Tillerson accuses Netanyahu of lying to Trump, convincing him 'Israel are the good guys' https://worldisraelnews.com/tillerson-accuses-netanyahu-of-lying-to-trump-convincing-him-israel-are-the-good-guys/#.XYcpS7oCJ-c.twitter
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia a few seconds ago #Tunisia: #Ben #Ali buried in #Saudi land. In #Medina, as expressed in his last wishes.
the Copts 50 years ago in Egypt were 30% of the population and today they are 5%: a genocide of Christians occurred throughout the ARAB LEAGUE OCI UN CIA UE antichrist and no one told us anything:
these Muslims who believe they are going to heaven? they are pathetic!
Tunisia: sepolto in terra saudita Ben Alì. A Medina, come espresso nelle sue ultime volontà.
i copti 50 anni fa in Egitto erano il 30% della popolazione ed oggi sono il 5%: è avvenuto un genocidio di cristiani in tutta la LEGA ARABA e nessuno ci ha detto niente:
questi islamici che credono di andare il Paradiso? sono patetici!
Jill 9 minutes ago Tillerson is the liar. And what better place to spout all his lies than at a university, and Harvard at that. He's useless, which is why he was given the boot. He should be booted all the way to Gaza.
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia the greatest Satanism FED FMI BCE NWO NATO UE USA 322 UK lgbt Soros Epstein: and the largest Masonic consociativism dictatorship: of the whole history of mankind is that deep State Rothschild CIA 666 Bilderberg .. (here in Bari there is a dentist: serial criminal: who broke me the maxillary sinus bone and the outer bone under the cheekbone intentionally: and it is protected by the Masonic system and I can do nothing about it
but, I see that China is willing to overcome this wickedness and Satanism by doing even worse!
Hong Kong, eliminated libertarian post-it.
Pro-Beijing pro-Junius Ho initiative against 'Lennon Walls'
il più grande satanismo FED FMI BCE NWO: e la più grande dittatura massonica consociativismo: di tutta la storia del genere umano è quella Rothschild Stato profondo Bilderberg.. (quì a Bari c'é un dentista: criminale seriale: che mi ha sfondato l'osso seno mascellare e l'osso esterno sotto lo zigomo intenzionalmente: ed è protetto dal sistema massonico e io non gli posso fare niente)
ma, io vedo che la Cina è disposta a superare questa malvagità e satanismo con il fare anche di peggio!
Hong Kong, eliminati post-it libertarie.
Iniziativa depotato pro-Pechino Junius Ho contro 'Lennon Walls'
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia 13 minutes ago if the Russians think that the military structures of IRAN in Syria (not to threaten the invader Erdogan)
but to threaten the lives of Israelis: are they legitimate structures?
then, this makes the problem easy and quick to solve!
I order the land invasion of Syria!
Russian fighters block Israeli aircraft attack on Syria - Video:
se i russi pensano che le strutture militari di IRAN in Siria (non per minacciare l'invasore Erdogan)
ma per minacciare la vita degli israeliani: sono strutture legittime?
poi, questo rende il problema di facile e ssbrigativa soluzione!
io ordino l'invasione di terra della Siria!
Caccia russi bloccano attacco velivolo israeliano contro la Siria - Video //it sputniknews com/mondo/201909218114000-caccia-russi-bloccano-attacco-velivolo-israeliano-contro-la-siria---video/
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia 14 minutes ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.
if the Russians think that the military structures of IRAN in Syria (not to threaten the invader Erdogan)
but to threaten the lives of Israelis: are they legitimate structures?
then, this makes the problem easy and quick to solve!
I order the land invasion of Syria!
Russian fighters block Israeli aircraft attack on Syria - Video:
se i russi pensano che le strutture militari di IRAN in Siria (non per minacciare l'invasore Erdogan)
ma per minacciare la vita degli israeliani: sono strutture legittime?
poi, questo rende il problema di facile e ssbrigativa soluzione!
io ordino l'invasione di terra della Siria!
Caccia russi bloccano attacco velivolo israeliano contro la Siria - Video it
sputniknews.com/mondo/20190... UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Babak Taghvaee @BabakTaghvaee
#BREAKING: #Russia blocked #Syria's airspace on #Israel Air Force and foiled its plans for carrying-out airstrikes in #Latakia on 18 & 19 September. Russians blocked the airspace via activating S-400 SAMs, flying Su-35s & also conducting Naval exercise across #Syria coastline!
if the Russians think of combining their threats on the compound in collaboration with Hezbollah and IRAN against us?
this makes everything easier!
this is the beginning of the end for the Russian presence in Syria!
se i russi pensano di unire le loro minaccie sul compo in collaborazione a Hezbollah e IRAN contro di noi?
questo rende tutto più semplice!
questo è l'inizio della fine per la presenza russa in Siria!
