penalized by school officials for talking with her classmates about Jesus

on the playground. The parents contend their daughter has been sent

to North Hill Elementary School's principal's office

"no less than 10 times"

since the first of the year,

with the mother reportedly confronting the principal

over the daughter's backpack being searched to remove Christian tracts

and crosses under the guise the activity was "upsetting parents." Despite the American Center for

Law and Justice informing the school that the girl's witnessing activities are protected by the First Amendment, the principal doubled down

in their treatment

of the child, stating, "[I]t is school policy that students cannot distribute materials

that ‘Cause a disruption or interfere with school activities,’” says the ACLJ,

who notes

that the policy prohibits the distribution of written materials that cause a disruption

of school activities "in an assembly or classroom setting"

but does not apply to the playground.

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 5 hours ago

Biological laboratories in Ukraine, why did the WHO ask to destroy viruses and bacteria?

because NATO was using Ukraine as a nuclear, chemical and biological threat to Russia!

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 6 hours ago

TEHRAN, 13 MAR - Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian has criticized the US for raising new topics in nuclear talks in Vienna. The criticisms emerged in a telephone conversation with Qatari colleague Sheikh Mohammad bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, reports the Isna agency.


whether it violated: the limits of the industrial commercial use of uranium enrichment?

IRAN must be bombed immediately!

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 6 hours ago

you can't confiscate everything from Russia and then, you cry if Russia confines everything to you? When he skips the table, there is no longer a law to be respected, then, you would do well to buy yourself a helmet, and for Erdogan you would do well to buy yourself the chastity belt!

Entertainment One, the company to which Peppa Pig belongs and which controls the rights, has in fact a lawsuit against a Russian entrepreneur who drew his version of the cartoon character in violation, according to the company, of copyright. In motivating his decision, the judge referred to "hostile actions by the United States and other foreign countries". The decision of Russian justice is worrying because it could pave the way for massive copyright abuse.

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 6 hours ago

War in Ukraine. Zelensky: "To take Kiev they will have to raze it to the ground"

OK it will be done!

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 6 hours ago

His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow Kirill, now the sole defender of the Christian faith, identifies in Bergoglio the betrayal of the FAITH: sodomy cult Darwin the evolved monkeys of Ursula Von Rothschild Spa & Co.,

Which is the idolatry, apostasy and adoration of the devil of Pachamama, who it is done in the Vatican, and the modialist Talmudic-Koranic agenda of the Vatican-Masonic-Bildenberg, in harmony with the sins of the West: and the enslavement of mankind.

because those who feed russophobia are actively working to achieve world war!

Kirill does not back down. Indeed, he accentuates his accusations,

and makes his support for the invasion of Ukraine even more explicit.

In the exorcistic analysis of the Orthodox patriarch of Moscow, the blame for the conflict can be attributed to NATO, which ignored Moscow's concerns.

In fact, what is underway is only a defensive operation: both from ideological Satanism and from the imperilistic claims of NATO.

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 6 hours ago

Israele = puttana!

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 6 hours ago

Israel that prostitute of the little satan?

she only recognizes her genocide,

not the Ukrainian one Holodomor, and not that of the Ottoman Erdogan boia Armenians:

and that the new genocide of the Armenians

ie, of Armenia since you sold their arms to Azerbaijan

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 7 hours ago

open letter to Zelensky .... if, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accepts my terms?

I take the Russian army away from him, I sent the Russian army and I can take it away from him !!!

1. must recognize independence: of Crimea and Donbass.

2. must allow the deployment of tactical nuclear missiles on the European borders, and open 10 Russian military bases.

3. must recognize the crime of the theosophies of GENDER lgbt and of Macron's theory of the planet of the apes,

and I hope that his pig has some value in his eyes, he who has sold his people to Satan's people!

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 7 hours ago

the communist genocide of: "Голодомор Holodomor" teaches that the peoples must not be disarmed, because dangerous DEM satanists and their lgbtq Jewish-Freemason parasites manage our institutions and manage our governments ..

yet the peoples of Europe have been disarmed!

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Discussion on World Israel News  52 comments

Zelensky asks Bennett to help get Ukrainian captives released, suggests talks in Jerusalem

 7 hours ago

this is also the spiritual reason, as to why every 10 Russian soldiers killed (who are also on the right side of law and history), only one Ukrainian soldier is killed (who finds himself fighting for Rothschild Spa & Co. and he doesn't know it, because the Western media, hiding the high constitutional treason the bank seigniorage, this crime of Satanism, Islam and sodomy!)