Sword of Honor 30 minutes ago The only problems with the Two State Solution are, first, there aren't two states and, secondly, it would not be a solution.
What the Left calls Palestine is a rag-bag of territories and their only unity is in their being Arabs and the spearpoint of Islam.
The only solution to this propaganda war is outright victory because, in essence, it is a struggle between Isaac and Ishmael, between mutually exclusive prophetic futures over which one shall prevail.
The only choice any of us will have is whether to advance failed Islam or revive failing faith before it is too late. Tillerson chose the wrong side and anyone who pays him to pontificate has too. The idea that there can be a Two State Solution is a mere fantasy of Leftists and cowards and in the face of evil, dilenttantism is a luxury no-one can afford who wants to be free and survive to see civilization win.
Min Dona an hour ago edited
In Tiilerson’s view - it was a 2 State solution”.
How about what Israel feels best!
Giving away any of the Jewish heartland is not in their best interests - let alone the will of God in the Bible - the inheritance that God promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the Jewish nation! In the Prophets (Bible), God had expressed his anger at dividing his holy land. God and His holy Torah and the Prophets writings are the highest authority that Jews and their generations, and leaders, must abide by. When the Jewish nation defies God’s will and holy commands - there are always severe consequences. Not quickly but absolutely guaranteed. Israel should NOT be listening to any gentile politician or other nation. Jews need to protect what God has given them and remember ALL the miracles their God has done for them and live by the wisdom, promises, and POWER that God promised would be theirs in the Torah.
Israel’s boundaries are forever set and listed in Numbers 34:1-10.
And if Gantz reverses the observance of the holy Sabbath into commerce permitted - defiling the Sabbath day, watch what calamity will befall Israel. Honoring the Sabbath with no work is an eternal commandment from God.
Israel needs no interference or peace plan from other nations. They were already given instructions from God, and millions of their brethren have died defending the inheritance of God.
Good riddance Tillerson!
Efram Paul 3 hours ago Tillerson is, and always has been, an antisemite. No wonder he is speaking at Harvard. They would boo him off the stage if he was not a blatant antisemite.
Timothy Ashlock 4 hours ago I think it is Tillerson who is the disgrace in this case, and Kudos to President Trump. Also Netanyahu is correct, for the Israelis are the good guys. They always have been the keepers of the promises. I am glad that Trump fired Tillerson!
arigatoo 5 hours ago This Tillerson's speech shows that he is anti-Israeli. He is on the side of the Arab enemies of America. It is good that he was fired.
Nissim Moses How naive and idiotic can Tillerson pretend to be or is he. A Two State Division of then Palestine was decided by the UN in 1948, Israel Accepted, The Arabs did bot. Israel even gave back territory it occupied during the 1967 war in an agreement broker by another one of his idiotic Dreamer predecessors (Kissinger). They gave back Gaza. Only to have a terrorist entity bomb Israel nearly everyday. The only person who had the guts to stand up and fight these terrorist organization both in the North and South of Israel is Netanyahu. He is the Prime Minister of Israel and responsible for its safety within defensible borders. No wonder Trump dumped you into the garbage Heep where you belong.
https://worldisraelnews.com/tillerson-accuses-netanyahu-of-lying-to-trump-convincing-him-israel-are-the-good-guys/ Angelica Mixon Michael 6 hours ago Mean
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LtcHoward 6 hours ago Was Tillerson's talk at Harvard really private OR was it meant to be leaked to the media. From everything else that he quoted as saying he should never have gotten the appointment as Secretary of State AND he should have been dumped sooner. He knows taking it to the UN is a fools errand. What he didn't know is that the actual launching sites and trajectory had been mapped. But it doesn't really matter--- his advice would be the same--- sit on your hands and don't do anything.
He did not run the State Department. He did not fill vacancies. He lived a glorious life, just like he lived has a typical Arab supporting petroleum executive.
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David Charles Levy 6 hours ago Congratulations to Trump for getting rid of this piece of garbage.
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Pupman 6 hours ago Tillerson was an oil guy all the way. He was steeply involved with the OPEC nations in order to obtain power and money. But he was a terrible secretary of state. He is not a genuine person and anything he says is not credible.
One could see how his ego is still hurting in his statements against the president. One could see his animosity toward the Jewish State in his loyalty to his OPEC buddies.
Truth is he should never have been a secretary of state. He never had what it takes in President Trump's administration: honesty and loyalty to the United States!
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18_18 6 hours ago Tillerson is from Waco, a city, Waco, where there are very few Jews. He is an oilman. He knows far more Arabs, than Jews. The two state solution is hackneyed. Abu Mazen does not believe in it. Consequently, Tillerson, has no feeling or experience in the politics.
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gerald m. serlin 7 hours ago That he continues to argue for a "two-state solution" tells me that Tillerson is insane.
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alpcns . 8 hours ago How can the truth be a lie, mr. Tillerson?
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VTS alpcns . 8 hours ago Only if you think that bloody islamists are the good guys.
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kcir321 8 hours ago Tillerson was a idiot ,so glad he is gone, we don't need morons like him
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Sarah kcir321 7 hours ago He is still an idiot.
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kcir321 Sarah 5 hours ago You are right there Sarah
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Apple73 8 hours ago edited
Tillerson, an antisemitic ignoramous who knows nothing about the history of the region. Where did Trump find that low-life in the first place?
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VTS Apple73 8 hours ago It show how stupid are some of US big business execs are.
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Maurice H 8 hours ago edited
Tillerson was an oil magnate. He knew nothing about foreign policy. He also believed the Palestinians would accept a two-state. What a nieve fool. But you never know with Bibi. He is not the most ethical or truthful leader!
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Grace Joy Maurice H 3 hours ago They're all compromised, imo.
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Sarah Maurice H 7 hours ago edited
Would you, please, name one political leader who is (or was) the most ethical and truthful leader?
At least I know and believe that with all his short comings our President truly loves America and does the best for me (and other "deplorables"). So far, I also think, that Bibi (also with all his short comings) is one of the best and smartest Prime Minister that Israel ever had.
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VTS Maurice H 8 hours ago he was getting rich from doing business with Iran
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Solving Politics 8 hours ago edited
Yes Israel the country that does more for America then the rest of the world combined:
5 billion saved by not having to place 25,000 troops in the Middle East to protect our allies at $200,000 per year per soldier.
Free intel from Israel worth probably another 5 billion.
Free military upgrades worth billions. Free logistics & counter terrorism training worth billions that have saved countless American lives at 1 million payout in life insurance benifits.
America gives 3.2 billion in aid and gets between 20-30 billion back and of course all that aid has to be spent on overpriced American arms. Employing tens of thousands of American workers. Great deal for both countries.
Versus the Palestinians who take are money, view us as the enemy and celebrate in the streets on 9/11. Typical Arab “CRY BULLIES!”
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VTS Solving Politics 8 hours ago CIA budget is close to 25 billion US dollars per year. What do they do the best is to spy on Trump and undermine his presidency. Yeah, Rex. Trust CIA.
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Show 1 new reply shaongaon 8 hours ago No tea for the Tillerman, oh, it's Tillerson. Well, definitely no tea for him either.
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Richard DiBenedetto 8 hours ago Thanks for a balanced report.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Richard DiBenedetto 8 hours ago obviously
you like me have nothing personal against the Rothschilds, the Soros, the Rochefellers and the Morgan
but it is to these Jews of ISRAEL
that you come to kill hope
of their legitimate claim to a Jewish home: as it is for all peoples!
this cynicism of CHINA and Russia against the Zionism of the Jews?
leaves me scandalized!
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Richard DiBenedetto UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia 7 hours ago There is a Rothschild living next to the golf course in Caesarea. He contributes generously to education in Israel. In 2021 China will assume management operations at the Port of Haifa. Legitimate claims for a Jewish Homeland is for the people of Israel. The American Jewish population are Americans not Israelis. Israel is an autonomous sovereign Nation not above perfidy in pursuit of their National Interests same as every other Nation.
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia Richard DiBenedetto 2 hours ago it's not true what you say!
Jews abroad are not emigrants who left their homeland because they were unemployed or out of famine,
when this occurred before the forced diaspora in the Roman Empire
God JHWH has always demanded their return!
and by chance, among your American Jews, there are the richest, most despicable, occult esoteric men: and more satanists of this world!
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Lisa Ann Gohn 8 hours ago Israel is the 'good guys'. President Trump knows it and acts accordingly. I stand with Israel and I am proud to have a President that REALLY stands for Israel. Unlike G. H. Bush, Clinton, G. W. Bush and Obama ( the worst of the lot).
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Joe Cohen 9 hours ago Tillerson is showing not only what a miserable anti-Semite he is, but justifying why Trump didn’t rely on him for his Middle East policy.
Of course he’s having discussions at college campuses, where anti-semitism and anti-Israel feelings are among the strongest.
Someone should look at his income to see if CAIR or other terrorist supporters contribute to his activities.