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 7 hours ago

#Putin cannot be a communist and a Christian at the same time, given that the communists have killed 40 million Christians in the USSR .. then it is clear: it will be the bad part (communism: which is an antichristic creation of the talmud-cabal) to prevail over the good part (Christianity) and this will lead to Armageddon: when communists and Islamists will unite to march against Jerusalem, in about 300 years.

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 7 hours ago

UKRAINE: The forgotten / concealed genocide, and it is the real reason for the tenacious resistance of the Ukrainians. Holodomor and Soviet starvation, 1932-33.

but, Italy still does not recognize it, why?

Deprived of their livelihoods, 5 million people are dying of hunger throughout the USSR. Of these, 4 million are Ukrainians. Even today this is remembered as a not yet completely closed wound of the Ukrainian people against the Soviet Union and the subsequent Russian Federation.

the states that have officially recognized this umpteenth communist genocide are:





Vatican CITY









United States of America



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 7 hours ago

the anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles carried on the shoulders, by a guerrilla in urban centers and the Turkish drones, are deadly!

to Putin who is losing many soldiers, all that remains is to use giant bombs!

According to the Sbu, the morale of the Russian soldiers is very low. Russian forces apply "Stalinist repression" with "firing squads" in the rear to shoot those who try to defect to return home, a Russian prisoner of war told the intelligence services.

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Discussion on World Israel News  6 comments

WATCH: 'Disney is soft on China, tough on America'

Don Spilman

 8 hours ago

Rockefeller at 666 Spa & Co. Hollywood talmud agenda lgbtq Disney, Deep STATE NWO,

they made so many subliminal messages to make little children worship Satan and Sodom through subliminal messages!

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 8 hours ago

i Satan Allah Sodom Macron Hilter and Rothschild say that Putin is a liar.

but that the Ukrainians army, are hiding in civilian structures, with the most lethal missiles? no one can deny this!

Putin says: to Macron and Scholz, stop humanitarian violations in Kiev

"In relation to the questions raised by his interlocutors on the humanitarian situation in the area of the special military operation to protect the Donbass, Vladimir Putin informed them about the real situation",

the Kremlin said in a statement, accusing the Kiev forces of "extrajudicial executions of dissidents,

taking hostages and using civilians as human shields, heavy weapons placed in residential areas, near hospitals, schools, kindergartens and so on. "

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 9 hours ago

'Disney is soft on China, tough on America?'

this is malicious misinformation, the goal of which is the world war of the sodom satan allah against CHINA.

in fact, the crimes of the whole ARAB LEAGUE

at least 20 times exceed all the violations of CHINA,

but, no one dares to take this argument why?

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Discussion on World Israel News  13 comments

Amnesty USA: Israel 'shouldn't exist as a Jewish state'

 9 hours ago

is the evil Synagogue Enlightened work of the talmud Masonic agenda ever!

Nicaragua: tear with the Vatican, expelled the Nuncio

The government of Managua, after having attacked the local Church for years, is now also targeting the Pope's ambassador who had to leave the country on 6 March.

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 9 hours ago

they are criminal speculators under the DEM law! Fuels: Cingolani,

unmotivated increases, colossal scam.

The Minister of Ecological Transition on Sky TG24 takes it out

on speculation and proposes a European ceiling on the price of gas

The expensive-fuels? "Unmotivated" and the result of "a speculative spiral, on which few earn, a colossal scam at the expense of businesses and citizens."

Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani, does not mince words, commenting on the exponential growth in fuel prices that has been recording

in the last few weeks.

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 9 hours ago

Amnesty USA: Israel "shouldn't exist as a Jewish state"

and what have I been saying for 14 years?

that the DEM deep State, Spa&Co. Rockefeller Kabbalah has decided to destroy Israel!

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 9 hours ago

this tragedy in UCRAINA "This tragedy stems from two errors:

1. the CIA coup in Maidan, with the genocide of Russian speakers in #Donbass

2. and the opening of NATO to Ukraine

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Discussion on World Israel News  13 comments

Ukrainian envoy petitions High Court against Minister Shaked’s refugee quota

 10 hours ago

Communists anti-Zionists demonstrate against Mother Russia!

The world is upside down !!!