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Show 1 new reply Don Spilman a day ago What an idiot! This rediculious fool needs to go paddle his boat around the horn and leave pile of tics to the adults! So the Arabs are the good guys you dumb....ss?
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VTS Don Spilman 8 hours ago ...only if speak at Harvard University, where Liz Warren was a professor.
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Show 1 new reply Don Spilman VTS 4 hours ago Havodd is sick and this jerk needs to shut his ignorant mouth! Who is he anyway other than some FAILED govt. rep of some sort.
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Show 1 new reply UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia a day ago in order not to be forced to the lay off: from the Masonic consociativismo of institutional power: Bilderberg Bayer & Monsanto.
officials with 1500 euros a month are forced to lie: by both: by the Governments of the Democratic Party and by the drug multinationals.
and therefore declare all VACCINES as pure from nano ferrous particles:
but how was it demonstrated? it's not really what they are!
Vaccines Interview with Dr. Stefano Montanari exclusive censored by Italian television stations behind
/youtu be/35HsKFU_gDc
per non essere costretti al licenziamento: dal consociativismo massonico del potere istituzionale: Bilderberg.
funzionari con 1500euro al mese sono costretti a mentire: dai Governi del Partito Democratico e dalle multinazionali del farmaco.
e quindi dichiarano puri da nano particelle ferrose tutti i VACCINI:
ma come è stato dimostrato? non è proprio cos'ì!
Vaccines Interview with Dr. Stefano Montanari exclusive censored by Italian television stations behind
/youtu be/35HsKFU_gDc
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia a day ago I'm not talking about metals not in the form of proteins.
I explicitly speak of mineral metal nanoparticles: uranium, zinc, aluminum, barium, etc. .. these? kill!
many have stroke infarction tumor leukemia autism senile dementia, etc ..
this is how Rothschild saves his NWO FED IMF Regime Bilderberg by it from NOT paying pensions!
with the molecular microscope only the vaccines of cats were found to be pure from nano particles of iron, steel, uranium, aluminum, etc.
worldisraelnews com/to-thwart-dangerous-anti-zionist-coalition-netanyahu-aligns-with-right-wing-religious-parties/
non parlo dei metalli non sotto forma di proteine.
parlo esplicitamente di nano particelle di metalli allo stato minerale: uranio zinco alluminio bario, ecc.. questi? uccidono!
molti hanno ictus infarto tumore leucemie autismo demenza senile, ecc..
è in questo modo che Rothschild risparmia di pagare le pensioni!
con il microscopio molecolare soltanto i vaccini dei gatti è risultato puro da nano particelle di ferro acciaio uranio alluminio, ecc..
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia a day ago the Muslim who becomes a Christian commits not only apostasy
but also high treason against the state, and becomes a threat to national security:
in 5 Islamic nations he is sentenced to death,
in Iran receives 15 years in prison (10 + 5)
il mussulmano che diventa cristiano commette non soltanto apostasia
ma anche alto tradimento contro lo Stato, e diventa una minaccia alla sicurezza nazionale:
in 5 Nazioni islamiche viene condannato a morte,
in Iran riceve 15 anni di carcere (10+5)
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia a day ago LionJudah is a channel #PDerattizzato (from me the democratic party has been derattizzato) therefore twitter has expelled me definitively:
yes you got it right: I can't create Twitter accounts anymore!
LionJudah è #PDerattizzato (da me il partito democratico è stato derattizzato) quindi twitter mi ha espulso definitivamente:
si avete capito bene: io non posso più creare account Twitter!
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia a day ago edited
slaves: goyim dalit dhimmis and apostate MURTIDI? born from the three demonic religions: Talmud Koran and Veda,
this is the Islamic genocide Bilderberg of world wear Rothschild and shareholders Central banks,
Israelis who are not Satanists?
no, they can't survive at New World Order
schiavi: goyim dalit dhimmis? nascono dalle tre religioni demoniache: Talmud Corano e Veda,
questo è il genocidio islamico Bilderberg della usura mondiale Rothschild e azionisti Banche Centrali,
israeliani che non sono satanisti?
no, loro non possono sopravvivere al Nuovo Ordine Mondiale
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia a day ago China, Russia, India, USA, EU, UN: to all nations]
1. are missing: 6 days to destroy Iran's military and nuclear potential!
2. obviously, this will fuel the victimhood in Erdogan and in all the ARAB LEAGUE OCI jihad UMMA: of course, why if sharia is legal?
then, all mankind is illegal.
3. subsequently the incompatibility of Sharia must be faced politically for the survival of the human race!