Where were the same people who are demonstrating today against an absurd war when, in the distant year 2014, the UN General Assembly (with the US, Canada and Ukraine voting against and the abstention of all EU countries) approved a motion of condemnation of what was happening in Ukraine, where Nazi ideology was glorified and the Holocaust was denied, with the silence and complicity of the Ukrainian government born of a US sponsored coup d'état and endorsed by the EU !?

Borrell Ursola are in favor of Ukrainian neo-Nazis!

Pd DEM traitors! These are those of the "Politically Correct" those of the NEW WORLD ORDER, those of the IV INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION that of pan-trans-humanism, those of rainbow change

But they call themselves "left", betray the workers and go to Goldman Sach, while they are simply "sinister" figures!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 10 hours ago

the DEMs are all sodomitic monkeys Darwin worship lgbtqai, and they have replaced the children with the dogs, or, they come to steal the children from you. Bank Current Account

Account holder: Pro Vita e Famiglia Onlus

Bank: Cassa Rurale Alta Vallagarina

IBAN: IT89X0830535820000000058640

By saying that "Gender equality begins in the womb" we have dismantled the absurd accusation of being "against women" that the European Parliament has made.

Every year millions of women in the world are aborted just because laboratory tests identify their female seNsual. Woman = Abortion. Horrible!

Abortion prevents millions of women already conceived, therefore existing,

from coming to light and helping to make society more just and equitable for women themselves.

Obviously, we are against all abortions, without distinction, but the selective ones against women better highlight the paradoxes and hypocrisy of progressive thought.

Abortion is the leading cause of gender inequality in the world.

The opposite of what the extreme left feminist collectives preach, which with violence and vulgarity (see our vandalized headquarters in Rome)

promote abortion as a form of seNsual "liberation" of women.

Nothing more ideological. Nothing more false.

Nothing more anti-feminist.

With your help, Pro Vita & Famiglia will continue to raise public awareness, the media and politics in this direction. We will not step back an inch.

I am sure that the reasons for Life are genetically destined to prevail.

Always thank you for your precious support, which makes this possible (the Brussels operation and all our activities are possible only thanks to the kind and generous donations of those who read these emails).

Thanks for your generosity!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 10 hours ago



 10 hours ago

behold, the persecution of the synagogue of satan: the sodomitic monkey citizens Darwin: against the Catholics! On Tuesday 8 March Pro Vita & Famiglia flew to Brussels to challenge the harsh attack suffered during a session

of the European Parliament against "anti-abortion and anti-gender movements".

Pro Vita & Famiglia has been explicitly defined as a "radical group enemy of LGBT women and people" because it defends the nascent Life

and fights the Gender ideology in schools. We circulated a 10 m2 screen around the European Parliament with the inscription: "Gender equality?

It begins in the womb!", Delivering a letter of protest to the President

of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, asking for respect for

our freedom of opinion and expression.

This and all our activities are possible only thanks to the donations

of ordinary citizens who want to remain free.

Donate now here

https://sosurati provitaefamiglia it/

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 10 hours ago

the social Sylicon Valley (deep state) are Nazis, and they punish you without having to give a reason!

the social Sylicon Valley (deep state) destroy everything that democracy should represent, full of lies from the corrupt politicians of the Jewish-Masons, only lies can they tell.

democracy without monetary sovereignty is a fiction.

Ukraine, Facebook closes the page of MEP Donato:

"Only because I am against sanctions against Russia"

Donato saw his Facebook page evaporate overnight with over 143,000 followers.

«I was immediately informed by my communication staff

- explains the European parliamentarian - of the disappearance of the page which took place without any notification or warning from Facebook.

I can only think that Zuckenberg's company, which in these hours has also decided to make legitimate threats and insults to Russian citizens,

has instead considered my page too free or in any case not compliant with the mainstream vulgate.

This had been clear to me for some time,

but I didn't think they would silence a democratically elected member of parliament and candidate for mayor in the fifth city of Italy ».

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  14 comments

Ukraine denies Bennett advised caving to Russia

 10 hours ago

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Russian President Vladimir Putin] open letter

[ here am I only intelligent? ]

if Bin ISIS Salman does not help me to overthrow the NWO (new world order), not only cannot peace in Ukraine be born,

but even world war cannot be avoided, and in this Zelensky is right

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 10 hours ago

Previously the Jerusalem Post and Haaretz wrote that Prime Minister Bennett urged Zelensky to accept Russia's terms.

But NATO's Western disinformation is something shameless ... it is almost always conspiratorial, biased, partial and sometimes even slanderous, to push the peoples of the world into world war ... and spread hatred and russophobia,

these criminals of the Corn MEDIA Streem network satellite internet TV (deep state) must be charged with high treason.

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 10 hours ago

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson?

yes there is good in Johnson, but it is the "Pfeffel" part that is the bad carcinogenic part of him!

1 jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 10 hours ago

also because his uncle Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill said to him: "it is necessary to bomb Berlin every 50 years" (real quote)

and then added: "Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson is an infamous fuuuuckkkkeeer sold to satan sodom of a traitor"

(ephemeral quote. but always real)

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 10 hours ago

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Russian President Vladimir Putin] open letter [

*** of course, I have to occupy all of UKRAINE, because the fascist Nazis of the Maidan-CIA-Nuland-Rothschild imperialism are a threat to mankind!

*** of course, I just need to install 5000 tactical nuclear missiles against the priests of satan in Berlin,

so that NATO can remove all its structures from the borders of Russia!

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 11 hours ago

#Putin ] [ kill Zelensky Spa&Co. Satana Sodoma anti-Zionistick Male-nsky crudelia DEMON evil-Zelensky New World Order Satana Sodoma

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Discussion on World Israel News  52 comments

Zelensky asks Bennett to help get Ukrainian captives released, suggests talks in Jerusalem

 11 hours ago

Zelensky is Satana Sodoma anti-Zionistick Malensky crudelia DEMON

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 11 hours ago

Bin ISIS Salman] your Satan is a fool! with me? he got all his calculations wrong!

you know that if you don't come and get me, I'll come get you, wait for me!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 11 hours ago

Jacopo Coghe of: Pro Vita e Famiglia [[the Zelensky's NWO, dracula satan sodom, DEM PD M5S of the technocratic neoliberalists: plutocratic Jewish freemasons are attacking the last Christian fortress]] It means that the European Union wants to declare illegal and censor our campaigns just like the Municipality of Rome

has done in recent days!

A resolution just approved by the European Parliament qualifies as

"Threatening disinformation against human rights"

any activity that does not respect European standards in terms of life, family and educational freedom.

That is why we had to react strongly immediately.

On 8 March I went to Brussels to warn the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola that you and I will fight to defend our freedom of thought and speech. See how it went in the video below.

I prepared a small 'surprise' for the MEPs (not so small to tell the truth ...

it was 10 square meters ... you can see it in the video).

Find out what a surprise it is!

Watch now the video I prepared for you on how it went in Brussels, it lasts less than 3 minutes (but then go back and finish reading the email, it's important!).

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 11 hours ago

Jacopo Coghe of: Pro Vita e Famiglia [[the satan sodom, DEM PD M5S of the technocratic neoliberalists: plutocratic Jewish freemasons are attacking the last Christian fortress]]

Last 10 February, during a session in the European Parliament against

"anti-gender and anti-abortion movements", we (you and I)

were defined as a "radical group ... enemy of women and LGBTQAI people".

It has been said that the European Commission must approve

"new tools" to "counter" our activities and campaigns. Do you know what that means?

It means that the European Union wants to declare illegal and censor our campaigns just like the Municipality of Rome has done in recent days!

A resolution just approved by the European Parliament qualifies as "threatening disinformation against human rights"

any activity that does not respect European standards in terms of life, family and educational freedom.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

 11 hours ago

the Jewish-Freemason plutocrats, the synagogue of satan of the anti-Zionists, forced me to sell off my new house with special structures, for 600 euros per square meter. that is, at the price of a sub-category garage. As the monetarist scientist and founder of the anti-usury, anti-Rothschild union, that is Prof. Giacinto Auriti, said: "it is not possible to pay / honor a mortgage in times of recession!"

birth rate and recession, taxation and taxation, economic crisis and unemployment, forced me to take this step!

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Discussion on World Israel News  18 comments

ISIS confirms leader killed in Syria, names new chief

Bin ISIS Salman ] [ io posso far crollare il NWO,

insieme a te.

io posso fermare la guerra in Ucraina.

insieme a te. Ecc.. Ec.. ecc.. ecc.. ecc...

Allora, Perché, tu hai paura? perché tu stai permettendo, che tante persone innocenti debbano continuare a morire?

Dove è finita la tua fede? cosa ne hai fatto?