Cina, Russia, India, USA, UE, ONU: a tutte le Nazioni ]
1. mancano: 6 giorni per distruggere il potenziale militare e nucleare iraniano!
2. ovviamente questo alimenterà il vittimismo in Erdogan e in tutta la LEGA ARABA:
perché se la sharia è legale?
poi, tutto il genere umano è illegale.
3. successivamente si deve affrontare politicamente la incompatibilità della sharia con la sopravvivenza del genere umano!
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia a day ago Beatrice Lorenzin is an Italian politician, Minister of Health from April 28, 2013 to June 1, 2018 first in the Letta Government and subsequently re-elected both in the Renzi Government and in the Gentiloni Government.
Beatrice Lorenzin said: "I believe that against SALVINI's plebiscite and sovereign drift"
therefore, #Zingaretti delivers the #Pd card to: Beatrice Lorenzin
therefore the NWO Rothschild technocrats are terrified of the plebiscitary people: they will always try to deceive using their immense global and universal power!
we have 5 million unemployed and 5 million citizens below the poverty line: so it is clear that Afro-Muslims can only have the space to commit crimes or to definitively destroy what remains of our welfare
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UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia a day ago we all believe that sovereignty resides in the Deep State: Government Trilateral Shadow Bilderberg OCI, etc. .. etc ..
otherwise no one could exterminate Israelis and Christian martyrs with impunity.
it is clear from the Talmud and from the Koran and from the Masonic lodges comes the genocide of: Israelis and Christian martyrs with impunity.
therefore, our politicians are given a limited margin of maneuver: corrupt politicians and traitors like all those of the Democratic Party: Gantz and Avigdor Lieberman, RENZI Conte, Di Maio, Tillerson will be left to work.
but, to the patriots like: Salvini and Netanjahu and Trump, their legs will be broken!
the first act is monetary sovereignty and to this the Masons will oppose: this is why we must treat all Masons through martial law!
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Dajjal a day ago Tillerson is full of drek. Search for him on my blog and see what he does not know. Israel is the good guy and the underdog. Islam is the predator.
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Show 1 new reply Grace Joy Dajjal a day ago You pegged Tillerson over 2.5 yrs ago! As for the rest, you're preaching to the choir here.
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Dajjal Grace Joy 16 hours ago Even the choir needs occasional revival 😉
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Grace Joy Dajjal 15 hours ago Never hurts 👍
https://worldisraelnews.com/tillerson-accuses-netanyahu-of-lying-to-trump-convincing-him-israel-are-the-good-guys/ Dajjal Grace Joy 14 hours ago I always hope to reach a wider audience. I try to remember to hit the recommend button at the top of the comment section. If someone visits my profile, he will see it listed.
https://worldisraelnews.com/tillerson-accuses-netanyahu-of-lying-to-trump-convincing-him-israel-are-the-good-guys/ Grace Joy Dajjal 7 hours ago I never noticed that button before! Done. Anyone seeing this, Dajjal's profile links to his website that is full of info on Islam, including some great videos for those who don't like to read (Dajjal, on my browser, your center column seems too narrow; & I only can see part of a video). Please correct any wrong info below; & I will edit.
For those who don't know, "Dajjal" is the Arabic name of the one whom J ews will recognize as the Messiah in Islam's End Times. He is considered the "anti-Christ;" & many J ews & others will join him to fight. What must happen for him to come:
Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 177: Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the J ews, and the stone behind which a J ew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a J ew hiding behind me, so k ill him."
Islam's version of Jesus (Esau) is a prophet who came to foretell the coming of Mo. He didn't die on the cross or resurrect; but was whisked up to Paradise where he sits at Allah's Right hand until it's time to return:
Bukhari Volume 3, Book 34, Number 425: Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, son of Mary (Jesus) will shortly descend amongst you people (Muslims) as a just ruler and will break the Cross and kill the pig and abolish the Jizya (a tax taken from the non-Muslims, who are in the protection, of the Muslim government). Then there will be abundance of money and no-body will accept charitable gifts.
"Break the Cross" means slaughter all the Christians (it's also the name of an issue of Dabiq, the I S I S magazine; & is why Muslims vandalize, burn, & destroy churches across EU, etc.). The Jizya (Mob extortion money) is abolished because all the infidels will be dead; & their belongings divvied up.see more
https://worldisraelnews.com/tillerson-accuses-netanyahu-of-lying-to-trump-convincing-him-israel-are-the-good-guys/ Dajjal Grace Joy 6 hours ago Dajjal means "The Liar". Look for "Portents of the hour" and "Tribulations" in Bukhari & Muslim.
On those videos, click "Watch On You Tube" and you'll see the whole works.
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