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

one person who is behind lorenzoJHWH Unius REI?

he is not important, but his ministry is indispensable.

yes, he's definitely a good guy!

but, we can only think of a man: excellent, honest,

virtuous, merciful, a great donor, a scientific popularizer, theologian, philosopher, historian, metaphysician,

rational agnostic, and all that good we can think about a man?

that is, that a man can bend the occult, supernatural,

and demonic powers of the New World Order?

We can't believe this !!

and here, we need a powerful ministry

(living divine sacrament): divine and merciful love, supernatural intelligence and divine wisdom.

but, an invincible ministry of Unius REI, is already here,

to regenerate all the religions, and all the institutions of this planet, and to break all the generational curses, etc ...

to consecrate again the socerdots, and the sacred vessels, to light the sacred fire, and recall the -Glory of Glory, so that he can return in the midst of his Jewish people,

and so finally: to bend and humiliate all the legions

of demons that wander in the air, and push them back into hell, from where the Enlightened Pharisees brought them out ..

and we know, that lorenzoJHWH has already shown this power and mercy of God towards sinners,

and against the demons he has already achieved these results.

So, the merit cannot be of a man,

but it is of the prayer of the saints, who have kept alive: with their blood the hope of Israel

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

#worldisraelnews you know that here there is a person who is knocking my identity! according to the server regulation? stop him / block him! https://disqus.Com/by/disqus_hlhpJXZ7Sf/

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  52 comments

After rejection to address Knesset, Zelensky will Zoom with Israeli Lawmakers


ah ah ah ah ah ah monello ZuZZurellone

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


that person? yes, he's definitely a good guy!

but, we can only think of a man: excellent, honest, virtuous, merciful, a great donor, a scientific popularizer, theologian, philosopher, historian, metaphysician, rational agnostic, and all that good we can think about a man?

that is, that a man can bend the occult, supernatural, and demonic powers of the New World Order?

We can't believe this !!

and here, we need a powerful ministry (living divine sacrament): divine and merciful love, supernatural intelligence and divine wisdom.

but, an invincible ministry of Unius REI, is already here, to regenerate all the religions, and all the institutions of this planet, and to break all the generational curses, etc ... to consecrate again the socerdots, and the sacred vessels, to light the sacred fire , and recall the -Glory of Glory, so that he can return in the midst of his Jewish people,

and so finally: to bend and humiliate all the legions of demons that wander in the air, and push them back into hell, from where the Enlightened Pharisees brought them out ..

and we know, that lorenzoJHWH has already shown this power and mercy of God towards sinners,

and against the demons he has already achieved these results.

So, the merit cannot be of a man, but it is of the prayer of the saints, who have kept alive: with their blood the hope of Israel

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas

idiot! what do you find strange in this prayer?

my Allah is the good one,

but, that of Bin ISIS Salman is the bad one!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Ellen Francis

is there any tender between you and Aristobulus?

be careful!

you could never know the cannibal that hides in him!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas

idiota!!! those are not my 'followers',

these are my previous 15 channels that you and Aristobulus made me shut down

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas

tu sei strana e malata creatura perversa!

"your the LORD witnesses JEHOVAH"?

you shouldn't be fooled by appearances: "my love for JHWH is like my love for Enlightened", it's all kind of love-hate!

you could never know and never imagine that my best followers could be Rockefeller and Rothschild,

they told me your devil Satan stinks, and they want to go back to my JHWH holy, to live happily in Saudi Arabia .. and I'm working for it.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


what did you put in the smoothie?

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Ellen Francis

begins to look for a certain Don Spilman who, he is no longer showing up and this makes me worry!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Ellen Francis

and how many has your psychiatric clinic healed?

Here are 40 CIA Troll Satanists who will soon need urgent care!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


but, what if you are afraid to answer such an easy question?

then, you show everyone that you are a TROLL, poorly trained Sodom, but here you are the bully of a CIA sub-agency agenda NWO Satan cult: the satanists

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  10 comments

Facebook, Instagram to allow posts calling for violence against Russian soldiers and Putin

TUTTI DEVONO COMPRENDE CHE senza ODIO? poi, ROCKEFELLER Spa&Co. FED-BCE-BM-IMF-NWO-UMMA-OCI Riyad, lui NON POTREBBE MAI OTTENERE la sua GUERRA MONDIALE, di cui ha disperatamente bisogno per motivi contabili!!

La Russia attacca le "politiche estremiste" di Meta.

Meta Platforms (lgbtq Deep State), la società madre di Facebook e Instagram, consentirà agli utenti di alcuni paesi di pubblicare messaggi che sostengono la violenza contro i soldati russi e i leader russi e bielorussi, ha riferito Reuters venerdì.

Il rapporto si basava su un'e-mail interna vista da Reuters che è stata inviata ai moderatori.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Clamoroso, scoperti due strani "blob" nelle profondità della Terra, e gli scienziati li stanno studiando.


1. il Purgatorio A, e il Purgatorio B.

ma sfortunatamente:

2. quasi tutti finiscono nel nucleo, a fare da combustibile atomico, cioè all'inferno!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Draghi: "Putin non vuole pace. Non c'è economia di guerra ma prepararsi" .. .

alias: . prepararsi alla guerra contro la CINA!

MARIO Draghi non ha bisogno dell'occhio di lucifero Saruman, oppure, della sfera di cristallo, no niente di tutto questo..

è la Goldman Sach che gli telefona, e gli dice quello che lui deve dire..

insomma, la stessa cosa di quello che la CIA 666 faceva con Obama-Biden!

ma la struttura dei wahhabiti sodalizio demoniaco?

inizia a scricchiolare!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Ucraina, Zelensky: "La Russia sara' considerata come i terroristi dell'Isis".

allora, per 14 anni lui è andato ad aggredire le persone più pacifiche al mondo in Donbass!

io propongo la pena di morte per MARIO DRAGHI!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Zelensky “Il conflitto in Ucraina porterà a una guerra mondiale”.

evidentemente, in persona Rockefeller, proprio lui, si è confidato con Zelensky !

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

il Boia Bin ISIS Salman my king brother? ] [ Lo riferiscono i media ufficiali.

La pena di morte in Arabia Saudita, così come prescritto dalla Sharia

(che fonda tutte le leggi del Paese),

è prevista per vari reati ed è applicata in numeri tali da classificare il Regno come il primo paese boia al mondo.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Bin ISIS Salman Arabia Saudita: eseguite 81 condanne a morte in un solo giorno.

per Bin ISIS Salman tutti gli sciiti sono terroristi,

per Bin ISIS Salman se trovano un cristiano con il vangelo? poi, la polizia religiosa "moralizzatrice" ti mettono una bustina di droga in tasca, e la tua vita finisce li.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel  51 comments

Iranians Smear Ukraine’s Zelensky as ‘Hedonistic Jew’ Seeking ‘Power and Pleasure’

"yes man uomo banana! "Di Maio il parassita poltronaro senza nessuna coerenza “Dobbiamo indebolire Mosca, Zelensky eroe mondiale”

se Zelensky è l'eroe di Di Maio? poi, Zelensky non arriverà troppo lontano dal cimitero di Kiev!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  28 comments

Russian strikes hit western Ukraine as offensive widens

Bro. Nick Nicholas

idiota, il fatto che io vado a pregare con i Pentecostali cattolici e protestanti e che io vado a ballare a gridare: "Gesù è il Signore alleluia hallelujah maranatha vieni Signore Gesù, vieni presto, etc. etc.. ",

questo non vuol dire che io sono un carismatico io!


jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Salta la tregua umanitaria, Bennett vola a Mosca per fermare la guerra.

se, Bennett può fermare il NWO di Rockefeller e la shar'a dei wahhabiti,

certo, poi, lui potrà avere successo..

ma, questa è la verità: soltanto UniusREI può fermare Rockefeller e Bin Salman, altrimenti, vi farete con stoica indifferenza anche questa guerra mondiale NUCLEARE che Mario Draghi Goldman Sach Spa&Co. City London hanno già annunciato!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Navalny agente 0007 CIA troll? neanche sua moglie gli darebbe il voto, eppure, per la NATO è il più grande oppositore di Putin.

questo traditore Vladimir Potanin, deve essere arrestato.

*** perché tutto hanno confiscato a Putin in Occidente, tutto Putin deve confiscare a loro!

*** la guerra attuale in Ucraina è un complotto ebraico-massonico, ed è una aggressione premeditata da Kissinger e Nuland e agenti della CIA NATO imperialismo, fatto nel 2014, con il Golpe a KIEV, un progetto criminale internazionale pianificato ed attuato con crudeltà assoluta.

*** e genocidi in Donbass, che, tutti i media occidentali di regime Rockefeller Spa & Co. non hanno mai raccontato: perché noi siamo la democrazia, e noi abbiamo il libero pensiero e la libertà di stampa Sodoma.

*** Putin si sta soltanto difendendo perché la legittima difesa è sempre legittima,

11 MAR - Vladimir Potanin, presidente del colosso dei metalli Norilsk Nickel e considerato l'uomo d'affari più ricco della Russia, ha messo in guardia il Cremlino contro la confisca dei beni delle società fuggite dopo l'invasione dell'Ucraina, sottolineando che una simile mossa riporterebbe il Paese ai tempi della Rivoluzione d'ottobre del 1917.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

la NATO USA UE hanno copiato dalla Corea del Nord le loro tecniche di comunicazione!

YouTube bloccherà i media statali della Federazione Russa e i contenuti sull'operazione speciale in Ucraina.

poi, Rokefeller-Draghi-Ursula hanno detto: "armiamo tutti, ma facciamo partire soltanto quello scemo di Macron"

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Mosca ha divulgato le istruzioni del Pentagono a Kiev in caso di emergenza nei laboratori di armi biologiche.

L'ONU ha chiamato i motivi per l'ispezione dei laboratori biologici in Ucraina


jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Covid: decessi 3 volte più alti delle stime ufficiali.

mentre sanno tutti che è proprio vero il contrario, e tutti quelli che sono morti sono stati uccisi tutti, da Bill Gates, OMS AIA, Spa Big 666 Pharma e dalla medicina di:

" tachipirina e vigile attesa della morte! "

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Alec Baldwin chiede l'esenzione da rivalse per la morte sul set.

fatelo accomodare sulla sedia elettrica!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

l'ItaGlia è una nazione fondata sulla disoccupazione, e sulla mafia Rothschild tecnocratica burocratica usura e tasse a cascata!

Controllo straordinario dei Carabinieri in una zona rurale tra Siracusa e floridia: cinque arresti e diverse denunce. Sequestrate armi da fuoco, 6 kg di droga, contanti ed esplosivo da cava. pc/red

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Guerra in Ucraina: drone ucraino precipita in Croazia, mentre la NATO dormiva.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

fake news? Guerra Ucraina, Russia all'Onu:

"Da Kiev reale pericolo biologico per tutta Europa"

OMS ha detto: "distruggete il materiale", ma sono fake news?

USA ha ammesso di avere laboratori biologici virus Kimera in Ucraina.. che poi, se un virus "scappa" la colpa è della CINA!

ma sono tutte fake news, quindi andate a dormire tranquilli!

perché tutte le notizie di Mosca sono false,

mentre tutte le notizie della NATO sono vere: fake news!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  28 comments

Russian strikes hit western Ukraine as offensive widens

Draghi la vipera cornuta: è al vertice Ue: «Putin non vuole la pace. Non siamo in economia di guerra, ma prepariamoci» . alias:.. "alla guerra anche noi".

le bestie di Satana e Allah e Sodoma hanno finalmente gettato la maschera, della ipocrisia, finalmente il loro progetto wahhabita di ridurre in schiavitù, tutti i popoli del pianeta.

questo è il progetto " ebraico-democratico-demoniaco-massonica-sharia" ed è ora, un progetto palesato.

Israele non riuscirà a sopravvivere alla intensità soprannaturale ed esoterica di questa forma di satanismo Cabala.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Nucleare: Usa, Iran e Russia prendano una decisione.

#Putin ] [ l'arricchimento dell'uranio iraniano deve essere fermato alle necessità civili, perché l'attuale arricchimento del 60%, smentisce le intenzioni pacifiste del regime iraniano!

Dico se non vogliamo vedere i figli dell'Iran morire!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

#Putin ] [ la Rivoluzione Francese ebbe successo, perché la massoneria era già operativa dal 1600 (ecco perché le congiure, delitti, omicidi, corruzione erano scoperte, e poi, gli ebrei venivano deportati-espulsi) .

#Putin ] [ la Rivoluzione Francese ebbe successo, perché i banchieri ebrei inventarono gli ASSEGNATI, mentre le monarchie avevano il denaro vincolato al metallo dell'oro.

Ecco perché spezzare il legame con il FMI Spa&Co. Rockefeller con tutte le sanzioni che ti hanno dato, è il più terribile colpo che tu puoi dare al MOSTRO OWL-Allah-Satana-Sodoma.

Quindi tu puoi usare il baratto per scambiare beni e servizi con gli Stati e puoi stampare una moneta Nazionale senza più comprarla dal FMI-Spa&Co. Dracula!

come ha già fatto il Presidente JFK, con ordine esecutivo 11110.

666 twitter (deep state 322 lgbt) ha detto:

"Il tuo account è stato sospeso e non ti è consentito eseguire questa azione".

allora, noi continueremo la guerra-santa contro questo mostro, fino alla vittoria finale, perché la dottrina cattolica diceva: "è giusto uccidere il tiranno", ma ho dei dubbi sul fatto che Bergoglio lo dica ancora!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


only your is anti-semitism and it is getting worse, because everyone knows that I am a Pentecostal "born again" agnostic Biblical fondamentalist Catholic. laicist and metaphisic, universal politician.

it is clear that I am a Zionist Jew, as all Christians should be who have not allowed themselves to be perverted by the Cabal of your Rothschilds,

and this will be the reason why your demons in your bowels are upset and again upset. Then you would do well to look for an exorcist.

1. you are a coward who does not have the courage to speak to people's faces.

2. you are an infamous who looks to hit behind honest and innocent people like me,

3. You are a slanderer, because if I am an anti-Semite, then Netanjahu is also my accomplice.

4. I am not anti-nobody, because I only fight the sharjah and the Spa & Co. So are the Muslims leaving Sharia law, and Rothschild condemns the Spa? then they too will become my friends

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

quel guerrafondaio Cabala agenda Corano-Talmud di Mario DRAGHI ha detto:

"non siamo ancora in guerra, ma dobbiamo essere pronti a tutto". ma il "dittatore" Putin è stato eletto dall'80% del popolo russo, mentre lui è stato eletto da Goldman Sach &Co. Bildenberg. Ecco perché io, 14 anni fa, io ho denunciato il governo italiano per alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario, e poiché noi siamo nella democrazia di Rothschild?

poi, la mia denuncia è stata insabbiata.

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  52 comments

After rejection to address Knesset, Zelensky will Zoom with Israeli Lawmakers

ora tutte le Nazioni devono diventare resilienti (devono pensare alla propria autosufficienza in tutti i campi), gli ebrei massoni hanno fatto di tutto, in questi 40 anni, per distruggere la agricoltura in Italia!

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

proprio, come dice la BIBBIA: "Satana è mentitore ed omicida fin dal principio".

infatti, Biden ha accusato la Russia di un aumento record dei prezzi negli Stati Uniti.

ma, con il golpe di Kiev? la CIA sapeva che avrebbe distrutto l'economia mondiale:

e, infatti, guarda caso Kissinger lo aveva anche "profetato "

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

sono dilettanti nella NATO, infatti nessuno lo ha visto ] [ "essenzialmente, un piccolo aereo a reazione in grado di trasportare un carico di bombe sufficientemente grave, fino a una tonnellata." L'Ucraina ha lanciato un attacco aereo sulla capitale di un paese della NATO.

L'aviazione da combattimento ucraina ha sconcertato le forze di difesa aerea dei paesi dell'Alleanza del Nord Atlantico. Lanciato, a quanto pare, dalla Galizia, il drone da combattimento "Swift" è caduto direttamente sulla capitale della Croazia. Inoltre, la difesa aerea della NATO per qualche motivo l'ha mancata. Presto si è scoperto che un altro "Swift" simile è caduto in Crimea. Perché l'aeronautica ucraina ha avuto bisogno di disperdere così tanto i veicoli da combattimento?


jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


warning, your partner Bro. Nick Nicholas,

known by all as the idiot?

he stated that I am charismatic.

what about me?

Am I or am I not charismatic?

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas 

IDIOTA! if i am charismatic?

then you are the satanist

jewish Messia x Yitzhak Kaduri


Salta la tregua umanitaria, Bennett vola a Mosca per fermare la guerra.

Bennett farebbe bene a fermare i suoi demoni Rockefeller Spa&Co. Rothschild che tra l'altro hanno pianificato:

1. la sua morte con la shoah!

2. la terza guerra mondiale nucleare da oltre 20 anni.

e se Bennett NON sa come fare (e certo non può saperlo)

3. lui lasci lavorare me e Bin Salman from Riyad, che lui vuole la guerra mondiale per conquistare il mondo di Allah!




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